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Sacred Healer
Species Human
Class Cleric
Promotion Valkyrie, Bishop
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue
Base Grado
Relatives Joshua, Seth (possible husbands)
Debut Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Natasha is a playable unit from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and is the game's first recruitable cleric.


Natasha was raised in Grado at a small border town near Renais. She later left home to join the clerical order and served at Grado's Imperial Temple. Her life began to change when her mentor was arrested and then executed as a traitor by Grado's emperor, in order to keep him silent. But in his dying words, he warned Natasha that Lyon was planning to destroy all five of the Sacred Stones and wanted her to find the holders of the stones in order to warn them. Natasha attempted to slip into Renais through the border town Serafew in "Chapter 5: The Empire's Reach", briefly bumping into Joshua along the way. However, she was caught by several Grado soldiers, who wanted to arrest her as her own execution as a traitor had been ordered. Eirika's group had just arrived in the town, and they accepted Natasha into their ranks at this time to protect her, succeeding in helping her escape Serafew. Natasha could also convince Joshua to join them instead of attacking her for Grado by winning a coin toss with him (although as Joshua was later shown to use a rigged coin, it seems he actually made the decision herself).

Natasha then explained everything she knew about Grado's plans to destroy the Sacred Stones to Eirika and Seth, although they were somewhat hesitant to trust her due to her Grado lineage. Despite this, she remained as part of Eirika and Ephraim's army for the remainder of the War of the Stones.

Potential Fates

Natasha has three different endings, depending on whether or not she reaches an A Rank Support with either Seth or Joshua.

  • Default Ending - Once the war had ended, she returned to Grado and helped in its restoration. Natasha dedicated herself to helping the families of soldiers who were lost in the war.
  • Joshua and Natasha's Ending - Joshua brought Natasha with him back to Jehanna, and they were married. She became queen once he claimed the throne as its rightful heir, and she was described as the perfect companion. Joshua and Natasha brought the desert nation to great glory together.
  • Seth and Natasha's Ending - Natasha returned to Renais with Seth, and they were married there. They kept busy for some time helping with the reconstruction of Renais, but they were later able to settle down to live in peace and happiness.

Support Conversations

Natasha is capable of having support conversations with the following five characters:

