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Luigi: Yami... you're alive! But how? Why?
Luigi: Yami... you're alive! But how? Why?
Yami Yoshi: It's a simple story, really. You thought you saw me die. At that moment I tumbled down the well Golem-Prime caused a tremor in the universe that reanimated my body while at the same time a cosmic force steadily bathed mwe in gamma rays. Thus my soul traveled into a robot duplicate, but the robot exploded when it could not understand the meaning of love and left my soul there, fragmented. A Nazi cult ritual then slowly reassembled my soul, which wandered the Earth for a body. As I flew through the Earth's atmosphere a meteor flew threw my soul and landed in that lake, causing it to form a living version of my body. I quickly entered the body, which was preserved in a giant egg at the bottom of the lake until you disturbed my slumber and freed me.
Yami Yoshi: It's a simple story, really. You thought you saw me die. At that moment I tumbled down the well Golem-Prime caused a tremor in the universe that reanimated my body while at the same time a cosmic force steadily bathed me in gamma rays. Thus my soul traveled into a robot duplicate, but the robot exploded when it could not understand the meaning of love and left my soul there, fragmented. A Nazi cult ritual then slowly reassembled my soul, which wandered the Earth for a body. As I flew through the Earth's atmosphere a meteor flew threw my soul and landed in that lake, causing it to form a living version of my body. I quickly entered the body, which was preserved in a giant egg at the bottom of the lake until you disturbed my slumber and freed me.
Luigi: I can't believe it. You're alive, aren't you?
Luigi: I can't believe it. You're alive, aren't you?

Revision as of 19:13, 4 December 2007

Pages in the Gamehiker Member OG 8 Archive
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Author: Masamune

~the scene opens up at Golem's house~

Golem: *watches a GMOG not to be named get sent to Page 2* Whoooo!!! Hahahaha! *runs down the street*

GORE: Golem! Golem!

Golem: Hahaha- huh? What the- You guys were supposed to be stuck in some crazy time-ridden OG!

GORE: I know, Golem. But I'm back. I'm back FROM that non-parody OG.

Golem: ... oh snap. ~passes out~


~The scene is an abysmally dark night. Kuria stands watching as Codtroopers run through the city dramatically for no reason. After getting bored she runs to Vorpal~

Kuria: Why is this happening?

Vorpal: I don't know. But you look beautiful.

Kuria: It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding which is obviously ruined anyways but stop looking at me like that shut up.

~Masamune runs in yelling at the Codtroopers~

Masamune: What's going on! How dare you mess up my OG Forum! What's the meaning of this!?

Murasame: *steps out* Masamune my old nemesis. It's been too long.

Masamune: ... Murasame? I thought you were a the bottom of the sea!

Murasame: I'm a villain. It's what I do.

Masamune: Be that as it may, you have no right to gatecrash on this OG that was GOING to be "The Vorp's Bride".

Murasame: Oh.... But I do. ~Dramatic Cliffhanger~


Luigi: I can't believe I got left out of the beginning. This makes me angry, look at this unshaved face and rebel attitude.

GM: Yami is dead. You have to accept that.

Luigi: No! I'm going to angstily get on my motorcycle and stare aimlessly at a lake!

GM: But you hate Yami!

Luigi: But chicks totally dig angst.


*Luigi rushes out to the lake. He pulls out a heart-shaped locket and opens it. It begins to play a musical tune as he sees a picture of himself standing with Yami, with the label of "Best Friends... FOREVER"!*

Luigi: Oh Yami. Where have you gone?

*Luigi picks up a minuscule pebble and tosses it softly into the lake. The lake is immediately engulfed by an atomic explosion. Luigi looks up and sees Yami Yoshi standing there.*

Luigi: Yami... you're alive! But how? Why?

Yami Yoshi: It's a simple story, really. You thought you saw me die. At that moment I tumbled down the well Golem-Prime caused a tremor in the universe that reanimated my body while at the same time a cosmic force steadily bathed me in gamma rays. Thus my soul traveled into a robot duplicate, but the robot exploded when it could not understand the meaning of love and left my soul there, fragmented. A Nazi cult ritual then slowly reassembled my soul, which wandered the Earth for a body. As I flew through the Earth's atmosphere a meteor flew threw my soul and landed in that lake, causing it to form a living version of my body. I quickly entered the body, which was preserved in a giant egg at the bottom of the lake until you disturbed my slumber and freed me.

Luigi: I can't believe it. You're alive, aren't you?

Yami Yoshi: In a way I am, Luigi. In a way I am. (grows twice his size, sprouts fangs and pounces on Luigi)

*Elsewhere, at Port Ugly.*

Murasame: It's simple, Masamune. You owe Donkeyman a debt.

