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This article lists characters appearing in The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds. Note that, as this game is a follow-up to A Link to the Past, many of the games' characters come with homages to characters fro A Link to the Past.

Main Characters

Seven Sages

Minor Characters

Bard and Flute Boy

  • A pair of performers who frequent the Milk Bar. The Flute Boy was shy and rarely spoke, with the bard doing the talking for them. They perform songs for money, which consist of versions of various musical tracks from the game. The bard also has a Lorule counterpart, who is part of Stalblinds thieves and only sings a song about fearing his boss's wrath, part of which acts as part of the password needed to enter the Thieves Town dungeon.


  • The Blacksmith was a blacksmith who existed in both Hyrule and Lorule, operating outside of Kakariko Village/Thieves Town. He was married to a woman known only as the Blacksmith's Wife in both worlds, and each blacksmith was also the best known blacksmith in the land, although the Lorule blacksmith proved to be the better of the two.
    • Hyrule's Blacksmith was the father of Gulley and took Link on as an apprentice, although he disapproved of how often Link overslept and was late. At the beginning of the game, he sent Link to deliver the sword that the captain had left behind. Later on, he grew worried for his son when he went missing and was ultimately relieved to find out he was safe. If Link brought him two Master Ore chunks, he could use them to enhance the Master Sword into the Tempered Sword. After that, he claimed that was his limit and that no one was skilled enough to make the sword any stronger, even with more Master Ore. The Blacksmith ultimately stood corrected when Link returned with the modified Golden Sword. Without knowing who tempered it, he saw this as a sign to work on improving his skills further, so that he could become even better than the other blacksmith.
    • Lorule's Blacksmith was disdainful of the way that others used weapons, including Link. But when he saw Link with the Tempered Sword, he was impressed by it and felt his blood running. He wanted to improve upon it further, and so if Link brought him two chunks of Master Ore, then the blacksmith would temper it into the Golden Sword. He felt satisfied with his work and asked Link to strike down some monsters for him with "that beauty".

Blacksmith's Wife

  • The unnamed wife of the Blacksmith, with versions existing in both Hyrule and Lorule. In Hyrule, she was the mother of Gulley and spent most of the game worried about his disappearance, although she was relieved to find out from Link that he was safe later on, and they were reunited in the ending.
    • In contrast, her Lorule counterpart was callous towards others. She found Link passed out when he arrived in Hyrule and brought him to the blacksmith's shop to recuperate, although she claimed to regret it because she was not used to being nice. She also claimed that she would never name a kid Gulley, even if she had kids. Later in the game, after witnessing her husband temper the Tempered Sword into the Golden Sword, she was reminded of why she married him many years ago. This led her to apologuze for her behavior and to tell Link that he helped to remind her of the good in people.

Bee Guy

  • He was an eccentric and passionate collecter of bees who lived in Kakariko Village, dressed like a bee and constantly worked bee-related puns into his words. He gave Link the Bug-Catching Net so that he could catch bees for him. The Bee Guy thanked Link for any bees that he brought him with a monetary reward, and the first time he delivered a Gold Bee, he gave him a Bee Badge in return.


  • The captain of Hyrule's guards. He apparently visited the Sanctuary often, which Dampe claimed was because he had feelings for Seres. At the beginning of the game, he accidentally left the sword that Link ended up using at the blacksmith. When Yogu attacked, the captain was turned into a painting and remained in that state until he was restored at the end of the game.

Cucco Girl

  • A girl running the Cucco Ranch south of Kakariko Village. She invited Link to play a Cucco-dodging minigame at three difficulty levels: Egg, Chick and Rooster. She appreciated how happy the games made the Cuccos and gave Link rewards when he succeeded.


  • An older man who worked for the Blacksmith, with versions appearing in both Hyrule and Lorule. In Hyrule, he sang about his work, but he grew concerned about the disappearances of Gulley and Rosso. His Lorule counterpart was more apathetic, but he started to feel inspired when he saw his master at work tempering the Master Sword.


  • A gravekeeper with versions existing in both Hyrule and Lorule.

Derby Boy and Derby Girl

  • A pair of children living in Lorule. The derby boy ran the Octoball Derby, and the derby girl gave advice about how to play the game.

Devilish Girl

  • A floating, devil-like girl who appeared at the Treacherous Tower in Lorule. She charged Link to take on the Treacherous Tower challenge at different difficulty levels. She was blunt about the low chances of surviving the challenge, but she still supported Link and gave him rewards when he completed the challenges.


  • He has a place where he tells others' fortunes, which for the player amounts to hints about what to do next in the game. Versions of him exist in both Hyrule and Lorule, located near Kakariko Village/Thieves Town. Both versions of the old witch also had feelings for him, as well. In Hyrule, the fortune-teller read her fortune once and predicted her love was doom to fail, while seemingly oblivious to being the target of her affections, and this caused the witch to condemn fortune telling. In Lorule, it seems that things went differently, as the two became a lovey-dovey couple, and the Old Witch spent all her time hanging out at his place.


  • An old man living in Kakariko Village. He takes on the role of explaining the game's Streetpass functions to Link, and talking to him can set it up for the game. According to the Rumor Guy, he is more spry than he looks and does push-ups with his fingers.


