Member OG 10 Page 2

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Pages in the Member OG 10 Archive
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Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~The OGers slide down the steep slope (a.k.a. the Weisheit Robot’s nose) and plummet onto a parabolic platform (a.k.a. the Weisheit Robot’s tongue).~

Yami Yoshi: I think we all know what happens next…

~Cue to Yami Yoshi’s words, the tongue slowly withdraws into the Weisheit Robot’s mouth.~

Meanwhile in the Larso System…

~Nijuka picks up Akujin’s mutilated corpse and hurls it into the black hole.~

Nijuka: ~licking the blood off his fingers~ Kee hee hee! One down! One to go!

Author: Golem[edit]

~MOOD-SWINGIN'-while, inside Gamechamp...

Gamechamp fires a small buster shot at the motherboard. A wall of flame emerges from the ground, absorbing the shot as well as knocking the older robot back.~

Older Robot: Urgh... you kids actually have shots that are weak enough to set off the firewall and cause nothing any damage?

Pre-Recorded Green: That Protochamp is hoarding your memory! Formerly guarding, but after ESD, well...

Gamechamp: ~dodging lasers~ And I needed GORE-ILLA because...? ~aims arm cannon at the Protochamp, but nothing fires~

Pre-Recorded Green: It's an illegal operation to attack him. I figured, with all the memory loss we already experienced, making the Protochamp invincible to your internal systems--

GORE: I got it! Gamechamp, on my cue, flare up the firewall!

~Protochamp, overhearing the conversation, fires lasers nonstop at GORE. GORE slides sideways out of the way, and before Protochamp can change his aim, GORE slaps the ground with all his strength, toppling Protochamp. However, this allows Protochamp to attack with his toe lasers, which blast GORE's hands straight off of their arms. GORE falls forward into a barrel roll and Protochamp jumps on top, walking on GORE and keeping him in a barrel roll while singeing him with his toe lasers. Protochamp doesn't pay attention to where GORE is going, though--namely, towards the motherboard--and GORE yells out to Gamechamp. GORE crashes into the motherboard, Protochamp falls forward onto it, Gamechamp's buster shot flares up the firewall, and Protochamp is stuck in the firewall for a few moments. During these moments, GORE leaps up towards Protochamp, hitting him in the chest with a headbutt.

Protochamp falls to the ground and falls apart at every joint. GORE-ILLA collects his hands and puts them on as best he can.~

GORE: Alright, are we done here?

Pre-recorded Green: Looks like it.

GORE: Good, delete me then.

~Outside Gamechamp, in the cell, Gamechamp gets up.~

Gamechamp: Your data did it, GORE.

~Inside GORE-ILLA, a Protochamp looks around, familiar with how to evade security systems in ESD robots.~

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~The OGers tumble down the Weisheit Robot’s esophagus before plunging into a black and endless abyss similar to the weapons factory in Super Mario RPG. The OGers land on a gray, football field-sized platform floating in the middle of the infinite void.

Many conveyor belts start beyond the field of vision--their beginnings covered in darkness--and end just beside the floating platform. Mechanical versions of Eerie, Crap Villain, and Abbadon occupy the still conveyor belts.~

Yami Yoshi: Whoa…how are we supposed to get outta here?

~The conveyor belts start rolling towards the platform.~

Author: Fred[edit]

(Looking far, far below the fog of platforms, pulleys, conveyorbelts, and celeberty guest rooms, YY spots a huge city, with lush green mountains and landscape around it)

YY: What the... that looks like Tokyo!

Kantii: No... noooo.

SwordMaster: Holy schnozzleberries he's right!

(suddenly, a group of flying mecha-diskuns fly just over them as they all hit the dirt. The mecha-diskuns make another pass, and cut through the platform. Yami Yoshi and the Velvet monkey are seperated from the rest as the platforms half-float and fall away from each other at an angle)

YY: Ugh, where are we?

Velvet Monkey: I am not familiar with such parts of Earth.

(They are inside a restaurant, one that has been condemned and closed for many years. Dust lies everywhere. A barstool lies broken)

Yami Yoshi: What is this place?

(Suddenly, two ghosts appear in black and white animation style. One is that of a barman, and the other of a Yoshi. The Yoshi and barman fight as the barman presses a button on the counter, releasing explosives that trigger mirrors to burn ropes that send curling rocks into the Yoshi's feet. The Yoshi stands up, as the barman pulls out a laser, one that turns things into cream.

The Cream ray fires, but misses horrendously. Let down, the barman snaps his fingers as his minion comes in - a human-sized tortoise, that walks on it's hind legs. Another minion, VILE engineering chap, walks out and uses a radio controlled robot monkey that looks a lot like MON-KILL to grab the Yoshi.

However, Saru, Cerulea, Introbulus, and Bat-Ear all break in and fight the three, whom hold their own quite well, but seem to be losing. The Yoshi chases after the barman, outside, to the top of a Shinto shrine. The barman smiles, as he reveals he has a switch to set off explosives in the restaurant. The Yoshi holds his breath. "You lose, BOB, the Author's chair is mine!" Yells the Barman, until the Yoshi explodes in a radiance of light and darkness. In the radiance, the last thing the Barman sees is a huge creature, and the last thing he hears is the cry of Bob Yoshi, shouting "EXODIA!"

After a brief showing of what remains, (nothing) the scene ends, and Yami snaps back to reality. Velvet Monkey, too, seems in a daze. They walk out, and the building collapses, sending broken stovepipes everywhere. Sure enough, the Shinto shrine and it's open gate remain at the top, though cloaked in mist. Looking around, they see they're on the top of a mountain!)

YY: What do all these flashbacks mean? Who was Bob Yoshi?

Velvet Monkey: You're not supposed to know about that name...

YY: What? We had different flashbacks?


