New Member OG 1.1 Page 2

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Pages in the New Member OG 1.1 Archive
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Author: Legion

Legion sighed as he continued to spin slowly round. Making a watch appear out of thin air he checked the time, then clicked his fingers and shouted to SSG, who had found a way to spin more rapidly and was now doing so; accompanying the action with a cry of 'Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!'.

"Hey Baldrik," he shouted, then spent some time wondering why he'd said this. Shaking it off he continued. "How much longer?"

The Sergeant turned. "Well, I'd say we're just about theerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee...."

Suddenly the tunnel stopped and the two Shy guys were hurled out, entering reality quicker than either of them had wished. Throwing up all over the citizens of Tokyo Legion attempted to get his bearings.

"Hey SSG!" he shouted forwards. "How come we're in Japa..." He was cut off, as the two impacted into Mount Fugi just above where GORE and YY were fighting.


(Number 2 flies from the wreckage with its jet boots, unharmed by GORE-ILLA's last attacks. Before GORE can prepare another attack, it rockets into his chest and drills him into the mountain, then flies back. GORE climbs out from the rubble, badly bruised, and turns to Yami Yoshi.)

GORE: Yami! Get as far away from me as you can! Go to the top of the mountain, I'll hold this guy off.

Yami Yoshi: ...Alright, just be careful...(climbs out of sight.)

(GORE's finger thins until it's thinner then a needle and uses it to press a microscopic button on his arm. The words, "DARK GORE-ILLA SYSTEM ACTIVATED" flash before his Cyborg Eye, as his body turns completely cyborg and the color of the metal changes from gray to black. Dark GORE smirks.)

Dark GORE: Are you ready?

Number 2: Sensors detect Number 1 operating at opimum efficency. Preparing Program Death...

*Elsewhere, Yami Yoshi continues climbing up the mountain and bumps into two figures*

Yami Yoshi: AHHH MAILMEN!!! (prepares Dark Egg)

Legion: What? I'm Legion, and this is my partner -Seargent Shy Guy, or SSG for short.

SSG: J0.

(A pair of Viewtiful Joe-style jets appear and begin opening fire on the group. Yami tosses his Dark Egg at the plane. It gets clogged in the plane's missile launcher and causes it to explode as the pilot attempts to fire a missile. Legion leaps through a plot hole which takes him on top of the jet, where he shoots the pilot with the sniper intended to take out Tony Blair. The pilot less jet spirals to the ground and also explodes. A line of soldiers rush out of the base and charge the trio, wielding rifles.)

*Back by Dark GORE and the Ninja Nazi Cyborg...*

(Dark GORE leaps at Number Two before its program can be completely downloaded and kicks it's chest then uppercuts its chin. It falls backwards, but recovers with its jet boots and releases homing missiles from its arm which EVIL Scientist Dude forgot to mention. Dark GORE ducks the first one Matrix-stlye, then hits the other two with his fist and foot, causing the missiles to glow red and fly after Number 2 instead. Dark GORE sees the missiles fly at Number 2, followed by an explosion. Dark GORE smirks at his victory, but his then suckerpunched across the face from behind. He falls to the ground, where a jagged rock hits the microscopic button and Dark GORE reverts to normal GORE. He looks up to see Number 2 floating above him with the rocket boots.)

Number 2: You see my superiority now. I have sent orders for my homing missiles to self destruct while I turned invisible again and flew behind you. You have been proven to be obselete. Now you must be destroyed.

(Number 2 fires three more homing missiles. The weakened GORE has no time to move and is hit by all three at the same time. The explosion then creates a mini-avalanche which buries him. Number 2 the n rockets upward...)

*Back by the base, Yami swallows, headbutts, and hip drops soldiers, while Legion and SSG take them out with their various weapons. Eventually, all the soldiers lie dead or wounded on the stone ground.*

SSG: Hey, what's that noise?

The group turns around to see Number 2 haovering above the. Can Yami Yoshi, Legion, and Seargent Shy Guy take out the fierce Ninja Nazi Cyborg Number 2? Or will they suffer the same fate of GORE-ILLA? Is he even dead, anyway? And what other terrors has Dark Mario prepared for our intrepid heroes? Find out...probably never!

