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=The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa: Harry Potter and the Mystery of Where the Hell the Light Rail is=
=The Thing on Newport- Based on a True Story Blown Horribly Out of Proportion=
''by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA on November 18, 2005''
''by the first mate, the janitor, the nameless one, and I think the marksman did some stuff too on December 2, 2005''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Big dramatic anime theme song filled with philospical lyrics that have nothing to do with the show.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A tiny-ass clown car pulls up in front of Newport Mall and opens. That Krazy Dude, Que Pasa, No Name, his brother Some Name, Edwin, Stampede, Shiny Stallone, Salama, Karl (the angry black man trying to get out the hood), Lupine and some girl named Liz pour out and enter the mall.*
Scruffy: Excellent!
Stampede: That is a nice car!
Que Pasa: Cap'n, everyone has gone off to Newport to watch the new Harry Potter movie!
That Krazy Dude: Mini-Myself lent it from us.
Scruffy: What bout us? Weren't we invited?
Que Pasa: We would've been here sooner if Lupine wasn't so damn late.
Que Pasa: I dunno. The invitations must have gotten lost in the mail
Lupine: I'm sorry master, please forgive me!
Scruffy: Damn those fools! Who feeds them?
Edwin: Where's the Cap'n?
Que Pasa: Mr. T does.
Karl: He couldn't make it. Homework.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scene of Mr. T sprinkling fish food into the ship from above.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere, Scruffy poses dramatically in a pile of books.*
Scruffy: Who gives them shelter? Who adopted them???
Scruffy: POR QUE????!!!
Que Pasa: Kelsey Grammar. ...We must find them!
Mr. T: We have to stop meeting like this, fool.
Scruffy.: Well then, who's ship is it?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere at the mall...*
Que Pasa: Technically it belongs to the state of Idaho.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Liz punches Nemo and he dies.*
Scruffy: ..... I have a brilliant idea that I just stole from you. Let's go find them!
Krazy: Off to the food court!
Que Pasa: Excellent! They were going to take something they call the "light rail". We must find this "light rail" and intercept them there
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The crew heads to the escalator which will take them up to the food court.*
Scruffy: What the fuck is that?
Que Pasa: Hey, who's that?
Que Pasa: I have no clue. But if we keep wandering in random directions, we're sure to find it.
Stampede: NOOO!!! IT'S......
Scruffy: Okay, before our ship gets blown up again though, let's use these horses that just happen to be here.
Abbasi: That's right it's me, Abbasi the doctor who doesn't have anything to do with medical science and the destroyer of any fun moments that you could possibly have! And now I'm the escalator monitor so I can prevent you from having fun in your precious mall.
Que Pasa: Okay.
No Name: Move out of the way Abbasi!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scruffy and Que Pasa board the horses and ride off while Lord of the Rings music plays*
Abbasi: (plants staff in the ground) YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!
(A horse bites Que Pasa's Mario-Kun manga)
Liz: Who the hell's this angry middle eastern man?
Que Pasa: BAKANA! (eats the horses) Damn, I should have said it in Kanji to get extra credit
Scruffy: Great....now we have no mode of transportation! ...I have an excellent idea! (whistles)
Krazy: Penis?
(Salama comes tired and hungry saying, "Feed me feed me". Scruffy presses the button on the cloning machine and duplicates Salama into 3.)
Stampede: But today's Saturday.
Scruffy: There, transportation. And this time, the transportation can eat you instead of you eating it.
Abbasi: Then it's time for you to serve your detention! Come my hall monitor minions!!!
Que Pasa: Salama went to the movie didn't he?
Krazy: Hahaha they're coming alright...on your mom!! OOOOHHH!!!!!
Scruffy: No, I don't think he did. And anyway, this is a clone. All 3 are clones.
Abbasi: You mock the great Abbasi!?
Que Pasa: *climbs out of Salama's mouth* Ah the cruel irony!
Liz: You mock the great Abassi?
Scruffy: (pulls Que Pasa out) Stop...fooling ....around!!!
Abbasi: Stop it!!!
Que Pasa: Hey, you know this is the perfect opportunity for some random villain to come and challenge us!
Liz: Stop it!!!
Scruffy: So it is.
Abbasi: I'm stupid!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A closet opens, and Mr. Fatigue marches out.*
Liz: You're stupid!
Mr. Fatigue: Gimme yo' energy bitches!
Abbasi: ARG! thats it! get them!
Scruffy: Mr. Fatugue!!!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Out of the shadows and Victoria's secret store come Dr. Abbasi's hall monitors. they run out doing kung fu style mid-air flips for no actual reason and take out their inhalers afterward. Several of them block the bottom of the escalator, some stand by their master's side and the rest go straight for the crew*
Mr. Fatigue: And that's Fatigure, bitch!!!
Vegeta: Don't worry I know how to deal with them...Bulma, Trunks...I love you! *Vegeta blows up and when the dust settles he is in stone and everyone else is alive, unharmed, then he falls over and shatters.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. Fatigue starts doing a wild dance*
Edwin: Wow, that wasn't necessary....*plants c4 to escalators while Real Folk Blues play*
Scruffy: Que Pasa....feel...weak!
Stampede: Run!!!
Que Pasa: (cuts one of the Salama's stomaches open) Quick, hide in here!
Scruffy: Get the meat-scented Fabreese can....and spray it...on Fatigue!
Karl: Wow...we still aren't harmed!
Que Pasa: *does what he just said, and Mr. Fatigue runs off chased by the Salama clones.*
</nowiki>*</nowiki>A secret agent comes flying from the skylight and rescues the crew.*
Scruffy: Good job, Que Pasa! Now, we're off.
No Name: Wow, who are you?
Que Pasa: They're probably already at Newport Mall. Let's just head there
Agent: My name is Master... Master Bates. *gets shoot in the back of the head by Abassi*
Scruffy: (following that sign that says Newport Mall)
Abassi: None shall pass this impenetrable wall of boredom!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. Meyer follows them in the shadows with two leashed cowjackals*
Tom Cruise: I WILL!!!
Que Pasa: We're almost there!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Random male models walk past*
(After a long and perilous trek through the Sahara Desert, Great Wall of China, center of the earth, and the Eiffel Tower, they reach the Light Rail.)
Tom Cruise: ....Be right back...*runs away*
Scruffy: We're here...we made it!!!! (gets jumped)
Edwin: ....gaaaaaay!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>They're both pinned to the ground by Mr. Meyer's cowjackals.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Tom Cruise runs back a few minutes later, only to be squirted in the face with water until he passes out.*
Scruffy: Damn it, so close! (train moves off to next stop) We missed it!
Que Pasa: Wait! I have an idea!
Que Pasa: Not yet! *tosses one of the cowjackals into the other, causing them to explode, then fires a grappling hook from his nose cannon that links onto the train*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa runs up to Abbasi and pokes him. Abbasi overly-dramatically attempts to dodge out of the way and winds up falling off the second floor and crashes on the bottom floor. Abbasi lays there twitching as sad music plays. His mob of hall monitoring minions run to his aid and carry him away to the Abbasi-mobile. Right before they reach the door they explode violently taking down several people with them including the dude who was wearing the Santa Claus costume and the strange dude from Yankee Candle*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scruffy grabs onto Que Pasa's foot as the train pulls him away*
Candle Dude: You like leche? You want million dollaru?
Scruffy: Good job Que Pasa, I'll finish the cowjackals off! (drops energy sword on rail, causing an electric oversurge, send the jackals flying in a Team Rocket fashion)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>They finally arrive at the food court.*
Mr. Meyer: (speaks into walkie-talkie) They're getting away.
Shiny Stallone: Eat what you want. I own all of these restaurants.
Guy on Other End: Don't worry, leave them to me.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Salama bankrupts nearly the entire food court within .01 seconds.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gorenicus rides up in a hovercar and starts dropping junk towards Scruffy and Que Pasa.*
Que Pasa: Hey, that Mongolian Barbecue place ripped me off! I only have forty-two cents left!
Scruffy: Aw crap, Gorenicus! Not you again, you stupid monkey!
Shiny Stallone: That happens to be the only restaurant here I don't own.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gorenicus flies towards the grappling line with a giant pair of nose clippers*
Que Pasa: (sees No Name shuffling through hundreds of dollars) Hey man, lend me some money!
Scruffy: No!!!!!
No Name: Hell no.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Inside the train, the other crewmates are too busy tossing around Family Guy quotes to notice anything. Gorenicus cuts the line and sends them flying back as the train leaves*
Que Pasa: (starts crying) You never buy me nice things anymore!
Scruffy: (falls of) Remember me for who I am!!!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone starts hanging around the arcade area. There Stampede and No Name, along with help from Some Name, play Lethal Enforcers for hours until they beat it.*
Que Pasa: Remember who?
Stampede: That was a good game!
Scruffy: (thud) ouch
No Name: Hero-Hero Policeman!
Que Pasa: We failed to catch them there, but we have to get to Newport Mall! Our afternoon's entertainment is at stake! I just want to go there and shout out, "CEDRIC DIGGORY DIES!"
Stampede: Yeah, you played real good.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The pirates quickly board jet skis and continue driving towards Newport.*
No Name: Hero-Hero Policeman! Hero-Hero Policeman!
Scruffy: Where'd you get these?
Stampede: You okay? You have been playing that game for a while...
Que Pasa: Don't remember. Think I stole them from a hobo.
No Name: Hero-Hero Policeman! (starts crying and hands Stampede a gun, then points to his head) Hero-Hero Policeman...
Scruffy: I know what he feels like... (remembers a Jedi with a pirate band steal his blanket) Well, anyhow, how do you use 'em?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Instead of shooting No Name, Stampede simply shoots the machine and Que Pasa pours out.*
Que Pasa: You just... use them.
Stampede: How the hell did you get in there?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Cap'n drives forward with new intensity. They soon arrive at Newport Mall after dodging a field of movies starring rappers like Fifty Cent*
Que Pasa: Everyone else ditched me, so I went into the arcade machine to cry.
Scruffy: Phew, we made it!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The three look around and see everyone else gone.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scruff and Pas quickly rush towards the movie theater.*
No Name: (has forgotten the brainwashing) Hang on, I'll call them. (dials on cell phone) Hello, Krazy? Where are you? Spencer's? Spencer's? SPENCER'S? Okay bye.
Movie Dude: Sorry, the movie already started, and it's never being shown again since its being recalled for its high amount of HOT SEX
Que Pasa: What the hell are they doing at Spencer's? What the hell IS Spencer's?
Que Pasa: Maybe we can sneak in!
Stampede: We'll hunt them down.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gorenicus drops down through the air duct*
Que Pasa: (looks over balcony) They're downstairs, running away!
Gorenicus: Not so fast!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa, Stampede and No Name run off after the others. Elsewhere Karl the angry black man trying to get out the hood has stopped to buy bubble tape.*
Scruffy: Not you again! (throws fireball)
Karl: Hey, where'd everyone go? Wait, what's that- AHHH why you gotta go after the black people first?!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gorenicus is still laughing, chokes on the fireball and explodes*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Back at the ranch, Que Pasa and the others have caught up to the others despite their numerous attempts to ditch them. Then they notice the absence of Karl, the angry black man trying to get out the hood.*
Scruffy: ....I planned that. Now, let's go in!
Liz: We have to find him. Why don't we-
Movie Guy: I said no!!!!
Que Pasa: Let's split up!
Scruffy: Que Pasa, dance off with him!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa and Lupine wander the area.*
Que Pasa: *grabs a pencil and duels the Movie Dude; Eventually the Movie Dude is pinned to the poster for Superman Returns by a pencil going through his chest*
Lupine: Why'd you have to make us split up? The monster thing's sure to get us now!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The others come out of the movie.*
Que Pasa: You act like I don't make stupid decisions like this all the time! Remember that time with the Mystery Box?
Que Pasa: Wow, that duel lasted 154 minutes?
Scruffy: Wrong!!!, it lasted 154.00 minutes!!! u fail, no go to the dorner and cry!!!
Peter: Lois, a boat's a boat, but a mystery box can be anything! It can even be a boat! And you know how much we've wanted one of those!
Que Pasa: Fine. Where's the dorner?
Lois: Then let's just get the-
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A giant polygonal being drops down.*
Peter: I'll take it!
Scruffy: Oh no, trouble! (goes into a trash can and a magical light appears around it, a figure pops out wearing a cape and speaking with a Californian accent)
Lupine: That wasn't even you!
Figure: Where there's trouble, you can count on Super Hobo!!!!!!
Que Pasa: Don't worry, we have everyone's cell phone numbers. Check in with Krazy.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Super Hobo and the Dorner run into each other and fight until Dorner's penis is set on fire and he explodes.*
Lupine: (dials cell phone) ...No answer.
Super Hobo: Whenever a citizen is in need , like I'll be there, or here, or that place where the citizen is.......Super Hobo...AWAY!!!!!!(goes to fly off for a dramatic end but trips over own cape)
Que Pasa: Uh... maybe we'll find one of them in here.
Super Hobo: Dude!!! That, like, hurt shaw!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>They open a door and find a disturbing sight within.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Millennium Falcon drives into the mall.*
Nemo: Oh... oh... oh... BAM! Right in the kisser.
Han Solo: Great shot, kid! That was one in a million!
Mr. Brancato: Yum.
Que Pasa: What the hell just happened?
Meggan: (takes pictures) I have proof!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Japanese anime credits play with shots of random girls and more lyrics with philosophical meaning that have nothing to do with the show.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa and Lupine close the door and run off. Lupine stops and looks around while Que Pasa continues running.*
=The Electric Train Adventures=
Lupine: Something's watching us...
''by No Name on November 19, 2005''
Que Pasa: Nothing's watching us! (turns around and sees Lupine gone) Okay maybe there is.
The Electric Train Adventures *not a sequel*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa runs around the mall paranoid and jumps out the window, and he winds up landing by the light rail.*
Edwin: It's a half day. Wanna go to the mall and watch ''Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire''?
Que Pasa: Can it be... the legendary light rail? At last I behold it with my own eyes! (pauses) Why do I hear suspenseful music in the background?
Stampede: Alright! Let's invite Patten, Krazy, No Name, Lupine, Que Pasa, Shiny Stallone, Salama, Dreamer and Karl the Angry Black Man Trying to Get Out the Hood, and some other people (like Bianca and stuff)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa turns around and screams... as Mr. Meyer lumbers out of some very big shadows.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>During Homeroom*
Mr. Meyer: Hello John.
Mr. Fatigue: Guys, I'm leaving...to Atlanta.... *starts drying*
Que Pasa: You're the mysterious monster who's been hunting us all down? What have you done to the others?
No Name: NOOOOOOO! Now Keyara is the token black girl! Why Mr. Fatigue! Why! Is it because of the lock-in..We're sorry, we were just playing with you!
Mr. Meyer: They're all safe for now. I have wasted my money and need food, so I decided to use them. I have kept them in a freezer until I'm hungry enough to eat them all since that girl said it'd be an insult to the Ethiopians to waste food.
Mr. Fatigue: No, it's Destiny calling me, No Name and crew!
Que Pasa: You fiend! How could you?
No Name: Screw Destiny!
Mr. Meyer: You don't understand. I'm just like you. I wasted my money... on a Mongolian Barbecue! The hunger will consume you too!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. Fatigue picks up cell phone*
Que Pasa: No! I'll never be like you!
Mr.Fatigue: Hey Destiny. What's up boo? Yeah I'll be there next week...yeah....yeah...alright. By the way when you said screw Destiny.... I just might take up that offer. Have a donut.
Mr. Meyer: Yes you will. Even though you were raised by the bears I hate, you have grown to hate them too, and so we are even more alike. With your help we can get all the food we need to survive in this mall!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa takes a donut*
Que Pasa: If I refuse?
Que Pasa: Hey this one is shaped like a penis! With jelly filling!
Mr. Meyer: (does his impersonation of a camera which summons a swarm of dolphins)
Edwin: That's the new form of gonorrhea!
Que Pasa: Oh, and by the way... (sings the Smallville theme into a DS microphone to summon a swarm of bears) I have made peace with my bear brethren.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Later during the day*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The bears and the dolphins break into into wild battle. Mr. Meyer scrambles through the madness.*
Dreamer: Can I come ?
Mr. Meyer: How do I get out of this? Let me think- bears can't run downhill or parallel park...
Que Pasa: I don't know!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa dropkicks Mr. Meyer into the railroad tracks. The bright light of a train is seen approaching- the huge-assest train ever, the Polar Express.*
Patten: There are too many people coming.
Que Pasa: You see that light at the end of the tunnel? That's not Heaven!
That Krazy Dude: Aha, he said coming!
Que Pasa: Touche!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The train bounces off of Mr. Meyer and flies into space.*
That Krazy Dude: !echout
Mr. Meyer: I should make a documentary about this experience.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa hysterically laughs, and milk comes out his nose.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The bears bring back all the others from Mr. Meyer's fridge.*
That Krazy Dude: AHAHA you have white sutff coming from your nose!
Salama: It's not safe here. Let's take the light rail to Hoboken, where they have more food.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>At the lockers. Stampede, No Name, and No Name's brother "Some Name" talk to Patten to find out how they will get to the light rail.*
That Krazy Dude: So be it! I swear by the honor of my genitals, the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada shall travel to Hoboken!
Stampede: Alright so Patten we're taken your bus and we can all drop our stuff at your house right?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone gets on the train and heads for Hoboken.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Patten is having orgie with Reneta and Bianca.*
Que Pasa: So how was that Harry Potter movie you saw last time you were here?
Patten: No, my mom is acting like a female dog.
Stampede: It was good, but Dreamer says there's a giant hole in the story.
Stampede: Yo bro, what the hell! *takes pistols out and shoots the hallway up*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere Dreamer looks through the book until her hand gets stuck in a large hole in the book.*
No Name: Thats alright I'll drop my stuff off at Edwin's.
Dreamer: What the... (is sucked into the hole)
Patten: See you're cool. You're not angry like Stampede.
Edwin: Enough of this! I want my own flashback- nay, demand it!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Later in geometry class*
Mr. Greco: Okay, so how can we find the sum of the measure of angle 1 and 4 to be 270 other then using the sum of the exterior angles always add up to 360?
Edwin: Poppa, what's the world like outside Hudson County?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa runs up to No Name*
Edwin's Dad: There's nothing out there, son! Nothing but pain! (sobs) LORISSA!!!!
Que Pasa: (whispers into his ear) Harry Potter, Harry potter, Harry potter....PENIS! *starts laughing*
Stampede: Yo Daniel, can we go to G's to get a bus pass?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The light rail stops at Hoboken. They then run from their lives through the light rail station for no real reason.*
Mr. Greco: Alright. But be careful. The road to G's is a treacherous one...filled danger and more danger at every corner, oh and cream filling! But take heed, the treasure is worth the perils!
No Name: Dammit, we've lost Karl again!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Edwin, Stampede, and No Name walk out the class room*
Shiny Stallone: Wait, I see him- he's in that Johnny Rocket's across the street!
Stampede: I don't know what dangers Daniel is talking about, I don't see any here.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone jaywalks across the street as Karl walks out of the restaurant, but he somehow looks different.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Dr. Abbasi and Ms. Dobkin appear*
That Krazy Dude: Karl?
Ms. Dobkin: You three talk to much....must separate...IN HELL! Or in Japanese, jjitenshigoku! I think ...I've grown senile in my times.
Karl: That name no longer applies to me. I have finally gotten out of the hood. I... AM... JOHNNY ROCKET!!! (changes into 50's clothes to Happy Days) I fight crime now! (sees a jaywalker) Stop right there, jaywalker! You have to answer to me!
Dr. Abbasi: I am called a doctor but have nothing in relation to MEDICINE!
Jaywalker: Yeah? What are you gonna do?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Both teachers rush towards Edwin, Stampede, and No Name*
Johnny Rocket: (holds out a hamburger) Here!
Dobkin: Masshu-san, you will never be good enough for the Honor Society! Carlo Get serious! No Name..... *Bows to No Name*
Jaywalker: Thanks man! (eats the hamburger and walks away)
Abassi: I am a wet blanket ...I ruin everyones fun...and I am a wet blanket....!
Johnny Rocket: Seen any other jaywalkers for me to mess up?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Edwin transmutates a pillar to uppercut Abassi into the air. Stampede shoots Abbassi to keep him in the air while No Name does a bunch of cool slashes with his light saber.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Fifty years later...*
