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{{Party Goers 6 Pages}}
{{Party Goers 6 Pages}}
==Author: MagiKoopa==
on top of the MGM Grand Hotel...
Bomberman: Hey, folks! C'mon up and give the Vegas Bombinator a spin! You and the rest of the city could win big!
MagiKoopa: We've conviniently found all your credit card numbers via Internet and randomly picked one. The person who gets to give the lever a spin is... Bill, the Goomba!
Bill: yea!
MagiKoopa uses his wand to teleport Bill to the top of the hotel, where the spotlights find him instantly.
MagiKoopa: G'wan, Bill! Give it a try!
Bill enthusiastically hops up on the lever... but it doesn't budge.
Bill: wait.. almost got it... urg...
Bill hops up and down on the Vegas Bombinator's lever, eventually getting it to move an entire 2 1/2 inches.
Meowth: This could take awhile.
Bomberman: crap! just enough time for some hero to leap up, kick Bill away, and defuse the Vegas Bombinator!
Bill: [hopping on the lever and grunting]
Meowth: At this rate, that may not be such a bad idea.
==Author: Golem==
Golem: There's no explosion we should rush to stop, right?
NF: Right.
==Author: S- Cargo==
Mega Man X - the hospital was where we were BEFORE I used my secret weapon to pull the Party Goers into the simulation again. But... I guess we can be in a simulated hospital. ^^
Narrator: Replaforce have chased S- Cargo into a dead end!
CM: "He can't run any further."
S: *spins round* Yipe!
Zero: *loads a magazine into his rocket launcher* S, you've got something of mine. Something very... dear to me.
Vectorman: Um, why did you steal it anyway?
S: *sighs* Tea is the power source for the Super-Duper Deluxe Whatcha-Ma-Call-It, of course.
Zero: Give it back!
S: Okay. *pause* I mean, NEVER! Kwa ha ha! *whips out the 'Deluxe from behind his back and aims it at Replaforce* This baby's charged again, so I'll blast you back to reali-
Narrator: S- Cargo is suddenly buried by a spontaneous, very localised avalanche of lined paper, printed notes, exam papers, more notes, worn out Biros, pencils, textbooks, and yet more notes.
S: Mmmph...
X: *pause* That was odd.
Vectorman: Hey look, the impact knocked a flask out of his hands! I bet he emptied all our cups of tea into that!
S: Mmmph!
Zero: YAY! *pause* Um, no-one got the chance to drink any, did they? I don't want to catch anything.
Vectorman: No...
X: Nope.
S: Mmmph.
Zero: YAY!
Censor Man: "It looks like S is out of the story for a while. And it looks like Replaforce have their tea back."
Narrator: *sarcastic* It also looks like we forgot to include a cliffhanger.
*Sound of two people falling over out of shot*
==Author: Sgt. Flutter==
Flutter: I'm here! Where is everybody?
S: Take this. (uses the super duper somethinganother and knocks Flutter to the top of the MGM Hotel)
Flutter: That hurts. Hey what the... *Flutter changes to the evil side* No one can destroy vegas but me!
(Just then it rains)
Bill: Dang it's rusted.
Flutter: Let me give you a hand. *Pulls ut the Megaton Hammer* Now this could help. *Flutter falls over because of the wait of the Megaton Hammer*
Bill: Now to use my ultimate attack! Supa Koopa Jump! *Bill jumps up high in the air*
Golem & NF: *busts through the MGM Hotel door that is on the top of the roof* We got you now!
==Author: Mega Man X==
OoC: Man, i'm confused now. Sorry about that S-Cargo. Golem, make the story more simple!
Act 64: The gang's all here.
Narrator: At that moment S-Cargo jumps from the papers and takes the tea from Zero's hands AGAIN!
Zero: H-he. He did it again! HE TOOK THE TEA AGAIN MAN!
X: There-
Vectorman: He-
Zero: Goes.
X: Looks like Replaforce-
Vectorman: Is blasting off-
Zero: Again!
CM: "Replaforce jump in the Mach 5 and chase after S-Cargo once more. They follow him to the top, where everybody-
Narrator: But Sapphire is. X then jumps out of the Mach 5 and yells-
X: HOLD IT!!!!!!!!
CM: "Everything stops moveing, like a video game put on pause. Just before Bill was about to hit the lever too!"
Narrator: X, Zero, and Vectorman walk up to MagiKoopa, Bomberman, and Meowth.
X: So, we meet again Mr. Bunt!
Meowth: You mean Mr. Bond.