Author: Yami Yoshi

*Number 2 hovers above Yami Yoshi, Legion, and SSG at the entrance of the cave/base entrance*

Number 2: Organisms identified as intruders. You must be terminated.

*Number 2’s metal knee caps open up and a pair of machine guns appear and fire a barrage of bullets at the three. The bullets ricochet off the metal floor and fly every which way*

Yami Yoshi: D-damn…what are going to do?

Legion: Relax…let me take care of this!

*Legion pulls out his sword, jumps into the air and slashes off Number 2’s rocket feet. Number 2’s feet sizzle and his body falls slowly to the ground*

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Number 2 as its body to the ground. The Dark Egg creates a fiery explosion. After the smoke clears, a small “clank” is heard as Number 2’s head hits the metal floor and rolls out of the cave entrance*

Legion: Good job Yoshi. I guess all earthlings aren’t that bad at combat.

*Yami Yoshi looks behind him*

Yami Yoshi: What happened to GORE?

SSG: Al Gore? We killed him back in D.C!

Legion: No, I believe he’s talking about that cyborg monkey who was fighting back there…

Voice: Mwa ha ha ha ha! I believe Number One has been destroyed!

*Dark Mario appears riding a Robotnik-style craft*

Dark Mario: To think that you three would cause so much trouble by wiping out my foot soldiers AND Nazi Ninja Cyborg Number 2.

Yami Yoshi: Why do you call GORE Number 1?

Dark Mario: He was a failed cyborg experiment. We fused a gorilla with mechanical parts but unfortunately, he wrecked havoc and escaped Luckily Number 2 was able to eliminate him before you three destroyed it.

Yami Yoshi: What have you done with my cheesecake!?

Dark Mario: Oh, your cheesecake? I have been feeding it to my cyborg army. The cheesecake somehow gives them lots of power. Soon, I will have an invincible army and conquer the world thanks to your cheesecake.

*Dark Mario pulls out a remote control*

Dark Mario: Well, I obviously can’t have you three blurt out this secret to the world. You can just make yourselves comfortable here at my base! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

*Dark Mario presses the button on the remote control and the entrance of the base is closed leaving the three in pitch darkness*

Dark Mario: And I have a nice little surprise for you three! Too bad you’ll never be able to see it before it kills you! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

*The sound of Dark Mario’s engine fades away as his laugh echoes in the cave*


*Dark Mario enters the control room in his hovercraft and turns to face EVIL Scientst Dude.*

Dark Mario: CAN SPIDER-MAN COME OUT AND PLAY??? I mean - EVIL Scientist Dude, are Cyborg Numbers 3 through 5 finished yet?

EVIL Scientist Dude: 4 and 5 are still unde going testing, but 3 is fully prepared for combat, with stealth camoflauge to disguise him in the dark room and improved over Numbers 1 and 2 in very way possible.

Dark Mario: Excellant. Deploy Number 3 at once. make sure that the would-be heroes are exterminated.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Yes si- Wait, there's an incoming message on the CompPhone! From...Him.

Dark Mario: Hmm....let him through.

(Mystery Figure appears on screen.)

Mystery Figure: So, Dark Mario, you have the cheesecake?

Dark Mario: I've had enough from you! The Russian Mailmen have split from your organization! With our Cyborg Ninja Nazis, we have no use for you!

Mystery Figure: WHAT?!! You'll regret making an enemy of Sir Lupus the Turk of the Dark United Nations!

(Screen goes blank. The room is silent for a few minutes, then Dark Mario faces ESD again.)


EVIL Scintist Dude: Y-yes sir! (presses some buttons on control panel.)


Author: Golem

~GORE's eyes slowly opened. As he looked up into what should have been the sky, he saw what looked like a toaster with eyes...~

PL-0TT (toaster with eyes): This confirms that cheesecake is sufficient.

GORE: Sufficient for what? ~sits up as PL-0TT backs away, GORE sees that PL-0TT's head is on top of a cubical body with simple arms and treads on bottom, all of which are varying shades of gray~ What are you talking about?

