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Full Name: Fusion
Birthdate: 2000
Species: Genetic Creation
Nationality: Some island laboratory
Creator: Fusion
First Appearance: Member OG


Fusion was creature created by some Team Rocket scientists to be the ultimate warrior, programmed with every power in the universe. A sort of a human version of Team Rocket's Mewtwo project. And just like Mewtwo went crazy and destroyed the lab he was built in shortly after being awakened. Also like Mewtwo, Fusion was then coerced by Giovanni into joining up with Team Rocket, where he underwent intense training.

Bad Timeline

Good Timeline

An accident occured when Fusion was testing his fusion powers, causing him to become permanently fused with a rhinosaurus. This caused his intelligence to plummet, and he forgot all of his abilities except for fusions. This new form became FuseSteady. Disgusted, Giovanni kicked him out of Team Rocket. FuseSteady then became an ally working with Bebop Skull Dragoshi. GORE-ILLA later recruited the two when he was trying to form a Good Timeline version of the OG Six in Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody.

The entire OG Six (except for GORE) was eaten by the demonic version of Yami Yoshi, including FuseSteady. However, Yami later laid an egg containing FuseSteady. The Gamehikers wanted to take advantage of his fusion powers to fuse Masamune with Murasame, but he accidentally fused Masa with Kuria Eiren instead.


Fusion has "every power in the universe" and thus was a much more obvious godmodder then BSD. Other authors came up with ways to put limitations on his powers.

  • In the Member OG: Special Edition, GORE-ILLA used the idea that Fusion knew every power, but did not have the experience to use most of them properly. He also gave Fusion extra-sensitive skin to make his army necessary.
  • Golem briefly mentioned another limitation in Member OG 8, by saying that Fusion only knew every power in R-Space, which was weaker than S-Space.

Even though he was already unbelievably powerful, Fusion went through several evolution in Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest simply because the other authors didn't make him to be as extremely powerful as he was supposed to be.

Super Fusion- Fusion's first evolution, which is several stories high.
Ultra Fusion-
Final Fusion


See Also

  • Fusion Kids, a group of children embued with Fusion's powers