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Helga GH.png
Real Name Elenia Fayrweather
Aliases Helga (by Thrakun)
Martha (by Farmer Jon)
Species Human
Birth Year 1985
Affiliation Team Thrakun
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
Abilities Sorcery
Occupation Sorceress
Creator Masamune
Debut Kwest the First
Relatives Six older brothers

Helga is a young sorceress and the youngest of seven, which means that she inherited the most power, despite the fact she was supposed to have been a boy.


She was born the youngest of seven sorcerer sons, except she ended up a female instead. This was unexpected but as things happen in sorcerer families, she inherited the most power of the family. Growing up with six older sorcerers was never easy and she became something of a reserved child, doing what she could to find her own time. Her six older brothers turned out to be showboating, arrogant sorcerers who liked to show off their powers, so she mostly ignored them. Gradually she became more powerful than them and earned their respect, but not because she was more powerful (none of them believed that) but because she was the most sensible of them. Much to the disappointment of the family, who had hoped she would do the sensible thing and start wearing revealing outfits clad in leather and spikes and carry around a whip like a normal person, she instead became a quiet, subdued librarian.

Timeline History

Good Timeline

One day while flying with her brother on Sorcerer Airlines (they get a discount), her brothers picked a fight with Kester and Sean Astin, because they seemed to like wizards were better. They would have all died when Kester called for a missile, but fortunately Death was flying on the plane and saved them. Desiring revenge on Sean Astin (for his role in the Lord of the Rings movies with that wizard Gandalf), they coerce their sister to go after him and get revenge. Since Thrakun happened to be going the same way, he forced Helga to come with him. After hearing her name (and realizing it was the same as his ex-wife's), he forced her to change her name to Helga. Even after Sean Astin parted ways, she found herself stuck against her will as Thrakun continued to hatch plans to thwart Kester until eventually a plot hole caused Kester to end up working for the FBI or something. What happened to Team Thrakun afterwards is unknown.

Harvest Goers '07

Helga buys land from Rhykette to become a farmer in Harvest Goers '07, but she soon discovers her property is haunted by the not-quite-as-dead-as-you-would-otherwise-be-led-to-believe, Thrakun Skullcracker. Once more he forced her to use the name Helga against her will.
