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Black Dragon King
Species Laguz (Dragon)
Class Black Dragon King
Affiliation Goldoa
Hair color Black
Eye color Red
Base Goldoa
Relatives Rajaion, Almedha, Kurthnaga (children)
Soren (grandson)
Voiced by Unknown
Debut Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Dheginsea was the king of Goldoa who acted as a minor supporting character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and a boss in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.


Dheginsea was one of the Three Great Heroes who received were called in by the Goddess of Order Ashera to defeat the Goddess of Chaos Yune to defeat her after Yune had caused the Great Flood that had destroyed most of Tellius. Dheginsea knew that Yune was not truly evil but simply could not control her power. Dheginsea, Altina and Soan received blessings which allowed them to defeat Yune, who was then sealed within Lehran's Medallion. As Ashera and Yune were bound to each other, this also caused Ashera to fall into a deep slumber for 1000 years. Before she went into her coma, the three heroes and Lehran promised to Ashera that there would be no war until she awoke again.

Fearing Ashera's wrath if she were to awaken, Dheginsea altered history to make Yune appear to be a dark god who would destroy the world if awakened form the medallion, hoping that this would discourage his fellow laguz kings from starting wars amongst each other, as the chaotic energies of war could awaken Yune and Ashera prematurely. Afterwards, he created the kingdom of Goldoa far away from the other countries where it would remain isolated and neutral in order to discourage warfare. Dheginsea especially did not want his country to get involved in war due to how dangerous the dragons were in battle. Soon afterwards he was overjoyed when Altina and Lehran had a baby together, the first child born to a beorc-laguz couple, believing that the child would become a symbol of peace. However, Lehran afterwards lost both his powers and temporarily his sanity. Dheginsea saw that this would cause a rift between the beorc and laguz if word spread, so after Lehran regained himself he came to Goldoa and lived under Dheginsea's protection while Altina claimed their child was born to a beorc husband.

Over the years, Dheginsea stubbornly dedicated himself to his anti-war policy. However, when the laguz became slaves of the beorc, Lehran began calling upon Dheginsea to move to help them. Dheginsea refused to take action in order to protect the future generations, which led Lehran to flee from Goldoa. Dheginsea faced similar criticisms in later years from Tibarn, who accused him for not caring for his laguz brethren. Wars eventually erupted across Tellius, so Dheginsea hoped to prolong the awakening of Yune as long as possible. Some dragons further disagreed with his policies - namely Nasir and Dheginsea's own daughter Almedha, who left Goldoa and wound up becoming the concubine of the mad king Ashnard. His oldest and favorite son Rajaion went out to find her, and even later on Ena left in search of Rajaion. This left only Dheginsea's youngest son Kurthnaga in Goldoa with him.

Ashnard did everything he could to provoke Goldoa into warfare, as he wished to awaken the "dark god" in the medallion. So he used his son with Almedha as bait in a trap to lure in with Rajaion, who was morphed by Izuka's Feral One drugs into a wyvern-like monster. Nasir and Ena were both blackmailed into Ashnard's service, and the red dragon platoon he sent out to search for Almedha were also turned to Feral Ones. He called a meeting of the laguz kings in "Chapter 14: Training" of Path of Radiance in an attempt to urge the other laguz kings not to join in on the Mad King's War, but most wound up involved anyway. Dheginsea was tempted on the verge of going to battle when the war ended with the death of Ashnard. Rajaion also died following the battle, but Reyson and Leanne were able to use their galdr to restore Rajaion to his true form for his dying moments. Nasir and Ena then returned to Goldoa to bury Rajaion and remained there.

Three years later, Dheginsea once more stuck to his path of neutrality when the Laguz Alliance Army was formed and went to war with Begnion. The Laguz Alliance Army accidentally wound up in Goldoa after navigating the Kouki Caves in "Chapter 15: The Incandescent Glow". Meeting with them, Dheginsea ordered them to either return to the caves or face a death sentence. Ike stood up to him, saying that sending them back to the caves was like killing them anyway so he would rather take the death sentence. Nasir and Ena were able to convince Dheginsea to make an exception to his rule and let them escort the Laguz Alliance to Gallia's borders by reminding them that the army's ranks included Reyson, whom had helped in saving his son. So Dheginsea reluctantly allowed them passage.

After Ashera awoke in "Part 4: Of Countries and Kings", Dheginsea rededicated himself to serving her. He saw that they had not lived up to their promise to Ashera, so he was ready to accept his punishment. Dheginsea and all the Goldoan dragons became guardians of Ashera in the Tower of Guidance. They eventually faced battle with Ike's army in "Final Chapter: Rebirth". This army included two of the dragons, Kurthnaga and Ena; Dheginsea and all the other dragons would not attack either of the two. Dheginsea was defeated in the battle, wondering whether it was his body or his heart that had grown weak.

He then met with Yune, who apologized for the destruction she had caused all those years ago while he in turn apologized for labeling her a dark god. Dheginsea then sent the remaining dragons to follow Kurthnaga, who would become the new king. He gave his last messages to Kurthnaga, Nasir, Gareth and Ena, pretending he would survive. But soon after they left, Dheginsea passed away. In his last words he gave a message of hope for Almedha, and told his wife and Rajaion that he would be joining them soon.


Radiant Dawn

Base Stats

  • Class: Black dragon
  • Lvl: 40
  • HP: 100
  • Str: 50
  • Mag: 26
  • Skl: 36
  • Spd: 30
  • Lck: 30
  • Def:50
  • Res: 46
  • Wlv: Strike SS
  • Affin: Heaven


  • His name was originally spelled Deghinsea in Path of Radiance. The spelling was changed for Radiant Dawn.