Gamehiker Member OG 3 Page 1

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Pages in the Gamehiker Member OG 3 Archive
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Author: Masamune[edit]

Narrator: The OG has changed. I feel it in the story arc, I sense it in the plog changes, I smell it from the overclocked proccessor. Much that once was has been parodied. For none now post... who remember it.

~The screen dissolves to show the letters 'Gamehiker Member OG' in big golden letters~

Narrator: It began with the searching of the cake. Nine-

Marin: Hey, I thought I warned you about this!

Narrator: Umm, I was just-

Marin: *knees him in the gut* Jerk.

~The scene shifts to a cake factory...~

Roy: Hey wait, I'm the villain! The cheesecake is mine! *hops on Vorpal*

Vorpal: Agh! *tries to pull him off* Get off, you freak!

Roy: *reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a small orb with a crumb of cheesecake in it*

Murasame: Hey, he had cheesecake! How!?

Roy: *leaps off Vorpal* Yes! My precious cheesecake! *dances around near walkway* Precious! Precious!

Vorpal: *suddenly pulls Electric Gun out of Murasame's hand and shoots Roy*

Roy: Ack!!!! *trips over rail and falls*

~While Roy is falling, he suddenly grabs a chain and swings away. He continues to plummet down a longer chasm, for some reason fighting a fire monster that decided to fall with him. They are about to fall into a huge lake of water when...~

Narrator: *huff* The *huff* scene changes to *whew* a fancy restaurant. Vorpal is sleeping at the table and Kuria is glaring impatiently at him.

Vorpal: *suddenly shoots up, looking terrified*

Kuria: What's wrong?

Vorpal: Nothing... just a flashback.

Kuria: You keep falling asleep all the time. Are you wearied of being in this OG?

Vorpal: *sighs* I feel lost without the direction of my own author, Kuria.

Kuria: You're telling this to me?

Vorpal: ... oh yeah...

~The scene shifts to the deck on the S.S. Swordefeller~

Masamune: I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request.

Mario Jr.: Uh...

Masamune: Means no.

Mario Jr.: Fine. *holds a NES over the side of the ship* I'll drop it!

Masamune: Me hold be bursting with video games, that there system be of no importance to me.... why?

Mario Jr.: It's your favorite, the one that introduced you to gaming! ... well, if it is of no value, may as well trash it.

Masamune: NOO!

Mario Jr.: Ah...

Masamune: What is it that you want?

Mario Jr.: Your help. I need your ship to help me find somebody.

Masamune: Who?

Mario Jr.: As you know, Slort was a close friend and confidant for Luigi. He was sucked into the plot hole, along with your first mate - Dodo.

Masamune: Although I don't complain at the replacement. *turns and winks*

Rebe: Wrong eye, Masa.

Masamune: ...

Mario Jr.: Only one other goomba can talk sense into Luigi. Splog Goomboy.

Masamune: So be it. We'll flip a coin. If it be landing on tails, I do as I please and I take your sister here for-

Rebe: *cough*

Masamune: -a crewperson... if heads, my ship and crew are at your disposal.

Mario Jr.: No way-

Marin: We'll do it, but with my coin.

~She flips the coin... it lands on heads~

Mario Jr.: Great!

Masamune: *picks it up* A double-headed coin....

Mario Jr.: Er-

Masamune: Har! Ye be my kind of scum. Fearless and inventive. Welcome aboard the S.S. Swordefeller, mates. Fred!

Fred: What!?

Masamune: *stern glance*

Fred: I mean ~mockingly~ yes 'captain'?

Masamune: See to it our guests are comfortable.

Author: SOAP[edit]

*Fred shows them to their separate rooms*

MJ: Hey! How come I get a separate room than her? She's my sister.

Marin: That's exactly why we can't have the same room.

MJ: But... what if I get scared or something.

Marin: Oh calm down MJ. I'm just across the hall.

Fred: You guys better change. We will embark shortly and the Capn' wants his crew to be in their proper attire.

*Marin and MJ head into their separate rooms. A few minutes later, Marin comes out in big hoop earings and dressed in nothing but a tied up hankercheif for a top and extremely short cut-off denims.*

Marin: Does this outfit make me look like a wench?

Fred: Yes.

Marin: Good.

