Savage Worlds (stats)

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The Good Ol' Boys

Attributes Stats Skills Hindrances/Equipment Edges
Golem (Lv. 5)
Agility: d10 Pace: 6" Fighting: d6 Bad Eyes (-2 Notice without glasses) Deflection (-2 to be attacked)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 5 Guts: d8 Heroic (must help people) Entangle (hold target)
Spirit: d8 Toughness: 5 Notice: d8 Small (-1 Toughness) Quick Draw (no draw penalty)
Strength: d4 Charisma: 0 Persuade: d8
Vigor: d6 Streetwise: d6 'Go' Shirt (+1 Toughness)
Power Points: 25 Scarf Powers: d6 Scarf (Str+1, Reach 2)
TASTS (plot device)
Rhyk (Lv. 5)
Agility: d10 Pace: 6" Fighting: d8 Cautious (spends time planning) Construct (+2 recovery)
Smarts: d10 Parry: 6 Investigation: d6 Overconfident (won't back down) Ambidextrous (can use both hands)
Spirit: d4 Toughness: 5 Notice: d8 Small (-1 Toughness) Steady Hands (can shoot while moving)
Strength: d4 Charisma: 0 Repair: d8 Two-Fisted (can attack with two weapons)
Vigor: d6 Stealth: d6 'Ri' Shirt (+1 Toughness)
Power Points: 30 Weird Science: d8 Laser Gloves (Bolt)
Jet Shoes (Fly)
Sapphire (Lv. 7)
Agility: d6 Pace: 6" Fighting: d6 Arrogant (must be the best) Detect (senses antics)
Smarts: d10 Parry: 5+1 Intimidation: d10 Code of Honor (follows the rules) Dispel (gets rid of antics)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 5+1 Investigation: d6 Stubborn (must be in charge) Noble (Rich, +2 Charisma)
Strength: d6 Charisma: 2 Notice: d8 Strong Willed (+2 Intimidation, Taunt)
Vigor: d6 Taunt: d6 Red Coat (+1 Toughness) Sidekick (Chuca)
Power Points: 25 Cynicism: d6 Red Parasol (Str+d4, +1 Parry)
Red Glasses (disguise)
Chuca (sidekick)
Agility: d10 Pace: 8" Climbing: d8 Loyal (obeys Sapphire) Bolt (shoot electricity)
Smarts: d4 Parry: 4 Fighting: d4 Overconfident (won't back down) Fleet-Footed (+2 Pace, d10 running)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 4 Notice: d6 Quirk (says its own name)
Strength: d6 Charisma: 0 Persuasion: d6
Vigor: d4 Stealth: d6
(Size -2) Power Points: 20 Thunderbolt: d8
Big Al (Lv. 15)
Agility: d4 Pace: 6" Fighting: d8 Blind (-6 vision) Brawny (carries more, +1 Toughness)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 6+1 Guts: d6 Clueless (-2 common knowledge) Infravision (can see without light)
Spirit: d8 Toughness: 8+2 Lockpicking: d4 Loyal (obeys Flutter) Shape Change (transform into Big Bear)
Strength: d10 Charisma: 0 Throwing: d8
Vigor: d10 Power Points: 20 Weird Science: d10 Cyborg Arm (Str+d4) Flare Arm (Light)
Power Points: 30 Big Bear: d8 Gatling Arm (2d8, 24/48/96) Cannon Arm (Blast)
Shield Arm (+2 Toughness, +1 Parry) Missile Arm (Fly)
Flutter (Lv. 11)
Agility: d10 Pace: 8" Gambling: d6 Delusional (lives in his own world) Burst (breathes flames)
Smarts: d4 Parry: 2 Persuasion: d10 Greedy (takes what he can) Barrier (makes a wall of flames)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 8 Streetwise: d4 Illiterate (can't read or write) Very Attractive (+4 Charisma)
Strength: d6 Charisma: 5 Swimming: d6 Fleet-Footed (+2 Pace, d10 running)
Vigor: d10 Taunt: d10 Leather Jacket (+1 Toughness, Charisma)
Power Points: 30 Dry Scales: d4 Swiss Vorpal Knife (Str+d4, +1 Survival)
Flask of Water (the good shtuff)
Guana Mann (Lv. 9)
Agility: d8 Pace: 6" Fighting: d8 Big Mouth (can't keep secrets) Gadgeteer (builds new gadgets)
Smarts: d8 Parry: 6 Knowledge (mecha): d6 Curious (must explore) Speed (doubles Pace)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 6 Knowledge (weird): d6 Habit (Akira Sojo) Invisibility (-4 to be noticed)
Strength: d8 Charisma: 0 Repair: d8 Sweep (attack adjacent spaces)
