The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA Chapter 6

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Chapters in The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA
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Chapter 6: Saget Unleashed

Author: No Name

No Name: So what have I missed?

Que Pasa: Nothing, just your mom! WOOOO sweet!

No Name: I see you're still up to your old antics, huh? I've sensed a disturbance in the Force.

Scruffy: Yes, it was... That Krazy Dude!

No Name: NO!!! He's not That Krazy Dude anymore, he is dead to us! Only Darth Moose remains!

Scruffy: I know you're angry, but you gotta control your anger or you'll fall to the same fate as Darth Moose!

No Name: Damn it! You're right, Cap!

Scruffy: Of course I'm right, that's why I'm the cap..duh!

No Name: I'm gonna go confront Darth Moose! Hopefully I can convert him back to being a pirate. € â€*The Golden Cheesecake finally lands on moon.*

*Darth Moose is inside some factory near a large lava bed looking down at the Golden Cheesecake.*

Scruffy: You smell that?

Que Pasa: Wasn't me.

Scruffy: No, it's Darth Moose!

No name: How do you know?

Scruffy: Pine sol!

Que Pasa: There's still good in him!!!!!!!

*A giant army of jumping brains leap their way towards the GCPA.*

No name: How much more random can this get?

*A giant hippo in a ballerina dress while balancing on a tack emerges from the army of leaping brains*

No Name: Spoke to soon...

Scruffy: Let's get these brains.

No Name: Let's get brains... Hahahahaha!!!

Que Pasa: I don't get it!

Scruffy: Teen Titans GO!! Azeria mentrio sinthos!!!!

*Scruffy destroys the lawsuit coming towards him and a good chunk of the brain army.*

*The leaping Brains then use their special abilities: Mind Control*

No Name: That only works on the weak-minded!

  • The brain army then grab soap and shampoo*

*No Name and the rest of the pirate crew is brain washed..hehehe, except Salama*

Salama: Lucky me I don't have a mind of my own! My stomach does.

  • Salama eats the remainder of the brain army.*

Que Pasa: Oh I get it now!

No Name: Only one things remains...

*From a distance, No Name sees Darth Moose on the landing platform and stares at Darth Moose in a dramatic way.*

No Name: We have to land the Golden Cheesecake on that landing platform. It's essential for the story to continue and it's the only way I can have my climatic battle with Darth Moose, plus I'm too lazy to walk up all those flight of stairs.

Mr. T: NO you lil punk, take the damn stairs!!

No Name: But Mr.T, do I have to?

Mr. T: I pity the fool who don't take the stairs!

*No Name runs up the millions of flights of stairs all winded and tired*

Mr. T: You know there was an elevator right?

No Name: Yea whatever.

*Nemo trips over cordless phone and plummets into lava*

Scruffy: That Krazy Dude!!! Remember where you came from!!! That's right! *points to his teste sack* You were just a little fish in my two bedroom apratment... but you were the fastest of those little fishes and then you got shot out my cannon!

Darth Moose: Fishes flee while the pink poodle solved Lorenz equation while using wood as a propeller for its silver spoon.

No Name: You've become stronger...

Darth Moose: The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but a learner and now I am the master

Que Pasa: Only a master of evil, Darth!!!

Scruffy: We should've left you on Tatooine.. Or Taco Bell... you know what I'm saying!

Darth Moose: I see through the lies of the GCPA! You have turned against me! You failed me, Master!

No Name: You have done that yourself. You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind until now... until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

Darth Moose: NO I am stronger then Darth Tang! Now I can destroy him! Join me, and leave the GCPA. Together we will rule the UNIVERSE!!

No Name: NO Darth Moose, My loyalty belongs to the GCPA.

Darth Moose: Ignorance is bliss, you shall now be destroyed!

*Darth Moose and No Name pull out lightsabers*

No Name: I feel the good inside of you because that last sentence made sense!

*No Name and Darth moose engage in a vicious awesome Dragonball Z style fight; No Name swings at Darth Moose, but Darth Moose bends backward like in the Matrix and does a backflip, kicking No Name in the chin. No name then kicks Darth Moose in the back while Darth Moose in still in air from slow dramatic back flip. No Name jumps on Darth Moose's chest and jumps off over him while doing a 360 and drinking a bacardi and lands behind him to strike his back, but Darth Moose blocks his strike.*

Darth Moose: Fool you are out of your Ivy League, you are no match for me! Don't make me kill you. You have yet to know the true power of the dark side!

*Darth Moose angrily swings at No Name in a very cool fashiony way. Darth Moose and No Name battle their way into the building. They continue striking at each other anticipating each others moves.*

No Name: Wanna take a time out?

Darth Moose: Yeah, wearing these robes may look cool but they're a pain in the ass.

Que Pasa: Yo like Your MOM!!!!

No Name: ... That was weird!

*No Name throws Darth Moose a Gatorade and they both begin to drink it. After they are done they continue to battle again. They continue to slash and strike in a cool martial art way until hey are outside on a small bride ready to collapse from the lava bed below. The Bridge then collapses and they are now stranded on a small platform left to do battle*

Who will be the victor of this battle…? Who will prevail?!?! Find out on the next episode of GCPA!

Author: That Krazy Dude

Author: Scruffy

Author: That Krazy Dude

Author: Stampede

Author: That Krazy Dude


Author: Lupine

Author: That Krazy Dude


Author: That Krazy Dude


Chapters in The OnGoing Adventures of the GCPA
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7