Difference between revisions of "New Member OG 1.1 Page 3"

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Line 228: Line 228:
ooc: ^is it the flying monkey?
ooc: ^is it the flying monkey?
*earler, right before O45 was destroyed*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>earler, right before O45 was destroyed*<br />
*in... somewhere*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>in... somewhere*
???2: can #7 relly destroy That thing singally handedly(sp?)
???2: can #7 relly destroy That thing singally handedly(sp?)
Line 237: Line 237:
???3: Help!
???3: Help!
*???? turn around. He see's introbul...er...???4 below a portal, his energy being sucked away.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>???? turn around. He see's introbul...er...???4 below a portal, his energy being sucked away.*
*in the sky above #7 , another portal appears. energy flows from it, rocketing to number #7. As it enters him, #7's hand's turn to metal gloves. then,
<nowiki>*</nowiki>in the sky above #7 , another portal appears. energy flows from it, rocketing to number #7. As it enters him, #7's hand's turn to metal gloves. then,
#7 raised its hands to the directions of the robots and they stopped.~
<nowiki>#</nowiki>7 raised its hands to the directions of the robots and they stopped.~
Unknown Cyborg: ErRoRrrrrEERRrrror
Unknown Cyborg: ErRoRrrrrEERRrrror
Line 251: Line 251:
~Within minutes, both started to fall apart piece by piece. They were soon nothing.~
~Within minutes, both started to fall apart piece by piece. They were soon nothing.~
#7: ~looks at hands~ The Metal Gloves...?
<nowiki>#</nowiki>7: ~looks at hands~ The Metal Gloves...?

Revision as of 00:33, 24 January 2009

Pages in the New Member OG 1.1 Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Author: Golem

OOC: Sorry Legion, I forgot that the plot holes were supposed to be random. ^_^;;; I'll try to find a way to fix that.


SSG: I don't think we should move on without a full party...

Legion: Nonsense. Knowing these plot holes, they work to our advantage... or, at least, to the advantage of the protagonists.

~SSG and Legion jogged through the maze of cubicles to the door on the far side of the room. When they came to the door and reached the handle, it wouldn't budge. Legion readied his sword...~

~Meanwhile, Isis was faced with cheesecake. She hides her hands, which are glowing, until they become become visibly noticeable. Prior to this, she had located a lapse in the perfect blank, a shadow. Now Isis raised her hands to the cheesecake, and she and the cart were blown away by a small explosion. As smoke covered the area, she ran to where she remembered the lapse being, and fell through the floor.

Once there, she was in a museum-like place, complete with polished floors and walls and glass cases on the wall. However, every glass case in it had a giant stone tablet. She looked at them, remarking how the illustrations on them looked Egyptian. There was even a paragraph of sorts in hyroglyphics at the bottom.

The pictures on each tablet were foreign to Isis, but not to us. They were the heroes of VGF Member OG Series 1--that is, BSD, Swordmaster, Introbulus, GORE-ILLA, Fusion, and Yami Yoshi. The glass cases were labelled accordingly at the bottom.

Then there was an interesting tablet that was all black at the very end. It looked just like Yami Yoshi, but... different. If you guessed Pharoah Yami Yoshi, fair readers, you're right. Then there was an eighth case that was empty labelled "Lupus."

Two of our six protagonists have been assembled before the time that they may free the world from its short-lived 15 year dark age. In VGFMO Series 1, the full crew was barely able to survive Lupus' conquest. Yami Yoshi, but a teenager, may not be so fortunate this time around. Someone has arranged it so that this premature action happens. Have we just witnessed the entrance of the new chosen VGF Members? Rather, what we really need to ask is, does this other force want the chosen VGF Members to fall, or does it want to stop the Lupus Revolution?~

Isis: ...What are these tablets?! ~shakes head~ There's no time for this! ~dashes down hall~


(A mysterious figure appears near Mt. Fuji - garbed in dark armor and an EVILly cliche cape. His face was hidden in the shadows. He dashed up the mountain, busting open the heads of the destroyed cyborgs as he ran. By the time he reached the peak, his arms were filled with cheesecake slices. He then disappeared in a very cliche flash.)

*Elsewhere, in the mystery museum thing...*

(Isis runs through the halls, confused. The voice calls out to her again.)

Mystery Voice: Did you not like my gift? Ask me something, you're the guest...

