Asian Distracting Dude

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The Asian Distracting Dude, commonly abbreviated as ADD, was another newcomer in The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Sequel. Technically he came from the future but everyone eventually forgot the story took place in the future so it doesn't matter. He first became associated with the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada after meeting Salama in Japan. He joined the crew and befriended Skanky Siren until his soul was sold to Chevy Chase so that the GCPA could get a new ship and be rid of the deadbeats who didn't do anything at the same time.

As seen on the far right, ADD's ghost mocking his former crewmates

Despite this, his ghost can often be seen haunting the GCPA at social events.

His powers involved, as his name implies, distraction (a popular power among the GCPA). He also had some type of magical Dance Dance Revolution dance pad that did something.