Member OG Special Edition Part 2

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Chapters of Member OG Special Edition
Chapters 1-5 - 6-10 - 11-15 - 16-20 - 21-25

Chapter Six: “Raid on Lupus”[edit]

by GORE-ILLA, based on chapters written by Lupus, SwordMaster, and GORE-ILLA.

Scene One: An Intricate Plot… Ruined.[edit]

Koopa ran up to his master, who was seated at the Master Control Panel, and exclaimed, “Lupus! Yami Yoshi has escaped from the Easily Escapable Prison Cell. Also, SwordMaster, Fusion, GORE-ILLA, and about 999 gorillas are heading this way.”

Lupus smirked evilly. “Good. Everything's going according to plan!”

“It is?” Koopa questioned.

“Yes! I have set up automatic trip wires to the entrance to this citadel which they will unwittingly walk through and let the clamp release the springed shaft, which will then flick up and hit the marble along the pipe which will then fall through the hole, hitting the piece of metal's container which will spring it backwards and cause and short spark which will light the candle which in turn burns through a rope that holds a cage above the doorway-“

His explanation was immediately cut off by Koopa, “Ah, I see. So you're going to cage them!”

“No, by the time the cage has fallen, they would have already moved out of the doorway and towards me. This is where the ingenious bit comes in. There is a pressure plate in the doorway which only the weight of the cage can hold down, which will then send a micro signal through the computer monitor behind me, vibrating the vertical pan and sending a single blast of water at the sleeping fatcat to my left, which will wake up and run away, releasing the shift for a trapdoor which will drop our uninvited guests into a sewer infested with ill-tempered, mutated sea bass will laser beams that I stole off the set of Austin Powers. But that's not it! The entire room below us has TRAPPED AIR! Which means it will act as a tornado, sucking everything above it into its depths! HARHAHRHAHRHShasasd.”

Koopa stared in awe. “It's... it's... INGENIOUS!”

“Thank you Koopa.”

Suddenly Bowser, King Boo, and the Haunted Union Army (comprised of three nine year olds) charge into the room. Bowser yelled out in anger, “You killed Exodia! We will now kill you!”

However, their entrance caused the trap door to open. Bowser fell to his doom, while King Boo and his army were sucked up like water in a bathtub.“That was… interesting,” said Lupus.

Yami Yoshi and his posse charged in, totally unaffected by the already used trap, and waved their weapons around threateningly. “Hand over that Cheesecake Lupus! You'll never get away with the Cheesecake Ray!” shouted Yami Yoshi.

“I'm not building a Cheesecake Ray.”

“You're not?” The group lowered their weapons in disappointment.

Lupus then leapt up and pulled a lever as he announced, “Yes, I am!! That was just a distraction attack! Face the X-Zone, mortals!” A giant portal then opened and sucked up Yami Yoshi, Fusion, GORE-ILLA, and the Gorilla Army.

“Hey, I’m here too!” SwordMaster announced.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about you.” Lupus remembered. The X-Zone sucks up SwordMaster too.

“Hold it, hold it! You can't just claim to have forgotten about me and then assume I've been sucked up AFTER the portal has closed! It's unlawful! It's preposterous! It's... cheap!”

“What's your point?”

“I challenge you to a duel.”


“Wuss, are you?”

“No, I'm just too lazy to bother fighting you.”

“That's it!” SwordMaster then pulled out his concealed sword and attempted to stab Lupus, but his target dodged and his sword was lodged in the Control Panel instead.

Koopa shrieked in horror and jabbered, “YOU FOOL! YOU JUST ACTIVATED SIR LUPUS' SPACE LASER PROGRAM!!”

“It’s not a big deal, Koopa.”

“It isn’t?”


Elsewhere in space, a huge laser turned around to face earth and began to glow red, charging up energy.

Scene Two: The X-Zone[edit]

Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, Fusion, and the Gorilla Army floated around in the blank void which was the X-Zone. Gorilla 508, who had returned to his usual grumpiness, yelled out, “This is all your fault, GORE!”

Suddenly, GORE-ILLA began to speak and made a long speech about the importance of friendship and teamwork which was edited out of the final cut due to length, sappiness and budget restraints. He ended the monologue with “...So you see, only teamwork can get us out of this zone.”

Fusion blew his nose loudly and asked, “Alright, so what do we do?”

Silence overtook the 1002 prisoners for several moments until Yami Yoshi suggested, “Hey, how about Fusion concentrates all his energy on Lupus’s mountain. If you focus enough power, it might inexplicably open some rip in time and space that will lead us all safely back to Lupus. And the rest of his can hold out our hands and try to give our power to Fusion to help him break it.”

And so, the group tried out Yami’s plan and in no time at all, a portal leading to Lupus’s lair opened, and dumped the large group on top of Lupus, Koopa, and SwordMaster.

“Yes, my plan worked!” Yami Yoshi cheered from beneath the mountain of gorillas.

“Actually, I accidentally pulled the lever while trying to disarm the laser," said Koopa from beneath him.

GORE-ILLA muttered, “So I assume we missed something.”

Lupus replied, “Nothing much, except that the entire world is about to be blown away by a giant laser. Although I could just press this remote control that will make the laser blow up and save the world…”

The rest of the group all yelled, “WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?! DAMN IT, MAN! PRESS THE BUTTON!!”