  • An old woman who acted as the housekeeper for Sahasrahla's house in Kakariko Village. She had a crush on Osfala, who gave her a robe once, but she realized that it was not meant to be and that he was more intent on proving himself to Princess Zelda. She wondered where he had gone to regardless, and during the end credits, she was seen weeping when Osfala returned.

Milk Bar Owner

  • In Hyrule, the Milk Bar Owner was a kindly man who resembled Talon and Barten, and he sells fresh milk from Lon Lon Ranch. When Link came to him with a message in a bottle from a boulderer lost on Death Mountain, he gave Link a bottle of premium milk to bring to him, as he was a regular at the Milk Bar. Once Link completed this mission, the owner thanked him by reducing the price of milk by one-half for him.
    • In Lorule, the Milk Bar Owner instead resembled Ingo and was antisocial. He hated the influx of customers who came to the milk bar just to get away from monsters and wished that he could drink milk alone.

Mama Turtle

  • A large turtle living in Lorule's great lake. She had three smaller children who went missing. After Link helped them to return to her, the children piled upon her back, and Link could then ride them around the area, allowing him to access the entrance to Turtle Rock.

Mother Maiamai

  • She was a large Maiamai mother who was found in a cave on the northwestern shore of Lake Hylia, the entrance to which was initially blocked with a sign warning of her strange nature. She apparently had some world-hopping ability, as she mentioned having been on a "great voyage through all the worlds". She had a hundred children who went missing in various areas of Hyrule and Lorule, and she tasked Link with finding them for her when he met her. For every ten Maiamai babies that Link found, she would upgrade one of Link's weapons (but only the ones that were previously rentals), and after all one hundred of them were saved, she granted him the Hurricane Spin ability.


  • An Octorok child living in Hyrule and wearing a baseball cap who acted as a pitcher in the Octoball Derby minigame.

Old Witch

  • There were versions of this witch in both Hyrule and Lorule. Both versions of her had feelings for the fortune-teller. In Hyrule, the witch resided in a hut located north of the Eastern Ruins, where Syrup's shop was in A Link to the Past. She brewed and sold potions, although Link had to provide ingredients for most of her potions. She also had a granddaughter named Irene, whom she worried for during her disappearance. As for her feelings about the fortune-teller, she once had him read her fortune, and ihe was able to see that she was in love with someone. But he, seemingly oblivious to being the person in question, predicted that the man would not return her feelings and that they would have no future. Because of this, the witch condemned fortune telling.
    • In Lorule, that version of the witch successfully got into a relationship with the fortune-teller and was found at his place all the time. She claimed that his fortunes were always right and warned customers not to nitpick his fortunes. The fortune-teller affectionately referred to her as "Mapes", implying that her real name could be Maple. This version of her also apparently did not recognize the name of Irene.


  • A priest who was found in Hyrule's sanctuary. He was the proud father of Seres and was injured by Yuga during the sorcerer's kidnapping of his daughter. He worried for Seres's wellbeing and was reassured to hear that she was safe after Link rescued her. They were reunited in the ending. In Lorule, he was replaced by a philosopher with a cynical viewpoint towards the state of Lorule and felt that the end was at hand.

Rumor Guy

  • This man lived in a cave within the Lost Woods and specialized in reporting rumors about others. He followed people around for material for his rumors, including Princess Zelda herself. He offered to tell Link rumors about Gramps, Zelda and the Old Witch.

Shady Guy

  • He was a thief living in Kakariko Village who owned a pair of Pegasus Boots. He claimed that he was compelled to thievery by how easy his Pegasus Boots made it. He stole the smooth gem from Oren, the queen of the Zoras, and he sold it to a merchant at the village. Afterwards, he tried to use his Pegasus Boots to flee every time he saw Link, but Link could get the jump on him by merging with a wall to get behind him. The shady guy admitted to his crimes and gave Link his Pegasus Boots so that he could use them responsibly. This character acted as an homage to the Running Man from A Link to the Past, who also ran away from Link in Kakariko Village in a similar manner, although in that case Link had to use the Pegasus Boots to catch him.

Stylish Woman

  • A woman living in Kakariko Village who spent most of her time locked in her home, deciding what to wear. A fissure to Lorule opened in her home, and Link could use that to enter her home. She was initially surprised by Link's presence in her home, but she was pleased when Link apparently complimented her dress. In return, she gave him a Piece of Heart and left her door unlocked for him. Whenever he visited afterwards, she blew him a kiss (in the form of a recovery heart) as a 'token of her affection'.

Thief Girl

  • She was one of the thieves living in Thieves Town. She knew where Blind the Thief kept Impa's portrait, and she was locked up in the dungeon to keep her from telling anyone about it. Link eventually met her, and they made a deal. He helped her to escape from the dungeon, and in turn she got him into the house where the portrait was kept. He even fought Stalblind to save her. Afterwards, the thief girl hid out in a cave near the swamp to be safe and started to wear a fox-like mask to hide her identity. When Link found her there, she gave him Rupees as thanks for saving her and also asked him to keep her hiding place a secret.