FFOG Chapter 5

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Characters Introduced: Miller, Kuro, Mog

Villains Introduced: Jean Ocean

New Spirits Introduces: Leviathan, Ogopogo, Shiva (with Dove)

Summary: The journey to Valekryie is delayed once again when Cullen throws himself overboard in desperation, then again when Ogopogo attacks the group. The serpent manages to capture Leviathan, and the ship detours to Colnelia to fix the damage done. A confrontation with an old "friend" of Jeice's brings the source of Aaron's magic into focus, whereas meeting Uargo's friends gives Jeice a new glimmer of hope. The Potion of Life.

Colnelian Gambles[edit]

Chapters in Final Fantasy OG
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10


After a long time of being on the island, the ship was finally finished. Jeice marvelled how their group had grown since so long ago... He remembered first meeting Siddhearth and Cid. They employed him simply to guard the airship, but over time he became a core member of their plans. He never minded it, the pay was good and his lodging was paid for. He and Biggs worked together on a lot of missions, until Wedge came around... Biggs had originally been imprisoned, but Cid convinced the Grundon Legionary to release him for a special assignment. Biggs was more than willing to do what was asked when given freedom again. Since then he stayed with the odd group.

Then he remember escaping the prison and meeting Asura and Reno. He remembered seeing a strange light before he saw the two. Then there was Ian, they saved him from Zel and Dove. He remembered that strange face Ian had, surrounded by the corpses of dead imperials...

The strange Psycho, who joined the group out of strange ambition. A mysterious mercenary samurai, and seemingly as crazy as his name implied. And Cullen, the arrogant, care free adventurer who joined for sake of vengance. On the island, Aaron... Jeice still was suspicous of him, but trusted him nonetheless. He regretted that the smuggler would not be staying around with them. Then there was the dancer, Karolie.

And of course, their was Uargo... their newest addition. The man that speak to animals. Jeice could only imagine Asura being nervous around such a monster lover.

But yet, he was burden to them all. Every last one of them had felt his burden, as the reaper would come at night coming for his soul. Asura and Cullen had both bravely fought it off on two occasions, Reno had taken the job of casting the spell "Stone" on Jeice. A fellow crewman had died because of him, throwing himself off the Victoria in sheer panic.

All he had was the hope he could find the cure, perhaps in the legendary Dove. Or those Great Spirits spoke of by Magidan. Whatever the case, he would be truly happy to for once actually sleep a night in peace.

The ship was well furnished and had enough supplies to last the entire group. The all settled in their rooms with only a few beds to spare. There was no room for a crew to sleep, meaning the group would be doing all the work. By the time they cast off, it was past noon and most of the day was over.

Reno and Jeice were on the first night duty, along with Psycho who stood off seperate from the two at the other end of the ship. The two mages stood at the helm, watching the ship tread the cold water. The two had talked some time, primarily of some past experiences, but primarily their recent events. A question however popped up from Reno...

"So Jeice, what Mage School did you come from?"

Jeice rubbed his neck in thought, "Well truth is I pretty much taught myself magic" "No way! It takes years to become enough of a mage to hold your own in battle, and that's with daily training like at my school... no one just naturally learns magic, not that I ever heard of at least."

"I know," Jeice replied, "But I learned it when I was little, my sis and I. It was little stuff at first, like making a glowing light or something to that extent... but we both learned more. Our mother died when we were young, so it was just the two of us and our dad. He never knew one day until I healed our dog when it was hurt.... He made Sara and I swear, err ... my sister and I swear never to let anyone know..."

Reno nodded, "Go on..."

"Well, we were in town one day... A fight broke out between some men, one of them was hurt pretty bad. My dad and my sister were together while I wandered off to watch. One of them was friend of my dad's, he was like an uncle to us. He was hurt bad in the fight, so I used my magic to heal him...."

"So, what did the people think to see a kid use magic? I bet it made you pretty popular..." Reno commented.

Jeice shook his head, "No, it was.... extremely strange. Magic isn't uncommon, but the people at that time relaly thought so... Everything seemed crazy... they wanted to take me away... kill me I suppose"

"NO! LEMME GO!" The boy cried, "I didn't mean to!"

"No matter how much I yelled, they wouldn't let me go..."

"Let my son go!" The father yelled.

"Shut up old man," One of the villager shouted while punching the father, "We're sending this little demon back to hell..."

They took me out of the village, all of them intent of ending my life. For all they cared I was an evil boy...

"All right you little monster.. hold still..." A man mumbled, in the dark midnight he seemed more like a monster to the boy than anything else.

The boy's eyes were wide with fear. Without thinking a ball of flame had formed in his hand, he soon felt his hand get hot. In pain he tossed it towards the man, who's clothed caught in flames. The man rolled around on the ground putting it out while the other men were in panic. The boy ran.

"I ran away..."

The men were in hot pursuit of the boy until he fell in a pit, they passed over him. He tried to escape, but could not reach the edges....

"Then I was trapped..."

He fell asleep on the hole and woke up to strong arms lifting him up. A tall, white haired man. His face was stiff, extremely focused yet compassionate. The man towered over the boy, extremely tall and noble. A strange tattoo covered his right eye, seeming to be some sort of emblem. At his side was a finely crafted spear, but his clothes were ragged and faded with age.

"A man named Umbriel found me, and raised me. He was a Dragoon, a powerful soldier of some kingdom... he never said from where. I was six then and stayed with him for five years... Then he vanished one day. During that time he taught me swordsmanship, how to use a spear effectively, among other things... And I developed my magical skills, when he saw that, I ended up at the Mage School where he left me..."

Reno nodded, "What became of your sister and father then?"

Jeice shrugged, "Never saw them again, we were always on the go. Umbriel adopted me like I was a son, I took his last name "Apalocks", even a different first name... So, what about you? How'd you end up around a group like us?"

Reno looked over and shrugged, "I had to warn the mayor of Telo'Nak..."

Jeice frowned, realizing Reno did not like talking about his past, so he changed the subject, "Ya know, I never told anyone this... but there was a time I went on a trip through the Redland Desert guarding a cargo of..."

Away from them, Psycho stood at a distance watching them. He silently was chipping a carving of Reno, while patting the young Silver Strike next to him.

Psycho (needs editting)[edit]

Psycho Thinking. should I tell them? i have fainaly regained all of my meories. but i just can't bring my self to trust any of them but ian or sliderith. yes i'll tell them every thing in the morning. they have a right to know, and once I have told them I can ask leave to rescue my homeland from the tyranny it is under bye my back-stabbing uncle I've free my people from my uncle and then retrun to the others. Mybe once they are free the Kiristean empire can help us. Zel you shall meet your make! and I'll see to it personly Sliver telipathicly: Be pationt Remebor Sencei always said that your uncontrolibel rage was your weakness. aslo how will you get their? I recall no row boats on this fine vessel.

Psycho: True old friend, but I will find a way. I must tell Reno and Jiece that I have my meories back

Sliver: I understand go just leave the figuries with me i'll finesh Reno he is the last one you need to carve yes?

Psycho: Yes he is he puts his whittling knife up and sets the rough carving on the deck and walks tword Jeice and Reno He is soon standing behind them But is weiting for their conversation to end befor he says anything.

Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Jeice's lazy eyes scanned over the horizon, himself fighting the urge to doze off as Reno had. The young Mage lay up to the side of the boat, hands folded neatly by his head. Psycho had slipped away after stopping to say that his memory had returned and that he could perhaps remember where he had been told the Dove resided, hopefully just around the other side of the ship instead of swimming his way back to mainland. He normally wouldn't think even a lunatic lacked sense to avoid such a test of skill, but in the short time he'd known Psycho, all of Jeice's perceptions on those like the Samurai were inverted. He wouldn't put anything past their reasoning...

Or, maybe, beyond his own reasoning as well. It hadn't escaped the Wizard how remarkably similar he was to Cullen the Red, someone that was considered by most to be out of his own wits. Both were hardy adventurers with skills and positions that lacked the respect of most other people. Both had lost their family, including a sister, some time ago. The only difference was that Cullen lacked the ability to cast spells, something that seemed not be a difference anymore...

Actually, Cullen seemed to have a much more chipper personality than Jeice. After all, Jeice had been the one to question his own significance. Cullen didn't act that way. Was that why they considered Cullen a mad-man, and just thought of Jeice as a mutant? Perhaps...

Jeice grimaced leaned back on the side of the ship. Maybe it's easier to deal with being a mad-man than it is being called a freak...

A dark silhouette crept at the edge of Jeice's perception. Impulsively, he pointed and called out "Lamp!", hoping to illuminate the dark (and maybe startle Reno awake). As he was slowly growing accustomed to, the incantation didn't work. The shadow was out of his sight before he even had time to react. Probably just Psycho..., he thought to himself.

Jeice slid down from the ship's side and came to a rest on his behind. His eyelids slid shut slowly, sending Jeice into a light sleep. Though light, he didn't rouse when a loud splash sounded off the side of the ship, followed by strained grunting as the silhouette he saw earlier paddled through the water to the shore.

Aaron lay his head down on his hands in his lone bed, listening as the women in the room beyond his shuffled about, making sure that their belongings didn't become mixed or misplaced. He resisted the urge to go and tell them that the trip wouldn't be that long, then scolded himself for even letting the thought of entering their room cross his mind.

It was hard to understand himself sometimes. As much as Aaron hated to admit it, even to himself, he dreaded the thought of having taken the role of captain. What had possessed him to make that a condition of helping, he couldn't be sure.

Besides the fact that he feared for the safety of the others as he slowly grew accustomed to their presences, he also feared that his own skill as a captain would fail. He could sail, but leading was a different question altogether. The only reason he had become the new leader of the Gigyas Prey was that her old captain had appointed him in his will. Odin could do better...

Even worse, the prospect of taking his new crew into battle against one of the fiercest beasts to ever inhabit the oceans made him cringe with dread. His only hope would be that they would accept going to find the Dove first, then he could steal away alone with the ship and battle Leviathan himself. It was suicide, but at least he wouldn't take them down with him...

Stretching, Aaron put his pondering behind him and got up, then stepped through his door and out the hall. The ladies had since settled down and likely nodded off to sleep, so he didn't bother to stop at their door. He continued on past all the cabins and headed out to the deck, where Jeice and Reno were likely ready to be relieved from watch for the night.

He suddenly froze and turned back to the hall of cabins. He silently counted out all eight doors, then tried to mentally remember who were in which. Not remembering, he just took note that one door was open and scuttled quickly onto the deck.

Reno passed him as he went, pushing Jeice along, the latter having been converted to his rock-form for the night.

"Come out sooner next time," the kid mumbled. "I almost didn't wake up in time to do this. Even then, I almost missed and turned the boat to stone..."

Aaron cut off his story with a wave and cut in with, "You didn't leave the door open when you came out, did you?"

"Me?" the Mage replied. "Uh uh. I don't want the room to get cold."

"Who're you bunking with?"

"Flint Apalock here. Wanna trade?"

Aaron scowled and continued walking, but looked back to see Reno stick his tongue out and continue pushing. The Geomancer stopped when he noticed Uargo, leaning against the side of the ship and smelling the air.

"Captain," he called behind him. "Can I have a word?"

Aaron stepped up beside him. "In a bit. Did you..."

"It'll only be a minute, please." Aaron lifted a hand to object, but the Mediator ignored it and continued. "You want to find this Leviathan, eh? And do what? Make a fish dinner out of him?"

Aaron shook his head. "I hadn't thought past finding it." "Not good for a leader to be waiting until the last minute," the elder scolded.

"I'm working on that."

"Do that. Back to Leviathan. Don't attack it."


"Ah, blunt and to the point. Now there's a leader for you."


"Give me the opportunity to talk to it first. I'd rather not go about and unnecessarily kill a blessed creature of this earth. If it comes to life or death, yes destroy it. But wouldn't it be much more pleasurable to have it as help?"

Aaron took some time to organize his thoughts, until he finally found something to say that wouldn't give away his plan to do the battling alone. "You think you can talk to something that ferocious?"

"Captain, I can talk to anything."

