Enter the Mage

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A Battlefield topic that relates to the OGs because it is a battle between GORE-ILLA and Jim, two main characters of the Member OG series. It also contains terrible foreshadowing of GORE-ILLA's first mysterious past that was fully revealed in Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest (which was completed by the time the battle ended). Decided I might as well move it here before it is inevitably lost by VGF.

Written by Introbulus and GORE-ILLA from March 21, 2003 to May 25, 2003

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Nightfall, peasant village. A dark figure walks South down the road at a steady pace. He wears a red cloak that completely covers all and any features, save two glowing eyes. Suddenly, he is ambushed by a ragged thief.

RT: Gif' meh ya' monne an' ya won't be taken away by the gravediggas!

DF: What the hell? What language are you speaking? African? Oh, great. A thief. Just what I needed.

Without warning, the thief takes out a dagger and stabs the figure where his heart would go.

RT: Hehe, that'll teach 'um ter mess wit' me!

The figure then proceeds to grab the dagger with his cloaked hand.

RT: Eh?

DF: Now now, that wasn't very nice of you, was it?

The figure proceeds to pull the dagger right out from where the thief had placed it, without a single stain of blood.

RT: AHH!!! What kinda critta can do that?!

DF: Just call me Jim. Really, though. Did you honestly think that you could harm an incorporeal being like myself with THIS?

Jim proceeds to throw the dagger at the thief, striking him in the heart.

RT: Gahh!!

Jim: You, on the other hand, are quite corporeal, and thus, can bleed to death.

The thief pulls the dagger out of his own heart.


Jim: Oh come now, that's not nice. (points at the thief) At least let me give you a good-bye lightning.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt shoots out of Jim's finger, or rather, his robe, since he is incorporeal.

RT: AHHH!!!! THE PAIN!!!! THE PAIN!!!!! (falls)

Footsteps are heard approaching at a rapid pace.

Jim: (sigh) Now what?

OOC: In case you didn't get the drift, this is an open battle, being faught in a small mideival village street. As a note, Jim is not COMPLETELY unaffected by physical attacks, but that dagger was nowhere near powerful enough to cause any damage.

...by the way, the rules page at the top of the forum doesn't seem to be working. Is it down at this time?

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA wandered the medieval town, with his senses on full alert, especially with the recent crime wave in this area. He felt a hand - or rather a sleeve - gripping his shoulder. He immediately spun around and grabbed the "hand."

GORE: Oh. Jim. Its just you. What are you doing here?

Jim: Long story. I was about to invite you to an open battle.

GORE: Sounds fine to me. (gets into fighting stance)

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Er, I guess you didn't read the whole introductory thingie, because I clearly suspected that someone was behind MY back! Oh well, I'll go along with this...

Jim turns around to notice Gore walking the other way. Recognizing him from OG stories, he decided to challenge him to an open battle.

(see above post)

Jim: (Floats to a higher elevation)

Only two heals, no one-hit KO, you start.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE quickly leaped up towards Jim and prepared to use his GORE Punch, but Jim evaded at the last moment and snuck around behind GORE. Before GORE could react, Jim blasted him into a tree.

GORE: That's it.

GORE quickly leapt to his feet and once again flew at Jim, and charged up for a GORE Punch.

Jim: So predictable.

Instead of trying to punch blindly at Jim again, he spun around just as Jim came around behind him.

Jim: Uh-oh!


It made impact, and this time Jim took the fall. The floating robe quickly got up and prepared for another round.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Jim: My turn.

Suddenly, fireballs start shooting out from under Jim's cloak.

Gore: Yikes!

Gore rolls out of the way of the first two, but gets hit in the stomach by the third.

Gore: Oof!

Kaboom! The fireball explodes, sending Gore into the darkness of the street.

Gore: Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark!

Gore gets up and quickly eliminates the space between him and his enemy.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE wiped the sweat off his head and approached Jim.

GORE: So you wanna start a flame war, eh? (pun intended) Well here's a warm-up.

GORE-ILLA immediately let off a fierce, continuous barrage of fireballs at Jim. When the dust settled, all that was there was a large crater. GORE smirked.

GORE: Come out, Jim! I know those fireballs weren't strong enough to kill you - heck, I'd be surprised if any of them even hit you.

