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Nichibutsu is a real-life video game company that was used as the subject of an OG series. However the company is usually used as a metaphor for Nintendo in these OGs (with some elements from other gameing companies). There are currently three different branches of the company, one for each OG. Somehow Ditto McCloaker has served as the president of each.



From Nichibutsu of America: A Game Company OG. This company attempted developing the NICHE gaming system in competition with Vorpalsoft's EVILS. They failed, but the Nichibutsu Japan president bailed them out by supplying them with the NICHE 64 and several launch games.


  • Ditto McCloaker - Company president.
  • Sapphire Blue - Joined because she was bored of her Flying Submarine and wanted inspiration for a new vehicle. She was assigned to work in debugging, but was bored of that job as well and was later appointed vice-president.
  • Luigi of the Pipes - Joined in hopes of making Paper Mario 2. At first was made into the janitor, but later became the editor of Nichibutsu's official magazine, "Crazy Climber".
  • Lupus - Works in development and advertising.
  • Big Al - Joins after his Gloveboy fails to catch on at Spaceworld. He becomes the game story writer. At one point he was fired and began working at Vorpasoft, but was quickly fired from there too and returned to Nichibutsu via Game Dæmons. Creditted as Nintenfreak Jr.
  • Flutter - He works in battle systems while engaging in his usual hijinx.
  • Yoshiman - Yoshiman became the game artist and also submitted a large amount of ideas. Ditto later appointed him the director of a video game based on his loosely-constructed ideas.
  • Masa and Mune - The adopted grandsons of Nichibutsu Japan's president. Ditto has them make the company's official website.
  • Elzie Ann- She just so she could travel to Spaceworld. To he disappointment she was appointed the lunch lady.
  • Ben Björni - Enlisted as the company janitor, presumably to replace Luigi after he began working on the game magazine.
  • Wrange Tirk - Enlisted late in the story to fill the empty programmer spot, which GORE-ILLA would have filled if he did not instead join Vorpalsoft. Also he ran with scissors at Lupus's request.
  • Techno - A samurai with terrible vocabulary. He thought he would make a good translator but couldn't even properly spell the word "translator". Also was a terrorist.


Featured in Nichibutsu Norwegia: It's All About You. This branch works on the Nichibutsu Yuu and games for it while competing with Spartavision and its hellspawn of a leader, the Donkeyman. Most of the members seem to hate Ditto, even compared to the previous companies.


  • Ditto McCloaker - Yeah, he's president again.
  • Luigi of the Pipes - Joins to do pizza-related stuff and open Nichibutsu Arcades.
  • Tyler - Joins as an artist after Typo was rejected. Often abused by Ditto and forced to stay in his office for long periods of time.
  • Vorpal - Temporarily joins after his religious epiphany in order to advise Ditto on the way of truth as a Vorpriest. He eventually gets sick of Ditto and leaves.
  • Jeice Apalocks - A leftover from an unfinished OG who hopes to make Sid proud. Hired as security.
  • EVIL Scientist Dude - Joins as a game designer and fills games with his own subliminal messages.
  • Lupus - The only person who remembers having joined Nichibutsu twice before in the previous OGs, but is quite absent-minded. He is hired as the musical composer.
  • Fred - A strange short man who joins as a programmer.