FFOG Chapter 3

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Allies Introduced: Aaron Nyoran

Spirits Introduced: Bahamut

Summary: The group makes its way north to Valekryie aboard Cid's airship, but is side-tracked when Bahamut attacks them, sending them crashing down onto the Island of Lore. Psycho loses his memory during a fight with a Griffin and runs into a local stranger. Jeice is again attacked by a Reaper and retreats to a nearby Mage School, where protection from his curse is found in the form of a Stone spell.

Again, a Vagabond[edit]

Chapters in Final Fantasy OG
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Scene 1[edit]

The night again fell. The Victoria glided across the near midnight sky. On board, all the members had been quiet for most of the journey. Jeice was feeling unusually exhausted, and decided to go to his cabin to grab some shut-eye.

He lay on the bed, and yet stared up at the ceiling. Though he was nearly drained, he couldn't help feeling unsettled by all that had occurred. Though not from Grundon, he had at least come to think of the place as home since he had first began working for the eccentric Seamus brothers. It felt odd, fleeing in the night sky, away from it's familiar gray buildings, and comfortable bustle, with so little warning, facing the prospect of exile. An exile he had of no determinable period. His insides turned, and he could not shake the feeling of unrest that the events of the past days had instilled. He was used to chaos, but it's a different thing when it's in one's backyard. Even though his friends were no doubt facing the same problem, he felt alone.

He felt homeless.

Again, a vagabond. A cast out, with no purpose, or... what was it? He couldn't think of the word. But it felt like being set adrift in the middle of the ocean. An ocean of clouds, he thought, as he looked out the window, to see nothing but white, puffy clouds and stars without.

His eyes drooped as he stared out at the peaceful, midnight blue sky, and the twinkling stars, and the whispery clouds, and the crimson blur hovering a short distance from his window...

His eyes jerked open, and his heartbeat again filled his ears. He sat bolt upright, in utter shock, hoping against hope it was just his overactive imagination.

It wasn't.

Again, he faced the prospect of that long, legless, hooded crimson spectre, with it's gaunt, hollow eyes, and missing lower jaw. From beneath the elaborate yet ghastly robe hung a long, very thin, pale white arm, with that large, grisly sickle at an unnatural angle from it's body.

He could make out the yellow light in the sockets, and he was paralyzed with fright, as the ethereal form drifted closer and closer through the void, and the clouds, to the latch of his window. "Not again..." Jeice muttered, his hand going to his spear as the crimson assassin entered his room. With it's scythe swaying back and forth, it continued on towards the red mage ready to finish him off for good. He was not willing to go down so easy, he planted the spear through the hood of the reaper. Then used the momentum to spin it around and toss it to the other side. It passed through a few rooms, before it caught itself and made it's way back to Jeice's room. But having travelled through the rooms, it was enough disturbance to draw attention to the ship inhabitants.

When it finally returned, the wizard had already prepared a ball of magical light in his hand. It hovered from his hand, and engulfed the reaper. It could no longer move now, as it had been paralyzed by a 'Stop' spell.

By this time, both Biggs and another crewmen (having the closest rooms) had already made it to his room.

"The heck...?" Biggs muttered, "That blasted thing showed up again!?"

"It has a tendency to do that..." Jeice sighed, "Every night since I rescued Ian..."

"If you ask me..." The crewman said, "That man was not worth it. He's been more trouble than he's worth."

Jeice gave the crewman a sharp glare, "Just report this incident to Cid. Biggs, bring Siddhearth and Reno in here... It'll only stay frozen for so long."

The two nodded and left the room, while Jeice stood a few feet away waiting for it to awake. Psycho had heard Jeice and was soon at the room with Silver by his side. "What the? How did that thing find us? I could've sworn I killed the darn thing at the fiery pit! Need some help here? Me and Silver have a score to settle with this thing!"

"Well then you'd better hurry," said Cid, dryly.

Indeed, the temporally frozen spectre was not moving along with the gradual motion of the airship. It seemed to be floating backward, toward the back wall of the room, though in fact the ship was merely advancing forward. Soon, the creature's robed body melted through the wall, and, though the danger had not passed, a sense of ease fell over everyone as the specter was again outside the window, despite the fact that it would again merely pass through upon regaining it's mobility.

It was during this brief repose that the crewman, eyes narrowed, turned with an accusing sneer toward the sullen Ian, standing just outside the door, in the corridor, staring wordlessly in at the frightening scene. The crewman wiped some saliva from his chin and pointed at the young man in the military clothing.

"This is all his God-dern fault." he spat. "It's that bad-luck monster bringin' those demons in here!" He stalked closer to Ian with each vicious word, extending his finger in punctuation. Ian cautiously stepped back. The crewman continued on.

"This guy's gonna git us all killt's what he's gonna do. I say, the sooner we dump this bas**** off in some God-forsaken jungle the better."

He walked forward, his face twisted in a cold, hateful stare. Ian stepped back again, and uttered under his breath, "Stay there."

The crewman didn't care. He continued forward, spitting epithets and threats, coming closer and closer toward the passive Ian. Jeice looked out his window and observed the Black Reaper again showing signs of stirring. It's robes again began to sway and ripple in the wind, and it's outline shook.

The crewman spat off to one side and came face-to-face with Ian. Ian again entreated him softly to stay back. The crewman didn't listen. With a bad word, he placed his hand on Ian's chest and shoved him back. Ian lost his footing and fell backward. The crewman guffawed at what he considered his weakness, but Ian only looked up in horror. Jeice witnessed the act, and turned again in time to see the Black Reaper finally break free of his binding and begin to silently glide back towards the ship. It's yellow eyes were again focused forward, but as Jeice feared, they didn't seem to be focused on him as before.

"Oh no..." Jeice mumbled.

The horrible specter again emerged through the woodwork and entered the small cabin. It glided forward, and slid through the air right past Jeice, and he felt a cold wind brush past his face in it's wake. The crewman turned around, and his eyes went wide at the sight of the grim spectre gliding through the air, and his voice came out a squeak as he observed it passing Jeice and floating towards him. He immediately turned on his heel and rushed out the door at the top of his speed, too terrified to scream. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the hallway, followed by the clang of his boots on the stairway leading back up to the deck. The Reaper disappeared down the hall after him. Everyone in the room exchanged silent glances before filing hesitantly down the passage behind the scene.

The crewman, frightened beyond his wits, stumbled up the last step onto the deck, his collar disarrayed, and his eyes wide with frenzy and panic, into the dark and silent night sky. He ran across the silent deck to the center and turned to look back at where he came. His heart pounded as he found himself alone on the deck. He took deep breaths and steadied himself against a railing, relieved at the prospect of somehow eluding doom. He mopped an arm against his forehead and again looked up.

His heart caught in his throat as a red hood and hunched shoulders emerged up through the boards several feet away. The hood rose. The gaunt, jawless face, now marred by a ghastly hole in the forehead lifted it's hollow, yellow eyes to meet his. The scythe slid smoothly through the air as the hooded ghoul continued it's inexorable trail to it's intended victim. The airsailor gripped the railing behind him, at the foredeck of the ship, and felt around. He sidled sideways, but the Reaper, smoothly oscillating, as though fixed on a pivot, maintained it's remorseless bead on him. It advanced closer, and closer, the sound of it's grisly razor slitting the air. The crewman stepped up a back, his hind foot landing on the step up to the foredeck of the vessel. He walked backwards, up the stairs, step by step, and then, reaching the last step, walked backwards toward the very peak of the ship. His back was to the railing, and he glanced backwards to the vast, black empty air behind him. The Reaper continued. Shakily, the crewman climbed up onto the railing, balancing precariously, shifting his arms and hips to maintain balance. The Reaper continued.

And then, finally departing from reality, the hopeless man, in a last ditch effort at escape, pushed off, backwards, into the void. No scream echoed back up. He merely disappeared, plummeting through a cloudbank and beyond visibility. The Reaper, pausing not a second, seemed to lift itself upwards, before dropping, as if through itself, down, through the decks, into the abyss below.

The group rushed to the railing and peered below, down through the darkness. No further sound or movement reached their senses. After a minute, everyone silently stepped back, a chill covering each of them. They looked up, and their eyes met, but no words were spoken. Jeice looked over his shoulder and observed Ian's downcast stare. He licked his dry lips and walked over. Ian looked up, his eyes large and filled with grief. Grief and guilt. As if in a gesture of repentance, Ian spoke, softly: "You're clear for tonight."

Jeice didn't respond. His voice stuck in his throat.

No more words were spoken aboard the Victoria that night.

Scene 2[edit]

The next morning Psycho knocked on Siddhearth's door. He gulped waiting. Finally the door slid open revealing Siddhearth in his night-gown.


"I need to speak to you in private. May I come in?"

Scene 3[edit]

Asura walked out on the deck of the Victoria, which still hung quietly in the air, her still sleep-tangled hair blowing back in the slight wind generated by their movement. She stepped back as Psycho walked quietly past her to Siddearth's door, his face intent on something. So intent, in fact, that he failed to even realize that she was standing there. She looked after him curiously as he knocked on the door, but before she could listen in she noticed something far more important for her to tend to-- or to try to tend to, at the very least.

Jeice stood not far off, looking out over the railing, already awakened and dressed, it seemed-- unless he hadn't slept at all, which was far more likely. He seemed focused on something in the distance, undoubtedly still upset at the previous night's events. Asura started toward him, brushing her hair back with her fingers in a half-attempt to tame it, and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. "All you all right, Jeice?" She asked quietly, and perhaps he would have ignored her if he hadn't heard the concern in her voice.

"It's just so overwhelming, is all," He replied finally, after a few moments of silence. "I know that Ian doesn't mean to do what he does... and I know that all of this is just some crazy coincidence... but still, it feels as though the world has decided to make me its joke..."

"I never thought of the world as having such a twisted sense of humor," Asura noted, bringing a ghost of a smile to his lips.

"Niether did I, Asura."

She sighed inwardly, deciding that perhaps it was best to let him figure it out for himself. She turned away, her footsteps hardly sounding on the deck as she wandered aimlessly about. It must have been hard, seeing another's live sacrificed for his own... yet it had not been done intentionally. And even if it had-- it was hard to tell with Ian-- it had most certainly not been his fault. But she supposed she could not understand the full weight of what he was going through. Nor did she particularly want to, at that.

The airship at that moment entered into the depths of a white cotton-cloud, and the world was bathed in white. She stopped, unable to see where she was going as a mild dampness clung to her skin. A strange feeling, to be lost inside a cloud. Although she had been entirely sure of her steps less than a moment earlier, she suddenly felt less than confident in her judgment.

Just then the airship hit a patch of turbulence, sending the floor shuddering, and sending the already disoriented archer reeling across the deck. She groped in a panic for something to hang on to, almost sure that at any second she would tumble over the edge and into the abyss below. Without warning a dark shape took form in the obtrusive whiteness just ahead of her, and she, helpless to stop herself, careened right into it.