*Just then MJ comes out, wearing the same exact thing!*

MJ: Oh great! Now one of us has to change.

Marin: *Sweatdrop*

Fred: O_O

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Murasame enters the fortress of the Mysterious Silhouette.*

Murasame: (to Luigi) Don't say a word!

*Luigi nods and sits on a crate, rocking his legs back and forth. Murasame approached the Mysterious Silhouette.*

Murasame: The OG is with us Lord Confusingous. (bows)

Mysterious Silhouette: Welcome home, Lord Meanie. You have done well. ...What's with the kid?

Murasame: A promising disciple I picked up in my travels.

*He nods to Luigi, who is now playing some PSP game about twisting metal or something.*

Murasame: Be good or no ice cream!

Luigi: Yes sir.

Murasame: (to Mysterious Silhouette) I have good news for you, my lord. The next OG has begun.

Mysterious Silhouette: Excellent. Everything is going as planned. You may now start your next strike against the OGers.

Murasame: This time they will be finished.

Mysterious Silhouette: I will make sure of it.


GORE-ILLA: I'm bored. I can't even think of a decent introduction for myself. Wait...

*GORE slams a very large tree with his fist, and the tree instantly topples over.*

GORE: Yeah, yeah, that was a cool display of raw power. But now I feel bad for the tree, and... I think its crushed my house too. Wow. ...Why didn't I become a pirate again? Aha! That's my solution! Instead of talking to myself and puncing random things like, usual, I guess I'll hunt down Masa's pirate ship and join the crew! The sooner I get there, the sooner I'll have someone to talk to!

*GORE jets off in a random direction in search of the Swordefeller.*

Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

~Later, Murasame and Luigi walk dramatically away from the fortress of Mysterious Silhouette.~

Murasame: It is good to see that you have grown past that little bit of mocking I did, my young friend.

Luigi: Yeah. Do I get a new name like you guys?

Murasame: No... no... those are saved only for TRUE villains. You're more like Asajj Ventress.

Luigi: *glares* You are a foolish sword-man.

Murasame: *chuckles* Indeed.

Luigi: Do I get two swords then, at least?

Murasame: Oh... very well.

~Murasame hands Luigi a generic laser sword.~

Murasame: I put much thought into its construction. It's guaranteed to not blow up 1/10 of every time you turn it on.

Luigi: Peachy...


~The S.S. Swordefeller drifts in a nondistriminate direction. Masamune sits in the captain's chair, poring over maps.~

Masamune: Where exactly is this 'ere goomba supposed to be?

Rebe: There have been sightings everywhere. He seems to get around. Then again, we could just be following his brother and the plot hole.

Yami: Y'know what *I* think...

~Masamune whirls around to face Yami.~

Masamune: Yami! How dare ye stowaway on me ship! ~grabs Yami by the neck~

Yami: You can't do this to me! I'm like THE main character in this freakin' series, and I've already been shafted in the first three posts!

~Masamune holds Yami over the edge of the ship.~

Yami: Y'know... I had really thought we were past all this...

Masamune: Yami... Yaaaaami... In case ye haven't been noticin', this be the little ship with MY NAME ON THE DEED! Now off ye go!

Yami: Last time... you gave me a pistol with one shot.

Masamune: Last time? What?

~Masamune throws Yami off of the Swordefeller. Yami slams into GORE, who was climbing up to the ship via grappling hook, and both of them fall onto a deserted island.~

GORE: Pssh! Nice going, jerk! Now we're LOST!

Rebe: That was a little harsh.

Masamune: Pssh. You like it when I'm harsh.

Rebe: Yeah.

Author: Masamune[edit]

~Meanwhile... at the cake factory~

Lackey 1: I don't think coming back here is a good idea.

Lackey 2: Coward. Listen, we work for the Carrotcake King. He has to be here.

Lackey 1: Dead, maybe.

????: You are following the footprints left hastily in the flour.

Lackey 1: Gasp! Who are you?

~the figure steps forward... as Roy~

Lackey 2: But... you fell!

Roy: Through icing... and water. And on the highest floor in the building, I fought with the lobster-man of Ushatar. Darkness took me, and I had to feel around for the fusebox. After being shocked I fell out of thought and time. An OG passed before my eyes. But it was not over. You idiots stepped on me on the way in.

Lackey 1: Sorry.

