Member OG 10 Page 3

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Pages in the Member OG 10 Archive
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Author: Luiigii of the Pipes[edit]

~GORE stalks toward Lupus, foaming cheese at the mouth.~

GORE: All these years you've caused us trouble. All these years you've... actually, I'm going to skip the monologue part. The cheese keeps spitting out and making my fur icky...

~GORE runs at Lupus and pins his arms down.~

Lupus: Don't be a fool, GORE. I read your flashback back in the first post. You're no different than me deep down inside.


Lupus: Tch. Telling a man to shut up in his own Weisheit robot... ~uses leverage and crap to throw GORE off of him~ Is my marvelous cheese running through your entire body now, GORE-ILLA? I know you ate a lot. ~points~ And I want it back.

~GORE starts to writhe as the cheese backtracks from his stomach and he vomits it all out in a big pile. Only not vomity looking, because that's a really bad piece of scenery when you think about it...~

GORE: Uh... I don't... ~passes out in pile of cheese~

Yami Yoshi: Well.

Lupus: Hey, wanna merge again?


~Fusion summons... THE MASTER PIE~

Murasame: No! Not that! My one bane from GMOG3!

Fusion: Really? I just used my power to summon whatever beats said enemy at said time. LUCKY! ~smashes the pie in Murasame's face~

Murasame: CURSE Y-- ~turns into stone~

~Fusion and Swordmaster push Murasame off the side of the platform, where he falls through Weisheit's leg, crashes through it's foot, sinks into the Australian Ocean, and won't be back for the rest of the story because his writer got confused and left.~

Swordmaster: Good. And I rather like this sword. It's like it talks to me and promises me everything I ever desired, etc. etc. I mean, um, let's go find where Yami and Velvet Monkey went.

Chizu: How? We're in the middle of nowhere.

Kantii: Have no fear! I shall fly you all as only a crow can!

Fusion: ...Or I could just make a platform to ride on.


Lithium: Fred.

Fred: Yes my son.

Lithium: We've been trying to withdraw their souls for the past three hours. Are you sure we're doing this exactly as Master Lupus said to?

Fred: Of course. Lupus and I have this mental thing, y'know. COOKIES!

~Hamilton, Kuria, and Introbulus are tied to three tables unconscious. Luigi and Sapphire float in a birdcage.~

Luigi: I miss Yoshiman's body.

Sapphire: Shut up.

~Fred grabs Hamilton's tongue with his (very) clean hands, wiggles it three times, closes Hamilton's mouth, and then claps. Nothing happens.~

Fred: Hmm. Our chi is off. GO FORTH AND MAKE FENG SHUI!

Lithium: We could just shoot them.

Fred: But then we wouldn't have more bodies for our lovely wallpaper. ~motions to Party Goer bodies in tubes along the wall~

Lithium: Do you find it odd that there's one missing at the beginning?

Fred: Hmm... ~looks at the first tube, with a crappy drawing of Golem taped to the front~ He's right there.

Cat: Or right here. ~knocks Fred out with a telephone book~

Lithium: HEY! ~fires his guns, but they backfire and pump his sleeves full of gerbils. He falls over writhing. Cat drops the phone book on his head.~


Mr. T: And Mr. T be showin you his van, foos.

Author 1: Is it air conditioned?

Mr. T: Shut up or Mr. T drop kick you foo. To da moooon!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Yami Yoshi: The only merging you’ll have is your face with the floor!

Lupus: ~rolls eyes~ Lame joke. Go back to VGF.

Yami Yoshi: That wasn’t a joke. Take this!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a barrage of Dark Eggs at Lupus.~

Lupus: Dumb.

~GORE’s pile of puke forms a wall in front of Lupus and absorbs the incoming projectiles.~

Lupus: Sigh…Yami still doesn’t get it…

~Suddenly, a torrent of flames bursts through the cheese shield and blasts Lupus against the Awesome Throne Room Back Wall That Is Awesome. A red, kidney-shaped object slips out of Lupus’ pocket.~

Yami Yoshi: The stone!

~Yami Yoshi rockets himself towards the falling stone and catches it right before it hits the Awesome Throne Room Floor That Is Awesome.~

Yami Yoshi: ~wipes the sweat off his brow~ Phew…Guess it’s time to leave now…

~Yami Yoshi rockets himself back to where GORE is lying.~

Yami Yoshi: ~kicks GORE~ Wake up! No way I’m hauling your fat ass outta here!

~Suddenly, a volcano of Cheddarnite bursts through the Awesome Throne Room Floor That Is Awesome near the Awesome Throne Room Back Wall That Is Awesome with an infuriated Lupus standing atop the summit.~

Lupus: ~breathing heavily~ How dare you…let your filthy fingers…desecrate the left kidney…of Weisheit!

Author: Fred[edit]

(Yami Yoshi jumps to the wall as Lupus comes crashing down in a tsunami of cheddernite. The cheddernite solidifies into hundreds of shafts, which shoot out directly at Yami. Yami attempts to go between them, but is thrust into the Awesome Throne Room Ceiling that is Awesome, and pinned to it.

Yami drops the stone, but lashes out with his toung to grab the Awesome throne room vintage lifesized Ringo Starr Model that is Awesome, and whip it at Lupus. Lupus is thrown to the wall, and Yami flutters down. Lupus, however, turns the cheddernite into a volleyball net, and traps yami Against the wall.

Yami breaks out and makes another mad dash for the stone, only to be engulfed in a stream of cheddernite that solidifies. Yami's Foot reacts, and the cheesy substance connects with it, being drawn into it. Yami howls in pain as Lupus punches him into the wall with an extremely padded sock'em bopper that is laced with barbed wire and broken nails. Yami hits the wall with his head, leaving him unconcious)

Lupus: Well, that was easy.

Koopa: Well done, sir!

Lupus: You're still around? I kinda forgot, I would have totally wasted your life in a futile attempt to beat them before I had to do anything.