X: Oh whatever! *Looks around* Looks like the gang's all here. But the point is you guys are trying to end the story on us! Shame on you 3! What do you have to say for yourself!?
Bomberman: What do we have to say?
MagiKoopa: Here's what i got to say: UNPAUSE!!!!!!
CM: "Everything starts moveing again. And Bill hits the lever! OH MY GOD!!!!!!! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW!?!?!?!?
Golem, NF, Bill, SF, S-C, MagiKoopa, Bomberman, Meowth, X, Zero, and Vectorman: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be contenued...
==Author: Yoshi 64==
No the gang's not all here!
Rhyk and I are still in Japan!
==Author: MagiKoopa==
the dials on the Vegas Bombinator begin spinning rapidly!
Meowth: But, I thought it rus---
MagiKoopa & Bomberman: SHUT UP!!!
MagiKoopa: Look! One of the dials is about to stop!
the first dial stops on... a dollar sign!
Bill: That's good, right?
All: ...
MagiKoopa: gimme the stats on this thing. what're the odds on Vega--- I mean, Bill over here winning?
Bomberman: um... [mutters something]
MagiKoopa: What was that?
a second dollar sign stops on a Jack Pot logo.
Meowth: Oh, oh. Now, it can stop on either a dollar sign or another jackpot for Bill to win!
Bomberman: 1 in 3.
MagiKoopa & Meowth: ONE IN THREE?!!
the third dial stops on... another dollar sign! The Vegas Bombinator begins to rumble.
Bill: That's good, right?
Bomberman: For you and all of Vegas...
The Vegas Bombinator explodes in a shower of cash! Dollar bills fly throughout the Vegas Strip! People shout with glee as they each run around to collect the money. Bill is covered in money, as well.
MagiKoopa: So much for ending the story.
Meowth: You moron!
Meowth uses several consecutive Fury Swipes attacks on Bomberman, sending him flat to the rooftop badly scratched!
Bomberman: ...ow...
Meowth: Now what?
MagiKoopa hops on Bill, flattening him instantly.
Bill: ow!
MagiKoopa: We can at least take this cash and...
Meowth: Throw a party downstairs!
Golem: a party, eh? hmm... will there be any Party Goe---
Bill: Don't start.
==Author: Golem==
Producer: Under high demand, we have decided to put every one of you inside the real world.
Rhyk: Oh man, we were almost finished.
Narrator: This story is almost finished too! It's been the longest one since the original PG.
CM: I'm on Page 5 of the script now! Finally!
Mr. Venn/Golem: What? You mean to say the whole time we've been behind?
Ms. Oxbridge/Saph: ~coughs out grass~ Oh, great!<br>
What will the readers think? We can't just skip ahead!
Writer~sitting in the backround~: <font size=1>I don't know what I was drinking when I wrote this scene!</font>
Bulbasaur/NF: Bulba bul saur!<br>
{So we're stuck one page into the future!}
Mr. Venn: Aparently, yes.
Magi: So what do we do?
Pikachu/Pikachu: Pika pi chu pikachu?<br>
{Don't you have a Bombinator for this sorta thing?}
BM: If we did, it wouldn't exist here! Remember, we're in the real world now.
Bill: ...What am I doin' here?
Meowth: Aparently we do nothing. C'mon, let's go through da city, have fun, and maybe rip off a few people!
Bill: 'Kay, sounds nice ta me!
Everyone: Hmmmmmmmm...
Magi: I know! We can all run reeeeeeeally fast and so fast we go back in time!
Everyone but Magi and Mr. Venn: ~Blink blink~
Mr. Venn: So let's do it!
Ms. Oxbridge: Well, I don't know...
Bulbasaur: Bulba! Bul saur saur, bul bul!<br>
{C'mon! In today's high-tech society, we can prob'ly do it!}
Pikachu: U.U Pika pi chu pikachu pikachu.<br>
{I think Saph and I can think of a better solution.}
==Author: Yoshi 64==
I'm never leaving this place!
Y64 is transported to where the others are.
Y64: Dangit. Hey, what's this briefcase?
Y64: (Opens it) Oh my Gosh! I'm Bill Gates!
==Author: Mega Man X==
Act 68: IHOP anybody?
Narrator: Everyone is talking at the same time about what to do next.
X: Guys? C'mon guys, quiet down a bit. Guys?.....................HEY SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CM: "Everyone shut's up."
Narrator: Everyone but you and me.
CM: "Right right."
X: Look, how about we go to IHOP and discuss what to do there. Besides, i think everyone is hungry.
MagiKoopa: Ya know, that might not be too bad.