Lupus smirked and thought, “Ummmm....... no.”

Yami Yoshi yelled out desperately, “Why the hell not?!”

Lupus shouted dramatically as he crawled out of the mound of gorillas with Koopa, “Because if I can’t have my cheesecake, then EVERYONE IN THE WORLD MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!”

GORE-ILLA asked, “What the hell kind of sense does that make?” as he pulled himself, SwordMaster and Yami Yoshi out of the pile. Fusion has already flown out.

“Hey, it's my evil scheme, and I like it.” Lupus replied.

SwordMaster pointed at Lupus with his outstretched blade and yelled, “GET HIM!!” SwordMaster then dashed toward Lupus, who drew his own sword. The two clashed for a few seconds before Lupus knocked SwordMaster’s sword out of his hands and kicked him away.

Yami Yoshi and GORE-ILLA charged at Lupus, but the villain activate his jetpack and flew to the ceiling while Yami and GORE smashed into the wall.

Fusion then flew up towards Lupus with his fists extended, but the Turk flew right over Fusion and blinded him with the rocket exhaust. The “Ultimate Warrior” then flew out a window and was almost scattered across a rocky shore before he regained his senses and flew back up to the shattered window.

Lupus then flew up to the ceiling, out of everyone’s reach. “Dude, that’s so cheap!” said SwordMaster.

“Shut up.”

“You… stupid… uh… MONKEY!!” SwordMaster shouted before turining to GORE-ILLA, “No offense.”

“None taken.”

Lupus’s voice echoed down from the ceiling, “Ha! Go ahead and call me names! You'll soon be dead! In fact, it should be in about 30 seconds.”

The computer announced, “30 seconds until laser fire.”

“Told ya.”

SwordMaster yelled out in desperation, “We have to stop it! Everybody! Press buttons!”

SwordMaster, GORE-ILLA, Fusion, and Yami Yoshi ran up to the Master Control Panel and began pressing random buttons while the Gorilla Army tried to free themselves from the giant pile until there was a loud beep.

The computer announced, “Laser Cannon imminence activated. Time remaining: One sec-“

The laser fired and everything on the west side of the world was phased into nothingness, the continents collapsed into the sea and the sea bubbled into lava, burning everything living. However, this process took about a minute to complete, giving our heroes TIME TO ESCAPE LIKE ANY OTHER STORY!! YAY!

Scene Three: *Hums* It’s the End of Half the World as We Know it…[edit]

Lupus, Koopa, and Yami Yoshi’s group were now stuck on a small, rocky island in the middle of the Lava Sea that once was the Western Hemisphere. Lupus hopped up and down on the hot rocks, “Argh! Hot, hot hot!!!” He then flew into the air on his jetpack and continued, “If I knew the laser would only work on one side of the earth, I would never have sold its Contractor Core for a EXP Egg!”

SwordMaster yelled up to Lupus, “Lupus! You have to save us! We'll do anything!”




“Yes! Anything!” SwordMaster concluded.

Yami Yoshi muttered, “Hey, speak for yourself…”

Lupus stopped for a moment in deep thought. “...Hmm... no. See yas!” He then rocketed off on his jetpack, turned around in midair, swooped back down and lifted Koopa before flying away into the sky.

“NOOOO!!!” GORE-ILLA yelled. “The Americas are gone! And so is half of Antarctica and many random islands!”

Scene Four: Commercial Break[edit]


Scene Five: Great Escape the Sequel[edit]

“I can't believe we escaped that!” said Yami Yoshi.

“I thought for sure we were done for,” said GORE-ILLA.

“We must now build up an empire and attack Troy!” said Fusion, but SwordMaster looked a lot more clueless in comparion.

“I'm confused. Where are we?”

Yami Yoshi recounted, “Well, that ad conveniently covered up a blank where the author had no ideas. We're now safely in Japan. Minus our entire Gorilla army. They got fried.”

“Safely?” SwordMaster questioned.

The group was immediately surrounded by soldiers. Their commander announced, “You've been charged for littering. That's the death penalty, sirs.”

“But-“ stuttered Fusion.


Yami Yoshi said, “We'll come. But first you must tell us why you've changed the laws?”

The soldier commander stated proudly, “We haven't, sirs. It was our new President Lupus. Changed all the rules for the better. We all praise him! By the way- he told us to execute a group headed by OG Mod Yami Yoshi. Have you seen them?”

A large sweatdrop inexplicably rolled down Yami Yoshi’s forehead as he stuttered, “Oh boy…”

To Be Continued in Chapter Six: “Black Skull Dragoshi” – Yami Yoshi meets a new ally as he's on the run from the Japanese army.

Chapter Seven: “Black Skull Dragoshi”[edit]

by GORE-ILLA, based on chapters written by BSD, Lupus, Yami Yoshi, and GORE-ILLA.

Scene One: Enter BSD[edit]

Japan. Once one of the world’s greatest economic centers and makers of really cool games. Now it is nothing more then a wasteland, aided by the cruel dictator Lupus’s new laws and lots of other evil stuff.

That is what Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, Fusion, and SwordMaster discover as they’re cornered by a squad of Japanese soldiers after their escape from the now demolished Western Hemisphere.