"If you say so."

"Thank you for that confident note," Uargo said flatly. "Now, what is it you wanted?"

"Did you leave your door open when you came out here to... uh... what are you doing out here?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, speaking with these sea creatures. Delightful conversations, I tell you."

Aaron nodded slowly, then went back to his first question. "You leave the door open when you came out here?"

"No, no. I wouldn't want the room to get cold, Captain."

"Your roommate?"

"Cullen. Delightful man, he is. Reminds me a lot of Jeice."

"I've noticed..."

"What's the matter, Captain?"

"I... don't know..." Aaron spun on his heel and dashed back to the cabin. "All right... thanks for the talk... perhaps..." Uargo turned back to the sea and gazed down at the sparkling water.

Aaron burst into the open room, not bothering to see if anyone else was about on the deck. Two beds, meaning it couldn't be Psycho's or Ian's room. The first bed was neatly set, as if it hadn't even been used. Nothing decorated that side of the room. The other side of the room wasn't that different, except for the pair of goggles sitting on the chest at the foot of the bed. An extra pair Uargo had brought...

Aaron's gut sunk as he suddenly realized why this issue had come to him as so dire. Cullen's stuff wasn't anywhere. He hadn't packed more than a handbag and a few extra clothes to bring with him, yet those weren't in sight. He turned back to the door, but a sheet of paper sticking out from the covers of the bed caught his eye. He lifted it out and ran the words through his mind:

Dear Comrades,

You may be wondering why I did this. Don't. It's issues that I'd prefer to keep personal, really. Not your faults or anything.

Who knows if and when we'll ever meet again, so I just want to say that you all provided me with the comfort I needed to get through some rough times. Hearing that my sister was in Zel's hands back at the Legionary's palace took a lot out of me, but coming along with your adventure, even though I'm bailing now, really kept my head in place. Thanks to all of you, and don't you dare forget me.


Still in the evening, the eleven-member crew of the Gigyas Pred stood in a straight row at the port side of the ship, looking out to sea. Jeice had been left in his stone sleep, and the group had all but forced Reno to make sure he heard the news in the softest way as possible.

"You're sure he didn't have a chance?" Cid asked, turning to look at Uargo.

The Mediator nodded. "What I've heard, this part of the sea has lately been crowded with Sahags. Those little demons travel in packs, you know. In the likely case that a group decided they could all take down something bigger than them, Cullen would be outnumbered... and not have a chance."

Cid nodded solemnly and turned back to the sea. As he did, Karolie cast a lone red rose into the sea, silent tribute from them all to the Viking.

With that, the group plodded slowly off to get some sleep, though they obviously wouldn't, leaving only Aaron and Karolie. The former knelt down to the side of the ship and put his face in his hands, despair boiling. He'd done it again... Karolie walked over and squeezed his shoulder lightly, then leaned to look at him. "It's not your fault," she said simply, then followed the others away. Aaron shook his head and rested it on the ship's side, before turning to follow.

Psycho (needs editting)[edit]

Psycho was in his room he was fishing painting the last of the small wood repilecas of the group. as a sign of mourning after the paint dried he tossed a copy of cullen over board letting it float alone at sea. He then retrunned to his room and sat on the side of his bed. slive conforted him for a bit then Sliver out loud) I know this is hard on you but you must tell them. The group has a right to know Cullen left a note at least. Psycho True, but- sliver: you're afriad that they will look down on you for leaving them and call you a dishonareble coured for leaving. Look you crossed the sea on a raft made of three logs with no sail to get me back. Also it would not be breaking your word. Think of your people. Psycho You are right it is my duty to tell them and to free my people from oppresion.

Psycho left sliver in the room and walked the deck of the ship telling the others that at noon he had some thing to tell them. He also gave to each a hand carved and painted figure he made of them saying it is a thank you for helping him in time of need. He then retruned to his duties on the ship and sliver conferted him telipathicly giving him couredge he will need for what he must do.

Ditto McCloaker[edit]

"Do you think the hopelessness of the situation simply got to him and he lost all reason?" said the composer, sitting stiffly in a cheap chair in a corner of the posh cabin room.

"Desperation, perhaps? Mixed with a muddled and momentarily frantic mind? He kept up such a jubilant personality... May have been a mask... On the other hand, I have known among my musicians of cases where a person can soar to delirious heights and then slam down to sea level and land in a state of inexplicable and hopeless misery."

Siddhearth shifted his long, thin form in his chair, looking unusually awkward. He leaned on one arm rest and swished around the small glass chalice of red Decantine in his hand. Cid was stone silent, his large, sharp face frowning into the fire. His cane lay on a side table. Cid slouched in his chair, and he looked very tired, the grey streaks in his receding hair aruond his ear even more pronounced.

Hours had passed since the discovery of Cullen's abandonment of the Gigyas Prey. Outside the window, a crimson red line split the horizon between the Earth and the sea, and the crescent moon overhead was quickly retreating as the sun prepared to take it's place on the celesial stage. Finally, Reno, who was standing outside the door where Jeice was stashed, his heart pounding fiercely, peeked his head into the room and saw that the Reaper, which had come floating through the walls according to it's regular time, had disappeared. The boy crept in and put a small bottle up to Jeice's lips. Instantly, the stone began to soften, and the mage returned to flesh and blood. Jeice stood and blinked for a few seconds, and with then, as if he were a rag doll, flopped backwards, landing across the bed.

Reno looked at Jeice, and noticed for the first time how horrible he looked. His face had lines, his hair was a mess, and great dark crescents hung beneath his eyes. No mystery. A Stone spell does not provide rest, and with all that went on during the days, sleep had been a rare thing, and out to sea, it was plain Jeice intended to catch up.

Reno hated to do it, but he immediately began by telling him of the events of the night before. Jeice clearly didn't get it at first, but suddenly, his hungry eyes widened. He pushed himself up.

"You MUST be joking."

Reno confirmed the sudden and disturbing loss of their former companion. Jeice looked even more pained.

"Why?" he croaked.

"We don't know. Madness... fragile grip on reality to begin with... desperation."

"I think I know why." said Jeice.

"Why?" asked Reno.

"I bet it's the same thing that happened to that one guy back on the Victoria. I bet my Reaper scared him and he, panic-stricken..."

"No, no, no," said Reno. "I already told you... he left a note. So it wasn't hasty. It just doesnt' say much."

Jeice took a ragged breath and stood up on his long, weary legs. He left the room in a mix of despair and disbelief, toward the cabin of the lost crew member. The door was open and it was unoccupied. He went in, took a few steps around, and then moved over to Cullen's bed. The stark lack of Cullen's possessoins hit hard. It wasn't real. It was clean.

He had been so like him, saw a bit of himself in there... a jauntier, more hearty version of himself... and now it was like he had never been there.

Jeice walked around to the bed and sat down and put his face in his gloved hands. He was so tired... "Hey! Is that someone there?"

Jeice could almost hear the sarcastic voice of Steeltooth.

"Did you forget something? Like ME?" came the voice again.

But it wasnt' Jeice's imagination. Or maybe it was. He was VERY tired, and he had heard of such hallucinations...

"WHO'S THERE?" came the voice again, muffled.

Jeice reached over and looked under the pillow. There, underneath, was a long, gray, silvery sword/dagger. It had a long gray hilt. The hilt... had a face.

"Jeice! Welcome back to the land of the living!"

"Steeltooth...?!" came Jeice's reply.

Steeltooth's lower lip curled into a smile that almost had his protruding lower fangs touching in the middle of his face.

"Dern critter left me behind, fancy that," said Steeltooth with a wink. "Now... I wonder why he did that, now?" He looked up at Jeice with a knowing grin.

"Well, don't just sit there. Get me out from under here. I asked to be stored in the closet, but no... Guess he wanted them to find me with the note, but it didn't happen."

"But... why?" asked Jeice of the sword.

"Hey, I dunno. I never understood the guy myself, but he seemed to know what he was doing. So... you gonna pocket me or not?"

Jeice nodded vaguely, and picked up the sword. He held him in his hands, and trembled a bit, but his reverie was interrupted.

"I beileve we can rule out the insanity theory... at least in part. He was clearly thinking enough that he intended you to have it... er, him."

Jeice's head jerked up. It was Uargo, who also used this room, standing in the doorway.


Siddhearth got up to leave his chair in the cabin. Cid himself seemed weary enough to get what sleep he could as the daylight began to pour in. Suddenly, a form appeared in the door. "I'm awake," said Jeice. "I heard what happened. This has been hard on all of us. I know... and I want you to know, my heart's in this all one hundred percent. We may seem homeless and cast-out now... but... I swear to you, Mr. Seamus," he said, looking firmly at Cid, "Your position and wealth will not have been lost in vain. I want to thank you for all the sacrifice you have made."

With that, Jeice darted off.

Siddhearth and Cid looked at each other.

"I think Jeice feels bad about your... er... losing everything." said Siddhearth, with a smile.

Cid said little and pushes himself out of his chair.

"He noticed that you weren't able to spend anything on the creation of this boat... He knows that your property back in Grundon, as well as your considerable account in the X-Checker will have undoubtedly been seized."

Cid said little. He made his way into his bed.

"You think I should tell him about the First Bank of Valkyrie chequebook presently lying in your top chest of drawers?" said Siddhearth, with a grin.

"Close the blinds, Siddhearth." Cid muttered into his pillow and snorted with sleepiness.


Asura stood at the back of the ship, the miniature wooden figurine of herself held loosely in her left hand. She leaned on the railing, looking out toward the sea that had swallowed one of their companions without warning or reason. Cullen had always been, in her opinion, a bumbler and an overzealous annoyance, but still she couldn't help reflecting on his misfortune with a trace of mournfulness and a lot of shock. He had been annoying; but he had been one of the more animated, vivacious members of the group; she had not realized it until then, but he had brought an element of reckless devotion to their party. He had been a wildcard; to watch the joker lose first was somewhat disconcerting.

She studied the wooden figure, determined to bring her thoughts to different matters; what was done was done, and if the crazy joker thought that he could swim miles toward land in a dangerous sea; why, that was his own problem. She went over the features of the figurine, a bit disturbed at the detail shown. And she thought SHE had been good at observing people. She got chills just wondering how long he had to have been observing them all to complete these figurines. Creepy.

The ocean was a rolling glass sheet behind them, marred only by the rippling wake of their vessel as it cut through the otherwise unblemished surface. The inconsequential swells pulled the boat through them, rocking the deck just slightly, seeming to offer fair warning that they were all still at the waters' mercy; these baby swells could with little warning or trouble escalate into tremendous walls of water that could overturn the finest vessel in an instant. Still staring dreamily at the perfect, tranquil scene before her, pondering over the fickle ways of nature, she concluded that this was much like life; at one minute it was lulling and comforting, yet at any minute it could boil itself up into a deadly storm. I wonder if Cullen can survive the storm he's tossed himself into?

A light tapping on her shoulder startled her out of her reverie, yet she was far too tired and numbed to show any of this in her reaction. She merely turned and faced the interrupting person, yawning as she dropped her arms off the railing and stretched. Karolie stood there, looking just about as tired as her yet far more disturbed.

"You don't look like you're feeling too well," Asura commented bluntly, knowing what her dismay was over and unsure of how to reassure her.

"Did you know, that I never even spoke to that man?" Karolie replied, ignoring the comment. "I never bothered to say a thing to him, and now I'll never get the chance."

"Did you have something you wanted to say?" Asura asked, a bit taken back by the dancer's distress.

"That's not the point!" Karolie replied, exasperated. "It's just that... I guess I feel guilty for taking him for granted. What would possess a man to jump into the sea in the middle of the night...?"

"If you're asking that, you definitely didn't know Cullen very well," Asura muttered, then said in an audible voice, "You can never predict when things like this are going to happen. When they do, you simply have to accept a loss and move on. I learned that lesson at a very young age; the best way to recover from a tragedy is to... move on."

The two girls stood on deck, staring out at the sea, the finality of the words emphasized by the ensuing silence.

