Super Mario Fanventure World

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Start: October 11, 2001
End: Discontinued
Timeline: Pre-Timeline Split
Writers: Fire Mario, Golem, Nintenfreak, Flutter, Luigi Brothers 2001, Wasuki, RealGTX, Bowser102, Ness Zoogapop, Timnis.
Main Cast: Golem, Flutter, Nintenfreak Jr., Fire Mario, Bowser 102, RealGTX, Princessi, Wasuki, Luigi, Gaia Flutter.


The third of the original Fanventures series. Like the other original Fanventures, Super Mario Brothers Fanventure World was started before the preceding OGs were ended. It was also the first of the series that has not been ended. This OG uses the world of Super Mario World was a setting. The next OG in the series was Super Mario Fanventure 64.

Plot Summary[edit]

After defeating Wart in the previous installment, Golem and the other Fanvers have been stranded in the Mushroom Kingdom. They decide to celebrate being the heroes of both dimensions by going on a vacation to Dinosaur Land. However, they find a cryptic note that tells them that the Yoshis were being held captured by the mysterious Princessi.

A great chain of confusing plot twists followed. Princessi was actually good but insane, the Yoshis were evil and locked up, there was another evil Princessi who was Captain Syrup in disguise, Wasuki got mixed up with a Yoshi name WaSuki who was the evil twin of someone named Suki, and throughout the whole thing there were contradicting statements about who was good and who was evil. Oh and Gaia Flutter was also in there somewhere and at one point took Flutter hostage, but he escaped with absent-minded ease, and she did not return to bother him in this OG.

There were also a few sub-villains working for Princessi- Kalo the Magikoopa and the Band Leader. The Band Leader was defeated in battle with Real GTX, while Kalo was eventually swallowed up by Nes Zoogapop.

The OG remains incomplete. The last post was at the point where most of the Fanvers were caught up battling a Giant Blargg.


Kalo: What should I do to you? I know I'll...

Flutter: Let me go!

Kalo: Why do they always say that?

RealGTX: THE Luigi?!

*Shakes Luigi's hand*

Very honored to meet you, sir! Luigi's Mansion was excellent. And I'd love to share pizza with ya- For directions to Star Road, of course... ^^0

NF: What do we do now?

Flutter: Let's play SSBM!

NF: ~lightly hits Flutter on the back of his head~ It's not out yet!

Band Leader: Ahhhhhhhh! I take out these punks first! *starts walking toward the gang, when he trips over his own feet*

Golem: We could use that toward our advantage in the future.

Golem: ~smashes through walls to save time~ Just like in Wario Land 3!