Pepper Ronin

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A Japanese superhero who works with S'oh Sage and Muss Runic. Pizza puns...! He was hired by Dark Ditto in GMOG Forever? to kill the Gamehikers whom he had turned into Caykzors. Since the story was never finished, Pepper Ronin awaited the heroes in Anti-Space during Gamehiker Member OG IX with a plan to earn the favor of the pizza spirits living on Ushutar and get revenge. He was killed off-screen by Loogi and gor-killa so they could take over the Ushatarians. MPOM later attended his funeral and downloaded his "takeOverOfAntiSpacePart1.exe" plan, using it to recruit the demonic cherub samurai viking hobbents and further Luiigii's goal of gathering random enemy factions for his marriage to Rebe.