Isis: What is this place???

ystery Voice: This is the Museum of Things That Should Have Been But Could Not... or MTTSHBBCN for short...

Isis: Acronyms? Are you BSD?

Mystery Voice: NO!!! Do not compare me with the likes of him. The stone tablets represent what should have happened in this world but did not...

Isis: I don't get what you're talking about!

Mystery Voice: Sigh... those were tablets of the Chosen VGF Members - the ones that were supposed to arise and put an end to my reign of terror. But something is wrong. Many different things have happened in this dimension. New people arriving early and different alliances being made...

Isis: Yes, but who ARE you?

Mystery Voice: I am.... Sir Lupus the Turk! But I cannot show you my form, as it is trapped... because of all the plot differances, my tablet vanished and the MTTSHBBCN imprisoned my soul. Eventually it will happen to the others you saw on the tablets. The only way to stop this curse is with a great supply of cheesecake and your magic.

Isis: Dark Mario's been tearing up Japan for cheesecake!

Lupus's Voice: Yes, I employed him to gather the cheesecake, but he betrayed me and is instead using the cheesecake to powerhis cyborgs. But do not worry, as I have recruited a special agent to help me from my Dark United Nations.

(The figure from Mt. Fuji earlier appeared before them in a very cliche flash. His physical features were now visible: He had a sinister curly mustache, EVIL thick eyebrows, and a black helmet.)

Mystery Figure 2: I have arrived, master.

Lupus's Voice: Excellant. Greetings, GreatLuigi. We've been waiting for you and Isis.

Isis: "We"?

Lupus's Voice: Yes, we.

(Several figures emerge through the doorway. One is short, but muscular with brown hair, an abnormally long tongue, and a large hammer slung over his shoulder. The other was a spitting (sp?) image of Setzer from Final Fantasy 3(?). The next two resembled Diskun and a red koopa troopa. The last man was also short and resembled a certain French dictator...)

Lupus's Voice: (Light surrounds brown-haired man.) He is Sir Frederick "In Bed" of Waffles. Not much of a thinker, but an expert with a hammer, being GreatLuigi's cliche sidekick, and saying, "You lose." (Light surrounds Setzer lookalike) This is Lemonjello Setzer, my loyal accomplice. (Light surrounds Diskun and koopa troopa) these are my loyal lackies - Koopa and Diskun. (Light surrounds the last man.) And this is my most prized assistant - Napolean Bonaparte. There are many more members of the Dark U.N., but they are away on a business trip.

(They notice Isis is long gone.)

Lupus's Voice: Grrr...All of you, after her! Except for you, GreatLuigi - I want you to go back to Japan and get more cheesecake!

GreatLuigi: Yes sir... (disappears)

Author: Golem


~Legion stared at his sword bent to a 90 degree angle.~

Legion: ;-;

SSG: ~jammed all the buttons on the remote at once, door opened~

Legion: Why didn't you do that before?!

~Legion had little time to receive his answer, though, as they were faced with another barage of fighters--this time Russian Mailmen. Then, coming in from behind were more Mailmen.~

SSG: ._. Do we surrender?


Isis was bolting down the corridor as fast as she could. Great... no exits... but lots of fantastic exhibits. Did she see Moondo back there?!

Then, it seemed that the floor tripped her. She fell forward, landing on her hands before her elbows gave way. She was eventually on her back. Was the wall growing lower?!~

Lupus: This museum may have trapped my soul... but that also means that I am the museum!!

Isis: Sheez!! Ohmanohmanohmanohmanohman...!!!
Hold on... a minute...

Lupus: ...What are you doing?!

~As the wall grew closer, Isis' hands again started to glow. She punched the wall twice, leading with her right hand. The wall retreated to its normal spot.~

Lupus: ARRRGH! You'll pay for that! ~the ceiling rips open, letting through Fred~

Fred: Fred show Isis what cheesecake all about!! ~gets in fighting stance with mallet~

Isis: ~thinking~ Ohmanohmanohmanohmanohman... C'mon, Beginner Isis, think, what other spells are there?! I know you know something other than that lousy light spell...!

Author: That Guy

*in Asher's lab*

Asher- Wait... almost done...*shock*azzazazagzzgagzgazaz! owww. wait.. hold on... there!

*#7 snaps to life*

#7- Thank you! Hey! I can talk without staic!