Bomberman: I could go for a nice cup of tea.
Zero: So could i! When we came into the real world the tea S-Cargo had was gone.
Golem: Ok, let's go.
Narrator: And so, Golem, NF, SF, Sapphire, Y64, Rhyk and that yellow thing all got into to Sapphire's sub. While MagiKoopa, Bomberman, and Meowth got into their sub. S-Cargo got into his Hummer. And Replaforce got nto the Mach 5.
CM: "They all drived to the nearst IHOP. And inside..."
X: Uh....table for 14. No wait! Make that 17.
Golem: Why 17?
X: In case DVGBC and those 2 other guys come.
Golem: Oh.
CM: "The Party Goers are seated. They start thinking about what to eat."
X: Lesse, i'll have 2 pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, and some milk.
Zero: A large hot cup of tea.
Vectorman: I'll have the happy face pancake.
Everyone: o.O
Vectorman: What?
X: Never mind. We're ready to order, what about you guys?
To be contenued...
(Um....where is DVGBC anyway?)
==Author: Sapphire==
Saph: <to herself> Hm, I get it now, when it starts to get interesting they talk about ending the story. Hah!
Narrator: Don't you start...
Saph: That was supposed to be to <i>myself</i>.
Narrator: *rolls his eyes*
Golem: So what do we do now?
MMX: Uh, eat?
Everyone else: We're starved!
Saph: I've lost my appetite. What was the point of coming here again?
CM: "Saph starts slipping back to her ditzy ways"
Narrator: It's obvious.
Golem: *sweatdrops* Look, the meal's here. Now, who wanted the happy face pancakes?
Everyone looks at Vectorman.
Vectorman: What? *sweatdrops*
Saph: So long guys! Again!
Pikachu: Pika pi! (We're off to find some decent storylines!)
They leave.
Narrator: I was supposed to say that!
CM: Say what, "They Leave." ?
Narrator: One of these days, CM, one of these days...
CM: "Those around the table laugh."
Magi, BM and Meowth: *roll their eyes*
Meowth: Just look at those twerps.
BM: Well I have a bombinator that will blow their table sky high. It's called....
Magi: What?
BM: ...the pancake bombinator! I've hidden it in one of their meals.
Meowth and Magikoopa: .......
==Author: Golem==
BM: I've hidden it in Golem's mini-pancake.<br>
When he takes a bite...<br>
Magi: ~hits his ears~ Could you say that any louder?
Meowth: Shut up! Let's watch da story blow up.
BM: That doesn't sound safe.
Narrator: Inside the IHOP...
Mr. Venn: I'm leavin' too. Wherever Saph goes, I go. I guess it's part o' the contract.
CM: "Mr. Venn runs out the door."
Magi: What? He can't do that!
BM: He can. Look.
Narrator: Team Rocket watch Golem/Mr. Venn run off to catch up with Saph.
Team Rocket: Hey!!!
CM: "Team Rocket runs off to chase them."
Vectorman: Hey, look! The other evil guys are leavin' too! We gotta go!
Zero and MMX: Ohhhhh...
Narrator: Replaforce goes after everyone else. The only ppl. left in IHOP are...
Y64~in a down voice~: C'mon, let's go...
Rhyk~in an uplifting voice~: Ooh, goody! Let's GO!
Narrator: Will our heroes ever get used to the real world? Only time will--
Y64: Hey! Sleepiheads! C'mon, wake up!
Geez, how could anyone take this long of a nap?
CM: "Golem and Saph sat"--errr, "Golem and Saph sit up and open their eyes. They look around and all that they recognize is a half=cyber dinosaur."
Saph: Where are we?
Golem: Is this your place?...
Y64: Yup! Like it?
Saph: Let's talk later... how did we get here?
Rhyk: You don't remember? Zone of Despair, Arab Dude, blowing up, ring a bell?
Golem: Yeah!~really perks up~ The Zone of Despair was destroyed via explosion, sending us out into the real world!
Saph: ...That's when we went unconcious.
Y64: Everyone was okay but you two! You prob'ly hit the ground real hard.
Golem: Are Arab Dude, Egyptian Nintenfreak, and Nintensphynx still alive?
Rhyk: No one knows. For know, let's just be grateful.
Saph: That I'm not Ms. Oxbridge!
Golem: That must mean... I'm not Mr. Venn! WOOHOO!
CM: "All is said and done for this fanfic.<br>
<font size=5><b><i><u>THE END</u></i></b></font>
All: HEY!<br>
I'll start on PG7 ASAP
==Author: Sapphire==
Saph: That's the last time he takes the ending away from me.... Oh Bombing Bombarders........
==Author: Golem==
Golem: We got a story ta start!