Suddenly, a shrill yoshi-like cry was heard from above as something swooped down across the night sky and streakted towards the group of soldiers interrogating the foursome. The creature had large, purple, dragon like wings with razor-like claws. As he swooped down, his claw darted through one soldier’s heart. He then flung the dead man to the side like a rag doll, knocking three other soldiers over. The creature then pulled out a long sword which glowed with the colors of the rainbow and impaled several more of the confused troops on it.

The soldier’s commander gave a signal. He and his men fled into a dark alley to wait for a more conviniant time.

The creature then turned his attention to Yami Yoshi and his group. Like Yami, he was a black yoshi. The difference, however, lied not only in his claws and wings but also in his messy red hair and brown eyes. The yoshi sheathed his sword and introduced, “I am Black Skull Dragoshi, but you can call me BSD. Who may I ask are you?”

Yami Yoshi stared defiantly at the new yoshi and flashed a badge. “I am Yami Yoshi, Moderator of the OnGoing Story Board, and these are my accomplices Fusion, GORE-ILLA, and SwordMaster. I’m here pursuing a villain known as Sir Lupus the Turk for countless crimes he has committed.”

At the mention of Lupus, BSD gritted his teeth in anger. “Lupus! That retard took over Japan and HE MAKES ME ANGRY!” BSD yelled as he punched a stone statue of the Turk in anger, only to pull back his bruised knuckles in pain. The statue was unaffected.

Yami Yoshi asked, “D’ya know where he is?”

BSD nodded eagerly, “Oh of course, he’s in that sushi store right behind you!”

Scene Two: Sushi Showdown[edit]

Lupus and Koopa sat at stools along the sushi store’s counter. “Sushi sure is great on a hard day, ain't it Koopa?” sighed Lupus.

“I've never tried any.”

“Have some. It's on me.”

“I'd rather not-“

Yami Yoshi, Fusion, SwordMaster, GORE-ILLA, and BSD suddenly barged in. “Lupus! Hold it right there!”

Lupus spun around in his stool to face the group. “Just in time! Want some sushi?”

Fusion raised his fist and blurted, “I want your head on a platter!”

“I don't think this shop stocks that...”

The shopkeeper then popped up from behind the counter and chimed, “We do, actually!”

Lupus smirked, “Well, you're in luck, Fusion!”

“Stop mocking me!”

“Mocking? Wha...?”

Before Lupus could get his answer, the entire sushi store caved in as a loud rumbling echoed throughout Tokyo.

“Argh!” SwordMaster yelled. “What's going on?!?!”

BSD remembered, “I forgot to mention. I was summoning energy as we were talking and a huge being known only as THE MAN will soon appear and crush Lupus beneath his feet.”

Lupus shrugged, “Ah, I'm not worried.” A hundred-foot tall giant then walked up to the ruins of the sushi store and raised his foot to crush Lupus. Lupus whispered to his partner, “Koopa, use the 1337 Look Alike while I warp away.”

“Yes sir!"

THE MAN then stomped down hard on top of Lupus, splattering him into the ground.

Koopa yelled, “You killed Lupus!” as BSD laughed triumphantly.

Several spotlights then shone on the group. The Japanese army surrounded them from all sides, and the commander watched sternly from his high-tech tank as he anounced, “Killing President Lupus is punishable by death!”

“Get them, men!” said Koopa as the soldiers rallied up Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, BSD, SwordMaster, and Fusion after a brief struggle while about fifty soldiers used grappling hooks to pull THE MAN to the ground and drag him along attached to horses, down to the jail. “Good job, Commander Shogun,” Koopa added as Shogun saluted.

Scene Three: Back with Real Lupus…[edit]

Lupus’s New Tokyo Tower of Rulation loomed threateningly over the once proud metropolis.

In one of the highest levels of the tower, Lupus and Koopa plotted their next move. Lupus grinned from his fancy chair and announced, “The fake did the trick! Now they will be destroyed!”

“How did I get here so fast?” Koopa asked.

“No time to worry about plot holes, Koopa. There's work to be done. I must begin creating a Super-Hydro-Type Laser so I can open the Shrine of Burathiis Murphoest and recover the Crystal of Burathiis so I can access the Forbidden Citadel of Armikk-Rulens and summon Qwirtzok from his evil doom hatred land with Alex Chiu!!”

“Uh, what?”

“You heard me. Go down to Wal Mart and get some bolts. We must begin the laser at once! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!”

Scene Four: Japan Jailbreak[edit]

Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, Fusion, BSD, and SwordMaster wound up in a Japanese prison of some sort. Yami scoffed, “Great. Now we're in jail. What ever happened to fair trials?”

SwordMaster waved his hand before Yami’s eyes. “Hello? We're in Japan!”

“Oh yeah.”

Fusion paced across the floor, rubbing his chin. “How are we going to get outta here?”

GORE-ILLA, who appeared to have been restraining his anger for some time, finally caved in. He jumped to his feet and yelled, “This is really pissing me off!” as he punched the wall, and his fist tore right through it. The entire wall immediately collapsed.

“The hell?” Yami Yoshi remarked.

SwordMaster smacked his head in realization. “Oh yeah! These prison walls are made out of paper! Let's hurry up and get outta here!”

And so a massive jailbreak began as the OGers freed all the other prisoners to distract the Japanese army while the group chased after Lupus.