Vigor: d6 Tracking: d8 Red Shorts (+1 Toughness) Combat Reflexes (+2 recovery)
Power Points: 20 Weird Science: d8 Claws (Str+d4)
Tool Kit (no Repair penalty)
Mr. Predict (Lv. 9)
Agility: d8 Pace: 6" Knowledge (Future): d10 Habit (answering questions early) Fear (frighten enemies)
Smarts: d12 Parry: 2 Notice: d10 Overconfident (knows the future) Speak Language (understand others)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 6 Persuasion: d6 Pacifist (avoids fighting) Stun (stun enemies)
Strength: d4 Charisma: -1 Stealth: d6 Teleport (warp to a new point)
Vigor: d4 Taunt: d4 Shadow Cloak (+2 Toughness) Puppet (control enemies)
Power Points: 20 Psionics: d8 Sling (Str+d4, 4/8/16) Alertness (+2 Notice)
Lantern (medium light) Mentalist (+2 Psionics)
Danger Sense (+2 against sneak attacks)
Fuzzball (Lv. 9)
Agility: d6 Pace: 6" Guts: d10 Habit (blowing things up) McGuyver (can cobble items together)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 2 Intimidation: d8 Hard of Hearing (-2 Notice) Fast Healer (+2 Healing)
Spirit: d10 Toughness: 8+2 Knowledge (Bombs): d4 Outsider (-2 Charisma) Imp. Nerves of Steel (no dmg penalty)
Strength: d4 Charisma: -2 Notice: d8 Combat Reflexes (+2 recovery)
Vigor: d8 Repair: d6 Fuzzy Jacket (+2 Toughness, +4 vs bullets) Marksman (Aims when not moving)
Throwing: d8 Grenades (3d6, medium burst) No Mercy (can re-roll damage)
Gunpowder (for blasting)
Wrange Tirk (Lv. 11)
Agility: d6 Pace: 6" Fighting: d10 All Thumbs (-2 Repair) Berserk (loses control when injured)
Smarts: d4 Parry: 4 Guts: d6 Bloodthirsty (-4 Charisma) Woodsman (+2 Tracking, Survival, Stealth)
Spirit: d8 Toughness: 9 Healing: d4 Vengeful (abhors Danes) Imp. Nerves of Steel (no dmg penalty)
Strength: d10 Charisma: -4 Intimidation: d4 Frenzy (can attack twice)
Vigor: d8 Survival: d8 Plate Armor (+3 Toughness) No Mercy (can re-roll damage)
Tracking: d8 Great Sword (Str+d10, -1 Parry) Giant Killer (+1d6 against giant enemies)
Flint (for lighting)
Vorpal (Lv. 15)
Agility: d8 Pace: 6" Driving: d8 Code of Honor (vaguely samurai) Smite (+2 damage)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 7 Fighting: d10 Heroic (regrets helping people) Attractive (+2 Charisma)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 8 Intimidation: d8 Quirk (speaks in 80s lyrics) Quick Draw (no draw penalty)
Strength: d10 Charisma: 2 Piloting: d6 Danger Sense (+2 against sneak attacks)
Vigor: d8 Throwing: d6 Vorpanium Armor (+2 Toughness) Trademark Weapon (+1 Fighting roll)
Power Points: 30 Demon Flame: d8 Vorpal Sword (Str+d6+2, AP 2) Combat Reflexes (+2 recovery)
Picture of Misty (OoOoOoOoO!!!) Improved First Strike (strike first)
Ditto (Lv. 15)
Agility: d6 Pace: 6" Investigation: d10 Arrogant (must be the best) Shape Change (becomes a VG character)
Smarts: d10 Parry: 3 Lockpicking: d4 Bad Eyes (-2 Notice without glasses) Investigator (+2 Investigation, Streetwise)
Spirit: d8 Toughness: 7+2 Notice: d8 Overconfident (sure of himself) Charismatic (+2 Charisma)
Strength: d6 Charisma: 2 Stealth: d8 Connections (Secret Service)
Vigor: d6 Streetwise: d8 Kevlar Vest (+2 Toughness, +4 vs bullets) Command (+1 recovery for followers)
Power Points: 30 ? Henshin ?: d10 ? Cane (Str+d4, +1 Parry) Fervor (+1 Fighting for followers)
President's Badge (opens doors) Hold the Line! (+1 Toughness for followers)
Inspire (+2 recovery for followers)
Sidekick (Guisseppie)
Guisseppie (sidekick)
Agility: d6 Pace: 6" Healing: d6 All Thumbs (-2 Repair) Flight (can fly anywhere)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 1 Investigation: d8 Loyal (to Ditto) Beast Friend (summon a VG enemy)