VM: I can see this is going to cause problems. Long ago, before your little cheesecake incidence... there was a tyrant, greater than any before it, and any after it. I, having my own plans for the universe, sat back as Bob Yoshi, Eerie, Akujin, Nijuka, Barman, and Tenorvista fought their foe. I thought they'd be gone, and all hope lost. Indeed, they found themselves at a loss as to how to defeat such a monster. Suddenly, remembering episodes of such television shows as Power Rangers, they unleashed an attack that focused all the strength of pure willpower and channeled it into a fist, crushing the foe. That foe was sealed, sealed in a lock that should never be released. However, all of the heroes found only pain and unhappiness in what followed in their lives. This caused many arguments, the biggest of them being over the Author's Chair. While they did so, I sought to conquer them. Eerie foiled me, time and time again, mostly by Bob and Barman's elimination of each other. Eventually, the allies I had gained made it too dangerous to make a serious move, lest they wrest power from me... all of them sought it too.

YY: First off, that was a lot of foreshadowing.

VM: I used to be a villain. Long, winded speeches are what I do.

YY: Used to? You were just like two OGs ago. As well, if this was such a long time ago that Eerie, you, Akujin and everyone were around, what about the time-based errors?

VM: It was a battle through time, Yami. They were not the only ones, but the others fought Its minions. The first Yoshi on the scene looked almost exactly like you, except he used bandaged eggs, and he wore a strange crown and had a goatee.

YY: My head hurts.

(Robot versions of Rojo, Ishoy, Guy, and the Diskuns surround them)

R-Rojo: Well, it's about to hurt a LOT more!

R-Ishoy: We re-makes are for all of us whom didn't get a second chance! Or squandered it!

R-Guy: I have little backstory and depth!

R-Diskuns: Roger Roger

VM: What the, aren't there any good villains that died from before seven?

YY: Most of them lived. And Qwirtzok got enough chances. Besides, Lupus didn't pay attention during those last OGs.

(R-Qwirtzok lands behind R-Ishoy, laughing mechanically)

VM: Whatever you do, don't make a "at least there's no" comment.

(MJOLNIR-While, the other OGers find themselves fighting for their lives on Tokyo tower, renamed "Lupopolis Tower", in the style of a kung-fu movie. Scores of robotic Eeries and Crap Villains get kicked off as Chizu and Kantii fight them back, trying to climb higher, although they're quickly running out of room. Fusion struggles with a R-Abbadon, and tries to short him out or rust him with water, which has no effect on the teleporting clone. SwordMaster cuts a swathe downwards through his foes by falling on them, but as he reaches the bottom the the tower and turns to go back and help his allies, he notices someone attempting to cut down the Tokyo tower with a Bastard Sword)

SwordMaster: Hey, you!

(The sword goes right through the support like it would butter, and the Eiffel tower rif-off begins to creak and fall. SM recognises Murasame from the rushed ending of MOG9, which I thought was actually quite necessary.)

Murasame: Well, you found me. Listen, we gotta swordfight now.

SwordMaster: Um.

(Blank seconds)

Murasame: Yeah. Swordfight, with, y'know, swords? Your name implies you know how to do it.

SwordMaster: Yeah, about that. I... well...

Murasame: Well what? I'm a busy, good looking man you know. I give you the honor to swordfight me, I see you as something worth my time, and this happens? Man, I was totally right about the whole "overconfidence in awesomeness" thing.

SwordMaster: No, no, no! I'd love to swordfight. It's just, well, there was this mishap, and my sword...

Murasame: So you lost it? Where is it? I can go grab it quick so I can embarass you and then get going on these others so I can get payed.

SwordMaster: Well, it was kind of... broken down into raw atoms and rebuilt into a tree monster's leg, when I stabbed it. This is really awkward, you know.

Murasame: Well, that was dumb of you. But it's cool, listen, see if you can find a sword or something, I gotta run, I have to brutally murder your allies, and you're next after them. No hard feelings, after I kill you we'll have a party and forget the whole thing. Now, gadda run.

SwordMaster: Hey, wait, I'm supposed to stop you from killing them!

Murasame: (rollseyes) Look, I don't know who you think you are, but I don't think you can really do anything besides dying right now.

SwordMaster: In the non-canonical video game I can do this jumping thing, where-

Murasame: Thaaaaaaat's great, kid. You've wasted enough of my time.

(Murasame jumps up the tower to join the fray)

SwordMaster: I want to cry. What would Daioshogun say? Oh yeah "THAT SWORD WAS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAT HAD BEEN PASSED DOWN FOR MILLENIA AND YOU... kinda LOST IT THROUGH ABSORPTION INTO A TREE MONSTER THING?! WHY I OUGHTTA...". But then he'd slap me and do the three stooges eye poke and say "Well, you just gotta find another weapon, and stop feeling sorry for yourself, you lazy fool! I can't believe you'd sit inside all weekend not training and expect not to lose a sword that WAS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAT HAD BEEN PASSED DOWN FOR MILLENIA in absorption through a tree monster and also that you never ate your sprouts or combed your hair blah blah blah"

(SwordMaster picks up a broken piece of metal, somewhat shaped like a scimitar)

SwordMaster: No wonder he didn't do anything with his life, all he did was train with one freaking weapon. Time to apply that knowledge, I guess.

(MOGULS-While, on the Reconstructor)

Yddet: (over radio) We're ready to board Mystery, and crush their resistance.

Nijuka: Very well, I'm enjoying myself out here anyways. Don't start the real "party" without me. And... press the humiliation button!

Yddet: But si-

Nijuka: DO IT!

(Yddet presses the button, and baking powder dumps out of a bucket above him)

Yddet: Um, thank you sir. I live to bring you enjoyment.

Nijuka: Bwahaha! You have to say it with a straight face! Anyways, get your revenge, take the new recruit, and take pictures of those experimental weapons in action, I want to hear the screams echoing through my head!

Yddet: (Smiles, viciously) Yes, finally.

Nijuka: Have someone record your one-on-one with Vlad that you've arranged. I love what you do with people.

Yddet: I will watch that replay for the rest of my existence. I have waited more time than I can possibly remember waiting for THIS... muahuahuahwa...

Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

~Ritz drives past and fires rounds of oversized discs at Saru and Cerulea. Cerulea drops under them while Saru jumps on top, using them as stepping stones, to reach the Mustang. Ritz drives away again and Saru falls on his face. Ritz starts to back up, but Saru melts the Mustang's tires to the ground. Saru jumps into the backseat of the car and tries to karate chop Ritz's head in half, but Ritz claps hard over his head and catches Saru's hand. Saru ignites his hand, forcing Ritz to let go; Ritz in turn grabs Saru's cape and ties it to a windshield wiper, then turns it on.~

Saru: Is that supposed to...?

~The windshield wiper yanks Saru out of his seat and swings him back and forth, smashing him into the ground repeatedly. Meanwhile, the discs turn into Diskuns and start waddling after Cerulea. She turns and kicks them over like dominos, but they get up and continue chasing.~

Cerulea: Saru!

Saru: Get them... ~ow~ yourself!

Cerulea: My armor is dried out!

Diskun: Meep.

Saru: Fine!

~Saru unfastens his cape, then realizes that he did so at exactly the wrong moment and is flung far far away. The Diskuns corner Cerulea. Ritz glides down in front of her with parachute pants.~

Ritz: Master Nijuka will be here soon, so we're gonna fly. I don't care about the other guy, but I do hope you will survive. ~smiles and severly blinds Cerulea with his shimmering golden teeth~

~Ritz jumps into the Mustang and the Diskuns pile into the back seat. It transforms into a yellow submarine and flies off the planet.~

Cerulea: Ah crap... ~stumbles forward with her arms out~ Saru?

Saru: Yeh? Just got back.

Cerulea: Why did we even bother fighting that bozo? Nijuka's troops left an hour ago.

Saru: Took my cape, too...

Cerulea: Sorry.

Saru: It'll come back. Oh look.

Cerulea: What?

Saru: Here comes Nijuka.

~Nijuka descends on the planet, holding his hands out.~

Saru: Where's Akujin?

Nijuka: He was tasty. Let's make this quick, I've got a date with Mystery.

Author: Golem[edit]

Cerulea: Escape velocity for a sub?

Saru: Alright...

~Saru looks over his shoulder and spots the retreating sub. Cerulea unleashes a huge blast of water from her hands, which propels her into Saru, who--at the exact same moment as when Cerulea hits him--shoots a huge blast of flame from his hands to a similar effect. They zoom away from the planet, and Nijuka gives chase. Saru and Cerulea hold hands so that Cerulea can slow them both down by blasting water at the sub from behind of it. Nijuka is on top of them immediately and takes a slash, and Cerulea hits the sub with water so she dodges into Saru, knocking him out of the way as well. Nijuka's slash opens up the back of the sub, and the Diskuns are all sucked out, as well as Ritz, who has on a super-shiny space suit.~

Saru: ~whispering to Cerulea~ If Ritz worked with Nijuka, with Nijuka in such a semingly unstable mental state, Ritz would have some safeguard against Nijuka turning on him.

Cerulea: Must be that chair leg Ritz is grasping onto.

Saru: Eh, that sounds about right.

~Cerulea launches them at Ritz, who is not far off, whizzing past Nijuka. Nijuka chases after them and takes a wild swing at them. They push off of each other in time to dodge, and Nijuka's swing hits the chair leg that Ritz was holding up in fear. And, due to the air pocket those kooky elemental warriors make, Nijuka's piercing scream of pain is audible to everyone in the vicinity, while the chair leg remains unharmed.~

Cerulea: Now taunt him.

Saru: Nijuka, your aim is a bit off in comparison to... ever. Getting tired?!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]


*Golem walks up to the bartender in a seedy bar.*

Golem: I'd like some information on a certain... yoshi... with red shorts.

Bartender: (shakes head) Sorry. Haven't seen that fella in a while.

Golem: That's okay. I'll check somewhere else. C'mon GORE!

*GORE-ILLA staggers over with a lampshade on his head*

GORE: WHOOO this place is awesome!

Golem: ...Have you been drinking?

GORE: Don't worry, I'm good to go! (tears some of his fur off and swings it over his head)

Golem: Did you at least find out any information on Yoshiman? We need him for our next party in the Chuck E. Cheese's by that old museum.

GORE: Don't egt so crazy cuz I'll kill you all someday! Whoops.

Golem: Huh? Yeah whatever. I'm gonna get some supplies from the party store.

*Golem walks across the bar and onto the set of Arab Dude's party store. The live studio audience breaks into applause, WHOOOs and whistles the second Arab Dude opens his mouth, and he waits til they're done to start speaking.*

Arab Dude: What will it be today menyuock?

Golem: The usual party supplies.

*Arab Dude sighs and hands him a box containing Golem's usual party supplies while Golem forks the same amount of money as usual.*

Rhyk: Whattup.

Golem: Not much. The new guy's acting weird though. There's something strange about him.

GORE: (walks up to Arab Dude) Dude... I need help with my homework here. I need... college credits... and porn...

Arab Dude: Begone, drunkard- with the power of Allah! Calapatesiac! phahashadiba! (his broom fires a beam that blasts GORE out the window)

Golem: (looks at Arab Dude as he leaves) Hm...

Rhyk: What is it?

Golem: Just had a strange feeling... like I'd never come to this store again...

GORE: (vomits and passes out)

*GORE wakes up in his cell as Gamechamp tears the bars open and helps him out.*

Gamechamp: Let's get out of here before Team Monkey gets back from Dairy Queen.

GORE: Sure. I feel a bit funny though...


*Kantii and Chizu are battling the Machine Mades atop the tower when Murasame cuts his way through, slaps Kantii with a glove until he passes out, then gets kicked in the groin by Chizu while SwordMaster flies down from behind and plants the shuriken thing in Murasame's back. Murasame doubles over and dies.*

SwordMaster: Awesome! I win! (kisses Chizu passionately)

Murasame: (gets back up) Immortal.

SwordMaster: Oh crap.

*Murasame fiercely slashes at SwordMaster, who somehow dodges every attack. Just when Murasame has SwordMaster cornered Chizu flies down, dropkicking the giant shuriken even further into Murasame's back. Mura growls, turns around and grabs Chizu.*

Murasame: I've had enough of this! Come back with a real sword within the hour, or I'll just do something horrible to this maiden. I'm not sure yet, I can't really think of anything. Got any suggestions?

