Farmer Jon

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Full Name: Jonathan Dude
Birthdate: 1940
Species: Human
Nationality: United States of America
Creator: GORE-ILLA
First Appearance: The Quest for Masamune...'s Server


Jonathan was born to the agricultural Dude family, a family with a hatred of technology that Jonathan shared. When Jonathan grew up, he took control of the family farm. His younger brother, EVIL Scientist, turned to becoming a technological mastermind, causing the family to disown him. Farmer Jon also developed some strange powers over the years, before he decided to go on quest to destroy technology and all users of technology to free their souls.

Good Timeline

This quest brought him to the Kwest series eventually, but he never did much of significance. In The Quest for Masamune...'s Server, Farmer Jon attempted to destroy Masamune's server while Kester was still in it. Farmer Jon apparently died soon after in a plane crash, but he mysteriously survived. He briefly appeared in The Quest for Golem...'s I Love Lucy Episode, where he had replaced God of Poverty as the third member of Team Thrakun until the story self-destructed.

In Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody, Farmer Jon assembled a group of "pilgrims" including Luiigii of the Pipes and the OG Six to aid him in his latest conflict with the EVIL Scientist Dude. However, Farmer Jon was later seemingly killed by a Dark Egg tossed by the mutated Yami Yoshi. He returned later on in the story, battling the Donkeyman and later EVIL Scientist Dude. Jon was able to beat EVIL Scientist Dude and was ready to finish him when he was stabbed in the back by Luigi, causing him to die again.

Other Appearances

Harvest Goers '07

He appeared in Harvest Goers '07, where he was killing farmers to take their land, in hopes of making all of Nothing into his farmland. However, he was caught and arrested in his first murder (of Shade). Oddly enough, it was then revealed that his wife Martha (actually Luiigii of the Pipes in disguise) was behind the murders, and she killed Farmer Jon... again. Jon inexplicably reappeared at the end of the story (see the second Trivia note) and ate the Harvest Demon alive, effectively saving the homeland.

He returned in Harvest Goers '07: Ready Set Grow!, where it was revealed that he once was the sidekick of Vicar McCloaker, working under the superhero codename Dudemeister, until he turned evil. Farmer Jon was released from prison to help McCloaker correct the painful time traveling mess. However, he betrayed Ditto and escaped with the DeLorean. He spent years hiding out in the past, and he showed up again near the end of the OG, reduced to a head in a jar after his years of hiding. He caught Luiigii in a trap and began to drain his power with the aid of the Lost Toys. He also revealed that during Luiigii was his son, and that Luiigii was also his own mother from his time as a woman.

Farmer Jon set into action a plan that would break down the spirits of the farmers so that their souls would then be stolen by the Lost Toys, presumably in line with his original plan of taking all of Nothing's farmland for himself.


  • He is inspired by several sources; Jonathan Kent from Superman: The Animated Series (particularly in the pilot episode with his line "Let the boy be, Martha"); Farmer Brown, a villain from an obscure Batman: The Animated Series episode with ninja-like moves; and the villain Jim Shooter from the movie Secret Window with his creepy farmer-like ways (a resemblance was mentioned in his Gamehiker Member OG VIII appearance).
  • Farmer Jon is clearly possessed by the spark of Starscream and can thus never truly die.


Luigi: Could we stop by a hospital first?

Farmer Jon: You won't be taking me to no Den of Satan. We'll find some herbs and corn leaves.
-An exchange from GMOG VIII.