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Full Name:
Species: Man-Walrus
Creator: Fred
First Appearance: Member OG 5: The MPVP Strikes Back


Walrus-Man, believed to the the evolution of Dr. Walrus in the Bad Timeline, is a walrus-like man allied with the Person Gang. He is physically described as "a lanky man, armed to the teeth with a special multi-weapon holster-backpack. The man also has large tusks with beige skin, and large, red eyes." Originally he says he is only good for is his large laser gun and his mechanical walrus army. He joined the Person Gang to follow Person, and by extension was a member of the MPVP.

Walrus-Man and the Person Gang appeared in Member OG 6: VGF Moon to battle Sergeant Shy Guy. Walrus-Man sat the battle out until his Walrus Army arrived, and he then sicced the army on SSG. But SSG was able to crush them all with his Tank Guy. In a last-ditch effort, Walrus-Man tricked to destroy the Tank Guy with Man's rocket launcher, only to be crushed as well. Walrus-Man's remains were sucked out into the vacuum of space.

Somehow, Walrus-Man returns in Member OG 7: Neogenesis as a competitor in Goren's tournament. He battled Fred, but he wound up losing.

Other Appearances[edit]


Walrus-man: That was quick. I do remember you vaguely, Fred, I'll try not to obliterate you entirely too badly.

Fred: Oh, SNAP! Crackle. Pop.

Walrus-Man: Other than giving the "man" section of my name a capital M, I have no idea how to respond to th-
-An exchange between Walrus-Man and Fred, Member OG 7.