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Species Human
Class Mage
Promotion Sage/Mage Knight
Hair color Purple
Eye color Purple
Base Renais
Relatives Artur, Kyle (possible husbands)
Debut Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Lute is a playable unit in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and the only recruitable mage.


Lute was a talented young mage from the village of Serafew. She was known for her boisterous nature, calling herself a prodigy and claiming to be better than anyone else. She was also devoted to her studies and spent most of her time studying about various subjects in her books, as well as learning and perfecting new spells, saying that only magic was worthy of her learning. She only rarely went outside, and when she did she was often fascinated by even the most trivial things in nature. Little is known of her background except that she did not know her parents, who were traveling in distant lands, but she lived with or near her grandmother. Lute was also friends with Artur, another inhabitant of the village who was both annoyed and comforted by her strange behavior.

She initially appeared in "Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors", when Serafew was attacked by the revenants of the Demon King, which she recognized from her studies. Lute initially stayed behind in the village while Artur went out to aid Eirika's group in quelling the beasts, but Lute would decide to join if any of the group came to the village. She lent her magical wisdom and abilities to Eirika and Ephraim's army throughout the War of the Stones and was proud of their abilities upon the Demon King's defeat.

Possible Fates

Lute has three different endings depending on who she reaches A Rank Support with:

  • Default Ending - Lute returned to Renais and continued her studies, but no longer confined herself to the library so much. She became more outgoing and spent more time traveling outside, becoming a great and well-traveled sage.
  • Artur and Lute's Ending - The two were married after returning to Renais. Life remained mostly the same for them aside from Artur doing the housework. They eventually had a son, at which point Lute's interests switched from studying Artur to studying their son's baffling habits.
  • Kyle and Lute's Ending - Lute and Kyle were married in Renais after the war, despite Kyle's friends being confused by Kyle's choice in brides. They had a son together, and Kyle dedicated himself to his upbringing.

Support Conversation Summaries

Lute is capable of having Support conversations with five other characters:

  • Artur - In the first conversation, Artur finds Lute observing a beetle and notes how she has not changed. She begins to talk about the beetle and suggests taking it back with them to do further research on it. Artur hopes this is not another of her pranks and reminisces on some of Lute's past pranks on him. Lute says she played these pranks to help him overcome his fears and also because they amused her, and Artur accepts this as the closest thing to an act of kindness that Lute can do. In the next conversation Lute notes that Artur is exhausted, and he complains about how everything in warfare has been unexpected and exhausting, especially the monsters they battled. Lute proceeds to tell him various methods that could help him sleep and offers to hum for him, but Artur passes and says that Lute must be tired herself. Lute concedes to this and wonders if she should try humming herself to sleep. Artur then says that he feels refreshed, as if Lute's very word has nurtured his soul, which only served to confuse Lute. In the final conversation Lute talks about how she considers some of the monsters they battle to be cute and that when she tears them apart she does so with love. Artur says that her way of expressing love is frightening and asks her if he should expect her to attack him with magic. Lute remains oblivious to Artur's point, which leads him to openly admit that he loves her. She then panics and begins to recite quotations from her textbooks, and when he asks her why she has lost her cool she says that her textbooks have not taught her how to deal with love. Artur tells her that love needs no textbooks and that she should just be herself and listen to her feelings. After some stuttering, Lute tells Artur that she is glad he is here, and Artur says that he is too.
  • Kyle - Kyle comes to Lute and proposes that she aid him in making diverse battle strategies for the coming battles due to her magical prowess. Lute agrees to this even after Kyle tells her they will be battling on the front lines and that it will be dangerous. In the next conversation Kyle compliments her on the success of their strategies and the wonders of magic, and Lute says he is an incredible fighter himself. Kyle begins to talk about his rivalry with Forde and she says he should be glad to have a personal adversary that he coyld measure himself against. Kyle then notes this is the longest conversation they had and seems surprised, admitting that she did not seem to be interested in other people. Lute replies that she did get a little interested in him. In the next conversation, Kyle checks up on Lute in the middle of battle and sees she is fine but tells her not to push herself because she is vital to his strategy. He then asks her about her hobbies and interests, which prompts the usual odd answers and her mention of "monk-watching". Kyle is amused by her answers and says that he never gets bored of her but finds her inexplicably refreshing. She says that she likes talking to him to, which leads Kyle to invite her back to Renais following the end of the war. Lute cites no objections, which makes Kyle laugh more, and they agree to get through the war first.
  • Knoll - Knoll notices Lute stalking him and attempts to ask her for her reasons when she attacks him, but he dodges. After he dodges a second attack, she says that he is too dangerous and she cannot let him threaten her natural superiority. In the next conversation, Lute confronts Knoll to tell him that she has been researching him to find his Achilles' heel. Knoll questions her motives, and she says she cannot allow him to be superior to her because him using magic makes him competition, especially dark magic. Knoll attempts to rationally explain that they are allies and that they should not worry about who is better if they are on the same side, but Lute accuses him of trying to trick her and decides to momentarily retreat because it is no longer safe for her. In the final conversation, Lute apologizes to Knoll, but for the reason that she had observed him in combat and come to think that she had overestimated his abilities and that she was still the greater. Lute then is about to leave, but Knoll suggests she stay and chat because it was safe now that he was no longer considered a threat to her, and Lute agrees to this as long as they agree she is the superior one.
  • Ross - In the first conversation, Ross confronts Lute and asks her about her magic powers, although Lute does not take him seriously and refers to him as "Son-of-warrior-garcia-ross". When Ross asks if he could learn magic, she bluntly answers no and leaves abruptly. In the next conversation, Ross chastises Lute for leaving in the middle of their conversation and prevents her from doing so again, and he admits to her that he was looking into magic because his mother was a mage before she died. He says that he does not really want to be a mage, and Lute says he should follow the path more appropriate for him and his abilities, but Ross says that he really only wanted to talk to a female mage like her and thanked her. In the final conversation she finally remembers his actual name, and Ross begins to ask her more about her interests and her family, only to be confused by her answers. He then offers to protect her because despite being a great mage, she does not seem to be physically strong. Lute accepts this offer but says that she would most likely end up protecting him, which caused him to point out in annoyance that she was just supposed to say yes. He then talks about his desire to grow up to be as strong as his dad, but Lute bluntly tells him that disappointment is a cruel mistress.
  • Vanessa - Vanessa introduces herself and her pegasus to Lute, being quite eager to meet her. Lute begins to recite various points of trivia about the pegasus, much of which Vanessa already knew. Vanessa then thanks her for the lesson and says it was a pleasure to meet her, but Lute accidentally calls her by her pegasus's name. In the second conversation she once again calls her by her pegasus's name and asks if she could try out some magic on her pegasus, to which Vanessa protests. Lute claims it was a joke, but Vanessa says she did not look like the type to make jokes. She then compliments Lute for her magical abilities and admits that in addition to having wanted to be a pegasus knight she once wanted to be a mage as well but did not have the necessary talent. Lute says she also wants to be a pegasus knight and tells Vanessa how far she is in her training. In the final conversation they both make jokes about the pegasus, and Vanessa tells Lute that she has helped her not to take things too seriously and be less like her sister, saying that she could relax and be herself around Lute. She invites Lute to Frelia upon the war's end and offers to let her ride a pegasus, and Lute decides to deepen her research of pegasii in preparation for this.