Party Goers 2 Page 3

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Author: Sapphire[edit]

~The whole system crashes and everyone is trapped inside!

Magikoopa: You know I really liked the original bombinator better..

Meowth: Now what???

King Luigi: We still have to rescue my pikachu...

Golem: It seems we are in a different game. Hey it's Mario Party! Look at the squares.

Saph: How are you in Mario Party and we're in SM64?

Golem: Huh?

Bomberman: Something funny's going on here...and I don't like it!

Magikoopa: We should have tested this thing out first... all of the different games have run into each other.

Saph: There's only one thing to do, we all have to try and find the glitch!

Zora: How do we do that?

Saph: Well...

Author: Golem[edit]

Saph: hmmmmm... uhhhh... I know! If we can find the ending to the Minus World back in SMB, we can fix this whole thing!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa, Meowth, and Bomberman all laugh evilly at their triumph.

Bomberman: Phase 2 complete!

MagiKoopa: All that's left now is...

Meowth: Hold it! Look at the length of the fuse on the Red Bombinator!

The fuse of the bomb in question reaches all the way down to the floor and circles MagiKoopa's feet several times.

MagiKoopa: Should we cut the fuse short?

Meowth: Of course! Fifteen minutes should be plenty of time for them to run around and panic hopelessly. Ha ha!

Bomberman measures 15 minutes worth of fuse and cuts it there.

MagiKoopa: Let's light this bad boy!

Bomberman: Now... where's the match?

MagiKoopa: aw, crap. now we have to run all the way over to Wal-Mart, buy a stupid lighter, then light the Bombinator and carry it all the way back here before it explodes.

Meowth: Well, let's get started!

Author: Golem[edit]


Golem: How do we find that ending?

Saph: Easy, we just...

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Saph: Uhh. . . I forgot.

MP: Doh! We don't even know where level 1-2 is! Right now were in Mario Party!

Suddenly, everyone is transported to the Mario Party mini-game. . .

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: Hey look! There's a game rip!

~YM falls through into the Minus World.~

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]


Meowth: Now, that wasn't so bad a run, now was it?

MagiKoopa: [panting] It would've been better if you had told me HOW THE HECK TO CONVERT KILOMETERS INTO MILES!!

Bomberman: Calm down. The fuse is lit, isn't it?

MagiKoopa: Y'know, I'm gonna be kinda sad to see this story end so soon.

Meowth: It brings a tear to my eye in a bittersweet way.

Bomberman: Well, at least we're ending it before it turns to crap like The Really Big Thing...

MagiKoopa & Meowth: Yeah, you're right.

MagiKoopa: ... now what?

Bomberman: Now, we wait.

Meowth: I got it! Now, we sing!

Bomberman & MagiKoopa: ...sing??

anonymous Team Rocket members: prepare for trouble, make it double. prepare for trouble, make it double!

MagiKoopa: We'll be the richest rogues of all time!

Bomberman: Creators of a grand design!

MagiKoopa: I'll be the king!

Bomberman: I'll be--- [music stops] Wait. this line doesn't quite work for me, seeing as how I'M A GUY!

back in the VR game...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: Something tells me we're in danger!

Golem: Can it wait? We're playing a mini game now.

Mr. Predict: One question: How do we get out of here?

Golem: How did we get in?

Mr Predict: The helmets... they're stuck!

Saph: Ut oh...

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

MP: actually, It's not a problem!

Saph: WHAT?

Golem: WHAT?

Meowth, Bomberman and MagiKoopa listening in: WHAT???????

MP: That's right! This is only a story, and the good guys always win!

Saph: Good point!

Meowth: He has a point!


Meowth: SHUTUP! (Slashes Magikoopa)

Author: Golem[edit]

Magi: --------------ow--------------ch.

Meowth: Last time you were able to get the story 3X farther!

BM: How would you know...

Magi: Yeah... is there something you want to tell us, Meowth?

~Meowth starts sweating. In desperateness, he goes into the VR which is, remember, impossible to escape at this moment.~

Magi: Is it somethin' I said?

BM: Idiot! We need to find MM and get him to help us now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Magi: But I thought he...

BM: We'll find a way!

~Back in the VR...~

YM: Uhg, I can't stand all this swimming. Where's the exit, anyway? Maybe my newly-achieved psychic powers can help...

~Just then, Meowth appears.~

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

Meowth: I hate water! Especially wet water! Now, where's the exit?

Meowth can see the fire in everyone's eyes.

Meowth: What? What??

back outside the VR game, Bomberman and MagiKoopa are talking to the new Boss (James).

MagiKoopa: And he just up and left!

Bomberman: Now he's in the VR game!

Boss: Heh, heh, heh, heh!

MagiKoopa: ...

Bomberman: Glad you're taking this so lightly. meanwhile, MEOWTH IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN WITH THIS STORY!

Boss: MagiKoopa, you know that flying sub you own?

MagiKoopa looks at the sub, recently painted white with a large red R on both sides.

MagiKoopa: What about it?

Boss: That's our sub! You bought it from Jessie, Meowth, and me. We had made it from scratch the day before, and the former Boss ordered us to get rid of it when we failed our mission.

Bomberman: So, what's Meowth in such a fuss about?

Boss: He left his ball of yarn in there.

MagiKoopa: Oh, yeah! It's still in the glove box!

Boss: I'm sure he'd appreciate it if you took him to the sub sometime and got it for him.

MagiKoopa: Thanks! By the way, whatever happened to Giovanni?

Boss: ... [video program on computer fades to black]

Bomberman: So, now what?