~At this point, PL-0TT turns and leaves. GORE starts after PL-0TT, but he realizes that he has to find the others.~

~Soon, near the entrance to a cave...~

Isis (looks like this: ): ~is laying down sprawled out with eyes shut closed~ Awwwhhh... ~turns arms and straightens self out to get ready to get up~

GORE: ~runs up to Isis~ ...! Are you okay?!

Isis: I think so... ~gets up, dusts self off~

Yami: Hey, she set us free!! Right?

Isis: That was me alright...

Legion: How did you do that?

Isis: Well, it's all mayonnaise magic... Erm... well, to properly explain, I'd--


~Something from inside the cave had lunged at Yami Yoshi, sending both down the mountain. The shadow quickly dodged into hiding afterwards.~

SSG: Yami!!

Legion: Let's go after him!

Isis: What do you think happened?

GORE: You should really leave this up to us, this could be dangerous.

Isis: Chivalry, eh? I'm afraid I'll have to join your adventure, for it is my duty to fulfill my powers. It is the only chance I have to change the future...

GORE: What was that?

Isis: Oh, nevermind. ^_^ Just let me join or I'll blow you up.

Legion: C'mon already!!


*GORE, Legion, SSG, and Isis slide down the cliff to Yami Yoshi's limp form.*

Isis: Just what WAS that?

Legion: I dunno, but - hey, why's it getting so dark?

(The mountain is cverd n pitch blackness.)

SSG: Not agai-

Legion: SSG??? SSG!!!

GORE: Don't worry, I can see through the darkness with my Cyborg Eye.

(GORE's eye switches to infa-red mode. He sees the shape of a bulky figure gliding through the darness. Slung over its shoulder was a net containing two unconcious figures - whom GORE's database identified as SSG and Yami Yoshi.)

GORE: I'm not in too good shape after my last battle, so I'll instruct you two on what to do. What're your names again?

Isis: I'm Isis.

Legion: And I'm Legion.

GORE: Alright. Do everything I say carefully and we might rescue the others and get out alive. Legion,get ready. He's heading for you. He has some kind of paralisis cannon.

(Legion produces a long sword. As Number 3 fires the cannon, Legion deflects it with the sword and slices forward. A long finger collapses as the robot retreats back into the shadows.)

GORE: Oka, now it- what's disappeared from my sensors! I-I can't det-


Isis: Gorilla man?

Number 3: Three down, two to go...


Author: Golem

Isis: Okay... I think I can get us out of this one, I know a spell that will light this place up...

~Isis lifts her hands into the sky and chants words under her breath. A tiny ball of light emits from her heart, and rises high into the sky. It just sits there, though. When Isis looked up, she saw this, and realizes something isn't right.~

Legion: Great... Where the heck is that guy?!

~Then, a loud shriek ushers from right next to Legion. He looks to his left and sees the robot, Number 3, inches away from Isis, who holds her forearms up and eyes clenched shut. 03 isn't getting any closer, though, and sparks fly as it hits an invisible barrier that lit up white in the area of impact. As sparks fly and 03 is stuck in his own momentum, Legion picks up his sword and--~


~--something cuts clean off of the robot. The sparks, however, were not nearly sufficient light to aim, and thusly the damage was/is unknown. After this, Isis finally gives way and turns to her side, letting Number 3 pass.~

Legion: What was that?!

Isis: I don't know... Are these guys made of cheesecake or something?!

Legion: While we have time... try casting that spell on my sword.

Isis: Right, good idea! Uhh, where's your sword?

Legion: I'll just place the sword wherever the light is.

Isis: Right. ~Isis begins the spell again, and Legion places his sword correctly, illuminating the area around them. However, as Isis is finishing the spell, 03 comes by again, this time grabbing Isis successfully.

Legion now has a sword that acts as a powerful lantern, with which he charges after Number 3.~

Author: Legion

"Wierd," thought Legion, as he chased after God-knows-what. "My plotholes are usually more tempremental than that. Thus the name Plothole. And why is my sword glowing?!"

Turning back he noticed his 'companions'. "Ah yes. Now I remember."

Charging off after Number 3, he remembered its captives. "Hmm. YamiYoshi needs to be rescued. But what about SSG? Hmm."


