Party Goers 5 Page 1

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Pages in Party Goers 5
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Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: Last time, Yoshi64 found something mysterious, Team Rocket was about to be put on the rocks in the name of Arab Dude, Censor Man ran out of script, and R*H*Y*K was telling Golem something.

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: well, this is certainly an interesting twist in the story.

Meowth: Sure is.

Bomberman: I'll have no part in it! They violated our contract!

MagiKoopa: Oh, yeah. [whistles to summon the sub]

Meowth: OK, let's get outta here.

Team Rocket flies out of the pit thing and out of...?

Author: Golem[edit]

Magi: Hey, did you just hear that?

BM: No, I didn't...

Meowth: It's gettin' a b-b-bit cold, d-d-don't ya a-a-a-agree?

Narrator: Egyptian Nintfreak has frozen their sub before they got a chance to escape! Egyptian Nintfreak rushes up to the sub and…

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: *AHEM*

Narrator: I think we forgot to mention that Saph has run off with the pikachu!

Saph: I have to hold all the cards here.

Narrator: It's always you, you you.....when is my big break??

Saph: Remember... you're not an actual character.

Narrator: Did you have to remind me?

Saph: On to other news, I finally got my hat back!

Narrator: Oh brother! How boring! Who cares!

Saph: :/

Narrator: Now, moving on to some interesting people......wonder what Golem is up to. And isn't this story about that Arab Dude?

Censor Man: I think he came from pG1

Narrator: How would you know about that?

Censor Man: I read the old scripts!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: Okay, now what?

Bomberman: This series isn't even about parties anymore.

MagiKoopa: Don't you have a special bomb of some sort?

Bomberman: Well, I do have this Suicide Bomb I was saving for Sapphire...

Meowth: Yeah? What does it do?

Bomberman: It'll kill the three of us when it goes off.

MagiKoopa & Meowth: How original. :/

MagiKoopa: Well? Light the fuse already!

An uneasy Bomberman lights the fuse to cut short the part (and lives) of Team Rocket. Will he let the bomb detonate?

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Meowth: WAIT! Didn't we try this already?

Magi: I remember now.... that was PG2... And Saph ended the story.

Meowth: BINGO! We don't want that to happen again... do we?

BM: O,O I guess your right. but what do we do with the bomb?

Censor Man: The three of them stare at the bomb.

Narrator: You're so observant.

Censor Man: :/

Narrator: The big question IS... what will team rocket do now?

Censor Man: Kill Saph?

Narrator: Not a bad idea…

Saph: Must everyone plan my death in this story?

Narrator: You're the author and remember you're writing this!

Saph: Oops. Well then it's settled then. I end the story tonight.

Narrator: Shut up! Someone hit her over the head with something! Or take that ridicilous hat!

Saph: :/ Don't go there, narrator-dude.

Censor man: While the Narrator is busy arguing with saph, let's find out what some, <ahem> INTERESTING <and I stress> INTERESTING characters are doing. You're probably all wondering what interesitng is. I don't know. But anyway…

Author: Golem[edit]

Censor Man: Hey, I found another script! "Let's check in with the one who started it all..."

AD: The Total Anihilator didn't work, and I'm glad it didn't! Now I'm ruler of the Zone of Despair, and I can do anything! First, let me choose a look so that the readers will know what it looks like...
It looks like a desert!

Reader: Dessert?

AD: Desert! Now go away!
What shall I do... hmmm... I know! Castle, pop up!

Narrator: A Playschool castle comes out of the ground.

AD: >:|

Narrator: ...And a man sized one pops up, too...

AD: Yes! And it has everything I need...

Censor Man: "Arab Dude goes in. The first thing he sees is a huge wall of monitors, and, looks at them."

AD: Ahah, let's see what that Yoshi64 thinks he's doing...

Narrator: We must hold suspense! So, go away! Shoo!

Reader: Okay! I wanna see Golem!

Golem: Yeah, Rhyk, what is it...

Rhyk: Some man is plotting against us all... he's going to suck us in another realm! ...That he rules! Who knows what he'll do! And by the way, that wasn't his original plan, I just read the previous part.

Golem: What kind of man would do this?!?!


Golem: Oh, that kind!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: they're not getting the hint. :)

Meowth: Now what?

Bomberman: See that cliff leading to those jagged rocks below?

MagiKoopa: You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

MagiKoopa, Bomberman, and Meowth stand near the edge of the cliff and brace themselves. They get a running start, and...

...kick Sapphire off.

MagiKoopa: That'll teach ya to violate our exclusive rights to our characters!

Bomberman: Maybe she'll get dashed before she ends the story.

MagiKoopa & Meowth: MAYBE?! 0.0

Author: Yoshi 64[edit]

Yoshi 64:Whoa! A Plaid Copy of Zelda 64!

He puts it in a N64 that happens to be floating by And starts playing it. All of a sudden, The game Absorbs all of The Zone of Despair which just happens to be floating above the jagged rocks Saph was about to fall on. He falls out and catches up with Saph.

Yoshi 64:Hey, Saph, did you miss me?

Saph: Help us Somehow!

Yoshi 64: Okay, hop on my back!

Saph Jumps on his back while he puts a Blue shell in his mouth. He Sprouts wings and they Fly off to find Golem.

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: Oh, brother. there's just no getting out of this story, is there?

Bomberman: Quick! The Zone of Despair's gone!

Meowth: Look!

Team Rocket looked over to find their sub in mint condition.

Meowth: Let's get outta here!

The trio quickly hops in the mysteriously repaired flying sub and zooms away quickly.