Scene Five: Search For Lupus’s Tower[edit]

And so Yami, GORE-ILLA, Fusion, BSD, and SwordMaster ran through the streets. Yami declared, “Now to kill Lupus, get my cheesecake back, and seek revenge on the Japanese government!”

BSD assured, “THE MAN should take care of that!” as the freed giant followed the group, crushing buildings while prisoners caused havoc throughout the city.

There progress was blocked, however, by a squad of approaching tanks. Commander Shogun piloted the head tank and shouted orders to his subordinates in Japanese.

Fusion released a giant blast of energy which tore a row of tanks into pieces. The others leapt from tank to tank – GORE ripping vehicles apart with his bare hands while Yami Yoshi planted Dark Eggs in open tank hatches, SwordMaster impaled soldiers on his blade, and BSD used his claws to tear vital circuitry out of the all-terrain vehicles. Soon, only the Commander’s tank remained.

Commander Shogun pressed a button on the control panel of his tank. It then grew larger and its armor changed to silver while two hand-like drills sprouted from the sides of the lower half while the nose cannon grew o the upper half and Shogun was surrounded by a plastic bubble. The tank’s nose cannon fired a giant sphere of blue electricity at the OGers.

Thinking quickly, SwordMaster and BSD rolled up into balls with their swords extending outward. GORE, Fusion, and Yami picked up the two balled teammates and flung them into the air. The spinning duo’s swords hit the ball and deflected it back at the tank.

The top half of the tank was incinerated by the blast. But the plastic dome containing Shogun survived and united with the lower half of the giant tank. The heroes then ran around to avoid being crushed by the drill-like arms.

GORE-ILLA and Fusion rose to the occasion, grabbing the drill hands, yanking them off, and then flinging them at the tank. It exploded.

However, the plastic dome containing Shogun rose from the smoke, propelled by jet engines. He yelled out, “You cannot keep up with the rocket which I am piloting!!! Can you see that I am serious?!” Shogun’s mouth continued moving after he was done talking before his craft rocketed away with Jetsons sound effects. Yami Yoshi produced a Dark Egg and flung it at the dome. The engine exploded on contact with the Dark Egg and completely destroyed the pod.

Commander Shogun weakly crawled out from the burning wreckage and ran away. Yami and the others looked at each other, shrugged, and began walking in the opposite direction.

After a while with no sight of the tower, GORE growled angrily, “Where the hell is Lupus’s Tower?”

Yami Yoshi pointed at a sign and said aloud, “Hey, Look at this conveniently placed map!”

Fusion stepped up and examined the map. It had a dot reading, ‘you are here’ next to a dot reading, ‘Lupus is here’. Fusion wondered, “What?” then he looked up and saw Lupus’s New Tokyo Tower looming above him. “Oh.”

Black Skull Dragoshi boasted, “Now let’s storm that tower…. But first let me call some friends.” He roared loudly. Instead of THE MAN, three kids who bare astonishing resemblances to retarded versions of the lead characters of cartoon show “Ed, Edd, N Eddy”.

Suddenly, a loud voice screaming, “TENCHI!!!” was heard as a girl dressed in amine type clothing leaped down.

“Now who are you?” SwordMaster asked.

“I am Yasha and Lupus has forbidden my favorite show starring Tenchi to be cancelled!!” She then saw the Eds standing next to Fusion and got the wrong idea. “American cartoons are inferior! TENCHI!!!” She then beat the crap out of Fusion and ran off.

GORE shrugged, “Okay, let’s just storm the tower.”

To Be Continued in Chapter 8: “The Last of the Six” – the heroes storm Lupus’s tower and meet the last member of their group, the master of metal.

Chapter Eight: “The Last of the Six”[edit]

by GORE-ILLA, based on chapters written by BSD, Introbulus, and Lupus.

Scene One: Enter Introbulus.[edit]

Somewhere along the Japanese skyline, a dark portal opened. Two figures rushed out: the tall armored man known as Introbulus as well as the floating cloak called Jim. "That is the LAST time I let you drive!" Introbulus blurted at his comrade.

Jim rebutted, "Well, Introbulus, if you hadn't insisted on stopping for tasteetoes, we wouldn't have crashed!"

Introbulus then fired back, "Hey, don't blame me, Jim! You're the one who...was...driving..."

Jim muttered, "Blah blah blah, so now we're here," as a handheld scanning device thingy floated before his only visible body parts, a pair of glowing eyes. "Hmmm, there's a high amount of reality influx happening around here! We have no time to lose!"

Introbulus raised his fist in support. “Right! I'll go save the good guys and get ignored by them while you go help the bad guys on whatever evil quest they may have started!"

Jim shouted, "Right! Let's go!" as he formed anther dark portal and rushed into it.

Introbulus rubbed his chin and decided, "I guess I'll take the flying station wagon." Intro pressed a button on a small remote control and a station wagon immediately flew up and halted before him. Introbulus jumped into the station wagon which took off like the DeLorrean from... you know which movie.

Scene Two: Lupus's New Hands[edit]

And so the five heroes - and the three Eds - braved the many perils of Lupus's New Tokyo Tower of Evil Rulation, eventually reaching the top floor of the tower, the location of Lupus's control room. But instead of Lupus, they found themselves confronted by a group of mediocre Mario game villains. Each of them introduced themselves in turn.

"I am one of Lupus' seven Chaos Force members!" announced Shadow Mario, the liquidy plumber.