Koopa: Here, I'll just get this stone for you...

Koopa (2): Wait, stop!

(A second Koopa runs into the room, obviously having been tied up)

Koopa (2): That's a phony!

Koopa: Wait, what?

Lupus: Jeez, I have no idea what to do in this situation. I mean, it's just so complicated that DOUBLE CHEESE RAY!

(Cheese Rays hit both Koopas, knocking them out cold. Koopa (2), being the apparition, dissolves into dust)

Lupus: I guess I can pick this up myself, thanks a lot, Koopa.

Lupus (2): No, I don't think you'll be doing any of that, now.

Lupus: Hey, what the... You don't look anything like me. Boring. (glances over at VM, sees he's still unconcious) Who do you think you are? We got rid of all my failed clones on E-bay auctions.

Lupus (2): He didn't mention he was a failed clone, before I took his essence.

Lupus: Snore. Nijuka or Akujin or whoever will never obtain the Holy Kidney of Weisheit. It's Mine. I mean Weisheit's. Or maye it's yours. Here, take it.

Lupus (2): Really? I mean, that makes things so much-

(Lupus engulfs Lupus (2) in cheddernite, but it breaks out using a saw, and is a completely clear creature)

Clear: Good samartians are too hard to find these days.

Lupus: Yeah well so is the good looking on your mom

(Clean and)Clear(and under control): I will enjoy this. Prepare to face the wrath of the forgotten enemies of the series! BREEZE BLAST!

(Wind blows very hard inexplicably inside the room, but it's not hard enough to really do much to Lupus)

Lupus: Yeah...

Clear: Yeah... Uh... YEAH. TRANSFORMATION!

(Clear gains the Devil's Scepter, Gato Diablos's claw, Granite's rock hard body, a gaping hole in his right arm that Gale had, Sir Sur's laser rubix cube, Beezlebub's metal limbs, Person's pants of Power, Sephinity's ruby, and Dark Force's Aura)

Lupus: Sigh. Now, you have no choice but to face my awesomeness. (Lupus picks up the Stone, and feeds it to the cheddernite, as the Weishiet Robot begins to collapse. The Cheddernite attaches to Lupus's arm, and turns into a gigantic boomerang. The Lupus parries a clawing, and a Ruby laser, and then viciously tosses the thing. Clear turns on the pants of power, fires the devil's scepter, and tosses the rubix cube. The bottom of the boomerang begins to spin the other way, and it travels back towards Lupus.

Lupus stops it, and forms paper packaging around the cheddernite. He peels it off violently, upping the viscosity of the cheddernite, and then spins the remaining element in a terrible spiral. He drills into Clear's stomach, pours in the cheddernite, and forces it to explode, sending Clear everywhere)

Lupus: Another Short lived villain.

(Something hits Lupus on the head, as Clear's parts attempt to encase Lupus, in a glass-like container. Lupus tosses them off, and Clear reforms, with Devil Scepters attached to all of it's limbs)

Clear: I'm afraid that wasn't good enough.

(Lupus blocks the sceptres with a wall of cheddernite, but the sceptres absorb it. Glass walks towards Lupus slowly, as Lupus grabs his TWIF-TECH-trap-he-should-have-used-like-five-paragraphs-ago-machine, and presses a button. It turns out that he should have used it five paragraphs ago, as he accidentally catches his own ankles in chinese finger traps. The devil's sceptres fly at him, thirsting, but Lupus tosses a chair at them and ducks.

The sceptres stab right through the chair, but whiz over Lupus, and plant themselves in the wall. Clear reels himself in towards lupus, but is smashed to the side by Yami Yoshi's body, controlled in the leg by Lupus. Clear traps Yami in Dark Force's Cocoon, and reels in the chair towards Lupus's head. Lupus undoes the ankle-grips, and hits the dirt as the chair flies towards the Clear, and smashes him into a million pieces again. This time, though, Lupus smashes them all with GORE's hands, much to the ailing monkey's dismay. Lupus lines his three captives up, replaces the Stone into the robot, and prepares to crush them.)

Lupus: Yawn. Suspected I didn't know how to use my own button pressings. And I'd come up with a complicated way of destroying you, but I'm getting rather sick of having you ruin MY OGs, and I've got a Cheddernite boomerang right here. I can't see any reason to waste it, unless there was a reason, but no one but I am around to say anything, so I'm talking to myself, so now I should probably hit you.

GORE: Before I die... Lupus... tell me...

Lupus: I'm a very busy man, it can wait until tommorow. And now-

Author: Golem[edit]

~Lupus hurls the cheddarnite boomerang at GORE, but the boomerang swerves off its path towards Yami Yoshi. It hits Yami Yoshi in the foot and becomes absorbed, and Yami Yoshi gets up with a start.~

Yami Yoshi: MOTHER@#$%!!! That hurt!

Lupus: Meh.

~Yami's leg takes on the shape of a boomerang and immediately flies at GORE, hitting him across the face. This sends a signal back to EVIL Scientist Dude HQ, wherever that may be.

The annoying beeping of ESD's computer awakens him.~

ESD: Huh-wha? Oh,... ha, GORE took care of Gamechamp. Protochamp virus never fails.

~ESD types, causing a live video feed to appear on the computer, which is from GORE's perspective.~

ESD: Yami Yoshi will do. ~ESD starts typing again, then speaks into a microphone~ Team Monkey, take MON-KILL's joints with you and get his hand formerly known as Gamechamp.

Mousse ~voice is heard on computer speakers~: I don' think tha's enough exposition.

ESD: ~sigh~ Fine, the joints will show you to the hand. Like that dragon statue from Jackie Chan Adventures. Also, take the LEFT hand of MON-KILL with you.

~Back in Lupus' Throne Room That is Awesome...

GORE's metallic hand punches Yami in the stomach.~

Yami: Hey, watch it! I'm not attacking you, Lupus is! I think!

GORE (organic half): I don't know what that was!

