Party Goers 5 Page 2

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Pages in Party Goers 5
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Author: Sapphire[edit]

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I thought you did- oh well it doesn't matter.

Saph: Put the shell back in your mouth Y64! I have a feeling that they might be trying to kill me agagin so I'm taking no chances. We have got to order ourselves a flying sub!

Y64: Right! Let's go!

Narrator: Saph hops onto Y64's back as they prepare to leave. Y64 grabs the blue shell. The approaching Team Rocket fails to notice this.

Saph: Wha- repeat what you just said!

Narrator: You weren't supposed to hear it anyway. :)

Saph: :\ Let's go, Y64!

Talking wing cap Mario toy: Here we go!

Y64: Ok ok I get the message!

Narrator: Oh no we made it to the second page! But at least give it 50 more posts, Saph!

Saph: :/ Whatever.

Author: Golem[edit]

Saph: Now that we're safe, what do we do?

Y64: Wait until the credits scroll down?

Saph: \/0 That may be the only way we can actually stay alive.

Narrator: Hmmm... I'm getting bored. All of a sudden, a Mewtwo with only one thing on its mind appears. It wants to make a wind to blow off Saph's hat. It starts it up...

Saph: NO!


Y64: What was that?

Saph: What was what? I don't see anythin'!

Y64: Yeah, but I bumped into somethin'...

Meowth: OH NO! They're right in front of our sub, immune to our missiles--on the sides!

Magi: I guess that delays the story even farther... just waiting here for Sapphire and Yoshi64 to get farther away...

Censor Man: "Let's go check in with Golem and Rhyk."

Golem: No, Rhyk, no! Look inside of you!

Rhyk: What-is-this-Op-rah? Get-out-of-the-way-or-you-will-be-gone.

Golem: Oh fine then. Getting destroyed won't help any. I guess I'm off in search of Arab D.

Narrator: Golem walks off into the desert. Little does he know that there must be at least one more page to make this a decent story.

Golem: Arab D. must be around here somewhere! Wait, think, Golem, think...
If I were an Arabian former owner of a party store, where would I set up camp in a desert?

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa and Sapphire stare at each other for a few moments, each awaiting the other's first attack.

Bomberman: ...

Meowth: We've got the home turf advantage now!

Meowth presses a button near the back of the sub and the Talking Wing Cap Mario toy begins to glow. instantly, it teleports inside the sub, leaving its kidnappers on the windshield!

Bomberman: Glad you could make it!

Talking Wing Cap Mario toy: It's-a me, Mario!

MagiKoopa pulls a small lever near the steering controls of the sub.

Meowth: So, where have ya been, Mario toy?

Talking Wing Cap Mario toy: It's-a...

Meowth, Bomberman, and the toy are interrupted by a

  • sqeee-THUMP!-sqeee-THUMP!-squee-THUMP!*

Bomberman: ?

Meowth: The windshield wipers!

MagiKoopa: Ha ha! Who's trying to get who off their windshield now?!

Just then, the flying sub took a nosedive.

Bomberman: We're heading straight for the ocean!

Meowth: Thanks to wind resistance, our hitchikers won't be able to get off until they're surrounded by water!

MagiKoopa: Sure looks like the tables have turned this time, eh?

Sapphire: You'll never get away with-----

  • squee-THUMP!-squee-THUMP!*

Meowth: What's dat? I can't hear ya! We've got our windshield wipers on! :p

Author: Golem[edit]

Saph: Ummm... if they're going down with us, they'll crash in the sea too!

Y64: That's right! ^^ The good guys win even when they partially lose!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: If I'm going down, then they are too!

Y64: This isn't a suicide attempt, is it?

Saph: I guess you can say that.

Y64: Just what are you planning to do?

Narrator: Saph whispers to Y64.

Y64: You've lost it for sure!

Saph: Right now the only thing we've lost is my hat and that Mario doll! I didn't really want it anyway :/ (in an annoying voice)Kidnappers indeed! I wouldn't toss stones (or bombinators) If I were you...

Magi: Did we get rid of her yet?

BM: Uh, nope!

Meowth: Well I have an idea...

Magi: What is it?

Meowth: This ship comes with a self-destruction button, does it not?

The windshield wipers are still going.

BM: You can't press that unless it's a real emergency!

Magi and Meowth: :\

Meowth: BOMBSY!

Magi: So I see. Once we press it the sub will explode, leaving us all dead-

Meowth: Precisely!

BM: And thus ending the series AND the story!

Magi: Hmmm...

Saph: Yoshi prepare to eat another blue shell. I'm going in!

Y64: Do you think that Pikachu can handle it?

Saph: Of course! He's built for this!

Narrator: This whole plotline is absurd to me. But since I have the pleasure of reporting the facts-

Magi: Bombsy! Press the button now!

BM: Activating! We have 30 seconds!

Meowth: Start the countdown!

Saph: Pikachu! Use Thunder NOW!