"What? Who was that?"


"Good for you."


"Geez. Alright."

However, Legion's quite pointless conversation was interupted by the timely intervention of three guided missiles; which promptly blew the Shy Guy to smithereens. Or would have, if he had been alive. Instead, he was hurled into a nearby clifface and wedged in the unyielding rocks.

Oh yes, and the pain.


Author: Yami Yoshi

*Number 3 retreats behind a boulder*

Number 3: That’s all of ‘em down! I find it perplexing on how they were able to destroy Number 2…

*Number 3 examines his left arm that had been chopped Legion’s light sword. Sparks fly from the severed circuits*

Number 3: But that damn Shy Guy chopped off my arm…I better return to base for repairs…

*Number 3 activates his rocket feet when suddenly a golden robe wraps around his body*

Number 3: What the hell?

Voice: Forget about someone?

*Isis appears behind Number 3 expelling a golden strand of light from her hand that wraps tightly around the cyborg’s body*

Number 3: Urgh…I can’t move!

Isis: Time to undo all of the damage you’ve caused!

*Isis mutters a spell and 4 golden energy balls fly from her other hand and heal Yami Yoshi, GORE, Legion, and SSG*

Isis: My power can only paralyze him for a short time! Hurry up and destroy him now!

*Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Number 3, which engulfs his body in flames. GORE throws a powerful punch and knocks Number 3’s arm right off its socket*

Number 3: D-damn you guys! Numbers 4 and 5 shall avenge me!

*Legion hovers into the air and swings his sword down with all his might and slashes the cyborg in half. The golden web vanishes and the cyborg’s two halves fall to the ground and explode*

Yami Yoshi: Woohoo! We won again! We’re unstoppable!

Isis: And the darkness around the mountain is clearing up now.

*The dark clouds vanish and the sunlight shines on the mountain again*

GORE: Number 3 spoke of Numbers 4 and 5 before we destroyed him…how many Nazi Ninja Cyborgs are there?
Isis: We have to destroy the base if we want to cease the production of cyborgs.

Yami Yoshi: Thanks a lot Isis! But just who or what are you anyways?

Isis: I believe you guys have the potential to be the next OGers.

Legion: OGers!?

Isis: The OGers appear whenever the world is thrown into a cataclysmic era of violence and destruction. They are supposed to keep the world safe from such disasters. The first OGers who called themselves the Party Goers did the same thing but they disappeared a while ago.


SSG: …

Legion: …

Yami Yoshi: …Yeah sure…but why us?

Isis: I’m not sure but there’s no doubt that the meeting of you 4 is not a coincidence. I predict there may be even more people who are destined the join you guys and help save the world as well. I will accompany you four for a short time. Now…we must head back to Dark Mario’s base and destroy it!

Yami Yoshi: Yeah!

*The new OGers walk back to the cave on Mt. Fuji*


ESD: Number 3 was destroyed also…it looks like a strange powerful girl is accompanying them on their quest

Dark Mario: Those bastards! How much longer ‘til Numbers 4 and 5 will be ready?

ESD: They should be ready about now…they both have equivalent strength of Number 3 but when they combine their powers, they will be invincible!

*ESD slices off to slivers off cheesecake and inserts them into Numbers 4 and 5*

ESD: Hmm…it seems if half of our cheesecake supply is gone! What shall we do?

Dark Mario: Send them out to Tokyo. Have them steal every crumb of cheesecake they can find! Meanwhile…

*The OGers walk up toward the cave entrance*

Yami Yoshi: Let’s go in!

*Suddenly, a loud “whoosh” comes from inside the cave*

GORE: Something’s coming from the cave! Everyone get behind this boulder!

*The OGers hide behind a large boulder just as two streaks of light; a blue light and a red light zoom out of the cave at an amazing velocity and fly toward the city of Tokyo*

Yami Yoshi: Whoa…what were those things?

GORE: My scanners identified them as Nazi Ninja Cyborgs 4 and 5!

SSG: TWO cyborgs?

Yami Yoshi: Let’s go after them!

