Oregon Goers: This one is in America

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Start: March 25, 2005
End: September 4, 2005
Timeline: None
Writers: Masamune, Luigi of the Pipes, Fred, GORE-ILLA, AaronGuy, Vorpal, Lupus, Golem, SteveT, Yoshiman, Tyler, Murasame.
Main Cast: Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Fred, Vorpal, Golem, Sapphire, AaronGuy, Lupus, Murasame, Count Choculo, Doctor, Edgar, Yoshiman.


Oregon Goers: This one is America is an OG based on the Oregon Trail computer game and inspired by a chatroom conversation between the Gamehiker forum members. It did cause some debate due to the fact that the OG was set in the present, while some other writers (specifically Sapphire (Author) and Nintenfreak, neither of whom got around to posting in the OG) wanted it to be set in the past. That led to some confusuing time travelling sequences. After a limping third page, Masamune ended it and started Oregon Goers II: Australia Bound. It also introduced several running gags, such as the Doctor and Luigi's mop love affair. When that failed, the series was started yet again with Oregon Goers 48, which actually did take place in the past.

Plot Summary[edit]

Masamune, now a rich doctor, has arranged a trip to E3 that will purposely go wrong so they wind up in Oregon instead. He enlists GORE-ILLA as Trail Leader and Fred as a teacher. Along the way they are joined by a smogasboard of companions- including Vorpal, Sapphire, Golem, Luigi of the Pipes, AaronGuy, Lupus and a blind guy named Edgar. During the trip, they have various conflicts with the Mecha-Ammish, get tossed around the timestream and rent a ferry from Yoshiman.

The group is inspired to continue on their way after Murasame challenges them to a race. However, they only wind up getting even more lost and find themselves at the mansion of Count Choculo. Count Choculo turns Luigi into a vampire and challenges the others to some ultra-wacky game. But then the mansion is on fire, so everyone flees. The Oregon Goers find out that E3 ended months ago and so end their journey. Count Choculo, however, promises to return in the sequel.