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Full Name: Sephnity
Birthdate: Unknown
Species: Spirit
Nationality: Unknown
Creator: Yoshiyami
First Appearance: Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist

Sephnitu is one of the five Sephnit ruby spirits created by Sephnita. Sephnitu is the Ruby of Control. Sephnitu could possess an enemy's body after he or she was imprisoned in the Ruby of Control. In Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist, Sephnitu is the first ruby spirit Sephnita uses in her battle with the OGers. Sephnitu is used to possess Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi and attacks the OGers in this body. However, Fusion is able to undo this with a Defusion Beam that seperated Sephnitu from the bodies of Yami Yoshi, Pharoah Yami Yoshi and Black Skull Dragoshi. Black Skull Dragoshi then killed Sephnitu with a Molten Egg.

In Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!, Introbulus and Jim were able to retrieve the Ruby of Control from Gamechamp's base. They attempted to seal Evil within the Ruby, but Evil managed to break free and destroy it. This would presumably cause his permanent destruction.

Sephnitu's only other appearance was in the now non-canon first draft of Member OG 5. Sephnitu appeared and joined the Anti-OG Six as a replacement for Dark Jim.