~As Yami's boomerang leg knocks out GORE's feet, the boomerang bends some.~

Yami: Hades!!

Hades: What?

Yami: Now is hardly the time to melt my foot off! ~leg swipes at GORE, misses~

Hades: ...It was that obvious? Er, now is CLEARLY the time to melt it off. Lupus is throwing us around. And there's no shame in a prosthetic leg!

Pharoah: Just take back control from Lupus, you did it before.

Yami: Yeah, except this boomerang ~gets slugged by GORE~ OOF! has a fierce grip!

~Meanwhile, through the stone's magic, Lupus has raised a lava pit up from the floor, into which he tosses all of Clear's remains. The lava pit recedes.

The other OGers, having defeated every last Diskun, sit around bored...~

Fusion: So. Um.

SwordMaster: Let's go pick up Introbulus.

Fusion: Eh, okay. Where the heck did he go?

Green: Hold up, my plane ought to be able to find the Iron Gauntlet, or whatever it's called, if he's close enough.

~Green hops into the Robot Team plane and types on a console.~

Green: ...He's in the right shoe, which would be directly below us if we were a few meters north. Pile on everybody, this plane is quite luxurious.

~After everybody gets on, the plane starts its dive through the right leg of the Wesheit robot.


Cat: Ha.

Sapphire: Hey Golem--

Cat: It's Cat.

Sapphire: Yeah whatever. Help us out of this cage and get us back into our bodies.

Cat: Right.

~Cat takes the cage down. As he nears the tubes holding the bodies of the Party Goers, the Syphnity in his pocket--mailed to him by Chizu under Syphnity's request--quivers.~

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Okay…I’m not attacking you, because Lupus is controlling my foot to attack you. If you’re not attacking me, then who is controlling your arm to attack you?

GORE: Buh?

~Steam rises from Yami Yoshi’s foot as it begins to bubble.~

Yami Yoshi: Hades! What the hell are you doi—

Hades: Sorry, Yami, but you’re going to have to fight this battle legless if you want to win!

~Suddenly, mummy bandages shoot out from under Yami Yoshi’s fingernails and wrap around his foot. The bound boomerang twists and shakes in an attempt to free itself from its bandage prison but to no avail. After a few seconds, the boomerang finally stops moving.~

Yami Yoshi: Whoa, I forgot about that move.

Pharaoh: I think everyone did.

Hades: Yeah great, but what are we going to do about GORE?

~Meanwhile, GORE (who has wedged his mechanical arm into the Awesome Throne Room Floor That Is Awesome) uses his organic hand to reach behind the mechanical half of his head and press a combination of buttons.~

GORE: I’m going to enter the cyberspace of my body to see what the problem is. Remember, my body will be immobile and defenseless without the mind controlling it…~presses one final button~…so make sure you don’t lose!

~GORE slumps over unconscious.~

Yami Yoshi: Don’t worry… ~dashes towards Lupus~ …we won’t!

Author: Golem[edit]

~As Yami dashes towards Lupus, his cheese foot bulges underneath its wrappings. Yami breathes fire at Lupus, who ducks under the fire while lunging at Yami's cheese foot. Lupus pulls the foot towards him, and Yami turns it into a kick in his face. Yami keeps running, and Lupus gets up and runs after Yami, trying to use his powers to pull the foot towards him.

Yami stops and turns around, breathing a massive amount of flames at Lupus. In the meantime, Yami's boomerang foot turns into a hand and reaches into the floor.~

Yami (inside head): If Lupus made the boomerang, it's part of him, and can probably...

~The cheese hand on Yami's leg pulls out the stone, and Yami stops breathing fire. A non-cheese hand takes the stone and the cheese hand turns into a foot with cheese forming a boot around the leg.~

Yami: So, guys... any idea how to use it?

~The robot starts to rumble. Tiny bits of the ceiling and wall are falling.~

Yami: Um...!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

~Suddenly, a mound of cheddarnite morphs into a hand and punches Yami Yoshi in the gut.~

Yami Yoshi: Urk!

~The stone slips from Yami Yoshi’s fingers as he staggers backwards coughing up a mouthful of blood. The cheddarnite hand catches the stone and tosses it back to Lupus.~

Lupus: ~catches the stone~ Idiot. Why do you persist on fighting for something that you cannot have and cannot control?

~Yami Yoshi regains his balance.~

Yami Yoshi: Because… ~wipes away the blood dripping from the side of his mouth~ …we need it to save the universe!

Lupus: Yawn…Are you heroes only allowed to fight for boring causes or what?

Yami Yoshi: I fight for truth, justice, and cheesecake! And I fight anyone who goes against those three things!

Lupus: Yeah, boring.

Author: Fred[edit]


( Yami licks back the stone, just as Lupus was about to use it)

Lupus: I had stupendous things in store for that stone, but if you want to do your boring old hero deal, that's fine by me.

Yami: Really? Because, well, I -

Lupus: No! Now I'ma give you the clobbering of a lifetime! Or perhaps a deathtime. Well, it'll be the clobbering of my lifetime, so A lifetime, but it'll be your deathtime as well, which means...

(While Yami holds the stone in desperation (No, not Desperation), GORE finds something that isn't what he expected in his memory systems)

GORE: It's very full in here, considering how Little the electronics part of my body does. It's like it's been storing information is shouldn't have been.

(A dark Figure leaps down upon GORE. It is Dark GORE)

Dark GORE: Oh, it's only you.

GORE: What is this place?

Dark GORE: A nightmare, at the moment. Most systems are being controlled by a live feed from somewhere else.

GORE: Why are you in here?

Dark GORE: When we became one, my Soul, or at least my memories took shape as well. Metahphysical happenings take place in a physical world, GORE. I'm a representation of myself.

GORE: This isn't going to be long, is it? I think the robot's going to explode. As well, I'm too commonly left out of adventures, these days.

Dark GORE: We're information, so this takes much less time than it seems to, GORE. Now, it's important that you know that this is worth the time it's going to take.