MagiKoopa: 1) blow the fuse out on Bombinator 2,

2) we consider risking our lives to go in and save Meowth,

3) we get his yarn ball for him, and

4) just to show Sapphire we bad guys can win, too, if we try hard enough, we'll blow up the entire story!

Bomberman: But what's the point of saving Meowth if we'll go down in the bla--

MagiKoopa: Shut up before you start making sense!

Bomberman: Luckily, I brought something mysterious to aid us.

Bomberman shows another Red Bombinator, along with a glowing orange one.

MagiKoopa: What's the orange one for?

Bomberman: It'll debug the software bugged up by the green one. we can go in, save Meowth, then rebug the program and blow up the ENTIRE STORY!!!

MagiKoopa: This time, nice guys finish last!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

~Back in the VR game unit

Mr. Predict: It seems that Yoshiman has fell into the game rip.

Golem: Shouldn't we like um, follow him or something??

MRP: I'm not sure what we should do exactly, but I would advise not going in there.

Saph: The helmets still won't come off! And I bet that Magikoopa is up to no good.

Golem: Uhh, Saph, we aren't in Vegas anymore!

Saph: I know, but I'm usually right about these things. You guys can either stay here and finish playing, or help Yoshiman, I'm going to look for the system glitch.

Golem: But I thought the game rip was the system glitch!

Saph: That's why you should try to maybe beat the board. But I have a hunch...

MrP: But I still think that's a bad idea!

Saph: Do as you wish! Bye! (goes in the other direction)

Golem: Looks like we're on our own... Hey, YM, can you hear us?

~A loud voice yelling "MEOWTH" is heard.

Meanwhile, back outside, Magikoopa and Bomberman are watching the screen intently.

Magikoopa: Where is she going?

Bomberman: I don't know. Do you think she's on to us?

Magikoopa: I don't know.

Bomberman: We'll soon find out. Ready?

Magikoopa: Yep!

Bomberman: VR helmets on?

Magikoopa: Check. ;)

Bomberman: Fuse lit?

Magikoopa: Check...

Bomberman: Let's go! Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light...

Magikoopa: Surrender now and prepare to.... YEEOOOOWWWCCHHH!

Bomberman: Oops...

Author: Golem[edit]

Magi: And just 15 minutes 'till BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Uuuhh... whaddawe do in the mean time?

Bomberman: How should I know?

~Back inside...~


Golem: What?

Mr.P.: They've lit the fuse! 15 MINUTE COUNT-DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Golem: Whew!

Mr.P.: "Whew!"?

Golem: The bad guys usually give two minutes!

~Back outside...~

Bomberman: Whoops! O_o It looks like I cut it for five minutes instead of fifteen!

Magi: Idiot! Now we have even LESS time!!!!!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa & Bomberman materialize in the Minus World, near Meowth.

MagiKoopa: Hey, Meowth!

Meowth: What're you doing here?! 0.o

Bomberman: We're here to rescue you!

Meowth: But isn't the system too bugged up to---

MagiKoopa and Bomberman cover Meowth's mouth with their hands.

MagiKoopa: Great! Helmets off.

MagiKoopa, Bomberman, and Meowth leave the VR game.

Bomberman, now, cut the fuse on the Green Bombinator! light it!

the Green Bombinator goes off just seconds after being lit, rebugging the VR software with another fatal virus.

MagiKoopa: How'd the Green Bominator stay active?!

Bomberman: I left it out here.

MagiKoopa: So, we're down to... what, 3 minutes?

Bomberman: Well, I've got an idea. Bomber Base, send over the Bomber Jet!

Bomberman makes a request to the base at the other end of his wrist communicator. he's transported away (possibly to another dimension) where he recieves the Bomber Jet, then returns to outside the VR unit.

Bomberman: Hang on!

MagiKoopa: we don't have time to hang on! in fact, in the time it takes to--- WAAHH!!

Bomberman grabs MagiKoopa and Meowth by the hand/paw and jets off to the parking lot of the game place. Meowth's eyes widen as they approach a familiar sight: the flying sub.

Meowth: ...

the trio flies into the sub, where Bomberman lands and MagiKoopa opens the glove box, to Meowth's delight.

Meowth: [gasp] my yarn ball! :D

Meowth snatches his yarn ball and starts playing with it.

MagiKoopa: Measure the fuse, B-Man! how much time do we have left?

Bomberman: About a minute.

Bomberman, MagiKoopa, & Meowth: O_o

MagiKoopa: If we can get the rocket engines started, we can get outta here to safety!

Bomberman: What if we just cut the fuse for now?

MagiKoopa: …

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Little did they know, at the exact moment that they lit the orange bombinator, Saph (of course) was just trying to get hers off!

Saph: Hmmm, it worked that time. I'm out! But I don't think it's wise to go back in.

(Sees flying sub)

Saph: Aha!

Magikoopa: Whaat? How did you get out?

Saph: Don't worry about that.

Magikoopa: Bombsy! Do something!

Bomberman: We have two minutes!

Saph: Oh no! Another bombinator!

Magikoopa: Listen Saph, we're doing this for your own good.

Saph: Huh?

Bomberman: We're saving the story before it gets too weird! And also, to prove that - (Meowth does fury swipes attack)

Saph: Prove what?

Magikoopa: Uh, we're running out of time. i think you better come back to the sub with us if you want to excape!

Saph: Well.... What about them?

Bombsy: One minute!!!

Saph: Okay okay I'll go. But you know that the bomb isn't going to work.

Magikoopa: What?

Saph: The good guys always win!

Magikoopa: We'll prove you wrong! Let's go!

Meowth and Bomberman: Uhhh 10, 9....8.....7...