Roy: Come, we have much to do.

Lackey 1: You may uh... want to look in the factory room.

Roy: OKay. I always liked going down the factory stairs, it always felt... like I was going south.

~They walk downstairs while Roy is talking~

Roy: -and I smacked him in the jaw... *looks at the devestation* No! Many of these cakes were my friends. Cakes I had known from flour and icing. They had flavors of their own...

Lackey 1: I'm sorry, boss-man.

Roy: The Gamehikers! OGers should know better.... *starts dialing his phone* There is no curse sufficient enough that won't be censored for this travesty. *says something on the cell phone and shuts it* My business is with the Swordefeller tonight. With wood and cloth.

Lackey 1: *gasps as he looks outsdie to see a bunch of Caykzors emerging from all around* D-d-... There's a ton of them!

Lackey 2: I thought there was just one!

Roy: Curses and curses, come my minions. The cakes are going to war. It is likely, we will bring about doom. The last resistance.... of the OGers.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Yami: Dammit. GORE, fly us off this island!

GORE: Can't. Jet boots are broken. Concidentally so are my communication thingies and anything that might have helped us escape this island.

Yami: Dammit, and the only day I forgot a blue shell. So what now?

GORE: We wait...

From the private journals of GORE-ILLA: Day 1

Hello, this is GORE-ILLA. Wow. Does my voice really sound like this? Oh well. I'm stranded on this island, but I see that my tape recorder is still working. So I guess I'll be starting logs. Looks like Yami's finally exhausted. He's been flinging Dark Eggs into the sky all day as a makeshift flare gun. Too bad the eggs also accidentally destroyed any planes in our vicinity. We've each retreated to seperate camps. Tomorrow we'll be exploring the island for any traces of anything. I'll keep you informed of anything we find. Begin subplot, End log.

From the private journals of Yami Yoshi: Day 1

Yo. Yami here. You won't believe this. I've managed to tie several turtles together with my own back hair to make this perfectly working typewriter, which I shall use to write my ultimate blog. A record of all my heroic deeds while trapped on... some island. Oh man. I'm exhausted and terribly hungry. I don't deserve this! I'm the main character of this freakin' story. I don't want to be stuck in this cheesey subplot! Especially with that mechanical monkey man. He freaks me out. And I swear he;s trying to kill me. Any planes I got to come near got shot down. By his missiles of course. It ad nothing to do with my Dark Eggs, no matter what that malfunctioning computer said. Well this is Yami J. Yoshi, signing out.

Author: Golem[edit]

~The sun's heat beats down on the crew of the S.S. Swordfeller as it sails majestically through the sands of Nameless Desert.~

Masamune: This yellow sea be slowin' us down...

MJ: I think you took a wrong turn.

Masamune: Impossible! Where?!

MJ: At the beach. With all those tourists.

Fred: ~looking over the edge of the front of the Swordfeller~ Hey look. A little man. And he's trying to eat a sign.

~Everyone looks over the edge of the ship to find that up ahead is a goomba holding a sign with his mouth. No one can tell what is written on the sign because goombas have bad handwriting.~

Fred: I am looking over the edge of the ship with everyone, and we see a goomba up ahead. It's holding a sign in its mouth, but goombas have such awful handwriting that just what is written on the sign is a mystery.

~The Swordfeller stops just before the goomba. The crew is preparing to go and meet it when a metallic tube flies through the air. It approaches the ship, and everyone jumps back from where the metallic tube is expected to land. The tube eventually lands, and a beam of light pops out of one end. The crew stands still, thinking, and a far off figure scorns his luck.~

Luigi: *Sweatdrop* One out of ten times...

~Back on the ship...~

Rebe: ...What was that?

Masamune: Fred, you stay on board and stare at the strange object which has just flown on board my ship while we go down 'n interrogate this tiny man.

Fred: May I poke it, "captain"?

Masamune: Follow what your heart tells ye.

~Masamune, Mario, Jr., and Rebe hop off the side of the S.S. Swordfeller and walk up to the goomba. The goomba hops up out of the sand and reveals himself to be Murasame in a goomba mask.~

Murasame: I am surprising you with the stealthiest attack ever executed!!

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: You! First this, then Oregon Goers, and then Third Generation! Why must you plague the OG world?