YY- Well, thats good, but can we stop O45!

GORE- I was doing good as Dark GORE. With number 7 here, we should be able to!

Asher- Wait, bad news,look

*monteir shows another cyborg*

All- oh god, were doomed

???- Sir, are dimison hole is opening!

Asher- WHAT!!!

*a bright light fills the room as a hole-thing opens and isis pops out*

Isis: *thinking*but I didn't cast my spell yet*/thinking* tha-tha-t-t and pictures and lupus and stu-stuff that didn't ha-happen and the...


GORE- Isis?

*somewhere esle*

????*not Asher partner*- good, I got her away. We will destroy Lupus once we can take control of are "bodies"

???2- yes Fusion we can.


ooc- and CUT! good job people! that post was bad but i'm tired

Author: Golem

~Inside the tower...~

Isis: You wouldn't believe it, guys.

Yami: I already don't!! How'd you get here?!

Isis: Well... I ran into a plot hole, or something... and then there was this freaky museum... and I came back out here.
...!!! We should get back to Legion, when I left them they were in a jam! Too many robots!

Yami: But 045...!

GORE: Yami's right, we should take care of 045 and that other robot first!

#7: I... I can handle them on my own.

GORE: What?!

#7: I am certain of this.

Yami: ~clenching his Millenium Egg, dropping all expression from his face~ He's right, everyone. Believe in him.

GORE: Well... ~drawn into the power of Yami's gaze~ Okay...

Asher: ~also overpowered by the gaze~ ...

Isis: What? Are you all nu--

~Isis looked around and noticed how everyone was staring into Yami Yoshi's eyes while he was clenching his Millenium Egg. She concluded that it was best just to follow along.

Soon, everyone was off on their way.

#7 was able to grab the attention of 045 and the mysterious new robot among the ruins of the city's outer layer. They both dashed at it from opposite directions to its sides, and when they were within four meters, #7 raised its hands to the directions of the robots and they stopped.~

Unknown Cyborg: ErRoRrrrrEERRrrror

045: ~convulsing in mid-air~

~Within minutes, both started to fall apart piece by piece. They were soon nothing.~

#7: ~looks at hands~ The Iron Gauntlets...?


*The Russian Mailmen circle Legion and SSG. They are tall wearing floeing robes that conceal their faces, like all Russian Mailmen. They chant as balls of ki energy build up between their hands.*

SSG: Sir... I think we're biting off more then we can chew...

Legion: Don't worry... if things go bad, we can escape with a plot hole.

(The Mailmen fire the balls at Legion and SSG at the same time. They frantically dodge the deadly barrage, some of the blasts scathing the duo. Legion quickly leaps into the crowd and slashes with his sword in a downward arc. Som mailmen are sent flying, but quickly recover, suffering only slight rips in their cloaks.)

SSG: (fending Mailmen off with a spear.) Sir! We can't hold them off much longer! We need to find some way to blow this place up or something!

Legion: Good idea! But we'll need bombs of some sort...

SSG: Open a plot hole! QUICKLY!

Legion: (slices open a plot hole. He and SSG are immediately sucked in) Please take us somewhere with bombs of some sort... PLEASE...

(Legion snd SSG land on a cold metal floor.)

Legion: Where are we?

SSG: Boss... you wouldn't believe this, but it looks like some sort of... Flying Submarine...?

OoC: Golem, mind continuing this post?

Author: That Guy

ooc: ^is it the flying monkey?

*earler, right before O45 was destroyed*
*in... somewhere*

???2: can #7 relly destroy That thing singally handedly(sp?)

????: Dunno.

???3: Help!

*???? turn around. He see's introbul...er...???4 below a portal, his energy being sucked away.*

*in the sky above #7 , another portal appears. energy flows from it, rocketing to number #7. As it enters him, #7's hand's turn to metal gloves. then,


#7 raised its hands to the directions of the robots and they stopped.~

Unknown Cyborg: ErRoRrrrrEERRrrror

045: ~convulsing in mid-air~

~Within minutes, both started to fall apart piece by piece. They were soon nothing.~

#7: ~looks at hands~ The Metal Gloves...?

after words the energy exits, and flows back to the portal, and back to ???4.*

???2: sooo... is that my conterparts main power?

????:Yes, however, he does not yet know how to control it.