No Name: Well that's that, to G's! *shakes leg because Dobkin is humping his leg, Nemo then joins* Oh boy.....
Jaywalker: ARGH (arteries explode)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The three finally arrive at G's*
Johnny Rocket: It was worth the wait.
G: You have summoned me...what do you wish for?
Morgan Freeman: And so Karl the angry black man trying to get out the hood finally got out the hood, and all was good again in Hoboken. But everywhere surrounding Hoboken was wiped out by nuclear winter.
Stampede: Three bus passes!
=The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Adventures Featuring Magilla Gorilla in: Crouching Testicle Hidden Penis=
G: I can't, the buses are too full.. *Reneta and Angie walk in and ask for bus pass and get on*.....and you're not as hot as them *Kim walks by and tongue-kisses G* See you later Kim...Well anyway, get outta here! I can't give you a bus pass! *Dragon Balls disperse, and now the crew has to wait another year to make a wish*
Edwin: That was ass!
Que Pasa: What's pounce?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Later that day, school finishes and the crew is off to the bus assigned in order to get the light rail. Patten and Reneta get on the Union City bus, Edwin on the Jersey City bus.*
Edwin: This is! *slams Que Pasa through seven concrete walls*
Stampede: Alright, we have to fight the bus driver in order to get on and get to the light rail!
Que Pasa: Oh, that pounce! I thought you meant the sexual acts which is worth 3 dollars in Thailand and Lupine performs to himself when he find the nights too lonely.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>No Name, Some Name, and Stampede rush towards the bus ready to fight! The bus driver summons her minions and with a 1960's Batman montage, they begin to fight. Some BAM, AND WHAM, AND SPLAT happen and the crew manage to get onto the bus.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa humps tv screaming for FOX to give him more...from brhind*
Stampede: That's that! *they get onto the bus and a couple of stops later the get off at Patten's house*
Edwin: Alright, if you're into that.
No Name: Is that your house?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Miss Knight walks onto the ship*
Patten: No. *couple of steps later*
Miss Knight: Where's the bathroom?
No Name: How boout that one?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa stares at her and then swallows her whole..then she explodes in his stomach*
PAtten: NO!
Que Pasa: Talk about a heart burn...indigestion, upset stomach, diahrrea..OH PEPTO BISMOL!
No Name: That one?
Stampede: I want me some of what you're eating......
PAtten: NO!
Que Pasa: You want Ms. Knight? Isn't that like bestiality or something?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The crew arrives at Patten's house that reveals a large castle built outta gold*
Edwin: I don't know here I'm going with this...
Patten: Well I'll meet you up at the light rail! Go to Edwin's house to drop your stuff off.
No Name: I don't know where your ever going!
No Name: Okay. * Some Name, No Name, and Stampede begin walking off*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Miss Ibrahim walks out of her class*
Patten: Wait! I didn't tell you where to go!...Oh well.
Miss Ibrahim: I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU! *walks away*
Stampede: So No Name, what happens if Edwin left his house already?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Lupine cries*
No Name: Don't speak like that!
Lupine: Nobody understands me! *cries more*..*sniff*...*cuts himself to Real Folk Blues*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A few blocks later. The crew sees Edwin walking a block away from his house*
No Name: Edwin!
Que Pasa: What the hell is wef?!
Stampede: Man that was close!
No Name: I accidentally slammed the keyboard.
No Name: No it was DESTINY! Anyway Edwin, let's drop this stuff at your house.
Que Pasa: Well I accidentally slammed your mom with my male genitalia!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>No Name and Some Name drop their stuff of at Edwin's house. Then head to the light raill and then the arrive there. Everyone buys their ticket and gets on the bus. Edwin plays with the handicap chair. The crew then makes the switch to the light that heads to new port.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The ceiling explodes, and navy officers leap down.*
Patten: Alright we're finally here!
Captain Duck-Hand Frzlngd: You're under arrest because I feel like it!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The crew runs inside the mall. They buy the ticker for 4:45 movie. Most of the males including Karl the Angry Black Man Trying to Get Out the Hood go to the book store. Along the way Lupine and No Name get caught by the Final Fantasy VII movie. Stampede thens shoots the screen.*
Que Pasa: Your mo- (kicked into a row of computers)
No Name: What the hell!
Shadow: Hand over the Chaos Emeralds! (starts bitch-slapping Dr. Eggman) MARIA (dashes off a cliff)
Stampede: That stuff is gay!
No Name: I AM SONIC! I CAN FLY! (jumps out window and lands in a box of glass, then gets attack by rabid dogs)
Lupine: You're gay!
Edwin: OMG No Name, are you okay?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The male part of the crew except for Patten arrive at the book store. They go through the manga and game magazines...when No Name comes across a "smooth" magazine...one where a bunch of girls with big butts and tits pose in sexy lingerie.*
No Name: I need more Power Rings...
No Name: Yo Karl look at that...that's mad sexy!
Frzlngd: Enough! General Colonel Lieutenant Major Shogun Wiley, initiate Operation Over-Complicated Fight Scene!
Karl: Hell yeah yo!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The navy officers tear through the media center riding duck bikes but they wind up doing more random damage then actually attacking the pirates.*
Edwin: I'm pitching a tent!
No Name: (tries spin-dashing but hits a coat rack) Get this stupid jacket out of my way!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. Greco finds an Ultimate X-men magazine*
Stampede: That's my jacket.
Mr. Greco: OMG! Rogue!
No Name: Yeah, I know. (after Stampede looks away, tosses the jacket into a furnace)
Karl: Yo Greco, look at this!
Nemo: I'm a Dominican troll, comb my hair for good luck!
Mr. Greco: That's nothing *continues o stare at the Ultimate X-Men magazine*
Stampede: *shoots Nemo in the face*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The crew heads to the movie and 3 hours later the movie finishes. During the movie Edwin, Stampede, and No Name make funny comments about the movie.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Robosexual collects the hair and sells it for hardware money.*
No Name: I challenge you, Stampede, to a Lethal Force 3 challenge!
Frzlngd: What the fuck is going on? Time to end this! (presses a button, and a Bioduck smashes through the wall)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Stampede and Karl are already there playing*
Sonic: Shadow, let's get the Chaos Emeralds!
No Name: Ouch!
Shadow: Right!
Karl: This is for ma boy Naheim and Moo-Moo and Taya! rest in peace! *Karl then dies in the game* Damn....
<nowiki>*</nowiki>They begin jerking motion while emeralds glow around them, then they appear to ejaculate and turn super. Live and Learn starts to play*
No Name: My turn! *puts quarters in and joins Stampede. Stampede then dies in the game*
Dr. Eggman: (over communicator) The Bioduck's weakness is in his boils!
Edwin: Man No Name, you're trigger happy!
Shadow: yea....by the way, why are you always with tails?
No Name: This is for Stampede! *No name loses* Ahh forget it, I'm not a gun man plus Stampede isn't worth it. *draws light saber and destroys machine* Yeah much better.
Sonic: We're life partners..........
No Name: Well guys, hate to end this story in an anti-climactic way but farewell... *the whole group departs*
Shadow: Awkwaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsdrhgklbyklgi
OH AND NEMO DIES. Don't ask me how, use your imagination.
Amy Rose: (over communicator) Great, keep up the good work!
=The Adventures of Scruffy and Que Pasa- Outbreak: The Unofficial Steven Spielberg Sequel That Japan Never Released in America=
Que Pasa: Put Eggman back on, he always has something good to say.
''by Scruffy and GORE-ILLA on November 23, 2005''
Emily Rose: I'M POSSESED BY THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *break neck* UIGERIBRBGSIDR
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Captain Duck-Hand Frzlngd walks into Morgan Freeman's office.*
Edwin: Yeaaaaaah, maybe if we ignore her she'll go away *throws blanket over her*
Morgan Freeman: What are you doing here duck-man?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Shadow and Sonic smash into the Bioduck until it explodes.*
Frzlngd: I need you to help me create a biological weapon that I can use to destroy the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada!
Sonic: We did it!
Morgan Freeman: I don't know if my conscience can let me do that. I narrate for them, for Jebus's sake!
Shadow: Maria... (turns back to normal form and falls down a few feet to the ground then dies)
Frzlngd: Would you rather these pictures make their way into the local press? (holds up naked pictures of Morgan Freeman)
Morgan Freeman: In memory of Shadow the Hedgehog. He lived 2001-2001, and 2004-2007.
Morgan Freeman: So I did some things I wasn't proud of when I was younger... fine, I'll help!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Krazy Dude runs in and slams navy officers into the wall with a penis-shaped battering ram.*
Frzlngd: Excellent! And I have the perfect container for the virus... (holds up a monkey)
Nemo: (points to the ram) Can I borrow that when you're done?
Moragan Freeman: A monkey, again?!?!?
Kelso: You know what your problem is.... I'm too good looking!
Frzlngd: Shut up! (slaps Morgan Freeman) I call the shots around here..... and besides monkeys are cool.
Nemo: Excellent...release the hounds!
Morgan Freeman: No they're not, they're annoying little creatures who play all day long and act stupid.
Que Pasa: (unzips pants)
Frzlngd: That's not true!
No Name: Stop right there, impostor! I'm the real Sonic!
Morgan Freeman: Oh, then what do you call that? (points)
Sonic: No way! We'll race around the world to see which of us is real!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A monkey jumps onto a tree, puts his hand up his ass, sniffs his hand, puts his hands in the air, and falls to his death*
No Name: It's on!
Morgan Freeman: See what I mean.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sonic dashes off. No Name runs after him, then falls out a window and into a box of glass, where he's attacked by rabid dogs for a third time.*
Frzlngd: We lose more monkeys that way everyday.
Frzlngd: Enough of this tomfoolery!
Morgan Freeman: Monkeys are not going to work. Look what happened to the old one, it got tranquilized and is now in a lab somewhere being studied.
Que Pasa: Oh good, remind me later No Name to write that later....
Frzlngd: You're right, it's time to bring out, the Super Monkey.
No Name: Nani?
Morgan Freeman: Gah! what is it with you and your obsession with monkeys?!?!?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Frzlngd leaves runs out and comes back a few seconds later riding a dinosaur.*
Frzlngd: No I'm not! (is wearing an I Love Monkeys T-shirt, I Love Monkeys Boxer Shorts, I Love Monkeys Cap, a Mini I Love Monkeys Cap for his Duck-Hand, I Love Monkeys Dolls around him and I Love Monkeys Poster.)
Frzlngd: Enough of this, pirates! This ends here!
Morgan Freeman: (scared) What is...this Super Monkey?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The dinosaur starts spitting lasers and fries Nemo as it stomps forward.*
Frzlngd: A monkey that's bullet proof, does not need food or water, and has a lethal Feces Shbuttgun.
Pimp Named Slick back: My Name is a Pimp Named Slick Back!
Morgan Freeman: (looks at monkey) Still looks like a stupid monkey to me!
No Name: What?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Super Monkey shoots Freeman with the Feces Shbuttgun. Freeman is tossed half way across the room.*
Pimp Named Slick Back: IIIII said my name is a pimp named slick back!
Frzlngd: I call him - Edwardo!
No Name: What?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere on the Golden Cheesecake, Nemo is walking along the side of the ship when he finds the monkey.*
Pimp Named Slick Back: *Takes pistols out* Bitch say "what" one more time and I blow ya head off neeei
Nemo: Hey little guy. You want some apple slices? What's your name?
Frzlngd: I need back-up! (summons Count Gonad's cousin, Baron von Chodemeister)
Edwardo: I am Edwardo, bitch! (bites Nemo and runs away)
Chodemeister: (pulls out a sword) I will collect your balls!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nemo is later rushed to the medical center of the ship.*
Mini-Myself: I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!!! (leaps at the Chodemeister)
Scruffy: What's wrong with him?
(Chodemeister dodges down a little bit and grabs Mini-Myself in his nuts and gropes them)
eLFa: I don't know, he has some weird-ass symptoms. Que Pasa thinks he has a cure.
Chodemeister: Yes, interesting, oh yea!!!!!
Que Pasa: Precisely. (grabs eLfa's guitar and starts wailing on Nemo with it) Leave, demons! The power of Jebus compels you!
Mr. Malkuwitz: This whole thing is disgusting! Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting! ....Disgusting! I'm done.
Heart Monitor: Dooooooooooooooooooooo....
Scruffy: You just lost all of your already little left dignity from the priest incident.
Stampede: Well he didn't make it. Who wants to play Nemo Organ Ball?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone starts flinging Nemo's organs at each other except Scruffy and Que Pasa who are playing a random game of Go Fish. When they come back everyone is on the ground moaning.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scruffy bites into a hamburger.*
Scruffy: That's what you get for having a big giant orgy without us.
Que Pasa: No, wait... everyone's been... INFECTED!
Adam West: AHAHAHA his name was Boner!...*sigh* I've failed.
No Name: I haven't. I was constipated in the bathroom.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mini-Myself pulls himself away from Chodemeister just as the sword flies past. He kicks a navy officer off a duck bike and rides off a ramp in the middle of the media center, then jumps off as the motorcycle flies into the dinosaur's mouth.*
Scruffy: We should quarantine them while we find a cure.
Mini-Myself: Aha!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All the pirates are put into a quarantine area. Scruffy and Que Pasa put on special radiation suits with gas masks and enter with No Name.*
Dinosaur: (eats motorcycle)
Que Pasa: No Name... you forgot your suit.
Mini-Myself: Well that makes my entire life leading up to this point meaningless.
No Name: I thought I felt a breeze. (collapses)
Csp'n: Dammit, how will we get Mini back!?!?!
Scruffy: Now it's up to us to cure them.
Que Pasa: We have to wait for him to come out the other end *stares at dinosaur's butt*
Que Pasa: We must find the source! (holds up Nemo's gall bladder) Aha! It was obviously caused by a monkey bite. We must find this host monkey. I'm just pulling a name out of the air here, but let's call him Edwardo!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mini expands and rips the dinosaurs stomach*
Scruffy: poncho
Mini: Look who I found... *puts down Gepeto and Pinocchio*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nemo revives and dies painfully hours later.*
Frzlngd: That's it! Finish them Chodemeister!
Scruffy: Of course by some strange miracle the people who can't revive themselves look like they can stay alive for a few more weeks.
No Name: I dare you to try, wimp! I'll go Super Sonic on you!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere, Frzlngd meets with Morgan Freeman again.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Chodemeister grabs No Name by the third leg and swings him around, then flings him out the window, and he misses the box of glass.*
Frzlngd: So how's the disease going?
No Name: Yes, I've broken the loop! (Chodemeister drops a box of glass and rabid dogs on him) NOOO FATE WINS AGAIN!!!
Morgan Freeman: Good- too good. It's spread to a nearby island. Everyone is dying!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>They shove Siren towards Chodemister. He starts acting awkward and uncomfortable, then stumbles outside the window.*
Frzlngd: Impossible.
Scruffy: We had to send either her or Lupine.
Morgan Freeman: The virus has evolved. It now... can withstand reruns of Roseanne.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Chodemeister lands in the alley and finds himself surrounded by the rabid dogs.*
Frzlngd: No... WHAT HAVE I DONE???
Chodemeister: Oh... my friends...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A brainiac nerd comes in and explains it in weird scientific language.*
Dog: Friends? You said we were the enemy!
Braniac Nerd: This is the amount of people infected now... (presses a button, the screen behind shows one dot in the sector of the Golden Cheesecake) ...in two days... (shows a slightly larger dot) In three days... (shows the Earth being struck by a meteor) We need a group of brave men to destroy this meteor.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The rapid dogs all pounce atop the Chodemeister in a sexual way, and their silhouettes are seen against the flames.*
Frzlngd: Sorry, we're parodying Outbreak, not Armageddon. (humps the Brainiac Nerd until he explodes) Apology accepted, Captain Needa.
No Name: Ah, poetic justice! As my life mate Tails would say, we all did it together!
Morgan Freeman: And you should also know that the captain and first mate are not yet infected. They're searching for a cure.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nemo comes dressed up as Tails.*
Frzlngd: We cannot let them find Edwardo and trace him back to us. I'll send out the choppers.
No Name: Not what I had in mind....
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere, Scruffy and Que Pasa run to the ship's helicopter pad.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Stampede shoots Nemo*
Scruffy: The monkey's not on the ship. We'll have to search the whole area in this helicopter.
Stampede: Better?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The helicopter takes off and starts flying over a nearby island.*
No Name: Much better...Let's have a sexy party!
Scruffy: Hey, do you think the virus will make the people come back as zombies like in those video games and movies?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Bunch of sexy girls with lingerie run in*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Some random zombie guy jumps up and starts humping the windshield.*
GCPA: Yea!
Que Pasa: Does that answer your question?
Dreamer: I objectify to this...stay after school to see the debate between guys and girls! Siren why are you joining these testosterone filled men!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Two other helicopters pull up towards them.*
Siren: Hey sexy is sexy! *Makes out with all girls*
Helicopter Man 1: Please stop now and we'll kill you!
No Name: WOOOO!
Helicopter Man 2: Otherwise we'll kill you!
Nemo: I don't like this!
Scruffy: Quick, we have to lose them!
Stampede: (Polishes his gun shaft)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The helicopters chase the pirates' helicopter through a narrow canyon. Helicopter Man 1 locks in on Scruffy's helicopter.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone gathers around one extremely hot girl.*
Helicopter Man 1: I have you now... (suddenly both helicopters are blown up by laserfire. The Millennium Falcon swoops down)
Siren: Hey, what about me?
Han Solo: Now blow this thing up so we can all go home!
Stampede: Who?
Que Pasa: You might have the wrong address...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The extremely hot girl then fires a laser whip from her duck hand, tying up all the pirates that are crowded together around her, then sheds her skin to reveal Duck-Hand Frzlngd while Siren laughs at them.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere at the Death Star, Luke's X-Wing is shot down by a group of TIE Fighters.*
Frzlngd: You're under arrest because I feel like it, and you kinda killed Baron von Chodemiester!
Han Solo: I must've taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque. (flies away)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Frzlngd is crushed under a falling chandelier. All the pirates climb on top of the chandelier and start dancing around naked*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The helicopter lands, and Scruffy and Que Pasa get out with their monkey hunting equipment.*
Morgan Freeman: With the villains defeated, the pirates decided to sneak out of the school to McDonald's before the late buses come. They find Mr. Greco and Ms. Lohf talking there and monitoring the exit. At first they try to wait for them to leave, but they just stay there so the pirates use subtle tactics to sneak past and continue on to McDonald's. In fact the two are still there when the pirates return, except Mr. Greco isn't wearing pants.
Scruffy: Okay, you take the butterfly net, I'll use the MK-50 Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher!
Salama: (walks casually through the aisle, snatching everyone's food)
Que Pasa: You look a little under equipped captain, you sure you can tackle such large game with such minimal firepower?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Soon they decide to go back out into the snowy path back to High Tech. Most of the pirates walk down the snowy slope, but Que Pasa talks the safe road alongside it.*
Scruffy: You never know, Que Pasa. That's what life is, a giant experiment, we have to test the possibilities first. Look, the elusive Nemonitus Nitroblowupticus!!!! (shoots a shot)
No Name: (shouts at Que Pasa) You idiot, you're sacrificing freedom for security- (slips and falls over, slides down the slope and into the traffic-infested street) AHHHB THIS IS WORSE THAN ALL THE GLASS AND RABID DOGS OF THE WORLD!!!!111
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nemo sniffs the air like a rat, sees the incoming rocket. The view changes to his view, no we see everything he sees. He runs in zig-zags, jumps over a cat, bounces off of Mr. Gonzalez's stomach, runs up a tree, jumps unto a another one, fights off a bear, takes the thorn out of a lion, chews his way out of an Apple Jacks box, and then looks behind him. There is nothing behind him and he is relieved. He turns around and 3 seconds pass and is blown up. The rocket made an unexpected U-Turn, as most American Drivers do on the highway. The Replays of Nemo's Death are shown in numerous views*
Morgan Freeman: With that, No Name learned an important lesson. There's a little penis in all of us- especially your mom HAHA!
Scruffy: That'll do little Nemo, that'll do.
=To Whom the Penis Tolls=
Que Pasa: Lets go catch that furry midget Cap'n!
''by Scruffy, Que Pasa, No Name and Edwin on December 15, 2005''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>One hour later*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>In the meeting room, the pirates are planning for the Biopardy.*
Scruffy: Catch anything, Que Pasa???