Apparently, he had seen her coming, because instead of sending them both off and over the railing, he caught her and prevented any such tragedy from occuring. At first she was positive it was Ian, and her heart literally stopped, but then her rational mind took over again and she realized this man wasn't really a man at all, but a boy. The airship pulled lightly to the left, taking them out of the murky depths of the clouds, and she found herself in the surprisingly strong grasp of the boy, Reno. "You all right there, Asura?" He asked, grinning at her as she shakily got to her feet.

"Ever had a near-death experience?" She retorted, brushing herself off.

"Quit exaggerating," Reno grinned, obviously pleased with himself. Asura muttered something incoherent about the kids these days, and fixed him with a flat stare.



"Do you know what Psycho's doing in there with Siddearth?" She asked then, her old curiosity returning.

"Psycho's in with Siddearth?" Reno asked blankly. Asura sighed, knowing she wasn't going to find any answers here.

"Yes, he is... it seems as though everyone had a rough night, except maybe you."

"Hey, I was freaked out, too!"

They stood there, at a loss for conversation, and so Asura decided to try a different topic.

"What do you think about all this nonsense about The Dove... the heroes and all that?"

"That? I'm not sure what to think about that. After all, we have more immediate problems on our hands, like, for one, bloodthirsty undead creatures."

"You know? That's a pretty good point," Asura agreed, shuddering at the memory of the Reaper.

"Although it is a problem we should likely address."

"I don't even know where we're going now," Reno shrugged. "No one bothered to tell me."

"You think I know where this lumbering airship is going? I'm not sure if we're going to Psycho's Hideout to save the crystals, The Kingdom of Valkeryie As I recall Cullen suggesting not too long ago, since he apparently is favored amongst the royals there, or In search of the Pendants, and also, their true holders. The Eternal Sea was connected to this? I honestly don't know if we can trust that strange man's ramblings about such far-fetched things! If I recall right, their rightful owner is supposed to feel a connection to the pendant, which would tell us their general location... an iffy plan at best, but I suppose better than flying endlessly. Or... are we still going to the Crescent Isles? My attention span is obviously less than than par... I can't seem to remember why we were headed there in the first place..."

"Well, don't look at me," Reno shrugged. "I hope Psycho and Siddearth are sorting that out, because I, being stuck on this airship, would appreciate being on solid ground some time soon..."

"I agree," Asura sighed.

Reno shrugged then turned around to face Jeice, who was staring once again over the edge to the light orange clouds that were tinged in the dawn light.

"I never did believe..." Reno whispered seeing something in the distance. Jeice turned around.


"Uh..." Reno noticed Jeice had heard him. "Never mind... I just... was thinking. That legendary beast. Bahamut I think it's name was."

"Yes. The dragon of light and wind. Is said to appear in the air in... mornings...? Not again!" Reno slowly nodded. "I hate it. If we don't attack it, it might not see us."

Jeice span around to see the dragon soar through the air, dark smoke emiting from it's nostrils. It flew slightly upwards, opening it's mouth in a yawning position. A violent gust of air rushed out, knocking the ship off course again. This time it was much more violent, throwing the three on deck around like ragdolls. Jeice held onto the railing, and suddenly realized it wasn't turbulence that threw them off course the first time. It was Bahamut.

Another gust of air burst out from Bahamut's mouth and Reno was catapulted across the deck. He slid under the railing on the starboard of the ship. Grabbing hold of the edge with his left hand, he attempted to grab the rail with his right.

"Oh god!" he heard Asura mutter, a few seconds later there was a giant thump as the Victoria shot downwards, then quickly up again. Reno lost balance with his right hand and swung back, facing outwards with his left arm twisted around. He closed his eyes and thought. "What the hell have we done wrong?" he thought to himself. "Being stalked by a Black Reaper before, and now getting attacked by a legendary beast people thought didn't exist..."

Reno shook his head, then shot his right hand upwards onto the rail. He moved his left onto the rail, too, then swung backwards into the ship, then forwards. He kicked his feet over the top of the rail, then swung himself backwards onto the deck.

It was utter chaos. Half the deck was smashed, and the port side of the ship was rammed completely in. Cid, Psycho and Siddhearth had rushed onto deck to see what was going on, and were bearly staying put by hugging the wall.

Reno glanced around. Bahamut had defenetely spotted them, and was circling the Victoria, occasionally ramming it out of course.

"Just what we need," Reno thought to himself, as the dragon floated above the ship.

"Oh no!" Asura yelled. Bahamut stuck it's legs out and crashed onto the deck, whipping it's tail around to demolish a pole nearby. Reno thought quickly. He had left his sword in his room down below and there was no time to go and get it now. His pocket knife would do little damage, so he kept that in his sleeve. He ducked behind a pole watching, hopeless with no way to attack or defend.

Psycho had brought his double blades with him, and he charged forward. He was about to reach the dragon's legs when it's tale swung around and catapulted him into the wall. Psycho closed his eyes and collapsed. Reno gulped as he watched. Then he realized not just he was hopeless with no way to attack or defend, they ALL were. Even with weapons they stood no chance. As he was thinking he saw Asura fly past him and crash into the railing, unconscious.

"Why's he attacking us?" Cid said, clueless, tears in his eyes. "We're done for. The Victoria will hardly be able to fly in a few seconds..."

"Nevermind," Siddhearth said. "Lets consintrate on ourselves before the ship."

In front of them, Jeice had stepped forward, a light appearing in his fists. He pointed his palms at the dragon, and two lights shot out and hit the dragon in the chest. It roared ands shook it's head in pain.

"Its working!" Reno yelled. "Keep it up!"

Jeice nodded. He charged up another set of bolts in his fists. Bahamut sensed this and quickly slashed at him with it's claws. Jeice collapsed, his right arm broken.

Behind Reno, Asura woke up and glanced around. She ran over to Jeice, who was lying on the ground shaking. "Jeice... I..."

Asura didn't finish, but Jeice was sure of what it was she was going to say. Cid suddenly turned to Siddhearth. "C'mon, we gotta try! We can't just give up and get killed, y'know!"

Siddhearth nodded. They both charged forwards, but stood no chance against the giant tail that slammed into them. Cid hit the rails, while Siddhearth flew backwards down the flight of stairs that led to the deck.

"Im useless..." Reno said, "He hasn't noticed me yet, and I haven't even tried..." Reno stood up from behind the pole he was hiding behind. The dragon glanced down at him, a deadly stare. Then Reno saw it coming, as if it was in slow motion. The dragon's tail once again spinning around from behind him across the deck.

"No." Reno thought. "I won't let it disable me like them. I won't let it destroy this ship!" Suddenly the tail of the dragon seemed to stop. Everything around him seemed to stop. He felt a strength flowing through him he'd never felt before. He couldn't control himself. He lashed out, sending a giant ball of blackness towards the dragon's stomach. It hit him powerfully and the dragon flipped backwards, demolishing the rail and half the deck, and fell off the Victoria through the clouds below. Everything turned back to normal time flow and Reno glanced at his dirty hands where the ball had appeared. He looked behind him. Asura was looking at him with her mouth hanging open. So was Jeice.

"I... uh..." he didn't know what to say. By the looks on their faces it looked like he was going to get punished or something.

"Reno... when did you learn that...?" Asura gasped.

He shook his head. He was just as surprised as they were.

"That's strong Black Magic, you realize..." Jeice said. "You must have trained to learn it. Expecially an Ultima spell as powerful as that."

"Ultima?" Reno gasped. "I had no idea."

"Nevermind, we have to wake up the others. It looks like this thing will still fly... for awhile. We'll have to drop in on the next town we see and get it repaired." Asura said.

"I think it is beyond repair," Reno replied. "We'll either have to find a new one or..."

"Or what?" Jeice quickly replied.

Reno looked at the wooden boards of the deck, then up at Jeice. "The Dove. It's an airship, isn't it?"

Scene 4[edit]

On the ground, some two miles from the Victoria, an onlooker smiled at the sight. The huge dragon plummeted to the ground, as the Victoria did the same. He moved his cane to his side as he attempted to pull something from his pocket. From there he removed a small crystal and held it to his mouth. "Tell Emporer Zande everything is on schedule..." The man said. After a confirmation from the other side, he pocketed it again. "Ah Ian... you have proved more useful than ever. Not only have I obtained the mightiest of dragons, but now I have two nice magic users to experiment on..."

A woman, dressed in a cloak walked up next to him. He glanced at her and chuckled, "Let us proceed. We must hurry and crystalize him."

Scene 5[edit]

"We can't control it anymore!" A crewman shouted, as the Victoria soared through the air uncontrollably. Cid ran over and helped take control, but to no avail. By now, the whole party was out in the captain's room. Jeice was holding on for dear life. Reno was doing the same, only with not as much success. Psycho stood in a corner, smiling serenely at the events. Ian was concerned, but did nothing to help.

"Siddhearth!" Cid called out, "Activate the emergency system..."

Siddhearth nodded, and ran to one of the rooms connecting from the control room. He pulled open the hatch, and approached a large lever. Using all his strength, he pulled it free. The ship rumbled severely at that. They all suddenly realized the 'blimp' on top had just been detached.

"Hang on!" A crewman yelled out as he took control, "It's going to be a bumpy landing..."

The falling ship was able to maneuver slightly now, but not by much. It headed over a large lake, until it was in a large forest. It landed on the trees, tearing them down and catching them on fire. Great destruction was left in their wake, until they finally stopped in the middle of the large forest.

Inside the airship, they all scrambled out. Jeice looked around, then finally turned to everyone else, "So, where are we?"

"I have no idea," Biggs said.

"Wherever we are, it's not where we want to be." Jeice glanced around, and noticed Psycho digging around in the rubble of the airship. He saw his eyes fill with tears, and he started to search faster. Finally he found what he was looking for- a silver colored egg. He hugged it then put it in the pouch on his belt. A fe more tears rolled down his face, but then he returned to his emotionless expression.

"Huh? What's up?" Jeice asked. Psycho's expression changed again, this time to a cruel, mad one. He stared back at the dead dragon, which was crushed underneath the ruins of the airship.

"Gargh, if that monster wasn't dead I'd finish him off!" Psycho roared, then turned to face the jungle. "I'm gonna scout ahead. Maybe I can find a small town or something." He started to walk, but then stopped. "Oh, and if you follow me you're going to regret it!"

"Huh? What does that mean?" Cullen asked, he's eyebrows raised. He could see Psycho storming off into the distance, his swords in their scabbards slung over his back. The incubation pouch was working fast and hard to bring back his lost friend.

"What's up with him?" Reno shrugged, then turned around. The rest of the crew were sitting around on tree stumps that had recently been chopped clear. Reno rose an eyebrow at them. "Well? Are we gonna do anything?"