Masamune: D-d-Donkeyman?

Murasame: The incident at England has changed him. He's no longer so nice and furry. I was at the bottom of the sea when he came to me and freed me in exchange for a century of work on his ship.

Masamune: So you're that freak's gopher now!

Murasame: You know what Donkeyman wants. (nods to Vorpal and Kuria) I'll be taking these two as insurance.

Vorpal: I'd like to see you try!

*Vorpal lifts a torch and swings it at Murasame, who blocks with his sword. A small duel ensues. Masamune walks to Kuria.*

Masamune: Time to go, poppet!

Kuria: I'm not leaving without Vorpal!

Masamune: The only thing he can do is buy us time, now let's use it while we still can!

*Masamune quickly picks Kuria up and runs to the edge of the tower with her, then leaps from it, landing perfectly on the deck of the Swordefeller. He sees GORE-ILLA talking with the other crewmates.*

GORE-ILLA: ...So you see, not only is there no 6, but there's no 5+1 either.

Dodo: Oy, so now I know how to get grass stains off my helmet. Thank you.

Masamune: Quick, everyone! Go! GO!

*Everyone panicks and rushes back and forth around the ship as it takes flight. At that moment Zambi Yoshi flies down, knocking off Masamune's hat, which falls overboard.*

GORE-ILLA: Quick, get Masamune's hat!

Masamune: No! Go without it.

*Everyone looks for a moment at Masa in shock, then they continue on. Dodo walks over to Masamune.*

Dodo: Pardon me Masa, but what exactly is it we're running from?

Masamune: ...Nothing.

Author: Vorpal

*Vorpal and Murasame are locked in a torch/sword fight. With each clash the torch spits out sparks that make for a very action movie-y effect. But neither give up much ground.*

Murasame: Hahahahahaha!

Vorpal: What are you laughing about? Wait... why isn't.. *turns around* That rat Masamune ran off.... and with MY GIRL! He usually only does that with females connected with Luigi in some way.... He better not being making any moves on her with his drunken-like demeanor....*begins singing* Shot through the heart.

Murasame: *walks up beside Vorpal singing* And you're to blame.

Both: You give love a bad name!

Vorpal: Heh heh heh. Why are we fighting anyway?

Murasame: Cause I wanna get off that boat! *knocks Vorpal unconscious*

*Vorpal wakes up but still in a daze with a figure sitting beside him*

Vorpal: Ugh... where am I?

Kuria-like voice: Now now, you had a pretty nasty bump there. Everything's fine though in good old 1999.

Vorpal: *shoots straight up* NINETEEN NINETY-NINE!

K-L V: Hehe. Just kidding. It's 2006. But last we saw each other was 1999.

Vorpal: You're M- .... M-

Misty: Misty. Yep.

Vorpal: But... you're dead.

Misty: Yeah... well... this seems to be a common theme... but I too was given my life back for an extended stay on Donkeyman's ship. It's AWESOME! Sun-bathing, and working out to become SUPER-SEXY! Check out these abs! *lifts up shirt*

Vorpal: O_o Ack! Must be strong! I sure hope this doesn't turn into some awkward love... *counts on fingers*... rhombus? parallelagram? trapezoid?.... Uhm... Misty... *pulls down her shirt* There's something.... that's changed since 1999.

Misty: What's that? I am completely accepting of whatever changes may have happened unless except if you moved on and found someone else... Then I'd have to kill you.

Vorpal: Uhm... NOTHING! Nothing's different! I haven't even aged! ... I want to see this... Donkeyman.

*Donkeyman's Ship, The Flying Arabdude, is more a cruiseship than anything else. People are playing shuffleboard and other things, but one group is playing a dice game betting years.*

Misty: Being on this ship is so relaxing that people try to win more years away from other people.

Vorpal: This place seems deceptively.... wonderful.....

Author: SteveT

SteveT: Yo ho, yo ho, and axe-murderer's life for me...

Straw Man: This ship is sinking!

SteveT: *stomps on floor* No splashes. We must be fine.

Straw Man: But it's made of lead!

Lynel: Only in name.

Straw Man: You can just tell yourself that while you're licking all the lead atoms off your tail tonight.

Lynel: *Falls asleep*

Straw Man: DOOM!

SteveT: Shut up. We have to catch up with Vorpal.

Straw Man: But he'll inundate us with lyrics from H.M.S. Pinafore!

SteveT: I don't remember them in the 80s...


Misty: You'll never have problems here again, Vorpal.

Vorpal: What, never?

Misty: No, never.

Vorpal: What, never?

Misty: Well, hardly ever...

Author: Luigi of the Pipes

~Luigi backflips away from Yami, then draws his laser sword.~

Luigi: What are you doing?!

Yami: Killing you.