Jim: You're smarter then I expected a robot monkey to be. You should consider yourself lucky that I don't have Introbulus's power over metal!

GORE turned around to face Jim. A classic stare follwed. They stood there, floating in midair, and just staring at each other. A strong wind followed, rippling Jim's robe. GORE's thumb twitched, and less then a second later, they were at each other's throats again.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Figuratively, of course. Since Jim doesn't have a neck. But that's beside the point.

Jim: Behold! The sword of wisdom!

Jim begins to charge mystical energies right in front of himself. Seconds later, a sword is formed. On the hilt of the sword is an engravement of an eye. Other than that, it appears to be an ordinary sword.

Jim: Now, let's see how well you fare against a floating sword, shall we?

Holding true to Jim's statement, the sword speeds towards Gore at Jim's own will. Instantly, the sword and monkey clash. Gore tires to fight back against the sword, but it is difficult, and he gets slashed several times by the powerful weapon. Meanwhile, Jim laughs at the sight of Gore trying to fight against thin air.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE: I have a sword, too!

GORE quickly evaded the floating sword as he reached into his sheath and pulled out the sword he found on The Flying Monkey and, just like in the battle with Dark GORE, parryed the sword's movements with instincts he never knew he had. GORE then stroke the hilt of the sword with such force that sword would have broken. But it showed no signs of the blow and continued slashing at GORE.

Jim: Hee hee. This will all be over soon...

GORE put two and two together and realized what was going on. He flew past the sword, and this time leapt at Jim. He slashed at the robe. Jim easily evaded the move, but caused him to lose his concentration on the sword. It fell to the ground and GORE dropped after the sword, ready to finish it off before Jim recovers...

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Sorry to cut this short. I'll post again tomorrow.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: Okay. Rest well.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: I'm awake! Now let's continue this battle.

Jim notices that Gore is making a mad dash for the temporarily grounded sword. He makes a quick gesture and the sword slides away from Gore. The monkey plants his weapon into the ground just inches away from the hilt of the sword of wisdom. Then it disappears.

Jim (thinking): I'm going to have to think on my toes to beat this guy. Figuratively, of course. I mean, I don't have any toes, so I couldn't actually "think on my toes". (/thinking) Well, Gore, that was a close call! If I had been any more distracted, you would've had me! Oh well, better luck next time!

The sword disappears, and in it's place floats...

Gore: A disco ball?

Jim: Not just any disco ball! My Indestructable Disco Ball of Doom! (tm) or IDBD(tm)

The disco ball buzzes around in the air like a mad wasp, circling around Gore. It stops in front of Jim, who covers his eyes for a brief moment, as the disco ball emits a bright flash of light that illuminates the entire street! Villagers stupid enough to be watching the fight from their huts are blinded by the light, and Gore moves to protect the Organic portion of his eyes from the sharp brightness. As Gore blocks his eyes, Jim takes advantage of this destraction to send the disco ball hurtling into the monkey's stomach. Then it proceeds to give Gore the bashing of his life! As the disco ball takes a brief rest, Gore mutters to himself...

Gore: I (gasp) never thought (pant) that a disco ball (wheeze) could cause me (gasp) so much pain...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

While it was rested, GORE took out his sword and closed his left eye (the organic one). The disco ball once again emitted a bright glow, but this time, only seeing it with his mechanical eye, was unaffected. He leapt over the ball and dodged its attacks swiftly, but he was slowly wearing down.

GORE: Not sure (pant, pant) how much longer I can keep this up.

The disco ball shot at GORE at an amazing speed. GORE braced himself as he grabbed the ball. To prove that brute force is more powerful then magic. He put all of his force into holding the disco ball back. He slid backward a few meters before finally stopping the ball. Then he pushed it, with his force back at Jim. It knocked it him to the ground, but he quickly recovered.

GORE: Take that, ya flying towel!

Jim: I still have plenty of tricks up my sleeve.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Ah, clever! Had I been you, I would've done something similar. Good show!

Just then, Jim noticed a large gaping hole in the middle of himself.

Gore: Ha! Guess you aren't so indestructible after all!

Jim: On the contrary...

The hole in Jim's body slowly begins to knit itself together.