"I dunno, Reno, I just dunno..." Biggs said slowly, staring at the ruined Victoria. "It looks like we're stuck here until Psycho comes back."

"You're kidding right?" Reno complained.

"'Fraid not. I'm bored too, but there's nothing we can do about it." Reno shook his head and looked behind him at the Victoria. It definetely was ruined beyond repair this time. "We gotta find that Dove..."

"Huh?" Siddhearth said from behind him. He had a dark expression on his face.

"I said..."

"I know what you said... it's just that the Dove is only a myth. You truly believe in that junk?"

"I didn't believe in Bahamut. But lookie here, she's true alright."

Siddhearth shook his head. "No. Psycho came to talk with me last night. Before he attacked. He said he wasn't really sure about the Dove, seeing he knew hardly anything about it."

"But he had those blueprints and all..." Cid interupted.

"Easily could have been made up by someone. You should know that, Cid." Siddhearth turned away into the forest. "Anyway... we know the two Eternal Seas exist. But that's about it. Nothing else had been proven."

"I know but... it's our only hope right? We have no money to buy or even hire another airship. The only way to get back to the Imperial Continent is via the Dove. We have to at least try..."

Siddhearth didn't reply. he crouched down onto one knee and picked a flower out of the ground. Reno noticed the puzzled expression on his face.

"What's up?" he asked, walking over to him.

"These... these are the ancient Opal Flowers... grown only in the Ancient Forest..."

"You mean..."

Siddhearth slowly nodded.

"God, there's no end to this, is there? Stuck in this Ancient Forest!" Cullen suddenly shouted.

"Shut up!" Reno hissed. This place is PACKED with monsters..."

Just then they heard a scream from the direction that Psycho had run. It was a scream of rage they heard, followed by a long string of cursing.

"You damned abomination! Not only do you attack for no reason but you try to kill my friend! You shall pay for this!" Psycho yelled from beyond the trees.

He had his swords drawn and was in a defensive stance. There was a look of cold hate in his eyes, as the Griffin before him swiped it's claw, slashing Psycho across the face leaving a bleeding scar. Psycho yelled louder, then leaped into the air with the points of his blades down. He landed on the Griffin's back, plunging his swords deep into it. The Griffin turned and tried to get Psycho off. It flung its tail at him, and Psycho flew across the clearing and rammed into a tree with such force that it broke the tree in two.

"I'm not going down that easily you piece of (*&^*&*^&%^$&*%! Chew on this one! Ice Beam!" Psycho pointed the palm of his hand at the beast and fired a powerful beam of ice at it. The Griffin attempted to fly out of the way but managed to get hit by a fraction of it. The Griffin acted like nothing had happened at all. "I don't believe this! How could he get hit with an Ice Beam and come out vertually unscathed? Whatever, I can't let him get the Incubation Pouch. If he does... this pig will eat Silver and he'll be gone for good! I can't let that happen!!!"

Scene 6[edit]

Reno glanced around to see a white bolt streak up into the air from Psycho's direction.

"That was a... a... Ice Beam!" Cullen muttered, seeing it too. "Monsters with magic... he... he... here?"

"That wasn't a monster," Jeice said quickly. "I sense it came from Psycho."

"Another with magic!" Cid cried. "It seems like I'll be the only one left without it!"

"That's not the point. Let's go find Psycho." Reno ran into the bushes ahead.

Asura looked around and shrugged, dashing off after Reno. She drew the bow off her back as she ran, catching up with Reno soon enough. He glanced at her with a determined look, she returned it; and then they caught sight of Psycho. And more importantly, of the Griffin.

She plainly recognized it for what it was; an enchanted creature of myths for an enchanted forest from Hell. She watched as Reno dashed forward, she herself stopping on the slightly elevated earth and bringing her bow up to aim. She was still very shaky from the dragon attack, the crash, and this new development, and she cursed her wobbling line of sight as she attempted to get a good aim on the creature.

The Griffin smashed forward toward the two men who had opted for close range attack, its screams of anger high and piercing. Its claws slashed out dangerously close to Psycho, nearly decapitating him, and as the samurai hastily dropped low to avoid the attack, Silver's egg rolled out of his grasp along the grassy forest floor.

The Griffin, enraged at his inability to destroy the quick-moving man, stomped about in an incoherent rage. Its hideous wings beat furiously, and it snapped at Reno with it's dangerously nimble beak, attempting to snap the boy in two in one go. Psycho scrambled for the egg, foolishly disregarding his own safety, and the Griffin turned toward him with a malicious glint of intelligence in its eye. It reared upon it's hind legs and let out a shriek of triumph as it began its decent; it's extended claws bearing down on the unsuspecting form of Psycho, who was still clambering heedlessly for Silver.

The cry of triumph was abruptly cut off into a squawk of suprise as an arrow slammed into its upper body, followed by another in rapid succession. The Griffin wheeled around mid-pounce and paced in a circle, coughing irritably and clawing at the bolts embedded in the thick plumage around its throat. Psycho, unaware that he had just escaped death by a nanosecond, scooped up the object of his search and cradled it, crooning to the beast inside softly.

Asura stood up from the distance and narrowed her eyes at the beast. The battle was far from won. As she started forward into the clearing, she was joined by Jeice, Cid and Siddearth.

"When that thing comes to its senses its going to be one really angry SOB," Asura advised them.

"I already am," Jeice countered, knitting his eyebrows.

Psycho looked up at them. "I told you not to follow me!" He tucked the egg back into it's pouch and sealed it very tightly. When he had finished, he got ready to fight again.

"Why did you risk your life over that egg?" Reno asked.

"Inside that egg... It's Silver. He's a rare magical tiger and if he has enough energy left when he dies he can reincarnate in an egg. I saved him when he was a cub from a poacher. He had risked his life for me many times and I him. A few days before I met you all he saved me from a Red Reaper. But she had to reincarnate."

"Wait a second... how do you have magic???" Cid asked, desperately.

"I'm not quite sure but every night I'm plagued by dreams that may or may not be my past. In those dreams I was artificially infused with magic. I have some good offensive and defensive spells so you can go now. I'm not entirely ungrateful, though. Thank you for helping me. Now if you'll excuse me I have a battle to finish..." Psycho turned to face the Griffin, who was out cold. He held out his palm, crying "Bolt Beam!". A large beam of electricity shot from his hand, and towards the Griffin. It hit him hard in the back, but it wasn't powerful enough to finish him off, but enough to snap the Griffin back to its senses and hurt it a bit.

"That's right, Griffy! I'm still alive!" Psycho taunted. The Griffin squawked and charged at him. Psycho jumped in an attempt to escape, but it was a second too late. The Griffin caught his legs and headbutted him into a tree. Psycho slid all the way to the bottom, then jumped to his feet ready for his next attack. "I'm going to barbecue you this time!" Psycho yelled.

The Griffin ducked to dodge the magic. But none came. It looked up to see it's pray had disappeared. Then it reared up in pain. Psycho laughed as he pushed his blades into it's back once again. And also again, the Griffin thrashed around, trying to shake of the attacker, but Psycho held on. He let go with one hand and placed it firmly on the Griffin's back. Then he mumbled something, and pushed his hand into the Griffin's neck. Then he flipped upwards to do a one-handed handstand on the Griffin's back, then unleashed a Bolt Beam into the Griffin. The Griffin was fried, and Psycho remained in his handstand in an attempt not to get electrified. The Griffen madly thrashed about and finally Psycho lost his balance and placed his other hand down on the Griffen, zapping himself. The force of the shock threw him back off the Griffin, and headfirst into a tree. The beast squawked one last time, then collapsed in a heap on the ground, dead. Smoke still came out of it, and it sizzled.

Psycho fell down the tree and hit the ground hard. He wobbled about holding his head. "Man, that's gonna leave a mark... I feel weak..."

Just then he collapsed to the ground. He had passed out from pain, and energy he had used up with magic.

"I knew he shouldn't have tried anything!" Reno yelled, stamping his foot and turning around to face the others.

"Now that's gonna be another load for us to carry!" Cid complained.

Asura moved slowly up to Psycho's body. She put her palm on his side and chanted something underneath her breath. Suddenly Psycho jumped up from his spot.

"Where... where am I?" he said, glancing around frantically. He saw Asura and took a few steps backward. "Who... are you?"

"Great, he's lost his memory. He probably bumped his head when he hit the ground," Wedge said.

Psycho looked behind him for an escape. Quickly glancing forward again, he stepped into the bush.

"He's gonna make a runner," Jeice whispered to Siddhearth. Siddhearth nodded towards Asura, who saw him, and jumped for Psycho as he began to run. It was too late. Psycho sprinted off into the trees, jumping everything in his way. Finally he was out of sight.

"God DAMMIT!" Cid swore, clenching his fist.

Scene 7[edit]

Psycho sprinted through the forest as if he was on fire. All the time he was thinking to himself. "Who are these people? I don't know. Should I keep running? I should find a place to camp out for the night. Then I will run for the hills the next day? I don't know. What have I got left in the world? I can't remember what happened... I know about a tiger called Silver, and I know I'm a Samurai... But what if there's something else? What if I was doing something important? What if I was helping those people back there? They won't trust me... But they could be enemies, people who want to kill me! I've got to keep running. I can't let them get a hold of me!"

Scene 8[edit]

Cid took his place on a stump and frowned. He cast his face around at the woodland around him. Positioning his diamond-tipped cane in front of him to lean on, he seemed to sulk in thought. His mood seemed shared by everyone, as the sun rose over the party that morning.

The Crescent Isles made up a small continent which had a reputation for being the home of all manner of magical beasts and other things. Due to it's mysterious nature, these islands were shunned for purposes of settling by mainstream humans... instead, as vague stories went, there were settlements here.. rumors told of strange towns full of eccentric wizards and practitioners of magic, humans with unusual abilities who would find such a place, rife with magic, to be a favorable home.

Siddhearth silently and sullenly plodded back in the direction of the airship. Cid glanced in his direction momentarily, but said nothing. Jeice looked after his close friend and followed.

Siddhearth approached again the wreckage of the Victoria. He pulled on the bent door on the side of the hull, but it would not open. Reaching into his pocket, he drew out his ornamental pistol, and fired at the hinge of the door, breaking it loose. Wrenching the door off the hinges, he went in. Jeice stood there, not knowing what to think.

After a few moments, Siddhearth emerged, carefully cradling a shiny object in his arms. Jeice tilted his head to see what it was. As Siddhearth turned in Jeice's directon, Jeice recognized Siddhearth's personal violin, his personal companion in his silent, thoughtful moods, and his instrument of choice when planning and experimenting with his famous compositions. Such complicated pieces as Siddhearth was famous for, integrating large numbers of instruments, often began as simple melodies which he experimented with on his own, carefully kept violin. Jeice wondered if Siddhearth was relieved that the violin had not broken. However, the look on Siddhearth's face did not betray relief. It was more serious. It seemed that him and that instrument were inseparable. The thought of it being permanently lost never entered Siddhearth's mind.

