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Full Name: Eugene Levy
Birthdate: December 17, 1946
Species: Deformed Human
Nationality: Canadian (?)
Creator: Lupus
First Appearance: Member OG


THE MAN was a giant who served as Black Skull Dragoshi's engine of destruction in Member OG, although he only made a few appearances early in the series.


His origin was explained in The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sequel, where it was shown that he once was Eugene Levy, who was like the eighth and apparently evillest/most powerful of Bob Saget's apprentice. He was on an eternal quest to become The Man. He engineered many evil events throughout the GCPA Sequel before claiming the Condum of Fate and using its amazing power to transform into a being known only as THE MAN, although he soon lost his speech capabilities. With his new power he was able to take out the important GCPA characters (plus Salama), but he then met his match in the form of Nemo, who utilized all of the other pirates' powers and weapons, using them to severely weaken him and open up a portal that sucked him in.

Member OG

The portal brought him to Asia in year 2000, where he rampaged (having lost all intelligence at this point) until he was beaten and tamed by Black Skul Dragoshi. He became Dragoshi's personal steed and first helped him to wreck up random countries in Member OG Zero: Before the Cheesecake. THE MAN was also summoned at several points in the Member OG series to help BSD against evil, although the only examples I can think of were the first Member OG, possibly 2 or 3 and then end of Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest. I'm quite sure his final fate was never touched upon.

Director's Corner

My uncles in MOG?!?!?

Golem thinks thats pretty hip, neat.


BSD: I forgot to mention. I was summoning energy as we were talking and a huge being known only as THE MAN will soon appear and crush Lupus beneath his feet.

Lupus: Ah, I'm not worried.

*THE MAN, godzilla sized, appears towering above them and glances down at Lupus then raises his foot*

Lupus: Koopa, use the 1337 Look Alike while I warp away.

Koopa: Yes sir.

*THE MAN stomps down hard on top of Lupus, splattering him into the ground.*

Koopa: You killed Lupus!

BSD: Hahahahaha!!
-THE MAN's classic introduction, no I don't think he ever has any lines except in the GCPA[[[Category: OG Characters]]