Jim: I am...

The hole is closed shut.

Jim: ...Just so indestructible!

Gore: (pant) Man, won't this guy ever die?

Jim: Alright, no more Mr. Nice ethereal being! Time to get serious!

Gore: Alright then, let's turn up the heat!

Jim: Wrong again!

A quick blast of winter chill covers Gore, freezing him in place.

Jim: It's time to cool off! Bwahahahaha!!!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: Sorry, I won't be on the computer much for a while. Thanks for the comment, though.

GORE was trapped in a block of ice, pondering his next move. He tried to move but nothing worked.

Jim: Haha, what's wrong? A little too cold for the big, bad monkey?

GORE gritted his teeth in anger and started to glow red.

Jim: Everyone knows Magic prevails over brute strength! Like Fusion said!

GORE's face grew redder. The ice slowly started to melt. His mechanical parts glowed red from the heat. The ice exploded suddenly.

GORE: I'm free! (faces Jim) Now its time for my new move! Flaming GORE Fist! (He punches Jim into a nearby mountain. The robe recovers and slowly floats back towards GORE.)

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Ah! You're finally back! You've been gone for awhile, where you sick?

Jim returns with an angry look on his face. Sort of like this> (angry face) AHH!!!! I don't know about you, but I'm getting out of here!

Jim: Come back here, you panzy! You have to narrirate the match!

Oh all right, but keep those fireballs pointed at Gore, okay?

Jim: Oh don't worry, I won't hurt you until I'm finished with this pathetic creature!


Gore: Hey!

Jim: Now, as I was saying, BOO HORDE!!!

Once again, Jim uses his summoning powers to conjure up something for battle. However, this time it is not a sword, or a disco ball. Instead, he summons...

Gore: Boos! Where's E. Gadd when you need him?

Jim: Bwahahahaha! These Boos are specially trained not to hide when you look at them! Destroy the monkey, servants!

Boos: Keehehehehehe!

OOC: I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: You could kinda say I'm grounded.

GORE stands ready to fight the boos, wondering which tactic to use. The Boos' weaknesses seemed to change in every Mario game.

Jim: Boos, attack!

The Boos fly at a puzzled GORE. He manages to just barely dodge their attacks. Then he thought of a new plan: His red mechanical eye glowed strong enough to illuminate his surroundings. He rushed at the Boos and the light stunned them. He used the Spinning Kong to send them flying in several directions. The Boos recovered and flew back at him. He picked up a group of blocks and flung them at the specters. They dematerialized. with that taken care of, he flew at Jim.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Suddenly, a pillar of fire shoots out of Jim's "hands", knocking Gore into the ground.

Jim: You fool! Those boo's were just a diversionary tactic!

Jim takes out his sword once again.

Jim: And now, it is time to finish the battle!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE: (insert curse here)!

Jim: Now it ends.

GORE's eyes quickly scan the battlefield for anything that could help him. Then he saw it: his sword. It was still planted in the ground from before. But there was no way to reach it. Then he remembered how, during a similar situation his showdown with Dark GORE, he concentrated hard enough and the EVIL Scientist Dude's remote control flew into his hand. He concentrated on the sword and extended his hand. Jim raised his sword for the finishing blow. Suddenly, the sword flew into his hand and he quickly blocked Jim's move. If he had taken a split-second sooner the battle would have been over.

Jim: What's this?

GORE: Your end.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

In a small pesant town, at the outset of a great kingdom, two figures stand in a completely silent street. One is a biomechanical monkey, the other a floating mass of nothingness. Both figures hold a sword, pointing it at the opposing character.

Jim: Well then, Gore, I believe a duel is in order, wouldn't you say?

Gore: Indeed, would you care to have the first strike?

Jim: Gladly.

Suddenly, the robed figure lunges out at Gore. However, he is ready for this move and easily dodges the attack, stabbing Jim with his sword as a return blow. In any other duel, such a move would almost guarantee victory. However, this foe is unfazed by it in even the slightest way. Swords go flying, and the sound of metal clashing can be heard from miles away. Gore gets in several stabs and slices between clangs, but Jim is unaffected by any of his attacks. Then, like a serpent waiting for the moment to strike, Jim slashes Gore in the right shoulder. Gore winces, before continuing with his duel. It is then that the half-robot realizes that such an encounter will only lead to his downfall in due time. As he scores hundreds of hits on Jim, they leave no noticeable mark, whereas Jim only needs a few cuts and a couple stabs to bring down his foe. Gore breaks from the duel to gather his thoughts. Jim takes this opportunity to taunt his opponent.