???3: they never do, do they, Yami Yoshi?

*at DARK mario's base*

DM: #@$$%@@%!@!%#^%$#^*&*())#$!$@%#@!!!!!

ESD: ditto. Anyway, we've recovered peices from our old cyborgs, and are rebuliding them. and.... something. Anyway I'd like you to meet our new "soldiers"

*3 cyborgs walk in*

Esd: #8 , #2.1 and #6.

DM: wasn't he destroyed?




To be contiued

Author: Legion


SSG: In the town, where I was born,
There lived a man, who sailed the seas,
And he told us of his voyages,
In a yellow submarine.

We all live in a yellow submarine, hoy!
A yellow submarine, hoy!
A yellow Submarine.

We all live in a yellow submarine, hoy!
A yellow submarine, hoy!
A yellow Submarine.


Legion: *holding a large plank of wood* Shut it.

Author: That Guy

SSG: Ow...



OoC: No, it's not the Flying Monkey. You can find some of the old Party Goers stories here.

GORE: Uhh... what happened back there.

  1. 7: Sorry, I had confused the Metal Gloves Asher installed in me with Introbulus's Iron Gaunlet.

Asher: Yes, the Metal Gloves allow you to channel your enchanced power through weaker opponants, causing them to be destroyed on the spot.

Yami Yoshi: What're you doing here?

Asher: Oh, I left my car lights on. (dissappears in a flash of light. Actually he just walks through the front door of the tower.) SILENCE!!

*Back in Dark Mario's Lair...*

Dark Mario: I have just thought up a new strategy: I will lead my Mailmen to invade Tokyo and raid the cheesecake factories while you deploy the cyborgs to take care of Yami Yoshi's crew.

ESD: An excellant plan, sir! It sure beats sitting here and talking about vital plot points!

(Dark Mario rides out of the room in his EggCopter as ESD inserts the cheesecake slices into the new robots.)

*Back with the group*

Yami: Well, I guess we should get back to the fortress...

GORE: Wait, my scanners are picking up three cyborgs. Wait... one of them is... # 2??

  1. 7: They have great power. I don't think my Metal Gloves will work against them.

Asher: (strolls past, grabs a newspaper, and nonchalntly walks back to fortress.)

Isis: Oh yeah, I forgot that I'm here too!

*On the Flying Submarine...*

SSG: This submarine... I've heard of it somewhere before...

Legion: What're you talking about?

SSG: I heard a story from an old man who called himself Robert Stack. He told me about the legendary Party Goers, who went 9on countless adventures judt to throw parties.

Legion: Yeah, was't that Isis girl talking about them too?

SSG: Yes, but I didn't remember the old man until you whacked me with that board. So he told me that the Party Goers had enemies. Magikoopa and BomberMan, the duo of anime fans also known as Team Rocket Omega. They were always trying to blow up the PGers' stories with Bombinators for unknown reasons or steal Pokemon for their boss.

Legion: So what so they have to do with us?

SSG: Well, they traveled... in a Flying Submarine.

??? Voice: Hey Magi, I think I hear an intruder!

Magi's Voice: Well go check it out, Bombsy!

It seems that Legion and SSG have stumbled upon the secret vehicle of Team Rocket Omega. What are Magikoopa and BomberMan up to this time? How will Yami Yoshi, GORE, Isis, and #7 defeat the next batch of cyborgs? And what other deadly surprises does Dark Mario have in store for our heroes? Find out next time!

Author: That Guy

*In the lab(I'm not telling witch lab, altough it's obvious)

???: (over transmitter) Um... Asher?

Ash.: Yeesss!

???: Um... sir, the metal gloves havent been activited yet.

Ash.: huh?

???: You forgot to turn the on/off switch on, sir

Ash.: Oh...

  1. 7: Then how did I do that?

Ash.: *shrugs* Anyway, can we move on, please. we've been standing here for 5 posts.

YY: you're coming with us?

Ash.: Oh... right. *warps*

  1. 7: Lets go!


Gore: What? 3 cyborgs are approching us!


OOC: By the way. ??? is a yoshi.

Author: Legion

BomberMan: Who's there?



Legion: *holding the atomised remains of a Bob-omb* Nice going Sergeant.

Now back to story format...

Legion turned to BomberMan and Magikoopa, before chucking the remains of the Bob-omb away.

