King Bob

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Full Name: King Robert of Randomness
Birthdate: Circa 1960
Species: Demigod
Nationality: Guam
Creator: Lupus
First Appearance: Member OG


King Bob was the ruler of the Kingdom of Fred, which was located in Guam somehow. n his mad rush for power, he uncovered the secret of Zoom where he got past Lupoleon and Turkusparte via offering them Fonzie hentai from his private stores, and sneaking past them while they were trying to gouge out their eyeballs. In Zoom, he was empowered and became the God of Randomness (originally referred to as the God of OGs). He later destroyed the planet of Wafflonia for unspecified reasons. This earned him the ire of Fred, the Last Son of Wafflonia, who swore revenge upon Bob whenever he remembered him.

King Bob first appeared in Member OG, when Lupus sought him as the final key to Zoom. After accessing Zoom, Lupus killed him and the three other gods. Naturally, they were able to respawn themselves. After the MPVP was reassembled, King Bob was initiated as one of the MPVP Council since his predecessor, Dragoshi, had gotten amnesia and became a hero.

Near the end of Member OG 6: VGF Moon, King Bob got involved in his only action sequence when he was sent to destroy That Guy and ??? after they had attempted to retreat from a battle with the MPVP. King Bob used his quirky random powers on them. Fred then arrived, seeing this as the chance he had been waiting for. After a desperate battle, Fred killed King Bob by running him down with a Skull Pod, eventually pinning Bob between the Skull Pod and the wall of the MPVP Headquarters. Fred knew this was the only way to permanently kill King Bob.

Good Timeline[edit]

In Gamehiker Member OG 4: Cheesecake of the Gods, King Bob is known as "Three." The other two gods task him with retaking control of the OGs at the start of the story, possibly due to him being the God of OGs/Randomness (actually a very convenient coincidence). He of course does absolutely nothing about this, at least as far as we see.

Along with One and Two, Three sends Straw Man a piece of the Cheesecake of the Gods for Christmas in GMOG Holiday Special: Merry Christmas Straw Man! This piece later ends up being eaten by Ashley.


  • In Member OG, King Bob claims that he is the father of Flutter, and the grandson of Yami Yoshi. Of course, through fanboy logic, this is contradicted since Flutter's parents died when he was young, and Yami Yoshi was born too close to Flutter to have been his son. Then there's the whole species differences.


King Bob: Oof... I'm dead. Wait, wait... there we go. (slumps over and vanishes, leaving behind a tapdancing mongoose imported from Puerto Rico.)
-Bobby's last words, Member OG 6.