MagiKoopa: What a relief. Too bad our prototype sub is still totalled. ;)

Bomberman: You realize they're still gonna stop us from leaving the story, right?

Meowth: Not if we detonate our anchor!

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: Hey, Mr. Story Writer?

Mr. Story Writer: Yes?

Golem: How did I get in the Zone of Despair? And the main plot line can't be destroyed ON THE FIRST PAGE!!!

Mr. Story Writer: Hmmmm...
editing mistake.

Golem: Oh. Anyway, Rhyk, how do we stop Arab Dude?

Rhyk: I was programmed to be as dim as you, plus I was made by Team Rocket, so I don't know much.

Golem: HEy! Well, I guess the only way ta stop it now is to go to the core...

Narrator: Golem jumps in the portal.

Golem: Hey, aren't you commmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn....

Rhyk: Oh yeah.

Censor Man: "Rhyk hops in."

Golem: Oof!

Rhyk: Wooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

Narrator: Rhyk lands on Golem.

Rhyk: ^^0 Thanks for breaking my fall!

Golem: ~Ptooie!~ I hate sand, tastes real bad. Anyway, we gotta find AD!

Rhyk: Right!

Narrator: Golem and Rhyk run off in search of Arab Dude. What's he doing, anyway?

Arab Dude: None of your business.
Hahahah, Golem and that copy are after me, are they? I had better prepare for the two... Golem knows a lot of math!
BUT WAIT! Golem's school is too cheap to teach even the smartest students Algebra until the last moment! If I give him an Algebra Obstacle course...

Censor Man: "Things do not look well for our hero"... Hey, he's the hero? How could that be? Anyway, ", but let's see about Saph and Yoshi64."

Saph: I've gotten on your back! Now what?

Y64: I'll use my tongue as a grappling hook!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: I guess that's a good idea...

Y64 does this.

Saph: Hm. Now what?

Y64: I have a feeling our role in this story is a small one.

Saph: How is that? The way I see it, we all are small players.

Narrator: :/ True, but i am most important.

Saph: Ok - SHUT UP!

Y64: Don't ask me I'm new to the series :)

Saph: Push me off a cliff hmmm? This means revenge. Do they want the story over or not?

Narrator: It's only the first page saph, only the first page.

Saph: How are you sure that this won't make it to the second?

Narrator and Yoshi 64: OO ;

Saph: Anyway I have a purpose now. But revenge is so unlike me. Wait! I have it!

~pulls out several catalogues

Saph: I found this on the old sub.

Y64: And what is that?

Saph: I can order my own flying sub! And look!

~Pulls out Talking Winged Cap Mario doll

Saph: Hehe.

Y64: Where'd you get that???

Saph: It's Magikoopa's, silly!

Narrator: It's part of her plan to-

Saph: Shut up!

Narrator: Hehe, I guess it didn't make it to the second page after all! Moving on...

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

The flying sub suddenly stops in mid-air.

MagiKoopa: ... >:0

Bomberman: No! It's a trick to get us back into the story!

Meowth: You moron! We'll just order a new one!

The sub turns around and the rocket boosters rev up.

Bomberman: You can't do it!

Meowth: ...Unless you have the proper artillery to take Saph out along the way. ;)

Meowth pulls a curtain, revealing a vast collection of Super Bombinators, including the Sleepytime Bombinator and the Cloak Bombinator.

Meowth: [points to the new Cloak Bombinator] this bad boy'll cloak the sub long enough for us to blast Sapphire and get your toy back!

The sub is already at max speed, heading back to the desert.

Bomberman: Wait! Didn't someone say Saph was going to lure us into something?

MagiKoopa: I'm not as dense as I look.

Meowth detonates the Cloak Bombinator as the sub approaches the Zone of Despair.

MagiKoopa: This should return our pal to our side.

MagiKoopa pulls a lever to activate Rhyk's Neural Override Deactivator. Rhyk suddenly becomes evil once again!

Rhyk: [in a drone-like voice] I was created to serve the purposes of Team Rocket. Now that I serve them once again, I can complete my task. Once I destroy all of you, I will succeed.

Meowth: Since when do we own Rhyk?

MagiKoopa: We didn't. An editing mistake in our favor. 'nuff said. Now, for Sapphire and that Yoshi fellow.

The sub flies over to the cave/temple thing where Sapphire and Y64 are. Meowth grabs a special Bombinator for the occasion.

Meowth: Let me just point this arrow underneath to go inside the cave.

After adjusting the arrow on the bomb, the flying sub parks near the entrance. Meowth places the Bombinator just a few feet inside, then returns to the sub.

MagiKoopa: What was that?

Meowth: The Quicksand Bombinator! When that thing goes off, it'll open a small dimensional rip; enough to let in water from the Atlantic Ocean and sand from the Sahara Desert! When the entire place fills up, the rip will close, leaving Sapphire and that other guy to drown in the fresh quicksand!

MagiKoopa: If I can't have my Talking Wing Cap Mario toy, then neither can they!

The Flying Sub speeds off into the distance.

Bomberman: You realize, of course, that no one's ever died in this story series, right?

MagiKoopa: That's what they said about The Simpsons. Then, WHAM! next thing ya know, they're all mourning over Maude Flanders!

Meowth: Ha ha! We're finally gonna win!

Author: Yoshi 64[edit]

Um, did you guys miss something? Idid NOT use my tounge as a grappling hook! I ate a Blue Shell!

Author: Yoshi 64[edit]

Besides, quicksand's never stopped a Mario character before, has it?