Nemo: Here's my idea for the Biopardy fashion show....
Que Pasa: Sure did, Cap'n! (holds up net showing numeous butterflies) How bout you, Cap'n?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scene of the male pirates walking down the runway wearing only leaves over their crotches. Nemo salivates.*
Scruffy: Yup (holds up fishing pole with that fish with the real long name from Hawaii, the humuhumunukunuku‘apua‘a , on the end.)
Scruffy: Well it is botany-related...
Que Pasa: But no sign of the monkey yet. (notices Edwardo humping his leg) I thought I felt a tingling there for the last hour.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa runs into the parlor.*
Edwardo: Edwardo.....very....horny.......must feed.....on flesh.......of Cuban child........ (jumps into the air and catches Lupine's fruity owl, Aeolus, and starts eating and humping it at the same time)
Que Pasa: I've got big news, everyone! I've entered us all on a reality tv show!
Random Porn Freak: Alright!!! Monkey on Owl Action!!!!!!!
Stampede: I thought we agreed not to enter another reality show since we entered Edwin on Date My Fat Lesbian Uncle. (points to Edwin, who's huddled up and shaking in the corner)
Scruffy: Step back Que Pasa!!!!! (Shoots the rocket and it bounces off of Edwardo, landing on Nemo yet again) Damn, well the shockwave will kill him! (Edwardo feeds and humps happily with no effect) Damn you you stupid monkey! (throws a grenade next to him, blows up, killing Nemo yet again, but not affecting Edwardo). Defective Grenade, Defective Grenade!!!!! Master Chief requesting Back-up!!!!
Que Pasa: No no, this is different! This show is "The First Mate", and it's hosted by Gold Roger, the King of Pirates! The winner will get to be his first mate! C'mon, I already entered us and assassinated the other contestants!
Que Pasa: I got it Cap'n! (throws butterfly net at Edwardo, knocking him out cold)
That Krazy Dude: Alright, let's head off. (rides off on a platypus)
Scruffy: Good job Que Pasa, now bag the furry little fool!!!
No Name: He does know we are on a riding mode of transportation, right?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scruffy and Que Pasa board the helicopter and drive back towards the ship.*
Siren: Let him tire himself out.
Morgan Freeman: However, at that point a giant bomb plane drives past them to drop a nuclear bomb that will wipe out the pirates and the virus.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Golden Cheesecake sails off and arrives at Gold Roger's ship, the Motherlover.*
Que Pasa: (digging through Edwardo's organs) No stop, we've found the cure!
Gorenicus: You guys are here too? Well don't think you'll beat me to become Gold Roger's first mate, I had a fully-balanced breakfast today! (holds up a glass of orange juice, a piece of toast and some diabetes-infested cereal)
Frzlngd: Don't listen to him! Go ahead and drop the bomb! (one of the pilots farts) Not that bomb, the big one with the fancy name! Those pirates tore apart my sexy monkey!
Lupine: Dammit Que Pasa, you didn't assassinate this one.     
Morgan Freeman: The bomb ship continues on its course.
Mini-Myself: So all of us are competing in this reality show. I wonder who will win?
Que Pasa: No, you must stop! (makes a big long dramatic and touching speech about the thing that was cut so there'd be more time for gratuitous sex scenes) And that's why you shouldn't drop that bomb. Whoo, deja vu.
Que Pasa: Obviously me! I AM a first mate and over-confident in my abilities!
Pilots: Hell no!
Gold Roger: (walks out and points at Que Pasa) Whoever you are, I'm sorry, but... you're walking the plank.
Scruffy: I'll give you each a hundred bucks.
Que Pasa: What? It hasn't even started!
Pilots: Deal.
Gold Roger: Sorry, you're obviously not first mate material.
Frzlngd: Morgan Freeman, you still have control of the story, make them drop that bomb!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa drags his wheelie bookbag towards the plank over water that's swarming with sharks.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone looks anxiously at Morgan Freeman, or at least in his general direction since he's a voice)
Que Pasa: (looks down at sharks as he steps onto the plank) This is all fake, right?
Morgan Freeman: ...The bomb plane drops the bomb...
Gold Roger: The plank is. It's made out of paper.
Que Pasa: No!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa falls down into the water while everyone else takes pictures.*
Scruffy: Well aside from him, all our pirates are here and accounted for.
Lupine: Wait, where's Dreamer?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere, in a dungeon...*
Dreamer: HELP MEEEEEE!!!!
Gold Roger: Anyway, you will be divided into two teams- one led by Scruffy and the other by Gorenicus.
Scruffy: Yes, finally, I can name my team the Bio-Hazards!
Gold Roger: The name has to be botany-related.
Scruffy: (weeps while cutting a mango)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Motherlover pulls up on a populous island.*
Gold Roger: For your first task, each team must pillage and rape a town, and we'll see how you do.
Lupine: Let's do this, guys!!!!
(Lupine runs of where he grabs his fruity owl, Aeolous, and rapes him in multiple positions, then has a orgy with horses, cows, pigs, and other owls)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scruffy's team- No Name, Stampede, Mini-Myself, Edwin, eLFa and That Krazy Dude. Gorenicus's crew- Siren, Robosexual, Lupine, Nemo, Aeolus and Frenchie.*
Gold Roger: Everyone who wasn't mentioned is now disqualified.
Girl From the Weakest Link: You are the weakest link. Goodbye. (presses detonator)
Gorenicus: Hey, you got all the good onees!
Frzlngd: Yes!
Scruffy: Well you got the hot one.
Scruffy: No!
Gorenicus: Point taken.
Stampede: No!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Both teams rush through their individual towns and begin messing the places up. *
Siren: No!
Robosexual: (tears an ATM Machine out of the wall and plugs it into himself)
Mini-Myself: (beats a PSP game) Yes- I mean no!
Stampede: (shoots down the wall of a Public Girl's Locker Room which has a sign that reads, "No Fat Chicks", and races Mini-Myself inside)
Morgan Freeman: ...but the bomb misses the ship and destroys an orphanage.
Edwin: (decides to do actual pillaging, but then changes his mind an transmutes the ground to grab some women)
Que Pasa: Yes!
Siren: (drags away the guys that Frenchie beats to unconsciousness with a baguette)
Scruffy: Yes!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Afterwards, each team is tied to a mast on the Motherlover.*
Stampede: Yes!
Gold Roger: Okay, let's go over what happened. Both of you did the exact same thing: run through the city and rape some random people. Have you ever pillaged anything?
Siren: Yes!
Scruffy: Come to think of it, we spend all our time making merry and fighting evil-ass guys.
Mini-Myself: Yes!
Gorenicus: Yeah, I flunked my college pillaging classes. But I did major in raping!
No Name: (constipated again) No!
Gold Roger: All right. Scruffy, your team did some slight destruction so I guess your team is free. (cuts the rope to their mast) And now I have to disqualify one of you. Lupine... you're walking the plank.
Scruffy: Everyone, we have the cure!
Nemo: What a dummy! (annoying laughter)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa runs in and dumps a bucket of leeches on everyone, curing them all. They all go to dance in the sunshine. Elsewhere, Frzlngd confronts Morgan Freeman.*
Gold Roger: On second thought, you're walking the plank. (shoves Nemo overboard)
Frzlngd: You didn't hold up your end of the deal! I'm giving these pictures to the Pornographical Enquirer!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>After a few weeks Scruffy, Gorenicus, Siren, Stampede, That Krazy Dude, Edwin and No Name are the only ones left. Gold Roger summons them for their final task.*
Morgan Freeman: I don't think so. I have a tape that will make you think otherwise.
Gold Roger: The navy is on its way. You must fight off them as well as each other to win. Last one standing will be my new first mate. (ship is hit by cannon) bbl! (leaps into the only life boat and rows away)
Frzlngd: I don't like where this is going... (the tape plays)
No Name: I'd rather have the German in front of me then French people behind me! (knocked out cold by a stale flying baguette)
Frzlngd: That's right, I'm back once again to do the good thing!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Frzlngd lies shirtless in bed.*
Scruffy: Dammit, why did Mr. T have to leave to slay vampires in the Caribbean?
Frzlngd: You done yet? Come on in, don't be shy.
Gorenicus: (poses) Ha, I'll take you all down!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nemo walks out of the bathroom wearing a monkey suit.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The other pirates all grab Gorenicus and fling him at Frzlngd. The two break out into wild combat.*
Frzlngd: (pops wine bottle) Oh momma.
Stampede: So... yeah...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All the pirates leap at each other and each strangles another, linking them together in a chain of strangled guys.*
Frzlngd: (grunts while his duck quacks and walks away)
Edwin: This is quite painful!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Morgan Freeman starts looking through paperwork for a few hours.*
That Krazy Dude: Indeed.
Morgan Freeman: Why's this still on? Oh yeah, I forgot to say "The End". (says that)
Siren: Ha... I can hold my breathe... for a few more seconds...
Scruffy: I... think... we've... been set up...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All the pirates are celebrating when they notice something.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone releases their holds.*
Que Pasa: Hey, where's the chef?
Scruffy: We have to find Gold Roger.
Siren: I'll check.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The remaining pirates hijack a navy ship and drive off while Gorenicus and Frzlngd struggle. They soon start to catch up on Gold Roger. Scruffy leaps from the boat to Gold Roger's, and they sword duel.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Siren walks in on Lupine while he's naked. She screams as she dumps gasoline on herself, sets herself on fire and jumps out the window.*
Gold Roger: How do you expect to win against the King of Pirates?
Lupine: (shouts out the window) I was in the pool!!!! There was shrinkage!!!
Scruffy: By not losing! Now explain your evil scheme.
Scruffy: Our ship doesn't have a pool. Just a helicopter pad, a medical center and a golf course.
Gold Roger: Simple, I use the reality show as a front so I can eliminate all pirates who may one day overthrow me.
Scruffy: Go on...
''by No Name on November 23, 2005''
Gold Roger: That's it.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The crew....is having a pinic*
Scruffy: Oh, okay. Well I can't let you eliminate all the pirates! Or my name isn't Edwin Turvilsdky Pepelu the VII!
Siren: Wow guys I'm glad we had some time to spend together now I can talk to you as a women and tell you all my needs and desires!
Gold Roger: It isn't.
All the guys: NO!!!!
Scruffy: Oh, then I'll let you.
Siren: Okay, look! First off, that ship needs a woman's touch. Okay, second of all my room needs to be bigger, third you guys don't pay enough attention to me, when's the last time you said I was pretty....blah blah blah...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scruffy sits silently to the side while Gold Roger spits a jet of fire at the other pirates. But Lupine leaps up from the ocean and absorbs the attack like Piccolo.*
Cap'n: My ears are going to start bleeding!
Lupine: Fly, you fools...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nemo blows up*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The others lift up Lupine and toss him into Gold Roger's mouth. Gold Roger starts flashing.*
Stampede: Abort MISSION!
Gold Roger: You may have beaten me, but you'll never find my legendary treasure- I've hidden it where no one will find it... (explodes)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Que Pasa takes out self destruct button*
Scruffy: (checks under the couch) I found it!
Que Pasa: WAFFURUUU! *sobs* I've....I've failed you! WHYYY-U!
General Colonel Lieutenant Major Shogun Wiley: Freeze, pirates! You're all under arrest!
No Name: No Que Pasa you can't, being bulimic isn't your only option!
Lupine: I feel so useless to you guys... (cuts himself)
Edwin: Yeah...we like you for who you are, not who the media portrays us to be...
That Krazy Dude: Is there no way to escape this pickling cucumber?
Dreamer: Well guys what about me?
General Colonel Lieutenant Major Shogun Wiley: We do accept bribes.
Krazy: It's always MARSHA MARSHA MARSHA!
Scruffy: (looks at treasure) Aw.
Cap'n: I believe that we all can learn a valuable lesson from this....
<nowiki>*</nowiki>They all return to the Golden Cheesecake and find... Que Pasa!*
No Name: Cap, the episode isn't over yet....you don't say the morale just yet.
Siren: You're alive?!
Cap'n: Whoops....damn...
Scruffy: But I thought you were shark bait!
Director: CUT! Look Brad Pitt *looks at Cap'n* I don't think that you're really fit for this part....It's not me....it's you..
Que Pasa: So it seemed. The sharks surrounded me from all sides. But at that moment my shrieks summoned an armada of eight, no more no less, krakens led by Tim Allen. We worked as one to conquer the sharks. I spent years living among them, learning their ways and mating constantly with them. One day I encountered an orgasm so powerful it ripped a tear in time and space that brought me here today.
Brad Pitt: Don't you mean it's not you..its me?
No Name: You're gonna be alllright.
Director: No, no.
Que Pasa: Except for the infinite STDs, yes.
Brad Pitt: Ouch!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere, Frzlngd is still dueling Gorenicus atop the Empire State Building. Some passing biplanes shoot at them, and they fall down hard on the ground. Everyone crowds around Gorenicus and cries while completely ignoring Frzlngd.*
Director: I...I need a cast that are bonded together....one that....will fit the part perfectly!
Jack Black: (hops out of a phone booth) Beauty killed the beast.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>GCPA ship crashes on the set*
Frzlngd: Stupid pirates... just you wait. I'll have my revenge, someday... someday soon! I will give you the present of death- this Christmas! (Madmanic laughter)
Mr. T: Dammit fool! I told you fool don't make a turn at Dick's House of Cock! Fool!
=The Snow Day Liberation=
Cap'n: Whoops!
''by Lupine, Que Pasa, That Krazy Dude, No Name and Jebus on December 17, 2005''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Director looks at the ship and makes that little square thing with his hands...*
<nowiki>:</nowiki>: It's a cold winter day in High Tech High School. ADD, Krazy Dude and Lupine have just killed themselves because of another test, but are happy at the prospects of a snow day the next day. The class gets into a huge ass discussion::
Director: The cheek bones...the facial structure....my god they're just the people to play the roles of the YELLOW PASTRY SEA THIEVES CREW!
That Krazy Dude: You go do that.
Director: You! *Scruffy looks around and points at himself* No baffoon, not you! *points at Rosario Dawson and the crew of Rent* You look just like the type of person to play the role of Captain Monkeyman Scruffy!
Nemo: So you think there will be school tomorrow, Dr. T?
Rosario: 234 HOURS 'TIL THE PREMIERE OF RENT....5342 MINTUES LEFT TO...*starts mumbling then hits a high note* ....EEEEEEE!
Dr. T: Tvust me, there vill be school tomorrow!
Mariah Carey: Oh hell no, only I can do that! *starts hitting a high note, and all dogs within the Earth's circumference start howling and then die* Beat that!
Alchey the hobo: Nah! (grabs some students and drags them into a dark alley)
Rosario: I'll beat it alright! *Micheal Jackson walks in*
That Krazy Dude: How would you know this, Dr. T?
Micheal Jackson: Why can't we all just get along!  
Dr. T: Jost trust me, since I can determine the joules of heat it absorbs!
Director: You! *points at Micheal Jackson* You can play the role of Charlie in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Johnny Depp, you're fired! *Johnny Depp goes off crying and ties a cinder block to his leg*
Que Pasa: Joules of heart your mom absorbs, am I right?
Mr. T: Mike, you're a disgrace to yo race...FOOL!
Dr. T: What they don't know is that my Russian comrades have a weather machine deep in the heart of Russia and heavily guarded by an arsenal of weaponry!
Mike: What's that ....dance off!!?!/!
Que Pasa: I know that, I've always known that! Why would you tell me such a useless tidbit?
Mr. T: Bring it on! *bunch of cheerleaders walk in*
That Krazy Dude: What was that, Dr. T?
Cheerleader: We can sew, you you know!
Dr. T: Nothing. nothing at all!
Que Pasa: I know this...*eats cheerleading squad*
That Krazy Dude: Something is strange about this angry Russian man's statement.
Krazy: Ahah Que Pasa, that's the only action you'll be getting anytime soon!
Lupine: ::stares::
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Micheal Jackson brings out MARIO DDR for the Gamecube and in the process tries to touch stampede*
No Name: Joules are unit of work, Que Pasa.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Stampede takes out gun and shoots mike's head off*
Que Pasa: Joules are a unit of STFU!
Stampede: Thats should do it...
That Krazy Dude: He said it as if to himself, but so loud that everyone in class can hear it.
Mini-Myself: You know Stamp, you should really go to therapy....Have you been a victim of domestic violence? Speak up...one voice...one power... "Body" by Calvin Klein.
Lupine: So anyway, let's all get ready for snow related frolics!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Micheal Jackson's head regenerates.*
Que Pasa : I don't know what me and No Name are doing in this class but I think we should be on our guard!
Mr. T: Let's do this!
Lupine: And how the hell did you two get in our chem class?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. T and Micheal Jackson face off in a dance off.*
Que Pasa: FUCK!
Edwin: Man, those kids are fast as lightning!
That Krazy Dude: Strange...
Que Pasa: Everybody was kung-fu fighitng!
No Name: They're onto to us, flush the weed down the toilet! Be inconspicuous Que Pasa!
Cap'n: *Pulls out taser and hits Que Pasa with it* Relax, not now. *looks at Mr. T and Micheal Jackson* Don't you see, this is what Mr.T has been training for..all his life...it's all or nothing now...we have to support him...because we're his crew...
(Que Pasa takes out a horn and yells in it)
No Name: Wow Cap, that was deep!
<nowiki>:</nowiki>: Mr.G runs in dressed as the Big Boy and grabs Que Pasa and drags him into a closet. Screams of pleasure are heard::
Cap'n: Really? I got it from a fortune cookie.
That Krazy Dude: So yeah...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All the crew falls to the floor in an anime style fall*
Que Pasa: Do I do both those things at the same time?
Edwin: Leave it to Cap'n!
That Krazy Dude: Ignoring that...
Beaver: No, leave it to beaver!
That Krazy Dude: AHAHA platypus! plate-PUS!
That Krazy Dude: Maybe we should listen to the strange mutterings of this angry Russian guy.
Beaver: I wont let Mr. T win!
No Name: Ahhahah, that's what your mom said last night!
Edwin: Why, what has Mr.T has done to you!
Dr. T: Now while they are distracted by the big man, I will make my escape! ::runs into closet of mystery and disappears::
Beaver: He killed my mother! Raped My father! Punched my sister! And just left me there! What the hell am I not GOOD enough or what!
No Name: I want one of those.
Que Pasa: Mr. T wouldn't hurt a fly! *looks at Mr. T trying to swat a fly and keeps missing. Mr. T then pulls out rocket launcher and blows fly up* I stand corrected.
Que Pasa: I have eight.
Stampede: Mr. T is to gentle and loving to hurt anyone!  
Lupine: Let's go to Russia!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Wavy flashback happens to a slow mo with "Just the Two of Us" playing. Mr. T is shooting a bunch of enemies, throwing grenades, showing Que Pasa how to ride a bike, putting a band aid on Cap's scraped knee, and shooting and more blood and more exaggerated violence.*
That Krazy Dude: Russia!?
Stampede: I stand corrected.
Lupine: Yes! Land of Cold!
Beaver: Wow, so you're telling me that by using the ramen function of all non-trivials of zero equal to the zeta function..We can create negative energy density to keep a wormhole open...?
That Krazy Dude: That could lead us anywhere! Even Mexico!!
Edwin: Yeah, it's the law of equivalent exchange! Duh its not rocket science....amateurs!
No Name: Even to Russia!
Morgan Freeman: Mr.T is sweating, and in the process somehow both of them managed to get bruised up and beaten and ripped their clothes like in DBZ. Both of them are breathing heavily....their legs are cramping...their senses are becoming dull...only the one who has the will and determination will rise to the top. Go speed racer GO!
Lupine: We must all prepare!
Micheal Jackson: *pant* *pant* I can't take it any longer....*collapses* Tell Martha Stewart......she's...weird... *flips his hair and an army of kids come out of the floor and take Michael away*
That Krazy Dude: For the Mexicans?
Mr. T: That'll teach you, I gotta have my pops!
Lupine: Que Pasa get in your swim trunks! Now!
Cap'n: You did good T...you dun good...
Que Pasa: Let's go! (tosses a saddle on Mr. G)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Cap'n and T hold hand and walk away toward the sunset*
No Name: A boat... I know how much you want one of those!
Mr. Malk: And thats why the movie industry hates the army so much! Now back to the lesson on 5.2 WHICH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON IN US HISTORY 1! *bell rings* AW DARN! * throws marker at wall and in the process impales Nemo*
That Krazy Dude: ...???
The end
No Name: *uses force powers to levitate and flies off*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>credits start rolling*
That Krazy Dude: *uses your mom as a flotation device and heads to Russia by seas*
Jason Alexander as Captain Monkeyman Scruffy
<nowiki>:</nowiki>:ADD calls a city wok man and has him deliver lupine and himself to Russia via air mail::
Alex Borenstein as Que Pasa
City wok guy: Thank you fo frying sheety air-rines, can I take yo oda prease?
Captain Betty as No Name
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The pirates all start hiking through snowy Russia*
The lead singer from Avenged Sevenfold as Stampede
Lupine: MY LEGS!
Darren as Edwin
ADD: It's always your legs. What about your heart?
Edwin as Mini-Myself
No Name: My scabula
Taye Diggs as Mr.T
That Krazy Dude: So where do you think this evil weather machine would be?
Ashlee Simpson as Siren
Lupine: In the one place no one would ever look in Russia- in England!
Penelope Cruz as Dreamer
That Krazy Dude: .... Or we could just check that place with the giant weather machine looking thing on top of it.
Jesse McCartney as That Krazy Dude
Lupine: That's foolish!
=The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Thanksgiving Special: Mr. T's How Bill Gates Stole Thanksgiving=
That Krazy Dude: *points* Right over there.
AKA Kill Bill... Gates
Lupine: To England!
''by Scruffy, Que Pasa, That Krazy Dude, No Name, Stampede, Lupine and Jebus on November 26, 2005''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The GCPA all overlook the weather machine place from a cliff.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>On the Golden Cheesecake, Thanksgiving morning.*