"Now, who are you?" said Magikoopa, twirling what seemed to be a very large mace around his head for no apparant reason. before legion could form a response, he was distacted by a very wet SSG.

"Hey Sir," said the small Shy Guy. "This really is a yellow submarine!" Then, Legion's hand connected with the Sergeant's face and he spoke no more.

"I was about to ask the same of you," said Legion, rolling the unconscious fool away with a flick of his tail. "Now, what's going on?"

Author: Golem

Bomberman: ~clutching unlit bomb~ You're not the one who's in power here.

MagiKoopa: That's right, I am!

~Bomberman shot MagiKoopa a mean glance, but thought better of squabbling and quickly turned back to the other two.~

MagiKoopa: And with the new funding Dark Mario's been giving us, we've been able to build all sorts of fun things!

Bomberman: Particularly things that can harm you, to Magi's displeasure. You can either come with us, and have a fighting chance, or we can throw you off!

~Legion then tried to slice open a portal, but nothing happened.~

Legion: ~thinking~ Great! This must be the repercussion of bending the sword... But the portal thing worked before...

Magi: What? Practicing, or...?!

Legion: Rrgh... fine... I'll take the stadium...

Magi: Good choice!

~MagiKoopa flicked his wand out as fast as possible and a beam flew from it. The resulting beam broke the sword in two where it was bent. Meanwhile, Bomberman got behind Legion. While Legion was trying to pick up the sword and evade Bomberman, Bomberman caught up and held him by wrapping his arms under and then around Legion's armpits.~

Magi: Throw you off the sub it is, then!

Author: Legion

Legion sighed and slapped his forehead.

"First of all, I'm already dead.Thus, you cannot permenantly do anything to hurt me. And secondly..." there was a scream and BomberMan staggered back clutching a severed hand. "I have more than one sword."

"We all live in a yellow submarine," drifted up from SSG's body, before Legion kicked it again before rounding on BomberMan.

"Now. Let's try that again."


RECAP: The events so far - Dark Mario of the Russian Mailmen residing atop Mt. Fuji has stolen Yami Yoshi's cheesecake to power his ninja nazi cyborg army. Yami Yoshi recruits GORE-ILLA, a gorilla with cyborg parts who was originally meant to be the first of DarkMario's EVIL machines. They then meet up with a ghosty shy guy named Legion with his shy guy partner SSG and the mysterous magician Isis, who is unable to touch any cheesecake. She senses that Yami's crew has potential to be the next OGers - after the original OGers, the Party Goers, disappeared years ago.

After fighting some of D_M's cyborgs, the group plit up. Isis was sent to a musuem which had trapped Lupus's soul because of a problem with fate and the musuem continues to suck up OGers from the original series. The curse can only be reversed with Isis and a lot of cheesecake, which Lupus sends his henchmen - GreatLuigi, Fred, Napoleon, Lemonjello, Koopa, and Diskun to retrieve.

Legion and SSG raid DM's fort but can't get anywhere, so they warp out with a plot hole in search of bombs to destroy it. They wind up in a Flying Submarine belonging to Team Omega, the former antagonists of the Party Goers.

Yami and GORE go to Tokyo to protect the cheesecake factories from Dark Mario's cyborgs and are joined by the rogue Cyborg #7, who is repaired by a mystic scientist known as Asher. 7 temporarily recieves the metal-controlling power of former OGer Introbulus to defeat the next batch of cyborgs before Intro is sucked away.

Now to continue from last episode:

Magikoopa: Interesting. You appear to have a resistance to death. But there is more then one way to skin a shy guy ghost. (to BomberMan) CUR4! (BomberMan's hand grows back.)

(Magikoopa chants and aims his wand at Legion, who is immediately trapped within a ghost-proof cage. BomberMan easily lifts up SSG from behind and dangles him out the window.)

Legion: SSG!

Magi: Yes. You must come with us and drop all your weapons, or Bombs will drop the seargent. What will it be?

BomberMan: Hey, I need some lines too!

Legion: Exactly what do you want with me?

Magi: Well...

*Back in Tokyo...*

(#8, 2.1, and 9 rocket towards Yami Yoshi, Isis, 7, and GORE, who get battle-ready. 7 uses his rocket boots to fly towards 8, while Isis and yami Yoshi plan to attack 9 and GORE slugs it out with 2.1)