Psycho (needs editting)[edit]

Psycho Is sitting in his room cross leged his eyes closed he is meditating we soon see sliver wake from his slumber by the bed. He then walks over to Psycho and lays down next to him and weits soon Psycho stops his meditating.*

Psycho: Yes Sliver is their something on your mind?

Sliver: As a matter of fact yes how are we going to get to our secret destination once we tell the others? We can't float on that map of yours now can we?

Psycho: Don't worrie it's under controll me friend. Put your mind at eas.

Ditto McCloaker[edit]

The morning wore on, and Jeice's ebullience, once heartening, began to combine with his sever sleep deficeit, and soon he was chattering away at anyone nearby about increasingly odd worries and concerns he was having. It was clear the boy was quickly approaching a crisis situation.

Asura was his principle target, for some reason, and he stuck more or less close by her as he continued his creepy monologues. At one point, Asura made her way to the cabin area, and Jeice tagged along, espousing his concern over ship rats ("Even new ships can have them, and I think I can hear them, already..."). As she passed by Uargo's room, she spotted the rear of a form wearing coattails hunched down on the ground on the floor between the beds. She looked in, and Jeice, looked over her shoulder, his bleary eyes darting about frantically.

"Siddhearth?" she asked, in mild surprise.

The form straightened up to reveal the thin, limber form of Siddhearth, who continued to stare around the room intently. He scratched his forehead, and in his hand was what appeared to be a moderately sized eye glass. He didn't speak, but looked distractedly down at Cullen's former bed.

"What are you doing in here?" she asked, coming in, Jeice right at her shoulder.

Siddhearth didn't look up. "I'm... just having a look around." he muttered.

"Did you s-see a mouse too?" said Jeice.

Siddhearth came closer to Asura, while continuing to cast his gaze around. "Nothing..." He looked up at Jeice.

"Jeice, do you have... er... Steeltooth with you?" he asked.

Jeice looked suprised, and quickly jerked the sword out from under his cape. Siddhearth focused his eyes on the sword.

"Excuse me... but what exactly did Cullen say and do last night, before he disappeared?"

Steeltooth looked surprised. "Nothing much. I just saw him open up his cabinet and pulled us out, shooshed us... put me under the bed, and a few mintues later, I heard him go out the door."

Siddhearth thought. "What did he tell you he was doing?"

"Nothing. He didn't say a word to either of us."

"Not a thing?" inquired Siddhearth curiously.

"Nope." Asura looked at him searchingly. "What are you thinking...?" she asked softly.

"I bet he was worried about the rats," said Jeice obtrusively, pushing his face over her shoulder.

Siddhearth continued to interrogate the sword. "Did you see him write the letter?"

"Nope. Figured that's what took him so long to leave, though."

Siddhearth nodded. "Do you recall him having any... disagreements with any members of the crew recently? Even small? That the rest of us might not know about?"

Steeltooth shrugged, as much as a sword can do so. "He sort of irritated everyone..."

Asura was confused. "What do you suspect?"

Jeice, however, was suddenly pressing his ear against a wall, with a panicked look on his face. "I can hear them," he said, nervously, pressing his ear to silence. "Hundreds of them... they're going 'squeak... squeak... squeak... in unison. Like a chant."

Asura looked around, and noticed a small squeaking noice coming from a swinging lantern hanging from the ceiling. She walked over to Jeice for a moment and took him by the arm. He blushed as she led him over to Uargo's bed.

"Jeice, close your eyes and listen really hard. Tell me if you still hear them."

Jeice looked at her triumphantly and smiled, and then closed his eyes. Immediately, she lifted her and placed her hand over his forehead. She muttered a word under her breath.


Instantly, the tired red mage fell back limply into an arm she stretched behind him. She then gently arranged the peacefully snoozing ally on the Mediator's bed and let him alone, and returned to Siddhearth, who had taken slight notice but was still deep in thought.

"Perhaps I should check the decks..." he said quietly.

"What is it?" asked Asura desperately.

"I'm just wondering if he really did throw himself overboard."

Asura's eyes opened wide.

"But... the note..." she began. "Yes, yes," he agreed, "but that's just it. If he were mad, why would he leave a note? Suppose he left, but didn't intend to go over the railing? How can we even verify the genuineness of his note? I can't think of any samples of his handwriting we can compare it to..."

Asura put a hand to her mouth. "You're saying... someone might have...?"

Siddhearth shrugged. "It's just a tiny idea," he said. "It's not like we're strangers. I certainly can't imagine it," he said. "It was just a thought I had and it's been bugging me."

Asura agreed. "Of course... but still... what if? Could we have a... murderer on board?"

The thought did trouble them, especially since one or two names both floated eerily up in their minds... which they tried their best to force down.

"Yes... but could ANYone have hated him enough to have wanted to...?"

From the bed, Jeice emitted a very loud snore which punctuated their conversation.


Asura looked at Siddhearth, mouth agape and her mind reeling. Even she, as distrustful as she tended to be, hadn't considered that appalling little notion. Everyone on the ship... they were the only people she had that she could rightfully call friends; this crazy composer was telling her, essentially, that even the only people she dared trust could be capable of murder.

"I... I don't think anyone particularly disliked Cullen to that much of an extent." She blushed slightly, "I'll freely admit that I probably liked the guy the least."

"Well... oftentimes when one is planning murder, they don't exactly show ill will for their victim just beforehand, don't you think?" Siddhearth mused, holding his magnifying up as though to examine it.

"I don't really want to talk about this," Asura stated abruptly, taking a step toward the door. "This is just... too much for one night."

"I understand," Siddhearth replied with a shrug. "It is quite a lot to take in... we just simply can't rule things out because we don't want to accept the possibilities."

"I see what you mean, but I can't accept this. Maybe after a few hours of rest, but... not now."

"Then good night, Miss Asura..."

"Crismon," she finished, bluntly. "Miss Asura Crismon. Good night."

She stepped briskly out onto the deck, pulling off her hood, suddenly feeling very hot. She leaned against the wall, running her fingers through her hair in a flustered manner. The sound of whispered voices caught her attention, from her left. She wrinkled her brow, telling herself to stop being stupid. She left one ear open, however, rationalizing that she may as well prove there was nothing to be paranoid about.

"They all totally believe he just jumped off, for the heck of it...!"

"Well, I mean, it was a pretty believable letter, wasn't it?"

"Sure, sure... but really."

"Well, he was such an oddball that..."

Asura peeked around the corner, making a face at Biggs as he and Wedge came into view, both of them sitting on the floor outside their cabin, chatting away. Wedge looked up in surprise as she stepped into view, and Biggs grinned at her.

"I see ol' Jeice quite following you around, eh?" he laughed, earning a glower from Asura and a perfunctory look from his friend.

"What were you two just talking about?" She asked matter-of-factly, doing her best to keep from sounding suspicious.

"Us? Why, discussing old Cullen's leap of faith, of course. Why else we would still be awake at this hour? It's practically morning..." Biggs yawned, as though to illustrate this point.

"I was just wondering if maybe Mr. The Red had any real reason for jumping off. You all seem to buy that crazy story about him just... cracking off."

"He said he had personal reasons," Asura muttered.

"Yeah, like, maybe he was suicidal. In a personal manner."

Asura glared at Biggs again, deciding she'd had quite enough of HIM for one night. Obviously they were just dicussing the situation... as they had every right to be doing, of course. Had she really thought, for just a second, that they had been... she banished the thought from her mind, privately cursing Siddhearth for planting this thought in her mind.

She passed by the door to Ian's chamber, glancing in the window as she passed to see him sleeping in his room; he had accepted the news of Cullen impassively; as accustomed to death and tragedy as he was it was no surprise.

Uargo still stood at the side of the boat, conversing lazily with the sea life. He smiled warmly as she passed; Asura knew instinctively that this man had far too much respect for life to take it away. Jeice had been a chunk of stone; Reno had been the one acting as caretaker to the boy. They couldn't have possibly done it... she passed the captain's cabin, right next to her own, and frowned. Aaron had discovered everything, but he had always been so fretful of all their safety, worried about their wellbeing more than his own. Karolie had been with her the entire time in their room.

She mused to herself, as she walked in to her cabin. Karolie already lay fast asleep on her bunk, and Asura longed to do the same. She sat down on the bed, her eyes falling on the wooden carvings of her and the dancer they had placed with the rest of their belongings. Where had Psycho been? Why, in his cabin obsessing over his tiger, no doubt... And Cid had been with Siddhearth, and Siddhearth was obviously innocent, right?

Each member of the party appeared to have their own reasonable alibi, she concluded. Siddhearth had to be wrong... but still, as she dropped off to sleep, dreams filled with betrayal haunted her.

The next morning, she awoke to find it already well into the day; not surprising, since she had been awake most of the night. She recalled that Psycho had had something he wanted to tell them... she noted the Karolie was already gone, and wondered if she had missed it. Grabbing her cloak from the floor near her bed, she hastily put it on and ventured out into the day, trying not to think about the conversation she and Siddhearth had the previous night.

That's just a bunch of paranoid nervous talk.


"Alright, time to wake up!" Called out a voice beside Jeice.

"Huummm..." Was the only reply Jeice gave.

"When you gotta get up, you've gotta get up! Now move!"

"What's yer problem...?"

"What's my problem!? It's dinner, c'mon!"

Jeice rolled over, suddenly finding himself on the floor. He mumbled and looked up, he was exhausted, yet slightly refreshed. He looked over, Steeltooth was on the bed glaring at him.

The wizard yawned, "How long was I asleep...?"

The sword paused for a second, "About three hours"

His eyes widened, "Yeesh, I need a little more sleep than that..." The sword said nothing.

Jeice simply shrugged and straightened his clothes, put his hat back on. He looked at the sheath strapped to his belt, an empty one. He turned to the sheath Steeltooth was in. He grinned and began unstrapping that sheath and replacing it with Steeltooth.

"Lost your old sword?"


"How'd ya lose it?"

"Lost it in a bet with Biggs, who sold it already"

Steeltooth's eyes widened, "You fool! How could you bet away a sword!?"

Jeice shrugged, "Never used it, more for show. Always been better with a spear"

The sword frowned, "Idiot, you don't just -poke- your enemies!"

Jeice chuckled, "Sometimes I whack them instead"

That earned no reply from the sword except a frustated look.

He stood up and looked up thoughtfully, "Huh, that's wierd..."

The sowrd looked up, "Now what?"

"Just Asura somehow put me to sleep with a word, almost like... nah"

Uargo passed by Jeice, "You are awake! Good! You must come on deck!"

The mediator instantly took off, Jeice wasted no time in following him. As he caught sight of the sea around him, he spotted what looked like a tail going underwater. Everyone was silent and staring. Jeice looked around in confusion, then finally grabbed Aaron. "What was that!?"

Aaron was pale and said nothing, then finally turned and reponded, "Leviathan..."

Psycho (needs editting)[edit]

Psycho and sliver thoundered down the deck and soon saw the beast.

Psycho: Well well looks like seafood suop to me! The group gives the astrainged samuria an odd look. Psycho: well between jobs money got scarce so we had to eat what we killed. but we never ate humens. Bigg's: Man you are sick!Psycho on't push me i'm not in the mood besides we have more miportent matters at hand.

Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Aaron quickly dashed back into his quarters and found what he was searching for with little trouble. His map... He snapped a compass out of his pocket, checked his coordinates, then matched them with those on the map. It turned out that in the path from Goralend to Valkeryie, they had unwittingly drifted a bit off course in the direction of Colnelia.

It's not fair, Aaron thought. If only I was half the sailor...

His thought was cut off as a horrible shudder pitched the ship almost onto its side. Aaron raced back to the deck and saw Uargo ahead of the others, his arms outstretched to keep them back. Leviathan, having quickly grown tired of sharing its territory with the Gigyas, flung itself into the air on a collision course with the vessel. Aaron prepared to call on a gale wind that would quickly let them side-step it, but he stopped when Asura called out, "Barrier!" from behind him. The crew, save for Uargo, turned to look at her, missing Leviathan as it smashed into an invisible wall and dropped calmly back into the sea, only to start prowling around the Barrier with a wicked look to its eyes.