Revision as of 20:07, 25 July 2007

Pages in Party Goers 6
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Author: MagiKoopa

on top of the MGM Grand Hotel...

Bomberman: Hey, folks! C'mon up and give the Vegas Bombinator a spin! You and the rest of the city could win big!

MagiKoopa: We've conviniently found all your credit card numbers via Internet and randomly picked one. The person who gets to give the lever a spin is... Bill, the Goomba!

Bill: yea!

MagiKoopa uses his wand to teleport Bill to the top of the hotel, where the spotlights find him instantly.

MagiKoopa: G'wan, Bill! Give it a try!

Bill enthusiastically hops up on the lever... but it doesn't budge.

Bill: wait.. almost got it... urg...

Bill hops up and down on the Vegas Bombinator's lever, eventually getting it to move an entire 2 1/2 inches.

Meowth: This could take awhile.

Bomberman: crap! just enough time for some hero to leap up, kick Bill away, and defuse the Vegas Bombinator!

Bill: [hopping on the lever and grunting]

Meowth: At this rate, that may not be such a bad idea.

Author: Golem

Golem: There's no explosion we should rush to stop, right?

NF: Right.

Author: S- Cargo

Mega Man X - the hospital was where we were BEFORE I used my secret weapon to pull the Party Goers into the simulation again. But... I guess we can be in a simulated hospital. ^^ ------------------

Narrator: Replaforce have chased S- Cargo into a dead end!

CM: "He can't run any further."

S: *spins round* Yipe!

Zero: *loads a magazine into his rocket launcher* S, you've got something of mine. Something very... dear to me.

Vectorman: Um, why did you steal it anyway?

S: *sighs* Tea is the power source for the Super-Duper Deluxe Whatcha-Ma-Call-It, of course.

Zero: Give it back!

