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{{Party Goers 6 Pages}}
==Author: Sapphire==
Golem: Huh? What's wrong with her?
Saph: I'm having my worst nightmare!
Golem: Oh. what's a nightmare?
S: What are you talking about?
Saph: Ask <i>him</i>!
Writer: Uhhhhh
Narrator: Hey! It's up to me to report the facts here so..
CM: Wait, it's my turn.
Narrator: Hey!
Saph: What's going on?
Golem: Beats me?
Saph: Is there any point to this?
Golem: Probably not.
S-C: Okay, time to take some action here.
Pikachu: Pika!!! [If you people don't get your brains back together I'll fry ya!]
Golem: What's that thing?
Pikachu: *mad* CHUUUUU [I've had it with you! Take this!]
Golem goes flying backwards
Golem: Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!
==Author: S- Cargo==
NF: Saph, you're not going to look at your things?
Saph: Nah, I'm happy just being Sapphire.
Golem: If you won't do it for us, will you do it for the plot? Please?
Saph: Geez... fine. *opens her case* *looks through her things* Miss Jane Oxbridge! I'm a... world-renowned research scientist and brain surgeon?! NOOOOOOOO!!
Golem: What's wrong? They sound like great jobs! You really do some good for the world! *pause* And you make a fortune...
Saph: *sobbing* But can't you see? I'm going to have a logical, reasoning, sober personality! This is the end of Saph as you know her!
Golem: Well, this is terrible! We're both the complete antitheses of the people we thought we were!
Saph: Wait.. I have an idea. Maybe we can escape our twisted existences! If we can find a helicopter - or better, a flying sub - we can take off, fly to some desert island somewhere, live our lives how we want! Party whenever we feel like it!
Golem: Then that's what we'll do. But Nintenfreak and Pokicha still haven't found out their true identities.
Saph: Pikachu.
Golem: Whatever. Guys?
Pika: Pika. *opens his case* CHUPIKA?! (I'm a fricking Bulbasaur?!)
Saph: *covering her face* Oh, no... this is just too awful. Nintenfreak, just you to go. Then we get out of here.
==Author: MagiKoopa==
speaking of which...
MagiKoopa: HOLEE---!!
Meowth: What?
Bomberman: I've got a Computer Ejector Bombinator handy.
Bomberman lights the fuse and tosses the bomb into the air.
Meowth: Ever notice he's always got a Bombinator to advance the plot?
an explosion spreads a fatal virus throughout the software, shutting down and releasing Team Rocket immediately.
Meowth: Now what?
MagiKoopa: We get back the only flying sub in the story!
Bomberman: I've-
Meowth: Lemme guess... Sub Teleport Bombinator?
Bomberman: yeah.
Team Rocket teleports to the sub, then arms all the weapons on board.
MagiKoopa: Nobody's taking this mode of transportation to any desert island!
==Author: Sgt. Flutter==
Voice: I can't allow you to go any further! I will crush your suitcase, NF!
NF: Sure go ahead. I don't want it.
Voice: No. *Explode* I can't beleve I lost to this scum! *reveals himself to be Flutter*
Guy: Here you go. *hands Flutter a suitcase*
Golem: Go on find out who you really are.
Flutter: Ok *opens the suitcase* I'm a Jamaican who isn't ready for any thing? Naw can't be it. Knocks the suitcase aside. *finds another suitcase* This must be it! *opens it up* A Pikachu?! I hate Pikachu!
Pikachu: I'll trade you!
Flutter: Fine. I am really A Bulbasaur? Aw heck. Who could turn down a Bulbasaur?
==Author: S- Cargo==
Narrator: Elsewhere in the lobby...
[The cupboard door creaks open and S- Cargo sneaks out, unnoticed by the Party Goers]
Narrator: Pressing himself to the wall, silent as a ninja assassin, stealthier than a deadly jungle predator, S creeps-
Golem/Saph/Flutter/NF: *suddenly alert* Huh? He does what?
S: *hisses* Um, Narrator, do you mind?...
Narrator: Sorry. *whispers* S creeps to the stairs, and ascends to the lobby's mezzanine floor. What could be in that holdall he's carrying?
S: Since you asked...
[S- Cargo opens up the bag, takes out a fishing rod and extends it]
S: *mutters* Say goodbye to your scarf, Golem! *casts over the handrail*
Narrator: Will Gole- uh, Mr Venn, notice the threat? Can he save his scarf from S- Cargo's clutches?
==Author: Golem==
Magi: What were we gonna do again?
BM: Go after those Party Goers!
Meowth: We got 'em this time, with a special 4th Edition Bombinator!
Narrator: The threesome drive the floating sub to the MGM Grand Hotel.
Meowth: Why are we here?
BM: I think that maybe Y64 wanted to go to Las Vegas--the place where it all started!
Magi: --0 It all started at the "Arab Party Store"!
BM: Ummmm... the place where it picked up! Anyhow, we've gotta find 'em!