Eyes closed, lips tight, hands folded, and a bit of sweat resting on her forehead, all Asura could say was, "Hurry up, Uargo."

Without turning, the Mediator made a small bow at his neck, then probed over the ship's edge with his hand to see how far the Barrier really did stretch. Not finding the limit, he abandoned that activity and simply leaned forward on the ship's railing. A loud yelp emitted from his mouth first, gaining the sea beast's attention and prompting it to lift itself more out of the water. Uargo then leaned as far over the edge as he could, coming somewhat close to Leviathan's face. The first words he said were too quiet to be heard by the others, but even as he gained some volume, Uargo's strange speech made no sense to them.

Finally, Uargo pulled back, a distraught look on his face. "I sense a great deal of anxiety on his heart," the elder mumbled, "but he is so intent on clearing his territory that I couldn't extract the reason." Uargo cast his gaze downward. "He practically begged me to let him destroy the ship as quickly as possible..." He emitted a deep sigh. "Do it."

"You heard him!" Aaron barked, clapping his hands together for attention. "Let's get ready, people!"

"Hold on," Reno replied, stopping those that had already begun to mill around the deck. "I can handle this." The boy laced his fingers and stepped forward, then bent his wrists sharply, making a loud cracking sound. He motioned up to the sky and shouted, "Thundaga!"

Nothing happened. Not a single cloud appeared or anything. Reno's hands flopped, and he desperately tried a weaker Lightning spell, to no avail.

"Any time now, kid," Asura muttered through grit teeth, the sweat on her face much more eminent than it was earlier.

Reno looked desperately back at her, then down at Leviathan, then up at the sky. He called Thundaga again, his voice that of a squeak. "Thundaga!" Jeice boomed, stepping up to Reno's side. From under Jeice's cloak, Steeltooth also shouted the incantation. "Thundaga!" Siddhearth added, coming up to the other side. Then Asura called it, though strained, and Karolie parroted her. Biggs and Wedge shouted it in unison, surrounding Reno from the back and front. Then Cid added his voice, next Ian, then Aaron. Uargo muttered it under his breath, proving yet again that he didn't want to harm Leviathan at all.

With a final flourish, Psycho stepped forward and called out the name of the spell as well, the tiger Silver roaring right along with his trainer.

Reno glanced happily among the faces of the rest, a smile forming at his mouth and... was that a tear?... forming at his eye. He spun around, his robe billowing around him, and shouted, "Thundaga!" once more.

Sure enough, the sky above was filled with thick, black clouds, booming with thunder and flashing with distant light. A bright yellow ring pierced the clouds, quickly expanding into a ring that could easily engulf their ship. The waters fell still. Everyone on the ship held their breaths' and watched the spectacle. Even Leviathan seemed entranced, its short, dark purple-scaled snout and bloodshot eyes poking up from the water.

The strain of holding up their invisible wall was apparently taking a heavier toll on Asura than they thought, however, and she collapsed forwards, pitching into Jeice. As she fell, so did the Barrier.

Leviathan and Reno seemed to notice at the same time. The former opened its gaping mouth, revealing its saw-edged teeth arranged in three rows that lined the mouth, and lunged forward again. As it did, Reno shouted, "NOW!"

The behemoth froze in mid-air as the ring in the sky plummeted downward in a whirlwind of electricity, thousands of lightning bolts in a spiraling dance, and smashed into its back.

At the sight, Uargo backed away and sat down cross-legged, his hands on his knees and his eyes shut. He cringed with every hit, and was even thrown backwards a bit when Leviathan got struck by an especially large bolt.

The monster itself was suspended by the spell for several minutes, writhing about as arcs of electricity raced across its body, peeling its thick scales off like the skin of an onion and leaving large, smoking spots where its cells had exploded under the force.

Finally the storm died down, and Leviathan flopped into the water dangerously close to the ship. The waves that rippled up from its impact point rocked the boat hard, but it again refused to tip over.

Biggs let out a low whistle as the waters calmed. "That's got him, all right," the Thief said.

"Let's make sure..." Aaron said, running to the front of the ship in order to sail it away from Leviathan's landing spot. Apparently, he hadn't need to worry about this battle after all. Everyone was fine so far, save for Asura and Uargo.

Leviathan's gonna lose, he thought.

"Leviathan's gonna lose," Karolie said as she helped Jeice lift the dazed Asura off him. The Archer glanced up at her, then to Jeice, and finally cast her eyes on Siddhearth, who was scanning the water with most everyone else. He must've been wrong about Cullen, she thought. After that heart-warming support everyone (but Uargo, which was understandable) had given Reno, she felt even more secure around these people than she had when she first joined up with them.

Her eyes fell on Psycho, the first one she had really suspected in Cullen's alleged plight. He had probably supported Reno even more than the others, considering that he likely had the capability to cast Thundaga as well. And besides, if he did want everyone else on the boat dead, he wouldn't think twice about sacrificing himself to Leviathan to do it.

She then looked to Ian, the other she had become suspicious of. She was confident that Ian wouldn't have just attacked Cullen or tried to throw him over, but there was always the possibility he had accidently touched him. If Ian had run into Cullen, and the Viking blindly ran to his cabin, grabbed his things (accidently leaving Steeltooth), and jumped... Ian could very well have written the note in order to keep the accident a secret. He already felt bad about Jeice. Perhaps he was afraid of an all-out ostracizing if he did it again...

She shook the thought away. Ian wouldn't... Quickly, she switched her thoughts back to Jeice and Karolie.

"How are you feeling now?" Jeice asked, quite a bit of worry seeping into his voice, which was a bit perturbing.

"Fine," Asura grunted as she tried to stand, ignoring the waves of exhaustion that spread through her and the headache irritating her temples.

"Maybe you should get some rest anyway," Karolie replied. "Leviathan's as good as gone."

Almost before the words left her mouth, an enormous dark tail swung out of the water and slapped against the ship. The group onboard was thrown head over heels, wailing and trying to discern what was going on. Only Uargo's face remained neutral as Leviathan re-emerged and took to pounding their vessel with its broad fins.

"How did you ever get past this thing before?!" Cid shouted to Aaron (who was steadily walking back on deck), right before a large wave crashes onto the deck and knocked everyone onto their rears.

"Certain paths, certain times!" Aaron bellowed back. "If you know what you're doing, you can slip right by!"

"Obviously we don't!" Biggs replied sarcastically from the other side of the ship.

"I know! I never expected it to be this durable!"

Leviathan reared its mighty snout back and hung there, its long, serpentine body sticking hundreds of meters up. Aaron quickly recognized the danger and shouted, "Jump!", then raced over the deck and disappeared off the edge.

So much for women and children first, or the Captain always goes down with his ship, Asura thought almost cynically. Aaron must've had a real good reason to be the first off. She quickly got to her feet and hobbled as quickly over the edge as she could. The others followed, getting off just as Leviathan's chin slammed down on the rim of the ship, flipping it upside-down and breaking a chunk of nailed-together boards off.

Asura shut her eyes as she fell, suddenly aware that if they hit the water, Leviathan was sure to have them. She never hit water, however, as she suddenly went flying upwards, something holding her strongly by the waist. She glanced down at what it was. Water? It was formed into a thick tendril and held her tightly, lifting her higher with every second. Looking up, she realized everyone else was similarly held, except...

Aaron was next to the ship, standing on the broad top of a pillar of water. His face looked like what she expected her own to appear as when she had the Barrier up, except that the Geomancer was keeping his eyes open.

Leviathan seemed amazed by this as well, particularly after the tendrils it neared sped away. With what seemed practiced ease, Aaron made sure that each tendril stayed a good distance out. But apparently, he was only scratching the surface of his amazing Geomancy.

A huge slab of stone emerged from the depths and smacked Leviathan square on the snout, then flew upwards and pounded down on the beast's back. The rock plopped back into the water, but as it did one of the broken away planks, apparently propelled by well-directed gusts of wind, swung around and hit Leviathan against the side of its head, then smacked its upturned belly. As soon as that plank fell another flew over, was caught up by a watery palm, and delicately placed between the monster's jaws. Leviathan snapped the plank, but yet another came at him. This one was stopped by a pillar of rock-hard sand that shot from the waters. It shattered into thousands of splinters that flew into Leviathan's eyes, blinding it.

Aaron took the pause of flip the ship back over. While he was sending gusts of wind and shooting jets of water up from under the boat, Asura tried to muster the strength to create a Wall spell for him. The spell failed almost as soon as she cast it. Disheartened, Asura turned to watch Leviathan. Three round pellets drilled into its skin, and Asura looked up to see Siddhearth, his revolver drawn. Somehow, it had remained dry under his coat, and although the bullets seemed to have little effect on Leviathan, the Instrumentalist was at least trying. Asura reached back for her bow...

Reno watched Siddhearth, then Asura attacking Leviathan as best they could. Next, Biggs took his chance, a fresh set of throwing knives in his hands. The rest seemed to fidget with the fact that they couldn't help, except Uargo. The pained expression on the old man's face reminded Reno of one that could be seen on a man witnessing the slaughter of his own brother. Which was probably why Reno relented from attacking. He normally wouldn't think twice and blast it, but using another magic spell would hurt his strength reserve anyway. He didn't want to follow up like Aaron and Asura...

The young Mage had to admit that Leviathan had determination. It didn't seem grazed by anything but the splinters in its eyes. And its dark blue skin...

Dark blue skin? Wasn't it dark purple, earlier? Reno quickly scanned Leviathan's body, not seeing any of the dark spots they had put on with the Thundaga. Was this even...?

Reno's thoughts were washed away as, to his and everyone's horror, Leviathan caught a third wind (or was this only its second?) and lunged at Aaron. Just as their captain turned away from the up-righted ship, Leviathan rammed him off his water pedestal. Aaron slammed against the Gigyas with a bone-shattering thud, then dropped into the water with a little splash. Leviathan ducked underwater with him.

That was the least of Reno's problems though, as Aaron's water tendrils quickly dissipated. As soon as he started falling, the Mage shouted, "Float!" and caught everyone in mid-air, then levitated them over to the ship. The first thing that happened, Asura collapsed, even more dizzy from all the aerial activity. Again, Jeice was at her side in a heartbeat, Karolie not that far after...

Right after he touched down, Psycho ran to the deck's edge, Silver tagging right behind him. "This guy's starting to get on my nerves!" he shouted, before the duo dove over.

Psycho stroked through the dark ocean toward the beast below him. Almost immediately upon diving, he found himself fighting the urge not to breathe, which would definitely hinder him. Cursing silently, the Samurai swam back to the surface, whipped out a sword and clutched it between his teeth, then dove again. For he knew full well that he would sooner die than lose one of his katanas. Silver paddled along behind, a bit confused.

"Since when have you liked the taste of steel?" the tiger purred through the strong mental link he had with his trainer.

"Shut up," Psycho replied, now fighting the urge not to smile.

Before long, the Samurai caught sight of Captain Aaron, trying to swim upwards while using only one arm, and increased his speed. He became worried that Aaron would be in great need of oxygen, but the captain was obviously conscious and could do the worrying for him.

Psycho's eyes widened as a bubble seemed to materialize around Aaron's face. The Geomancer turned and pointed to the Samurai with his good arm, and Psycho then felt the oxygen from the water around him straining away from the liquid and forming a bubble of fresh air around his head, as well. A third appeared on Silver.

Psycho swam up to Aaron's side, raised his brow a little to show some of his impressment, tucked his sword back into its holder, then grabbed the captain under the arms and furiously kicked his legs to get them both out. Silver swam around them, keeping his sharp eyes peeled for Leviathan's approach.

"There!" the tiger shouted across his mind. A deep foreboding suddenly filled the feline. "Master, you won't believe this..."

"What?" Psycho thought back.

"There's... two of them!"

Psycho's eyes also grew wide as two enormous jaws slowly came closer. In front of him, Aaron began to kick his legs harder, and the Samurai imitated. In tandem, the twin Leviathans darted downward, then curled around and rocketed upwards at the trio, their mouths hanging wide open. Psycho pinched his eyes shut...