S: Okay. *pause* I mean, NEVER! Kwa ha ha! *whips out the 'Deluxe from behind his back and aims it at Replaforce* This baby's charged again, so I'll blast you back to reali-

Narrator: S- Cargo is suddenly buried by a spontaneous, very localised avalanche of lined paper, printed notes, exam papers, more notes, worn out Biros, pencils, textbooks, and yet more notes.

S: Mmmph...

X: *pause* That was odd.

Vectorman: Hey look, the impact knocked a flask out of his hands! I bet he emptied all our cups of tea into that!

S: Mmmph!

Zero: YAY! *pause* Um, no-one got the chance to drink any, did they? I don't want to catch anything.

Vectorman: No...

X: Nope.

S: Mmmph.

Zero: YAY!

Censor Man: "It looks like S is out of the story for a while. And it looks like Replaforce have their tea back."

Narrator: *sarcastic* It also looks like we forgot to include a cliffhanger.

  • Sound of two people falling over out of shot*

Author: Sgt. Flutter

Flutter: I'm here! Where is everybody?

S: Take this. (uses the super duper somethinganother and knocks Flutter to the top of the MGM Hotel)

Flutter: That hurts. Hey what the... *Flutter changes to the evil side* No one can destroy vegas but me!

(Just then it rains)

Bill: Dang it's rusted.

Flutter: Let me give you a hand. *Pulls ut the Megaton Hammer* Now this could help. *Flutter falls over because of the wait of the Megaton Hammer*

Bill: Now to use my ultimate attack! Supa Koopa Jump! *Bill jumps up high in the air*

Golem & NF: *busts through the MGM Hotel door that is on the top of the roof* We got you now!

Author: Mega Man X

OoC: Man, i'm confused now. Sorry about that S-Cargo. Golem, make the story more simple! -------------------------------------------

Act 64: The gang's all here.

Narrator: At that moment S-Cargo jumps from the papers and takes the tea from Zero's hands AGAIN!

Zero: H-he. He did it again! HE TOOK THE TEA AGAIN MAN!

X: There-

Vectorman: He-

Zero: Goes.

X: Looks like Replaforce-

Vectorman: Is blasting off-

Zero: Again!

CM: "Replaforce jump in the Mach 5 and chase after S-Cargo once more. They follow him to the top, where everybody-

Narrator: But Sapphire is. X then jumps out of the Mach 5 and yells-

X: HOLD IT!!!!!!!!

CM: "Everything stops moveing, like a video game put on pause. Just before Bill was about to hit the lever too!"

Narrator: X, Zero, and Vectorman walk up to MagiKoopa, Bomberman, and Meowth.

X: So, we meet again Mr. Bunt!

Meowth: You mean Mr. Bond.

X: Oh whatever! *Looks around* Looks like the gang's all here. But the point is you guys are trying to end the story on us! Shame on you 3! What do you have to say for yourself!?

Bomberman: What do we have to say?

MagiKoopa: Here's what i got to say: UNPAUSE!!!!!!

CM: "Everything starts moveing again. And Bill hits the lever! OH MY GOD!!!!!!! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW!?!?!?!?

Golem, NF, Bill, SF, S-C, MagiKoopa, Bomberman, Meowth, X, Zero, and Vectorman: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be contenued...

Author: Yoshi 64


No the gang's not all here!

Rhyk and I are still in Japan!

Author: MagiKoopa

the dials on the Vegas Bombinator begin spinning rapidly!

Meowth: But, I thought it rus---

MagiKoopa & Bomberman: SHUT UP!!!

MagiKoopa: Look! One of the dials is about to stop!

the first dial stops on... a dollar sign!

Bill: That's good, right?

All: ...

MagiKoopa: gimme the stats on this thing. what're the odds on Vega--- I mean, Bill over here winning?

Bomberman: um... [mutters something]

MagiKoopa: What was that?

a second dollar sign stops on a Jack Pot logo.

Meowth: Oh, oh. Now, it can stop on either a dollar sign or another jackpot for Bill to win!