Murasame: Oh, it's fun I guess. I'm even looking at MOG8. But it's all because I'm more interesting than you.

Masamune: What! *leaps on him and the two roll in the sand fighting*

MJ: Somehow this seemed more exciting last time.

Rebe: They had something to parody then. *shrugs*

Murasame: You're just jealous because mom always liked me best!

Masamune: *goes teary eyed* M-mother! *holds on to his ear with one hand and sucks his other thumb*

MJ: Wow, that's just sad.

Murasame: Ha! Now I can finish you off!

~suddenly a tube flies in front of him~

Murasame: What's this? Oh wait. It's the-

Tube: *explodes*

Murasame: *while being thrown away by the blast* -malfunctioning laser sword.

MJ: *while being thrown away too* Look like Team Swordefeller is blasting off again!

Masamune: *pulls thumb out of mouth* Shut up, we've never blasted anywhere before.

MJ: *sniffs* You always ruin my fun.


"Captain's Log, Supplemental. Island Date Something Something Still Day One. I have underwent exploration of the island. I counted three forms of plantlife, two forms of fungi, twenty forms of kung-fu crabs, and the flattest mountain I have ever seen. I have identified the island we are on... the set of Castaway! I even found Tom Hanks' tooth sitting in a cave. Or maybe it was a stunt double's. It was nasty looking, so I just left it there. On second thought, maybe I could sell it on e-Bay. GORE-ILLA out."

"Hey Journal, sorry for eating one of your pages. I was hungry. I'll try and find GORE's, I bet he has better paper. That jerk. One of my eggs didn't explode. It won't even break. I drew a face on it and decided to call it Wilson. I think he likes the name, he's definitely a better friend than GORE-LLIGAN, or whatever his name is. The dum-dum face tried to climb the mountain and knocked it over. I knew it was just a scenery set the whole time. Haha, dum-dum face. Wilson came up with that one. Yami J. Yoshi, signing out."

Author: Murasame[edit]

~Murasame rides the explosion and gets back to his feet, then lunges forward, grabs the laser sword, and ignites it.~

Murasame: Lackigi! It works fine!

Luigi: Sorry!

~Murasame approaches, but Mario Jr. grabs the Masamune sword from the blubbering, wussy Masamune.~

Mario Jr.: I, uh, I know how to use this!

Murasame: So do I.

~The Masamune's handle bursts inexplicably into flames, forcing Mario Jr. to drop it.~

Masamune: *sob* Brother...?

Murasame: Merlin taught you everything you know about us, but he didn't teach you everything I know.

Masamune: *increased bawling*

Murasame: Now... how to finish you?

~Mario Jr. pulls out a mallet and charges Murasame. Murasame smiles, stops the mallet with his sword, and throws the laser sword at Rebe.~

Mario Jr.: No!

~In one fluid motion, Rebe steps aside of the laser sword and catches it, swinging it around to face front. Murasame raises an eyebrow.~

Murasame: Impressive. What say you and I ditch these losers and head out somewhere.

Rebe: You're not my type.

Murasame: I can be.

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: No.

Murasame: What?

Masamune: We don't need you anymore.

Murasame: Where would you be without me? I'm the best villain, I get in all the OGs!

Masamune: Eh. Leave now and never come back.

Murasame: No.

Masamune: Okay.

MJ: Look out behind you.

Luigi: *stops just behind Masa* Curses! You ruined it. I was gonna club him, steal the girl, and leave.

Rebe: It won't be so easy.

Murasame: Come on babe, ditch the losers.

Masamune: No! She's mine!

Murasame: What makes you think you can win? This is the first page of the OG still. I can't be totally defeated until at least the end.

MJ: Oh man.

Masamune: If not for sleep deprivation and a lack of a weapon, I'd make you eat your words!

Murasame: But such is not the case, BROTHER. And besides that, there's no cool sword-fighting battles left to parody.

Masamune: In that case, you leave me no choice. *does Indiana Jones grin, reaches into holster, and shoots Murasame*

MJ: Man, that was pretty uh... undramatic.

Rebe: I liked it.

Masamune: Yeah. So we should like, run or something. Before this scene drags on further.

~On the S.S. Swordefeller~

Fred: Well, it looks like everything is going to turn out to be okay!

Golem: How can you say that, we're hanging upside down over a vat of acid!