Han Solo: Luke. you're freezing! Get in! Its body heat will keep you alive! (cuts open Salama's stomach)
Que Pasa: Hey, we've all gotten invitations to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!
ADD: Who will pull my rickshaw now? WHO?
That Krazy Dude: what is a Macy exactly?
Que Pasa: ..Let me test the security (tosses a baby down, but it sets off a land mine)
No Name: Alright.
No Name: Hey look, there's the 7 slices of pizza Salama ate today at the judo party.
Lupine: Oro?
Lupine: Oh, you mean that party I didn't go to!
That Krazy Dude: Exactly!
That Krazy Dude: Exactly!
Mr. T: Let's go to that fool foolin' parade!
No Name: You didn't wanna go!
That Krazy Dude: Indeed we shall!
Lupine: Well then...
Mr. T: Santa will be there. Mm! (licks lips)
Que Pasa: (opens up Salama's stomach and finds Stampde there with a flashlight and a book)  
That Krazy Dude: .....blll?
Stampede: Close it, I'm reading a scary story!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Golden Cheesecake sets sail for New York alongside the parade route*
Lupine: Only one thing to do!
Que Pasa: Hey it's starting!
That Krazy Dude: And that is your mom!
That Krazy Dude: Do we get goody bags?
No Name: Um. I got glass flavor!
That Krazy Dude: Awww... Can I still do ur mom?
That Krazy Dude: Sweet!
Lupine: :: rips off shirt and various women run in, they all dance but turn into ice because of cold::
No Name: *chews candy* Those damn Mexicans and their glass candies!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Salama swallows all the women whole, and Nemo humps every dead body.*
That Krazy Dude: Gimme! *tackles No Name*
Que Pasa: Let's tear Lupine's body apart and play with it again.
No Name: No Krazy, stop!
That Krazy Dude: Yay!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A Halo float comes up. A bunch of guys in armor get out and do a tapdancing number.*
Lupine: :: thaws from the friction:: I'm not dead! Nemo's the dead guy.
Que Pasa : Halo? WTF is going on? (sees Scruffy salivating)
Que Pasa: On the outside.
Scruffy: (looks at newspaper) Bill Gates has bought the Thanksgiving Day parade!
That Krazy Dude: *ignores the fact that they're trying to prevent school*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Bill Gates walks out of the float smiling.*
Que Pasa: (hits Lupine with a frozen leg) Now you are!
Sensei: Eeeeehhh???
Lupine: :: dodges:: Hahahaha glorious!
Bill Gates: That's right! It's dedicated to making sure all of America has an X-Box 360!
That Krazy Dude: Penis!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Lupine's laugh summons an avalanche*
That Krazy Dude: Insanity!
Lupine: Hey, aren't we on a mission?
No Name: *gets a X-Box* Well..maybe not.
That Krazy Dude: *stuffs several Xbox 360s down my pants*
Lupine: Awww shit! Shut up!
Stampede : Did everyone die?
Krazy: *whispers* What? *rumble*
Bill Gates: IN fact, I'll give a free X-Box 360 to whoever kills the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada!
Lupine: Slag.
Scruffy: (puts gun to his own head)
No Name: Hey it was Krazy's fault!
No Name: NO! Don't do it! *takes gun* I'll do it for you!
That Krazy Dude: Gay!
Lupine: :: jumps from shadows:: Sorry all!
Mr. Scruffy: Make me in a cameo or something. Good, now back to homework.
Que Pasa: *snowboards on the avalanche until he smacks into the very same rock and falls*
Robosexual: (A giant robot walks out after Gates holding an Xbox 360) "If you bring their heads you get a premium Xbox360!"
("City Escape" plays while No Name races Sonic on snow boards)
No Name: *cocks gun back to Scruffy's head*
Lupine: :: turns and makes the fire hand seal and slaps hand:: Fire Fist!
Lupine: :is unaffected by the 360 lust::
That Krazy Dude: *runs and uses your mom as a snowboard*
That Krazy Dude: Penis?
Lupine: ::tries thawing but is attacked by a large snow rabbit:: My arm!
<nowiki>:</nowiki>: Wally is seen in shadows paying the rabbits::
That Krazy Dude: *passes Sonic and gives him a Sonic-style thumbs up; Sonic flips him off*
Lupine: ::rodeos the rabbit and begins riding him down the mountain; the rabbit unleashes pent up sexual energy onto Nemo::
No Name: *Force-pushes Sonic off a cliff to a jagged rock death* There can only be one! *Force pushes to gain speed*
That Krazy Dude: Never!!! *Your mom increases speed*
Que Pasa: *His frozen body increases speed, then it's carried away by penguins*
<nowiki>*Suddenly a ping pong table on snowboards comes in between That Krazy Dude and No Name*
That Krazy Dude: It's on!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone lands by Dr. T's weather device place at last*
<nowiki>:</nowiki>: Weather starts to warm as the machine is seen glowing purple.::
Lupine: Purple?
That Krazy Dude: That's what she said!
No Name: Hey Krazy, got blue balls?
That Krazy Dude: From your mom! Ooooooh!!!
No Name: *stares at Que Pasa with blue make up*
Que Pasa: You don't buy me nice things anymore!
That Krazy Dude: You don't wear pants anymore!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The avalanche lands on No Name and stops. No Name pops up from the snow and climbs on top of it*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The pirates are then confronted by the hermit of the snow caves- Robin Williams.*
That Krazy Dude: ::gasp::
Lupine: ::bows:: Williams. It is an honor.
-Robosexual appears out of nowhere-
One-Armed Willy: But Estrada, Cuba's a bad place!
Stampede: I became Super Matt? The fuck? Can I kill Bill Gates then?
Estrada: Exactly!
No Name: No, he is almighty ruler!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>One-Armed Willy goes to the corner where thee map of Cuba is.*
Obi Wan: No! you were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy the dark side, not join it!
One-Armed Willy: So Cuba, whats up?
Bill Gates: Good thing I bought Rareware! (Banjo the hillbilly bear runs out and starts mauling the pirates along with the mob of X-Box fans and people who just want free stuff)
Estrada: Now you're talking to Cuba?!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>RoboSexual does awkward sexual thrusts to the 360.*
<nowiki>:</nowiki>:Lupine walks by::
Que Pasa: Stop! Can't you see? Cant you just wait for the Revolution to come out?
Estrada: You stole my face!
Lupine: I must use the only thing that can defeat this! :: makes a magic circle:: I call on! Sony!!!!!!
No Name: I stole your mom's virginity!
Stampede: Shut up Marko!
That Krazy Dude: *beats Lupine with stick* BAD CUBAN BAD!
Lupine: Ow!
No Name: Yes, Lupine...I am your father!
Stampede: I mean Lupine!
Estrada: (force pushes Lupine off a cliff to a jagged rock death) There can only be one!
Lupine: Still ow, I'm summoning Sony!
That Krazy Dude: ?sinep
Lupine: ::grabs to edge:: Someone help me!!!!!
Stampede: I wanna kill Bill Gates with the PS3!!
Estrada: *sobs* What have I done! ... (kills himself, but not before giving One-Armed Willy detention)
RoboSexual: Who dares say the name of Sony...? -Pulls out a PS3 and a sledgehammer and smashes it to bits-
Lupine: I'm still alive!
That Krazy Dude: This is the worst thing since Harry Potter and the Vibrating Broomstick!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Princess Leia hears Lupine's calls, and Han Solo pulls the Millennium Falcon up beneath Lupine and catches him in it*
Lupine: Exactly!
Lupine: Well, defeating Estrada was strangely easy.
No Name: *grabs PS3 control*
That Krazy Dude: Wrong teacher! We need to defeat Dr. T dammit!
Lupine: So Sony comes. Know what? Screw this, I'm continuing. Come to me, Enix!
No Name: Lucas has a fetish with sending people down air shafts, maybe it's symbolic for sex.
Bill Gates: (smiles sadistically while watching the carnage below him all for an X-Box 360)
Dr. T: Bah! Eestrada was only a paawn!
Stampede: No Lupine you kill Robosexual, I have a grudge against Gates!  
Dr. Eggman: There can only be one evil genius!
Lupine: Fine, but I still use this awesome new power I learned in Musashi!
Estrada: ::returns to Dr. T's side: They are powerful, but can be dealt with. Send her out.
No Name: I'll stand here and plunder all the shops for free stuff.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Hester Prynne walks out.*
That Krazy Dude: It's amazing how we're able to do all this after school yet before it hits the next morning.
Gates: (Presses a button and a Giant 360 mothership beams him in)
<nowiki>:</nowiki>: Dr.T send out .....Sensei!::
That Krazy Dude: *sneaks into a French restaraunt*
Nathaniel Hawthorne: The letter 3 1/4 in size, and the reader may laugh, but it seered my chest when I placed it there!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nathanial Hawthorne tears off his shirt to reveal a laser cannon grafted to the burnt part of his chest*  
That Krazy Dude: *takes snails and spits in several French people's faces and escapes* Wait! Take this, you bastard! *throws snails at ship*
Hawthorne: HAHA I'M A CYBORG!
Que Pasa: *eats a Super Mushroom and grows to giant size, then also fights off the 360 spaceship*
Lupine: Well, let's take a casualty report. Nemo's died seven times. We aye Salama...
Robosexual: -the mothership launches Xbox games no one cares about at the pirate crew-
That Krazy Dude: Penis.
Lupine: Heh :: sends electro magic into palm:: Chidori!
Sensei: Get serious! This class is rated PG 13! Marko, why do you not come to Japanese anymore? You must get serious about Japanese! Little here, little there! :: grabs a katana:: GET SERIOUS NOW!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A bunch of giant balloons of Microsoft video game characters (ie a bunch of Halo guys) comes at the crew shooting lasers as well*
That Krazy Dude: Yeah, she told us that too.
Robosexual: -Robosexual pulls out another 360 and attaches it to his arm like a shield-
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sensei and Nathanial Hawthorne look at each other, and romance music starts playing. The two hop at each other and start making love immediately*
No Name: (throws bucket of water on Robosexual)
Dimmesdale: BLASPHEMY!
Lupine: :: rams palm into Robo but is merely stares and punches away:: Ahhhhhh!
Lupine: Ahhhhhhhh, sorry Sensei!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Master Chief jumps out of the mothership and shoots everything that moves.*
That Krazy Dude: ...
Robosexual: -Robosexual twitches and laughs-
Chillingworth: AHAH, now I will plot my revenge and become a fiend!
Que Pasa: *makes a bonfire of X-Box 360s to keep warm in the freezing-ass weather*
That Krazy Dude: *curls into ball and starts rocking back and forth while talking to himself*
Stampede: Ah! I almost got hit by Halo Multiplayer Map Pack! A pointless game that Bill Gates used to steal your money!
Lupine: With all these enemies, how will we ever stop that fiend Dr. T's weather machine?
Robosexual: Foolish insects! You should know my only weakness, like anything to do with Microsoft is innovation!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>With Sensei and Hathorne distracted with each other, and Robin Williams trying to fly over a bottomless crevice like Peter Pan, the GCPA runs past and make their way towards Dr. T*
No Name: MONOPOLY come on Krazy REVOLUTION! *flips table*
Lupine: That works!
Robosexual: ...
<nowiki>Darth Maul appears with, not a dual lightsaber, but two ping pong paddles.*
That Krazy Dude: Then it is a challenge he wants! So a challenge he shall get!
Robosexual: Captain Scruffy! Join me and we shall be Kings of Microsoft!
No Name: I'll help you..Krazy! Scratch my back and I'll scratch your feet.
Lupine: ::gets up:: In the name of Enix! I will punish you! ::Sailor Moon comes and smacks him::
<nowiki>*</nowiki>No Name and Krazy Dude get ping pong paddles.*
That Krazy Dude: I will dance! For Sweden!!!!! *dances*
Que Pasa: We'll take him together!
Que Pasa: Do what now? (pencil flies into his eye)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The three of them step forward, draw ping pong paddles, and... kick Darth Maul in the nuts and dash away.*
No Name: For the meatball!
No Name: How anticlimactic.
That Krazy Dude: Sailor Moon, aren't you supposed to be at a porn filming somewhere?
Robosexual: ... -Tosses Lupine into a raccoon float-
That Krazy Dude: That works.
Lupine: ::positions staff::: From Musashi I bring ANGRY HORNET! ::begins thrusting pole but sexually enjoys it: Fuck!
No Name: ....
That Krazy Dude: *smacks Lupine with mop* sinep?
That Krazy Dude: I had a better idea.
No Name: anigav.
Que Pasa: Like your mom!
That Krazy Dude: ?sinepenis?
That Krazy Dude: But anyway!
No Name: anigavenis. racecar! racecar! ''[Editor's note- They sound like freaking Pokemon]''
Que Pasa: Then do that.
That Krazy Dude: sinepagina
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Krazy rewinds time and places a truck on top of Que Pasa.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The 360 Mothership roars down and blasts Krazy Dude and No Name.*
That Krazy Dude: Yes! Lupine! Que Pasa! Take out Dr. T! Me and No Name will take on Darth Maul!
Stampede : Jeez people, we need to destroy Gates in the he name of SONY!! He's trying to bring that and the American people down! Use this as motivation and kick his ass! and btw, maybe if you stick something into robo's ass he will leave us alone.
Lupine: ::stands just watching and listening to Asian Kung Fu Generation::
No Name: Ouch...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ping pong table appears between Darth Maul, No Name, and Krazy Dude whi;e Mr. Meyer phases through a wall and eats Lupine's iPod.*
Stampede: I suggest Lupine!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>furious ping pong battle ensues. The battle continues until the score is 24 for Darth Maul and 15 for No Name and Krazy, and it's game to 25.*
That Krazy Dude: Wow, good idea!
No Name: Don't worry! The miracle of basketball will help us win!
No Name: *elsewhere in Japan* That's write Americans-U, you fight-U for me-U!
<nowiki>:</nowiki>: Lupine Rushes Dr.T::
Edwin: (transmutates Lupine into a penis)
Dr. T:: Lupine, vould u like to see vat u got on zat test I didn't say?
Lupine: I'll kill you Stamoede, I swear this!
Lupine: ::looks:: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
That Krazy Dude: Yeah...Stamoede?
No Name: Let's take him down, Krazy! *gets 3 ping pong balls and duel wields ping pong paddles*
Stampede: No you won't. You'll point the gun at me then you'll get scared and cry and drop the gun. Then run away and have Aeolus "console" you.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>No Name serves them all at once and Darth Maul gets confused and smacks himself in the face with the paddle. Somehow the score reaches 24-24.*
No Name: o o And miss horribly at point blank range.
That Krazy Dude: Game point!
Que Pasa: Bestiality
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Dr. T attacks in a giant mechanical walker near the core of the weather machine*
Robosexual: Sony, like Inuyasha, causes brain cancer!
Dr. T: Only seceend remain unteel your snow days are over!
That Krazy Dude: But what about the noble Nintendo?
Que Pasa: No!
Que Pasa: Nintendo will inherit the Earth.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Suddenly a laser blasts Dr. T away. Siren is seen swooping down in the Millenium Falcon.*
Robosexual: -a whistle is blown and Robo stops-
Siren: Good job, now blow this thing up so we can all go home!
No Name: And...
No Name: Ahaha, Siren said blow!
That Krazy Dude: Inuyasha has hot dance parties with the lady from Ghost in the Shell and the girl from FLCL.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Darth Maul serves a Force-powered ping pong ball down the middle and No Name and Krazy both smack the ball at the exact same time sending the ball at Darth Maul and causing him to explode violently.*
Stampede: Oh yeah at Swim Com!
Que Pasa: *stuffs another baby into the reactor core, setting off a chain reaction that destroys the weather machine*
Robosexual: Super freeky Inuyasha dance party time!
That Krazy Dude: Game!
Que Pasa: Let's actually fight the enemy.
Ms. Gilmartin: I don't think so, it touched the line
Lupine: :: rushes the Robo with another Musashi me the tremor thrust by slamming pole with earth magick into the ground::
Lupine: Guys, weren't there renegade Russians? ::Site B weather device activated:: Shit!
That Krazy Dude: Wooo!!! Yes let's go!
Que Pasa: *points to the renegade Russiuans running around on fire*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Renegade Russians pop up.*
Robosexual: -bitch smacks- Wrong song!
Ms. Gilmartin: I'm Catholic!
No Name: Hey man let me put this rap song on!
Gilmartin: My professor was a volleyball coach.
That Krazy Dude: Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger!
That Krazy Dude: Really, so did he teach you volleyball?
Que Pasa: *Boards a float of Aeolus the fruity owl, star of the famous children's show until he was banned from the air for public masturbation, and rushes it into a Halo balloon to destroy it*
Gilmartin: No, algebra.
Robosexual: Let me have sex with your computer than.
That Krazy Dude: .....?
Lupine: ::puts Nano to full with Avenged Sevenfold:: Let's rock!
That Krazy Dude: Yes!!!
That Krazy Dude: .....???
Robosexual: ...
Ms. Gilmartin: Let me tell you of my first orgasism!
That Krazy Dude: *Bat Country plays* Rush!!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone throws up.*
-Robo looks at the Nano and it breaks in two-
That Krazy Dude: Nooooo!!!!
No Name's Rap Music: Mother*bleep* I'll *beelp* on your *bleep* with my *bleep bleep bleep bleep....bleep bleep*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere Mr. Dobkin (the husband of Sensei) pops out of the snow and drives his hand through Nathanial Hawthorne's chest, pulling out the laser cannon.*
That Krazy Dude: Too many different genres of music!!!
That Krazy Dude: Not an orgasism, not to be confused with orgasm. So what are we doing with this weather machine?
Robosexual: See, that's why Microsoft is better than Apple! D:
Que Pasa: Using it as a coffee machine.
Lupine: ::country begins to play:: Who the fuck put that shit on? ::everyone stares at Nemo::
That Krazy Dude: ....Okay.
That Krazy Dude: *falls to knees in dramatic style*
Lupine: I have a better idea!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. Meyer runs in and stuff the iPod into his mouth. Mr. Meyer attempts to run away but falls into a 50 foot crevice.*
Mr. Malkowicz: But Russian coffee machines are nothing compared to the French!
That Krazy Dude: *Spanish band runs by*
Miss Knight: Guys guys, I am very disappointed in you...you were not responsible while I needed MEDICAL ATTENTION LOOK I'M HURT! *points to a small paper cut*
No Name: ... *takes CD out*
That Krazy Dude: ...?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The mob of people wanting the free X-Box 360 continue attacking them.*
Lupine: ::scene shifts to Duck Hand's ship; The ship is frozen in place::
No Name: Dammit, what are we gunna do Cap!
Private: Sir, we seem to be stuck. And group of pirates are mooning us.
Que Pasa : Heh heh... private... stuck...
That Krazy Dude: *bashes one over head with bucket and pokes the other with mop*
Duck Hand: HAHA YOUR A PRIVATE!!! What, let me see this!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. Meyer calls for a horde of dolphins and rides them into battle with his cowjackals at his side*
No Name: Ahaha he looks at the private!
Lupine: :: walks away into Cyberzone and stares longingly as a fanboy into the gear::
Private: (unzips pants)
No Name: ....I need to use the force...OMG Siren is my sister!..Good thing I used a condom.
Lupine: :: gets pegged in the face with yellow snow ball:: Hahahaha, good one ADD.
That Krazy Dude: ......!?!?!?
Que Pasa: That's hilarious!
Mr. Scruffy: No you didn't, it was a rubberband!
No Name: Keep the yellow snow coming, Que Pasa!
That Krazy Dude: Ahoy cap'n!
Que Pasa: This is the first time I've exerted freely in years!
Mr. Scruffy: ahoy
That Krazy Dude: ?sinep
No Name: Your penis is a rubber band!
Que Pasa: I've excreted freely every day of my existence you filthy liar! *strangles himself and rolls off of the ship*
Lupine: No, if i did, they would send you to Urinetown!
Que Pasa: *borrows Krazy's bucket, vomits into it then dumps the bucket on an X-Box fan and watches him melt* TEAM ATTACK!
Que Pasa: Is this over yet?
That Krazy Dude: Whooo!
No Name: Yeah, didn't we kill Dr. T?
Mr. Scruffy: Hey, I like Xbox!
That Krazy Dude: *throws bucket at weather machine, weather machine explodes* Yay!
Que Pasa: Too bad! *smashes an X-Box 360 over Scruffy's head and then eats the remains*
Que Pasa: *grabs Krazy Dude by the shoulders and looks him in th eye* FROGS DON'T DRINK (kicks him through a brick wall)
No Name: Alright, take out the left flank and launch and oppsie the opsierasdfsdfa.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>*Everyone takes clothes off and dance around the bonfire*
Morgan Freeman: And that is how the GCPA saved snow days! After the battle, Sensei returned to japan and opened an authentic Japanese sushi bar.
Lupine: :: channels energy into pole and makes Lionheart::
That Krazy Dude: That was the most crippled ending ever, but I started to feel my IQ dropping.
Mr. Scruffy: Why cant we attack Nintendo and its childish Barney gamez?
Morgan Freeman: Dr. T returned to teaching a broken man, and the crew mates well they had a sexy party. ''(Note: This is Lupine writing this)''
No Name: *uses the Force to control Master Commander ballon*
That Krazy Dude: Goody goody!
That Krazy Dude: Do not fear the potato! Embrace it! Be one with it! Make love to it!
Lupine: Well, I fucked it up.
Mr. Scruffy: Just because Xbox is owned by Microsoft, it gets a bad rep.
That Krazy Dude: Yeah I know, we all got lost. But the story had some good parts.
Stampede: I say we kill Nintendo and Microsoft. Well not Microsoft, Xbox.
Lupine: Sorry guys, my first bi ass chat.
That Krazy Dude: Yeah, that.
Que Pasa: He said bi.
Lupine: (stands and stares at Robosexual and omnislashes it I don't care)
Lupine: Yeah. I'm bi sexual, okay? I thought you guys knew that.
Stampede: Nintendo and Xbox!!! Down with them!!!
That Krazy Dude: ???
Lupine: So long as Enix and Sega live!
Que Pasa: Haha! You're okay with being called bi sexual but not emo... That's creepy. ''(add fool, gay and curly next to emo)''
Que Pasa: No! Nintendo must stay!
=A Very Frzlngd Christmas=
That Krazy Dude: I like all of 'em, but still...
''by Scruffy, Que Pasa, No Name and That Krazy Dude on December 26, 2005''
Mr. Scruffy: Why? The Xbox rules!
Scruffy: Gather round ye children to hear a tale as old as Santa Clause himself, a tale so wondrous, it will warm the hearts of those who hear it, or we will refund your money completely.
Lupine: Kill Que Pasa!
That Krazy Dude: If by completely you mean not at all. (The two start making out to increase ratings)
That Krazy Dude: Bill Gates must die!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sad jazz music plays in the background as Duck-Hand Frzlngd walks alone and sad down a snowy street.*
Que Pasa: Sony and Microsoft must go!
Frzlngd: (voiceover)You ever had that feeling? You were on top of the world, you had it all... then you lost it all. Just like tha-
Stampede: Enix made kingdom hearts, did they not? they must die?
Duck: (voiceover) QUACK!
Lupine: One: That's a good game!
Frzlngd: (still voiceover) SHUT UP WHILE I'M DOING MY DRAMATIC VOICEOVER MONOLOGUE! Oh screw this set-up, let's just jump into the story... my story of love and loss...
