Pink Ninja

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The Pink Ninja was a disciple of Master Turtle Nuts who trained at the same dojo as Captain Monkeyman Scruffy. They were loyal companions (winning many doubles tournaments together) as well as rivals. While Scruffy grew to become a pirate, the Pink Ninja chose, of course, the path of the ninjas.

Years later, he was reunited with Scruffy when Bob Saget hired him to kill his former friend, Scruffy. They fought each other on the moon, and the Pink Ninja attempted to distract Scruffy with a creature known as the Sniffindope. But Que Pasa was able to destroy the Sniffindope, and Scruffy was then able to defeat Pink Ninja. But Scruffy chose to spare Pink Ninja's life, and in return he decided to join with Scruffy's pirate crew.

Pink Ninja barely did anything after joining the crew, so he was sold to Chevy Chase along with the rest of the GCPA's freeloaders when they needed a new ship.


Despite his bright clothing, the Pink Ninja is a master of stealth and can turn invisible for up to five minutes. Or is it seconds? Who really cares? He could also summon a variety of creatures to do his bidding- a group of Grunts from Halo which rode on llamaback, as well as Micheal Jackson and his army of little boys.

Other Info

He was created by Farrell, a friend of That Krazy Dude. Although Farrell never posted in the main stories, he did write a trilogy of solo stories about Pink Ninja and his past which sadly have been lost.