Jim: Fool! Stab at me all you want! I cannot be killed by a mere sword!

Gore: Yeah? Well there's one thing you forgot about!

Jim: Oh, and what's that?

Gore: I can give my sword a holy element!

Jim: ...Oh crap...

Filled with a new resolve, Gore lunges out at Jim, he hits once more, but this time, the sword leaves a different mark in the mass of nothing. A mark like shining a torch through a crack in a wall. A wound, just like anyone else. Jim lets out a howl of pain, waking every villager who was too lazy to be woken up by anything else.

Jim: Ahh! This cannot be! I won't let you win this battle! I will die first!

Suddenly, the entire terrain begins to shift, cracks appear in the surface of the earth, and a bright red glow shines from below the surface.

Gore: What? What are you doing?

Suddenly, lava begins to spit up from the ground, covering it in a warm, thick, paste. Anything in it's path is sucked into the lava and burnt. Villagers attempt to find some dry ground, and even Gore struggles to keep his footing. Meanwhile, Jim has no problems keeping aloft in this new boiling battleground.

Jim: Welcome to my home! Enjoy your stay!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE manages to climb oon top of a lrge boulder and listens to Jim's maniacal laughter. Thyen, he realized that the mage'a guard was down. He hels his sword above his head like a spear, aimed at Jim, and...realized something very important.

GORE: *drops his sword* This battle has gotten to serious! Time to lighten the mood a bit!

GORE scans his surroundings until he finds what he seeks; a flock of ducks running to find safety. He quickly picks one up, and dips it in lava. He lifted the flaming duck above his head like a spear, aimed carefully at Jim, and tossed it at him. It made a direct hit. The mage landed on another rock in the distance, with his robes catching fire. He quickly grabbed another duck, dipped t in the lava, an leapt across the rocks until he reached Jim, who was beginning to recover. GORE quickly held the flaming duck over Jim's body ready to deliver the finishing blow.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Jim snatched the flaming duck out of Gore's hand, and swallowed it in one gulp!

Jim: Mmmm! Tastes like chicken!

Gore reached behind him, only to find that he was out of flamming ducks.

Gore: Damn! They never seem to last long...


Gore: Uh, are you okay?

Jim: Oh yes, I just think that the idea of "flamming ducks" is extremely funny! BWAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAAHAAH!!!!

Gore: Well, okay. But isn't it your turn to...


Gore: Hey buddy, are you gonna...?


Gore: Hey! Stop that! We're in the middle of...


Gore: Grrrrr...GORE CHARGE!

Gore Charges headforward into Jim. Jim dodges out of the way at the last second, and Gore finds himself in a pool of lava.


Jim: Bwahaha! I can't believe you fell for the old "Laughing" trick!

Gore manages to find a piece of dirt with some grass on it, and quickly puts out the fire by rolling around in dirt.

Jim: Bwahaha! Glad that isn't...me?

Suddenly, Jim notices that his cape is on fire.

Jim: AHH!!! Fire! Fire! TIDAL WAVE ATTACK!

A gigantic tidal wave appears behind Jim, putting out the fire on his cape and, unwittingly, putting out the whole lava pool.

Jim: Drat! Foiled by my own plan!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE: Aha! Thunder Flash! *A large lightning bolt is fired out of GORE's arm at Jim.*

Jim: Ha! *floats into the air above the beam* You miss!

GORE: Not so! If I remember one thing from Pokemon, it's that water conducts electricity!

Jim: *remembers washing himself off with the tidal wave* Uh-oh.

The electricity spreads along the water and reaches Dark JIm. He's fried by the blast.*

GORE: Now to finish this! *lunges at Jim*

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Gore lunges forward towards Jim, in a despirate attempt to catch the red mage off-guard. However, it is he whom is caught off-guard, as he is suddenly stopped by an invisible force that, upon further inspection, feels like...