Stampede: 1 that game blows!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Christmas music plays while the opening credits roll cheesily by on snowflakes. Some clouds part to reveal the message, "The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Holiday Special: A Very Frzlngd Christmas". Then the camera scrolls down towards the ocean, aboard the Golden Cheesecake. The Cheesecake lays surrounded by ice while the pirates have fun on Christmas Eve.*
Lupine: 2: They made a shit load of other stuff!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The GCPA crew is ice skating on the ship's ice skating rink.*
Que Pasa: I will fight you all in Farnce! I will fight in the hills
Scruffy: I can’t skate! Since when do we have one of those?
That Krazy Dude: I will rape all your mothers extra tonight!
No Name: We froze over the pool.
Que Pasa: I will fight in those other places the old guy says!
Scruffy: We have a pool?
Stampede: You will fight in the country you made up, called Farnce.
Que Pasa: *does some amazing twirls and then smashes into that rock again* STOP FOLLOWING ME!
RoboSexual: Scruffy Join me!
That Krazy Dude: What is a rock but a giant piece of fornication?
Mr. Scruffy: For what? For what system?
Scruffy: (cuts hole in ice with saw, then starts ice fishing with Inuit Indian)
Robosexual: Join me to fight your crew, you shall get a Premium 360 if you bring us their heads. You will also be Bill Gates' left hand man!
No Name: What is a fornic-shut the hell pu! ...I mean up!
Mr. Scruffy: For Nintendo, Tales rocked. I wanna kill him.''(Editor's Note: I'm not sure what he was saying here at all)''
That Krazy Dude: ...pu?
No Name: AHAHA, little do they know Gates masturbates with his left hand!
No Name: I didn't fart...
Mr. Scruffy: It's thanks to him Xbox gets a bad rep!
Scruffy: Stop telling people to pu! Now go to your room! (slaps No Name)
Lupine: :: sits down and read Kenshin while listening to Feel Good Inc.::
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Suddenly a cannonball lands on Nemo and smashes a hole in the ice*
Bill Gates: (has fallen asleep in the mothership)
Frzlngd: Hehehe... Merry Christmas you filthy animals!
That Krazy Dude: Penis?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Giant Sushi Fish Man runs up to No Name and kicks him in the scrotum*
Mr. Scruffy: If it weren't for Bill Gates, Xbox would be happliy welcomed!
Stampede: *MAKES A DRAMATIC ENTRANCE INTO THE MOTHERSHIP, OPENS DOOR* No Name in here!! Bring your light-sab thingy!
That Krazy Dude: Who are you?
Guard: Wrong room!
Sushi Fish Guy: I am Jim, the Christmas Sushi.
No Name: You heard him, next room.
Scruffy: Salama likes sushi alot.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Bill Gates is masturbating.*
Sushi Fish Guy: Who's Sal-- *Salama eats the sushi fish man*
Que Pasa: (breaks into the Mothership through the window)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>No Name walks towards his room, but one blast later and it's just a gaping hole*
That Krazy Dude: *jumps into cannon and fires self at mothership*
Bill Gates: Until Next time! -A chair launches from the mothership and he flies to MSHQ-
No Name : (shrugs, walks through the hole and falls into the ocean) Old folk lore and sabers are not match for a good blaster by your side! *sploosh*
No Name: Dammit, we were too late!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The navy officers swarm through the ship and start tackling various pirates.*
Que Pasa: (rewires the ship into a Gamecube and flies towards Microsoft HQ) This is it, the last hurrah... This is for all the burritos!
No Name: *picks up letter* Dear crew, you may not know who this is but you shall find me where the triangle meets the penis -Bill Gates.
Mini-Myself: (under ten heavy officers) NAVY BRUTALITY! NAVY BRUTALITY!
Robosexual: (presses a button and laughs) -The X-cube has three seconds..-
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nemo climbs out of the ice hole*
Que Pasa: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ROBOT MOLESTER??? (jumps out window)
Nemo: Man, I'm glad I'm out of there! *gets tackled back into ice hole*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone has another air trick competition which is just a rehash of the last one. Ninjas jump in the sky while the air competition is taking place.*
No Name: *swims up from the ice hole* CLARISE! Is that you!
That Krazy Dude: *rips ninja's head off and smacks it with it*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nemo tries climbing out again only to have his head eaten off by a duck*
Robosexual: -laughs evily And slinks into the darkness with a 360... loud metal clanks are heard-
Frzlngd: You deserved that treat, Susie. Now we go for the big fajita.
Mr. T: I MUST PREVENT HISTORY FROM REPEATING ITSELF (drives by in the van and catches all the pirates) We're off to visit Mr. Gates, for real this time!
That Krazy Dude: STELLAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>cap lands on the jagged rocks on his tip toe while traveling backwards on a unicycle up the pyramids*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All the remaining pirates take refuge in the ship's parlor, where the Christmas tree is.*
Mr. Scruffy: I can do it!
That Krazy Dude: *gets tackled by a navy officer and is beaten over the head with his own bucket, and the navy officer explodes for no reason=. He then joins the pirates in the parlor*
That Krazy Dude: Amazing!
Que Pasa: We have to save the children!
No Name: *everyone gives him a ten*
Mr. Scruffy: Yeah!!!!! I've done it! Beat that, Tim Schaffner!!!
No Name: Hey look, it's a present! *Wally the Raccoon jumps out and attacks Lupine*
Random English Dude: Smashing!
Que Pasa: (opens a present, and Frzlngd comes out) Next time I shouldn't open the gift shaped like a man with a duck hand.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Soon the van stops by Microsoft HQ. Everyone starts creeping around the area Scooby-Doo style*
No Name: Ahahs you came out!
That Krazy Dude: Zoinks!
That Krazy Dude: Instead of a closet it was a box with wrapping paper.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Trunks joins in.*
Siren: C'mon, it's Christmas, cut us some slack!
Trunks: Mr.T, you have altered the time line...we must train for the coming of the androids!
Frzlngd: I am your alpha and you are my omega.
Mr. T: (pauses, then lunges forward and swallows Trunks whole)
That Krazy Dude: I cut your mom some slack last night!
That Krazy Dude: Wow, T's really hungry huh?
Frzlngd: No way! I'll eat all of your appendixes!
No Name: *Nemo disappears* Well maybe he was related!
That Krazy Dude: Not that!
Que Pasa: We have to get past this camera. (places a piece of paper in front of the camera to block it, but written on the paper is the crew's plans for infiltrating the building) Nemo was the son of Trunks and Goten.
No Name: I need that! *whispers to Cap'n* What does that do?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Krazy and some of the people who weren't mentioned in the story sneak up the back stairwell*
Scruffy: It puts the lotion on its skin.
Mini-Myself: I haven't talked......in a while.
That Krazy Dude: *opens to the appendix in back of text book and Frzlngd eats it*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Everyone covertly rides motorcycles through the halls of Microsoft HQ, decapitating everyone they come across*
*Frzlngd slaps Que Pasa back and starts furiously raping Lupine.*
Que Pasa: That works too.
Lupine: Make the pain stop!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The crew gets past a sleeping guard but on the way steps on a piece of paper which sounds like a million glasses breaking.*
Frzlngd: I feel like doing something even more unnecessarily mean!
No Name: Wow it didn't wake him up! *thinks*  
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Scruffy throws a fireball at Frzlngd, who catches it in the mouth of his duck hand. The duck then fires it at the tree and sets it on fire. The fire quickly spreads from the tree and through the ship.*
That Krazy Dude: He'll be sleeping for a long long time, my friend.
That Krazy Dude: No! Not that!
No Name: Not the younglings!
That Krazy Dude: *throws a nickel at the guard and he explodes*
That Krazy Dude: (sees his mop caught in the fire) NO!!! (starts crying) It's not fair!
Que Pasa: Hey Siren, do that stun-juggly thing!
Salama: It's burning! *starts roasting Nemo's dead body and devours it*
Lupine: ::stands wondering why he is never mentioned unless he's in the story::
<nowiki>*</nowiki>In an overly dramatic scene the whole ship is going down in flames while the pirates confront Frzlngd.*
No Name: YEA TAKE IT OFF *Siren strips* No, not you women. Mr. T!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>climatic scene with Que Pasa and Frzlngd facing of*
Mr. T: (blushes)
Que Pasa: HRAAAAAAA!!! (charges at Frzlngd but instead slams into the rock and passes out)
Lupine: Dude, shes your sister!
Frzlngd: One down, three to go...
Que Pasa: You should talk Marko. ''(See [[eLFa]])''
Scruffy: You're going down!
Lupine: Shut up John! ...I mean Que Pasa
Frzlngd: Fight me. (tackled by Rafael)
No Name: No Lupine, why don't you speak down! *Lupine explodes*
That Krazy Dude: Hey No Name that's my line!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ralph gets piled on by navy officers*
No Name: *looks at script* Oh yeah, it is! Sorry Krazy.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Frzlngd pokes Rafael with a stick until he gets off and then tosses him out the window.*
That Krazy Dude: No prob.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. T flies out from the flames and tackles Frzlngd.*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Siren stuns them, then Que Pasa uses Lupine as a battering ram through the guards.*
Mr. T: I'll distract him you gotta ge- (falls asleep)
Mr.T: Fool, you're too much fool!
No Name: Damn!
That Krazy Dude: Yea... fool.
That Krazy Dude: So close!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The GCPA ride the motorcycles into Bill Gates's office*
Scruffy: Not Mr. T! (climbs back up ship) I.....live!!!!!!!!!
Bill Gates: Penis (grows fangs and jumps Nemo)
No Name: ...Wanna start running?
Lupine: Why must the Cuban children suffer?
Scruffy: what, that's not me!
Nemo: I'm Domini-----
Frzlngd: Into the fire?
-Robo somehow appears in MSHQ-
Scruffy: I'm me!
Lupine: Fuck, I hate that thing. Hold on!
No Name: We are who we choose to be!
No Name: Or does the thing hate you?
Scruffy: I'm the real me, he's a fake!
That Krazy Dude: Wow. that Robosexual sure finds its way around.
That Krazy Dude: You know what they say, if you can't stand the heat then get outta your mom's bedroom
Lupine: :: breaks PSO game::
Frzlngd: If you can't take the heat, SHUT THE HELL UP! Odd, I've been talking alot more since Que Pasa passed out. Well who wants to get knocked out next?
Robosexual: ROBO MUST FEED! -Grabs Lupine.- CUBAN CHILDREN -Starts eating him-
Scruffy: My imposter does!!!
Lupine: :: ninjutsu and replaces self with Elion::
That Krazy Dude: Your mom's already knocked out in my pants!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Fidel Castro jumps in*
FIDEL: Not so fast!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Before anyone can speak (except the opposite) a chandelier falls on them*
Frzlngd: That works better.
That Krazy Dude: Ooh!!! He called you a Communist, Fidel!
Scruffy: =O
Fidel: ::shoots:: I love doing that!
Robosexual: Oh come on. -rips Castro's head off then castrates him-
Scruffy: Hey, he's still standing!
Que Pasa: That Robosexual gave my PC the Pikachu Virus!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Soon all the pirates are imprisoned in the navy base.*
Robosexual: ...
Stampede: (comes in) NOT COOL! (then leaves)
Que Pasa: I told it to have safe sex!
Robosexual: She had such a tight USB port, I couldn't resist.
Mr. T: I pity the fools who put a mickey in my milk. Stop yo Jibber Jabberin!
Nemo: It turned your floppy drive into a hard drive whooooooooooo!
Frzlngd: Good news pirates! You'll get to die on Christmas tomorrow!
Robosexual: ...
That Krazy Dude: Why must the good die young and if not young then not really old but not even middle-aged either?
Lupine: :: impales Nemo with staff:: Why won't you stay dead!
No Name: Now is that 12 am Christmas or when you wake up?
That Krazy Dude: Wow this story keeps changing more than lupine's weaponry.
That Krazy Dude: Somewhere in between.
Lupine: Staff, pole, it's the same thing! I'm to lazy to kick today, so I'm using that. And magic is worse.
Mr. T: I pity the fool who kills T on X-mas!
That Krazy Dude: Or slash with your sword.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Frzlngd then leaves with Bing Crosby as the guard.*
Lupine: My staff is a sword staff, remember?
Scruffy: Hey, I'm to young to die!!!!
No Name: Right..and my lightsaber is a mini nuclear reactor that uses high tech stuff to create a magnetic field to contain the fission of hydrogen atoms.
Random Old Guy: I'm not, but I still don't wanna!
That Krazy Dude: Or summon fruity spirits.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Frzlngd reports to his master, the President of the Earth- Arnold Schwarzenegger.*
Lupine: Spirits ehhhhh? Summoners ain't cool.
Mr. T: It's you, fool!
Bill Gates: Prepare... for the next generation! (puts on X-Box 360 armor)
Arnold: Silly duck-man, wat are you doing?
Stampede: I wonder if Pikachu is an actual Kapanese word [pretty sure it isn't], cause you can write it like perfectly.
Frzlngd: I've captured the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada for you sir.
Que Pasa: No way! (tosses an NES controller that plants itself in Bill Gates's head, and he explodes)
Scruffy: Haha, he has an accent! (gets electrocuted)
That Krazy Dude: *pokes him* VICTORYYYYYY-U
That Krazy Dude: Yay electrocution! *gets shocked* This gives me ideas for your mom's Christmas present
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Lupine summons Toucan Sam.*
Arnold: Who caares about petty creeminals? You should be doing your job!
Lupine: But Nintendo did it, can we really celebrate
Scruffy: Shocking, ain't it? Huh, huh, get the pun? (gets shocked more)
That Krazy Dude: WE HAVE WINUU!!!!
Frzlngd: ...Catching criminals is my basic job.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All of the GCPA level up. New skills acquired and 1000000000000 gold.*
Arnold: You know what? I've had enough of this, duck-man! You're fired!
Frzlngd: But... but... (falls through trap door)
Robosexual: Hahaha! You fools!
Arnold: (to his aide) Who was that guy anyway?
Que Pasa: Phil Sebben?
Scruffy: But he won't get his Christmas bonus! What bout us?
Robosexual: That was not the real Bill Gates.
That Krazy Dude: Penis?
Que Pasa: Impossible. Unpossible! Penis.
Scruffy: You gonna leave us here tied up or something?
Robosexual: It was a decoy we built. There are thousands. Like Saddam, but they look like Gates!
No Name: ... ...Weird ass Germans!
Que Pasa: Where is the real Bill Gates? Tell us Robosexual!
Dr. Nina: I heard that chapter 23 review!
Robosexual: Never!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Frzlngd walks alone through the streets.*
Que Pasa: I'll give you the hottest machine you need, you name it!
Frzlngd: And that's pretty much it. In retrospect it wasn't too good a story. Now what do I do?
Robosexual: ...
That Krazy Dude: How bout Salama's mom? that's what I like to do!
Que Pasa: How about the original Donkey Kong arcade? A Super NES? A Game Boy? ''[Editor's note- In retrospect, I should have offered to have machine marriages legalized. Things would have turned out better.]''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Naked Deaf Greased Up Guy runs by*
Robosexual: Never!
Mr. T: Untie us fool!
That Krazy Dude: Laptop? Palmpilot?
No Name: I have frost bites on top of frost bites!
Robosexual: -Runs into an empty room and has sex with the 360 again, awkward metal clangs are heard-
Naked Deaf Greased Up Guy: Hey duckie you gotta atone for your sins and save them cheese guys! (runs off and has quick intercourse with Salama's mom)
That Krazy Dude: Calculator?
Frzlngd: Those losers? Why should I bother? That won't help my Christmas!
Stewie: How do you know about the machine!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Luke Skywalker runs by*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The People from the Thanksgiving Day parade who are still looking for a free 360 finally catch up*
Luke: Have you seen Han?
Que Pasa: *swipes Robosexual's X-Box 360 and tosses it into the crowd. Everyone leaps at it and starts tearing at each other for it*
Scruffy: You know, years of doing Moms can have some unsightly side-effects...
No Name: ....I learned from this that being a failure makes us a better person and keeps our families together.
That Krazy Dude: *looks at hand*
That Krazy Dude: He hath forsaken your 360!
Que Pasa: Go to your room Scruffy!
Robosexual: ... -Oil comes out of his eye-
That Krazy Dude: *middle finger is gone* NOOOOO!!! Han's doing Salama's mom too!
No Name: No, you always have a place in our hearts we call..the crawl space. NOW GET IN THERE LUPINE! *hits Lupine with a broom*
Scruffy: Que Pasa, you're awake, untie us!
Robosexual: -pulls out a Revolution and smashes it with his foot- Death to the Nazi plumber!
Luke: Don't worry I lost a hand!
Que Pasa: YOU BASTARD (starts strangling the Robosexual)
That Krazy Dude: or not.
Robosexual: -doesn't feel it-
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Suddenly a tunnel opens in the middle of the cell, and Frzlngd pops up.*
No Name: Where are you going? Why are you going? Is it for the Mexican?
Scruffy: Oh, you're back to untie us!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>A little boy descends from the sky.*
Frzlngd: You there, what day is today?
Little Boy: Why don't all just STFU and be thankful for the games you have this Thanksgiving instead of destroying everyone else's?
Mr. Greco: Why it's Christmas day sah!
Que Pasa: Well Bill Gates tried to kill us all. Then again so does everyone we come across who's not on our crew.
Scruffy: Official Do Your Mom Day ohhh!
No Name: Yeah true.
That Krazy Dude: Awesome! I've already fulfilled the tradition then.
Robosexual: ... LET ME JOIN YOUR CREW!
Greco: Have some play-do.
No Name: Maybe next time we shouldn't wish ourselves back with the Dragonballz.
Frzlngd: It's not too late! The naked greased up deaf guy, he did it all in one night!
Goku: DUH!
Scruffy: So....you hunting us?
Que Pasa: Cool, a reformed evil guy like three-quarters of the DBZ cast. Welcome to the crew Robosexual!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Frzlngd cuts through the pirates' bonds with the duck bill and cuts the bars of the prison.*
Robosexua: Bill Gates doesn't know I run on Linux. D: Once he finds out I will be Xbox Scrap metal!
Scruffy: Finally!
Que Pasa: We won't tell
Que Pasa: *gets cheese doodles* THERE IS A SANTA...and...he...IS HONDURAN!
Britney Murphy: I'll never tell.
That Krazy Dude: You lie, he's obviously Mexican like everything else in the world. *everything has a sombrero on it*
Alicia Keys: Your secrets are safe with me!
Que Pasa: Look, there's Santa! It's Santa!
Robosexual: How many electronic devices do you have that have USB ports?
No Name: Where?!
Que Pasa: <nowiki>*</nowiki>And so Mr. T cuts the roasted Britney Murphys in a traditional Thanksgiving feast.*
Scruffy: Where?
Mr. T: Who wants white meat!
That Krazy Dude: *stops doing your mom* Yeah. where?
Robosexual: We shall never see the weird guy with the frooty owl ever again will we? Hey.. wait that's no turkey...
Que Pasa: *points up at the Millennium Falcon flying overhead*
Lupine: ::Real Folk Blues plays as he walks away::
Han Solo: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas to all, that was one in a million!
No Name: *slices stereo*
Scruffy: It's really him, I knew he existed! Told you guys!
Que Pasa: Wow this turkey tastes even better then that little boy!
That Krazy Dude: That's amazing!
Robosexual: Uhh... Why is that turkey a roasted owl?
Frzlngd: I love you guys. Sure in the stories after this I'll inexplicably have my job back and have no memory of this incident whatsoever, but still!
That Krazy Dude: ....That's a mystery of life, my friend.
No Name: Hey Frzlgnd: what do you want for Christmas?
Robosexual: Isn't that Lupine's fruity owl..?
Frzlngd: Mount me.
That Krazy Dude: ....That's a mystery of life my friend.
No Name: I'm not ready for commitment.
Lupine: He's a mother fucking owl!
Sensei: Eeeehhhhhh?!?!?!
Michael Jackson: (walks in) Can I borrow a cup of sugar?
Que Pasa: Oh Sensei!
Old Man from Family Guy: *leaves 77 mssages on the answer machine* Hello is Nemo there....Nemo sure looked fine without his shirt! Nemo...want some popsicles?
That Krazy Dude: Who are you people!?!?!?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>As the feast comes to a close, the guests leave, ending with Han Solo.*
Miss Knight: That has lots of symbolism in it.
Han Solo: Great feast kid, that was one in a million!
Mr. T: I ain't no kid, I'm yo father bitch!
That Krazy Dude: So does your face, but no one sez anything about that!
No Name: OH GOD HAN, everything is a million with you! Aren't you ever happy?
No Name: That was a compliment, you fail! *throws oven at Krazy*
Que Pasa: Enough orgasmic moanings, No Name!
Mr. Malkowicz: Krazy Dude. Get up and apologize for your vulgarity.
No Name: Sorry...*turns vibrating cell phone off*
That Krazy Dude: Oh yeah? Well at least I'm not the one who isn't wearing any pants.
Han Solo: Great sex, No Name! That was one in a million!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Malk looks down and runs off in embarrassment.*
No Name: Ouch, you're gonna get it Queer Pasa...like your sister! And mom!
Dr. Abbassi: All of you sign this now!
Que Pasa: *gets it from behind*
Que Pasa: *gets out a pen*  
That Krazy Dude: Ooh!!! He called you queer!
Abbassi: No no, with blood!
Que Pasa: Hey look another parade on tv! (the tv shows Iwata at the head of the crowd holding up a Revolution)
That Krazy Dude: ...
Miss Knight: I grade your papers with my blue blood!
Morgan Freeman: And that is where our story ends, I think. Except for that time Beast Boy got the ckicken pox.
That Krazy Dude: Hey look it's a group of kids bouncing basketballs down the hallway while yelling vulgar words!
That Krazy Dude: Koolio!
Abbasi: WHERE!?!? *runs off* I hope you have a parking permit, cause if not I will have to tow away your space ship...HALI BABA A SPACESHIP, ALAH HAS ARRIVED (STARTS PRAISING HIM)
Robosexual: ...
Mr. Meyer: (opens up his Christmas gift and finds a bear trap) Now I can sleep at night!
Morgan Freeman: Thank you one and all for... for... I dunno, you did something.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. Meyer opens another gift and Pablo Guzman jumps out and starts assaulting him*
Robosexual: Can you die from eating owl?
Pablo Guzman: Bet you're not gonna sleep well now!
That Krazy Dude: ...Maybe.
Morgan Freeman: I think it's about time to end this. Merry Christmas to all even though it was yesterday!
Que Pasa: You're a fucking robot!
That Krazy Dude: Hooray =D
No Name: And that's why Squanto learned to speak English!
Scruffy: Or was it??? (dramatic Woolly Mammoth Music plays)
The End... (quick scene of Bill Gates cackling) OR IS IT???
No Name: HUZZAH!
''[Note to self- Needs more sex.]''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mr. Nardiello dances by dressed as a ballerina and uses a wand to write "The End".*
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Revision as of 17:00, 25 October 2007