GORE: Duck!

(The two GOREs duck as a blast of shrapnel emerges from behind them. There stands Protochamp, along with a devilish-looking MON-KILL)

GORE: Lemme guess, Protochamp's the intruder, and MON-KILL's the horrible memory.

Dark GORE: You're half-right. I've never seen MON-KILL in here, at least not like that. It must be from YOUR memories.

GORE: What?

MON-KILL: I'm afraid it's over, you ape! I hated you then, and I hate you now! You may have changed, but you'll never end my hatred!

GORE: I'm not sure what you're talking about! Not even (if I really try!)!

Dark GORE: Enough! Get out of this system!

Protochamp: It's not even your system, anymore.

Dark GORE: Wha-

GORE: MON-KILL! What is my past?

MON-KILL: (snickers, viciously) Oh, you'll not get the satisfaction of knowing it from me. You'll be too busy being ripped limb from limb.

GORE: I'm... Data, right now.

MON-KILL: Exactly. Your body's going to be ours, no matter how well you shut it off.

Dark GORE: Enough of this!

Protochamp: Quite. You damn kids and your monolouging, back in my day, we knew how to (Protochamp fires off beams from both hands, hitting the two GOREs in the chests, and into pillars of memory. The sectors sort of break, but are able to repiece themselves)

Dark GORE: Listen, GORE! We cannot afford this place to be ruined! Without it, both you and I will cease to exist!

GORE: Why does this always happen?

Protochamp: Prepare for the end...

(Protochamp attaches a feed of missles to a gattling-gun arm. He fires, but they are suddenly stopped in mid-air.)


(outside, P-L0TT hacks GORE, and puts up a shield)

MON-KILL: What's going on?

(GORE leaps and smashes MON-KILL in the face, and he phases out. Dark GORE launches his monkey missles, and ProtoChamp is blasted. Dark GORE smiles viciously, and grabs him by the throat)

Dark GORE: Now, to-

GORE: Wait, wait! He has information! How am I compromised?

ProtoChamp: You're not going to like this answer, kid.

GORE: Kid? Right, uh, well, I need that answer, old-timer.

ProtoChamp: Who you calling an Oldtimer? I was made in 2001!

Dark GORE: I'd really like to corrupt your file, right now, so you're pushing you're luck.

ProtoChamp: Okay, okay! Listen, you're not compromised. This is a built-in feature!

Dark GORE: No way!

ProtoChamp: I just had to flick a few switches. ESD's control over your mechanical parts is built in!

Dark GORE: Could it have been then?

GORE: It might have been earlier...

ProtoChamp: Well, that gave me enough time to catch a wavelength outta here! Later!

(ProtoChamp is transmitted wirelessly, as GORE's systems start up again. A firewall encases the DS3-technology wireless adapter)

GORE: Alright, P-L0TT! Nice workin' with you, DG!

Dark GORE: Never call me that. Now, you're running out of cycles!

(GORE's body starts up again, and he madly rushes Lupus. Lupus attempts to get out of the way, but is connected with a solid, metal punch. The machine begins to crumble even more violently.)

Yami Yoshi: Listen, GORE! I don't know how to use the stone!

GORE: VM's out cold! Great, just when we actually need hi-

(Lupus bounces off a cheddernite spring, and gives a solid kick to GORE's face. The cheddernite takes the form of a Kleenex box, and rolls towards Yami, and looms over him, about to crush him, and then disappears)

Lupus: Oh, come on. That's definetely Deus Ex Machina. Cheater! You didn't do anything!

GORE: Listen, Yami, you've figured it out!

YY: Really?

GORE: No, but you used it, and I figured it out. It works like S-Space, make a friggen wish, and make it good!

Lupus: It's not like you can barge into my office, unscathed!

(Lupus presses buttons on a fold-out panel, and a two-ton fold-out bed lands on GORE. A waffle iron touches ground next to Yami, and he rolls away from the Automatic Darts game while making his wish)

Yami: I can't concentrate!

(GORE lifts the bed above his head)

GORE: Don't worry, I'll-

(a Girder lands on the bed, and GORE is crushed under it)

Lupus: Ha, now-

(A girder lands on Lupus)

Yami: Here goes!

(A brilliant flash of light occurs just because, and Yami and GORE are outside with the stone, as the Weisheit robot tumbles into the Pacific Ocean)

Lupus: My beautiful robot!

Koopa X: Why, Why?

YY: Wait, what? Why are you out here?

VM: You idiot! You healed and transported everyone in the room!

YY: So, the rest of them are trapped?

(the rest of the OGers touch down in a small plane)

Black: Yo!

Introbulus: I have a feeling we're forgetting something. Ah, well.

(Lupus's manor stabilizes under the sea)

Fred: I do say, Lithium, that was a sharp rap on the head, Wot when

Lithium: It is the turkey day's job to clean up such messes, so let us lead the electrolyte's charge!

Fred: Fedora

(Golem, I mean Cat, has gathered all of the souls, and puts them near the respective bodies. His pocket suddenly explodes, as a Gem hits him in the face)

Cat: Rhyk, what are you doing?

Rhyk: These souls are mine, fleshbag!

Cat: Why can't we have a nice, normal robot, for once? Besides, you're a gem. How can you fight me?

(Around the Gem, forms a metal body, which roughly constitutes the form of Rhyk)

Cat: I'll never understand what happened to you.

Rhyk: Muahahaha. You cannot stop progress.

(Rhyk throws it's fists viciously as Cat stops them with his scarf. He wraps the scarf around the fists, and tosses Rhyk at the wall. Rhyk bounces off, and throws a vicious kick, which Cat promptly leaps away from. Rhyk scans for Cat through tables, and quickly sees something he'd rather not see- Cat transforming.)

(Also, somewhere on mystery)

Vlad: Yddet, you cannot blame the thoughts of a mere child.