*The tower begins to shake wildly.*

Murasame: Oh right, the tower's collapsing. Have fun. Cheerio! (disappears with Chizu)

*SwordMaster quickly picks up Kantii and holds him over his shoulder as the tower tips over. SwordMaster waits until the tower is tipped enough to be a ramp, then he quickly runs down the side of the tower while leaping over holes as they form until he safely reaches the bottom as the tower becomes dust behind him. SwordMaster stumbles around blindly, trips and drops Kantii as he falls. SwordMaster is about to get up when he notices his hands are now resting on a sword. The Vorpal Sword.*

Author: Fred[edit]

(In the meanwhile, Mura hogties Chizu while he hunts for Fusion. Fusion has, of course, been spending the time since he got shown last firing beams at the Remades, and basically getting really tired)

Murasame: You there, prepare yourself! Or don't, since that will make this even quicker! Or do, because I am getting bored!

(Fusion refreshes himself and re-adjusts his armor, and then turns his arms into plasmatic tentacles (SHUT UP IT'S NOT A SPELL BUT SOME BOSS PROBABLY HAD IT). He flies downwards at full speed, and whips them at Murasame, and fires gravity-distorting beams from his legs)

Fusion: Raaaaah!!

Murasame: This will be easier than I thought. (Murasame walks away, and Fusion hits the ground and his own abilities backfire on him, crushing and distorting him)


Murasame: Now that pesky armor is all softened up through the wonders of physics-bending, I can finally strike cool poses with my handsome body while I cut yours into small slices!

SwordMaster: Not while I'm availible to make quippy one-liners you won't!

Murasame: Excellent, I knew the only way to get this to work was to actually make it seem like someone was going to die. Well, well, well, if it isn't the Vorpal Sword. I thought you were looking twice as big as you regularily do.

SwordMaster: I needed a decent weapon and I got it. I found the OG blade in the bottom of a cereal box anyways.

Murasame: That's not what you said three or four posts ago.

SM: Yeah, well.

( Murasame swings downwards, diagonally for the left. Swordmaster waits a few seconds and side-flips over it, then kicks Murasame in the face. He flips off, gaining a lot of air, and charges with the Vorpal sword trailing. SM flicks it, slicing off Mura's arm before he knows what's happening. Murasame throws his own sword, regenerates his hand, and leaps,mid-air, after it. He grabs it, and SM simply pokes it in mid-air to push it down, sticking it into the ground and sending Murasame flying into some rubble.
SM picks the Murasame blade up as well, as a surge of power rushes through him. However, the two blades battle for control of his body, and SwordMaster drops the Murasame blade again, as the Vorpal blade takes control once more. Murasame confounds his luck, and rejoins the battle. He thrusts, and hits the wracked body of SwordMaster, who in turn slices the handle off the Murasame blade. Murasame screams in agony as he is forced to pull the Murasame blade out, and holds his head as the pain does not stop. He grabs the Murasame by the side handles, and the Vorpal blade stops SwordMaster's bleeding. The duel continues.)

Chizu: Mmmfph!

(Back with YY and Velvet Monkey)

YY: Don't make a move. Fight scenes have to start with everyone fighting at once, coreographed perfectly. So long as we don't move, they can't either.

R-Quirtzok: My metal hands are begging to collapse on themselves from the strain of holding them up in this ridiculous pose.

(MAKE ME-While, in space)

Ritz: I don't think you want to do that.

Nijuka: Oh, they'll regret it, and I will LOVE making them regret it. Pain is something I haven't experienced in a while.

Saru: We're boned, aren't we?

Cerulea: Not yet. Watch.

(Nijuka blasts beams at them, only for them to be magnetically thrown into the chair leg)

Nijuka: What- Where did you get that?!

Ritz: Off one of the planets we raided. I personally killed all those "worshippers of Eerie", boss.


Ritz: Author's chair... Author's chair... mmm...

Nijuka: Eerie stopped me from obtaining it once again! But it negates the pprecious power of these eyes! Ritz, destroy it!

Ritz: Er... I've been through plenty of explosions with this thing, and It's never taken a scratch.

(Saru upper-kicks Nijuka, and Cerulea grabs the chair leg quickly. Ritz sends the Diskuns at them again, wrecking their bodies. Ritz then pulls out a stylish eighties-style chrome pistol out of his pocket and fires beams of pure, compressed funk at them. They fly towards a nearby planet, the Planet of Sharp, dangerous objects)

Saru: I always hated this planet.

Nijuka: Finish the job!

Ritz: No can do, Nij. This thing gots to be reloaded. I can't land anywhere near and this space suit isn't the greatest for flying through atmospheres.


Ritz: Whoa. Well, I'll send the Diskuns.

Nijuka: Speaking of which, that's not our technology.

Ritz: Well, I'm a robotics genius! What can I say? Heh, heh... hoo.

Nijuka: If they aren't dead or worse by the time I get back, you will DEFINETELY be worse.

Ritz: I don't know if it's better when you're in a good mood or a bad mood. Off to Mystery, then.

(Speaking of which, Robotic troopers fight the cheese-soldiers and crush them on multiple fronts. Yddet walks across a long, sloping bridge between two buildings into a small basketball court, with Vlad waiting, fighting off twelve slug like creatures. He stabs them all.)

Yddet: The camera's rolling, Vlad. I fear I'll enjoy this too much and not actually be able to kill you, keep you lingering, torchering you over an over... It'll be fun, either way.

Vlad: I need to protect my people, I don't have time for you.

Yddet: I know! You abandoned me, coming up with me as a small child, and never giving my story a happy ending! So you'll get none of that either! You'll get an ending all the same, though!

(Yddet pulls out a gigantic flyswatter from a bag he carried behind him. He swings it, taking the building's sides and roof off as Vlad hits the ground. Vlad charges, giving a flying kick, but Yddet shoves the handle into the ground, and Vlad hits that, dropping his spear. Vlad quickly grabs another one, and throws it. Yddet drops the swatter in Vlad's direction and grabs the spear in midair using both hands. He then throws it back, Pinning Vlad's designer cape to the flyswatter, which is so far over the edge of the building that it slides off, into the pathways on the ground, two stories below. Vlad lands on his feet, but rips his cape as the weight of the attached flyswatter falls and makes him fall over. Yddet grappling hooks down the building.)