Meowth: One problem: How does Y64 know 'bout dem in Vegas? ...And how do you two know we're in Vegas? You don't have a map and for all you know, we could be in Neon Town!
CM: "Let's see how the others are doing"...
Golem/Mr. Venn: ...But my scarf was part of the simmulation!
SC: Hmm? ~tries to touch scarf, but his hand goes through it~
Saph: Ms. Oxbridge: See? It was a hologram!
NF/Bulbasaur: A holo--errrr, ~AHEM~ Bulba bul?<br>
{A hologram?}
Pikachu/Pikachu: Pika!<br>
{We got ya!}
==Author: Sgt. Flutter==
I'm the Bulbasaur! NF hasn't opened his suitcase yet!
==Author: Nintenfreak==
NF: Let's see I'm a Russian Scientist who's favorite chatch phrase is I am invincible. I work on secret projects for the long dead soviet Union. It says I'm named Boris!? Oh... wait I'm named Nintenfreak.
==Author: Golem==
Mr. Venn: Writer!!! Get up here!
Narrator: The writer gets on the set.
Writer: Yes?
Mr. Venn: This is all too confusing! Please skim back over it again?
Writer: Here's the script.
Mr. Venn: Okay, thanx!
Director: Come on, start the scene again!
==Author: Sgt. Flutter==
Flutter/Bulbasaur: Bulba {Hey} *sees a Bulbasaur* Bulb bulba bulbasaur. {I'll trade with you}
Bulbasaur: Sure.
Flutter/?????: Let's see I am really... Mr. S. Flutter! Mr. Venn!
Mr. Venn/Golem: Yes?
Flutter: What's my line?
Mr. Venn: Why did you ask me?
Flutter: You got the script.
==Author: Sapphire==
Saph: This is very confusing! WRITER!
Writer: Huh? Now what?
Saph: Let me see that script of yours.
Writer: But Mr Venn has it?
Saph: <screams> I remember something!
Golem: Huh?
Saph: My hat... where's my hat???
Everyone Else: *sweatdrop*
Narrator: You're supposed to be this really smart person, stop talking like a valley girl!
Saph: Valley Girl? I don't talk like a Valley Girl! *cries*
Golem: NOW what?
==Author: Nintenfreak==
NF is then hit by a beam.
NF: Ouch
NF is knocked out for 5 hours
[After 5 hours]
<nowiki>*</nowiki>everyone is looking at him*
NF thinking: Look at them... I swore I knew their names I'm sure Mr. Venn is some one else...
Flutter then hits him on the head.
NF: Ouch!
NF is rushed to the hospital...
==Author: S- Cargo==
Censor Man: "Back in the lobby, S- Cargo and the guy from earlier are the only ones left."
S: *excited* Did you see me? Did you? With my Knockout Beam gun? I was like, chi-chuk BLAOW!
Guy: Yeah. It was quite evil.
S: Thanks!
Narrator: *to readers* What wickedness lurks in his heart? What devious schemes did S plant the seeds of in those five hours while everyone was distracted?
S: Dammit. Forgot. What now?
Guy: You'd better pursue the plumber, the scientist, the evil banana/Koopa Troopa, the Pikachu, and the freak to the hospital. Here's a map of the Improv Simulation Fun Centre to help you find the car park.
S: Hey, neat. Wait a minute, Improv Simulation Fun Centre? So you don't just run Party Goers simulations?
Guy: Oh no, we're very diverse. Some of our other popular improv simulations include OG Squad, Cow Wars, and Moderator Candidacy. They're all very convincing.
S: Well, thanks for all your help! Later.
Guy: See you. Stay evil.
Censor Man: "In a few minutes, S- Cargo is in the car park."
S: *looks around* Yipe! Just remembered! I don't have a car!
Narrator: All villains should have their trademark mode of transport - it's the rules. What's it going to be?
S: *concentrating* Nghh...
Censor Man: "A black Hummer appears in the nearest space."
S: *beams* Unspecified hospital, here I come! *he jumps in and it takes off*
Narrator: Outside the MGM Grand Hotel, Team Rocket notice the flying Hummer pass overhead.
MagiKoopa: What the- HEY! PLAGIARIST!!
==Author: Golem==
Magi: Hmmmm? The Writer mixed us up again!
Writer: I've cameoed too many times now, just stay the way it's supposed ta be. \/
BM: Wait! Put us back where we're supposed ta be.
Writer: Okay. Abracadabra scripto!
Meowth: That's better. Now, to the Rocket-Mobile!
Magi & BM: .......
Meowth: To the Floating Submarine!
<i>Flashback: ~A Magikoopa flies in on a broom, no, scratch that, a flying submarine.</i>
BM: Shut up! We've already wasted enough time! Let's go get that Robo-Yoshi and his Clone Pal!
==Author: S- Cargo==
Anger! Seethe!
Golem, I'm right this time!<br>
Look at MagiKoopa's last post. Bomberman uses a Computer Ejector Bombinator, with the following effects:
"an explosion spreads a fatal virus throughout the software, shutting down and releasing Team Rocket immediately."
Which means they're no longer in the 'simulation'...<br>
Which means they're in 'reality' with us! :-)