Fred: How did you get here?

Golem: I had my agent write me into a part.

Fred: Wow.

Rebe: Yes, yes! Destroy them!

Marin: You know, I was kind of just kidding, ya know. No need to go all psycho.

????: That's because she's not Rebe!

Marin: Huh?

~a laser shot fires past her and hits Rebe in the chest~

Masamune: Because Rebe left with me.

Fred: Captain!

Marin: Wait, then who?

Rebe?: *glowers* You were supposed to be fighting Murasame!

Masamune: Oh, well that got boring. Same old thing. After a few centuries, there's only so many ways you can fight him before it gets boring. So, who are you really. Ditto?

Rebe?: *her left arm changes shape* No. They call me Caykface! *the arms becomes a anchor that she heaves at Masamune*

~Just above~

Golem: Wow, so like. I think maybe I should have had my agent write me into a part that has me not tied up.

Fred: You get used to it.

Golem: *wiggles arms out of rope* Up for some Rummy?

Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Luigi: Murasame! No!

~Luigi lifts Murasame's face.~

Murasame: Luigi... Promise me... promise... you'll train the boy.

Luigi: Which boy?

Murasame: My time has come. I'll see you in the white hot room... ~falls asleep~

Luigi: NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo-- Hey look, a quarter!

~Luigi stands up.~

Luigi: Oh Murasame. I wish you were here with me now, even though you're five feet away. I have absolutely no idea what you meant.

~Forty days and forty nights pass~

Luigi: Wake up already!

Murasame: I'm supposed to sleep until the end of the OG, when I make my triumphant return as the real main villain, One-Winged Murasame.

Luigi: Oh. You could have told me.

Murasame: Fine. Just go and find a boy and train him.

Luigi: I found a girl instead.

Ashley: Hi. I'm nine. I've been bastardized by OGs. I hate my life.

Luigi: She's cute as a button.

Murasame: I'm inclined to agree, if only because buttons are not cute. ~starts dozing again~

Luigi: *sob* I'll train her, Mr. Same. Don't you worry.

~Meanwhile, on GORE-ILLIGAN's Isle...~

~There is a hunger, a searching... Yami and GORE are not alone. From the bushes emerges the face of a gorilla, not so much like GORE's and more like DK's. The fur under his mouth has gone grey. Around his head is a red headband. Across his shoulder is a bandolier covered with orange grenades. He wears a camo undershirt, light green pants, and black boots (don't ask how). One hand sports a rapid-fire coconut gun, the other a pineapple launcher. This is Donkey Congo in the light. He is understandably POed at getting forgotten in GMOG2. And all he wants now is to kill something and use its stretched skin to fix his bongos. He hunts...~

GORE: Are we alone?

Yami: ~eating pages out of GORE's journal~ Mmph.

GORE: Good. ~puts Wilson in a frying pan~ Heh heh...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Yami and GORE each turn around to see the other's sabotage.*

GORE: Hey, my journal! Wait didn't I have a tape recorded journal?

Yami: (takes deep breath) WILSONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!

GORE: What? It's just an egg.

Yami: Your FACE is just an egg!

GORE: You did not just say that.

*GORE winds up his fist and then slams it into Yami's face with the force of a frieght train. Yami flies through trees, boulders and a mountain until he lands on the opposite shore. The second he gets up to his feet, GORE is already there and slapping him around some more. GORE squeezes Yami by the back of his head and then stuffs it into the sand. Yami kicks up wildly. GORE then gets a grip on Yami's tail, pulls him out of the sand, spins him around and flings him back to the other side of the mountain.*

GORE: What now, huh?

*GORE runs back across the island, but he sees no sign of island. He disappears into the jungle in search of Yami. He climbs to a treetop until he sees Yami strolling by. GORE leaps down to punce the Yoshi, but Yami knocks him out of the air with a group of Dark Eggs. Yami hip-drops GORE repeatedly, grabs him with his tongue, pulls him into his mouth and spits him into a big rock. Surrounding himself with an Egg Shield, Yami then rolls forward at GORE, squashing him between the egg and the rock.*

Yami: That was for... what's his name again?

GORE: Pain sensors activated. My beating was cooler anyway. (runs away)

Yami: Hey, wait up! I'm not done with you!