*Yami Yoshi starts down the mountain slope when Legion’s dark ghostly hand grabs him by the tail*

Legion: Have you already forgotten about our original plan to destroy Dark Mario’s base before he can create any more cyborgs?

Yami Yoshi: Yeah…but I want to destroy those two before they cause any destruction to the city!

GORE: I wish to eliminate these two cyborgs as well.

Yami Yoshi: Let’s split up. GORE and I will head down to the city while Legion, Isis, and SSG can infiltrate and destroy the base!

Isis: Will you two be able to handle 4 and 5 at once?

Yami Yoshi: We’ll be fine!

Isis: If you need any help, just contact me telepathically and we’ll come to your aid immediately.

SSG: Be careful!

Yami Yoshi: Alright! Let’s go!

*Yami Yoshi and GORE walk down the mountain while Isis, Legion, and SSG enter the base*

Author: Golem

~Once inside, Isis takes a wedge of cheese from her pocket and gulps it down. She then kneels down and whispers to the others...~

Isis: You guys think you can scuttle underneath them?

~...For they were faced with an army of what seemed to be Nazi Ninja Cyborgs. Before Legion and SSG could ask why she couldn't just perform a spell (or before they could take notice of the objects in their setting, for that matter), the Ninjas were on them. The three just hoped that they weren't top-of-the-line models like the others.

Soon, Legion was backed up against a wall, holding off one with a sword. He yelled to Isis, who was running away from another...~

Legion: Hey!! Why don't you just--

Isis: I can't do anything for another hour! I'm still a newbie at this whole edible magic thing!

~Isis ran straight into a plot hole generated by Legion, which was soon closed. She could rest there for the time needed. He opened another plot hole that lead to an hour later that Isis might return to the moment SSG and he were in, but nothing came out...~

~Isis landed feet-first in a plain white room without shadow.~

Isis: ...What happened?

Mysterious Voice (voice belonging to Mysterious Figure): You went through a plot hole, and you are powered by cheese... Obviously you are someone with great talent.

Isis: Ummm...

~A cart is wheeled out to Isis by an invisible force with a slice of cheesecake on top.~

Mysterious Voice: Either eat the cheesecake or that talent will have to go to waste along with your life.

Isis: You see, uhh, sir, I've never been able to touch that food...

~Back in the HQ, SSG has ducked into a cubicle of sorts and started rumaging around. Under one of the two desks was something interesting: a remote control. Just as a Nazi Ninja lunged into the cubicle, SSG aimed the remote at it and pressed the third (out of nine) button. The robot stopped dead its tracks.~

Author: That Guy

I think I'll join this OG.

In the streets of Tokyo a half-finished cyborg was running. It was missing pieces of armor, with wires dangling out from those spots, and a 7 painted on its shoulder. As it turned the corner a fireball flew by and exploded on a nearby building. Another cyborg, this one complete, covered with fire and had a 4 painted on it’s chest, flew toward #7. It shot a stream of fire at #7. #7 jumped out of the way right as the flames exploded onto the ground. #7 emitted a bright flash from his hand, leaving #4 blinded temporally. #7 quickly ran away, only to run into another cyborg (guess who), which shot a beam of ice at #7. #7 quickly jumped away and tossed a beam of electricity at #5. (If you guessed #5 you were right) Right as the ice beam hit the ground, forming a giant glacier were #7 had been a moment before, #7’s beam hit #5, shocking him. #4 then came up behind him and said…

  1. 4- Traitor. We will destroy you and bring your cheesecake to the boss.

???-Dark Egg!

  1. 4- what the. oh crap. *kaboom*

As #4 was sent into a nearby building a GORE-ILLA grabbed #5 and tossed him into the building. #7,Yami, then and GORE ran into a nearby alley.

YY- Who are you?

  1. 7- zzzzIzzamzzzzzz*crack*zzzzz#7zzzzzzzz*crack**satic *zzzzzzrepairszzzneeded *power down*

GORE- Weird. We should repair him, he may have valuable information.

YY- how do we do that? esecilly with #4 & 5 patroling the area, ready to blast off our heads any moment!

GORE- I never said I knew how we were going to repair him.