Anthologies of GCPA Sidequests
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

The Thing on Newport- Based on a True Story Blown Horribly Out of Proportion

by the first mate, the janitor, the nameless one, and I think the marksman did some stuff too on December 2, 2005

*A tiny-ass clown car pulls up in front of Newport Mall and opens. That Krazy Dude, Que Pasa, No Name, his brother Some Name, Edwin, Stampede, Shiny Stallone, Salama, Karl (the angry black man trying to get out the hood), Lupine and some girl named Liz pour out and enter the mall.*

Stampede: That is a nice car!

That Krazy Dude: Mini-Myself lent it from us.

Que Pasa: We would've been here sooner if Lupine wasn't so damn late.

Lupine: I'm sorry master, please forgive me!

Edwin: Where's the Cap'n?

Karl: He couldn't make it. Homework.

*Elsewhere, Scruffy poses dramatically in a pile of books.*

Scruffy: POR QUE????!!!

Mr. T: We have to stop meeting like this, fool.

*Elsewhere at the mall...*

*Liz punches Nemo and he dies.*

Krazy: Off to the food court!

*The crew heads to the escalator which will take them up to the food court.*

Que Pasa: Hey, who's that?

Stampede: NOOO!!! IT'S......

Abbasi: That's right it's me, Abbasi the doctor who doesn't have anything to do with medical science and the destroyer of any fun moments that you could possibly have! And now I'm the escalator monitor so I can prevent you from having fun in your precious mall.

No Name: Move out of the way Abbasi!

Abbasi: (plants staff in the ground) YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!

Liz: Who the hell's this angry middle eastern man?


Krazy: Penis?

Stampede: But today's Saturday.

Abbasi: Then it's time for you to serve your detention! Come my hall monitor minions!!!

Krazy: Hahaha they're coming alright...on your mom!! OOOOHHH!!!!!

Abbasi: You mock the great Abbasi!?

Liz: You mock the great Abassi?

Abbasi: Stop it!!!

Liz: Stop it!!!

Abbasi: I'm stupid!

Liz: You're stupid!

Abbasi: ARG! thats it! get them!

*Out of the shadows and Victoria's secret store come Dr. Abbasi's hall monitors. they run out doing kung fu style mid-air flips for no actual reason and take out their inhalers afterward. Several of them block the bottom of the escalator, some stand by their master's side and the rest go straight for the crew*

Vegeta: Don't worry I know how to deal with them...Bulma, Trunks...I love you! *Vegeta blows up and when the dust settles he is in stone and everyone else is alive, unharmed, then he falls over and shatters.*

Edwin: Wow, that wasn't necessary....*plants c4 to escalators while Real Folk Blues play*

Stampede: Run!!!


Karl: Wow...we still aren't harmed!

</nowiki>*</nowiki>A secret agent comes flying from the skylight and rescues the crew.*

No Name: Wow, who are you?

Agent: My name is Master... Master Bates. *gets shoot in the back of the head by Abassi*

Abassi: None shall pass this impenetrable wall of boredom!

Tom Cruise: I WILL!!!

*Random male models walk past*

Tom Cruise: ....Be right back...*runs away*

Edwin: ....gaaaaaay!

*Tom Cruise runs back a few minutes later, only to be squirted in the face with water until he passes out.*

Que Pasa: Wait! I have an idea!

*Que Pasa runs up to Abbasi and pokes him. Abbasi overly-dramatically attempts to dodge out of the way and winds up falling off the second floor and crashes on the bottom floor. Abbasi lays there twitching as sad music plays. His mob of hall monitoring minions run to his aid and carry him away to the Abbasi-mobile. Right before they reach the door they explode violently taking down several people with them including the dude who was wearing the Santa Claus costume and the strange dude from Yankee Candle*

Candle Dude: You like leche? You want million dollaru?

*They finally arrive at the food court.*

Shiny Stallone: Eat what you want. I own all of these restaurants.

*Salama bankrupts nearly the entire food court within .01 seconds.*

Que Pasa: Hey, that Mongolian Barbecue place ripped me off! I only have forty-two cents left!

Shiny Stallone: That happens to be the only restaurant here I don't own.

Que Pasa: (sees No Name shuffling through hundreds of dollars) Hey man, lend me some money!

No Name: Hell no.

Que Pasa: (starts crying) You never buy me nice things anymore!

*Everyone starts hanging around the arcade area. There Stampede and No Name, along with help from Some Name, play Lethal Enforcers for hours until they beat it.*

Stampede: That was a good game!

No Name: Hero-Hero Policeman!

Stampede: Yeah, you played real good.

No Name: Hero-Hero Policeman! Hero-Hero Policeman!

Stampede: You okay? You have been playing that game for a while...

No Name: Hero-Hero Policeman! (starts crying and hands Stampede a gun, then points to his head) Hero-Hero Policeman...

*Instead of shooting No Name, Stampede simply shoots the machine and Que Pasa pours out.*

Stampede: How the hell did you get in there?

Que Pasa: Everyone else ditched me, so I went into the arcade machine to cry.

*The three look around and see everyone else gone.*

No Name: (has forgotten the brainwashing) Hang on, I'll call them. (dials on cell phone) Hello, Krazy? Where are you? Spencer's? Spencer's? SPENCER'S? Okay bye.

Que Pasa: What the hell are they doing at Spencer's? What the hell IS Spencer's?

Stampede: We'll hunt them down.

Que Pasa: (looks over balcony) They're downstairs, running away!

*Que Pasa, Stampede and No Name run off after the others. Elsewhere Karl the angry black man trying to get out the hood has stopped to buy bubble tape.*

Karl: Hey, where'd everyone go? Wait, what's that- AHHH why you gotta go after the black people first?!!

*Back at the ranch, Que Pasa and the others have caught up to the others despite their numerous attempts to ditch them. Then they notice the absence of Karl, the angry black man trying to get out the hood.*

Liz: We have to find him. Why don't we-

Que Pasa: Let's split up!

*Que Pasa and Lupine wander the area.*

Lupine: Why'd you have to make us split up? The monster thing's sure to get us now!

Que Pasa: You act like I don't make stupid decisions like this all the time! Remember that time with the Mystery Box?


Peter: Lois, a boat's a boat, but a mystery box can be anything! It can even be a boat! And you know how much we've wanted one of those!

Lois: Then let's just get the-

Peter: I'll take it!


Lupine: That wasn't even you!

Que Pasa: Don't worry, we have everyone's cell phone numbers. Check in with Krazy.

Lupine: (dials cell phone) ...No answer.

Que Pasa: Uh... maybe we'll find one of them in here.

*They open a door and find a disturbing sight within.*

Nemo: Oh... oh... oh... BAM! Right in the kisser.

Mr. Brancato: Yum.

Meggan: (takes pictures) I have proof!

*Que Pasa and Lupine close the door and run off. Lupine stops and looks around while Que Pasa continues running.*

Lupine: Something's watching us...

Que Pasa: Nothing's watching us! (turns around and sees Lupine gone) Okay maybe there is.

*Que Pasa runs around the mall paranoid and jumps out the window, and he winds up landing by the light rail.*

Que Pasa: Can it be... the legendary light rail? At last I behold it with my own eyes! (pauses) Why do I hear suspenseful music in the background?

*Que Pasa turns around and screams... as Mr. Meyer lumbers out of some very big shadows.*

Mr. Meyer: Hello John.

Que Pasa: You're the mysterious monster who's been hunting us all down? What have you done to the others?

Mr. Meyer: They're all safe for now. I have wasted my money and need food, so I decided to use them. I have kept them in a freezer until I'm hungry enough to eat them all since that girl said it'd be an insult to the Ethiopians to waste food.

Que Pasa: You fiend! How could you?

Mr. Meyer: You don't understand. I'm just like you. I wasted my money... on a Mongolian Barbecue! The hunger will consume you too!

Que Pasa: No! I'll never be like you!

Mr. Meyer: Yes you will. Even though you were raised by the bears I hate, you have grown to hate them too, and so we are even more alike. With your help we can get all the food we need to survive in this mall!

Que Pasa: If I refuse?

Mr. Meyer: (does his impersonation of a camera which summons a swarm of dolphins)

Que Pasa: Oh, and by the way... (sings the Smallville theme into a DS microphone to summon a swarm of bears) I have made peace with my bear brethren.

*The bears and the dolphins break into into wild battle. Mr. Meyer scrambles through the madness.*

Mr. Meyer: How do I get out of this? Let me think- bears can't run downhill or parallel park...

*Que Pasa dropkicks Mr. Meyer into the railroad tracks. The bright light of a train is seen approaching- the huge-assest train ever, the Polar Express.*

Que Pasa: You see that light at the end of the tunnel? That's not Heaven!


*The train bounces off of Mr. Meyer and flies into space.*

Mr. Meyer: I should make a documentary about this experience.

*The bears bring back all the others from Mr. Meyer's fridge.*

Salama: It's not safe here. Let's take the light rail to Hoboken, where they have more food.

That Krazy Dude: So be it! I swear by the honor of my genitals, the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada shall travel to Hoboken!

*Everyone gets on the train and heads for Hoboken.*

Que Pasa: So how was that Harry Potter movie you saw last time you were here?

Stampede: It was good, but Dreamer says there's a giant hole in the story.

*Elsewhere Dreamer looks through the book until her hand gets stuck in a large hole in the book.*

Dreamer: What the... (is sucked into the hole)

Edwin: Enough of this! I want my own flashback- nay, demand it!


Edwin: Poppa, what's the world like outside Hudson County?

Edwin's Dad: There's nothing out there, son! Nothing but pain! (sobs) LORISSA!!!!


*The light rail stops at Hoboken. They then run from their lives through the light rail station for no real reason.*

No Name: Dammit, we've lost Karl again!

Shiny Stallone: Wait, I see him- he's in that Johnny Rocket's across the street!

*Everyone jaywalks across the street as Karl walks out of the restaurant, but he somehow looks different.*

That Krazy Dude: Karl?

Karl: That name no longer applies to me. I have finally gotten out of the hood. I... AM... JOHNNY ROCKET!!! (changes into 50's clothes to Happy Days) I fight crime now! (sees a jaywalker) Stop right there, jaywalker! You have to answer to me!

Jaywalker: Yeah? What are you gonna do?

Johnny Rocket: (holds out a hamburger) Here!

Jaywalker: Thanks man! (eats the hamburger and walks away)

Johnny Rocket: Seen any other jaywalkers for me to mess up?

*Fifty years later...*

Jaywalker: ARGH (arteries explode)

Johnny Rocket: It was worth the wait.

Morgan Freeman: And so Karl the angry black man trying to get out the hood finally got out the hood, and all was good again in Hoboken. But everywhere surrounding Hoboken was wiped out by nuclear winter.

The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Adventures Featuring Magilla Gorilla in: Crouching Testicle Hidden Penis


Que Pasa: What's pounce?

Edwin: This is! *slams Que Pasa through seven concrete walls*

Que Pasa: Oh, that pounce! I thought you meant the sexual acts which is worth 3 dollars in Thailand and Lupine performs to himself when he find the nights too lonely.

*Que Pasa humps tv screaming for FOX to give him more...from brhind*

Edwin: Alright, if you're into that.

*Miss Knight walks onto the ship*

Miss Knight: Where's the bathroom?

*Que Pasa stares at her and then swallows her whole..then she explodes in his stomach*

Que Pasa: Talk about a heart burn...indigestion, upset stomach, diahrrea..OH PEPTO BISMOL!

Stampede: I want me some of what you're eating......

Que Pasa: You want Ms. Knight? Isn't that like bestiality or something?

Edwin: I don't know here I'm going with this...

No Name: I don't know where your ever going!

*Miss Ibrahim walks out of her class*

Miss Ibrahim: I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU! *walks away*

*Lupine cries*

Lupine: Nobody understands me! *cries more*..*sniff*...*cuts himself to Real Folk Blues*


Que Pasa: What the hell is wef?!

No Name: I accidentally slammed the keyboard.

Que Pasa: Well I accidentally slammed your mom with my male genitalia!

*The ceiling explodes, and navy officers leap down.*

Captain Duck-Hand Frzlngd: You're under arrest because I feel like it!

Que Pasa: Your mo- (kicked into a row of computers)

Shadow: Hand over the Chaos Emeralds! (starts bitch-slapping Dr. Eggman) MARIA (dashes off a cliff)

No Name: I AM SONIC! I CAN FLY! (jumps out window and lands in a box of glass, then gets attack by rabid dogs)

Edwin: OMG No Name, are you okay?

No Name: I need more Power Rings...

Frzlngd: Enough! General Colonel Lieutenant Major Shogun Wiley, initiate Operation Over-Complicated Fight Scene!

*The navy officers tear through the media center riding duck bikes but they wind up doing more random damage then actually attacking the pirates.*

No Name: (tries spin-dashing but hits a coat rack) Get this stupid jacket out of my way!

Stampede: That's my jacket.

No Name: Yeah, I know. (after Stampede looks away, tosses the jacket into a furnace)

Nemo: I'm a Dominican troll, comb my hair for good luck!

Stampede: *shoots Nemo in the face*

*Robosexual collects the hair and sells it for hardware money.*

Frzlngd: What the fuck is going on? Time to end this! (presses a button, and a Bioduck smashes through the wall)

Sonic: Shadow, let's get the Chaos Emeralds!

Shadow: Right!

*They begin jerking motion while emeralds glow around them, then they appear to ejaculate and turn super. Live and Learn starts to play*

Dr. Eggman: (over communicator) The Bioduck's weakness is in his boils!

Shadow: yea....by the way, why are you always with tails?

Sonic: We're life partners..........

Shadow: Awkwaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsdrhgklbyklgi

Amy Rose: (over communicator) Great, keep up the good work!

Que Pasa: Put Eggman back on, he always has something good to say.

Emily Rose: I'M POSSESED BY THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *break neck* UIGERIBRBGSIDR

Edwin: Yeaaaaaah, maybe if we ignore her she'll go away *throws blanket over her*

*Shadow and Sonic smash into the Bioduck until it explodes.*

Sonic: We did it!

Shadow: Maria... (turns back to normal form and falls down a few feet to the ground then dies)

Morgan Freeman: In memory of Shadow the Hedgehog. He lived 2001-2001, and 2004-2007.