Silently, Siddhearth wandered back to the rest, followed by a silent Jeice. Cid did not make mention of their approach, but upon seeing them coming, propelled himself to his feet.

"It is best that we get moving. We may follow in the direction to find the Samurai, though with his abilities, finding him is by no means assured. In that case, we'd also better keep our eyes out for some sign of civilization as well, to take refuge in."

The group nodded silent assent. One other issue remained, one of which Jeice was keenly aware.

Without the airship, he was much more of a sitting duck for that Reaper than before. It was practically just a matter of time. Though bitter, fear did not clench his heart. He preferred not to think about it, as near as the event seemed. It was now morning. He had, at least, 20 hours left to live. He decided to go along just as though his problems were no more than theirs. He just hoped no one brought it up.

They began trudging in the direction the disoriented Samurai had fled, most not knowing what they may find. However, in the back of the group, a thought tugged at young Reno.

His old mage school...

Scene 9[edit]

"Must keep running," Psycho murmered to himself. "Mustn't get caught. Must keep..." Before the samurai realized it, he fell face-first into the ground. "No! Can't... stop..." "What's here then?" a slightly cultured and mellow voice asked. "Who's trespassing on -my- pathway?" Psycho's head perked up, though no one was around.

Scanning the area several times over, he finally spotted a bit of foilage off the main path rustling. A question surfaced in his mind. Should he keep running, or should he attack his own attacker? One more tidbit of info slipped to his mind. Pen... dants... Yes, pendants. Perhaps this fool had a pendant, and found it necessary to slow his progress.

With that in mind, Psycho dived into the foilage, a blur of motion.

Not long after, the rest of the party walked down the same path, oblivious to the derivation the samurai had just taken. They continued along in solemn silence, dreading the dawn of a new day, and the probable return of Jeice's assailant.

Once they had left, Psycho returned to the path, dragging along a man by the front of his robe. The man was dressed ragged, with un-cut, black hair, brilliant green eyes, and dirt sooting almost the whole of his skin. Once back on the path, Psycho tossed him down harshly, then placed one foot onto the other's back.

"Give me it," the samurai snarled, an icy whisper.

"Give you what?" the other replied, his voice much less cultured at his now condescendant position. "You know what! The pendant!"

"I don't -have- a pendant!"

"You lie!"

"Well, I can't deny that..."

"Then hand it over!"

"I don't have it! Look, wherever this pendament, or whatever it is, you're looking for is, it's not in my cargo."


"Yeah. You know, that's what I do. I sneak goods under Emperor Zande's nose. I'm a smuggler."

"Smuggler? Is this... a sort of job you have?"

"Naturally. I give goods that shouldn't be sent through to people and get paid. Unfortunately, I dozed off while my team was trying to sail to some island. They pitched me overboard..."

"Seems you deserve it, Pendant Stealer."


"What is your foul name, then?"

"You don't need to know."

"Yes, I do."

"No, you..."

Psycho unsheathed one of his swords and lay it at the man's throat.

"Uh, call me Air. Air N. Or Aaron, if that's easier."

"You're lying?"

"Yes. My real name's none of your concern. Now would you mind getting off me?"

"What? Oh, right."

Psycho took his foot from Aaron's body and returned it to the ground.

"Well then, if you won't cooperate and give me the pendant, I'll just have to take you along with me. Go."

"What, you think you can..."

"Go now." Psycho gestured with a sword for emphasis.

"Right. Go." Sullenly, Aaron marched down the path, Psycho following closely.

Scene 10[edit]

He tipped his red hat, tightened his cloak about him and shivered. Night was approaching fast, and this mystical woodland seemed to become very cold. A mist had fallen, thus making it nearly impossible to navigate. With him, his much larger friend was not any better. Wearing only some simple pants and a vest. While this was good for the complex fighting he practiced, it was horrible in the cold. He handled it well enough, but it was easy to tell he was freezing.

The shorter man pulled off his cloak (which was made to be light) and passed it to his friend, "Here, use this."

He looked down at it and smiled, "Thank you Jeice..."

After putting on the cloak, the two went on quietly for some time. At last Jeice spoke again, "Wedge, I think we should be getting back..."

The other nodded, "Yes, I do not believe the samurai shall reveal himself, not in this darkness at any rate."

They plodded on for a while longer, on the way back to their makeshift camp. They could see the small ligh of fire ahead, so they knew they were very close. "Wedge... why did you come with us? I know Biggs did it for the money, but I never understood you..."

Wedge kept quiet for a minute before he spoke, "A promise I made, that I will keep. No more than that"

Jeice simply nodded and continued onward. Cid and Cullen were waiting, as was Biggs who had been to ill to leave. No one else had returned yet. The two joined the others around the fire.

"No luck?" Biggs asked.

Jeice shook his head, while warming his hands over the fire. "Not even predators are out tonight... but it feels like eyes are everywhere."

Cid sighed, pulling a blanket closer around him, "I think we will do one more search in the morning... if nothing turns up, we will have to leave him."

"Odd fellow" Cullen commented, "He sure got up in a hurry. Not that I blame him after getting a touch from that lovely lady."

"Bah, have you no descency?" A voice mumbled, coming from one of Cullen's sheaths. He mumbled a "Shut up", then gave everyone else the "Don't ask" glance.

Ian and Siddhearth were the next to return, and finally Asura and Reno returned. Each one had nothing to show, except Reno who had found Silver's egg that Psycho apparently had dropped. They turned in for the night, with Ian taking the first guard. Overhead the moon crept over them... unknowst to them, a small black shadow passed overhead... coming to collect.

Scene 11[edit]

Reno lay awake, watching the night sky and listening carefully to any sounds. Birds were squawking and flapping their wings as they flew off, and he heard rustling as the soft wind blew the bushes around the clearing.

Reno was resting under one of the many blankets they had recovered from the wreck of the Victoria, and he had his head rested on a bunch of leaves.

He got up from his "bed" and crept across the camp towards Ian, who was sitting on the treetrunk that Psycho had pushed over when he was tossed off the Griffin, and he was drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick. Reno sat down next to him.

"Hello," Ian greeted him. "Why are you up?"

"Can't sleep."

He stared out beyond the trees and wondered if there was a town out there, on the other side. Psycho was probably lost and hungry... so were they, but they weren't by themselves, and they could defend themselves against any opposing beasts.

"It's a great night," Ian interrupted his thoughts. "A bit chilly, though."

Reno nodded. "I wonder if we'll ever find Psycho again."

"Hm?" Ian looked at him. "I'm sure we will. When Silver hatches, he might help."

Reno nodded again. It was a wonder he hadn't thought of that. "When we find him, he'll still have no memory. He'll try to run again. Then it'll be the whole thing over again.

"Plus, if we have Silver Strike, he might think we stole it. Y'know, it's kinda quiet without him. And lonely. He was a friend... a little strange and moody, but a friend. He was one of us."

Ian just laughed and turned to him. "You talk to much. But you are very mature for a kid."

"But don't you agree? About Psycho I mean?"

"I don't know..." Ian stopped laughing and looked out again at the forest, then threw his stick into the fire. "We have other things to think about, too. That's just one of our problems."

Reno looked down at the dirt. Then something struck him. "Psycho has lost his memory. And he was the one telling us about that airship... what was it?"

"The Dove. The same name as that General from the Empire... that... that witch!" Ian shook his head.

Reno ignored that. "That's right. The Dove. He won't remember it, will he? That's our only chance of getting to the Imperial Continent."

"I don't know. All we can do is hope."

Scene 12[edit]

"Can we rest yet?"

"Of course not. Time doesn't really exist, you know. And if time doesn't exist, then neither does sleeping. It's all that quantum weirdness stuff..."

"Well I don't care for that," Aaron plopped down onto the ground with a thud, pulled off his robe, and wrapped it around his legs. "G'night."

"Wimp. I'll find something myself. I need to find Silver."

Psycho crept on, looking around carefully, so as to not miss any vital signs. Nothing special. It was just more dirt and shrub. A meek forest Imp ran past, it's intentions unknown. Psycho turned back to look at his unwilling "partner". In doing so, he missed the cacophony to ensue. A black streak moved after the Imp, and before long the former's screams could be heard through the night. For even Greapers like to eat something if it means killing innocent.

"Zilch. We're absolutely nowhere with nothing to help."

"Figures. Maybe if your memory wasn't so bad, we'd be outta here, or with the people that brought you here in the first place."

"Right. Now quit your complaining."

"Who's complaining? I've been stranded on this island for, heck, near ten years. It doesn't matter to me anymore if I get off or not. I've got a nice little set-up and..."

"You don't want to leave?"

"I didn't say that, mind you. This place is nice, and maybe I'd come back and stay here after I got rid of that rotten crew of mine and got my goods back. But, as I was saying, there's..." "Well, I'm gonna go for another scan of the area then, and get some sleep myself later." Psycho rushed into the clearing before Aaron could object.

"Fine, you be the fool. It won't matter to be any."

Scene 13[edit]


Reno lay awake still, content to staring at the stars. The island, somehow it kept bringing that same memory up. His master granting him with the final of his spells and the training to coincide, then pushing him off with a light pat to the back. Had this been the place? He glanced over at Ian, now sound asleep, then cursed the fact that he hadn't spoken up to him sooner. Watching around the circle, he made account that everyone was asleep. It was too late now, far too late. After all, he could always talk about it tomorrow...

Then again, it seemed no one was on watch duty. He jumped from his spot in the sand and perched himself on a nearby log, like a cat ready to pounce. Nothing would get to them while I'm on guard, he reassured himself, nothing... The small Imp's cry faded from the sounds of the night. Back again...

Psycho burst from the greenery, practically landing on top of Aaron.

"What is it?" the one that had been sleeping asked groggily.

"I don't know, a house of some sorts. You've been on this island for ten years and you didn't know it was there?!"

"I was trying to tell you. How else would I survive here? Those people there took me under their wing and nourished my needs."

"Who are they?"

"Hmm... I think I remember them saying... yes, that's it. They're mages. Mostly the Black Mage kind, but there were a few other variations. I never did dig into their whole magic shows and parlor tricks. Well, there was one mage there who caught my attention. He was... lemme see if I have this right... a Geomancer."

"A Geomancer?"

"Yeah, controls the terrain, you know. I tried to be like him, but he kept calling me a Viking, for some odd reason or another..."

"I see. Should we go there now?"

"No no, I told them I was going to be out all night. They won't want me back until morning, seriously."

"Alright. Stay for the night. Maybe I'll stay on look-out for now though."

"You do that..." Aaron drifted back into sleep almost instantaneously. Psycho grinned, a sharp mischievous sort of grin. If Mr. N. here didn't have the pendant on his person, maybe it was back in his own home. Of course, it would only be right to investigate, so Psycho slunk back toward the place with hardly a sound.