YY- oh

(where 4 & 5 are)

  1. 5- (over radio)#4, have you found them yet?
  1. 4- yes, sending coordiets(sp?)
  1. 5- got them, I'll be right over. *runs and catchs up to #4*
  1. 4- They're over here.*sees YY,GORE and #7* there they are.

YY- oh crap.

OOC-meh, its my first try. hope this dosn't mess anything up


*Dark Mario's base, half an hour earlier...*

ESD: Urgent news, sire! I was working on Number 7 and I ordered my lab assistant, Bullwinkle, to watch over it and and the remaining cheesecake. Now he's a bit of a dull pencil, and he put the entire cheesecake in the incomplete cyborg. His database was complete, but his mission objectives have yet to be uploaded. Meaning he has no idea that we're his masters.

Dark Mario: Well send Numbers 4 and 5 new mission data! We need all the cheesecake we can get and we must leave no loose ends!

ESD: Yes sir... (operates control Panel.)

*The present, Tokyo, Japan.*

(Numbers 4 and 5 fly into the alley. GORE, Yami, and Number 7 stand battle-ready.)

Numbers 4 and 5: (in unison) Cyborg Ninja Nazis 4 through 5...UNITE!!!

(Numbers 4 and 5 run into each other in a flashy sequence. When the light dims, one giant robot with a whole assload of weapons stands before the horrified adventurers. It has a red 4 on it's right shoulder and a blue 5 on its left shoulder. On its chest was a red-and-blue emblem reading "45".)

Omega 45: Prepare for destruction.

Yami Yoshi: Hell no! Let's go, guys!

(YY begins producing Dark Eggs and flinging them from a safe distance while GORE and Number 7 attack Omega 45 head-on. The duo are quickly swatted away by the behemoth, but fly back after a quick huddle. Cannons and missile pods emerge all over 45's body. YY takes this oppurtunity to plug as many of them as possible with Dark Eggs, expecting the entire robot to go up in flames. Instead, however, the Dark Eggs all fire out of the guns like tennis balls out of one of those tennis machines, crushing several buildings and sending GORE and 7 flying. The robot then hovers into the air and approaches the rubble where the two cyborgs are trapped. GORE climbs out of the rubble and, seeing no alternative, presses the microscopic button again. He turns into Dark GORE once more. He punches Omega 45 and sends it flying through a row of Microsoft and Sony buildings. Omega 45 emerges from the rubble unharmed; it rockets at Dark GORE with a powerful punch, sending him flying towards the Nintendo of Japan HQ...)

YY & 7: NOOO!!!!

*Back by Dark Mario's lair..*

ESD: Urgent news, sir! GORE-ILLA has activated Dark GORE-ILLA mode!

Dark Mario: Meaning...?

ESD: Well, GORE himself was too soft even after the mind enchancers to use his maximum potential. But we created Dark GORE.Exe to unleash GORE's full power without worrying about any interferance of conciece.

Dark Mario: So is that good or bad?

ESD: Bad news for our cyborgs - but good news for us. If he continually uses that form, his body will become more adjustedv to it until he becomes Dark GORE-ILLA completely... and the first thing on his mind would be to find an EVIL organization to ally with. Which means...

Dark Mario: ...he'll come crawling back to us... (grins EVILly.) Heh heh heh.... Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!!!

ESD: (simultaniously with above) MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!

*Back in Tokyo...*

(Dark GORE avoids colliding with the NoJ building at the last possible portion of a nanosecond, then flies back towards Omega 45 - shoving Number 7 out of his way as he flies past.)

Number 7: Hey, what's up with him?

YY: I dunno, but we need to think of a new strategy if we wanna leave this place with our lives!


Author: Legion

Legion frowned as the robot he was fighting slowly ground to a halt. Tapping the Ninji Nazi on the bridge of his nose he fought a brief battle with the now extremely sticky and quicksand-like skin of the cyborg. After freeing himself, taking half of the robot's face off, he turned to see SSG standing in the middle of the room. Holding a remote control he was pointing it at each cyborg and deactivating it in turn.

