Wesus Whrist

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A W clone of Jesus who is orginally from The Life and Adventures of Miyamoto. He has also made several in-continuity appearances as an accomplice of Lupus.

In Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant, Wesus was one of the men aboard Lupus's Cheese Star. Wesus converted to Koopa Xtreme's side following Xtreme's coup. He died at least twice between a suicide and several battles, but came back after Easter break. He later appeared in his own realm within S-Space where he subjected Yami Yoshi to intense tests and also battled Knob. Later on, he stole the Pearls of Mystery and delivered them to Lupus in hopes of regaining Lupus's favor. But Lupus did not accept this and killed him.

Wesus also appeared in Holiday Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa! at Lupus's side. However, Lupus and Fred chose to kill him by shooting him, causing him to turn into a pile of money.