Party Goers 2 Page 4

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Pages in Party Goers 2
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Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: Now the world shall see that bad guys can and will win!

Meowth: 6...

Bomberman: 5...

Saph: 4...

Talking Wing Cap Mario toy: It's-a me, Mario!

Boss: 3...

Golem: 2...

kidnapped Pikachu: pika-pi! (1!)

the fuse reaches the powder inside the bomb, and---

Author: Golem[edit]



Announcer: It seems nothing has happened. But let's see...

~Inside the VR, w/ YM...~

YM: Why don't I quit right now, this is boring.

~Elsewhere in the VR...~

Golem: Hey, who cares. It looks like the wall wants to pick a fight.

Mr.P.: I get first dibs on the oxygen when we get baaaaa-aaaaack!

KL: Well, I guess I should spin until something happens. Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!

~Outside of the VR...~

Saph~lookin' at the screen~: What are they doin'? What happe--

~Saph sees smoke from the Bombinator flowin' into the VR.~

Saph: So this bomb was not only a dud, but--

BM: Not ONLY a dud? That was my best one! Ohhhhhh, I'll get...~Reads Bombinator's label~...Bombing Needs Inc.!

Magi: Actually, we should be far away from here in our sub.

Saph: That's right, what happened?

Author: Yoshiman and Mr. Predict[edit]

YM: I'm getting out of here!

KL: What? But the helmets are stuck!

YM: But I brought a 2x4! (You never know when they'll come in handy!)

Yoshiman hits his VR helmet.
Critical hit!
VR helmet fainted!
Yoshiman gained 1092 exp!

YM: Yeah, whatever that meant. . .

YM Regains consiousness on the arcade ground.

*Cough Cough* What's with the smoke? *Hak*

Author: Golem[edit]

KL: Hey Golem, whaddaya doin'?!

Golem: WWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... this is fun.. oohoohoohoo!

Mr.P.: Hello, this is the colonel... yes, that KFC guy...

KL: Oh yeah... I wonder why they're doin that? And how come YM and I healed so quickly! And most important... is it a big plot point?

~KL hears a big booming voice... hey, it's Saph!~

Saph: Hey, King L, I can answer one question. We think it was the smoke from the Bombinator leaking into the VR!

KL: Who's "We"?

Saph: Bomby Boy, Magi, and Meowth!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]


MagiKoopa brings out his own huge Bominator.

Bomberman: What the heck?! That is one huge bomb! homemade, too. like the others, not manufactured. [kicks Saph]

Saph: ow! don't kick me! [kicks Bomberman back]

MagiKoopa: catch!

MagiKoopa tosses the Bombinator to Saph and co.

Meowth: You moron! They'll defuse it or something!

MagiKoopa: They won't have enough time to! Ha, ha, ha!

MagiKoopa pulls out a remote to the Bominator!

all: gasp! O.O

MagiKoopa: Say bye-bye to your precious story before it gets any weirder!


Author: Golem[edit]

Saph: Nooooooooooooooooooo..............



Bombing Bombarders and Saph: ???

Saph: Oh, I get it now! We were in a Blast Corps game!...But that doesn't explain where we are!

BM: Hey, this is the place I've always dreamed of!

Magi: What?

BM: Hi-Score Heaven...

LOOK! There's a golden bomb, and a cape feather... and all the bronze on the walls...
OH NO!!!!!!!

Saph: What?

BM: There's a sculpture of a Pikachu! Let's destroy it!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: Somehow, I don't think they're acknowledging the fact that we've won twice in a row.

Bomberman: and we've got their Pikachu!

Meowth: Maybe we're the only weird part in this story thus far.

Bomberman: Nah. what about Golem? ;)

MagiKoopa: Oh, is that all! I've got a bomb for that!

Meowth: What kind of bomb is that?

MagiKoopa lights the fuse to the bomb in question.

MagiKoopa: It's a suicide bomb. All 3 of us will bite the dust when this thing goes off.

Bomberman & Meowth: O_o

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Meowth: (Uses fury swipes on Magikoopa) Bomberman do you have a straight jacket handy? Magikoopa seems to have lost his mind...

Bomberman: Put out that fuse quick! We're not supposed to bite the dust! They are!

Magikoopa: ;) But we want the story to go out with a bang! How perfect would it be if we left like this! It won't be as accomplished an exit as MM's was, but still a good exit nonethless. We won.