"My God. He actually did something useful for once," Legion muttered, drifting over. As he nearer, SSG swivelled round and pointed the remote at him, repeatedly jabbing the button he had been pressed. After Legion tired of watching a little red dot flickered on and off on his black stomach he grabbed the remote and deactivated a cyborg about the behead SSG.

"Wow Sir. You saved me!" said the grey Shy Guy in wonder.

"Yes," muttered Legion. "Don't count on it happening again. I just couldn't stand the thought of you being in the Afterlife with me." Drifting off he paused and turned back to SSG. "Oh, and Sergeant. Why the hell are the plotholes actually working well now. Usually we end up embedded in the side of a mountain or two thousand leagues under the sea.

The squat living Shy Guy shrugged.

"Ah well," hissed Legion. "Nevermind. Now, where's that Isis character gone off to?"

Author: That Guy

ooc- ^^heh, good one on how the #7 thing was. I was thinking something like that myself.

ESD- more good news sir. Once #6 is finished, it will fuse with O45 and become twice as powerful! #7 is powerful, too, but unfinished. He will be hardly a threat unless he’s completed. O45 will crush him, then we can rebuild him! With the EVIL chip, so he’ll work for us, of course.

DM- What is the status of #6?

ESD- He’ll be ready in an hour, Sir.

DM- (Mr. Burns-like) Excellent. (/Mr. Burns-like) Is there any way #7 can be repaired?

ESD- Well, there is a super-genius named Asher Briggs somewhere in Tokyo who could help them... but I doubt they could find him. He lives in a super-secret area under the tower near Pizza Hut.

DM- pizza hut?

ESD- Yes, the pizza fuels his inventions. Anyway, I doubt they can find him.

(In the alley)

  1. 7-(reading the Script (cause he somehow found a moment to).) zzzzzzz*sputter*zzzzahhhhh zzzIzseezzzz*crack*

(Hey! Give that back! *takes Script*)

O45- and now I will grind your bones to make ketcup!(sp?)

  1. 7-zzzzzzYYzzzzz*zap*zzzzlookzatzthis* shows YY script... hey! I told you give that back, dangit!*

YY- wha?*looks at STOLEN script* oh

YY ran to the nearest deli and got some cheese. Then YY ran back and shoved it in front of dark GORE.

Dark GORE- What? Huh? Cheese! yum! GORE-MODE ON

  • changes to GORE*
  1. 7- blindzzzzzballzzzzz
    1. 7 tosses a ball of blinding light at O45 and , blinding him, (well duh)
  • Then group runs toward the pizza hut tower*

GORE- What are we doing?

  • YY & #7 explain*

GORE- oh

(pizza hut tower)

YY- we don’t have much time! Find the entrance! Hurry!

(every one looks until GORE finds something)

Gore-hey! Look! I found it!

Asher- (in control room) Hehhehehehehehe! Lets test them, and see if they’re worth my time!

???(Asher's partner)- but sir, there's a giant Cyborg chasing them!

Asher- oh, right, bring them to me.

???-Yes Sir! But who are they Sir?

Asher- I belive that they are recarnations of an ancient group know as The VGF 6!(reverb).

???- The VGF 6!(reverb)?

Asher- Yes! The VGF 6!(reverb)! They consist of BSD,Swordmaster,Introblus,GORE-ILLA,Fusion,and, of course,Yami Yoshi! I belive that Cyborg #1 is the legedary GORE-ILLA, YY is, well,YY,and Cyborg #7 is a less God-modding, cheap, and secondary chacaher(sp?)spawning,verison of Fusion(without that cheap having every power thing)! But that's just my guess.

???- oh, ok *runs off*


YY- OOO! Its all hi-tech-like and sparkley!

???- Come with me. I can help you.

GORE- Who are you?

???- I am... ???!

YY- Sooo... Who are you?

???- Thats my name... ???.


  1. 7- canzzzzzyouzzzzbringzzzzzuszzzz*snap*tozzzzzAsher?

???- yes. Come.


O45- Ahh, finally! Now were did they go?

Edit- oh crap! gore edited his post when I did this. I,ll try and edit it.

Edit2- much better

edit3- added a tie between VGFMOG and VGFMOG1.1

Author: That Guy

don't let this die like the other!