"Cid," Siddhearth called over to his brother, both of whom were again scanning the water. "If... if Aaron doesn't make it...?"

"Can we sail the ship without him?" Cid finished.

Siddhearth nodded sadly. "We wouldn't have to stop until we reached Valkeryie, unless Miss Bessadio wants to see Colnelia that badly."

Both turned to look at Karolie, who was trying to hide her fear by caring to Asura. "What's more important," Cid went on. "Can we...?"

"Can we find the Dove without Psycho?" Siddhearth said, imitating what Cid did only moments earlier. "If we don't, we lose Jeice. I'm not willing to let that happen."

"Neither am I, but we have to face the fact that neither of us can just conjure up its location out of the blue..."

Siddhearth nodded and turned to lean his back on the ship's railing. Jeice was doing the same as Karolie, helping Asura. Something seemed to have been passing between him and Ms. Crismon during their days on the ship. A special bond of friendship, concern for each other. More than either showed to the rest of their group. There it was again, indicated by a special look in their faces.

And suddenly, it hit Siddhearth. He almost burst out laughing, but was aware that Cid didn't need any more reason to commit his brother and be done with "that nuisance", as he so often joked. Siddhearth looked at both Jeice and Asura again, a grin spreading on his face despite their predicament. He wouldn't tell them yet. They were both smart, they'd figure it out themselves.

Siddhearth, a hand over his mouth to keep from giggling. As he watched the water, it seemed something was coming up. Quickly, he reached for his revolver...

With a loud splash, Captain Aaron seemed to explode from the water and landed face-up on the deck. His chest was heaving greatly, and he dripped with water. Most everyone ran over to him, except Jeice, who was now staggered by holding Asura's weight alone, Asura, and Ian.

"My arm... Psycho... Silver... two... Leviathan..." Aaron mumbled, trying to make sense of his own thoughts, it seemed.

"Slow down Captain," Cid said. "Start with your arm."

"It's busted, I think. The left one.

"Psycho and Silver... did they get up? I owe them..."

Aaron paused to look around the ship for his saviors, but they hadn't come up with him.

"How'd you get out?" Siddhearth said, turning Aaron's face to him.

"There were two... Leviathan..."

The rest backed away a bit, shocked. Was he serious? The mythical creatures were supposed to be the lone creatures of their species, weren't they?

Reno stood up and backed out so that everyone could hear. "I did see it," he said. "Subtle differences in their tones, and a lack of injuries on the one we fought after the Thundaga." Uargo stood up beside him, an understanding look crossing his eye. "It's not another Leviathan," he said. "Have any of you heard of Ogopogo?"

Siddhearth shook his head, along with the others.

"Ah ha... Tidariathan? No...? It's a Leviathan look-alike that roams the seas. The only real difference one can see with the naked eye is that it's more of a purple color than Leviathan's dark blue." Uargo seemed a bit happier than before. "At least you didn't deal all that damage on a single creature."

"How'd you get out?" Siddhearth said, turning back to Aaron.

"We were swimming up, and they were coming at us from below, mouths open and all. Suddenly, they just turned their heads downward and butted into us, smacking us skyward like a pair of paddles. Why didn't Psycho get out? He was right behind me..."

"There," Ian said, pointing out to sea. Leviathan and Tidariathan had re-emerged, trying to throw off their unwelcome passengers. Psycho was atop Leviathan, slashing down at its skin with his katanas, but not seeming to have an effect. Angrily, the Leviathan shook itself around, causing Psycho to lose his balance and drop the swords into the water. He swore loudly and made to jump in after them, but Silver bravely dived off Tidariathan and went for them instead.

"They're both going to get killed like that," Wedge spoke up, after not having commented for some time.

"Sidd," Jeice interrupted, accenting the extra "d" so that the Seamus brothers wouldn't get confused, "get over here and help me."

Siddhearth nodded and scooped up Asura's other arm around his shoulder, only to have Jeice drop the first and leave him to keep her up. Jeice ran forward, pulling Steeltooth out of from behind his cape. The sword's eyes were wide as it screamed, "No! Don't you dare Apalock! If Cullen finds out...!" Jeice put his hand on Steeltooth's blade and flung the cutlass hard out to sea, shouting Psycho's name as he did. The sword flew true (mostly because Reno used another Float spell), and the Samurai caught it with ease, then continued slashing.

Jeice returned to help Siddhearth support Asura, a wry smile on his face. "Come now," the composer replied. "That was a little cruel."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. He'll understand."

Siddhearth nodded, looking out to sea. He did notice something about the two behemoths. Neither were really attacking, they were just trying to shake Psycho off. Tidariathan wasn't even attacking Silver, despite the fact that the cat was in the water. Maybe if they just got those two back, the serpents would be willing to talk to Uargo again... Psycho skipped onto Tidariathan's back as Leviathan began to go into a shaking fit again, put both his hands around Steeltooth's handle and pointed him downward, then stabbed the cutlass hard into Tidariathan's spine. The beast yelped and suddenly whipped around, then skipped off to the distance. Psycho jumped back onto Leviathan, not willing to further continue the fight. It was won, to him.

"Reno," Siddhearth called. "You think you can manage another Float spell?"

"Easy," the boy said. "For those two?"

Siddhearth nodded. Reno turned to Psycho and Silver, made sure that the tiger had retrieved his trainer's katanas, then called out the Float incantation again. Apparently against their will, the duo returned and put down on the deck again. Grudgingly, Psycho handed a not-worse-for-the-wear Steeltooth back over to Jeice, who pocketed him under his cloak. Leviathan followed, though it did so in a way that almost emanated the calm that it now expressed.

"My turn, Captains," Uargo said, looking at the Seamuses. "At least he's in one piece."

"Understandable," Cid nodded. "Talk away. Just convince it to leave."

"Hold on," Aaron said, still soaking on the floor. "If I'm not Captain, what am I now?"

"Bed-ridden," Siddhearth called, a grin playing on his face.

"Lucky me..."

Biggs and Wedge picked up Aaron, the latter careful not to further hurt his arm, then walked him over to his cabin, Jeice and Siddhearth following with Asura. "I'm assuming you'll wanna take a nice long break at Colnelia now," Siddhearth called up, "considering all the trouble we just went through."

"It'd be nice," Aaron nodded, "Captain."

Siddhearth shook his head. "Leave the titles for Cid. Just stick with Maestro for me."

"You guys realize something, though?" Biggs interrupted. "We sure did watch each other's backs a lot during that fight."

"Mm hmm," Wedge added. "What with Asura's Barrier and Aaron's water tendrils..."

"... and how Reno got us back on the ship safe..."

"... and Psycho, of all people!, dives in just to save Captain here."

"Makes me feel insignificant," Jeice responded. "At least you're not the only one," Wedge said with a wink. "Though we helped with the Thundaga, eh?"

"I think we can rightfully be called a family now," Biggs said, a mischievous look in his eye. "Let's all hope Aaron's curse doesn't get..." He stopped in mid-sentence with a glare from the Geomancer.

"Some of us more family than others," Siddhearth said, hoping that would be interpreted as he and his brother, instead of what came to mind as the words left his mouth. The rest had a good laugh at that, confirming that they didn't catch on to anything. "At this rate, we'll be to the bottom of this reaper problem before we know it."

"Hold on," Aaron croaked shortly. "I didn't realize... Uargo's talking to Leviathan now? If you don't mind, I'd really like to hear this..."

"Sure, if that's what you want," Wedge nodded. "I wouldn't mind not skipping a moment either."

The two walked Aaron back over to where he had been, then plopped him down and walked over to a different part of the deck. Apparently not what Aaron had had in mind...

"You want to too?" Jeice asked Asura, and maybe slightly directed toward Siddhearth as well.

"I might as well," Asura nodded. "I'm not as bad off as he is anymore."

They walked her back as well, keeping her up as she tried to gain her footing. All paused, catching their breaths, to hear Uargo's words... and to hope.

Ditto McCloaker[edit]

With one creature gone, Uargo concentrated his communication with the remaining serpent, which was no suddenly calm. It looked toward the ship at first, after it's purple doppleganger had disappeared beneath the waves, giving the crew a very tense moment...

Friend, I am a friend of the wyverns which fly overhead, and the insects which hover, and the beasts which inhabit the ground. I assure you we mean you no harm.

...but it stood still, several yards off the side of the ship, and it was clear that it was receiving Uargo loud and clear. Aaron, from his place on the floor of the ship, could see the beast's features soften. From the corner, Jeice and Siddhearth pulled Asura to her steadying feet, and all three's eyes fixed out on the serpent. A calm, cool, gentle breeze passed over the quiet ship and the silent serpent, and Cid's coattails ruffled a bit as he stood ramrod straight, looking outward. Everyone on board the Gigyas Pred was on deck, looking towards the beast, it's thin form dark agaisnt the rapidly declining sun.

They were all wordless, and no sound broke the peace except the low mutterings which came from the aged peacemaker, whose life was the bringing of peace to maddened minds, who now stood leaning over the railing, to utter amazement, conversing with the most feared creature in the oceans.

I assure you, we have no intention of bringing harm to you...

After much time, Uargo's rounded back turned and he faced the group who had been watching him intently. Leviathan had not moved, and they felt totally at ease with it where it was. The ocean rippled gently around it's long body.

"Very interesting..." said Uargo.

"What did it er... say?" inquired Cid.

"Are we toast or not?" asked Biggs, thought he knew as well as anyone else that nothing bad was to come to them from this creature anymore.

"He will let us pass, but..."

Uargo stroked his bearded chin.

"Bloody amazing..." said Biggs. "The most feared, deadliest beast on the sea... and an old man talks his way past it." Biggs stepped forward with a laugh, looking around at everyone. They looked blankly back at him as he chuckled. His eyes came to rest on Uargo, who's face bore no expression. Biggs stopped in mid-guffaw, silenced by the solemnity of everyone around him. He shuffled a foot and moved back next to Wedge.

Siddhearth stepped forward. Uargo had spoken to the creature for nearly an hour. Something important was being said.

"What has transpired? What has he expressed?" he asked, curiously.

Uargo took a deep breath.

"Tremendous... boundless... relief."

Biggs mouthed the word in disbelief.

Everyone stared. Out in the water, Leviathan's head bowed, and it seemed to move downward into the water a bit, with an eerie calm.

"Relief which is almost beyond comprehension. For what he has told me... has implications almost beyond comprehension.

"Cor, nonsense," said Biggs, confused. "What in heaven's name could panic som'in like that?" Uargo looked sternly at him, and Biggs felt a cold shudder over his spine. He averted his eyes.

"You have already caught a glimpse of it, tonight," replied Uargo, with a sharp edge to his voice directed at Biggs.

"What do you mean...?" asked Jeice shakily.

"That's the creature that's responsible for destroying my hometown," croaked Aaron, though it was mostly words. Despite the truth of his statement, there was something in the air... perhaps it was something in the mediator's voice... even he felt no deep resentment toward Leviathan at the moment.

Uargo turned and looked directly at him. "Indeed. For decades sailors have trembled in fright at the reputation of this living thing... and rightly so, for it's reputation is well-earned."

Everyone was silent.

"However," continued Uargo, "The motives for this creature's behavior are not the fires of a war against man, nor of it's cities. He acts not on impulse nor instinct, nor malice. Rather, it has acted out of fear."

Everyone looked around, not sure what to make of this.

"Fear... Persistent dread... unending panic, such as to drag any normal living thing into despair and madness.

Uargo acted as though to speak again, but Biggs spoke out first, impulsively. "What's he scared of, then?"

Uargo wasn't mad. In fact, there was a light in his eyes... the light of revelation.

"The creature is convinced that he is the target of... of..." he stroked his beard. "A most serious persecution."

Everyone looked around, baffled. Their concentration was broken again, but this time it was not Uargo's voice which replied.

I am Leviathan... He who inhabits the oceans... second in command of the Great Spirits, who has rested at the comfort of the Great Ruler Alexander.

Everyone was shocked. The voice came in their heads. There was no mistaking it. The head of Leviathan out across the water moved with each word.