Latest revision as of 23:32, 14 January 2009

Pages in Party Goers 6
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Golem: Huh? What's wrong with her?

Saph: I'm having my worst nightmare!

Golem: Oh. what's a nightmare?

S: What are you talking about?

Saph: Ask him!

Writer: Uhhhhh

Narrator: Hey! It's up to me to report the facts here so..

CM: Wait, it's my turn.

Narrator: Hey!


Saph: What's going on?

Golem: Beats me?

Saph: Is there any point to this?

Golem: Probably not.

S-C: Okay, time to take some action here.

Pikachu: Pika!!! [If you people don't get your brains back together I'll fry ya!]

Golem: What's that thing?

Pikachu: *mad* CHUUUUU [I've had it with you! Take this!]

Golem goes flying backwards

Golem: Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Author: S- Cargo[edit]

NF: Saph, you're not going to look at your things?

Saph: Nah, I'm happy just being Sapphire.

Golem: If you won't do it for us, will you do it for the plot? Please?

Saph: Geez... fine. *opens her case* *looks through her things* Miss Jane Oxbridge! I'm a... world-renowned research scientist and brain surgeon?! NOOOOOOOO!!

Golem: What's wrong? They sound like great jobs! You really do some good for the world! *pause* And you make a fortune...

Saph: *sobbing* But can't you see? I'm going to have a logical, reasoning, sober personality! This is the end of Saph as you know her!

Golem: Well, this is terrible! We're both the complete antitheses of the people we thought we were!

Saph: Wait.. I have an idea. Maybe we can escape our twisted existences! If we can find a helicopter - or better, a flying sub - we can take off, fly to some desert island somewhere, live our lives how we want! Party whenever we feel like it!

Golem: Then that's what we'll do. But Nintenfreak and Pokicha still haven't found out their true identities.


Saph: Pikachu.

Golem: Whatever. Guys?

Pika: Pika. *opens his case* CHUPIKA?! (I'm a fricking Bulbasaur?!)