Gore: A wall?

Jim: You didn't think that I was only capable of offensive magic, did you? I am WELL equipped to handle any situation presented to me, and that includes killing you!

Gore attempt to find his way around the invisible wall, only to meet with another wall to his left, and another to his right. Then, it suddenly dawns on him...

Gore: You're going to crush me with magical walls, aren't you?

Jim: Yup! Indestructible, too! Pretty good, eh?

Gore: Yeah, but I bet I can find a way out of your...

As Gore speaks, he turns around as if to walk away, but suddenly hit another wall. In trying to feel if there is a top to this wall, he notices a wall right above his head. He is trapped on five sides.

Gore: ...Oh crap...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Jim: Surrender or you'll die!

GORE-ILLA: Never! *The walls start to pull together.

Jim: Then I have no choice to kill you. *the wlls slowly begin to pull together...*

GORE-ILLA: Oh no! I'll be crushed from five sides! (clocks were in head. Flashback to a class from a past long gone*

It was an elegant classroom. The students were all dressed in the same garb; but just what those clothes were and where this classroom was was a complete mystery. The teacher was scribbling something on the blackboard.

Teacher: Greetings, class. Welcome to the first day of class. I am (blank). First we will look over the basics: (the teacher eyes the class and picks a young gorilla.) You look like a bright student. How many sides does a cube have?

Gorilla: Why, six sides. (the teacher opens his mouth to speak another question, but the Gorilla cuts him off.) Thirty-seven. Eighty-Five. Carbonite. Why the yarotonian complex is easily achieved by multiplying the universal axis by its mass twice over.

Teacher: Gasp! (thinking) He knows what I'm going to ask before I ask them! And he knows the answers to them! Those were suppose to be trick questions! I should send him to an advanced class...

GORE: These walls form a cube, a cube has six sides, yet there are only five walls, meaning their is one side without a wall and the only side I haven't checlked is...(looks at ground.)

Jim: Heh heh. Five..four...three...two...one...


Jim: Poor guy. Didn't want to kill him. He left behind this nice crater, too. Wait a second! (notices a burrow in the bottom of the crater.) Can it be?

???: Some people said gorillas couldn't burrow underground. They were wrong.

Jim: Where are you?

???: I'm all around you.

Jim: (begins firing fireballs at the ground.)

???: For a mage you have lousy aim!

Jim: Rrrr...where's that voice coming from? Jim Beam! (fires a giant beam at the Earth's suface. When the smoke clears, the area is a barren wasteland.) There's no way he could have dodged that! (an energy beam brushes Jim's hood.)

???: Silly mage. I said I could burrow underground but I didn't say I stayed there!

Jim: What?!

???: I burrowed underground when the walls collided and during the explosion I fled the crater to my new hiding spot.

Jim: (angry face) WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Erm, explosion? When did I say that the colliding walls would explode? They were just supposed to crush you by force. But whatever, back to the fighing!

Suddenly, Jim gets a wicked smile across his face. Now, Jim doesn't exactly have a mouth, but you can tell when he's smiling by the way his eyes squint in a way that you can tell he is thinking of something devilishly clever.

Jim: Very clever, Gore. It appears you have almost outsmarted me. But you seem to be forgetting one minor detail.

Gore: And what would that be?

Jim: Water conducts electricity.

Gore: Yeah, so? What's that got to do with...uh, oh...

Before Gore can even make a move for the surface, Jim instantly casts a bolt of lighting onto the ground. Thanks to the tidal wave earlier, the highly-saturated soil easily conducts the electricity, shocking and burning everything that happens to be in the ground. Including a certain cybornetic monkey, who just happens to be the best conductor in that plot of dirt.

Gore: YAAAHHH!!!

Jim: Too bad, Gore. All that electricity can't be very good for your cybornetic parts, can it?

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA popped out of the ground and writhed as the electricity sapped at his mechanical parts' energy. The electricity left GORE's body soon, but left GORE with his mechanical parts down to only half power. He slowly got up.

Jim: Give up now.

GORE: I'll never surrender.