"That makes me the second!" yelled Smithy, who locked like a diabolical Santa Claus robot.

"I'm the third!" shouted Waluigi, a tall Nazi-looking fellow.

"FOURTH!" screamed Tubba Blubba, the giant purple Clubba.

"Fifth!" exclaimed Tatanga, an alien-like creature with one eyebrow.

Wart, a giant frog wearing a crown and cape, laughed, "Sixth HAHAHA!"

Finally Boshi, who resembled a blue Yoshi with sunglasses, screeched, "Seventh!"

The group then introduced in unison, "We are the Chaos Force!"

Lupus and Koopa then strolled casually into the room with arms full of popcorn. Lupus gasped and dropped his food, pointing at Yami Yoshi's group. "How did they get past my Mecha-Bots?" he asked.

Koopa shrugged, "I'm not sure sir. I think one of them just wrote that they got to the top of the tower, simple as that."

Shadow Mario raised his hands into the air darkly as he announced, "Don't worry, I will destroy them all with my powers I got granted from Rosie O’Donnell! SUGAR RUSH ULT-" Mario was interrupted as Introbulus's flying station wagon flew through the skyscraper window, narrowly missing Lupus as he dodges, but crushing Shadow Mario, Ed, Edd and Eddy to death.

Lupus looked over at the station wagon, which was stuck in the side of the wall, and yelled, "Argh! We're being attacked!"

Wart promised, "No problem boss! I will use my Super 1337 Tech Move! HIDE!" Wart then hid behind an overturned table.

Lupus looked at the table in confusion, then shook Waluigi's shoulders, his eyes full of distress. "Waluigi, it is now up to you to defeat these fiends! You must use Meteo!"

Waluigi pleaded, "But I'm out of MP!"

"You must use Meteo! It's our only chance!"

Waluigi pulled away, raised his arms into the air, and shouted, "METEO!!!" Nothing happened, and Waluigi fainted on the floor.

Introbulus kicked open the station wagon door and announced, "This is ridiculous! BIG BEAM OF INFINITE PAIN!" Introbulus then fired the powerful beam at Lupus. However, Tubba Blubba leapt in the way and was fired out the broken window and into the night air.

Boshi stared in discontent. "Please tell me we're not the only ones left...?"

Wart replied, "We're the only ones left."

"Damn you, I told you not to say that!"


Wart: 24/24HP
Boshi: 9999/9999HP

Wart uses Poison Cookie!
Boshi uses Vegetable Attack!

Wart is swoon
Boshi is swoon


Lupus slapped himself on the head and asked Koopa, "This is not looking very good to me at all. WHO HIRED THESE IDIOTS?!?"

Koopa shrugged once again. "I don't remember hiring them. I think they just decided to join your empire."

Lupus then turned to the Chaos Force's last member and asked, "Is this true, Tatanga?"

Tatanga raised his right palm in the air as he stated, "I am not permitted to answer that question on bounds that I may be killed by my boss who asked us to spy on you and in saying this I have just answered your question thus making what I am saying in a disclaimer format totally worthless."

Lupus then lifted Tatanga by his shoulders. "Did you say someone sent you to spy... on me?"

"I am not permitted to-"

"ZIP DISC BEAM OF PURPLY DISCOLOUR!!" Lupus shouted, frying Tatanga to ashes and ending the Chaos Force. He then turned around with his eyes closed as he spoke, "So Yami Yoshi, I see you and your impudent friends have finally ar-" Lupus then opened his eyes and saw the pedestal where the cheesecake rested was now empty. He looked up to the ceiling and saw GORE-ILLA swinging from chandelier to chandelier with the cake tucked beneath his arm. Lupus fired up his jetpack, flying upwards and blocking off GORE's path. Lupus swiped the cheesecake from the surprised GORE and sliced the chandelier's chain with his sword, sending GORE flying to the floor.

However, Lupus's metal jetpack swerved back and forth to the exact same pattern of Introbulus's gloved right hand. Introbulus then clasped a fist, causing the jetpack to explode. Lupus fell to the ground beside GORE, dropping the cheesecake as he fell. Intro then dashed by with the cheesecake in hand. He was then struck by a large mallet in the side of his head, knocking him out while Smithy ran off with the cheesecake.

Smithy laughed maniacally and held the cheesecake above his head. "Haha, the Master will be most pleased." Two swords impaled Smithy's chest at the same time. He then exploded, sending the cheesecake flying into the air. SwordMaster and BSD flew into the air towards the cheesecake, but they missed it and slammed into each other.

Koopa caught the cheesecake as it fell and ran across the hall towards the exit, dodging Fusion along the way. As he approached the door, he muttered to himself, "Almost there, almost there, almost free..." The door swung open violently and knocked out Koopa as Yami Yoshi reentered the room. Yami grabbed the cheesecake and grinned. "Yes! At last I get my cheesecake back!" Yami turned to leave, but bumped into a tall, green haired figure. "LUPUS!!!" Yami yelled as he pointed at the tyrant.