Scene 14[edit]

"Bolt!" Reno yelled, holding his palm at the tree for some power. Nothing. Cursing to himself, he glanced around the clearing he had made his way to, determined not to wake the others up. He sat down on a tree stump, head in his hands.

"Why doesn't it work?" he said to himself, looking around the clearing. He was tired, and wanted to go back and sleep, but he knew he couldn't, as there was no one else on guard.

For a moment he cursed silently at Ian for leaving him on patrol, but then he realized he needed all the training he could get. Turning his focus back to his magic, he stood up again, and held out his palm.


Again, nothing. He needed a target. Not just a tree... a living target. Just as he thaught this, a lone Tonberry waddled into the clearing, holding his lamp up near his green face and two bright eyes.

"Perfect!" Reno said, and walked towards him. He clenched both his fists, closed his eyes then pushed his arms out. "Thunder!"

He opened his eyes again to see a tiny spark emit from the sky and strike the Tonberry hard in his turtle-like face. The Tonberry fell back onto his back, waving his lamp and knife in the air, his two tiny eyes wincing. he could hear a tiny pained squawk come out of him.

"Dammit, not powerful enough, but good to knock this guy off balance."

Reno made his way across to the injured Tonberry. He kneed down and picked him up by his tiny paws. "Are you alright, little bro?"

The Toberry's innocent eyes narrowed, in an angered expression. He drew the knife hight above his head and tried to bring it down on Reno, who quickly leaped aside.

"Hey! I was only asking if you were alright!" Reno said, getting to his feet. "No need to be so moody!"

The Tonberry stamped it's foot and turned away in disgust. Then Reno noticed it was only a baby Tonberry, and that must've been why it had attacked.

"Hey, come over here! Look at me!" Reno said. The Tonberry squeaked again in disgust. it didn't turn around. Suddenly a loud squawk came out of the baby, totally knocking over Reno. Then hundreds of lights appeared all around the clearing, slowly coming into view as about twenty Tonberries came waddling in, each armed with a knife.

"God! Why'd I get myself into this!" Reno said to himself. "I should've stayed back at camp!"

The Tonberries slowly forced Reno into the center of the clearing. The slowly marched forwards, their knives shining against the moonlight above.


Suddenly, for no reason, Reno put his hands out like a tightrope walker, and closed his eyes. A beam of light hit him and when he opened his eyes, he was far above the clearing, sitting in one of the trees. The Tonberries below looked around confused, then the majority walked off into the distance. A couple stayed behind, and saw Reno sitting in the tree and started ramming it with their lamps.

Reno quickly got to his feet and looked around for anything to jump to. It was a long shot, but he had no other choice. He leaped off one of the larger branches and just caught hold of another. Quickly sliding to the ground, he took off towards camp, wandering what it was that had made him teleport.

Scene 15[edit]

About fifteen minutes later, he arrived at a mountain with a large cave glaring back at him. He was about five minutes away from camp, but his curiosity took priority as he put his hand against one of the cave's wall, and glanced around inside. It was very dark, and it didn't help it was past three in the morning. But still he took a step into the cave. He noticed it was smaller than what it looked like from outside and it had a large blue crystal emitting light from the opposite end. He walked towards it, and saw that the light dimmed.

"Sweet!" Reno said, and put his hands on the crystal to try and pull it out. Instead, a large surge of energy slammed through him and he went flying, ramming into the cave's wall. He quickly got to his feet and hot-footed it out of there, tearing through the trees once again.

"What the hell was that thing?" he wondered as he sprinted through the dense undergrowth. "I gotta get back, this place ain't safe!"

He finally arrived at the camp. It was nearly time for Jeice's patrol, so he walked over to where he slept and gently shook him.

"Jeice! Wake up!"

"Huh? Reno? What are you doing up?"

"I took the rest of Ian's patrol. C'mon, it's your turn now!"

"Uh..." Jeice turned back to go to sleep. "In a minute..."

"Tsch. Fine."

Reno stood up, with his arms akimbo and he looked back in the direction of the mountain. About five seconds had past when he turned back to Jeice.

"Hurry up!" Reno hissed. Jeice obeyed and nearly fell on Wedge as he stumbled up. He grabbed hold of the felled tree and pushed himself to his feet.

"What time is it?" Jeice mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Time for you to patrol. Get moving!" Reno said softly.

Jeice eyed him strangely. "Yes sir!" he said angrily, then turned to trudge off into the bush. Reno sat back down on his blanket, and within a few minutes, fell asleep.

Scene 16[edit]

The Red Reaper swept quickly around, surveying the remains of the deceased Imp. Nothing left. It moved on, determined to find its way to the marked one.

As it moved, it passed someone in the bush. Glowing, demonic eyes swung back to examine the person. His dark brown hair was cut fairly short, with only long wispy bangs to hint at there once being more length to them. His skin was a deep bronze, contrasting greatly to the reaper's own pale white skin. His chin was covered by hair, a soft beard with two mustache ends melding into it. His nose was small and sharp. His eyes were closed, but even through the lids the bright emerald pupils peeked through. His skin was soiled and stained, to boot.

He wore a dark brown robe, reminiscent of the garb that was worn by scholars in long gone Corneria, complete with light brown hemming. His shoes were an odd orange color, and he wore a loosely wrapped brown tunic underneath. No mark though, so the reaper began to move on.

"Hey, Psycho," he muttered, half-awake, half-asleep. "I never did tell you where I came from, did I? You don't know my name, yeah, but it's not like my history's gonna identify me..."

The reaper ignored him, continuing on his path.

"Anyway, I'm from that one town... what was it? Oh yeah, Colnelia. City of Dreams."

The reaper stopped dead (bad pun, sorry) in its motion. Corneria was a dead city. It was dead... no, wait. He misheard. But Colnelia... was that even a city?!

"Y'see, the city's right by a major dock. About, oh, two hundred years ago, an enormous tsunami destroyed the whole thing. Lots died. But they rebuilt the city right where it had been. A one time occurence, they said. It happened again, a decade later. So they rebuilt it, and it happened again. By now they were giving it names like "New Colnelia" and "Another Colnelia". I was born in "NEO Colnelia" then. Why didn't they move it up the shoreline? Religious junk, I remember. Anyway, I was born about thirty years ago, lived in NEO Colnelia for ten years, and split. I couldn't stand it, having to move away, rebuild, and move back in. I left my friends, family, everybody. Stowed away on a pirate ship. The captain caught me, but instead of throwing me overboard, he let me join his crew. I worked hard, and when the captain died ten years later, I got made captain.

"Anyway, that was about the same time I was getting suspiscious of this "General Zande" guy. He was moving up pretty fast, and I remembered all the old stories about how guys like that were bad news. I also remember that the small band of people usually beat those kind of guys. I didn't want to be on the losing side, so I started smuggling nice and early. Turns out some of my crew were loyal to Zande, and so they waited for five years and threw me overboard. I washed up here, and the mages over in that school took care of me. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was that Geomancer guy who saved me from drowning. Probably why I'm so fond of him...

"I want to get back to that crew, teach them a thing or two. I wanna get back to Corneria and my family, stop those tsunamis. Probably a Leviathan kicking up trouble... maybe two... And I figured, maybe you're one of those guys in that little band who's supposed to stop Zande. I figured, maybe you could help me... when you... beat him..."

The man began to snore again, showing that he was fully asleep. The red reaper rubbed a bony finger over where his lower jawbone would've been, stared at the man for the longest time, then finally turned and continued on its way.

Scene 17[edit]

Jeice watched from the brush, moaning slightly, jumping at every noise he heard. His mind wandered, he couldn't stay focused. It was better than thinking about that awful reaper anyway. His eyes swooped over the random people in the group. Cid and Siddhearth, laying close by with whatever possessions they had scrambled. Cullen and his two swords, their mouths hanging open with traces of saliva running off. Reno, clutching the egg of Silver so tight he might break it open a bit too soon. Biggs, a wry smirk on his face that Jeice couldn't hope to interpret. Wedge, sleeping with his eyes half open and his body propped up, so as to watch his friend's back even in his slumber. Ian, snoring lightly from as far away from the group as possible. He finally came to Asura, her bow resting at her side.

Amused, Jeice wondered if it was hard on her to be the only woman in their rag-tag band. Probably not. She held herself amazingly well in battle, going rather far with mere wooden arrows. In the light of Jeice's tiny campfire, with the glow striking her just right, the Red Wizard couldn't help but feel awed by her beauty. His eyes slid down to her rosy lips. His face suddenly blushed, despite the fact that no one would see anyway, as a rather mischeivious thought crossed his mind. After debating within himself, he slunk across the campsite to Asura's side and leaned over until his face was only a hair away from hers. Oh so lightly, he brushed his lips against hers, cringed back for fear that she wake up, then moved back close. This time, he connected his lips a bit longer, but moved back again, convincing himself that he wasn't scared she'd wake up, but that he'd "poison her with his own breath" or "cause her to suffocate". He chuckled inside himself, kissed Asura lightly along her cheek, then creeped back to his spot. It hadn't been much, but at least it got his mind off the greaper for a minute or two...

Scene 18[edit]

"I thought there was something..." a voice came from behind Jeice, and he jumped silently, not sure if he was just imagining it. He turned slowly and saw Biggs first.

"No, he's just talking in his sleep..." Jeice said quietly.

"Not. I saw you!" Biggs snickered silently.

"It's not funny, Biggs! Go back to sleep. Unless you want to take my post?"

"No no no no no! I just thought it was funny that you'd do it at this time in the night, that's all. Wait until this gets out..."

"Yeah, wait until it gets out and you'll have two black eyes and no front teeth, y'hear?" Jeice nearly yelled.

"I was just kidding! Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

Jeice turned, satisfied. It was only five seconds after Biggs had fallen asleep again when he realized what Biggs had just said. "Your secret's safe with me". Trusting Biggs, that meant he was going to tell everyone first thing in the morning... including Asura herself.

"Why'd I have to do that?" Jeice said loud enough. "I can't believe I'd be that stupid. I'm caught out for sure..."

"Do what? What's your secret?" Asura's voice came from behind him.

"Just my luck." Jeice blushed brightly, then turned to face her. "Um... nothing..."

"You woke me up with your yelling. I heard Biggs talking about a secret."

"Uh... it's nothing. Go back to sleep... please..."

"Don't worry, you can tell me."

"Um... It's kinda, er... private, if you know what I mean."

"I won't tell anybody."

This was completely different to Biggs's last words. These ones he trusted, unlike Biggs's, and he knew for sure that she wouldn't tell a soul... but he still couldn't tell her.

"Uh... it's kinda got something to do with you...?" Jeice hit himself on the inside for revealing this.

"OK. So I make it that you're not going to tell me, right?" Asura came and sat down on the log next to him.

"There's a lot of people awake tonight, you know."