GORE began to ponder his next move. The lava was gone, so no flaming ducks. Jim had dried himself off so he couldn't use electricity. His sword was buried in the muddy battlefield and would take hours to fnd. And most of his other options were repetitive and/or predictable. That left him with one choice: head-on assault. That was very unwise against the crafty mage, but GORE knew he could hold his own if he could use his wit and instincts together.

Suddenly, the two opponents stopped when they heard the soud of music approaching. GORE looked around and saw a fgure emerge from the forest. It was a teenager in a green skirt playing flute. GORE snuck up behind the poor kid, and whacked himover the head. The child passed out. GORE noticed the sword hanging from the boy's back and smirked as fortune had smiled upon him. He pulled the sword from the kid's sheath and swung it around a bit to get the feel of it.

Jim: What's that?

GORE: Heh. It's funny. I seem to remember a certain someone always bragging about being a great source of EVIL. I also remember a certain sword with the ability to repel EVIL.

Jim: Impossible!

GORE: It obviously is not! I have The Master Sword! And now I'm gonna make a Gannon outta you.

GORE flies towards Jim and swings at him violently with the sword. Jim quickly dodged. GORE continued slashing at Jim, knowing that the slick sorcorer will have to slip sometime.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: And now, after a large prolonging, here is my post, finally!

Jim swivled and ducked his way around the master sword, knowing full well the holy properties it contained. Despite his best efforts, he slipped a few times. The sword left it's mark in his personage, however, these wounds did not heal. It would only be a matter of time before he was completely destroyed. Frantically, Jim ran a thousand plans through his mind, until finally, an idea struck him. Admittedly, it was cowardly, perhaps even dishonorable, but it was the only way. As Gore-Illa lunged, Jim opened his cape, as if to welcome the blow. When Gore's blade penetraited, it struck flesh. Instantly, Gore felt a sharp pain from within his stomach. Looking down, he could see his own sword sticking out from his gut. Instantly, Gore withdrew his sword, and spitting a few drops of blood, he muttered a single word.

Gore: H-hhuu-how?...

Jim: Temporal space shift. I opened a portal within myself that led to another one...right behind you!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE grasped his gaping woud, and dropped the Master Sword to the ground below. He struggled to remain standing until he gave up and fell to the ground. Jim landed before him.

Jim: Do you give up?

GORE: N-n-never...

GORE-ILLA slowly crawled to his feet and sluggishly punched at Jim. Jim dodged the moves, flew around behind GORE, and blasted him into a rock. GORE-ILLA climbed up and dashed at Jim, who once again dodged all his moves. Jim then uleashed a fierce barrage of fireballs. GORE fell to the ground, mortally wounded. Jim approached GORE, ready for the finishing blow. GORE saw the Master Sword resting several feet away from him. He closed his eyes and concentrated. It flew into his hands just as Jim stood above him. GORE quickly thrusted the Master Sword upward through Jim's "head". The insane mage screamed in pain.

GORE: Heh..heh...

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Hmm, I can't really think of a way out of this one that isn't cheap, so I guess, you win!

Jim stumbles backwards and crumbles in pain. He tries to get the sword out of him, but he has no hands to do so with, and cannot pull it out.


Gore: You shouldn't have underestimated me, Jim! You forgot about my powers as a jedi, and because of this, failed to deal the final blow!

Light energy begins to escape from inside Jim's cloak, seconds later, a huge explosion of brightness takes place, and when the dust settles, nothing is left of the Red Mage, or his cloak.

Gore: (Sigh) Finally, the battle is over...

???: K.O.! The winner, in 47 rounds, is...Gore-Illa!

(Suddenly, Gore's wounds dissapear from his chest, as if they were never there to begin with. The entire landscape he had been fighting on is replaced with a large, metallic room. Jim is there, completely unhurt. Over the loudspeaker, Introbulus can be heard shouting announcements)

Introbulus: Great job, Gore! That was an excellent use of coincedence and knowledge!

Jim: Yeah, but I still think it's cheap that you sent him Link with the Master Sword right in the middle of battle!

Introbulus: What do you expect? It wouldn't have been as interesting if Gore hadn't had a holy weapon to kill you with! Speaking of which, how do you like our battlefield simulator, Gore?

OOC: Yes, it was a simulation the whole time. You didn't think Jim would go and destroy an entire village just to kill you, did you? (tongue)