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Deadly Adept
Species Beorc
Class FE9/FE10
Promotion FE10
Affiliation Greil Mercenaries
(formerly) Daein
Crimean Liberation Army
Hair color Red
Eye color Green
Age 30 (as of FE10)
Debut Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Shinon is a playable unit in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and is the first playable Sniper in the game. He is also playable in the sequel, Radiant Dawn.


Shinon was a deadly archer who claimed to be self reliant. Thus he often insulted and shunned others away in a cold or harsh manner and sought his own survival above all. He also constantly sought money for himself and a better social status. Shinon eventually joined up with the Greil Mercenaries, as he seemed to have respect for the leader, Greil. During his time in the Greil Mercenaries, Shinon was rarely seen without Gatrie, the more innocent Armor Knight who still wound up taking most of Shinon's advice to heart. They also worked together in what they called "thunder and lightning tactics", as Gatrie crashed into enemies like thunder while Shinon rained arrows down on enemies like lightning. Despite his respect for Greil, Shinon had a loathing for his son Ike and saw the kid as spoiled. Shinon did, however, secretly teach Rolf archery in one of his rare shows of affection. Despite being one of the senior mercenaries, Shinon did not see this as a personal job and often talked with Gatrie about seeking jobs that brought them better pay and respect.

Path of Radiance

Shinon and Gatrie are first seen at the end of "Chapter: Rescue", when Titania had called them in to help rescue Mist and Rolf from a group of bandits. The battle had already ended when they arrived, but one bandit was holding Rolf hostage. Shinon was able to live up to his class's name and sniped the bandit from a distance. Then in "Chapter 3: Pirates Aground", Shinon and Gatrie joined Ike and Titania in a mission driving away pirates. Afterwards, Shinon complained about the mercenary work being lowly, although he then claimed he was joking when Titania reprimanded him. Then in "Chapter 4: Roadside Battle", he reluctantly served in a team led by Ike to investigate the attack by Daein soldiers. Afterwards, he stole weapons from the various corpses. In "Chapter 5: Flight!", Shinon approved of Soren's idea to hand Princess Elincia over to Daein and expressed his disdain of traveling to the "stinking beast country" known as Gallia.

The Greil Mercenaries were forced on the run to Gallia, at which point Greil, Shinon and Gatrie separated from the others to distract the Daein forces. Shinon and Gatrie met up with Ike's group again in "Chapter 7: Shades of Evil". However, afterwards Greil was killed by the Black Knight, and Ike was named the new commander. Shinon was outraged. He was unwilling to follow a child, especially one he hated as much as Ike, so the next morning he and Gatrie left the Greil Mercenaries and went their separate ways.

Shinon then joined up with the Daein forces, because he appreciated how Daein determined class ranking by strength in battle, as well as their high wages. Shortly after being recruited, he was assigned to work under Kayachey in defending Tor Garen from the Crimean Liberation Army, which was led by Ike, in "Chapter 18: Crimea Marches". Shinon would not hesitate to attack and kill his former teammates. Rolf talked to Shinon, but Shinon was not moved by this conversation. However, Ike seemingly was, and after Ike defeated Shinon, he spared his life. Afterwards, Ike said that everything Shinon ever thought about Ike was wrong, because he had defeated Shinon himself and was leading an army, so he was not spoiled and dependent on Greil. Ike asked Shinon to rejoin their group, but Shinon wanted another duel. Shinon wanted to be named commander if he won, but he would serve Ike if Ike won again. Presumably Ike won, as Shinon was in the group in "Chapter 19: Entrusted".

A drunk Shinon later approached Ike in a Base Conversation of "Chapter 23: The Great Bridge" and tried attacking him with insults regarding Ike's new position as a noble. He also once again requested to be the new commander of Greil Mercenaries and told him to change the name of the company since he had no right to use Greil's name. Shinon was too busy getting sick to hear Ike mention he kept the name in memorial of Greil. After the war was finished, Shinon refused to congratulate Ike and told him he was still a snot-nose whelp and inferior to Shinon.

Radiant Dawn

Three years later, Shinon was still traveling among the mercenaries and continued to secretly train Rolf. With the rest of the mercenaries, he returned from hiding to rescue Lucia from rebels at the end of "Part 2: Of Countries and Kings". He and Rolf were featured in the accompanying animated scene, in which he instructed Rolf who was preparing to shoot an arrow that would pierce the noose to prevent Lucia from being hanged. But Rolf was afraid that he would hit her, so Shinon took over and shot the arrow instead, successfully saving Lucia.