*Krazy Dude runs in and slams navy officers into the wall with a penis-shaped battering ram.*

Nemo: (points to the ram) Can I borrow that when you're done?

Kelso: You know what your problem is.... I'm too good looking!

Nemo: Excellent...release the hounds!

Que Pasa: (unzips pants)

No Name: Stop right there, impostor! I'm the real Sonic!

Sonic: No way! We'll race around the world to see which of us is real!

No Name: It's on!

*Sonic dashes off. No Name runs after him, then falls out a window and into a box of glass, where he's attacked by rabid dogs for a third time.*

Frzlngd: Enough of this tomfoolery!

Que Pasa: Oh good, remind me later No Name to write that later....

No Name: Nani?

*Frzlngd leaves runs out and comes back a few seconds later riding a dinosaur.*

Frzlngd: Enough of this, pirates! This ends here!

*The dinosaur starts spitting lasers and fries Nemo as it stomps forward.*

Pimp Named Slick back: My Name is a Pimp Named Slick Back!

No Name: What?

Pimp Named Slick Back: IIIII said my name is a pimp named slick back!

No Name: What?

Pimp Named Slick Back: *Takes pistols out* Bitch say "what" one more time and I blow ya head off neeei

Frzlngd: I need back-up! (summons Count Gonad's cousin, Baron von Chodemeister)

Chodemeister: (pulls out a sword) I will collect your balls!

Mini-Myself: I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!!! (leaps at the Chodemeister)

(Chodemeister dodges down a little bit and grabs Mini-Myself in his nuts and gropes them)

Chodemeister: Yes, interesting, oh yea!!!!!

Mr. Malkuwitz: This whole thing is disgusting! Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting! ....Disgusting! I'm done.

Scruffy: You just lost all of your already little left dignity from the priest incident.


*Scruffy bites into a hamburger.*


Adam West: AHAHAHA his name was Boner!...*sigh* I've failed.

*Mini-Myself pulls himself away from Chodemeister just as the sword flies past. He kicks a navy officer off a duck bike and rides off a ramp in the middle of the media center, then jumps off as the motorcycle flies into the dinosaur's mouth.*

Mini-Myself: Aha!

Dinosaur: (eats motorcycle)

Mini-Myself: Well that makes my entire life leading up to this point meaningless.

Csp'n: Dammit, how will we get Mini back!?!?!

Que Pasa: We have to wait for him to come out the other end *stares at dinosaur's butt*

*Mini expands and rips the dinosaurs stomach*

Mini: Look who I found... *puts down Gepeto and Pinocchio*

Frzlngd: That's it! Finish them Chodemeister!

No Name: I dare you to try, wimp! I'll go Super Sonic on you!

*Chodemeister grabs No Name by the third leg and swings him around, then flings him out the window, and he misses the box of glass.*

No Name: Yes, I've broken the loop! (Chodemeister drops a box of glass and rabid dogs on him) NOOO FATE WINS AGAIN!!!

*They shove Siren towards Chodemister. He starts acting awkward and uncomfortable, then stumbles outside the window.*

Scruffy: We had to send either her or Lupine.

*Chodemeister lands in the alley and finds himself surrounded by the rabid dogs.*

Chodemeister: Oh... my friends...

Dog: Friends? You said we were the enemy!

*The rapid dogs all pounce atop the Chodemeister in a sexual way, and their silhouettes are seen against the flames.*

No Name: Ah, poetic justice! As my life mate Tails would say, we all did it together!

*Nemo comes dressed up as Tails.*

No Name: Not what I had in mind....

*Stampede shoots Nemo*

Stampede: Better?

No Name: Much better...Let's have a sexy party!

*Bunch of sexy girls with lingerie run in*

GCPA: Yea!

Dreamer: I objectify to this...stay after school to see the debate between guys and girls! Siren why are you joining these testosterone filled men!

Siren: Hey sexy is sexy! *Makes out with all girls*

No Name: WOOOO!

Nemo: I don't like this!

Stampede: (Polishes his gun shaft)

*Everyone gathers around one extremely hot girl.*

Siren: Hey, what about me?

Stampede: Who?

*The extremely hot girl then fires a laser whip from her duck hand, tying up all the pirates that are crowded together around her, then sheds her skin to reveal Duck-Hand Frzlngd while Siren laughs at them.*

Frzlngd: You're under arrest because I feel like it, and you kinda killed Baron von Chodemiester!

*Frzlngd is crushed under a falling chandelier. All the pirates climb on top of the chandelier and start dancing around naked*

Morgan Freeman: With the villains defeated, the pirates decided to sneak out of the school to McDonald's before the late buses come. They find Mr. Greco and Ms. Lohf talking there and monitoring the exit. At first they try to wait for them to leave, but they just stay there so the pirates use subtle tactics to sneak past and continue on to McDonald's. In fact the two are still there when the pirates return, except Mr. Greco isn't wearing pants.

Salama: (walks casually through the aisle, snatching everyone's food)

*Soon they decide to go back out into the snowy path back to High Tech. Most of the pirates walk down the snowy slope, but Que Pasa talks the safe road alongside it.*

No Name: (shouts at Que Pasa) You idiot, you're sacrificing freedom for security- (slips and falls over, slides down the slope and into the traffic-infested street) AHHHB THIS IS WORSE THAN ALL THE GLASS AND RABID DOGS OF THE WORLD!!!!111

Morgan Freeman: With that, No Name learned an important lesson. There's a little penis in all of us- especially your mom HAHA!

To Whom the Penis Tolls

by Scruffy, Que Pasa, No Name and Edwin on December 15, 2005

*In the meeting room, the pirates are planning for the Biopardy.*

Nemo: Here's my idea for the Biopardy fashion show....

*Scene of the male pirates walking down the runway wearing only leaves over their crotches. Nemo salivates.*

Scruffy: Well it is botany-related...

*Que Pasa runs into the parlor.*

Que Pasa: I've got big news, everyone! I've entered us all on a reality tv show!

Stampede: I thought we agreed not to enter another reality show since we entered Edwin on Date My Fat Lesbian Uncle. (points to Edwin, who's huddled up and shaking in the corner)

Que Pasa: No no, this is different! This show is "The First Mate", and it's hosted by Gold Roger, the King of Pirates! The winner will get to be his first mate! C'mon, I already entered us and assassinated the other contestants!

That Krazy Dude: Alright, let's head off. (rides off on a platypus)

No Name: He does know we are on a riding mode of transportation, right?

Siren: Let him tire himself out.

*The Golden Cheesecake sails off and arrives at Gold Roger's ship, the Motherlover.*

Gorenicus: You guys are here too? Well don't think you'll beat me to become Gold Roger's first mate, I had a fully-balanced breakfast today! (holds up a glass of orange juice, a piece of toast and some diabetes-infested cereal)

Lupine: Dammit Que Pasa, you didn't assassinate this one.

Mini-Myself: So all of us are competing in this reality show. I wonder who will win?

Que Pasa: Obviously me! I AM a first mate and over-confident in my abilities!

Gold Roger: (walks out and points at Que Pasa) Whoever you are, I'm sorry, but... you're walking the plank.

Que Pasa: What? It hasn't even started!

Gold Roger: Sorry, you're obviously not first mate material.

*Que Pasa drags his wheelie bookbag towards the plank over water that's swarming with sharks.*

Que Pasa: (looks down at sharks as he steps onto the plank) This is all fake, right?

Gold Roger: The plank is. It's made out of paper.

*Que Pasa falls down into the water while everyone else takes pictures.*

Scruffy: Well aside from him, all our pirates are here and accounted for.

Lupine: Wait, where's Dreamer?

*Elsewhere, in a dungeon...*

Dreamer: HELP MEEEEEE!!!!

Gold Roger: Anyway, you will be divided into two teams- one led by Scruffy and the other by Gorenicus.

Scruffy: Yes, finally, I can name my team the Bio-Hazards!

Gold Roger: The name has to be botany-related.

Scruffy: (weeps while cutting a mango)

*The Motherlover pulls up on a populous island.*

Gold Roger: For your first task, each team must pillage and rape a town, and we'll see how you do.

Lupine: Let's do this, guys!!!!

(Lupine runs of where he grabs his fruity owl, Aeolous, and rapes him in multiple positions, then has a orgy with horses, cows, pigs, and other owls)

*Scruffy's team- No Name, Stampede, Mini-Myself, Edwin, eLFa and That Krazy Dude. Gorenicus's crew- Siren, Robosexual, Lupine, Nemo, Aeolus and Frenchie.*

Gold Roger: Everyone who wasn't mentioned is now disqualified.

Girl From the Weakest Link: You are the weakest link. Goodbye. (presses detonator)

Gorenicus: Hey, you got all the good onees!

Scruffy: Well you got the hot one.

Gorenicus: Point taken.

*Both teams rush through their individual towns and begin messing the places up. *

Robosexual: (tears an ATM Machine out of the wall and plugs it into himself)

Stampede: (shoots down the wall of a Public Girl's Locker Room which has a sign that reads, "No Fat Chicks", and races Mini-Myself inside)

Edwin: (decides to do actual pillaging, but then changes his mind an transmutes the ground to grab some women)

Siren: (drags away the guys that Frenchie beats to unconsciousness with a baguette)

*Afterwards, each team is tied to a mast on the Motherlover.*

Gold Roger: Okay, let's go over what happened. Both of you did the exact same thing: run through the city and rape some random people. Have you ever pillaged anything?

Scruffy: Come to think of it, we spend all our time making merry and fighting evil-ass guys.

Gorenicus: Yeah, I flunked my college pillaging classes. But I did major in raping!

Gold Roger: All right. Scruffy, your team did some slight destruction so I guess your team is free. (cuts the rope to their mast) And now I have to disqualify one of you. Lupine... you're walking the plank.

Nemo: What a dummy! (annoying laughter)

Gold Roger: On second thought, you're walking the plank. (shoves Nemo overboard)

*After a few weeks Scruffy, Gorenicus, Siren, Stampede, That Krazy Dude, Edwin and No Name are the only ones left. Gold Roger summons them for their final task.*

Gold Roger: The navy is on its way. You must fight off them as well as each other to win. Last one standing will be my new first mate. (ship is hit by cannon) bbl! (leaps into the only life boat and rows away)

No Name: I'd rather have the German in front of me then French people behind me! (knocked out cold by a stale flying baguette)

Frzlngd: That's right, I'm back once again to do the good thing!

Scruffy: Dammit, why did Mr. T have to leave to slay vampires in the Caribbean?

Gorenicus: (poses) Ha, I'll take you all down!

*The other pirates all grab Gorenicus and fling him at Frzlngd. The two break out into wild combat.*

Stampede: So... yeah...

*All the pirates leap at each other and each strangles another, linking them together in a chain of strangled guys.*

Edwin: This is quite painful!

That Krazy Dude: Indeed.

Siren: Ha... I can hold my breathe... for a few more seconds...

Scruffy: I... think... we've... been set up...

*Everyone releases their holds.*

Scruffy: We have to find Gold Roger.

*The remaining pirates hijack a navy ship and drive off while Gorenicus and Frzlngd struggle. They soon start to catch up on Gold Roger. Scruffy leaps from the boat to Gold Roger's, and they sword duel.*

Gold Roger: How do you expect to win against the King of Pirates?

Scruffy: By not losing! Now explain your evil scheme.

Gold Roger: Simple, I use the reality show as a front so I can eliminate all pirates who may one day overthrow me.

Scruffy: Go on...

Gold Roger: That's it.

Scruffy: Oh, okay. Well I can't let you eliminate all the pirates! Or my name isn't Edwin Turvilsdky Pepelu the VII!

Gold Roger: It isn't.

Scruffy: Oh, then I'll let you.

*Scruffy sits silently to the side while Gold Roger spits a jet of fire at the other pirates. But Lupine leaps up from the ocean and absorbs the attack like Piccolo.*

Lupine: Fly, you fools...

*The others lift up Lupine and toss him into Gold Roger's mouth. Gold Roger starts flashing.*

Gold Roger: You may have beaten me, but you'll never find my legendary treasure- I've hidden it where no one will find it... (explodes)

Scruffy: (checks under the couch) I found it!

General Colonel Lieutenant Major Shogun Wiley: Freeze, pirates! You're all under arrest!

Lupine: I feel so useless to you guys... (cuts himself)

That Krazy Dude: Is there no way to escape this pickling cucumber?

General Colonel Lieutenant Major Shogun Wiley: We do accept bribes.

Scruffy: (looks at treasure) Aw.

*They all return to the Golden Cheesecake and find... Que Pasa!*

Siren: You're alive?!

Scruffy: But I thought you were shark bait!

Que Pasa: So it seemed. The sharks surrounded me from all sides. But at that moment my shrieks summoned an armada of eight, no more no less, krakens led by Tim Allen. We worked as one to conquer the sharks. I spent years living among them, learning their ways and mating constantly with them. One day I encountered an orgasm so powerful it ripped a tear in time and space that brought me here today.

No Name: You're gonna be alllright.

Que Pasa: Except for the infinite STDs, yes.

*Elsewhere, Frzlngd is still dueling Gorenicus atop the Empire State Building. Some passing biplanes shoot at them, and they fall down hard on the ground. Everyone crowds around Gorenicus and cries while completely ignoring Frzlngd.*

Jack Black: (hops out of a phone booth) Beauty killed the beast.

Frzlngd: Stupid pirates... just you wait. I'll have my revenge, someday... someday soon! I will give you the present of death- this Christmas! (Madmanic laughter)

The Snow Day Liberation

by Lupine, Que Pasa, That Krazy Dude, No Name and Jebus on December 17, 2005

:: It's a cold winter day in High Tech High School. ADD, Krazy Dude and Lupine have just killed themselves because of another test, but are happy at the prospects of a snow day the next day. The class gets into a huge ass discussion::

That Krazy Dude: You go do that.

Nemo: So you think there will be school tomorrow, Dr. T?

Dr. T: Tvust me, there vill be school tomorrow!

Alchey the hobo: Nah! (grabs some students and drags them into a dark alley)

That Krazy Dude: How would you know this, Dr. T?

Dr. T: Jost trust me, since I can determine the joules of heat it absorbs!

Que Pasa: Joules of heart your mom absorbs, am I right?

Dr. T: What they don't know is that my Russian comrades have a weather machine deep in the heart of Russia and heavily guarded by an arsenal of weaponry!

Que Pasa: I know that, I've always known that! Why would you tell me such a useless tidbit?

That Krazy Dude: What was that, Dr. T?

Dr. T: Nothing. nothing at all!

That Krazy Dude: Something is strange about this angry Russian man's statement.

Lupine: ::stares::

No Name: Joules are unit of work, Que Pasa.

Que Pasa: Joules are a unit of STFU!

That Krazy Dude: He said it as if to himself, but so loud that everyone in class can hear it.

Lupine: So anyway, let's all get ready for snow related frolics!

Que Pasa : I don't know what me and No Name are doing in this class but I think we should be on our guard!

Lupine: And how the hell did you two get in our chem class?

Que Pasa: FUCK!

That Krazy Dude: Strange...

No Name: They're onto to us, flush the weed down the toilet! Be inconspicuous Que Pasa!

(Que Pasa takes out a horn and yells in it)

:: Mr.G runs in dressed as the Big Boy and grabs Que Pasa and drags him into a closet. Screams of pleasure are heard::

That Krazy Dude: So yeah...

Que Pasa: Do I do both those things at the same time?

That Krazy Dude: Ignoring that...


That Krazy Dude: Maybe we should listen to the strange mutterings of this angry Russian guy.

No Name: Ahhahah, that's what your mom said last night!

Dr. T: Now while they are distracted by the big man, I will make my escape! ::runs into closet of mystery and disappears::

No Name: I want one of those.

Que Pasa: I have eight.

Lupine: Let's go to Russia!

That Krazy Dude: Russia!?

Lupine: Yes! Land of Cold!

That Krazy Dude: That could lead us anywhere! Even Mexico!!

No Name: Even to Russia!

Lupine: We must all prepare!

That Krazy Dude: For the Mexicans?

Lupine: Que Pasa get in your swim trunks! Now!

Que Pasa: Let's go! (tosses a saddle on Mr. G)

No Name: A boat... I know how much you want one of those!

That Krazy Dude: ...???

No Name: *uses force powers to levitate and flies off*

That Krazy Dude: *uses your mom as a flotation device and heads to Russia by seas*

::ADD calls a city wok man and has him deliver lupine and himself to Russia via air mail::

City wok guy: Thank you fo frying sheety air-rines, can I take yo oda prease?

*The pirates all start hiking through snowy Russia*

Lupine: MY LEGS!

ADD: It's always your legs. What about your heart?

No Name: My scabula

That Krazy Dude: So where do you think this evil weather machine would be?

Lupine: In the one place no one would ever look in Russia- in England!

That Krazy Dude: .... Or we could just check that place with the giant weather machine looking thing on top of it.

Lupine: That's foolish!

That Krazy Dude: *points* Right over there.

Lupine: To England!

*The GCPA all overlook the weather machine place from a cliff.*

Han Solo: Luke. you're freezing! Get in! Its body heat will keep you alive! (cuts open Salama's stomach)

ADD: Who will pull my rickshaw now? WHO?

Que Pasa: ..Let me test the security (tosses a baby down, but it sets off a land mine)

No Name: Hey look, there's the 7 slices of pizza Salama ate today at the judo party.

Lupine: Oh, you mean that party I didn't go to!

That Krazy Dude: Exactly!

No Name: You didn't wanna go!

Lupine: Well then...

Que Pasa: (opens up Salama's stomach and finds Stampde there with a flashlight and a book)

Stampede: Close it, I'm reading a scary story!

Lupine: Only one thing to do!

That Krazy Dude: And that is your mom!


That Krazy Dude: Awww... Can I still do ur mom?

Lupine: :: rips off shirt and various women run in, they all dance but turn into ice because of cold::

*Salama swallows all the women whole, and Nemo humps every dead body.*

Que Pasa: Let's tear Lupine's body apart and play with it again.

That Krazy Dude: Yay!

Lupine: :: thaws from the friction:: I'm not dead! Nemo's the dead guy.

Que Pasa: On the outside.

That Krazy Dude: *ignores the fact that they're trying to prevent school*

Que Pasa: (hits Lupine with a frozen leg) Now you are!

Lupine: :: dodges:: Hahahaha glorious!

That Krazy Dude: Penis!

*Lupine's laugh summons an avalanche*

Lupine: Hey, aren't we on a mission?


Lupine: Awww shit! Shut up!

Krazy: *whispers* What? *rumble*

Lupine: Slag.

No Name: Hey it was Krazy's fault!

That Krazy Dude: Gay!


Que Pasa: *snowboards on the avalanche until he smacks into the very same rock and falls*

("City Escape" plays while No Name races Sonic on snow boards)

Lupine: :: turns and makes the fire hand seal and slaps hand:: Fire Fist!

That Krazy Dude: *runs and uses your mom as a snowboard*

Lupine: ::tries thawing but is attacked by a large snow rabbit:: My arm!

:: Wally is seen in shadows paying the rabbits::

That Krazy Dude: *passes Sonic and gives him a Sonic-style thumbs up; Sonic flips him off*

Lupine: ::rodeos the rabbit and begins riding him down the mountain; the rabbit unleashes pent up sexual energy onto Nemo::

No Name: *Force-pushes Sonic off a cliff to a jagged rock death* There can only be one! *Force pushes to gain speed*

That Krazy Dude: Never!!! *Your mom increases speed*

Que Pasa: *His frozen body increases speed, then it's carried away by penguins*

*Suddenly a ping pong table on snowboards comes in between That Krazy Dude and No Name* That Krazy Dude: It's on!!! No Name: LET'S GO! EXTREMUUUU PINGU PONGU! That Krazy Dude: DUUUUUURUUUUUUU! <nowiki>*Everyone lands by Dr. T's weather device place at last*

:: Weather starts to warm as the machine is seen glowing purple.::

Lupine: Purple?

That Krazy Dude: That's what she said!

No Name: Hey Krazy, got blue balls?

That Krazy Dude: From your mom! Ooooooh!!!

No Name: *stares at Que Pasa with blue make up*

Que Pasa: You don't buy me nice things anymore!

That Krazy Dude: You don't wear pants anymore!!!

*The avalanche lands on No Name and stops. No Name pops up from the snow and climbs on top of it*


*The pirates are then confronted by the hermit of the snow caves- Robin Williams.*

That Krazy Dude: ::gasp::

Lupine: ::bows:: Williams. It is an honor.