"Yes, that is my name," Lupus confirmed as backhanded Yami Yoshi in the chin. The black dinosaur was sent flying to the opposite side of the room, dropping the cheesecake which was then caught by Lupus. Fusion then leapt at Lupus in anger, letting loose a powerful Warlock Punch. Lupus caught it easily and grinned. "You claim to have every power in the universe, but the two things you lack are Experience and Patience." Fusion tossed a Falcon Punch with his left hand, which Lupus caught in his empty hand. "Those Two are very important." Lupus kneed Fusion in the chest. The armored warrior gasped in pain as he fell over backwards. Lupus then raised his index finger. "That reminds me... Koopa, come!" Koopa moaned to acknowledge that he was still alive. "We must awaken the sand god in a place which is definitely NOT Egypt right now!" And in a blink of an eye, Lupus and Koopa had warped out of the tower.

Fusion climbed to his feet and crawled towards the injured Yami Yoshi. "Where'd they go?" he asked.

Yami Yoshi replied, "Egypt."

"But he said he wasn't going to Egypt."

"...You're an idiot."

Scene 3: Mystery Figure Number... I lost count.[edit]

It was an ancient-looking and spacious hall. Jim bowed before a mysterious figure who was seated at a giant, elegantly decorated throne. The giant commanded in a deep, monotonous voice, "I hear my Chaos Force I asked to be sent to spy on Lupus has been destroyed, is this true?!?!"

Jim shrugged. "Well, Chaos are not the best people to hire to disguise as various Mario Characters."


"I couldn't hear your voice. IT IS only text in a story, after all..."

"I hereby degrade you to kitchen duties!"


"No buts!"


To Be Continued in Chapter 9: "Dark Side Unleashed" - Yami Yoshi and his crew travel through Egypt in pursuit of Lupus, who seeks to revive an ancient sand god, while GORE-ILLA's dark side emerges. Will the OGers be able to stop Lupus? Can GORE suppress his evil side? Will Yami Yoshi EVER get his cheesecake back? Find out next time.

Chapter Nine: “Dark Side Unleashed”[edit]

by GORE-ILLA, based on chapters written by Introbulus and GORE-ILLA.

Scene One: Just missed ‘em.[edit]

Introbulus woke up moaning on the hard brick floor. “Ugh… Jim, what time is it?” he asked automatically. He quickly remembered that he was in Lupus’s New Tokyo Tower of Evil Rulation. But he didn’t remember the control room lying abandoned and in shambles. Intro swore under his breath. “Damn, they’re gone! I’ve heard Lupus was planning on going to Japan, but I’m sure that Jim would know for sure.” he realized as he pulled a strange device out of his pocket.

Scene Two: Look Ma, no hands![edit]

Jim floated behind the counter, using his magic to levitate potatoes above his head and toss knives about which peeled through the spuds’ skins while a small vial spilled drips of strange chemicals onto the floating potatoes. As he worked, he hummed lightly to himself, “Falalalala, peeling the potatoes, falalalala, poisoning the potatoes, falalalala...”

Jim’s beeper signaled from his pocket. Jim levitated the beeper from his pocket and checked it. Apparently his beeper had a viewscreen on it. And on that viewscreen was Introbulus’s face. Introbulus asked, “Jim, did you find Lupus yet?”


“Yes, he’s the leader of the evil group you're supposed to join!”

“Then what the heck am I wasting my time here for?” Jim wondered as he flung the vial over his shoulder. The vial violently exploded and spread noxious gases throughout the room. “I've got to find him! Where did he go?”

Introbulus paused a second as he probed Lupus’s computer, then replied, “Egypt, to revive a dead god.”

“Then to Egypt I warp!” Jim shouted as he vanished into thin air.

Scene Three: In the Mists of the Sahara[edit]

Night settled over the dark desert. Fierce, cold winds blew across the empty wasteland, picking up sand and flinging it about. But hidden from the raging winds were a group of five travelers who had taken refuge beneath a rocky alcove. Several makeshift tents lie in the temporary shelter, where the heroes rested after a hard day’s work. But two of the heroes were not there.

Fusion stood along the edge of the cliff overlooking the distant alcove. “You’re doing well. Just concentrate your energy into the palm of your hand.”

Standing several feet away from Fusion was GORE-ILLA, with his palm extended. He grunted in effort. A small ball of energy began to form in his hand. It grew and grew until GOR-ILLA releases it. The energy shot off in a red beam, striking a nearby mountain and causing a small rockslide. “Thanks,” GORE replied before he hopped off the cliff and ran through the cold sand towards the alcove.

Fusion nodded and flew back towards the shelter as well, muttering under his breath, “They don’t call me Master of Energy for nothing…”

Scene Four: Oh yeah, THAT guy…[edit]

The Western Hemisphere. Half of the entire world, reduced to a sea of molten lava. And sailing through that lava was a convenient lava-proof submarine. Within the large sub was the villainous EVIL Scientist Dude, known as the nefarious designer of GORE-ILLA’s mechanical parts. He was currently playing Minesweeper on the computer and losing badly.

“No! Stupid spike thingy!” He then exed off the game which left him staring at his Steve Urkel desktop. “Now I’m bored, I think I’m up for some solitaire!” As he browsed his desktop items for the card game, one of the shortcuts caught his eye: it was labeled Project GORE-ILLA. “Ah yes, that gorilla guy that betrayed me. I wonder why he turned good in the first place.”