For centuries I have watched diligently from the waters... I have guarded it's life and served in the maintenance of the world while men awoke... and I kept hidden, as we were bade.

...But when the disturbance began, I was shaken from my hiding place, and have been forced to seek what refuge I can. He is sending his minions... We are being taken. They come in all forms... They come for me... They are coming for me... They want me, the pet of the lost Alexander... His minions... both monster and man... aware and otherwise... Leviathan must be taken, that he may reveal Alexander to them.. but it is not known...

They listened to this tirade with their hearts pounding in their ears. It was stupefying... what he spoke of... legend.

Jeice was frozen stiff. Did it just say...?

"Who is after you?" cried Jeice. The beast looked up.

The Trickster... who inhabits the night sky...

By this time, the sun had gone down entirely. The horizon was dark. Dusky clouds glided silently across the night sky. From the east, a patch of clouds parted like curtains, to reveal the brilliantly sparkling silvery moon.

Psycho was transfixed. Silver suddenly moved away from Psycho toward the bough of the ship, it's eyes fixed on the moon.

And that's when it happened.

Suddenly, all eyes were jerked back at Leviathan as it let loose with a horrible wail which split the night sky. It's head flew back it's body lurched spasmodically. The water around it roared and rippled. Uargo whirled around.

"Something...! In the water...!" he cried. "It's bitten him! What the...?"

As Leviathan fell backward, just over the edge of the ship, all eyes could make out another form looping over the water, the top if it's back just visible over the side of the ship from where everyone was. It moved slowly... directly...

What happened next was a blur to be remembered vaguely later on. Light as bright as day revealed the dark purple hide of Ogopogo, the Tidatharian, as powerful lightning seemed to arc from it's body to the writhing Leviathan. Powerful waves rocked the boat.

Uargo steadied himself against the rail and looked out at the Tidatharian. His eyes widened with fear and rage, and registered it's thoughts... nothing there... nothing but malice and glee...

The entire ocean appeared, then, to be rocked as Ogopogo leveled it's final blow... it's snake body rising up from the water... whirling around to create a fantastic wave... and then sending it crashing towards the weakened blue sea creature, which, after it resurfaced, floated upside down on the water surface. Ogopogo then looked toward the ship, from it's distance; it was still... and there was no mistaking a sort of mocking in it's posture. Everyone wondered if it would come after them next... but in the next instant, as the moonlight grew brighter being unshielded from clouds, the monster was gone, evaporating in a shower of sparkling moonlight, as though it had been a trick of the light, but it's final roar which it left behind was unmistakably real.

The Gigyas Pred was in a crisis. Had it not been for Aaron's control over the water and winds, the enormous holes in the ship's hull would have sent the ship to the ship graveyard early, it's forgotten crew with it without a thought. But as everyone dragged themselves over to the rail, they looked down at the Leviathan which now lie, motionless, on it's back, on the water.

The crowd was silent. A mournful cry came up from the dancer, and tears welled up in Asura's hidden eyes.

And then, something else happened. From the darkness came a voice... a cold voice, which boomed in an unearthly fashion through the air. They all looked up, and gasped. A man was floating in midair over the water, silhouetted against the night sky. It greeted them in words that need not be repeated, and to at least two witnesses, the voice was not unfamiliar.

"Dr. Zel!" cried Ian, from the deck, as his body lurched up as if to go over the side of the rail towards the figure. Psycho's hands went cold as the familiar cadence and timbre of that voice mirrored in this time of wakefulness that which he recalled in his nightmares.

The whole scene took on a surreal dimension. Immense heat radiated through the air, and flames seemed to lick the horizon. The voice boomed again, but it was not of normal dimensions... it radiated through the sky. It did not speak again, but Ian could see at one point the face turn it's attention to him.

And then, next to him materialized another figure. It came in blue light, and a sharply cold wind came with it. Ice blue robes waved ethereally from the thin body like wisps of winter wind. She hovered in the sky like a heavenly vision, and then...

...ice began to form over the water below her. It spread forward, toward the unconscious body of the sea snake. Soon, Leviathan was packed in ice. The enormous chunk then rose into mid air, and soon, the Shiva-like form of Dove Davies turned and struck off into the sky, with the frozen sea snake behind her. With a snap as of the final explosion of a fire, Dr. Zel, too, was gone, and silence again fell over the water.

After the shock of the scene wore off, Aaron wordlessly began to steer the damaged ship towards the visible yet distant mainland with his powers.

Biggs came over, stunned, and addressed the silent Uargo.

"It... wasn't a bad creature at all, was it?" Uargo looked up at him, not with anger, but with the sort of pity one looks at a child asking about death.

"No... as a matter of fact, it was not fighting us at all. It was defending itself... hopelessly, against Ogopogo. That is why our ship was barely damaged in the struggle."

Not much else was said that night, as the small vessel, in serious state of disrepair, made it's way unsteadily to Colnelia, except for a few exchanged words approaching midnight, as Jeice was made safe for the night.


Psycho took watch during the night, alone.

He stood at the bow of the ship, adrift himself in his thoughts and horrid memories.

That madman shall pay for what he has done to us... Ian... myself... and many others, if my suspicions are correct...

A face dredged up from the back of his memory.

"Sensei Loi," he muttered, looking over the dark horizon. aka Master Shadow.

Silver heard him and looked up.

"I felt the cold, evil wind blow when she showed up."

"As did I, old friend," replied Psycho. "Once my business at home is complete, I shall run Dr. Robbins through with my katanas... and once this Empire is obliterated, I can finally rest in peace."


Thoughts of Cullen and Leviathan were lifted from their heads as the majority of the group headed back to their rooms, rocked into sleep by the gentle swaying of the Gigyas Pred. Jeice had been turned to stone, reluctantly, although him arguing to get a full night's rest for a change was quickly taken away.

"It's too dangerous," Cid had replied in an ordering tone. "I think we should just keep it this way until we get this thing under control."

Jeice wasn't the one to argue to matters like these, and he knew it was for his own good. But Jeice seemed to be the only one on board actually wanting a good night's sleep. Psycho stood with his tiger Silver Strike, insisting that he must be a watchman for tonight, despite the others' need, and had stayed on deck while the others left for their rooms.

Not for the first time since the start of this journey, Reno Lupus stayed awake, staring up at the wooden ceiling of his cabin and wondering what other surprises would leap out at him and his group, whether they be bad or good. Only recently had he managed to get control of his magic, and through his mind stormed the question: Why couldn't he remember any of this before? It would've made it much easier, when he had a shot at Zande himself. He would've blasted that Imperial scum with a Thunder spell- even better, if he could've mustered up one of those nifty Ultima spells.

Ah, who was he kidding. Zande had never been defeated in battle. He probably never would be, as long as he had his human drone-like army always backing him up. And then there was this Zel. One of Zande's close companions. To Reno's eye, he looked a lot stronger than Zande. When he thought about it, Zel was like the brains of the Empire, while Zande was the brawn. The two made a perfect couple, an innocent child's storybook setting- a clichéd evil scientist and an Emperor who wants to rule the world. Ha! Don't they know that in books, good guys always win? They didn't stand a chance. If only Aaron could reach their destination before any more rediculous badguys come into view.

Reno slowly got to his feet, thinking of talking to Psycho about everything. He took a step forward, nearly stumbling and falling right back down again. He wrapped himself in his black cloak to heat himself up against the midnight air, and began his way to the door. Opening it slowly so the creaks didn't wake any sleeping passengers, he creeped along the deserted hallway, up the stairs, and onto deck.

The stone figure of Jeice stared back at him, the exact same face as when he was frozen. He looked almost- in pain. He probably was, being stoned about six hours a day wasn't a good cure for depression.

"I wonder if he's feeling alright," Reno mumbled to himself. Jeice was the first to stand up for his team in a battle, or just an argument. "Figures. He probably thinks he's the one endangering the group, just like Aaron."

He shook the thought away and turned to the front of the ship, to see Psycho and Silver.

~Probably in some deep telekinetic chat~ Reno thought, and juggled with the thought of interupting them. In the end, he decided not to, and turned around. ~Oh well. So much for someone to talk to~.

"Wait, friend," came a voice from behind. Reno span on one foot to see Psycho staring back at him, for once a smile on his face. "You came out here to talk, did you not?"

"I did. But, don't worry. It's stupid. I don't even know what to talk about." Reno shook his head in stupidity. He knew this was a bad idea. "I was getting kind of lonely out here, with no one to civilized to talk to..." At this, Silver growled playfully, and Psycho laughed, then continued. "Why don't you come over and sit down.

Reno did what he was told, and started to fiddle with his headband as Psycho still scanned the horizon.

"You know, I never really knew why I became involved in all this," Reno mumbled. "I mean, before meeting you guys I was just a nobody, but now I feel I'm needed."

Psycho didn't reply for a long time, still leaning over the ship's rails, staring at the calm ocean. After what seemed like a minute of silence, Psycho replied, "I felt the same."

Reno's eyes opened wide. "You do?"

"An assassin's job isn't the best career choice in the world. When I recieved my parent's praise, I felt it meant nothing to me. I knew that I should be doing something more important. Something that I was destined to do."

"Like what?" Reno questioned, listening carefully to what the assassin had to say.

"The Dove, the Crystals, the Pendants. I didn't think they meant to much until I discovered the legend of the Firey Pit. But now I've joint with the Seamus brothers, I can finally fulfill what I was born to do." Psycho sighed, and turned to face Reno. "Reno, you're still young. If there is anything that is a burden to you, don't drop it and kick it away. Chase it until it's complete. I only wish I took my own advice earlier."

"Thanks, Psycho. I better get back to bed now. I think I feel a little better, too."

"No prob. I'm going to continue my scouting. Don't mind me, I don't need as much sleep as most other people."

Reno nodded almost lazily, then turned around to head back to his room. He hadn't realized how much he could relate to Psycho, and after that chat he now felt a bond between them. Psycho's words, "If there is anything that's a burden to you...". After Psycho has said them, Reno had felt a jolt in his body, as if there was something he urgently needed to do, and this wasn't a bathroom matter. It was more like the feeling that you've just done something wrong that you can fix. Reno played on this thought, but finally told himself to leave it to the morning and he dozed off into a calm sleep.


The sunlight stretched over the sea... a sea that now seemed emptier. Uargo's face was covered with sadness, it was as if the entire ocean mourned for the loss suffered mere hours ago. It was morning.

Yet it was quiet, only the current of the water allowed the ship to move. It would be impossible to risk the boat for the long trip to the Queendom. It was decided they would stop at Colnelia to repair the ship. Noon came when they arrived. It was as Aaron said it would be...

Ruins, a deserted city. It showed the signs of a great city, but was now no more than rubble. The group disembarked to explore the city, for the time being the ship was left with Psycho, who insisted on staying and Silver who stayed with his master.

"Almost like Telo'Nak," Jeice commented, "But it doesn't feel quite as... dead. Just abandoned"

"A ghost down," Biggs commented.

Aaron nodded, "Because of Leviathan... or Ogopogo, I don't know which anymore... But New Colnelia is where we need to be going."

Jeice nodded, "And where is this?"

"Just a ways north from here...," Replied a voice unfamiliar to them all... or at least most of them.

Everyone was at their weapons immediately, Biggs yelled out, "Who's there!?"

Two small orbs shot out and surrounded Biggs, then vanished again.

"Biggs Bellow, Thief... comes from Pentz in the Eastern Continent," Answered the same voice, "But that's not what you were wanting to know is it?"

A man stepped towards them from behind a building. He stood at medium height, he had a slim build and appeared to be in good physical condition. He was dressed in silver-colored atire that consisted of a tunic and leggings. A brilliant blue cloak covered his clothes for the most part of his body, casting an almost regal look. A belt was strapped around his waist which contained a few small pouches, more notable was a whip stapped to one side and a sheathed sword at the other. His eyes was covered with a small blue eyemask, which served no purpose in concealing identity but rather was a better alternative to glasses. His hair was a silverish color, nearly blue in the full light of the sun. On his hat was a blue, plumet hat with a small, sharp white feather sticking out of it. At his shoulders were two blue orbs, the same that had been seen around Biggs.