-Robosexual appears out of nowhere-



One-Armed Willy: But Estrada, Cuba's a bad place!

Estrada: Exactly!

*One-Armed Willy goes to the corner where thee map of Cuba is.*

One-Armed Willy: So Cuba, whats up?

Estrada: Now you're talking to Cuba?!

::Lupine walks by::

Estrada: You stole my face!

No Name: I stole your mom's virginity!

That Krazy Dude: *beats Lupine with stick* BAD CUBAN BAD!

No Name: Yes, Lupine...I am your father!

Estrada: (force pushes Lupine off a cliff to a jagged rock death) There can only be one!

Lupine: ::grabs to edge:: Someone help me!!!!!

Estrada: *sobs* What have I done! ... (kills himself, but not before giving One-Armed Willy detention)

Lupine: I'm still alive!

*Princess Leia hears Lupine's calls, and Han Solo pulls the Millennium Falcon up beneath Lupine and catches him in it*

Lupine: Well, defeating Estrada was strangely easy.

That Krazy Dude: Wrong teacher! We need to defeat Dr. T dammit!

No Name: Lucas has a fetish with sending people down air shafts, maybe it's symbolic for sex.

Dr. T: Bah! Eestrada was only a paawn!

Dr. Eggman: There can only be one evil genius!

Estrada: ::returns to Dr. T's side: They are powerful, but can be dealt with. Send her out.

*Hester Prynne walks out.*

That Krazy Dude: It's amazing how we're able to do all this after school yet before it hits the next morning.

:: Dr.T send out .....Sensei!::

Nathaniel Hawthorne: The letter 3 1/4 in size, and the reader may laugh, but it seered my chest when I placed it there!

*Nathanial Hawthorne tears off his shirt to reveal a laser cannon grafted to the burnt part of his chest*

Hawthorne: HAHA I'M A CYBORG!

Lupine: Well, let's take a casualty report. Nemo's died seven times. We aye Salama...

That Krazy Dude: Penis.

Sensei: Get serious! This class is rated PG 13! Marko, why do you not come to Japanese anymore? You must get serious about Japanese! Little here, little there! :: grabs a katana:: GET SERIOUS NOW!

That Krazy Dude: Yeah, she told us that too.

*Sensei and Nathanial Hawthorne look at each other, and romance music starts playing. The two hop at each other and start making love immediately*

Dimmesdale: BLASPHEMY!

Lupine: Ahhhhhhhh, sorry Sensei!

That Krazy Dude: ...

Chillingworth: AHAH, now I will plot my revenge and become a fiend!

That Krazy Dude: *curls into ball and starts rocking back and forth while talking to himself*

Lupine: With all these enemies, how will we ever stop that fiend Dr. T's weather machine?

*With Sensei and Hathorne distracted with each other, and Robin Williams trying to fly over a bottomless crevice like Peter Pan, the GCPA runs past and make their way towards Dr. T*

Lupine: That works!

Darth Maul appears with, not a dual lightsaber, but two ping pong paddles.* That Krazy Dude: Then it is a challenge he wants! So a challenge he shall get! No Name: I'll help you..Krazy! Scratch my back and I'll scratch your feet. <nowiki>*No Name and Krazy Dude get ping pong paddles.*

Que Pasa: We'll take him together!

*The three of them step forward, draw ping pong paddles, and... kick Darth Maul in the nuts and dash away.*

No Name: How anticlimactic.

That Krazy Dude: That works.

No Name: ....

That Krazy Dude: I had a better idea.

Que Pasa: Like your mom!

That Krazy Dude: But anyway!

Que Pasa: Then do that.

*Krazy rewinds time and places a truck on top of Que Pasa.*

That Krazy Dude: Yes! Lupine! Que Pasa! Take out Dr. T! Me and No Name will take on Darth Maul!

Lupine: ::stands just watching and listening to Asian Kung Fu Generation::

*Ping pong table appears between Darth Maul, No Name, and Krazy Dude whi;e Mr. Meyer phases through a wall and eats Lupine's iPod.*

*furious ping pong battle ensues. The battle continues until the score is 24 for Darth Maul and 15 for No Name and Krazy, and it's game to 25.*

No Name: Don't worry! The miracle of basketball will help us win!

:: Lupine Rushes Dr.T::

Dr. T:: Lupine, vould u like to see vat u got on zat test I didn't say?

Lupine: ::looks:: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

No Name: Let's take him down, Krazy! *gets 3 ping pong balls and duel wields ping pong paddles*

*No Name serves them all at once and Darth Maul gets confused and smacks himself in the face with the paddle. Somehow the score reaches 24-24.*

That Krazy Dude: Game point!

*Dr. T attacks in a giant mechanical walker near the core of the weather machine*

Dr. T: Only seceend remain unteel your snow days are over!

Que Pasa: No!

*Suddenly a laser blasts Dr. T away. Siren is seen swooping down in the Millenium Falcon.*

Siren: Good job, now blow this thing up so we can all go home!

No Name: Ahaha, Siren said blow!

*Darth Maul serves a Force-powered ping pong ball down the middle and No Name and Krazy both smack the ball at the exact same time sending the ball at Darth Maul and causing him to explode violently.*

Que Pasa: *stuffs another baby into the reactor core, setting off a chain reaction that destroys the weather machine*

That Krazy Dude: Game!

Ms. Gilmartin: I don't think so, it touched the line

Lupine: Guys, weren't there renegade Russians? ::Site B weather device activated:: Shit!

Que Pasa: *points to the renegade Russiuans running around on fire*

*Renegade Russians pop up.*

Ms. Gilmartin: I'm Catholic!

Gilmartin: My professor was a volleyball coach.

That Krazy Dude: Really, so did he teach you volleyball?

Gilmartin: No, algebra.

That Krazy Dude: .....?


That Krazy Dude: .....???

Ms. Gilmartin: Let me tell you of my first orgasism!

*Everyone throws up.*

That Krazy Dude: Nooooo!!!!

*Elsewhere Mr. Dobkin (the husband of Sensei) pops out of the snow and drives his hand through Nathanial Hawthorne's chest, pulling out the laser cannon.*

That Krazy Dude: Not an orgasism, not to be confused with orgasm. So what are we doing with this weather machine?

Que Pasa: Using it as a coffee machine.

That Krazy Dude: ....Okay.

Lupine: I have a better idea!

Mr. Malkowicz: But Russian coffee machines are nothing compared to the French!

Miss Knight: Guys guys, I am very disappointed in you...you were not responsible while I needed MEDICAL ATTENTION LOOK I'M HURT! *points to a small paper cut*

That Krazy Dude: ...?

Lupine: ::scene shifts to Duck Hand's ship; The ship is frozen in place::

Private: Sir, we seem to be stuck. And group of pirates are mooning us.

Que Pasa : Heh heh... private... stuck...

Duck Hand: HAHA YOUR A PRIVATE!!! What, let me see this!

No Name: Ahaha he looks at the private!

Private: (unzips pants)

Lupine: :: gets pegged in the face with yellow snow ball:: Hahahaha, good one ADD.

Que Pasa: That's hilarious!

No Name: Keep the yellow snow coming, Que Pasa!

Que Pasa: This is the first time I've exerted freely in years!

That Krazy Dude: ?sinep

Que Pasa: I've excreted freely every day of my existence you filthy liar! *strangles himself and rolls off of the ship*

Lupine: No, if i did, they would send you to Urinetown!

Que Pasa: Is this over yet?

No Name: Yeah, didn't we kill Dr. T?

That Krazy Dude: *throws bucket at weather machine, weather machine explodes* Yay!

Que Pasa: *grabs Krazy Dude by the shoulders and looks him in th eye* FROGS DON'T DRINK (kicks him through a brick wall)

**Everyone takes clothes off and dance around the bonfire*

Morgan Freeman: And that is how the GCPA saved snow days! After the battle, Sensei returned to japan and opened an authentic Japanese sushi bar.

That Krazy Dude: That was the most crippled ending ever, but I started to feel my IQ dropping.

Morgan Freeman: Dr. T returned to teaching a broken man, and the crew mates well they had a sexy party. (Note: This is Lupine writing this)

That Krazy Dude: Goody goody!

Lupine: Well, I fucked it up.

That Krazy Dude: Yeah I know, we all got lost. But the story had some good parts.

Lupine: Sorry guys, my first bi ass chat.

Que Pasa: He said bi.

Lupine: Yeah. I'm bi sexual, okay? I thought you guys knew that.

That Krazy Dude: ???

Que Pasa: Haha! You're okay with being called bi sexual but not emo... That's creepy. (add fool, gay and curly next to emo)

A Very Frzlngd Christmas

by Scruffy, Que Pasa, No Name and That Krazy Dude on December 26, 2005

Scruffy: Gather round ye children to hear a tale as old as Santa Clause himself, a tale so wondrous, it will warm the hearts of those who hear it, or we will refund your money completely.

That Krazy Dude: If by completely you mean not at all. (The two start making out to increase ratings)

*Sad jazz music plays in the background as Duck-Hand Frzlngd walks alone and sad down a snowy street.*

Frzlngd: (voiceover)You ever had that feeling? You were on top of the world, you had it all... then you lost it all. Just like tha-

Duck: (voiceover) QUACK!

Frzlngd: (still voiceover) SHUT UP WHILE I'M DOING MY DRAMATIC VOICEOVER MONOLOGUE! Oh screw this set-up, let's just jump into the story... my story of love and loss...

*Christmas music plays while the opening credits roll cheesily by on snowflakes. Some clouds part to reveal the message, "The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Holiday Special: A Very Frzlngd Christmas". Then the camera scrolls down towards the ocean, aboard the Golden Cheesecake. The Cheesecake lays surrounded by ice while the pirates have fun on Christmas Eve.*

*The GCPA crew is ice skating on the ship's ice skating rink.*

Scruffy: I can’t skate! Since when do we have one of those?

No Name: We froze over the pool.

Scruffy: We have a pool?

Que Pasa: *does some amazing twirls and then smashes into that rock again* STOP FOLLOWING ME!

That Krazy Dude: What is a rock but a giant piece of fornication?

Scruffy: (cuts hole in ice with saw, then starts ice fishing with Inuit Indian)

No Name: What is a fornic-shut the hell pu! ...I mean up!

That Krazy Dude: ...pu?

No Name: I didn't fart...

Scruffy: Stop telling people to pu! Now go to your room! (slaps No Name)

*Suddenly a cannonball lands on Nemo and smashes a hole in the ice*

Frzlngd: Hehehe... Merry Christmas you filthy animals!

*Giant Sushi Fish Man runs up to No Name and kicks him in the scrotum*


That Krazy Dude: Who are you?

Sushi Fish Guy: I am Jim, the Christmas Sushi.

Scruffy: Salama likes sushi alot.

Sushi Fish Guy: Who's Sal-- *Salama eats the sushi fish man*

*No Name walks towards his room, but one blast later and it's just a gaping hole*


No Name : (shrugs, walks through the hole and falls into the ocean) Old folk lore and sabers are not match for a good blaster by your side! *sploosh*

*The navy officers swarm through the ship and start tackling various pirates.*


Mini-Myself: (under ten heavy officers) NAVY BRUTALITY! NAVY BRUTALITY!

*Nemo climbs out of the ice hole*

Nemo: Man, I'm glad I'm out of there! *gets tackled back into ice hole*

No Name: *swims up from the ice hole* CLARISE! Is that you!

*Nemo tries climbing out again only to have his head eaten off by a duck*

Frzlngd: You deserved that treat, Susie. Now we go for the big fajita.

That Krazy Dude: STELLAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

*All the remaining pirates take refuge in the ship's parlor, where the Christmas tree is.*

That Krazy Dude: *gets tackled by a navy officer and is beaten over the head with his own bucket, and the navy officer explodes for no reason=. He then joins the pirates in the parlor*

Que Pasa: We have to save the children!

No Name: Hey look, it's a present! *Wally the Raccoon jumps out and attacks Lupine*

Que Pasa: (opens a present, and Frzlngd comes out) Next time I shouldn't open the gift shaped like a man with a duck hand.

No Name: Ahahs you came out!

That Krazy Dude: Instead of a closet it was a box with wrapping paper.

Siren: C'mon, it's Christmas, cut us some slack!

Frzlngd: I am your alpha and you are my omega.

That Krazy Dude: I cut your mom some slack last night!

Frzlngd: No way! I'll eat all of your appendixes!

That Krazy Dude: Not that!

No Name: I need that! *whispers to Cap'n* What does that do?

Scruffy: It puts the lotion on its skin.

That Krazy Dude: *opens to the appendix in back of text book and Frzlngd eats it*

  • Frzlngd slaps Que Pasa back and starts furiously raping Lupine.*

Lupine: Make the pain stop!

Frzlngd: I feel like doing something even more unnecessarily mean!

*Scruffy throws a fireball at Frzlngd, who catches it in the mouth of his duck hand. The duck then fires it at the tree and sets it on fire. The fire quickly spreads from the tree and through the ship.*

That Krazy Dude: No! Not that!

No Name: Not the younglings!

That Krazy Dude: (sees his mop caught in the fire) NO!!! (starts crying) It's not fair!

Salama: It's burning! *starts roasting Nemo's dead body and devours it*

*In an overly dramatic scene the whole ship is going down in flames while the pirates confront Frzlngd.*

*climatic scene with Que Pasa and Frzlngd facing of*

Que Pasa: HRAAAAAAA!!! (charges at Frzlngd but instead slams into the rock and passes out)

Frzlngd: One down, three to go...

Scruffy: You're going down!

Frzlngd: Fight me. (tackled by Rafael)


*Ralph gets piled on by navy officers*

*Frzlngd pokes Rafael with a stick until he gets off and then tosses him out the window.*

*Mr. T flies out from the flames and tackles Frzlngd.*

Mr. T: I'll distract him you gotta ge- (falls asleep)

No Name: Damn!

That Krazy Dude: So close!

Scruffy: Not Mr. T! (climbs back up ship) I.....live!!!!!!!!!

No Name: ...Wanna start running?

Scruffy: what, that's not me!

Frzlngd: Into the fire?

Scruffy: I'm me!

No Name: We are who we choose to be!

Scruffy: I'm the real me, he's a fake!

That Krazy Dude: You know what they say, if you can't stand the heat then get outta your mom's bedroom

Frzlngd: If you can't take the heat, SHUT THE HELL UP! Odd, I've been talking alot more since Que Pasa passed out. Well who wants to get knocked out next?

Scruffy: My imposter does!!!

That Krazy Dude: Your mom's already knocked out in my pants!


*Before anyone can speak (except the opposite) a chandelier falls on them*

Frzlngd: That works better.

Scruffy: =O


Scruffy: Hey, he's still standing!

*Soon all the pirates are imprisoned in the navy base.*

Stampede: (comes in) NOT COOL! (then leaves)


Mr. T: I pity the fools who put a mickey in my milk. Stop yo Jibber Jabberin!

Frzlngd: Good news pirates! You'll get to die on Christmas tomorrow!

That Krazy Dude: Why must the good die young and if not young then not really old but not even middle-aged either?

No Name: Now is that 12 am Christmas or when you wake up?

That Krazy Dude: Somewhere in between.

Mr. T: I pity the fool who kills T on X-mas!

*Frzlngd then leaves with Bing Crosby as the guard.*

Scruffy: Hey, I'm to young to die!!!!

Random Old Guy: I'm not, but I still don't wanna!

*Frzlngd reports to his master, the President of the Earth- Arnold Schwarzenegger.*

Mr. T: It's you, fool!

Arnold: Silly duck-man, wat are you doing?

Frzlngd: I've captured the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada for you sir.

Scruffy: Haha, he has an accent! (gets electrocuted)

That Krazy Dude: Yay electrocution! *gets shocked* This gives me ideas for your mom's Christmas present

Arnold: Who caares about petty creeminals? You should be doing your job!

Scruffy: Shocking, ain't it? Huh, huh, get the pun? (gets shocked more)

Frzlngd: ...Catching criminals is my basic job.

Arnold: You know what? I've had enough of this, duck-man! You're fired!

Frzlngd: But... but... (falls through trap door)

Arnold: (to his aide) Who was that guy anyway?

Scruffy: But he won't get his Christmas bonus! What bout us?

That Krazy Dude: Penis?

Scruffy: You gonna leave us here tied up or something?

No Name: ... ...Weird ass Germans!

Dr. Nina: I heard that chapter 23 review!

*Frzlngd walks alone through the streets.*

Frzlngd: And that's pretty much it. In retrospect it wasn't too good a story. Now what do I do?

That Krazy Dude: How bout Salama's mom? that's what I like to do!

*Naked Deaf Greased Up Guy runs by*

Mr. T: Untie us fool!

No Name: I have frost bites on top of frost bites!

Naked Deaf Greased Up Guy: Hey duckie you gotta atone for your sins and save them cheese guys! (runs off and has quick intercourse with Salama's mom)

Frzlngd: Those losers? Why should I bother? That won't help my Christmas!

*Luke Skywalker runs by*

Luke: Have you seen Han?

Scruffy: You know, years of doing Moms can have some unsightly side-effects...

That Krazy Dude: *looks at hand*

Que Pasa: Go to your room Scruffy!

That Krazy Dude: *middle finger is gone* NOOOOO!!! Han's doing Salama's mom too!

Scruffy: Que Pasa, you're awake, untie us!

Luke: Don't worry I lost a hand!

That Krazy Dude: or not.

*Suddenly a tunnel opens in the middle of the cell, and Frzlngd pops up.*

Scruffy: Oh, you're back to untie us!

Frzlngd: You there, what day is today?

Mr. Greco: Why it's Christmas day sah!

Scruffy: Official Do Your Mom Day ohhh!

That Krazy Dude: Awesome! I've already fulfilled the tradition then.

Greco: Have some play-do.

Frzlngd: It's not too late! The naked greased up deaf guy, he did it all in one night!

Scruffy: So....you hunting us?

*Frzlngd cuts through the pirates' bonds with the duck bill and cuts the bars of the prison.*

Scruffy: Finally!

Que Pasa: *gets cheese doodles* THERE IS A SANTA...and...he...IS HONDURAN!

That Krazy Dude: You lie, he's obviously Mexican like everything else in the world. *everything has a sombrero on it*

Que Pasa: Look, there's Santa! It's Santa!

No Name: Where?!

Scruffy: Where?

That Krazy Dude: *stops doing your mom* Yeah. where?

Que Pasa: *points up at the Millennium Falcon flying overhead*

Han Solo: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas to all, that was one in a million!

Scruffy: It's really him, I knew he existed! Told you guys!

That Krazy Dude: That's amazing!

Frzlngd: I love you guys. Sure in the stories after this I'll inexplicably have my job back and have no memory of this incident whatsoever, but still!

No Name: Hey Frzlgnd: what do you want for Christmas?

Frzlngd: Mount me.

No Name: I'm not ready for commitment.

Sensei: Eeeehhhhhh?!?!?!

Que Pasa: Oh Sensei!

That Krazy Dude: Who are you people!?!?!?

Miss Knight: That has lots of symbolism in it.

That Krazy Dude: So does your face, but no one sez anything about that!

No Name: That was a compliment, you fail! *throws oven at Krazy*

Mr. Malkowicz: Krazy Dude. Get up and apologize for your vulgarity.

That Krazy Dude: Oh yeah? Well at least I'm not the one who isn't wearing any pants.

*Malk looks down and runs off in embarrassment.*

Dr. Abbassi: All of you sign this now!

Que Pasa: *gets out a pen*

Abbassi: No no, with blood!

That Krazy Dude: ...

Miss Knight: I grade your papers with my blue blood!

That Krazy Dude: Hey look it's a group of kids bouncing basketballs down the hallway while yelling vulgar words!

Abbasi: WHERE!?!? *runs off* I hope you have a parking permit, cause if not I will have to tow away your space ship...HALI BABA A SPACESHIP, ALAH HAS ARRIVED (STARTS PRAISING HIM)

Mr. Meyer: (opens up his Christmas gift and finds a bear trap) Now I can sleep at night!

*Mr. Meyer opens another gift and Pablo Guzman jumps out and starts assaulting him*

Pablo Guzman: Bet you're not gonna sleep well now!

Morgan Freeman: I think it's about time to end this. Merry Christmas to all even though it was yesterday!

That Krazy Dude: Hooray =D

Scruffy: Or was it??? (dramatic Woolly Mammoth Music plays)

No Name: HUZZAH!

*Mr. Nardiello dances by dressed as a ballerina and uses a wand to write "The End".*

Anthologies of GCPA Sidequests
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10