"Answer the question."

"Ah.. yes. That's the answer..." Jeice blushed again, and saw from the corner of his eyes that Asura was looking at him with great interest. He even saw her go a little pink, too.

"So..." Asura trailed off, and looked out in the direction that Jeice was. "It's a great night. Stars are out. Cool breeze. Just you and me."

Jeice was shoked. He quickly glanced over at her. She was very pretty, and she was smiling at him. Slowly she leaned closer, and closer, until her lips were directly next to his.

"Wait!" Jeice mumbled. Asura pulled back.


"Uh... I just remembered that I was.. uh... going to go look for a... a monster. That's right."

Asura frowned sadly. "Oh... ok. I'll better get back to bed then..."

Jeice swore at himself inside again. That was the opportunity, and he ruined it. He watched as Asura slowly walked to her bed.

"Ah... Asura?" Jeice called out.


"Uh... goodnight..."

Asura smiled, then continued.

"Actually, I was going to ask you something..."

"What's that?"

"Would you like to come with me? You know to find that monster I was talking about?" Jeice struggled to get his words out.

"I'd love to."

Scene 19[edit]

A cool wind rippled through the leaves which hung from the finger-like branches above which seemed to reach up and grasp at the yellow moon above.

The leaves crunched beneath the pair's feet as they ambled along, keeping to a straight path so as not to get lost and lose their way back to camp.

"So... what was this monster we're hunting?" asked Asura, looking over at Jeice, who had been walking along in an awkward fashion several feet ahead and away from her, his eyes glued firmly to the ground as he stepped over tree roots and rocks. It was quite clear that no creature would take such a straight path, and in any case, Jeice's eyes were too much at his feet to resemble the sort of awareness that monster hunting would require.

Jeice thought about how to respond. He briefly considered replying that a snipe was the object of their hunt, but decided against it. A woman who lived in the woods would surely never be fooled by such a ruse. He didn't respond, hoping to maintain the appearance of alertness to the presence of the quarry.

Suddenly, his eyes caught a flicker of light cast from off to his right. Jeice's head darted off to one side to observe a small, compact form waddling through some twisted trees, several feet away. He stopped in his tracks and focused on the short, shadowy form picking it's path. He stepped back a bit, in an effort to keep it from seeing him, and also to maintain the appearance that he had discovered their concealed target.

He stretched out his long, gloved arm out, brushing his red cape back over his shoulder, and indicated to Asura that they should stop.

"There he is!" came Jeice's hissed lie. "It's a Tonberry!"

Asura came up behind him and looked through the trees. Sure enough, she saw quite clearly the hunched form of one of the dismal creatures and the light of his jostling lamp.

"Is that what you were after?" She asked.

"Postive. That's the one I saw coming near our camp."

Asura nodded as if to believe him, although, as she looked around, she could see at least two others far off through the forest, plodding randomly through the thickets, unaware of their presence. Jeice looked back, as if to see if she believed him, and saw her nod, her wide eyes darting around the forest and coming back to look at him.

"I saw him near our camp, and I didn't want him to slit our throats. That's why I was the lookout, uh, that is, I waas the lookout, and that's why I didn't... want... um." Clipping off his hopeless speech, he slowly took off his spear and looked at it. Asura unslung her crossbow and prepared to follow Jeice after his ambiguous target.

Scene 20[edit]

Frightful images rolled around Siddhearth... he was standing in the middle of nowhere, stricken in panic. There was no ground below him, and the miasma surrounding him was frightful, implacable. He felt small, like a child, in the midst of an engulfing malevolence that he prayed would not notice him, in the center of it... that it would just dissipate, and if it were not to dissipate, that if it were eternal, that it would never see him.

At last, as his tension built, his eyes snapped open, and he sat up from his place on the ground, breathing heavily. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, the familiar form of the camp settled into place. He looked around, and willed his heart to stop beating so hard.

Siddhearth had always been a light sleeper, and it seemed that the regular nightly intrusions they had faced had almost programmed him to automatic alertness at the Reaper's usual time of arrival. There was no telling how much distance they had managed to put between themselves and the Reaper the previous night, as the Victoria had made it's final skyway voyage over the land before meeting the disaster that had felled it, in addition to the slight distance their regular walking had added. Siddhearth could only hope, for his friend, that the Reaper, unbound though it was from physical laws, would, at least for one night, be late for his appearance and grant Jeice at least one night of respite.

Siddhearth ran his eyes over the inhabitants of the camp. He looked for Jeice, but after a few minutes, he realized Jeice wasn't to be found. His eyebrows creased in worry.

"Somethin' wrong, partner?" came a voice from across the way. Siddhearth looked to see Biggs's head, propped up on his palm, looking half-amused, half-questioningly at him. "Where's Jeice?" asked Siddhearth.

"Lookout duty," came the reply. Biggs jerked his thumb off in one direction, without looking, toward an empty stump where Reno had begun his shift.

Siddhearth looked, but saw no Jeice.

"Where?" he asked again.

Biggs noted the puzzled look on the long, lean musician's face, and looked over and saw the vacant stump himself.

"Now, where did he go...?" he said, puzzled himself. Instinctively, he looked around for Asura, who had been sleeping around the area Siddhearth was. "Where's the girl?"

Siddhearth looked at her empty place, too. "I... I don't know. Where on Earth could they have...?"

Siddhearth rose to his feet, and began to walk around, looking for some trace of either of them. Biggs, after chewing on his lip with an amused grin on his face, and then looked over at the concerned Siddhearth.

"Easy, buddy. Heh, they'll be back."

"But, they're-" said Siddhearth.

"They'll be fine." said Biggs, firmly, with his insouciant grin ever-present. "Go back to sleep." "Do you know where they are?" asked Siddhearth, totally puzzled.

"No, but trust me on this." He rolled over again, and closed his eyes, stifling a chuckle. "I'll tell you about it in the morning, Stretch."

Siddhearth looked down, curiously, at Biggs. He didn't quite get the intimation in his voice, so he continued scouring the area around the camp. He went over to the stump and looked hard at it, as if to find some trace, or clue. Finding nothing, he sat down on the stump, and bent over, statue-like, to ponder the circumstances. He started out over the camp, across to the direction they had come from, as if by looking over their past, he could somehow divine where they might be headed. His eyes fixed across the clearing, and he sat, his chin on his hand. His thoughts rattled through his brain, searching for inward hints and traces. Something he had missed. The darkness through the trees was almost solid, like a cloud of darkness which had settled down amidst the forest behind them. He stared hard at it, and then...

From the rolling, palpable darkness, it emerged into the open moonlight, into the outer rim of the clearing. Siddhearth's eyes went wide again, as he beheld that familiar form, with it's ethereal cloth hanging over it's body, and the red hood hanging over ahead of the body. It was drifting across the clearing as smoothly as could be imagined, and the tatters of it's robe passed eerily over a few sleeping forms as it came in his direction.

Leaping over to where he had lain minutes before, he dropped and grasped his revolver, and then ran back to the stump, where he raised it, aimed at the floating demon, and fired.

The ball sailed over the entire crowd, and passed directly into the dark form, which jerked backward. The eruption of the firearm startled everyone in the camp awake. Siddhearth looked hard at the creature, whose motion had been temporarily halted in mid-air. It took him a second to realize that the Reaper's presence and direction worked indirectly as a compass to Jeice.

"It's the Reaper, everyone! Get out of the way!" he cried in warning before turning on his heel and dashing into the forest in the direction the Reaper had been following, sure that the Reaper posed no harm to any of them, and the possibility existed they might even help to slow him up. He needed all the time he could get. He had to go find Jeice.

Up ahead, Jeice had managed to get the preliminary attack by catching it by surprise. Jeice, not wishing to get near the dismal but notoriously grudging creature and it's famous razor-sharp dagger, had opted to scorch it from a distance with a Fire spell. The creature had then turned in their direction and was slowly shambling toward them, it's bulbous eyes on top of it's scaly head looking sadly toward the ground, as Tonberries generally do, hiding their murderous intents. Asura fired arrow after arrow into the famously resilient Tonberry. It wasn't long before Asura saw another one coming from another direction, loping miserably towards them, it's lantern swinging forlornly. To the other side, another approached. These little creatures were deadly enough by themselves. Three was a desperate situation. She grabbed Jeice's arm and pointed his attention to the approaching creatures slowly surrounding them.

"Where did they come from?" he asked. "What's got them all out like this?"

The began to run ahead, but Jeice, in his panic, got his boot caught under a tree root which protruded from the ground. He fell forward onto his face. He lifted his hat up, and turned over, to see a small, reptilian face hovering over him, it's large, bulging eyes with their almost unhappy expression peering down at him. The one hand not holding a lantern passed into it's brown robes, which Jeice thought looked as if they had been recently charred.

Suddenly, however, the Tonberry's face changed. In a second, it tensed up, and it's eyes became hooded and red. It whipped it's carving knife from it's robes, and it's face was creased with the anger and malevolence of everyone's grudge. It's knife glinted in the moonlight as it held it up and prepared to bring it down into it's victim.

Suddenly, there was the sound of an explosion, and the little figure's eyes went wide. Then, it collapsed over, falling next to Jeice. The red mage looked up to see Siddhearth standing at the edge of the clearing, a cloud of smoke surrounding the revolver in his outstretched hand. Jeice brought himself to his feet, but as the smoke cleared, he could see the tense look on Siddhearth's face.

"Run, Jeice! Run!" he shouted, running over and jerking the mage to his feet.

"Why? What is it?" Jeice cried, as he caught sight of Asura somewhat ahead.

"It's the Reaper, Jeice! It's on it's way! It's coming for you! Run while you can!"

Back at the camp, Cid had gathered most of the group and gotten them to safety. Reno, however, stood forward, and cast a Third-level Fire spell towards the Reaper. Great explosions of fire erupted from it, but doing no damage. Rather than slowing down, the outraged Reaper insead picked up it's pace, and streaked ahead across the clearing and disappeared in the direction Siddhearth had run. It's tattered outer covering flapped demonically around it as it surged through the trees, thirsty for it's quarry.

Up ahead, Jeice, Asura, and Siddhearth ran. Up ahead, a large building came into view. It was large and dark, with spires and towers twisting up into the sky. Yellow light spread from several of it's windows, and the structure revealed itself to be a modestly large compound, with a large pair of wooden doors out front.

Not really thinking of what little protection a building might provide, but comforted by the thought of a place to hide, Jeice pounded on the hard oaken doors.

"Let me in! Lemme in!" he cried, clawing at the door. He looked back, wondering how close his eternal pursuer was. Suddenly, the door was thrown open, and Jeice fell forward inside. Looking up, he beheld several robed forms standing over him, wearing such large, pointed hats as to cast shadows over their faces.

"Help!" he cried. "There's something after me! Help!"