Spirit: d8 Toughness: 4 Notice: d6 Pacifist (refuses to fight) Charismatic (+2 Charisma)
Strength: d4 Charisma: 2 Persuasion: d6
Vigor: d6 Stealth: d6
(Size -1) Power Points: 20 Summon Grunt: d8
Masamune (Lv. 24)
Agility: d10 Pace: 6" Boating: d8 Enemy (Murasame) Quickness (attack twice)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 12 Fighting: d12+2 One Eye (-2 depth perception) Deflection (-2 to be attacked)
Spirit: d10 Toughness: 7 Investigation: d4 Stubborn (must have things his way) Attractive (+2 Charisma)
Strength: d8 Charisma: 2 Lockpicking: d4 Imp. Dodge (-2 to be shot)
Vigor: d8 Taunt: d8 Pirate's Coat (+1 Toughness) Imp. Frenzy (attack twice without penalty)
Power Points: 30 Swordplay: d8 Masamune Sword (Str+d8) Imp. Trademark Weapon (+2 Fighting roll)
Flintlock Pistol (2d6+1, 5/10/20) Fighting Master (+2 Fighting, d10 wild die)
Master of Arms (+2 Parry)
Sidekick (Doodle)
Doodle (sidekick)
Agility: d4 Pace: 6" Fighting: d4 Cautious (hesitates to act) Fly (can fly anywhere)
Smarts: d10 Parry: 4 Notice: d8 Loyal (to Masamune) Alertness (+2 Notice)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 4 Piloting: d6 Yellow (-2 Guts)
Strength: d6 Charisma: 0 Stealth: d6
Vigor: d4 Taunt: d6
(Size -1) Power Points: 20 Flight: d8
Luiigii (Lv. 15)
Agility: d8 Pace: 6" Fighting: d10 Delusional (thinks the world is out for him) Bolt (shoot fire)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 7 Guts: d6 Enemy (the world is out for him) Elemental Manipulation (make fire)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 9 Intimidation: d6 Outsider (-2 Charisma) Healing (remove wounds)
Strength: d6 Charisma: -2 Notice: d6 Telekinesis (lift objects)
Vigor: d12 Survival: d8 Bathrobe (+1 Toughness) Armor (+2 Toughness)
Power Points: 20 Goombelli: d8 Faulty Laser Sword (Str+d6+4, purple) Florentine (+1 Fighting roll)
Faulty Laser Sword (Str+d6+4, green) Two-Fisted (use two weapons)
Imp. Nerves of Steel (no dmg penalty)
Sidekick (Slort)
Slort (sidekick)
Agility: d4 Pace: 4" Fighting: d8 Illiterate (can't speak English) Hardy (can't be Shaken)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 6 Guts: d6 Lame (-2 Pace) Burst (breath weapon)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 7 Notice: d6 Loyal (to Luiigii) Healing (remove a wound)
Strength: d4 Charisma: 0 Stealth: d4 Greater Healing (remove an injury)
Vigor: d10 Survival: d4
(Size -2) Power Points: 10 Goombelli: d8
GORE-ILLA (Lv. 15)
Agility: d8 Pace: 4" Climbing: d8 Clueless (-2 Common Knowledge) Construct (+2 recovery)
Smarts: d4 Parry: 6 Fighting: d10 Lame (-2 Pace) Berserk (loses control when injured)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 10 Intimidation: d6 Mean (-2 Charisma) Bolt (laser eyes)
Strength: d12 Charisma: -2 Throwing: d6 Fly (jet feet)
Vigor: d8 Taunt: d4 Metal Body (+2 Toughness) Two-Fisted (use both hands)
(Size +2) Power Points: 20 Weird Science: d8 Steel Fists (Str+d6) No Mercy (re-roll damage)
Infrared Eyes (can see in dark) Imp. Dodge (-2 to be shot)
Elzie Ann (Lv. 7)
Agility: d8 Pace: 6" Fighting: d8 Clueless (-2 Common Knowledge) Beast Master (owns a green donkey)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 6 Healing: d6 Curious (must inspect things) Connections (Afterlife)
Spirit: d8 Toughness: 6 Notice: d6 Death Wish (should have died long ago) Steady Hands (no shooting penalty)
Strength: d6 Charisma: 0 Riding: d6 Healer (+2 Healing)
Vigor: d6 Shooting: d10 Green Cloak (+1 Toughness) Dodge (-1 to be shot)
Survival: d6 Crossbow (2d6, AP 2, 15/30/60) Marksman (Aims when not moving)
Dagger (Str+d4)

