Kaiser Bear IV

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Kaiser Bear IV is the first of the Kaiser Bear family to appear in the Gamehiker Member OG series, appearing in Gamehiker Member OG V: Hobo Meets Girl. He led his Soldier Bears in attempted assaults on Yami Yoshi's house as a part of his plans to take over the world, but he was warded off by Yami's bear traps.

After one of the bear traps is taken down, Kaiser Bear takes this chance to make his move, and he led an attack on Yami's house. Eventually Kaiser Bear IV died when, in a suicidal attack, he turned on the gas in the oven and lit a match. His corpse landed right next to Yami's in the ensuing explosion, and Don Miguel used his remains as ingredients for his love potion.

Kaiser Bear IV's ghost later entered Roy's body and remained there until Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody, when all the villain spirits inside Roy were driven out.


Kaiser Bear IV: [No what, OGer?] ~turns on the stove~ [No, don't kill us all?]
-Kaiser Bear's last words.