Yddet: That is a memory that you smiled back upon, you sick bastard! I'm going to rip you limb from limb and then do it again!

(Yddet charges Vlad-)

Vlad: Wait, what? Like, you'll put me together again?

(You can't cut action scenes off-)

Yddet: Well, I'm not really sure how to do this best. I think I'll enjoy it the first time, at least.

Vlad: Listen, maybe another time. This planet is kind of in danger. Plus, waiting makes it more worthwhile, or so I hear.

Yddet: Listen, you're not going to-

(Vlad uses lightning-fast moves to pull out, load, and fire a triple-barreled harpoon gun in one go. The three shots hit dead on.)

Yddet: You're... going to regret doing that.

(Yddet swings the ropes (And Vlad) into the wall, and then his flyswatter. He pulls Vlad back up, and then holds his fist above Vlad)

Yddet: No, this is faaaar too easy. I've waited too long for this... I'm going to destroy this planet you love so much, and you're going to watch me do it... Bit by bit...

Author: Golem[edit]

~Back on Earth, on the remains of Australia, with the Volkswagen floating nearby...~

VM: Now, to Nijuka's--

Yami Yoshi: Hold up, we need a roll call.

Introbulus: Here.

SwordMaster: Here.

Fusion: Here.

Chizu: Here.

Green: Here.

Blue: Here.

Yellow: Here.

Black: Here.

Velvet Monkey: Here.

Yami Yoshi: Um, GORE, you didn't say "Here."

~Velvet Monkey is holding GORE tightly around the torso. GORE struggles.~

Velvet Monkey: He was trying to hijack the Robot Team plane.

~A speck of faint blue dust falls from the inside of Velvet Monkey's elbow, and GORE slumps over. Velvet Monkey puts GORE down immediately.~

Velvet Monkey: (guess I'll have to use the dust on 'em all)

~Velvet Monkey flings his arms out, spreading faint blue dust through the air.~

Yami Yoshi: Okay, what were you saying?

Velvet Monkey: Now, to Nijuka's Earth base!

GORE: What about the stone? Aren't you going to put it some place safe?

Velvet Monkey: No, we may need it if we meet Nijuka, and the other two are in safe keeping, so there's no chance of him getting all four.

Yami Yoshi: Sounds good.

~Velvet Monkey hops in the driver's seat of the Volkswagen. The other OGers hop in the Volkswagen, which flies off, followed by the Robot Team in their plane.

Soon the Statue of Liberty is in their sights.~

Fusion: Hey, is there any relation between the fact that the Sephnits and Sophnits were trapped in gems and the fact that these stones have weird powers?

Velvet Monkey: There's the base...

GORE: Wha-what?! You mean that giant woman that's impossible to hide is his base?

Velvet Monkey: Yeah.

GORE: Okay.

~Velvet Monkey parks on top of the Statue of Liberty's hat, and the OGers all swing in through the windows in the hat. The Robot Team follows. Inside is a bathroom. Everyone looks to Velvet Monkey, who shrugs. They peek out the exit door and see the hallway of a regal palace, but empty of any people. On the wall is--~

Velvet Monkey: ~whisper~ The Royal Seal of the Kingdom of Disco?! Are we in the Disco Royal Palace on Planet Mystery?

~Blue calls everyone over to a nearby window. They look outside to see Planet Mystery being invaded.~

Yami Yoshi: Hold up, deja vu. This is like that time back on Lupus' ship where some closet threw me into a dark dimension. What next, Silk Monkey?

~Velvet Monkey is dumbfounded.~

Yami Yoshi: Glad to have ya on the team.

~Elsewhere, on USA, Earth, Authors 1 and 9 are playing frisbee.~

Author 9: Hey, remember when we wrote the stories?

Author 1: Um, yeah.

Author 9: Do you think we're screwed because I broke the OGing rules? You know, by going ahead to the end of the series and writing in that GORE kills all of the OGers.

Author 1: You what?!

Author 9: Hey, it was an awesome idea at the time.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Meanwhile on Mystery…

~The OGers watch Nijuka’s Diskun army and Mystery’s Cheesetrooper army clash across Mystery’s plains of…~

GORE: ~eyes become bloodshot~ Cheese…

~Drool drips from GORE’s mouth as a fiery yellowish aura surrounds his body.~

GORE: ~screams~ CHEESE!!!

~GORE smashes through the palace window and rockets himself towards the battlefield.~

Velvet Monkey: Are you sure he’ll be able to defeat Nijuka’s army alone?

Yami Yoshi: Well, he just did a fine job defeating both of them.

Velvet Monkey: What?!

~The Velvet Monkey turns around and sees a completely empty battlefield save for a few Diskun fragments here, a few Cheesetrooper helmets there, and an enormous crater in the center of it all.~

Velvet Monkey: ~thinking~ Impossible…these are R-Spacers? No wonder they were able to defeat Akujin…

Author: Fred[edit]

(As the dust settles, so does GORE. However, the Recreator flies above the battlefield, and hundreds of skull fighter reinforcements are expelled, as well as alien troops of many sorts)

Yami: You know what?

SwordMaster: What?

Yami: Kantii was in this story, at one point.

(Everyone pulls out their scripts and flips back)

Introbulus: Oh, so he was.

Fusion: I guess we PLUMB forgot him!

Velvet Monkey: No, never say that again.

Yami: Listen, Introbulus, what can you do about those Skull fighters?

Introbulus: Not a lot. The shards are far less powerful than the whole thing.

Fusion: Wasn't the Metal Gauntlet used to hold back your cataclysmic powers?

Introbulus: Sure. This is cooler.

GORE: (yelling from aways a way, while running from a brutal bombing) I'm glad you're getting to know each other, but I think you may want to help out, here!

Green: I'm in.