Yddet: I hope you dont mind THIS!

(Yddet uses a device attached to his back to stretch back his shirt. The device snaps it back on him, sending him foward like a slingshot would. He flies, plush-claws first, at the stumbling Vlad.)

(Also MOCKERIE, COLIN-While...)

Gamechamp: By the way, where are we?

GORE-Illa: I... actually think I remember this place. Though it was a lot smaller. It's like a labyrinth in here, now.

(Robotic arms form from the walls and try to smash them, which GORE pulls out of their sockets)

GameChamp: Sure, have all the fun. Are we underground or flying? I mean, the whole base kinda bobs a little.

GORE-Illa: I have a suspicion that we are far beneath the waves. Though we were just last OG.

GameChamp: Must just be this author. Anyways, I have a few ideas on how to redecorate.

GORE: I'm all ears-

(Gamechamp fires a beam into the floor, leveling the building in a 500 metre radius)

GORE: Are you nuts? Because I like it.

(An enormous group of roboticized monkeys surround the two)

Gamechamp: We just did a clone thing! I'm telling you, it's the author!

GORE: Don't look now, but...

(Walls go up around the circle of foes, and begin to close in)

Gamechamp: I looked! I looked! Well, nice knowing-

(Spikes fly out of the walls at them, buzzsaws extend from the floors, turrets from the ceiling, walls and traffic lights change seemingly to trap them)

GORE: Jeez, It's just as if escaping was it's own trap.

Loudspeaker: GORE, destroy Gamechamp.

(GORE grabs Gamechamp by the arms)

GC: hey, hey, what are you doing, now?

(GC fires explosives all around while struggling to get free, but the dungeon creates new weapons to swing at them violently, and it seems useless to shoot anymore.)

GORE: Sorry- I don't know. Something told me that violently attacking you was a really good idea.

GC: Well, I'm not going to quit until I beat up Fusion for his lunchmoney or something! Hnnngh!

(GORE keeps gripping as GC fires lasers from all the appendages he can locate)

(MEANT-While, with the robot crew)

Green: I've got his signal!

Black: Stop saying that, we know.

Green: I've got his signal!

Black: Jeez, I wish we'd put him back together correctly. Oh well, get the Robotwing and let's roll.

Yellow: Rock and Roll?

Black: Shut up!

Blue: That was a valid question! We're not leaving until

Black: Get in the damned plane.

Yellow: Are we there yet?

Black: I'd consider myself to be the one that was repaired correctly, except for the fact that something's making popcorn in my stomach.

Author: Golem[edit]

~EVIL Scientist Dude's base...

Gamechamp looks behind him and sees an ax swinging up and down rapidly. Desperate, he shoves himself backwards with his feet towards the ax while GORE still hangs on. The ax, on an upswing, digs into Gamechamp's back and hurls him upward. He blasts a hole in the ceiling above him and clings onto it while GORE still holds on. As GORE tries to pull him off of the ceiling, Gamechamp blasts a perferated line in an area in front of him on the ceiling. GORE pulls him off, but with it comes the area inside the perferated line Gamechamp had blasted, which Gamechamp swings at GORE's back. GORE stumbles as Gamechamp leaps up onto the next floor and shoots a similar hole in the next ceiling, hitting GORE from above as he tries to follow Gamechamp. This continues for a few floors, and Gamechamp knows that when he reaches the top one, he will be able to make it through whatever water is above him.

Gamechamp blasts open another ceiling, and all he sees is the sky. The bobbing motion becomes violent for a second, tossing Gamechamp out the top, which is actually the top of the Weisheit robot's head. The bobbing motion had been the robot's head nodding to some music, maybe The Beatles or something. Anyway, Gamechamp is utterly spent at this moment, both physically from getting axed and mentally from not knowing what to do when one faces such a predicament without a parachute, and he turns back into MON-KILL's hand.

Gamechamp, now a robotic hand, is caught by the Weisheit's robot right hand. In the hand, a tube opens up, and Gamechamp falls down it.~

Author: Fred[edit]

(As GORE is surrounded, PL-0TT makes a final ditch-effort move and uses a system restore of GORE, and quickly quanrentines the ProtoChamp program, enabling GORE to prepare to fight)

Mecha-Ape #256: AND circuit running. Inputs A: GORE is present and B: GORE is alive are true. Output: Execute Order 66... I mean, Run angry rant.exe.

Mecha-Ape #FF(255, that is): We never got the chance we deserved, GORE. You stole it from us.

Mecha Ape # 0001 0000 0001 (257): These Mecha-Ape numbers are quite coincidental. However, EVIL Scientist Dude gave us all a second chance, GORE.

Mecha Ape # NUL: Holla!

Mecha Ape # 9.75: Shush, we're supposed to sound very robotic, so the story can be authentic. GORE, we just want to make up for lost time. You're going to become part of the family, again.

GORE: Really, guys, I'm a protagonist. This... really is creeping me out more than convincing me.

Mecha Ape # NUL: Sarcasm detected. Very well, prepare to meet the wrath of 997 enemies, written with the stubborness of FORTRAN!

GORE: Bring it on!

(The hordes of Monkeys dive in towards him as he jumps up floors. He ducks just in time for a spear to graze over his head and impale two foes, then rushes ten more off the floor's edge. Spinning around with his fist, he manages to catch another five. Two leap to his back, but GORE simply pulls them off and tosses them into the fray. One's arm transforms into a wrecking chain, and he fires it through the troops at GORE, smashing him through a wall. GORE grabs the wrecking ball and tosses it right back, knocking about another dozen into the crowded abyss below.)

GORE: Is that all you got? Wait, maybe I shouldn't have asked...