Luigi: I thought we were friends! ~lightning strikes something somewhere~

~Yami shrugs and lays an egg shaped like a sword, then picks it up and points it at Luigi. Luigi casually walks forward and cuts through the egg sword. He keeps walking, then realizes that he can't because his blade is locked with Yami's unrelenting sword.~

Luigi: DagBLASTit. Back in my day, lightsabers CUT things. ALL things. Sodding magical swords...

~Yami grins and shoves the laser sword back, then impales Luigi...

's shoulder blade.~

Luigi: I'm bleeded!

Yami: I'm going to pull this sword out excruciatingly slowly so that you have time to think about your horrible grammar.

~Luigi switches hands with his laser sword, which prompts Yami to pull the sword out quickly and impale the other shoulder.~

Luigi: Ha! That wasn't slow!

Yami: You'll bleed to death either way.

Luigi: Good point.


Vorpal: Hellooooo? Mr. Donkeyman?

~Vorpal goes down into a pitch black room, followed by Misty, who holds his arm. Suddenly, a torch flares up, and Vorpal stares across the hull of the cruise ship, where hundreds of skeletal M&M guys are chained to benches and rowing the boat, all singing "Don't Rock the Boat."~

Vorpal: What is this place?! And why didn't I hear singing earlier?!

Misty: Seeing is believing, or something.

~At the other end of the hull sits Donkeyman, now wearing a black robe. He has an afro, which is dyed white except for a few black patches on the front, forming the picture of a skull.~

Vorpal: Waitaminute! You can't have an afro unless it's a flashback!

Donkeyman: Bite me.

Author: Masamune

Luigi: *holding hands over his wounds* Why did you come back!? We liked you better as a zombie!

Yami: While drifting through existence, I saw that in another timeline things had progressed quite differently since that fateful day my cheesecake was stolen. It was a better time... a SUPERIOR TIME. This time. All that has happened should not have happened! And I will undo it all!

Luigi: *yawns* Sorry, what? I stopped paying attention after the first line.

Yami: ... I'm gonna undo everything.

Luigi: You can't!

Yami: Can't I? *walks away, leaving Luigi to die*

~An hour later, Golem arrives~

Golem: I can't believe GORE just left me passed out in front of my house. What a jerk. *sees Luigi's hat floating in the air.... and well EVERYTHING floating in the air not attached to the ground. Except the water, because that would take a LOT more special effects* Gasp! Yami must've been here! This is his favorite spot!

Luigi: Ungh.... *waves desperately at Golem from just above his head*

Golem: Luigi's hat. He must have died. As tragic as that might be, I'm more excited that Yami has returned even if it seems likely he caused all this horrible destruction.

Luigi: I'm up here!

Golem: I have to tell the others but forget to mention that Luigi is probably dead! *runs back to the meeting place wherever that its*

~Meanwhile, back on the Flying Arabdude~

Donkeyman: Rememer me, Vorpal?

Vorpal: I dunno, that whole business with pizzas and time-warped islands has frayed my memory. You're that cowboy horse dude, right?

Donkeyman: Not quite. But I remember you quite well.

Misty: Hey! I was supposed to introduce you two to one another!

Vorpal: Judging by that afro and these underfed workers, you must be the Bad Guy!

Donkeyman: Observant as ever. You foiled my plans once. Now you will be the one to carry them out.

Vorpal: I'll never do it! NEVER! YOU HEAR ME!? NEVER!?

~the scene shifts to Vorpal's NES collection being held over a tank of lava~

Vorpal: I meant almost never, seriously! Almost never!

Misty: *grumbles: He didn't say that when Donkeyman held me over the lava...

Donkeyman: Perfect.

~Meanelsewhiles, on Masamune's Ship the S.S. Swordefeller II or III. Seriously, which one is it now?~

Masamune: Finally. The island of the crazy she-devil of the ancient order!

GORE: Isn't this Sapphire's summer house?

Masamune: Hush! Only she knows the way I can defeat... uh... I mean... get a lot of treasure.

Kuria: Why haven't you told any of them about-

Masamune: *covers Kuria's mouth* -about my plan to give them all raises!? I was going to keep it a secret!

~the crew cheers~

GORE: *wipes tear from eye* You're the best captain ever. Except for the other one in the Cheesecake Armada. But that's only because he put fountain drinks in the employee lounge.

Masamune: ... and I was going to do that!

~crew cheers again~

Masamune: AFTER I talk to the crazy she-devil and find this treasure I'm looking for that may or may not involve lots of needless deaths on your part.

Dodo: So nothing out of the ordinary.

Masamune: Right! To the longboats, lads!


Author: Masamune


Author: Luigi of the Pipes


Author: Masamune


Author: Vorpal


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