(Suddenly, the room shakes, as it is bombarded with Diskuns. Ritz, along with Ninjuka dismount a ship, and two other very important looking creatures along with them. They are a huge Kradian with huge tusks, and one arm with holes on it that spew flames, and a large green creature with four legs, that has four bladed tentacles coming out of it's midsection)

SM: What the hell is this? It looks like we've got a pimple,a horse that wants to be a Praying Mantis, and someone stuck in the 80's on our hands.

Nijuka: My other two generals are already on your filthy planet. You cannot stop me, OGers, We are too many and too powerful.

GORE: (Still Yelling) Guys, I can't run forever!

Introbulus: (Yelling back) C'mon man, give us five more minutes! (To Yami) will you believe the nerve of that guy?

Yami: Listen, Nijuka, you've destroyed countless lives simply for power. You have no remorse, nor understanding of sorrow. I, as a defender of good and justice and all that jazz, just cannot let you go through that port-

(Nijuka makes an energy claw, and pulls out part of a pillar, so that the pillar lands on Yami)

Nijuka: Can anyone else believe how much easier that was? To just kill them while they're talking?

Ritz: But... but... style points! Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t, Olive, you guys agree, right?

(the other generals shake their heads)


Introbulus: (Yelling) Sorry man, ten minutes!

Velvet Monkey: Wait, wait just a second.

Nijuka: Oh, YOU'RE still alive.

VM: Sort of. Listen, we can't fight in here, we'll just wreck the way back to earth.

Nijuka: I hardly need it to get back. Perhaps I should leave for there right now, while my generals destroy you and my portal.

Chizu: That's just low.

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t (The Kradian): Oh, you'll be travelling through a gate, at right. Huar huar hur bwur.

Olive: Schweerah.

(Introbulus flips the space cruiser with his power, and it lands on the four villains)

(Yami picks himself back up)

Yami: You heard them. There's still trouble on Earth, aside from the first Iris Expeditionary force. Chizu, SwordMaster, since you're very obviously the only loving couple that is worth mention in this series, you guys go back to Earth and round up all the characters we obviously forgot. Once you've taken care of buisness, come back and pick up our remains.

SM:We really need intergalactic pagers.

(Introbulus slips outside while Yami, Fusion, Velvet, and the Robot team prepare to take on Nijuka and three of his generals)

Fusion: We're very boned.

(Elsewhere on the planet, Yddet smashes through huge door, with Vlad's nearly dead but still concious body tucked neatly under the grotesque arm)

Yddet: Heeeeeere's Johnny!(holds up pocket-watch)

(Yddet is in a large, fine linoleum room with staircases leading up and down. StuMan Jr. and senior come through the big doorway that Yddet faces, and about two dozen SwissEliteTroopers come down on ropes or up stairs, while another few jump down behind Yddet)

StuMan Jr.: I think that joke's been used before. Cheesetroopers, fire!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Meanwhile on the battlefield…

Hades: General Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t? Is that you?

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: Well, if it isn’t Commander Hades…You’ve certainly lost quite a few pounds since our last meeting…Huar, huar…

Yami Yoshi: Yeah, losing your body kinda does that to ya…

Hades: Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t, what the hell are you doing siding with this circus clown?

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: Vengeance, Hades. Never will I forget the dishonor and humiliation I suffered after you discharged me from the Kradian Military because my name wasn’t “demonic” enough!

Yami Yoshi: Are you sure it wasn’t because your name just sucked?

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: Silence!

~Steam shoots out from the several holes in Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t’s left arm.~

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: Hades, I am going to destroy you and the annoying lizard whose body you inhabit!

Author: Golem[edit]

~Outside, Nijuka sifts through his pockets, searching for the stone to the Writer's Chair. Its powers of regression would work perfectly on GORE. No dice... Nijuka improvises.

Across the field, Introbulus dashes towards Nijuka. A swift dark mass rushes just in front of Introbulus, causing him to stumble and fall forward. He catches himself and gets up just as the dark mass comes back to meet him.

Introbulus' eyes meet with the eyes of an extremely muscle-bound yoshi before him. The yoshi has devilish wings and a forked tongue like a snake, and his skin radiates between black and a dark purple. No light escapes his pupil, destroying any glare on his eyes. In his right hand he clutches his Rainbow Sword, though now it is poluted with dark purple spikes.

Introbulus quickly unsheathes his haliberd.~

Introbulus: Black Skull Dragoshi! It's... I'm glad you're here, we could use some help!

~BSD stabs his sword forward straight at Introbulus, who quickly deflects it with his haliberd as he jumps aside. They parry. When they reach a deadlock, BSD flaps his wings wide and hard, flinging him high up into the air. He points the sword downward and follows it in a divebomb. Introbulus runs from the expected impact area towards Nijuka. BSD hits the ground, shaking it greatly and making Introbulus fall forwards. BSD hurls his sword at Introbulus, who turns around ready to face BSD with his haliberd up. To his surprise, the Rainbow Sword hits the haliberd while BSD is a few yards away. Introbulus takes this opportunity to run again, this times towards a nearby cliff. BSD catches up with him, and he spins around, parrying with BSD as he steps backwards, towards the cliff. Near the edge of the cliff, Introbulus pretends to trip and fall on his back just at the edge of the cliff. BSD runs in for the kill, but Introbulus squeezes the remains of the Iron Gauntlet and sets the sword wayward. In this time, Introbulus puts his foot up onto BSD's stomach and flips him over the cliff.

Then, with a few seconds bought, Introbulus dashes towards Nijuka.~

Author: Fred[edit]

(The fights rage on. GORE picks up a Skull Intraspector, and flings it into the air, downing two more. Hundreds of robotic, alien, or otherwise troops descend upon GORE using hangliders, but he simply fires lasers from his robotic eye, and rips them apart. He is suddenly landed on by a large dropship - from it run twelve blue, scaled creatures. They leap towards the recovering GORE, and open their capes to reveal hundreds of sharp, scale-like appendages attached to their bodies. They fire them from chest cavities, at an astonishing speed. GORE attempts to run while blocking with the metal limbs, but they imbed themselves deeply in the metal arm, making it harder to move. GORE quickly picks up the dropship, and tosses it at the creatures, crushing them. He grabs one of the remainers, and forces him to fire into the sky. The sky lights up.)