It was then that the EVIL Scientist Dude noticed something he had neglected long ago. It appeared to be a giant light switch, but instead of ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’, it read ‘GOOD’ and ‘EVIL’. It was currently set on ‘GOOD’. The mad chemist smacked himself in the forehead in realization. “Ah, no wonder! I had him set on ‘GOOD’! Silly me!” EVIL Scientist Dude then flicked the switch to ‘EVIL’ and began to laugh. A dark and insane laugh which echoed throughout the remains of the Americas.

Scene Five: Dark GORE-ILLA[edit]

Morning came quickly. The sun stung the group’s skin and obscured their vision while they sweated from the great heat. GORE-ILLA had been lagging behind for a while, with some sort of head pains. They were only several minutes into the trip when GORE collapsed on the hot sand. Yami Yoshi turned to face GORE and asked, “You alright?”

GORE-ILLA clutched his head. The voices. He could not stop them. GORE leapt to his feet, screaming and convulsing in pain. His fur turned to a much darker shade while his red eye blared brighter then ever. GORE-ILLA, in an uncontrollable rage, lifted Yami Yoshi over his head and tossed the small dinosaur into a large rock.

BSD asked, “What’s your problem, GORE?” as he approached, but was replied only by a smack in the face by BSD, followed by a powerful kick to the chest which sent him toppling over. SwordMaster snuck up behind GORE-ILLA with his blade, but GORE somehow sensed the sneak attack and caught SwordMaster’s sword, using it to toss the swordsman over his head.

Fusion skidded across the sand towards GORE, tossing energy beams at him like Frisbees. The Dark GORE dodged all of the beams with ease and fired his own red beam of energy which blew Fusion into the other members of the group, who were jammed headfirst in the sand.

Dark GORE-ILLA then roared in victory before disappearing into the sand…

To Be Continued in Chapter 10: “Adventure through the Underworld” - As Yami Yoshi’s crew recovers from defeat at the hands of one of their own, Dark GORE-ILLA has his own adventure with one of Lupus’s minions.

Chapter Ten: “Adventure through the Underworld”[edit]

by GORE-ILLA, based on chapters written by Lupus, Introbulus and GORE-ILLA.

Scene One: Lupus’s New Recruit[edit]

Lupus calmly strolled up to the Shrine of Burathiis Murphoest. It was a small, ancient dwelling, and appeared to be inaccessible. Lupus rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “We may not have the Hydro-Type Laser, but we can still access this place by other means!!”

Koopa ran up to Lupus, struggling for breath, and asked, “Such as?”

Lupus snapped his fingers and a squad of troops all resembling various video game characters marched up holding large battering rams, which they used to batter the walls of the Shrine. Lupus laughed in a style resembling that of Final Fantasy villain Kefka and yelled, “I am unbeatable!” as the Shrine of Burathiis Murphoest walls' collapse and disappear into the sand, revealing a small table with a crystal on top. Lupus snatched the crystal and ordered, “Onwards! We must make it to the Forbidden Citadel before the sun lowers!”

However, Lupus found his path blocked by a giant gorilla. Dark GORE-ILLA to be precise. The maniacal monkey ordered, “Stop!”

“Huh? Oh- it's only that guy.”

“You've forgotten my name?”

“Yes. I mean no. I just don't care. I HAVE A LOT OF BEING EVIL TO DO, SO IF YOU DON'T MIND...”

Dark GORE pleaded, “I want to join your evil group and rule the world! Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!”

Lupus replied, “ You had your chance.”


“NO!!-“Koopa leaned over and whispered something into Lupus’s ear. Lupus then smirked smugly. “That is a good idea, Koopa. Very well, gorilla man. If you can retrieve the Sword of Qwirtzok while we go and revive his dead body, then we can meet and combine the two, you can join our evil organization once more!”

“Where do I go?” asked Dark GORE.



“Exodia got the Sword of Qwirtzok before I did, in an attempt to stop me over powering him. And then I killed him. He took the Sword to hell with him. It won't be easy- here, take my trusted soldier Diskun.” And so the flat, yellow, disk-like creature known as Diskun rushed out of the group of soldiers and ran to GORE’s side.

“He's supposed to help me?!” Dark GORE asked in confusion.

“Yes. I wish you a safe journey. Ciao!” Lupus then pulled out a gun and shot the duo until they died.

Scene Two: Highway to Hell[edit]

Dark GORE and Diskun woke up some time later lying on the scorching, rocky ground in the cavernous wasteland known as Hell. Dark GORE rubbed his head as he stretched. "That was easier than I thought it would be."

Diskun jogged in place and motioned, "No time to lose! We must talk to Satan and find out where Exodia lives in this place!"

Dark GORE then brought up an interesting question. "But how do we get out after we retrieve the Sword?"

Diskun stopped in realization. "...I didn't think of that."

"Well, I can help you there," spoke a mysterious voice.

Dark GORE turned to face a floating red cloak. "Who are you!?"

"Oh, sorry. I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Jim. I was sent to Egypt to help out the evil forces, but I detected evil down here. I assume you're Lupus?"

"Well, actually..."

Diskun hopped in front of GORE and cut him off, "I am Lupus." Dark GORE stared at Diskun in confusion.

"Great! Okay then, Lupus! What do you require?"

"Do you know your way around Hell?"

"Not really."

"Then you are of no use to..."

"But I did remember to bring a map!"

"Very well then, lead the way!"

