Party Goers 3 Page 2

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Pages in Party Goers 3
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Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Suddenly, the pebble that the boulder was leaning against cracks, and the boulder starts rolling again.


WB: aaah. oh, aaah.

Everyone runs out of the cave Indiana Jones style.

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa gets a huge, evil grin as he reaches for a sledgehammer.

MagiKoopa: Forget Sleepytime Bombs! THIS'll help Saph. catch some more Z's!

Bomberman: Hold it!

MagiKoopa: eh?

Bomberman: You realize as soon as you strike w/ that sledgehammer, you'll be branded as "the villian," "the abuser," and so on. I seen it on that Lifetime channel!

MagiKoopa: an interesting point.

Saph: That's society for ya.

MagiKoopa decides to untie the rope holding Sapphire and has a friendly political conversation w/her and Bomberman over tea and demitasse biscuits.

MagiKoopa: [in between demitasse biscuits] see, the way I figure it, when girls hit guys on TV, or in real life, everyone laughs and says "you go, girl!" like it's the American thing to do.

Bomberman: Yeah! but then when a guy hits a girl, he's instantly an abuser. all those movies on Lifetime depict guys as rapists and/or abusers!

Saph: I guess it goes back to the old days of black-and-white TV, when everyone had manners and such. it was impolite to hit anyone.

Bomberman: I know, let's blow up the Lifetime station!

Meowth enters the sub.

MagiKoopa: Hey, Meowth! Where ya been?

Meowth: While you guys were blabbing, I barrowed our sledgehammer and smashed the other sub to pieces! :D

Saph: >:0

Bomberman & MagiKoopa: 0.0

suddenly, a well-timed Sleepytime Bomb goes off, knocking Saph out again.

Meowth: no one makes weird icon faces at Meowth! Put down those cookies and help me tie Saph back up, you slackers!

MagiKoopa: They're called demit---

Meowth uses the Fury Swipes on MagiKoopa.

MagiKoopa: They're called.... demit, why does Meowth have to kick my asse everytime I ask for a little slack? [falls over]

Narrator dude: I wonder how Golem and Yoshiman managed to survive that run with the huge boulder...

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: ~Cough Cough~ Maybe tommerow. ~Cough~

Narrator: It looks like Golem and YM are stuck in a small hole. But how is the Deadly Drawing doing?

WB: Good thing that rock went forward. Whooh! Hey why is m--

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Narrator: Whoops! Well, while they are trying to figure out whats going on in the dust..

Golem: Hey! We didn't get much of a scene back there.

Narrator: True... Well, do something interesting!

YM: Well.. [Cough, cough] Who put the boulder there in the first place?

Golem: It was there itself, silly!

YM: What happened to that weird cartoon guy?

Golem: Weenie Boy? I don't know. But I think he's up to no good. Um, Yoshiman? We have a problem..

YM: What now???

Golem: If you've noticed, we are now locked in the cave.

YM: O_o

~Meanwhile in the sub~

Magikoopa: Hey.. I just thought of something.

Meowth: WHAT??

Bomberman: If you havent noticed Magi, your ideas never seem to work.

Magikoopa: But I just realized something.

Meowth: Get to the point!

Magikoopa: Well... we want to keep the story going right? If we make Saph mad she just might go and end it on us!

BM: ):0 No way!!!

Meowth: But we can end it ourselves!

Magikoopa: We havent even reached 50 posts and you're talking about ending it??

Meowth: Well... To tell the truth, I was thinking of ending it myself.

Magikoopa: You WHAT?? >:O

BM: You were going to betray us?? We didn't even attempt at destroying the story yet. That's the POINT, Meowth.

Meowth: What are you guys saying?

Magikoopa: Why do we always have to do what YOU say?

Meowth uses fury swipes on Magikoopa.

Meowth: You're part of Team Rocket now and you do what I say!

Bomberman: No way! We've been a team even before we joined team rocket!

~The big computer screen flashes on.

Boss: You're thinking of quitting? Have you forgotten your assignment?

Bomberman: Well we did do what you asked. And why won't you tell us why you're the new boss of Team Rocket? But that doesn't matter. We don't need you anymore!

Meowth: That's what you think! >:(

Magikoopa: We're the Bombsy Bombarders! As of right now we are resigning from Team Rocket!

Meowth: I can't believe you're doing this! But you havent heard the last of me! You will regret this! I will return!

~He disappears and the screen fades to black.

Bomberman: Woah. I can't believe we just did that.

Magikoopa: I am glad to be free of him. But one problem.

Bomberman: What?

Magikoopa: We're supposed to be a trio.

Bomberman: I'm sure we'll find someone else. But we can't worry about that now. Let me show you my latest bombinator. This one you can launch right from the sub and point it at the island.

Magikoopa: Great! Let's set it up!

~Back to the Island...

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

Bomberman: WAKE UP!!

MagiKoopa: eh? I just had the most wonderful dream.

Meowth: No, actually, it was Saph. showing her unappreciation for our part in the story. Well, James's and my parts, at least.

MagiKoopa: What're we gonna do about it?

Bomberman: CATCH HER!

MagiKoopa: All right, let's follow another one of my brilliant plans to---

Meowth: Hold it! Forget her! [stuff deleted] let's just blow up the story!

Censor Man: Save it for the Battle Board.

Bomberman: Well, with this new Bombinator, we can blow it up in seconds.

MagiKoopa: First, we'll have to get to a location where no one can stop us!

Meowth: Or, we could just knock everybody unconcious where they'd be helpless to stop the premature ending of our story.

