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A man from long, long ago who bore a remarkable number of similarities to Lupus. He fought alongside Eerie II, Bob Yoshi the Mustached, Akujin, Nijuka, and Tenorvista as an early model of the OG Six. Eventually he and Bob Yoshi began to squabble over control of the Writer's Chair, and Barman was killed when his former ally summoned Exodia.

Definitely didn't just cut and paste this from Bob Yoshi's article.

Barman makes an appearance in Member OG when Lupus is first sent to the afterlife. Barman runs a snack bar and tries to cheer Lupus up, then reflects on the coincidence of him and Lupus dying in near identical fashions before Lupus is killed again and consequently revived.

He also appears in Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist where he greets a cheap clone of Dark GORE upon its arrival in Hell and tells it how to obtain Sephnita from the Time Rip. The clone relays the information to the real Dark GORE and then explodes, leaving Barman alone once more.

Along with Bob Yoshi, he appears in a flashback experienced by Yami Yoshi during Member OG 10: Full Circle.

I also like to think he was the same bartender who served Flutter in the afterlife in Party Goers 17.