  • Cormag - Cormag urgently approaches Natasha and asks her to heal a wounded kitten. She is surprised by this request and goes through with it, and Cormag is himself surprised by her describing him as "sweet". He then leaves, telling her he owes her one. In the next conversation, Cormag talks with Natasha after having returned the kitten to its mother and asks Natasha about her parents. She tells him that she has not seen them since she joined the clerical order and has grown to worry about them. Cormag asks more about her background and assures her that she has nothing to worry about due to border towns being quiet and safe aside from bandits, which cheers her up. In the final conversation, a depressed Natasha asks Cormag how he feels about having to fight their own countrymen all the time as well as the fact that Grado was responsible for this whole mess. Cormag partially attributes their circumstances to the sad irony of war and that it is good that they are trying to bring Grado to its senses. He also assures her that she has no reason to be ashamed of being from Grado because it once was a magificient country, and they could help it to become so again. This lifts the fog from Natasha's heart, and he is glad to see her smile again. Cormag sees that they have a lot to talk about, and they promise to do so again.
  • Franz - Franz greets Natasha, and she thanks everyone else for protecting her, although Franz insists he is just a pawn. She is intrigued by his satchel, and he explains its usage, then offers to make one for her. In the next conversation, Natasha is impressed by her new satchel, but then Franz has to help her after her hair gets caught in a clip. He then quickly fixes her hair with a comb, although she is confused about why he is carrying around a comb. Franz explains that it is his mother's comb that he brought with him from home as a good-luck charm. Natasha is impressed by Franz's handy abilities and finds herself comforted by his presence, and they hope that this marks the beginning of a new friendship. In the final conversation, Natasha assures him that he can become a great knight due to his pure heart and that he needs more confidence. Franz then gives her his mother's comb, saying that he liked to believe that it protected him and now likes to believe that it will protect her too. Natasha rejects the present, saying that it belongs to him due to embodying all of his feelings for his mother, while Natasha already feels confidence because Franz is fighting alongside her. She tells him his presence is more than just a good-luck charm and hopes that they can spend more time together fighting for their cause. They then both vow to bring peace to all countries, and to fight for victory and friendship.
  • Joshua - In the first conversation, Joshua thanks Natasha for all the help she has given with her healing arts and says that her smile eases all of the company's pain. In the next conversation Joshua saves her from a stray arrow, claiming he was "in the neighborhood" and offers to protect her so she can focus on healing others. He then tries to make another bet with her, betting that she would fall for him sooner or later, but Natasha took this as a joke and left out of annoyance. In the final conversation, Natasha appears to help Joshua when he shows pain, saying that she was in the neighborhood. Joshua tells her it's only a scratch but to treat it anyway. Joshua then poses a new bet that he would make Natasha happy, saying that if she came with him he would make it work. Natasha than decided to accept his wager and bet her future and her happiness, which made Joshua realize he couldn't lose, and Natasha hoped from the bottom of her heart that he would win. After realizing that Joshua had won his prior bet about Natasha falling for him, Joshua said this bet would be tougher and would require work. Natasha admitted that although the war was terrible, she was glad that it brought them together.
  • Knoll - Natasha and Knoll formally introduce themselves to each other, having seen each other in passing at Grado in the past. They talk about the incompatibility of clerics with mages, and Natasha begins to ask about the Sacred Stone. Knoll avoids the question by instead presuming the prejudices which Natasha's mentor had against dark mentor. She denies this angrily, and Knoll is left to the conclusion that they cannot see eye-to-eye due to clerics relying on faith in the unknowable while mages rely on knowledge. In the next conversation, Knoll explains the Sacred Stone and the concept of the time shear to Natasha. She sees prediction of the future as blasphemous, but Knoll points out the advantage of such foresight and continues his explanation. In the final conversation, Natasha guesses the great disaster which Lyon saw in the future and begins to stress over what she should do with this knowledge after Knoll's silence confirms it is true. Knoll then tells her the details of the deadly earthquake and suggests that she leave the continent, but Natasha refuses due to the people who will need her, as she will gladly risk her live to rescue even a few others. Natasha promises to make the most of this knowledge, and Knoll is impressed. He points out the difference between clerics in mages also lies in knowledge vs. sacrifice, and he offers to join her when the time comes because he does not want anyone to die if he can save them by his action. So they decide to unite their strengths for the common good.
  • Seth - In the first conversation, Seth confronts Natasha regarding an incident the other day and tells her that she should worry about healing herself before taking care of others. Natasha apologizes for worrying him and says she usually helps a wounded person immediately without considering her own needs, promising that she will be more careful in the future. Seth tells her how necessary she is to helping the troops, but Natasha in turn tells Seth he is indispensable and that she wishes he was less reckless, and he agrees to not worry her so much. In the next conversation, he checks up on her after hearing that she collapsed the other night, telling her she should rest more. Natasha explained that there were many injured and she drained herself trying to heal them all. He noted how she and Eirika both seemed hell-bent on throwing their lives away in battle, causing Natasha to worry that she is a liability. However, Seth tells her that the others have taken to calling her "the healing spirit" and explains how at first he had trouble trusting a former Grado soldier healing him, but he came to see he was wrong and appreciate her kindness, saying that they were lucky to have her as a friend. When Natasha questioned the last word, Seth told her she was more than a friend and an irreplaceable asset to their cause. He then assured her that if he was injured in battle, he would not be reckless and rush to her for treatment, knowing that she will take care of him, although Natasha hoped there would be no need for him to be healed. In the final conversation Seth and Natasha both credit each other for their well-being, with Seth telling Natasha how she always healed his broken body, and Natasha telling him how he constantly rescued her from enemies. When Seth asks her, Natasha replies that she does plan to return to Grado someday, but Seth begins asking her if she would come to Renais and then directly asks her to live with him after the war. When Natasha begins to bring up her celibacy, Seth tells her that the Everlasting would smile upon a love shared by his creations. Natasha then agrees, at which point Seth vows up on her sacred oaths to make her happy. Natasha hopes he keeps the promise and says she will wait for him after the war is finished, and Seth assures Natasha that he will keep his promise.