MagiKoopa & Bomberman: [look at each other, then to Meowth] works for me.

Author: Golem[edit]

BM: No wait! These direct plans never work, I go for hidin' out!

Magi: Yeah!

Narrator: While the Original Devious Duo argue with Meowth, Let's see how Team Rocket's other agent is doing...

WB: ~Calls James via cell phone~
Hello, boss? Did you get "Eat at Joes"?

James: Yes. But, a camera is flying in a hotdog.

WB: Okay, the goomba hit its head!

Narrator: What???

WB and James: Shut up!!!!!!!!!! >:O

Narrator: While this undecodable conversation continues, let's see how Yoshiman and Golem will escape.

Golem: ............................

YM: .....................
OH! Your LuigiII knows Strength, right?

Golem: Yeah! Great idea!

Narrator: Golem's first Golem pushes the rock out of the way.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

~Back in the sub

Saph: It seems that no one cares if I can end the story or not. Oh well. It can be arranged.

Meowth: No! Don't! I'm sorry!

Saph: I actually liked what I did. The reason why I did that is because..

Magikoopa, Bomberman and Meowth: What?

Saph: I wanted to join the bombsy bombarders!

~They all fall over anime style.

Saph: ..But not Team Rocket.

Meowth: Why not??

Saph: What kind of ditz do you think I am? I'll never join Team Rocket. If they don't want to leave then I guess you can forget my offer.

Magikoopa: She's nuts.

Bomberman: Should we put you out of your misery now or later?

Saph: :/

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: ok, guys, huddle up. not you, Saph.

MagiKoopa turns away from Sapphire to converse w/Bomberman and Meowth.

Meowth: Should we quit and let her join us...

Bomberman: Or stay united within our nation and accomplish the task without her?

MagiKoopa: We're sharing the same cause.

Meowth: But we don't need some story ender to show us how to end a story!

MagiKoopa & Bomberman: [sigh]

MagiKoopa, Bomberman, & Meowth: whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper...

Meowth: [ahem] we need to think about it overnight.


Meowth: OW!... in Cincinatti, Ohio.

Saph: ...

Bomberman: Quick! Into the sub!

MagiKoopa: We'll be back with our answer tomorrow. meanwhile, we need to return to civilization to think it over.

the sub speeds off into the horizon.

Saph: ...???

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: ...Now I really feel unappreciated. I guess I'll go back to what I was doing... sleeping.

~Back in the cave..

Golem: I think we're out...right?

YM: Seems that way to me. Only one question.

Golem: What?

YM: Well... actually I have many questions...

Golem: What?????

YM: Okay... did you use your pokemon, #2...where is Mr. Predict...#3...when are we going to do some real islandy stuff....#4...


YM: Ya sure?

Golem: The answers for your question this is an imaginary island and anything is possible.

YM: That's not a good answer! If that were true, we're still in the VR game and the island is occupied by hungry goombas that are running wild about the island!

Golem: 0_0 I was just kidding! At least... I hope so.

YM: So think of a better explanation!

Golem: look out!

Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: A ball 'o hair comes flying at Yoshiman and hits him squarely on the face.

YM: Gt mm ff mmmmmm!!!

Golem: I regret giving Hairy that attack... HEY! The other ones are out? Then that means... OH NO!!!

Narrator: Mr. Predict teleports in.

Mr.P.: Hey, I heard you were doing real islandy stuff!...Is this true, YMan???

YM: Uhhh... you've got worse worries now... like what's behind your back...

Narrator: Mr. Predict turns around. He soon sees a girl with 18-foot long hair.

Golem: AAAAAHHH!!!!!!

YM: What is she gonna do, wrap us around in her hair?!

Golem: We're about to experience the Wrath of Shela!!!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Narrator: Um... anyway... meanwhile... Saph is still waiting for the Bombsy bombarders to return.

Saph: At this rate I can end the story pretty soon.....

Narrator: Ut oh.... let's see how our fellow villians are doing in Ohio…

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

ahh, the perfect time for a cliffhanger. deep within downtown Cincinatti, we find Team Rocket walking taking a scenic tour.

Bomberman: A tough decision, indeed.

MagiKoopa: No! Nuh-uh! Absolutely not! thhhhbwt!! :p

Meowth: If you guys quit, I'm coming with ya.

Bomberman: Y'know, we don't have to be part of Team Rocket---

Meowth: To do evil stuff! The less affiliates we have---

Bomberman: The more fame, prestige, cash, and Pokémon for us!

MagiKoopa: No way!

Bomberman & Meowth: [sigh]

will Team Rocket ever decide as one whether to stay as Team Rocket?? meanwhile, back on the island…


Narrator: Back on the island, we're about to see the anticipated Wrath of Shela.



Mr.P.: Is she impersonating who I think she's impersonating?

Golem: AACK! I've got to get that Xena influence out of her! Hey, Mr.P.! You could...

Narrator: Too late! It looks like Para-Weenie’s shoot has dropped on Golem! Will our heros (What am I saying?!?! HEROS? Oh well...) escape the four foes? And... WILL THEY EVER PARTY?

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Narrator: And most of all... will this story make ANY sense at all before the writers get sick of it and Saph decides to end the story?

Saph: zzzzzzzzzzz

Narrator: Well... at least she can't end it while she's sleeping...

Saph: (Waking up) Huh? Of course I can end it. In my dreams.

Narrator: She's a ditz all right... Anyway, I'm more interested in Magikoopa's decision.

Saph: You're supposed to cut to that scene now. And let them know that If I'm not happy... the story goes. Got it?

Narrator: ...