GORE: This is more like it.

(Yami and his bodymates continue to battle Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t, but they cannot reach him, as they are blown away as soon as they make it near him)

Yami: You're tough or something, I guess I'll give you that.

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: Oh, such high praise. I'm going to burn your flesh so very badly.

Yami: I'd like to see you try. Well, actually, not really. I'd rather you go away.

Hades: Focus!

Pharaoh: What's wrong with you, kid, are you autistic or something?

Yami: I've got problems, I'm technically a schizopheniac.

(Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t gives him a sharp, flaming uppercut.)

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: I'm not going to give you all day to talk- Wait, what did I punch? I didn't feel anything.

Hades: Mind playing tricks on you?

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: Dirty fighting. You're not above anything, ARE YOU?

Hades: Wasn't my idea.

Pharaoh: You'd be surprised at what you can think you see...

(The Kradian's surroundings dissapear. All he sees is a huge Hades behind him, with a crown upon his head. The Hades laughs maniacally, as he crushes Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t with a huge fist.)

Hades: I won't let Akujin rewrite us! You can be sure! The Kradians still live!

(Outside the battle, Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t fidgets on the floor. Suddenly, his limbs stop moving)

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: You think a few hallucinations will stop my revenge? You do not understand me at all!

(Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t jumps to his feet, shattering the spell. He then charges Yami, and sets the holes on his flaming arm to plug. The arm begins to swell, until he punches Yami, and it explodes. Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t is left without any arms, but YY is sent sprawling into a pillar. Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t approaches him to finish the job)

Pharaoh: You think that was me?

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: It was! I felt it!

Pharoah: How very naive. Look behind you.

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: Your over-confidence will finish you! (Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t presses a button with his toung. Another arm attaches itself to his right stub at an incredible speed - a long claw. He swivels around and slashes, to find nothing.)

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: Sneaky bastard, whe-

(A flaming dark egg explodes on his backside, and he reels to the floor, bloody and battered)

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: What? But how?

Hades: You did hit us.

Kelrisgnskweropop!?2@t: But the voic-

Pharaoh: Sound carries.

(The robot team fights the enormous Olive, who's more than a match for them)

Yellow: I've caught this arm- whaaaaa

(Yellow is flung into a wall, as another arm flings to slice him open. Black stops it with his double blades, but another knocks him away. The creature promptly turns around to face Green and Blue. Blue drives a small jeep around the flinging arms, as Green fires a large rocket launcher from the back. The creature reels from the shot, and the Robot team goes in for the kill, charging from all sides. Olive is however surprisingly spacially aware, and jumps into the air, bringing down the cutting appendages down on the four. The robot team is knocked into corners, as the huge beast screeches in delight (the sunny sort).)

Black: I can't sneak up on this guy!

Green: I can't outmanuever this guy!

Blue: I can't blast this guy!

Yellow: I can't overpower this guy!

Robot team: We're pretty worthless without Red, huh?

Olive: Krreeashhhh Thhheammmm!

Green: I have just the thing! Black and Yellow, keep him busy!

Black: Evil or Very Mad You better not be pulling a fast one on us-

(Black is crushed by one of the beast's strange, crustacean feet. Yellow quickly charges and lifts the foot up, forcing the creature into the wall. Debris begins to fall on it, but the creature sinks it's sharp appendages into the ceiling, and walks upside-down. Olive walks on the celing, lashing out with the slicing arms, as well as his feet. Yellow and Black attempt to fight back, but the skill and swiftness are far too quick to deal with, and they are knocked across the floor once more.)

Yellow: Mad You'd better have something soon!

Green: This kind of stuff takes time! The weapon needs to be balanced!

Blue: This is a powerful weapon that fires huge bullets, and we're indoors! If I couldn't hit it now, I'd be a pretty sore excuse for a gunman!

(Blue jumps on a huge wheel, and runs to turn it. It is an enormous RIP cannon)

Yellow: You know, there are more of us. It's not lik-

(Blue pulls a huge chain, and the makeshift artillery fires, breaking into pieces in the process. Olive prepares to dodge, but Yellow give him an uppercut skywards, and Black tosses his swords, embedding the creature's lashing blades into the ceiling. Olive is caught, and the Beam hits it, knocking the huge creature out of the building, through the roof. Olive still lives - it is well cooked throughout, but not yet dead. The Robot team on the other hand, were definite victims of the explosion, and lay pretty immobile on the ground)

Blue: Remind me to never trust you again, Green.

Green: Sounds good to me.

(Introbulus approaches Nijuka, who smiles maniacally. Nijuka fires an enormous yo-yo from his hand, which Introbulus dodges. Introbulus charges, but the ground in front of him explodes violently as energy comes UP from the ground. Nijuka releases bouncing spheres of heat-seeking explosives, which are instantly drawn towards Yami, and hit the side of the temple, removing it. Introbulus takes his oppertunity, and charges with his weapon. His weapon heats up a great deal, and Introbulus tosses it into the air. He kicks towards Nijuka, but Nijuka simply compresses his body into a pancake-thin size. Introbulus's halaberd, which he had been controlling flies over the shrunken Nijuka, and right into Introb.

Nijuka reshapes, and extends wires from his hands, trapping Introbulus's arm. Nijuka swings him into the ground, while simultaeneously buffeting him with large, sharp blasts of energy. Nijuka flies towards him, all four eyes opened in a very creepy manner, only to be trapped in the ground. realising the planet was made of metals, he was buffeted by sharp spears of dirt, and iron. He suddenly receives a knee to the stomach, and then Introbulus follows up with a lunge with his weapon. Nijuka is stabbed, and howls, but then simply laughs. The halaberd, as well as much of the ground around explode, knocking the two fighters out of the ground and into the air.

