The Quest for Golem....'s I Love Lucy Episode

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Start: July 21, 2006
End: July 23, 2006
Timeline: Good Timeline
Writers: Kester, Luigi of the Pipes, GORE-ILLA, Masamune, Fred, Golem.
Main Cast: Kester, Golem, Gillian Anderson, Keira, Tyler/Sean Astin, Thrakun, Helga, Farmer Jon, Kestral


Kester is touring Hollywood when he happens to run into Golem who claims to have a time machine and know about X-Files 2. Gillian Anderson inadvertantly gets the TASTS and hijinks ensue. They end up in the 1950s where I Love Lucy has just been filmed. Team Thrakun try to follow them back with a duck with scissors on its head, but only Helga and Farmer Jon make it into the fifties. Then for some reason modern characters start showing up in the 50s until so much TASTS abuse happens that the story ends abruptly with no resolution. The final result is that Kester is now working for the Government as an Agent in the X-Files division.

Plot Summary[edit]


  • Due to creative differences, this OG was ended in only eight posts and two days. Probably the shortest OG ever in the Good Timeline.
  • The TASTS is used for uber-awesome plot device-ing. It is used to erase characters and simplify plots until the story ends.
  • Thrakun is shown in the fifties to have played an old-timesy 1950s villain.
  • Sean Astin returns, but this time is actually referred to as Tyler.
  • EVIL Scientist Dude and Farmer Jon are shown in the fifties as being a baby and ten year old boy respectively.
  • Due to the TASTS used, it's possible the events of the OG ended up being erased. Which means Golem would never meet Kester.
  • This is also Golem's first appearance in the series, despite his author being one of the serises' main writers.
  • Kester mentions running a Dented Armor stand in reference to Golem's trailer for Member OG Home Version.