In "Part 3: Intersecting Vows", Shinon followed the Greil Mercenaries in joining with the Laguz Alliance Army despite his hatred for the laguz. In the base conversation for "Chapter 1: Laguz and Beorc", he got into an argument with the laguz Lyre and Kyza, and then was surprised to learn that Lyre was Gatrie's latest crush. Later on in "Chapter 4: The General's Hand", Shinon secretly made a custom bow, the Silencer, and sold it to Aimee's item shop in exchange for a Blue Gem. Then in "Endgame: From Pain, Awakening", Shinon helped Rolf to make a new bow so that if he was going to endanger himself in combat he would at least have a decent bow to protect him. He became angry when Rolf wondered how he could repay him, saying that he never asked for anything in return and if anything Rolf should repay him by surpassing his expectations and becoming a better archer than him.

After the wars ended, it was said that Shinon spent his time lazing around in his old haunts and became an expert in everything he tried, but he called none of these his calling.

Support Conversation Summaries

Shinon is capable of having Support conversations with three other characters.

  • Gatrie- Gatrie comes to Shinon asking for advice, but Shinon will only do so if Gatrie buys him dinner. Gatrie is unsure how to spend his reward money and when Shinon doesn't seem to mind what Gatrie gets, Gatrie reminds Shinon of various times he criticized him for his previous purchases. Shinon tells Gatrie that he's only telling the truth and then asks for dinner, but Gatrie realizes that Shinon didn't really give him advice. In the second conversation, Shinon attempts to lose Gatrie when he comes seeking advice again, but Gatrie ultimately earns Shinon's ear by offering him dinner at an expensive restaurant. This time he asks for advice on what to get his new girlfriend, and they decide to discuss it over dinner. In the final conversation, Gatrie is filled with glee because he thinks he is fated to marry his girlfriend, who had a terminal illness which Gatrie paid to cure, and it was coincidentally the exact amount of money he had. Gatrie's date doesn't show up, so Shinon informs him that he's been conned. Shinon decides to treat Gatrie to dinner this time, which Gatrie sees as a real treat.
  • Janaff- In the first conversation, Janaff attempts to interrogate Shinon, but Shinon blows him off and calls him an ignorant half-breed while threatening him to leave him alone. They both claim to be letting the other go for now. In the second conversation, Shinon attempts insulting Janaff while Janaff insults Shinon by bringing up Greil's past. Janaff is confused and asks Shinon what he fights for, when Shinon says that he simply fights to live. Janaff is surprised by this, having heard that humans like to kill and make weapons to hunt laguz for sport. Shinon opposes by saying that the laguz are the killers and humans make weapons to defend themselves from laguz. In the final conversation, Janaff apologizes for his assumptions about the beorcs and admits he's come to like General Ike, although Shinon mentions his hatred for Ike. Janaff tells Shinon that he reminds him of him when he was younger, revealing himself to be over 110. Shinon is shocked by this and tries to ask Janaff about all the things he's seen in his life.
  • Rolf- Rolf comes up to Shinon and thanks him for his lessons by giving him his own bow that he made. Shinon criticizes the bow-like chunk of wood harshly, but when Rolf starts crying, Shinon stops his crying by giving him another lesson. In the next conversation, Rolf returns with the slightly improved bow. Shinon refuses to wield it in battle, but after Rolf decides to use the bow for himself, Shinon decides to take it and pretends to have had a weird urge. Rolf follows him to see him use it. However, he finds Shinon threw it away. Shinon says he did Rolf a favor since he would have died if he entered battle with that bow. Rolf tells Shinon how he admired him for teaching him how to fight when none of his brothers would and preventing him from sitting around and doing nothing. Shinon then tells Rolf that adults would rather not send children into a battlefield because of the fear of being responsible for a death. He tells Rolf that he hates adults for their ego and pride but Rolf is growing up fast and the sooner he learns to defend himself, the better. Rolf asks if that is the real reason Shinon taught him to wield a bow rather than just on a whim, but Shinon refuses to give a clear answer.

Shinon also has a Support bonus with Rolf which increases Shinon's chances of delivering a critical hit when Rolf is nearby, and vice-versa.

In Radiant Dawn, he has automatic Bond Supports with Gatrie and Rolf.


Path of Radiance

Base Stats

  • Class: Sniper
  • Lvl: 1
  • HP: 32
  • Str: 9
  • Mag: 6
  • Skl: 15
  • Spd: 13
  • Lck: 9
  • Def: 9
  • Res: 6

Wlv: Bows A Affin: Thunder Growth Rates

  • HP: 75
  • Str: 65
  • Mag: 20
  • Skl: 70
  • Spd: 65
  • Lck: 35
  • Def: 50
  • Res: 40

Radiant Dawn

Base Stats

  • Class:
  • Lvl:
  • HP:
  • Str:
  • Mag:
  • Skl:
  • Spd:
  • Lck:
  • Def:
  • Res:

Growth Rates

  • HP:
  • Str:
  • Mag:
  • Skl:
  • Spd:
  • Lck:
  • Def:
  • Res:


  • Unused data in Path of Radiance suggests that Shinon was originally intended to have additional support conversations with Mist and Calill.

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