Party Goers 15: A New Beginning

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Start: November 3, 2000
End: April 18, 2001
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: Golem, Dude, Masamune, Sapphire, Magikoopa, Ditto McCloaker, Vorpal, Yoshiman, Rob64, Mario Bros. 2000.
Main Cast: Cat/Golem, Sapphire, Ditto McCloaker, Vorpal, Masamune, Magikoopa, Murasame, Yoshiman, Rhyk, Mr. Predict, Fuzzball, Dodo, Giovanni, Party Animal, Bomberman.
Archive: Read it here


The fifteenth installment in the Party Goers series and possibly the longest. It lasted for nineteen pages on VGF. However following VGF's server crashes, the seventh, nineth, eighteenth and nineteenth pages were all lost. This included the story's apparently-spectacular ending.

Plot Summary

Note: Includes the portion that was saved. Anyone who remembers what happened in the lost parts of the OG are free to fill them in

The Party Goers (Cat, Vorpal, Masamune, Ditto McCloaker and others) were being held in prison after being arrested for a noisy party at the end of Party Goers 16. However, Robert Stack confessed to narrating their stories, leading to the Party Goers being released. They then decided to deduce whom had set them up- to find "Carmen-who-framed-us".

Ditto, in his Holmes disguise, finds that it is none other than Sapphire. Instead of turning her in, he proposes an alliance between them. The rest of the Party Goers continue investigating, particularly Masamune, who assumes the identity of Trueseal Munes. But Cat's group is waylaid when they meet with Bomberman, who joins with the Party Goers because he's tired of being forgotten.

Bomberman shows them an experimental Mewtwo he and Magikoopa had made. However, Giovanni had his men attack the Party Goers to retrieve the Mewtwo, but it was taken by Ditto and Sapphire. They left behind a clue to their next crime. The clue leads the Party Goers to Shanghai, but they are unable to stop Ditto and Sapphire as they steal whole crates of Chinese food.

The second riddle leads to a battle at the Philharmonic, which ends as Sapphire and Ditto hijack the entire Philharmonic. Elsewhere, the V-Team is assembled by a man claiming to be the real Vorpal, and that the Vorpal travelling with the Party Goers is actually the evil Wavorpal. But after a test, it is determined that the Vorpal who founded the V-Team was actually Wavorpal. Wavorpal was promptly blown away by Metal Mario.

Vorpal confronts Ditto and realizes that the two had been working for Team Rocket, secretly stealing the Mewtwo for Giovanni so that Magikoopa wouldn't get suspicious. Vorpal and Ditto fenced in a depowered even match until Ditto made an escape. Ditto claimed that he and Sapphire were working for the greater good. Elsewhere, Rhyk stumbled onto Sapphire's Flying Submarine, and as a final attempt to save himself offered to join the dark side and serve Sapphire.

(Missing portion)

Wrange Tirk was able to overpower and kill Dark Tirk, and then he left the story on Cual-tan. Elsewhere, Masamune returned to the area where he and Murasame's swords where made, and where they were both initially cursed. Masamune recovers a potent crystal there, which he feels is necessary for the coming battles. Cat is hurt when he discovers that Rhyk has turned to the dark side and is trying to kill him.

(Missing portion)

The Party Goers all attempt to unravel the final riddle. Cat, getting more depressed and angry, leaves the others for good. Although before he does, he alerts them to the subject of the final riddle- the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Cat then goes to his home, where he commits suicide. Ditto and Sapphire are successful in taking the entire boardwalk. In the ensuing confusion, Masamune takes the Vorpal Sword and is transformed into Vorpamune, while Vorpal reverts to his human form, referred to in this story as Stryke.

Vorpamune goes on a wild rampage until Stryke retrieves the sword and becomes Vorpal again. Ditto soon revives Vorpamune, but only to absorb his party energy. Ditto and Sapphire's plan is revealed; they plan to utilize enough party energy to revive the series' original theme by throwing the ultimate party. Ditto also plans to revive Cat in his original form of Golem, The Messiah of Parties. But Sapphire is less enthusiastic about this idea and instead is secretly set on reviving Magikoopa (even though he's still alive), the Sovereign of Celebrations.

Ditto and Sapphire soon deploy the Mewtwo, which they had transformed into a Party Animal that would collect party energy from the other Party Goers. Afterwards, everyone received invitations to Ditto and Sapphire's party. There it was found that the stolen items - the Chinese food, the music from the Philharmonic and the boardwalk - all combined into the ultimate party experience.

The party energy was then put into the big revival, but Ditto found that Sapphire had pulled a switch on him. Instead of Golem it was Magikoopa who was revived. But he did not look like he would do anything wicked or nefarious anytime soon, much to Sapphire's annoyance. Ditto, in a Dr. Mario get-up, was soon able to revive Golem as well with all the party energy that had been built up during the party. Golem was convinced to return after a meeting with the real Mario.

Sapphire then revealed another layer to her plan as she made her escape in the Flying Submarine: She had left a Bombinator at the party so that the series would literally go out with a bang. Murasame also added to the party by summoning Pateor, which turned into a giant disco ball.

The remainder of the OG remains lost. I think it involved fireworks which exploded in the shapes of various Party Goers' faces.


Sapphire: If you wonder who we are...

Ditto: ...Then listen to us, guys!

Sapphire: To save the series from redundant plots!

Ditto: To make you post, lots and lots!

Sapphire: To return this series to it's original plan...

Ditto: To create a Party the best we can!

Sapphire: *pose* Sapphire!

Ditto: *pose* Ditto McCloaker!

Sapphire: You know I didn't much care for Golem. His idea of a Partying is to go off on some adventure... So I made a little switcheroo. Instead, we're going to revive someone who knows that the secret to fun is crashing parties and making mischeif. The Leader of Team Rocket... Magikoopa... the Sovereign of Celebrations!

Greg: Golem?! But... I'm just a scrawny 13 year old! I have no special powers! All I have is my scarf!

Mario: I would've killed-a to have-a scarf to help me. Mario's pretty normal-a too, you know. Even I no have-a the powers, until I find some. I make-a the use-a of what I find-a. You only evolved into the Cat-a because you felt helpless-a. But, you must-a use-a what you find-a. You are my most faithful follower-a. That is-a the true way of-a the Mario.

Greg: What if I can't find anything?

Mario: Then... trust-a the stomp-a.

Golem: First, we need a clown.

Ditto: Uhhh, messiah?

Golem: A party isn't party without a clown.