"Jean..." Jeice muttered, "What a way to make a day worse than before."

Jean chuckled as he looked at Jeice, "Well, well... haven't we come quite a way. travelling with THIEVES of all things... But what can I expect from someone bound to New Colnelia... a filthy haven of theives"

Siddhearth looked between the two, "You know him, Jeice?"

Jean chuckled, "Oh yes, we know eachother well... remember, we went to the old Magic School here together at one time" Reno looked at Jeice, "You said you taught yourself.."

Jeice nodded, "And I did..."

Jean interrupted him, "But when he was fourteen, that Umbrella dropped him off. What an old fool, a washed up soldier from those Crescent Isles, nothing good ever comes from there."

Jeice glared, "And I met you, the top guy here... the favorite."

"Yes, I was..." Jean scowled, "Until you showed up... I studied for YEARS... and you learned it on your own... then you became popular..."

Jean walked away angrily, "But while I became a Blue Mage after dedication, you dedicated to becoming a PITIFUL Red Mage! Look at your coat, it is patched up and dirty... Have you no shame? Not even a cloak or robe to call your own, your hat is hardly worthy of belonging to a Red Mage, much less any magic-user at all"

The Blue mage looked at the rest of the group, "So... you hired HIM... was he the only mage you could find? You poor folks, working with such a pitiful excuse of a man. There is better, MUCH better..."

"I would have no other," Wedge retorted, "I would much rather have a friend by my side than a conceited man like you"

Jean narrowed his eyes and looked towards Wedge, "Typical of a monk, you hold your friendship above common sense. I fail to see your point."

Siddhearth stepped forward, "If you have nothing important to say, then I would suggest you leave, sir."

The blue mage stared for a while, "Unfortunately I do, as much as I would love to part such unsavory company.."

Jean walked a ways, "News travels fast... from the Manor at the Ancient Forest, you're looking for the Dove are you not?"

Cid looked at his brother, "It is true"

Jean nodded, "How unfortunate. For you see... this is something I cannot allow. So sad to say, I will have to eliminate you all, you are a burden to my plans"

From behind him, several men emerged. They each carried a particular weapon they used for battle. Jean grinned, "A pity... I had really wanted to find out more about those other mages. Four mages together is quite a sight to see"

"Four...?" Biggs mumbled, but was cut off as one of the fighters jumped towards him. He unsheathed his twin daggers to keep the attacker away. The rest of the group reacted the same, defending against the attackers.

Jean looked to Jeice, "You have lost your magic to that Geomancer... He has the same magical entity you had, why?"

Jeice eyes widened in shock.

The blue mage shrugged, "Oh well... so much for showing off my magic on you, I suppose we'll duel with weapons like you always were fond of."

Jeice took out his spear, narrowing his eyes at the blue mage. The mage likewise took the whip he carried and snapped it at the ground. jeice rammed the blunt end of the spear at Jean, who toppled on the ground. He quickly jumped to his feet and snapped thw whip at Jeice's weapon, grabbing the spear away from him.

As he smiled at his little trick, Jeice unsheathed Steeltooth and charged at him. Both the whip and spear flew away from jean's hands. His own sword was quickly drawn and used to counter Jeice's moves. The two locked swords several times, meanwhile the other group were making progress against the goons.

Jean finally cornered Jeice and swiped his weapon away, leaving a very peeved sword unhappy at the defeat. "My, even your swordsmanship is nowhere as good as it was before!"

"I prefer to spear," Jeice retorted.

The blue mage prepared to reply, but was cut off short as Cid toppled on top of the man, after being shoved by one of the goons. Jeice quickly took Jean's sword and pointed it towards him, "Get... out... now...."

The blue mage growled and stood, he called his goons off, "You have won again Apalocks, but next I will not spare my magic on you!"

With that he backed a few steps back, and started running, followed by the few goons who had not been knocked out.

Siddhearth sighed, putting his ornate, silver-handled pistol back in place, "What an impossible man... what business does he have with the Dove, I wonder?"

Jeice sheathed (a complaining) Steeltooth and glared at the ground. Biggs was putting away his daggers, "Four mages? Psycho wasn't here, did he mean Asu-"

Jeice snapped towards Aaron, "That desperate for magic, huh?"

Aaron looked back confused, "What?" Jeice grumbled, "You know what I mean... Jean may be a jerk, but he doesn't lie... It's bad enough you wanted to leave me for dead to the reapers..."

Aaron stepped back, "I don't know what you mean!"

"It was to late to develop it... so it'd be easier to just STEAL someone else's magic, right?"

Karolie looked at Aaron, "Is this true?"

Jeice grabbed the smuggler and shoved him against a building, now boiling with anger, "I want the truth now!"


Asura, not exactly handy at close range combat, had started off around the former battlefield to collect the few arrows she had managed to shoot off from their resting places. She had no interest in Jeice's quarrel with that pompous Blue Mage that had gotten the gall to attack them, but what she overheard next was interesting indeed. She yanked a stubborn arrow out of the stump of a dying tree, glancing over her shoulder as she heard Jeice accussing Aaron of being a magic stealer, of sorts. She frowned slightly, not really believing that the quiet, fretful captain would do such a thing on purpose. She continued her wary collection, keeping one ear open to the events unfolding nearby.

"Really, I have no idea what this is about!" Aaron spat, glaring at Jeice defiantly. "I don't know what your old buddy was raving about, but he must be mistaken."

"Oh, really, Captain? I always did find it odd that you suddenly came out with generous amounts of magic just as I mysteriously lost the ability to use mine!"

"Jeice." This was Cid, looming over the furious Red Mage with a quiet air of superiority, and speaking with a definite flat, finality. "Let him go."

Jeice wavered slightly, and released Aaron abruptly. The Geomancer slumped to the ground, picked himself up and stood glaring after him, brushing off his clothes. "Dunno what he's rambling about..." he muttered, but he was really thinking along the lines of Oh. Oh no. This... this can't be true. Magic... magic always comes at a price... oh, frag. He then quietly noted that his arm felt like it was on fire; getting jostled around didn't feel so well... in fact, now that he had gotten to thinking about it, he felt like he might very well pass out. He carefully patted the bulge in one of his pockets where the recovered ship's log sat and he bleakly wondered just what he had gotten himself into. He'd have to look over it again... but first, his arm. He suppressed a groan, staring at it as though it were some foreign object of torture rather than one of his limbs.

His distraught expression elicited a ghostly smile of compassion from Cid, who continued speaking to Jeice, reasoning with him. "I don't want there to be any distrust among us, not now. I thought that our trial back at sea made it quite painfully clear that all of us are in this for the long haul? For each other, like it or not. Aaron saved our lives back there..."

"...with MY magic!" Jeice exclaimed, his face flushing. "Mr. 'I'm so pathetic, just leave me here' over there; now I guess we know why you really wanted to stay, don't we?" Jeice growled, whirling on Aaron again. He opened his mouth to say something more, but shut it again with a snap as Cid grabbed him by the arm and pulled him around to face him.

"I'll have no more of that," He warned, his voice still kept low, reasonable, with touched with a bit more annoyance than before. "We'll straighten this out. Later. Right now, Mr. N looks like he could use some healing, not a maddened Red Mage spitting in his face."

"I agree," Asura cut in primly, having rejoined the group just as Cid finished this reprimand. "We have much to do besides stand here and bicker like children."

The entire group jumped a bit, turning to face her, all of them quite unaware of her absence... aside from Biggs, who was looking at her with an uneasy air of suspicion. Nothing unusual, Asura thought darkly. "If you'll excuse me, I think I've found something rather interesting, that you may want to see." She thought for a moment, and added "Especially you, Uargo, since I can't make out a thing."

The mediator raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"Asura," Biggs suddenly addressed her.

"What?" She replied distastefully, frowning at the Monk. "What smart comment would you like to make now, hm?" She crossed her arms, glowering at him.

"You're a mage, aren't you?" He said abruptly, ignoring her obvious dislike for him. Asura stared at him for a moment, glad that her hood concealed the look she imagined she had on her face. Now everyone seemed to be staring at her, aside from Jeice, who was glowering at Aaron, Aaron, who was cradling his broken arm, and Siddhearth, who seemed lost in his own personal thoughts. She shook off this momentary surprise, and decided she may as well be straight about it, no mincing of words this time.

"Of course I am, you prat. Barriers against giant sea creatures are generally the results of white magic." She shook her head, and turned to the rest as though to finish an earlier thought, but was interrupted once again.

"If you're a white mage, can you please do something about this arm of mine?" Aaron asked. His face was rather pale, and he really did look like he was in bad shape. "It's killing me!"

"...in a minute," Asura finally sighed. "As I was saying... I found something interesting up ahead." She gave directions to Uargo, who nodded, looking rather intrigued, and started off to see just what had piqued her interest, followed by the majority of their little company. "All right, Aaron." Asura approached the wounded captain, and nodded to Karolie, who had opted to stay behind with him. It wasn't every day she saw something like this... and besides, she was quite worried about the captain.

"Cure 2," Asura muttered, just below earshot. Niether Aaron nor Karolie heard this, but they both saw the air condense into what looked like a solid white sphere before their eyes. This sphere expanded as they watched, seemed to seep into Aaron as a water seeps into a sponge, and Karolie let out a little gasp as the bones in his arm seemed to reknit themselves together. It was all over in the space of a few seconds, and afterward, Asura placed her hands on her hips impatiently. "Now, if you're feeling better... let's go see if Uargo found that thing."

Aaron was, in fact, feeling much better. They both watched her go with surprised looks on their faces, glanced at each other, and started after her toward where the others were gathering.

"Did you find it, Uargo?" Asura called, stepping lightly into the ring the group had assembled into, with Uargo in its center. Her eyes told her plainly that he had, even before the rather excited reply did.

"Yes, yes, I believe I found what you were referring to. This young creature, I believe?" He smiled, holding up a white ball of fuzz that sat neatly into his cupped hands. It had a rather large nose, slanted, yet friendly looking eyes, and perhaps most strangely, a large red ball protruding from the top of its head like a some strange antennae. It's cat-like ears twitched slightly as it saw her.

"Kupo!" It declared jovially, throwing its arms wide open. Asura couldn't help giggling at the little things' gesture, and as she laughed, the animal took on a hurt tone, reprimanding her with a curt "Kupopo."

"Well, he was thanking you for pointing me to him," Uargo smirked. "I think he's happy to be able to communicate with us... smart fellow, this."

"What is it?" Karolie exclaimed, clapping her hands together at the sight of it. "It's such a cute little thing!"

"He's a moogle; no doubt about THAT. He says his name is Moguora," he added. "He also keeps going on about 'Kupo Nuts.' I'm sorry I don't have any, with the way he speaks of them."

Again, the only ones not seeming thoroughly impressed with this new discovery were Jeice and Siddhearth. Jeice's thoughts were still revolving murderously around Aaron, but Siddhearth's had a slightly different tone to them... I wonder if there was any bearing at all to that theory... he frowned, glancing from Asura to Jeice. They may have their similarities; indeed, she scowls at Biggs just as effectively as he scowls at Aaron, ha. But... I must be mistaken; just the heat of battle turning rusty gears in my mind. He crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at the brooding Red Mage. I hope that boy drops these silly fantasies soon. Pinning poor Aaron with such a thing really isn't fair... now... what on earth is that white thing Uargo's got? he finally asked himself, inching in for a better look along with most everyone else. He passively wrote off his speculations of earlier as the result of stress, and soon he was far more interested in current events than past speculations, anyway.


Ian had wandered off after the fight, and was walking a brown, dusty path of the apparently abandoned village. Every step he took kicked up more of the particles, and he sighed heavily. It had been a while since he had been by himself, and he might as well savor this time now.

He heard voices to his right. Old men, he thought, what were they doing here?

"I think I saw it go this way. . ."

"No, you idiot! Those are OUR tracks!"

"It's not my fault that you lost track of the Moogle!"

"My fault? What are you talking about?"