Narrator: The time is running out! Is this the end of the Bombing Bombarders of Team rocket? What is Saph planning to do with Pikachu? Does the self-destruction work or did it malfunction? And when will they hit the water?

Censor Man: Does anyone actually care anymore?

Narrator: Maybe we will be the only ones left!

Censor Man: But what about Golem? And wasn't this about the Arab Dude?

Narrator: Beats me!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

Meowth: Turn it off!

Meowth uses the Fury Swipes on MagiKoopa and deactivates the self-destruct mode.

Meowth: The sub's Pika-proof, remember?!

MagiKoopa: Sorry to burst yer bubble, but being a submarine and all, this baby's equipped to handle water.

Bomberman: We're gonna win!

Meowth: Ha ha!

Author: Yoshi 64[edit]

Just then, a Helicopter flies down, and DVGBC sticks his head out.

DVGBC:need a lift?

Y64 Uses his tounge to grab onto the Helicopter and pulls them to safety.

Yoshi 64:thanks!

They Fly away (Yet again) to go find Golem.

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: BLAST! I almost had them!!

Bomberman: Give it up. They're not gonna just let you kill them.

Meowth: That's right! We have to force them to let us kill them! Let's head back to Rocketsville, Ohio, to plan our next evil scheme!

MagiKoopa: Okay, let's. I haven't had much sleep since the original Party Goers! :)

The flying sub continues down into the water and speeds across, back to the USA.

Bomberman: We'll be back!

Author: Golem[edit]

All: Huh?

Meowth: Oh yeah, I forgot! We're still in the Zone of Despair!

BM & Magi: \/0

Censor Man: "Meanwhile, Golem has found Arab Dude."

Golem: Aha! I finally found you!

AD: Blease do not 'urt me!

Golem: HUH?

AD: Blease! I am only doing good!

Golem: Really? How?

AD: Let me show you!


Narrator: Golem was hit by Arab Dude on the head!

AD: Bwa'a'a'a! I weel take you to my dungeon... let's see how brave you are now!

Censor Man: "Things do not look well for our scrawny friend."

Reader: I think Rhyk's next! Heehee!


Narrator: Rhyk is right by the sub.

Meowth: Aaahh! Oh, it's just R*H*Y*K. Let 'im in!

BM: How will we let him in without water seepi--


Meowth: He's not waterproof, so he must really be...

Author: S-Cargo[edit]

Readers: GOLEM!?

Meowth: *just that second finished opening airlock to let 'Rhyk' in* Huh? Oh... I was going ta say stoopid...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Narrator: Meanwhile.. Saph is crusing along in her new sub...

Saph: Ah, this is better. I should be done with the interior work soon.

Pikachu: Pika, pi!

Saph: You are much better company than the rest of them! Now let me see.. should this area be blue, or pink?

Narrator: ~Ahem~ BORING!

Saph: If I'm so boring why don't you go to other characters?

Narrator: Good idea! Meanwhile with Golem...

Censor Man: I'll take over here. "Meanwhile with Golem..."

Narrator: :\

Author: DVGBC[edit]

Censor Man: I am a G-rated nerd. *explodes*

Narrator: Not back with Golem.

Golem: *rapping* My name is... my name is... my name is... GOLEM the Golem.

Rhyk: Why are you rapping?

AD: Silenco!!!

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

  • somewhere else Nintenfreak turns a page in a book*

NF: Oh boy this story gets more exciting! Now DVGBC is in it.

  • then a giant green hand pulls Nintenfreak into the book [like in Doki Doki Panic]*


  • splat* *NintenFreak lands on Arab Dude*

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: I'm a... Golem... no, I'm a person... yeah! Hey, DVGBC! Do you like Slim Shady too?

DVGBC: I was just posting as the Narrator. ~disappears~

Team Rocket: ???

CM: "Meanwhile..."

NintF: What? Oh, it's you, Arab D.! So you're the one who planned to destroy all human besides yourself!

AD: Yes, but now I own another realm! I've really ought to thank your cousins.

Rhyk: Hey, this dungeon isn't too bad!

AD: What's that? You sound like you have a droney voice...

Rhyk: ~Ahem~ Really... well, I'm Golem! No doubt about it!

AD: If you're sure...

Narrator: This has given time for NintF to get into the main controls...

NintF: This is so cool! I could make my own GBA game with all of this stuff!
...But never mind! I've got to find the controls!

CM: "Saph is busy with interior decorating..."

Saph: Is Yoshi here?

Narrator: I don't know... I can't remember.

Saph: :/

Y64: Uhg... must we go through this?

Pikachu: Pika pi chu? {Isn't this fun?}

Y64: Aaah, never mind. I guess I'll go watch "Chicken Run" out of boredom.

Saph: Here!

Narrator: Sapphire hands Yoshi64 a slip of paper. She meant to give him tickets to the--

CM: "to the"? Are you sure that's right?