Jim floated ahead of the duo at command. Dark GORE took this opportunity to whisper into Diskun's 'ear', "What do you think you're doing?! We're supposed to be doing Lupus' bidding! Not impersonating him!"

Diskun responded, "Well, I doubt that he would help us if he knew who we REALLY are! Besides, once we have the sword and the way out, we can ditch him somewhere in the desert and take the credit!" Dark GORE grinned at the idea.

Scene Three: Heroes Recover[edit]

The troupe silently marched through the silent, yet scorching desert. Sweat trickled down from the travelers’ foreheads. Yami Yoshi held up a canteen and stuck his tongue inside, searching for any drop of water that might have miraculously appeared in the empty container. SwordMaster shook his head, wielding his sword like a walking stick. “Do you have to do that every two minutes?”

Scene Four: Back to Hell[edit]

And so GORE-ILLA and Diskun followed Jim through the twisting, turning, and very hot corridors of the Underworld. After some time with little progress, Diskun asked, "Are you sure this map is correct?"

Jim spoke confidently, "It's a 1997 version, but I'm sure it'd still work..."

Dark GORE peeked over Jim’s 'shoulder' and swiped the map. GORE yelled upon viewing the atlas, "WITH DISNEYLAND! This is a 1997 map of Disneyland!"

Jim admitted, "Alright, I admit it. I just wanted to look smart by bringing along a map. This was the first I could find."

Diskun smacked his flat forehead. "Now we'll never find our way!"

It was then that the trio noticed that the temperature was hotter then usual in the molten cavern. Much hotter. They looked up and saw a giant devil standing before them. Satan asked, "Excuse me, I don't think you've been added to our guest list yet.

Diskun spoke hurriedly, "No time. Gotta find Exodia."

Suddenly, as if on cue, Exodia appeared at Satan's heel with his arms in a wisp of smoke. He asked, "You called?"

Dark GORE, Diskun, and Jim all stared in silence as Satan remembered, "Ah yes. Exodia, being the evil that he is, has become my personal assistant. Exodia, if you would kindly escort these gentlemen to the torture chambers..."

The wannabee villains all stared in a mixture of surprise and fright as Exodia moved into a battle-ready stance. Jim realized, "Oh yeah, that's right! Hell is where all evil comes from! If you'll excuse me, I have to run away. NOW!" And with that Jim floated away at a great speed. Exodia dashed past Dark GORE and Diskun as if propelled by rockets as he caught up with Jim.

Jim continued floating at top speed, but Exodia was gong too fast. Jim lost his sense of navigation in the confusion and soon crashed into a dead end. Exodia slowly stomped down the hallway towards Jim, now feeling no need for hurrying. Jim floated upwards and chanted in some ancient language as a he formed a ball of pure light between his "hands", which fizzled and died out. Exodia grinned. "In the dark enclosure of Hell the Underworld, the only light comes from the flames which torture and devour. And you are only as strong as you are evil." Jim spoke no word as Exodia drew the ancient Sword of Qwirtzok and waved it around menacingly. Exodia laughed heavily as he impaled the floating cloak on the enchanted sword, slowly draining the Mage's life force.

Dark GORE and Diskun took this time to run for their lives through the Underworld's labyrinth while Exodia's maniacal laughter drew closer. However, the laughter eventually stopped and Dark GORE and Diskun, believing the moment of danger had passed, stopped to take a breather. But the second they stopped, the wall beside them crumbled, revealing Exodia's raging figure. Exodia thrusted downward with the soul-absorbing soul, but the two villains leapt out of the way. Diskun bounced off the wall and clinged to Exodia's face while Dark GORE prepared a blood-red energy beam and yelled, "GORE Beam!" as he released it. Exodia was sent flying back, dropping the Sword as he did so. Exodia rolled on his back, struggling to climb to his feet. But Dark GORE and Diskun both gripped one half of the Sword of Qwirtzok's giant handle. They then shoved the Sword forward. Exodia had just sat up when the Sword of Qwirtzok was shoved into his chest. Exodia screamed in pain as the Sword began to absorb his soul. Exodia was sent flying back from the backlash and landed in a deep pit of burning lava.

Exodia screamed, "No! NO! Master! Free me!" as what remained of him was sucked into the pool of lava. Exodia was never seen again. Dark GORE and Diskun looked down at the lava pit solemnly. Diskun asked, "So where do we go now, D.G.?"

Dark GORE was silent in decision for a moment as he closely examined the Sword of Qwirtzok. Finally he decided, "The Sword of Qwirtzok. It appears to have powers over life and death. Maybe..." GORE quickly energized his hands with as much energy as possible. It flowed through the handle of the Sword and surrounded the blade. Dark GORE then slashed the Sword at thin air with all his might. A tear in the time space continuum opened. The duo grinned as they leapt into the portal and wound up landing right in the middle of Egypt. They conveniently landed right next to Lupus and his troop of military troops as they approached Forbidden Citadel of Armik-Rulens.

Lupus removed the Sword from Dark GORE-ILLA. "Good job, Gorilla Man. Welcome to he group. And now... to revive Qwirtzok!"

To Be Continued in Chapter 11: Qwirtzok - The heroes must defeat Dark GORE and stop Lupus before Qwirtzok is revived! Tune in next time!

Chapters of Member OG Special Edition
Chapters 1-5 - 6-10 - 11-15 - 16-20 - 21-25