Bomberman: 1 in 3.

MagiKoopa & Meowth: ONE IN THREE?!!

the third dial stops on... another dollar sign! The Vegas Bombinator begins to rumble.

Bill: That's good, right?

Bomberman: For you and all of Vegas...

The Vegas Bombinator explodes in a shower of cash! Dollar bills fly throughout the Vegas Strip! People shout with glee as they each run around to collect the money. Bill is covered in money, as well.

MagiKoopa: So much for ending the story.

Meowth: You moron!

Meowth uses several consecutive Fury Swipes attacks on Bomberman, sending him flat to the rooftop badly scratched!

Bomberman: ...ow...

Meowth: Now what?

MagiKoopa hops on Bill, flattening him instantly.

Bill: ow!

MagiKoopa: We can at least take this cash and...

Meowth: Throw a party downstairs!

Golem: a party, eh? hmm... will there be any Party Goe---

Bill: Don't start.

Author: Golem

Producer: Under high demand, we have decided to put every one of you inside the real world.

Rhyk: Oh man, we were almost finished.

Narrator: This story is almost finished too! It's been the longest one since the original PG.

CM: I'm on Page 5 of the script now! Finally!

Mr. Venn/Golem: What? You mean to say the whole time we've been behind?

Ms. Oxbridge/Saph: ~coughs out grass~ Oh, great!
What will the readers think? We can't just skip ahead!

Writer~sitting in the backround~: I don't know what I was drinking when I wrote this scene!

Bulbasaur/NF: Bulba bul saur!
{So we're stuck one page into the future!}

Mr. Venn: Aparently, yes.

Magi: So what do we do?

Pikachu/Pikachu: Pika pi chu pikachu?
{Don't you have a Bombinator for this sorta thing?}

BM: If we did, it wouldn't exist here! Remember, we're in the real world now.

Bill: ...What am I doin' here?

Meowth: Aparently we do nothing. C'mon, let's go through da city, have fun, and maybe rip off a few people!

Bill: 'Kay, sounds nice ta me!

Everyone: Hmmmmmmmm...

Magi: I know! We can all run reeeeeeeally fast and so fast we go back in time!

Everyone but Magi and Mr. Venn: ~Blink blink~

Mr. Venn: So let's do it!

Ms. Oxbridge: Well, I don't know...

Bulbasaur: Bulba! Bul saur saur, bul bul!
{C'mon! In today's high-tech society, we can prob'ly do it!}

Pikachu: U.U Pika pi chu pikachu pikachu.
{I think Saph and I can think of a better solution.}

Author: Yoshi 64

I'm never leaving this place!

Y64 is transported to where the others are.

Y64: Dangit. Hey, what's this briefcase?

Y64: (Opens it) Oh my Gosh! I'm Bill Gates!

Author: Mega Man X

Act 68: IHOP anybody?

Narrator: Everyone is talking at the same time about what to do next.

X: Guys? C'mon guys, quiet down a bit. Guys?.....................HEY SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CM: "Everyone shut's up."

Narrator: Everyone but you and me.

CM: "Right right."

X: Look, how about we go to IHOP and discuss what to do there. Besides, i think everyone is hungry.

MagiKoopa: Ya know, that might not be too bad.

Bomberman: I could go for a nice cup of tea.

Zero: So could i! When we came into the real world the tea S-Cargo had was gone.

Golem: Ok, let's go.

Narrator: And so, Golem, NF, SF, Sapphire, Y64, Rhyk and that yellow thing all got into to Sapphire's sub. While MagiKoopa, Bomberman, and Meowth got into their sub. S-Cargo got into his Hummer. And Replaforce got nto the Mach 5.

CM: "They all drived to the nearst IHOP. And inside..."

X: Uh....table for 14. No wait! Make that 17.

Golem: Why 17?

X: In case DVGBC and those 2 other guys come.

Golem: Oh.