Bomberman: True, Magi.

Meowth: Have you both lost it? If we kill ourselves, then those pesky good guys will win!

Magikoopa: But the story will turn to crud without us! We have to exit it now!

Bomberman: Picture it Meowth: This is it, our moment of fame...

Magikoopa: And in a way, we are saving the story. There is no where else to go with it. It's best to end here, and if any of those twerps survive...

Bomberman: Well, then they will have to do the story without us and it won't be good anymore.

Meowth: But isn't this where we bask in our glory?

Magikoopa: It's my moment to shine! And there goes the fuse!

Meowth: One second!

Bomberman: That's all we have!

Meowth: How does this take care of Golem?

Magikoopa: When this thing blows, everything goes! NOW!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]


nothing happened.

MagiKoopa: Or, we could just jump off that cliff over there.

Meowth: [uses Fury Swipes] don't forget your obligation as a member of Team Rocket! First, we will win! After that, feel free to kill yourself in any way you please.

MagiKoopa: Yay! :D

Bomberman: This is odd... I wonder if someone's sabatoged my gunpowder... I can pick up a fresh batch from the Boss.

Author: Yoshiman and Mr. Predict[edit]

YM comes back from a long trek to his house.
He then hooks up a machine to a VR helmet.

YM: Ha Ha! THIS invention prevents foreign objects besides clothing to enter the machine! I'm a genius! HAHAHAHA! This took a long tome to whip up- but now the villans can't win! hahaha!

Magikoopa: What if we blew up that device?


Bomberman: Now we blow it up!

Meowth: We can't do that! we need a fresh supply of gunpowder!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

Suddenly, one of Team Rocket's very own evil Dragonite files over to MagiKoopa and hands him a package from the Boss.

MagiKoopa: Fresh gunpowder, bomb shells, and special bomb components!

Bomberman: How convenient. gimme that!

Bomberman makes another Red Bombinator seconds later.

Meowth: Ha ha! Time to bug the debugger! Meowth!

The Red Bombinator detonates, and YM's new component sizzles, shorts, then explodes.

MagiKoopa: I gotta try that sometime.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Meowth: Ok, this is good and all, but NOW WHAT?

Magikoopa: We jump off the cliff?

Meowth: Hm... Wait. There is something that I have to do anyway...

Bomberman: What?

Meowth: It's something the boss wanted me to do for a long time. You see ever since Jessie left Team Rocket he wanted me to find her...

Magikoopa: We understand, Meowth.

Meowth uses fury swipes on Magikoopa.

Magikoopa: Will you stop that???

Bomberman: Meowth, that does not pertain to this story. And anyway, it's time we took a little break to prepare for the next party that these twerps might attempt.

Magikoopa: They wouldn't be that stupid...Or would they? Meowth will you permanently stay on our team?

Meowth: Well... I don't know.

**They all take off in the flying sub.

Magikoopa: We have successfully destroyed the story! Now we need a vacation!

**Golem appears out of nowhere**

Golem: WAIT!

Bomberman: Huh? Where did you come from?

Golem: :D Well I just wanted to say one thing...

Meowth: What???

Golem: :D The end!

Magikoopa, Meowth and Bomberman: …

Saph: Here we go again... *sigh*

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: Hey, what the...?!

Bomberman: She ended the story.


Meowth uses the Fury Swipes on Saph.

Bomberman: Geez, she's starting to turn into Zora now.

MagiKoopa: But there's so much left to do! :(

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: Well, another one of my parties blew up!

Saph: !!!!!!!!!!!

Golem: Uhhh... I mean got messed up in my face.

Saph: Will we ever have fun?

Golem: Only time will tell. Hey Time, will we ever have fun?

~Everyone falls over anime style.~

Saph: And another thing: will we ever meet Zora, L64, or Cindy again?

Golem: I suppose that's like askin' will I ever wear my old shoes again.

Narrator: But there's one person you forgot!

-Saph:\ Golem:/ Who?

Narrator: Mr. P.!

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Suddenly the fun was interrupted by a loud scream.


Golem: Who's that.


Nintenfreak©®™: That's a ruff way to go. Hey your those authors arent y'all?

Golem: that's right.

Nintenfreak: Well, could you help me get to back New Island?