Saph: *covering her face* Oh, no... this is just too awful. Nintenfreak, just you to go. Then we get out of here.

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

speaking of which...

MagiKoopa: HOLEE---!!

Meowth: What?


Bomberman: I've got a Computer Ejector Bombinator handy.

Bomberman lights the fuse and tosses the bomb into the air.

Meowth: Ever notice he's always got a Bombinator to advance the plot?


an explosion spreads a fatal virus throughout the software, shutting down and releasing Team Rocket immediately.

Meowth: Now what?

MagiKoopa: We get back the only flying sub in the story!

Bomberman: I've-

Meowth: Lemme guess... Sub Teleport Bombinator?

Bomberman: yeah.

Team Rocket teleports to the sub, then arms all the weapons on board.

MagiKoopa: Nobody's taking this mode of transportation to any desert island!

Author: Sgt. Flutter[edit]

Voice: I can't allow you to go any further! I will crush your suitcase, NF!

NF: Sure go ahead. I don't want it.

Voice: No. *Explode* I can't beleve I lost to this scum! *reveals himself to be Flutter*

Guy: Here you go. *hands Flutter a suitcase*

Golem: Go on find out who you really are.

Flutter: Ok *opens the suitcase* I'm a Jamaican who isn't ready for any thing? Naw can't be it. Knocks the suitcase aside. *finds another suitcase* This must be it! *opens it up* A Pikachu?! I hate Pikachu!

Pikachu: I'll trade you!

Flutter: Fine. I am really A Bulbasaur? Aw heck. Who could turn down a Bulbasaur?

Author: S- Cargo[edit]

Narrator: Elsewhere in the lobby...

[The cupboard door creaks open and S- Cargo sneaks out, unnoticed by the Party Goers]

Narrator: Pressing himself to the wall, silent as a ninja assassin, stealthier than a deadly jungle predator, S creeps-

Golem/Saph/Flutter/NF: *suddenly alert* Huh? He does what?

S: *hisses* Um, Narrator, do you mind?...

Narrator: Sorry. *whispers* S creeps to the stairs, and ascends to the lobby's mezzanine floor. What could be in that holdall he's carrying?

S: Since you asked...

[S- Cargo opens up the bag, takes out a fishing rod and extends it]

S: *mutters* Say goodbye to your scarf, Golem! *casts over the handrail*

Narrator: Will Gole- uh, Mr Venn, notice the threat? Can he save his scarf from S- Cargo's clutches?

Author: Golem[edit]

Magi: What were we gonna do again?

BM: Go after those Party Goers!

Meowth: We got 'em this time, with a special 4th Edition Bombinator!

Narrator: The threesome drive the floating sub to the MGM Grand Hotel.

Meowth: Why are we here?

BM: I think that maybe Y64 wanted to go to Las Vegas--the place where it all started!

Magi: --0 It all started at the "Arab Party Store"!

BM: Ummmm... the place where it picked up! Anyhow, we've gotta find 'em!

Meowth: One problem: How does Y64 know 'bout dem in Vegas? ...And how do you two know we're in Vegas? You don't have a map and for all you know, we could be in Neon Town!

CM: "Let's see how the others are doing"...

Golem/Mr. Venn: ...But my scarf was part of the simmulation!

SC: Hmm? ~tries to touch scarf, but his hand goes through it~

Saph: Ms. Oxbridge: See? It was a hologram!

NF/Bulbasaur: A holo--errrr, ~AHEM~ Bulba bul?
{A hologram?}

Pikachu/Pikachu: Pika!
{We got ya!}

Author: Sgt. Flutter[edit]

I'm the Bulbasaur! NF hasn't opened his suitcase yet!

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

NF: Let's see I'm a Russian Scientist who's favorite chatch phrase is I am invincible. I work on secret projects for the long dead soviet Union. It says I'm named Boris!? Oh... wait I'm named Nintenfreak.

Author: Golem[edit]

Mr. Venn: Writer!!! Get up here!

Narrator: The writer gets on the set.