The figures, clad in blue robes, seemed to exchange glances, yellow lights glinting off of what must have been yellow tinted glasses within. Siddhearth and Asura came up behind, and confirmed the story in ragged breaths. Saying not a word, the Black Mages bade them enter, and began to slowly close the door. As they did so, though, one caught sight of the floating black phantom approaching from a distance. Hushed voices emerged from the robes, as they exchanged words. They hasitly shut the door, but as Jeice stood in the center of the room, the Reaper melted through the door and stopped as it hovered inside the room, it's eyes fixed on it's target.

Everyone was still. None of the present mages spoke. The Reaper raised it's eyes to Jeice's. In the light of flickering candles, everyone could clearly see the hooked scythe which it carried, at the end of a long, heavy, wrought iron chain which was wrapped around it's other bony hand. And everyone saw clearly the misshapen skull with the missing lower jawbone.

It slowly began to advance toward the paralyzed Jeice, inexorably, paying no attention to it's spectators. It was focused on it's primary goal: obtaining Jeice's soul.

Suddenly, however, at the top of a stairway in the grand hall, a tall figure appeared. Draped in a crimson vest, with a spotless white vest, with a fine, elaborate, yet practical red cape draped over it's shoulders, the figure looked grimly at the scene before him. As it proceeded down the stairs, a dry, cracked voice uttered a few words under it's breath, and stretched it's long, thin, white-sleeved arm towards Jeice. Asura looked up, and saw this scary, scarecrow-like form, dressed in clothes identical to Jeice's sweeping down. The face was hidden, cast in partial shadow beneath a broad-rimmed hat, from which protruded the long, white feather of what had to have been a particularly frightening bird.

As the Reaper floated a few feet from Jeice, walking slowly backwards from the phantom on shaky legs, the tall figure's voice echoed and boomed across the room.


As he said it, a ball of swirling gray magic shot from his gloved fingers and hit Jeice. Asura screamed, and Siddhearth looked on in horror, as a wave of grainy gray streaked from the point of impact and engulfed Jeice, whose frightened face was presently frozen in stone. The Reaper came close to the stone that once was his quarry. It stretched out a ghostly hand, which passed through the face of the statue. The Reaper continued to hover there, reaching forward with both hands, as if to grasp something that wasn't there. It's limbs passed helplessly through the immovable stone, ceaselessly grasping. It's ghastly exercise continued for quite some time, and eventually, the crowd had actually gatthered their wits, and began to watch for what seemed like an hour, less with panic than with curiosity. After an hour had passed, the Reaper stopped. It hung in the air for a minute, without motion before the statue. And then, as the first rays of morning seeped in the window, it backed away, through the air. Stopping, a strange pattern etched itself underneath the floating demon. A circular pattern, with a star in the middle, it glowed with a red and black light, as the Reaper suddenly disappeared down through the ground into it. And then, as suddenly as the portal had appeared, it was gone.

The Red Wizard who had cast the spell turned to a Black Mage, and uttered the word "Soft Potion." He then looked up, and revealed a long, gaunt, strong, wrinkled face, with a long, downward aimed chin, the longest, thinnest, pointiest, most hawk-like nose imaginable, framed on either side by a pair of extremely bright, sharp, alert gray eyes. Long, whispy, bone-white hair tumbled down over his red-cloaked shoulders, and he spoke in a voice that was sharp, crisp, and commanding.

"I must leave now. In my absence, clean up this mess. This is a school you know, and we wish to look presentable. When he is revived, give them a comfortable place to rest. When I return early tonight, I will wish to see them personally."

With that, the Black Mages around them began bustling about, sweeping up what had been overturned and straightening out the carpet. The tall, stalky Red Mage-like man strode through another door, to what clearly smelled like a Chocobo stable.

As Siddhearth looked out the window after the Red clad figure on chocoback, he saw two other forms approaching in the morning light. One of them was familiar.

Scene 21[edit]

Soon, the entire company arrived. The silent but hospitible mages provided a rather large room for the group.

It was still the early hours of the morning. Cid, Reno, Biggs, Wedge, and Cullen were all asleep in five of the ten provided beds to one corner of the room. Siddhearth quietly played his violin, sitting next to a bed in which Jeice recovered.

Ian had once again, removed himself from the group. He stood facing a window which looked out into the forest from which they came. Deep in thought, perhaps, until Asura broke the silence the room was in.

"Do you think the reaper will be back for Jeice?" she sat by herself, staring intensely at Jeice from across the room.

"It's hard to say," Siddhearth said returning to his music.

Silence again. Ian turned back to the window. What was he thinking about? He couldn't remember. That was a sign of old age, at least, that's what his father jokingly said about himself. Ian smiled at the thought of his father. A warm home, in a quiet villa. A simple child of 12 years old Ian was then. Until, Ian winced at the sudden thought, the war.

Of course, Ian was far from 12 years old anymore. He'd be lucky to even see fifty once again. You couldn't tell it from his appearance, that was a result of some of the experiments. Eternal youth was something, many searched for, but to no avail. Ian had obtained it, but not from his own search, but another's, and not without cost. The reaper's would forever be a reminder of that.


Ian jumped at the call of his name, and quickly turned around to see Asura standing behind him. "Are you all right? You looked like you were in pain."

"I will always be in pain." Ian turned back around, staring into the distance.

Asura restrained herself from prodding further into the subject. She returned to her seat. How can any of them understand? Ian said to himself, as he quietly drifted, back into deep thought.

Scene 22[edit]

Psycho stood outside of the Mage's house, his fists clenched in anger. Curse those people, who had interrupted his infiltration of this dwelling! He peered in through the window, seeing the still recovering Red Mage, the violinist nearby him, and the other people scattered around the room with anxious looks apparent on their features. His eyes narrowed angrily. These were the same people who had attempted to detain him not long ago! Why wouldn't they just leave him alone... instead, they had to ruin everything! After a final glare inside the house, the amnesia stricken samurai turned away to rejoin the suspicious character he had been travelling with.

Scene 23[edit]

Aaron sat up, cursing the early morning dew that clung to his person as he woke himself. He stretched his arms, let out a yawn, and proceeded to get to his feet, all the while looking about with bleary eyes for the crazy guy he had been stuck with. Worry descended upon him, only slightly, as he realized that the man was nowhere to be found. He was just about to go start some sort of search when a the tell-tale sound of footsteps behind him admitted the presence of the samurai himself, much to his relief.

"THERE you are!" He exclaimed in an accusatory tone.

"What's it to you?" Psycho rumbled in reply.

"Nothing, unless you've been somewhere you shouldn't be..."

"I can go whereever I'd like!" Psycho snapped. "And don't you forget it. In any case, don't worry your pretty little head. I just went out to get some food."

"Why would you do that, when I TOLD you I live just over there? You think I don't have enough food for the both of us?"

Psycho didn't reply, but Aaron hadn't been expecting him to, anyway. The guy was clearly a very disturbed person, indeed. Between imaginary pendants and tales of his incubating animal friend, Aaron had plenty of reason to doubt his sanity. But either way, he was a dangerous crazy person, and it was probably best to humor him until he could get rid of him. He watched as Psycho calmly replenished himself with the wild fruits he claimed to have been searching out this morning, and shook his head in amusement. What a card this fellow was.

"So, are you ready to go, then?" He asked finally, breaking the awkward silence.

"Where?" Psycho asked carefully, not wanting to seem too knowledgable.

"Well, to my house, of course. You said you wanted to go there last night, didn't you?"


Aaron smacked his forehead in annoyance. What was WITH this guy? "Well?"

Psycho debated the question in his mind. If he went, he would undoubtedly find more information on this guy... perhaps even the location of the pendant, and maybe even why he was hiding it from him. But... if he went, those... those people were still there, waiting. They claimed to know who he was... and though they seemed vaguely familiar, he had only ill feelings for the bunch. So... to face them, and find out nothing, or to face them and possibly discover everything?

"All right. Let's go," He said finally.

"Of course," Aaron replied sourly, as he marched off in the direction of the house.

Scene 24[edit]

Asura sat on the chair she had been confined to by her own choosing for the entire morning. Siddhearth's music was of the calming sort, and it was really only her nagging worry for Jeice that kept her from dropping off to sleep entirely. She rested her head on her hand and stared at the floor, her mind once again ready to go off on its own little adventure.

She was tired, certainly, and the reason was simply that she had been awakened in the middle of the night. Her years in the forest by herself had taught her resiliency, if nothing else, and her sleepiness did not particularly bother her; it was the reason she had been awakened that did. Jeice had been acting very strangely last night, before the Tonberry... and the Reaper...

Asura shook her head angrily, determined not to think of the Reaper when there was no cause. Reno caught the movement and fixed her with a questioning look, which Asura dismissed with an apolgetic shrug. Reno shrugged back and settled further into his seat, Silver's egg once again held in his capable young hands.

She sighed and sat back, looking up at the ceiling rather than the floor. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Biggs, who, of all things, winked at her. She glared at him in return, and he, obviously amused, returned to his bored pacing near Jeice's bed. Asura stared at the back of his head when he turned, wondering what on earth that had been about. She mentally shook the thought from her, deciding that she probably didn't want to know, and most certainly didn't care one way or the other.

Siddhearth stopped his music abruptly, and Asura turned her gaze to him. The composer stood and frowned at her-- no, not at her, at the window behind her. Asura blinked and turned to look outside, and gasped as she realized who was approaching.

"Is that..?" Siddhearth started questioningly, by now having drawn everyone's attention to himself or the window.

"Psycho!" Asura exclaimed, dashing to the door. Ian reached out to stop her, blinked as he realized what he had almost done, and let the nearby Biggs do it instead, sitting down again with a flush on his face at his impulsiveness.

"Wait, wait, Asura," Biggs admonished her, pulling her back from the door.

"What?" She snapped, pulling her arm away from him. She has already been irritated at him, and this certainly wasn't helping his case.

"He could still be dangerous," Biggs shrugged, backing away from her in a gesture of peace.


Everyone turned to the door as it swung inward, their breathe held, and Jeice, for the first time since the Reaper's attack, in the back of all their minds. And Ian breathed a slow sigh of relief as he realized that no one had noticed his near fatal error.

Scene 25[edit]

Aaron opened the door to his house, expecting to see nothing but the familiar faces of his Black Mage guardians, and blinked as he was greeted instead by a multitude of unfamiliar persons.

"Who--?" he started, turning to Psycho, certain that he had something to do with it. The samurai had a set look on his face, obviously he knew these people somehow... but how?

"Psycho!" the girl standing nearest the door exclaimed, confirming Aaron's suspicions. Psycho, nearby, winced at the sound of his name.

"What's going ON here?" Aaron exclaimed finally, and the others in the room seemed to finally take notice that he existed. They all exchanged glances, obviously unsure of how to react, and Aaron crossed his arms in annoyance. "Well?"