Nijuka is basically fine while Introbulus is bruised and beaten, and they both attack in midair. Nijuka simply fires electricity at Introbulus, who resists and gives a punch to Nijuka's "face". Nijuka spins, but his body reforms on the side he needs it, and he grabs Introbulus throwing him to the ground. Nijuka flies towards him, grabs his leg, and sticks him on an enormous, materialized spring, which he uses to launch Introbulus into a nearby cliff. Nijuka makes sure to follow up, and appears near Introbulus, who's pieces of the Iron Gauntlet fall off. Introbulus smiles, though he is simultaeneously spewing blood from his mouth)

Nijuka: What's so funny about dying, huh?

Introbulus: Nothing. Tell me, do you know why I wear this gauntlet?

Nijuka: Who cares?

Introbulus: There was once a terrible thing that nearly came to pass, once where I was close to destroying it all. This gauntlet may have given me power over metal, but Eerie had orignally constructed me as a much more dangerous creature, and it was used to hold that in.

Nijuka: I'm not afraid of some lame transformation. I'll crush you like anyone else!

Introbulus: If you really want a fight, you just... urgh... found one. (Getting bigger, features getting more... gem-like.) Ar... I'd say sorry, but it's... Already too late!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Saru and Cerulea fall through the atmosphere of the Planet of Sharp, Dangerous Objects- named in memorial of the civil rights activist Roger Planet of Sharp, Dangerous Objects. The fact that the planet actually does have sharp and dangerous objects is just a coincidence. And anyway, they're falling, and have been falling for two pages, towards one particularly-nasty pit of spikes, and the funk has them too weak to fly.*

Saru: Cerulea, can you still summon water?

Cerulea: Yeah, I get what you're thinking.

*Cerulea blasts down a gush of water, just enough to fill up the pit so they can swim above the spikes in it.*

Saru: Good, we're safe.

Cerulea: Whoo... give me a second to rest after that move.

*As GORE fights his way through the endless waves of soldiers... he has... OMG another flashback.*


*In Chuck E. Cheese's, the biggest of the Party Goers's parties is off to a banging start.*

Rhyk: This is great, Golem! This party has laster over an hour- passing all records of our other parties!

Golem: Yeah, but there's still one person missing.

Sapphire: You're gonna talk about Yoshiman again, aren't you. He probably just got a life.

Luigi: Yoshiman's a good guy. But then again I wouldn't want to be trapped in his body seventeen or so years from now. Hey, that
sounded kinda forced.

Dude: He might not have come, but at least everyone else to ever appear in a Party Goers OG is here.

*The doorbell rings.*

Flutter: Maybe that's him!

*Golem answers the door and finds a giant suit of armor standing there.*

Golem: Who's under that armor? Yoshiman?

Armor: No. I AM the armor.

Golem: Is that some sort of psychological motivation thing?

Armor: Please shut up. And my name is Steve, I'm from the museam near this Chuck E. Cheese's. I, uh, hear there's a
festivity being attended here.

Golem: Yeah, we go to parties alot. That's why we're called the Party Goers.

Steve: (draws an axe) Your organization remotely reminds me of the Festivity Attendersregardless of whether or not the resemblence is
actually there, because the Festivity Attenders were an original creation unlike any pre-existing groups of characters.

Golem: (sighs) Well at least this party lasted longer than the others.

*Several lasers blast through the ceiling.*

*GORE than realizes that he didn't even have any lines in that flashback and decided to pick his memories more carefully next time. His reminisience was interuppted as he was slapped by a spiked tentacle. He looks up to see Olive there, looking quite unhappy.(


*GORE is immediately slapped around by the tentacles at high speed and then stomped on by the lobster foot. However, GORE puts some strength into his arms, lifting the foot up and tripping Olive over. GORE then leaps on Olive's back and uses his laser eye to cut off two tentacles. Holding onto both tentacles, he has one tied to Olive's neck while using the other to whip the beast. In minutes Olive is tamed.*

Olive: Grrrrrrrrsh!

*In Japan, the rebellion against the robots continues. Lila leads Aaron, Culex and the others in the latest fight, and they're losing. As the robots are led by one even more powerful one- a giant mechanical butler called the BUTLER-20.*

Lila: Keep it up! We can't afford to lose this one!

BUTLER: May I help you all to death, young sirs and sirettes? (blasts machine guns rapidly)

AaronGuy: (shot in the chest) AUGH (collapses)

Lila: No!

*Culex angrily flies at the BUTLER, only to be smacked back. Suddenly the Volkswagen flies down from the sky and rams into the BUTLER, sending it flying into the ocean, where it shortcircuits and explodes. SwordMaster, Chizu and Kantii climb out and begin fighting through the remaining robots- especially SwordMaster, who fights surprisingly fiercely against the robots.*

Lila: What is this?

Kantii: Reinforcements.

*Back on Mystery, Nijuka scoffs at Introbulus's transformation.*

Nijuka: Sorry, I'm not impressed.

*Introbulus grabs Nijuka's head, spins him around and flings him into an airship, exploding on impact. Nijuka's body falls to the ground.*

Nijuka: Hey, that was NOT cool!

*Nijuka extends his open palms outward and from them blasts a beam of pure darkness at Introbulus. Introbulus shouts, creating an even bigger beam of energy that overwhelms Nijuka's and send Nijuka himself flying back.*

Nijuka: Say something bitch!

*Nijuka opens his Akujin Eye that he has in one hand and flies at Introbulus with it. Introbulus grabs the hand and crushes it.*


*Introbulus slaps Nijuka away as he nurses his smoking hand.*

Nijuka: (whispers softly) Stupids idiots, why don't you all die... (increasingly louder) die, die DIE!!!

*As Nijuka says this his remaining Akujin Eye glows even fiercer. The entire planet begins shaking wildly as tremors open in the ground. Throughout all this Nijuka simply bursts into madmanic laughter.*

OoC: I might have made Introbulus too powerful but whatever.