Cheese Star

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Revision as of 17:58, 10 May 2006 by Golem (talk | contribs)
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The Cheese Star is Lupus's pentultimate weapon - one that can turn ENTIRE PLANETS into cheese. Being the villainous fellow he is, he hides out for two OGs to build it and bring it out in MOG8 - along with another on the opposite side of the earth, just to make sure it is justifiably enough like a Star Wars parody. The two never fire, due to the meddling of the OGers, but they cause quite a bit of trouble and even cause a powerstruggle centered on Koopa Xtreme. It's crews are Cheesetroopers along with Tim allen robots, as well as Lupus, Fred, Koopa Xtreme, Darth Lundgren, and Wesus Whrist, among other, less seen TWIFATIT or UN members.

Both are easily stopped enough, but one is smashed into Earth. The other one lies forgotten, though it is most probably out of power due to inefficient Hebrew Chimpanzee Design.

It is put in it's place by the Giant Fighting Weisheit Austrailia Robot in Member OG 10, however.