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Latest revision as of 22:37, 30 April 2011

The EleFish Pokémon
#602 - Tynamo
Evolve Eelektrik
Debut Pokémon: Black Version
Pokémon: White Version
Species Info
Type Electric.gif+
Height 0.2 m (0'08")
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs.)
Color White
Gender Ratio 1♂ : 1♀
Ability Levitate
Hidden Ability
Egg Group Indeterminate
Icon Sprite
File:I602.gif File:602sprite.png
Base Statistics
Hit Points 35 Speed 60
Attack 55 Sp. Attack 45
Defense 40 Sp. Defense 40
Training Info
Catch Rate 190 Hatch Steps 5,120
Base Exp. 055 Effort Points Spe
Happiness 70
To Lv.100 Slow
Kanto # Johto # Hoenn # Sinnoh #
< 602 >
Unova # Johto (IV) #
< 108 >

Tynamo is a small, floating electric fish-like Pokémon that was introduced in the fifth generation games. It is the first in a three-step evolutionary line, with its evolved forms being Eelektrik and Eelektross.


Tynamo resemble small fish that can float in the air, and it has an electricity-generating organ which allows it to discharge electricity when it is danger. They usually travel in schools. This is because Tynamo is weak on its own, but a chain of them could be as powerful as lightning.

Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at Level 39.


Mainstream Games[edit]

In Pokémon: Black and White Versions, Tynamo could be rarely found at Chargestone Cave.


  • Its name is a combination of "tiny" or "tyke" (referring to its small size and youth) with "dynamo" (due to its electric generating abilities).
  • Tynamo's evolutionary line is unique in that the Levitate ability makes it immune to Ground type moves except under special conditions, so they have no type weaknesses.