Scene 26[edit]

No one bothered to answer. Aaron grunted forlornly, then clicked his tongue on the back of his teeth. "Lugi? You wanna help me with this?"

One of the Black Mages crept forward from the group, then slunk over to Aaron's side and tugged on the sleeve of his robe, beckoning him to eye level. Aaron obliged, then listened as Lugi told him about the strangers in a half-whispered, unintelligible chattering. After a bit of that, Aaron nodded, patted Lugi's shoulder, and sent him on the way back to the group. When the mage was back over, Aaron licked his thumb, held it up and moved it slowly over the group, then stopped at the Red Wizard, who was shaking his head and blinking his eyes as if he just woke up from the longest nap.

"You brought a reaper here?"

The Red Wizard's face perked up, but he answered groggily, "I, uh, guess I did."

"Well, we can't have any of that. You gotta leave."

"Excuse me?"

"In case you didn't notice, there are only about three experienced mages and wizards here. The rest are about, what, five years old? They couldn't harm a flea if they tried..."

"I... don't think I follow you there."

"I don't want these kids running into danger that'll definately kill them. Some of their relatives saved my life, you know. So you, Cape, gotta leave. The rest I don't mind. They don't have the deliverers of death hunting them day and night."

"Now hold on a minute!" Another, taller man jumped from his seat and slid his hand down to cover the revolver strapped to his hip. "We've been wandering around here for days. We need this hospitality." "And you can have it. It's just... him..."

"I take it that means you don't trust your own abilities," the lanky man continued.

"Me? Abilities? Pah! I'm not gifted with magic. I just live here. Don't try to change the subject." "I'll change it if..."

"No, calm down Siddhearth," the wizard cut in. "If he wants me out of his house, then I couldn't stay." The wizard got to his feet, shakily at first, but he caught himself with his spear and limped out. "We don't want any more fights today," he grumbled just under his breath as he passed Aaron. He stepped out the door, and immediately fell flat on his face. Aaron began to mumble something, but cut it off and went out to pick up the wizard, "Siddhearth" just beating him to it.

"Alright, alright," Aaron moaned. "I guess he's still a little woozy. He can stay... for now. But if that reaper shows up, then out you go." The ex-smuggler ran up to the wizard and braced him, as Siddhearth now was, then helped him back in. "Guess you all had better begin with the introductions. Close the door."

A different mage, white this time, stepped briskly to the door and beckoned Psycho to come in. The Samurai shook his head sharply, so the mage shook her head and shut the door, leaving him outside.

Scene 27[edit]

It had begun to rain an hour after Aaron's visit. The group was now thankful for being allowed entrance into the village, they could scarely imagine being caught in the despressing shower. Below where Jeice was sitting by the window, Psycho stood squatting under a nearby tree. To stubborn to enter now.

His silence was cut off as Cullen entered and jumped on the bed next to his. He yawned loudly, then sat back up and looked at Jeice. "Hey, what are you doing looking out there? Dinner is about to be served in a bit."

"I feel... queasy", Jeice lied, "Must have been that stone spell, not entirely hungry right now." "The Rain is only going to make you more depressed", Cullen pointed out, "You have no problems 'til night. So enjoy the time now!"

"The rain don't depress me", Jeice replied, "I like it... in the rain I was rescued. I might have been killed if not for that horrible storm."

Cullen frowned, "Strange story... but I guess I can understand you there. But still, you should eat... I had a whiff of it downstairs, I haven't smelled something so good in a long time."

"Except that food you failed to pay for at the inn last week", Irontooth corrected.

"Bah, it wasn't worth paying for", Cullen said defensively.

Jeice grinned at the argument Cullen was having with his weapons. He stood up and stretched, "Maybe I will have a little something. If I'm going to be kicked out tonight, I'd much rather have a full stomach."

Scene 28[edit]

"Ah... Dove, you did so well. I am proud of you!" Zel praised, as he fingered a small crystal in his hand. The pale figure of Dove said nothing, but merely watched with empty eyes. The scinetist ignored this and stepped towards a table, "Little Bahamut, you are a mighty one. I was worried that you would get away. But I have little Ian to thank for the rescue."

He put the crystal in a crate, he then stepped over to a small clipboard. He fingered a small feather in his hand, before adding "Bahamut" to the bottom of the list. Then he scanned over his list, murmering each one.

"Hrmm... Shiva... with Dove, yes... ah Ifrit... hoo hoo, you get a new host soon... hum... ooh, Tiamut... hum... ah... Diablos... check, hehehe... Chupon, yes... hoo... Siren... mm-hmm... and Bahamut..."

After looking over the list and finding everything he turned to his 'assistant. "My dear... be a good girl girl and summon the Emporer... I want to show him my findings..."

Scene 29[edit]

"Wow! That was wonderful!" Biggs exclaimed as the group returned to their room. He swung his fists about as demonstration, "I feel like a new man, think the only cure I needed was a well cooked meal!"

"It was the remedy", Reno interrupted, "Pretty vague, but I could make out the small taste in the drink."

"Whatever", Biggs replied as he continued up, a bit less enthusiastic than before.

Jeice was trudging behint the group, deep in thought again. He was suddenly interrupted by Aaron, that strange magic-less fellow that all the mages liked.

"Listen buddy, if the reaper shows up tonight..."

"I know", Jeice interrupted, "I'll leave."

Aaron nodded and left the red wizard to join with his friends. In the room Cid had managed to get all of their attention, and beckoned Jeice to join them. When it was clear he had all of their attention, he spoke up.

"Tomorrow we must leave... or perhaps even at midnight. So we need to be ready", Cid explained, "We need a destination, so Reno has been doing his best to pry info from the young mages around. I managed to get some information from the Elder Time Mage... A Mediator lives on the northern island. It's risky, but the mage said he had a certain power over monsters... including a flock of wyverns." "What!?" Biggs exclaimed, "You expect us all to ride on those horrid things?"

"We can't just rot on this island", Cullen replied, "I'd rather ride one of those ugly Tonberries then stay here."

Biggs sighed, "Fine, but is there no other way?"

"At present we have no options", Siddhearth replied, "If we are fortunate, we may be able to convince them to lend us a guide."

"And Pyscho?" Asura asked, "We can't leave him here. He spent the last few hours in the rain, who knows if he'd survive any longer."

"We have his egg", Siddhearth said, "He'll keep his distance, but I know he'll follow us."

"So it is decided then..." Cid interrupted, speaking up again, "According to the maps spared from The Victoria, the neutral port village of Goralend is the closest civilization to this island. But it's on the far east of the island, so if we make it to the island we will have to walk a long ways there. Once we arrive, we will set our course... hopefully Pyscho will have recovered his memory and we can find the Dove."

"Sounds like a tall order", Ian said, "It's a lot easier said than done."

No one else said much else, so they soon all resolved to sleep. Except Jeice, who took the first available option to get out. The anxiety was terrorizing his mind, he had to do something...

Scene 30[edit]

Aaron flopped down into the cot he'd been bestowed with upon arrival at the Mage School. He sighed, crossed his hands behind his head, and stared up at the ceiling. He scowled at his own action, and in turn brought his hands down to his robe. After a quick searching, he brought up his leather-bound, Griffin Claw Axe. He turned it over in his hands a few times, then angrily tossed it across the room. The blade lodged itself in the wall, despite it being covered. He reached into his robe again, this time pulling out his Wooden Boomerang, a weapon he carved for himself with a Tonberry Knife, though the latter of that item he had lost some time ago. Frustrated, he tossed the Boomerang as well. It hit the Axe, knocking both of them to the floor. And so, he crossed his arms behind his head again. It wasn't until a knock sounded on his door that he finally poked his head up. "Come on in," he sighed.

The door creaked open, and two yellow eyes poked in the door. The figure was dressed in the same robes at the Black Mages had, except that his hat was different. It was rimmed by a thick and yellow pillowy substance, and it was blue at the top. The blue flopped over not far from the rim, with a tiny bronze bell hooked to the end. Master Rec, the teaching Geomancer of the school. "Air, you want to talk?" he asked in a raspy voice.

"You know I'm thirty-five..." Aaron sighed, shoving his face in his cushion.

"You don't act like it much. I'd say you were still eight..."

"Fine, fine then. Come on in, Master Rec. I could use a lesson or two, I guess."

Rec nodded and stepped in, then shut the door behind him. "I can see you're not happy."

"Yeah, well... I'm... I'm never going to get a full-fledged family, am I?"

"What are you talking about boy?!" Rec roared. "You've got a family right here!"

"I may... but how long is it gonna last? I lost one family because of my stupidity, another because of my overly trusting nature, and... I was afraid I'd lose you all today..."

"Ah, the reaper boy."

"Yeah. It... I'm not mad at Jeice. I couldn't be. But it made me realize how possible it is that I'll just up and lose you all some day."

"I see..."

"I... I don't want to stay here. I can't. I'm not going to endanger you, any of you." "But Air... well... I don't know what to say. I can't keep you here. If you're afraid to stay, then you might as well go."

"I... gee, wasn't expecting that."

"I don't know what to tell you. Maybe Madigan would know, but he's not here, as you can tell. Either way, if you do decide to leave, I'm sure the rest of us could manage without you. It'll change our schedules, but we won't field anything to hold you."

"Yes, I..."

"Just promise me one thing."


"Don't leave without telling those kids good-bye. They don't get any exposure to people without magic, except you. They adore you, and I don't wanna see that broken."

"I promise."

"So you are leaving?"

"After that beautiful confession, yeah, I gotta. "Problem is, Master Rec, I dunno how."

"Oh, that's no problem," Rec replied with a jingle of his hat. "I overheard those strangers talking a little earlier."

"You were eavesdropping?"

"No, just passing their room on my run. But anyway, they said they intended to leave soon as well. Maybe if you caught along with them..."

"Doubtful. I don't... I don't think they like me. Don't blame them, they don't understand my position."

"I'm sure they do. It won't kill you to check up on it."

"Temporarily. Just to get off the island. I'll need a ride after that..."

"No problem either. I forgot to mention, there was a ship floating several miles off the coast. Fit the description of your ship perfectly. Maybe they could drop you off, and you could get rid of that one, what's his name? The one that mutinized?"


"Yeah, him. Just throw him over and take your ship back."

"You make it sound so easy..."

"I would."

"Alright then, better start packing..."

"Yes, you had better." Rec glanced over at the two instruments on the floor. "Don't leave them, please."

"I wouldn't."

"And I've got something for you, when you start your trip. Just pick it up when you... well, come to say good-bye."

"Okay..." Impulsively, Aaron leaned over and embraced Rec in a hug. "Thanks, for all that."

"It was nothing," Rec answered, a little squished. "I've leave you to get ready then..."

Rec stepped back out. Aaron looked around, coming to a picture of him and Lugi, a rough sketch made by the little mage. He grabbed a backpack from the wall, and put that in first...

Chapters in Final Fantasy OG
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10