People You Don't Know

Henry T. Man

Attributes Stats Skills Hindrances/Edges Equipment
Agility: d8 Pace: 6" Fighting: d8 Code of Honor (gentleman) Long Sword (Str+d8)
Smarts: d4 Parry: 6 Intimidate: d8 Delusional (what unicorn head?) Glock (9mm) (2d6, AP1)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 6 Lockpicking: d6 Greedy (wants rewards)
Strength: d8 Charisma: 0 Riding: d6 Rain of Tea Pain (burst)
Vigor: d8 Power Points: 20 Shooting: d6 Two-Fisted (attack twice)
Superpower: d6 Sidekick (Jimmy)


Attributes Stats Skills Hindrances/Edges Equipment
Agility: d6 Pace: 6" Climbing: d8 Size -1 (about 3 feet) Chainsaw (2d6+4)
Smarts: d4 Parry: 6 Driving: d8 Brawny (lifts more) Bicycle (5 Acc/16 TS)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 5 Fighting: d8
Strength: d8 Charisma: 0 Persuade: d6
Vigor: d6 Claws (Str+d4) Piloting: d6

Edward Charles Smoker

Attributes Stats Skills Hindrances/Edges Equipment
Agility: d8 Pace: 6" Driving: d8 Arrogant (attack leader) Short Sword (Str+d6)
Smarts: d8 Parry: 5 Fighting: d6 All Thumbs (can't repair) Desert Eagle (.50) (2d8, AP2)
Spirit: d4 Toughness: 6 Persuade: d6 Delusional (what unicorn body?)
Strength: d6 Charisma: 0 Repair: d6 Smoke Ring Sting (bolt)
Vigor: d8 Power Points: 20 Shooting: d8 Rich (triple money)
Superpower: d6 Sidekick (Timmy)


Attributes Stats Skills Hindrances/Edges Equipment
Agility: d8 Pace: 6" Boating: d8 Size -1 (skinny) M60 (7.62) (2d8+1, AP2)
Smarts: d6 Parry: 2 Climbing: d8 Steady Hands (easy aim) Mini Car (5 Acc/16 TS)
Spirit: d6 Toughness: 4 Intimidate: d8
Strength: d6 Charisma: 0 Riding: d6
Vigor: d4 Claws (Str+d4) Shooting: d6