Associative Identity Disorder

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A form of Dissociative Identity Disorder in which the afflicted person's alter egos take on their own physical forms. Yoshiman was the first character to display this condition, having generated up to three alter egos. With the surge of recent counterpart OGs, a handful of other characters have been shown to possess it as well and some of the personalities turn out to be actual people who had previously been affected by the condition. Traditionally the personalities follow a pattern of a super-intellectual psion, an explosives-loving psycho, and someone radically out of place in the current time period.

Chronologically, possessors of this condition and the generated personalities are as follows:

Dinosaur-Type Fellow (Fire Goers)

  • His alter egos were never shown.

Wrange Tirk (Festivity Attenders)

  1. Sir Prophecy
  2. Femmefatale
  3. Dinosaur-Type Fellow

Beyos (The Ennead)

  • His alter egos were never shown (or he never had any).

Fuzzball (Oregon Goers 48)

  1. Beyos

Yoshiman (Party Goers)

  1. Mr. Predict
  2. Fuzzball
  3. Wrange Tirk

Anna Zee (Galaxy Goers)

  1. Lady Presage
  2. Eggplant Man
  3. Yoshiman