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Golem GH.png
Real Name Gregory Livingston
Aliases Cat, Mr. Venn, Viewtiful Greg, bruce lee
Species Human
Birth Year 1988
Affiliation Party Goers
Hair color Brown
Weaponry Scarf
Occupation Student
Origin United States of America
Creator Golem
Debut Party Goers
Relatives Cassandra: Sister
Rhyk: Robot Clone
Sapphire: Wife (GT)
Cobalt: Son (GT)

Golem is an eternally twelve-year old boy (but not really) who is somehow the focal point of all time and space. He is the star of Party Goers and plays an important role in most other OGs. Known for his trademark scarf, being a dork and holding the Time and Space Traveling System, as well as his classic catchphrase of "~teehee~".


Golem, a scrawny kid with a brown scarf almost twice his height, grew up like your average suburbian kid until a supposed friend, Luigi 64, decided to have a party a few weeks before Golem's 12th birthday. When some guy named Metal Mario found out about this, he gathered Bomberman and Magikoopa to stop the party with Bomberman's Bombinators. Despite their efforts, the party wasn't stopped, and Metal Mario was taken on board Vorpal's Sky Palace. Bomberman and Magikoopa, along with their sidekick Meowth, tried to use themed bombinators to put a stop to themed parties that involved Golem (with Golem becoming part of a crew of people called the "Party Goers"), but they never succeeded--and neither did the other various villains that the Party Goers encountered, such as Repliforce and Mysterious Sillhouette. Golem even became friends with R*H*Y*K, AKA Rhyk, who was a robot clone sent to destroy the Party Goers.

Eventually, Golem was given the Time And Space Travelling System (TASTS--a pen that, when clicked, would turn into a time travelling newsstand) by the ghost of Nintenfreak Sr. He is actually the Messiah of Parties and is thus linked to greater things. He has three different forms and thus has high amounts of party energy within him - enough to sustain all three forms.

Timeline History[edit]

Good Timeline[edit]

The Megaton Pokemon

Golem wasn't involved in many more parties after receiving the TASTS, and was too cautious to use it. Before the parties ended, though, Golem was given a stirring warning of things to come when an elderly Golem arrived and tried to cause havoc for reasons unknown with robots.

A few years later, Golem stole Yami Yoshi's cheesecake, most likely out of boredom and not some sinister reason, sparking a new series of adventures less based on parties. Somehow he married Sapphire in Gamehiker Member OG 2. In Gamehiker Member OG VIII, his relationship with Sapphire was getting pretty rocky. However, Captain Ditto granted them both V-Watches, which they used to become the superheroes Viewtiful Greg and Sexy Sapphire. However, Viewtiful Greg unleashed all his power in battle with a mutant Yami Yoshi, which broke his V-Watch and nearly caused him to become lost forever in the "V-Force".

Several villains then started to seek his death, as he was the Messiah of the Parties, and it was believed that his death would undo the Good Timeline and cause the Bad Timeline to occur instead. This was actually brought about by a Timeline Bombinator, which only Golem's massive levels of party energy could fuel. Eventually it was none other than Luiigii of the Pipes, whom Golem assumed to have died, who stabbed and killed Golem. Golem's corpse was then used to destroy the Good Timeline. However, Good Timeline was then restored in the moments leading up to Golem's death, and this time Luiigii chose to hijack the Flying Monkey instead of following EVIL Scientist Dude, and GORE and Yami also arrived to protect Golem, so his life was preserved.

Golem lived until the year 2065. His marriage to Sapphire had caused him to improve himself physically and really muscle up. Golem died during the final battles aboard the Star of Death II, when he was betrayed and shot down by the fourth EVIL Scientist Dude.

Bad Timeline[edit]

Several adventures came after receiving the TASTS, some of them involving the TASTS. Something about the TASTS made Golem transform into what almost seemed to be another person, who was dubbed Cat. This new Golem was bulky with muscles and at times acted like Luigi 64. Cat, however, was somewhat mentally unstable, and killed himself in Party Goers 15. Ditto McCloaker and Sapphire plotted to revive Golem as his old self. Sapphire double-crossed Ditto and instead revived Magikoopa, but Ditto was able to revive Golem with some emergency surgery (and Golem's spirit was inspired by a conversation with Mario). Whereas in the Good Timeline Golem had evolved as a person over the years, Golem's rebirth as himself--though he kept his memories--acted as if unchanged in character since the first Party Goers story.

Lupus came onto the scene and stole Golem's soul along with the other Party Goers, then used the bodies of the Party Goers as his minions. After their initial failure, Lupus kept the bodies of the Party Goers under lock and key while their souls wandered around. Golem and the other Party Goers inhabited GORE-ILLA's body in 2018 for a time before Rhyk took the souls at an unknown time. Later in 2018, the Party Goers' souls were cast out of Rhyk's body when he was turned into a gem called Syphnity, and Golem was reuinited with his body (which had been found while the current day heroes were searching Lupus' Cheese Star). Soon Q-Space, R-Space, and S-Space were combined, and Golem found he could take on forms he had only dreamed of before. Soon after, however, just before Q, R, and S Spaces were uncombined and put in the proper order, Golem was trapped on a sinking part of Australia, the entire continent of which Lupus had used earlier as an attack robot. No one knows if or how he escaped.

Eventually Golem--who had presumably escaped the sinking--became acquainted an omnipotent group of talking, floating spheres called the Council, and joined their side.

Over time, Golem grew to disagree with the Council on many matters. He began to see them as an evil, domineering force steering fate by their own selfish whims. He fought to change their ways, but failed, and soon after, left for the Good Timeline.