(Motorbikes fire missles at GORE, who back through the hole in the wall he made. The fanatical opponents bust right through, as they all perch precariously on a platform above a garbage compressor. Gore grabs a motor bike by the wheel, causing it to spin around his arms in the air, and cutting a swathe through the foes. GORE tosses it at another rider, as countless foes fly down into the crushing device. The platform is narrow, and the apes all line up and rush GORE in a box formation, leaving him no room to escape. GORE quickly jumps over the two rushing groups, but is clobbered by an especially big one, and then covered in the rest of them. GORE kicks many off, but the weight of the awaiting hordes begins to force the platform to buckle. GORE rolls for dear life, and begins to fall. He grabs the edge of the snapping platform, but the weight of those who hang on to him and the pain caused by his tormentors above him gives him sufficient reason to believe he is doomed. He plunges into the garbage compactor, and attempts to jump out, but is of course crushed by a literal tower of Robotic monkeys and their deadly vehicles.)

GORE: Jeez, this is really not that fair! There's no way they all survived... If any of them did. Oh well, another day at the office.

(The garbage compactor closes in, but GORE's opponents show no dampening in their enthusiam, as GORE wonders if the compactor or his foes will crush him to death first. JUST as things look their bleakest, the machine stops, a huge weight is lifted off of GORE's chest, louds sounds of metal cutting metal like butter are heard, and The Robot Team's Blue's voice is heard, followed by a series of loud bangings. GORE rises to his feet)

Blue: Wha, GORE? I was SURE we got Gamechamp here...

GORE: He's flown the coop already. Listen, I "forgot" about your collective birthday party, and besides it was obviously a trap.

Black: Blue, what are you doing talking? I'm second in command.

Blue: But you stay hidden. I'm the loud and obnoxious and good looking one.

Black: You're right, I'm sorry.

Green: (Over loudspeaker) Uh, I think they figured out where I am, guys...

Yellow: Uh, listen, if you have any idea of where our boss is, could you tell us?

GORE: I don't even know where I am.

Blue: You're in the Weisheit robot's head.

GORE: What the- stay out of the main story for less than two pages and I guess this is what you get.

Blue: We'd leave you here to die, but we're kinda stuck along with you.

(However, The Mecha-Apes bring out bigger guns: The rooms begin to be flooded by prototype tanks, strategic helicopters, crazy giant robot machine gun-suits and Mary Kate and Asheley bargain bin Dual sided DVDs)

GORE: I hate living in this day and age.

Author: Golem[edit]

~As the attack commences on GORE, Blue, Black, and Yellow, the ground rumbles. The massive amount of explosions in such a small space eventually causes the floor to crumble, giving way to what seems to be a bottomless abyss. Everyone falls, except for the helicopters. The tanks fall with zero grace and race downwards as GORE slows his descent with a jet in his robotic foot. The three Robot Team members also hold his hands. A robot suit takes a swipe at GORE as he falls, but Black quickly slices the robot's shoulder before Yellow punches it off with the help of gunfire from Blue. In a similar manner, the three Robot Team members take care of several big robot suits. No one really pays attention to the Mary Kate and Ashley DVDs.

After passing through complete darkness, GORE sees two platforms below him--one where people fight, and one where people stand still (this is the platform holding Yami Yoshi, Velvet Monkey, and some select machine mades). GORE aims the jets to direct his slow fall towards the still people. What seems slow to GORE at this point is really really fast to those on solid ground, and the machine mades are taken by surprise as GORE and the three robots land on them.~

GORE: ...Yami?! Yeah, I should have guessed you'd be here.

~While Black, Yellow, and Blue have hopped off of the pile, GORE has been pulling himself up. Before he gets up completely, the machine mades fling him off the platform by getting up suddenly. GORE responds by flaring up his foot jet again and ramming the platform on the machine mades' end, throwing them into the OGers and nearly knocking everyone off of the platform.~

Yami Yoshi: Watch it, GORE!!

Velvet Monkey: Follow my lead!

~Velvet Monkey jumps up and slams down hard on the tilted platform. No one else follows, they even try to stop him, but he manages to flip it to a vertical position. GORE rushes in and catches Yami and Velvet Monkey while the machine mades helplessly fall. Black has stuck his sword into the platform. He holds a tight grip on the sword's handle while Yellow and Blue hold on to him. GORE quickly throws Yami Yoshi and Velvet Monkey back at the platform, and with their momentum it turns horizontal again before GORE lands.~

Yami Yoshi: ~panting, still holding his fists clenched~ Alright, what now? We find the control center or whatever of the robot?

~Wind starts blowing down on the group heavily.~

Blue: How about that over there? ~points behind him, where there is nothing but wall~

Black: What are you talking about?! There's nothing there.

Blue: ~looks behind him~ I could have sworn...

~Velvet Monkey, noticing the wind is still present, looks up and sees that they are approaching the ceiling at speeds that are much too fast for safety.~

Velvet Monkey: Look up and you'll know why I'm doing this!

~As the others look up to discover their predicament, Velvet Monkey slams an opened hand into the platform. From each finger a crack grows and eats through the platform, forming five evenly sized platforms from the one--one platform for Yami, one for Velvet Monkey, one for GORE, one for Black, and one for Blue and Yellow. All of the platforms rotate furiously as they continue racing upward through the air.

Yami's platform continues upward. When it gets close to the ceiling, he kicks the ceiling. As a result, the platform moves backwards, or more specifically, towards the spot Blue was trying to point to. The platform, while still moving towards Yami's goal, stops spinning when R-Ihsoy climbs onto the side with Yami. The platform is flat horizontally with Yami and R-Ihsoy standing on its top side.~

Yami: So... you guys were standing under the platform the whole time and causing it to move upwards?

R-Ihsoy: Pretty much.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg and hits R-Ihsoy square in the chest. The explosion blasts R-Ihsoy off the platform and into the black and endless void. Yami Yoshi then glances at the other platforms to see how the others are faring: GORE deflects a barrage of R-Rojo’s shurikens with his mechanical arm and Primate Punches the robot into oblivion; R-Guy flies above Black’s seemingly empty platform using his propeller hands and fires a barrage of torpedoes at it with his submarine head when an invisible force suddenly hacks him to bits; Yellow’s fist shatters R-Qwirtzok’s Pyramid Punch while Blue, in the Robot Team’s plane, fires machine guns mounted on the plane’s wings and mows the robot down.