*Yami rolls through the jungle in pursuit of GORE. Soon GORE looks back towards Yami- only to see him fall into a camoflauged pitfall. GORE walks up and looks down the pitfall.*

Yami: GORE, help me! My Flutter Kick can't carry me that high!

GORE: Hmmm... nah.

*GORE turns to leave, but first he stops to grab a delicious looking orange that blows up in his face and sends him flying into a cage which slams shut as he enters.*

GORE: Shut up.

*Donkey Kongo appears from nowhere and waves his Coconut Gun between the two inhuman creatures.*

Donkey Kongo: So who wants to go first?

Yami and GORE: (point to each other)

Author: Golem[edit]

Donkey Kongo: Fine then. ~shoots GORE's cage, sending it back into a lake~

Yami: Haha! That monkey has nothing on me now, seeing as how he was killed by you! DUNKED! Now no more using of GORE-ILLA, especially incorrect use.

Donkey Kongo: Is he dead?

Yami: He should be.

Donkey Kongo: Okay. And as for using French, he WAS completely evil.

Yami: What? No he wasn't.

~Donkey Congo walks over to the pit and aims his gun at Yami Yoshi, then shoots a coconut. Yami just catches the coconut in his mouth and spits it at the ground, propelling himself out of the pit. Yami's back slams into Congo's head, knocking him back and causing him to drop the key to the cage. Because Fred didn't come in and smash the key with his hammer, the key isn't flattened, nor is it in little pieces. So Yami decides to ditch his rivalry with GORE, at least for the moment, and throws the key in the lake before taking on Congo.

Underwater, GORE sees the key float down, and he knocks the cage over to the key, then picks up the key and unlocks the cage door before swimming out and to the surface.~

GORE: Now it's time to take care of Donkey Congo!!

Yami: Wait, before we do that. Whatever happened to the Canadian Prime Minister?

GORE: Never mentioned after your post, I think.

adekixela: Damn you.

GORE: What?

Yami: That was me, sorry.

Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

~Masamune watches as the anchor comes down at him. Everyone else backs away. At the last second, Masamune steps aside as well, turns, and spits on the anchor.~

Masamune: Huuuah!

MJ: *phew*

Caykface: You've soiled my otherwise perfect flavor! How dare!

~Caykface reverts to his true form, a giant bundt cake with two beefy arms and hundreds of tiny feet. He turns one hand into a buzzsaw and swings it at Golem and Fred's ropes.~

Golem/Fred: *grab each other in midair* NOOOOOOO!

~Marin jumps up and pounds them away from the acid with her hammer.~

Golem: So about that hug, Fred.

Fred: Yes?

Golem: Never speak of this to Sapphire.

Fred: My lips are made of candy-coated chocolate.

Marin: That's the worst pick-up line ever.

~Masamune, Rebe, and MJ lunge at Caykface. There are several minutes of fighting until they finally realize that they're facing an opponent who is... unstoppable!~

Caykface: ~traps Rebe inside his body~ Ha. You couldn't even hurt me with your weapons before. As if you'd try now.

Masamune: Let her go, ye scummy pie man!

~Dead silence.~

Masamune: That's right. I called ye pie.

Caykface: And I shall respond in kind.

~Caykface clentches his body together, crushing Rebe.~

Masamune: No!

Caykface: Aww... I've hit a soft spot. Crack, crackity, crack. Hear that? Must hurt, having your skull crushed.

~Masamune opens his mouth to scream, and in that second Caykface throws a piece of himself into Masamune's mouth.~

Caykface: There's your freaking spit back. Disgusting. ~starts to puff up in various spots~ What? Ohhhhh....

~Caykface explodes, leaving crumbs of cake all over. Rebe lands on the floor, the exploding laser sword next to her.~

MJ: Geez! You okay?

Rebe: ~stands up~ Yeah... Seems I've made a mess.

MJ: Hell yeah!

~Rebe walks over and picks up Caykface's head, and stares at it thoughtfully. It jumps out of her hand, gathers with the rest of the crumbs, and slinks away.~

Caykface: We'll meet again!

~Masamune, meanwhile, is kneeling on the floor, doubled over, and looking rather green. The others gather around him.~

Masamune: Urrgh... methinks that cake's made me ill. I best be lyin' down... ~collapses~

Rebe: Oh dear.