Neutral Timeline[edit]

Cat controlled himself and returned to a completely stable person, though still recognizeable as Cat. Time passed, and he grew more serious, taking into consideration how the TASTS should never fall into the wrong hands. Eventually adventure caught up with him as a young adult, and he took down a mysterious force that was leaving people braindead, starting Cat Investigations.

On Halloween 2008, Goose "Wild" McGee steals jewelry from Cat's bag of candy with the help of tiny jawbreaker minions called Jawbreaks. With help from a mage named Kiki and his neighbors, Pieruru and Sam, he retrieves the jewelry.

Different Golems in a Nutshell[edit]

In the Bad and Neutral Timelines, Golem experiences pubic angst. In addition, Golem's physical form is affected somewhat by his visits to S-Space, and the effect is amplified because he's going through puberty at the time. The end result: Golem becomes a somewhat muscular faux tough-guy and starts calling himself Cat. Cat doesn't even wear glasses or a scarf or a cap! In the Bad Timeline, the angst is so drastic that Cat kills himself, causing Ditto to revive him as Golem. In the Neutral Timeline, though, Cat comes to grips with himself.

Later in the Bad Timeline, during Member OG 8, when Lupus makes Q-R-S-Space, Golem turns himself into the muscular Cat by force. He then adds a layer of rock to his skin. This is possible because the line between fantasy and reality no longer exists.

In the Good Timeline, none of that crap happens. Golem's time in S-Space is limited, making his development much more normal.

Old Golem[edit]

This is a tentative timeline for "Old Golem"'s activities. "Old Golem" refers to the Bad Timeline Golem.

  • MOG8: Golem becomes Cat again (this is possible because of the Q/R/S-spaces pancaking - he merely calls upon his imagination to transform)
  • MOG10: Golem/Cat fuses with Dark Ditto, becoming Black Cat
  • Time passes. Does Dark Ditto ever separate from Golem/Cat? At any rate, his appearance becomes more Golem-esque over time.
  • 3G: By now, Golem has started working for The Council. When did that start? How?
  • At some point, Golem becomes disillusioned with the Council and leaves, instead vowing to bring them down.
  • At some point, Golem travels to the Good Timeline. Why?

How bout all his Good Timeline appearances so far?

  • PG8: Old Golem is shown to have taken control of the Plumber People and stalks Golem and his friends in a van. He kidnaps Golem's friends and attempts to kill Cordelia because of some secret power she has or something, calling her Isis. He tries to distract the others in the meantime but they ultimately foil his plans and he reveals his identity before escaping.
  • GMOG1: Golem has a somewhat villainous role in this story and is implied to actually be Old Golem in disguise at one point, but this plot point is promptly ignored and presumably no longer canon.
  • GMOG Sidequest: FRANCE???: Old Golem forms a partnership with Le Diable due to his rebelling against The Council. He becames known as the Black Chevaliar and disguises himself as a young adult Golem with sunglasses underneath his helmet. At one point he tries passing himself off as Vorpal's father until his cover is blown.
  • GMOG X: Old Golem's plans come to fruition, as he seems to rob the Council of any authority.

Other Versions[edit]

  • Golem is the central character, the Cory Matthews, of Gamehiker High University. In this continuity his rebel friend is Toby, who is mush better a friend then Luigi 64. He once more pines for Sapphire and dates her at one point but the relationship is as inconsistent as any sitcom romance (or any relationship in general). He also briefly has a thing with Elzie, although not yet with Chibi despite her eventual introduction.
  • Golem appears as a main character in Harvest Goers '07 and its sequel. In the first one he was actually sent by The Council to stop the farms in Nowhere or something, but in the meantime he hooks up with Chibi and eventually turns against the Council while staying in Nowhere. This is the only canon so far where Golem and Chibi actually get together, and they are more or less married at the end of Harvest Goers '07: Ready Set Grow! although Fred interrupts.
  • Within the Epic Goers universe, he appears as captain of the cargo ship in ALIEN and is killed by the titular monster. An old hermit named Cat in several parts of the series.
  • He appears in Wariofan Mind Control OG and Wariofan Mind Control OG II: The Wariofanning as part of the Anti-Wariofan resistance.
  • Golem is featured in Golem is perfectly fine, (the OG), an epic which actually splits into the Silly Timeline due to the rape of Golem.
  • Makes a cameo appearance as "Gregory Livingston" in a Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada sidequest where they battle him and his guitar in a giant robot in his dorm to take his SEGA games for us in attracting Waffles. In the end he is defeated and transforms into a giant cockroach.
  • He appeared in both versions of Party Goers the Comic. The first retold Golem's entering the world of adventuring; the second featured Golem trying again to throw a party.
  • Several historical versions of Golem are featured in History Goers. One is the caveman Gooom who sought fires instead of parties. The second is a young Egyptian boy simply called Golem.
  • In The Party Goers, Golem is an artificial creature in homage to his name.
  • In Lord of the Parties, he acts in a parody role of Frodo Baggins.


"Something tells me we're in danger!" -Sapphire to Golem "Can it wait? We're playing a mini game now." -Golem's response

"Sounds a little strange....but then again, I've been a magnet for the abnormal. Why can't I just attract telemarketers who call at ungodly hours, like everyone else?" -Cat

"I'm leavin' too. Wherever Saph goes, I go. I guess it's part o' the contract."
-Golem's solemn stalking contract.

"look at me im bruce lee"
-Golem is perfectly fine, (the OG)




See Also[edit]