Black: ~deactivates cloaking device~ We certainly do a fine job fulfilling our motto.

Yellow: I concur.

Blue: Hey! That pink monkey’s in trouble!

~The OGers shift their attention towards the Velvet Monkey who is surrounded by a swarm of R-Diskuns.~

Velvet Monkey: ~thinking~ Damn…I hope I have enough power…for THIS!

~The Velvet Monkey’s eyes flash, and, like dying stars imploding into black holes, the Diskuns implode into nothingness.~

Velvet Monkey: ~grins menacingly~ Heh…guess I didn’t lose that much power after all…

Author: Golem[edit]

~Green pops up from beside Blue.~

Green: I come in to save the day and you steal the credit...

~The platforms all float to where Blue was trying to point earlier--a shiny blue circular panel.~

Green: Ah, headed for the control room. It's the first door on the left. I think. If my scanners know their stuff.

Yami: Gotcha.

~Yami taps on the panel.~

Yami: ...Think you can bust us in, Velvet Monkey?

~Velvet Monkey knocks his fist against the panel a few times as the Robot Team's plane flies to some corner of the chamber.~

Velvet Monkey: No. Lupus used that stone to do a perfect job of securing the place.

~Elsewhere, Green catches MON-KILL's hand as it falls.~

Green: Huh... scanners say this is Gamechamp...

~They fly the plane back. GORE spots the hand.~

GORE: Almost perfect. Lend me the hand, Green.

Green: ?

GORE: C'mon, I helped your brothers out.

~Green throws the hand and GORE catches it. GORE presses it against the panel, and the panel recedes.~

GORE: It's MON-KILL's hand.

~The Machine Mades, noticing the panel is open for intruders, rush to Yami Yoshi and company. After Black and Yellow hop in the Robot Team plane, the plane quickly rushes at the Machine Mades, lasers a-blazin'.~

Green: Go ahead! Don't worry about us! We'll hold them off!

Blue: What?! Something valiant?

Green: Yeah, this is a first, isn't it? Don't stray! Hurry, comrades!

~Green turns back to the others, who are already inside and have closed the panel.

On the other side of that panel...~

Yami Yoshi: Shouldn't we have gotten Fusion, SwordMaster, Chizu, and Kantii?

~And back with SwordMaster...

SwordMaster and Murasame, in their fighting, edge towards Chizu. She struggles to get away, but each sword swipe comes closer and closer. When SwordMaster is a few feet away from Chizu, he moves his arms behind him to get a huge swipe at Murasame. When the sword is far enough back to be within Chizu's reach, Chizu holds up the bond around her hands to the blade's edge. SwordMaster then rushes the sword forward, swiping right through Chizu's hand bonds.

Chizu quickly unties her feet and mouth before rushing over to Fusion. She tries to use magic on him to reverse the gravitational spell, but whatever magic she tries is deflected by the wonky gravity. Fusion, with the gravitational spell still on him, manages to get up on his own and rushes in to help SwordMaster fight Murasame. Kantii is unconscious on the sidelines and no one remembers him.~

Author: Fred[edit]

(Machine made clones of many apes and other creatures rush the Robot Team in hopes of even scratching their paint, but are basically kept at bay as they unload their fearsome repitoire of carnageous (I'm assuming I made that word up) proportions. Blue fires huge rip beam miniguns as Yellow swings through scores with a huge girder. Green lets down land mines by the crateful from the plane, taking out the creatures en masse. And black, while ineffective at fighting in this manner, takes some out from his shadowy, wall-mounted position as he attempts to find where they are stemming from.)

Blue: This sure is getting tiring.

Yellow: Aren't we robots?

Green: Alright, let's get all technical here. Jeez.

(Elite UN guards march about the first room on the left, but are dispatched with a line of dark eggs. GORE smashes the door off it's hinges as Velvet guards their backs. They enter to find the door behind them closing, and an explosion at their feet. Velvet Monkey falls through the floor as the others grab the ledge. Unecessary laser beam sounds and screaming accompany VM's fall below. Though it isn't VM's screaming. He's laughing.)

YY: We keep, at the very least, rather disturbing company.

GORE: You're the one that went to his party.

YY: Well, it's up to us to-

(Ten soldiers surround the hole in the floor. YY lashes across the hole with his tounge and sweeps like four guys into it. GORE knuckles the ground to force his bulk into the air, and comes down on one of them, spinning to clobber the others. The three remainers take aim, and shoot the ground below GORE's feet, getting him half-stuck in the ground. YY flutter kicks the first, bounces off of him, knees the second, and smashes the third with his tounge. With the enemy neutralized, GORE and Yami look to where the control panel is supposed to be, and see electric rails)

GORE: What the... No wonder it's so hard to pinpoint! The power unit or whatever the heck it is is on the move!

YY: Well, trains have to come into the station sometime. There's one now.

( Sure enough, a train carrying a huge group of troops slows down at the station. The troops all jump off, and to their surprise, find nothing. Meanwhile, on the front of the train, YY and GORE smile and wave to them as they climb to a safer position. The train begins to speed up as the soldiers yell, fire and jump for the train, commonly at the cost of their own lives. The train picks up great speed, and throws Yami and Gore into the engine chamber. The cargo out back is covered in a huge sheet)

YY: GORE, go check what that is.

GORE: What are you, my mother?

YY: Don't make me remind you that you probably never had a mother, the way your memory is now.

GORE: Well, I wouldn't want that. Fine.

(The train picks up a great deal of speed)

YY: Uh, GORE? Are we supposed to be going this fast?

GORE: Listen, if you don't worry about it, then there's probably nothing wrong.

YY: That's the worst logic I've ever heard.

GORE: That's.. tha... CHEEZ.

YY: What? What's back there?

GORE (munch, munch) not cheez all for myself aGLOEMPHABLEALAWFOKSF

YY: Yeah, great. What's that train car that's on the other tracks. It's kinda hard to read at this speed... T... N... Oh jeez I think I know what comes next. GORE!