Writer: Yes?

Mr. Venn: This is all too confusing! Please skim back over it again?

Writer: Here's the script.

Mr. Venn: Okay, thanx!

Director: Come on, start the scene again!

Author: Sgt. Flutter[edit]

Flutter/Bulbasaur: Bulba {Hey} *sees a Bulbasaur* Bulb bulba bulbasaur. {I'll trade with you}

Bulbasaur: Sure.

Flutter/?????: Let's see I am really... Mr. S. Flutter! Mr. Venn!

Mr. Venn/Golem: Yes?

Flutter: What's my line?

Mr. Venn: Why did you ask me?

Flutter: You got the script.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: This is very confusing! WRITER!

Writer: Huh? Now what?

Saph: Let me see that script of yours.

Writer: But Mr Venn has it?

Saph: <screams> I remember something!

Golem: Huh?

Saph: My hat... where's my hat???

Everyone Else: *sweatdrop*

Narrator: You're supposed to be this really smart person, stop talking like a valley girl!

Saph: Valley Girl? I don't talk like a Valley Girl! *cries*

Golem: NOW what?

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

NF is then hit by a beam.

NF: Ouch

NF is knocked out for 5 hours

[After 5 hours]

*everyone is looking at him*

NF thinking: Look at them... I swore I knew their names I'm sure Mr. Venn is some one else...

Flutter then hits him on the head.

NF: Ouch!

NF is rushed to the hospital...

Author: S- Cargo[edit]

Censor Man: "Back in the lobby, S- Cargo and the guy from earlier are the only ones left."

S: *excited* Did you see me? Did you? With my Knockout Beam gun? I was like, chi-chuk BLAOW!

Guy: Yeah. It was quite evil.

S: Thanks!

Narrator: *to readers* What wickedness lurks in his heart? What devious schemes did S plant the seeds of in those five hours while everyone was distracted?


S: Dammit. Forgot. What now?

Guy: You'd better pursue the plumber, the scientist, the evil banana/Koopa Troopa, the Pikachu, and the freak to the hospital. Here's a map of the Improv Simulation Fun Centre to help you find the car park.

S: Hey, neat. Wait a minute, Improv Simulation Fun Centre? So you don't just run Party Goers simulations?

Guy: Oh no, we're very diverse. Some of our other popular improv simulations include OG Squad, Cow Wars, and Moderator Candidacy. They're all very convincing.

S: Well, thanks for all your help! Later.

Guy: See you. Stay evil.

Censor Man: "In a few minutes, S- Cargo is in the car park."

S: *looks around* Yipe! Just remembered! I don't have a car!

Narrator: All villains should have their trademark mode of transport - it's the rules. What's it going to be?

S: *concentrating* Nghh...


Censor Man: "A black Hummer appears in the nearest space."

S: *beams* Unspecified hospital, here I come! *he jumps in and it takes off*

Narrator: Outside the MGM Grand Hotel, Team Rocket notice the flying Hummer pass overhead.

MagiKoopa: What the- HEY! PLAGIARIST!!

Author: Golem[edit]

Magi: Hmmmm? The Writer mixed us up again!

Writer: I've cameoed too many times now, just stay the way it's supposed ta be. \/

BM: Wait! Put us back where we're supposed ta be.

Writer: Okay. Abracadabra scripto!

Meowth: That's better. Now, to the Rocket-Mobile!

Magi & BM: .......

Meowth: To the Floating Submarine!


Flashback: ~A Magikoopa flies in on a broom, no, scratch that, a flying submarine.

BM: Shut up! We've already wasted enough time! Let's go get that Robo-Yoshi and his Clone Pal!

Author: S- Cargo[edit]

Anger! Seethe! Golem, I'm right this time!
Look at MagiKoopa's last post. Bomberman uses a Computer Ejector Bombinator, with the following effects:

"an explosion spreads a fatal virus throughout the software, shutting down and releasing Team Rocket immediately."

Which means they're no longer in the 'simulation'...
Which means they're in 'reality' with us! :-)