CM: "The Party Goers are seated. They start thinking about what to eat."

X: Lesse, i'll have 2 pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, and some milk.

Zero: A large hot cup of tea.

Vectorman: I'll have the happy face pancake.

Everyone: o.O

Vectorman: What?

X: Never mind. We're ready to order, what about you guys?

To be contenued...

(Um....where is DVGBC anyway?)

Author: Sapphire

Saph: <to herself> Hm, I get it now, when it starts to get interesting they talk about ending the story. Hah!

Narrator: Don't you start...

Saph: That was supposed to be to myself.

Narrator: *rolls his eyes*

Golem: So what do we do now?

MMX: Uh, eat?

Everyone else: We're starved!

Saph: I've lost my appetite. What was the point of coming here again?

CM: "Saph starts slipping back to her ditzy ways"

Narrator: It's obvious.

Golem: *sweatdrops* Look, the meal's here. Now, who wanted the happy face pancakes?

Everyone looks at Vectorman.

Vectorman: What? *sweatdrops*

Saph: So long guys! Again!

Pikachu: Pika pi! (We're off to find some decent storylines!)

They leave.

Narrator: I was supposed to say that!

CM: Say what, "They Leave." ?

Narrator: One of these days, CM, one of these days...

CM: "Those around the table laugh."

Magi, BM and Meowth: *roll their eyes*

Meowth: Just look at those twerps.

BM: Well I have a bombinator that will blow their table sky high. It's called....

Magi: What?

BM: ...the pancake bombinator! I've hidden it in one of their meals.

Meowth and Magikoopa: .......

Author: Golem

BM: I've hidden it in Golem's mini-pancake.
When he takes a bite...

Magi: ~hits his ears~ Could you say that any louder?

Meowth: Shut up! Let's watch da story blow up.

BM: That doesn't sound safe.

Narrator: Inside the IHOP...

Mr. Venn: I'm leavin' too. Wherever Saph goes, I go. I guess it's part o' the contract.

CM: "Mr. Venn runs out the door."

Magi: What? He can't do that!

BM: He can. Look.

Narrator: Team Rocket watch Golem/Mr. Venn run off to catch up with Saph.

Team Rocket: Hey!!!

CM: "Team Rocket runs off to chase them."

Vectorman: Hey, look! The other evil guys are leavin' too! We gotta go!

Zero and MMX: Ohhhhh...

Narrator: Replaforce goes after everyone else. The only ppl. left in IHOP are...

Y64~in a down voice~: C'mon, let's go...

Rhyk~in an uplifting voice~: Ooh, goody! Let's GO!

Narrator: Will our heroes ever get used to the real world? Only time will--

Y64: Hey! Sleepiheads! C'mon, wake up! Geez, how could anyone take this long of a nap?

CM: "Golem and Saph sat"--errr, "Golem and Saph sit up and open their eyes. They look around and all that they recognize is a half=cyber dinosaur."

Saph: Where are we?

Golem: Is this your place?...

Y64: Yup! Like it?

Saph: Let's talk later... how did we get here?

Rhyk: You don't remember? Zone of Despair, Arab Dude, blowing up, ring a bell?

Golem: Yeah!~really perks up~ The Zone of Despair was destroyed via explosion, sending us out into the real world!

Saph: ...That's when we went unconcious.

Y64: Everyone was okay but you two! You prob'ly hit the ground real hard.

Golem: Are Arab Dude, Egyptian Nintenfreak, and Nintensphynx still alive?

Rhyk: No one knows. For know, let's just be grateful.

Saph: That I'm not Ms. Oxbridge!

Golem: That must mean... I'm not Mr. Venn! WOOHOO!

CM: "All is said and done for this fanfic.

All: HEY!
I'll start on PG7 ASAP

Author: Sapphire

Saph: That's the last time he takes the ending away from me.... Oh Bombing Bombarders........

Author: Golem

Golem: We got a story ta start!