YY: If this is a trap, it is incredibly elaborate. Where's the power core? I guess we could be on the wrong train. And GORE's a monkey, he's born with the innate ability to deal with train tracks and barrels of dynamite. And as it turns out, speaking to one's self does nothing to alleviate the problems.

(As if on cue with Yami's words, the front end of the train begins to come apart under the stress of the speed, and the train begins to gain on the train ahead)

YY: Yeah, GORE, we're hopping trains. And if you say "cheez" again, I'll carry out a clever threat or something.


YY: Just take it with you or something.

( Yami climbs to the fronts slowly, and attempts to derail the train to stop the enevitable collision. Unfortunately, he finds that Troopers from the next car are stationed at the back with a large Tofu-catapult)

YY: How fair is this? I demand my fate be re-rolled.

( The catapult fires at the TNT train, and misses. The men recalculate the trajectory, and begin to reload)

YY: I can't throw a Dark egg faster than this train moves... and my tounge wouldn't stand to the pressure either. This is seriously wrenching at my arms.

(Suddenly, a huge glob of cheese lands on the forward train, and GORE rushes to the front of the one YY rides. The force GORE exerts to leave the first train and land on the second is enough to seriously slow it down, sending Yami Yoshi sprawling into the tracks in front of him. Just as he's about to run into the tracks, he grabs the TNT train with his tounge. The Velvet Monkey is onboard)

YY: Jeez, that was fast.

VM: I have my ways. Now, if you want to go through with this, the cheddernite reserves that generate power for the Weisheit robot are on the train ahead of us.

YY: What about the invasion that's headed our way? We saw the expedition force... they could be here right now!

VM: I suppose the Weisheit Robot is too useful to be destroyed, but if this foe we fight has indicated anything to me, it's that he's unexpected enough to use a backup generator. I just want to get the Machine Mades out of the way.

YY: Lupus? I'd expect him to be so unexpected as to NOT have a backup generator.

VM: Anyways, we need a rope of some sort to regulate speed between the explosives and the car ahead of us.

YY: Please, stop looking at my mouth for the answers.

(five minutes or tounge-stretching action later)

YY: My Multh.

GORE: I... feel so strange.

VM: We all feel that when we go through a special time called puberty. YY, I've changed the structural integrity of your dark egg so that is takes longer to "hatch".

YY: Houl vely kind.

VM: By the way, you should probably jump about now.

( The three jump off the cart onto a the ledge they started on, and a high-quality explosion occurs)

( Macca-While, Lupus sits in his awesome throne that is awesome as Koopa Reads the results of our "heroes'" actions)

Koopa: Sir, we're down one main reactor. Should we switch to backup power?

Lupus: No, I never had backup power installed. They would expect it. And now you are expecting me to not have it, now that I've said anything, and yet you are STILL DEAD WRONG why do I pay you.

Koopa: You don't sir. I'm so very hungry all the time.

Lupus: All the better, Yami Yoshi and GORE are the only ones that actually eat anything in these OGs. No, we're going straight to Backup backup power.

Koopa: Isn't that the same as just backup power?

Lupus: You wanna mess with this? (rips off suit and shirt to reveal another suit and shirt) Bloody 4kids...

Koopa: Well, actually... y-

Lupus: That's what I thought. NOW GET BACK TO WORK. Wait, I have a better idea. Lower the cool but unnecessary LCD sceen which is really huge and empty from wires but still holds a black and white tube television!

Koopa: Do we seriously have a button labelled... oh, here we are. So, you're just going to let them do this? Where are Fred and Lithium?

Lupus: They're around, torchering the hostages with the latest in inane babble technology. I just wanted some alone time with you, Koopa.

Koopa: Sir? Are you coming on to me?

Lupus: ...There are going to be a lot of electric shocks in your future.

(MINTY-FRESH-while, SwordMaster and Murasame continue their deadly duel when Fusion arrives on the scene, and an unconcious Kantii is on the ground in the ruined STREETZ)

Murasame: So, there are three of them.

SwordMaster: What? Not getting enough money to deal with three of us?

Fusion: I have a MILLION BAJILLION dollar rubies and such nonsense, I could easily hire you... once this gravity disperses.

Murasame: It's not the money, though it kinda sorta is. Lupus gave me advanced credit and ownership of multiple nations once he wins.

Chizu: Lupus never wins. Weren't you around for MOG1?

Fusion/SM: Sweatdrop You weren't there, EITHER.

Murasame: Oh, come on. Eventually a villain will come along that you can't beat. Time.

Fusion: I'm pretty sure I live forever.

Murasame: Things can't stay the same forever. The OGers will break apart. You'll break apart.

SM: I'm not about to let that happen.

Chizu: Right now, we're going to break YOU apart.

(SM parries a swing, only to recieve a firm kick to the stomach. He grinds back a while, running towards him again. Chizu gives Mura a flying elbow, and then follow-ups with a gas pedal, which Mura avoids. Mura bashes her in the face with his hilt and then tosses her into Swordmaster. SwordMaster helps Chizu to her feet, and then charges again with a horizontal swing. Murasame sticks his sword into the ground, pushes off it and pulls it up with him, landing on Swordmaster's shoulders. A huge stalagmite hits Mura in the chest and into the gravity field of Fusion.)

Fusion: Now, let's see if you can deal with what I intended for you!

Murasame: Do your worst.

Fusion: (smiles) Very well...

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~Suddenly, GORE, the Velvet Monkey, and Yami Yoshi smash through the Lupus’ Awesome Throne Room Ceiling That Is Awesome.~

Lupus: Rude.

Velvet Monkey: Give me the stone!

Lupus: No.

Velvet Monkey: Then… ~eyes glow red~ …you must die!

~Suddenly, the Velvet Monkey clutches his chest, falls to his knees, and coughs up a mouthful of blood.~

Lupus: Outrageous.

Velvet Monkey: ~thinking~ Blood…so I’m a mortal now…

Yami Yoshi: Hey! What’s your problem?

Velvet Monkey: ~panting heavily~ Ugh…I’m afraid I’ll have to sit this one out…my power…isn’t what it…used to be...

~The Velvet Monkey keels over and passes out.~

Yami Yoshi: All right, whatever. ~points at Lupus~ Attack!