Ian stepped off the road to see beyond the bushed that lined it. Sure enough, two old men were there. One of them was carrying an empty sack, the other had a dagger tucked into his boot. "Ho there!" Ian cried out, "What are your names and what are you doing in this forsaken place?"

The two men took notice of him, and the one with the dirk straightened up from his searching position on the ground to reply, "I am Miller, this is Keru. We were looking for a moogle we. . . um, 'lost'."

"Look for a moogle with a sack and knife? What do you plan to do with this poor creature?"

"We do not intend on harming him!" Miller said, "We are only following him. He was leading us to something."

"Speak, man. What are you looking for?"

Keru stood up, "We are not required to give you an answer. . ."

Ian stiffened, "Come, now! If you expect me to believe you were following this creature for an item of worth, why not tell me what it is?"

"That's just it! It's too valuable to tell you."

"You LIE!" Ian hastily drew his sword and lowered himself into a fighting position, "You are poachers, aren't you? What price are you getting for this thing's pelt?" The to men backed away one step, then went ito a fighting position themselves, "So be it! Do not take us for the old men that you percive to think we are!"

"Fair, yet do not believe me to be the young man you see before you!"

"Have at you!"

"Hold it!" Karolie was running up the path, much of the party behind her. "I overheard what you were saying! Are you looking for. . . Kupo nuts?"

"Yes. . ." all three of them lowered their defense as Miller made his reply, "But do not ask why."

"I do not ask why for your sake," Uargo stepped up, "But if you were harassing this creature. . ."

"Far be it from us, sir!" Keru stated, "We. . ." Then he halted mid sentence and took another look at the mediator. ". . .Ambassador Predict?"

"Ambassador?" All the members of the group chimed in, save Uargo. "Something you never told us?" Cid asked without expecting a response.

"I'm surprised someone recognizes me after all of this time!" Uargo chuckled slightly, "Why, I have not been here for. . . fifty years I do believe!"

Miller and Kuro bowed in respect, "We had no idea you were back in service! If we had known. . ."

"No need, no need. . . I am not here on old affairs. I have just been travelling with this mighty big group here. You were saying about Kupo Nuts?"

Miller took another look at the party, which was all assembled now, and Aaron was moving to the front of the group. "Sir, if you are a generous and kind sir as you were in your youth, please, and I shall say once more, we both wish it to remain a secret."

Uargo lowered his brow, "Miller and Kuro. . ." He said with a hardened face, then broke out into laughtuer, "After all these years, you two are trying to assemble the Potion of Life?"

"Potion of Life?" Aaron asked, now very much interested in the current events.

". . . Yes, as a matter of fact." Miller admitted, "As the legend goes, the Potion of Life either grants a much extended life to the partaker, or rids him or her of a chronic illness."

"How much life?" Aaron asked quickly.

"Oh. . . no one could say for sure, but the manuscrpits say beyond a hundred more years. Maybe a thousand." Jeice suddenly looked as though he were struck with an idea, "And. . . what sort of chronic illnesses does this infer?"

"Any, one would suppose. Hereditary, Biological, Magic. . ."

". . . Any magical illness?"

"I suppose so. . . yes it might."

"How do you know it works?" Cid asked them, still not convinced of this legenday power source.

"Have you seen the Master Jean? He has partaken of this mixture. . ."

Jeice pushed away anyone who was between him and the two old men, "Listen!" He grabbed the nearest one by the shirt, "I have a most awful illness following me. I have been tagged by a Reaper, and only stay alive when they come during the night by having Stone cast on myself. If you two do not help us, so help me, I will help myself to whatever ingredients you have gathered so far!"

"Simmer down, Jeice!" Reno inturrupted him, "We will not rob these men. Although. . ."

"We understand!" Kuro exclaimed, "And we would be willing to help you, if. . ."

". . . I'm listening." Jeice spoke.

Psycho (needs editting)[edit]

Psycho and Sliver soon met up with the restof the group. and looked at the Muggle with pure cuirusty.

Psycho: ello what have we here? The others jumped at the remark they had not heard him approch. cid I thought you were guarding the ship. Psycho: I still am threw the use of a very complex enrgy techeen called duobels. i split my self into to beings and we can rejion at will. i got worred when i heard the fight then you lot didn't show up. And Jeice I hightly doube that if Aron got his magicel powers i doubt that he knew they were comming from a companon. cid: you see to have a very acute sence of hearing. Psycho: when you loose a sence more focus is put into the others and when i lost my eye my powers of hearing increased a bit but they were far sharper then normal due to my samuria training. Biggs: Jeas now i know why you were a assine. Psycho: No you don't I know the real reson. and if i haden't killed a imearel soldger a few dayes befor i met you all i would have slit your's wedges's and Jeices; throughts with out a care in the world. You're just lucky I didn't exept the job but cleaned the fool;s clock instead. But my life story is something I wish to tell you all later for it goes hand in hand with the dove on more levels then you think.Biggs; That's deep my friend deep.


"You see, it's like this." Kuro began. "We came here to make the Potion of Life, as you've heard. BUT, we need that Moogle to do so. We will not harm it, just use it until we no longer need to, then we'll release it into the wild.

"Moguora is just a baby," Uargo softly told them, or mainly, Kuro. "He told me of how he lost his fellow Moogles when the 'blue snake' attacked, and that was about a year ago. He says he's been wondering around for quite awhile."

"So, what are we going to do with him?"

"I would be cruel to leave him here. I suggest we take him back to his home," Uargo said.

"But we can't. The Potion of Life... Ambassador..."

"My say is final. If you do so wish to get this Potion of Life, do it with another, more mature Moogle. But not with Moguora."

Jeice had a pained look across his face. "Uargo, I need this Potion..."

Biggs folded his arms. "Oh boy. Yet another time-consuming subquest. Can't we just do what we came here to do?" The thief scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, what was it again?"

Karolie eyed Biggs with a look of dislike.

"Biggs is kinda right," Wedge sided. "I mean, it's not like me to join with him, but if we keep going off track, how long do you think we'll be out here?"

"A Moogle is an animal. An animal is a living thing. How would you like it if somebody came up to where you were lost, and just walked away, not caring at all for your safety?" Uargo, stormed, raising his clenched fist.

"Kupo!" the Moogle agreeed.

Biggs took a step back, shaking his head and waving his hands. "Woah, cool down! I was just sayin-"

Asura attempted to break the argument up, and started by saying, "We know what you were saying, Biggs, and we also know it isn't the thing to do."

Biggs just closed his eyes and hung his head. After a second or so of thought, he replied, "Yeah, ok." He raised his head, looking directly at Uargo. "Do what you have to. Just don't blame me when one night we're all tied up and too late and Jeice gets killed."

"That's exactly what we're trying NOT to do. Using this Potion, we'll have a better chance of protecting Jeice," Asura said.

Jeice flinched, but that argument was put to rest with Uargo's "Well, its settled then. Kuro, Miller, I'm sorry. But I cannot allow you to hurt or use this baby moogle. However, your intention is good, so if you're willing, you can join us until we return this baby to its home, where you'll be able to HIRE a Moogle, instead of just steal one. Understand?"

Miller and Kuro nodded angrily, but reluctantly joined the group.

The baby Moogle clung onto Uargo's back like a koala, as the group continued to inspect the village. At the back of the group, Reno trailed, thinking about that Jean character.

"Jeice, could you please explain who Jean is?" Reno asked softly.

"What he told us was all I can remember. There's nothing else."

"Well, I've been thinking. He knows about the Dove, right? And he just 'happened' to be in this town when we arrived. There are two possible reasons I can think of at this moment. Firstly, he might have one of those pendants, you know, the ones Psycho was talking about?"

"Yeah, I know the ones. Even worse, he could be one of those Crystal Keepers. Yikes," Jeice grinned.

"In that case, he would be a good guy, only he hasn't realised yet that we have some pendants too, therefore we're the 'chosen' ones or whatever Psycho had said," Reno explained. "In this case, why had he attacked us, and how did he know so much about us, like your magic and so on?"

"I don't know," Jeice said, shrugging.

"Which brings me to my second reason. Could it be a possibility he's been following us? Ever since the Mage School on Lore, maybe. He could've stalked us over to Goralend, somehow, then stowawayed on our ship, which gives the possibility of..."

"Cullen!" both Jeice and Reno said at the same time.

Ahead of them, Siddhearth and Cid turned around, slowly followed by the rest of the group.

"Cullen? What about him?" Cid asked, waiting patiently for them to answer.

But they didn't. Siddhearth raised his eyebrows. "I don't think this is the time to be thinking about matters of the past. And to remind us for no reason whatsoever-"

"-and in the most moronic way ever-" Cid continued.

"-is totally uncalled for," Siddheath finished.

Jeice and Reno just stood there, saying nothing.

"Uh... who's Cullen?" Kuro asked, breaking the silence. Everyone's eyes turned to the single man.

Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Dizzying thoughts spun through Aaron's head as the group made their way back through the ruins of Colnelia, on their way to New Colnelia. He had been right about the reaper. Nothing was given from them without a price. In this case, Jeice lost his magic to Aaron. Now that Jeice, and everyone, knew, Aaron would eventually become untrustworthy, be exiled from the team, and have nowhere to turn but back to the reaper and his dreadful offer.

Aaron was ready for tonight. It wouldn't happen like that. Not exactly... Jeice would get his magic back, one way or the other.

The Geomancer quickly casts his thoughts away, as he was becoming accustomed to doing, then stepped behind Uargo and plucked the baby Moguora off his back.

"Moogles, huh..." he muttered. "I wonder if they're affected by Ian's "reaper touch", too..." Uargo gave Aaron a stern glance, prompting him to add, "Not that we should try it, of course."

"Kupo," Moguora agreed.

Aaron made a half-hearted attempt at a grin, then placed the Moogle back on Uargo.

When they reached the open center of what had been the ancient city, a feeling of foreboding crossed over Aaron, much like the one he had felt back on Goralend. He was sure it had been Rec before, but now he only seemed to feel half of the sensation. Younger... If not Rec, or Madigan, or Teska...

Lugi. Something was tearing through him, creating pain. Not quick and sharp, though, but dim and perpetual. As if some enormous parasite had taken him host and was slowly draining his life. He tried to get a grasp on this very presence. It was amazingly familiar...

Aaron was cut off as Psycho grabbed his arm and yanked him back a bit. "Listen!" the Samurai hissed, holding his hands out to keep Aaron still. They paused as the others went on. "Do you hear it?" "Hear what?"

"That growling!"

Aaron shook his head and took a few steps away. "It's probably just Silver." He froze mid-way between Psycho and the group as a loud snarl pierced the air. "Or not..."

"This is your home, Captain N. Sound familiar?"

"Uh uh... a lot does change in twenty-five years..." Aaron turned to look back at Psycho...

Just in time to see the Samurai collapse to the ground, clutching his arm. Silver howled and jumped over his trainer's body to protect him. But there had been no aggressor... had there?

Aaron turned his attention back to the group. Reno dropped to the ground after another loud snarl. Then Miller. Next Siddhearth... Invisible attackers? It just got better and better...

"Captain!" Uargo shouted. "Your home is full of Scrowls!"


"Scrowls," the old Mediator explained, tapping into Uncle Uargo mode, "are slender felines that run at speeds beyond comprehension, thus making them invisible to the naked eye. When they decide to strike..."

Aaron tucked the information away and looked back to Psycho. A large chunk of his flesh hung off the right arm, prompting the Captain to turn in disgust. "Big teeth..."

"No no!" Uargo added. "Get him over here! You three are at greater risk out in the open like that!"

Aaron turned again and dashed to the fallen Samurai, then carefully picked him up and started for the group, Silver tagging at his heels. He froze as another snarl filled his ears, then turned to face left. Though he couldn't really see it, he was convinced that he saw a blur of fur and teeth as the Scrowl approached. Only seconds before it reached him, Aaron called a boulder from the ground up between it and himself.

Fool! he suddenly thought. At that speed, it'll smash through the rock with no trouble!

The Scrowl smashed into the stone. Aaron cringed, expecting the rock to explode in a hail of stony shrapnel. No eruption came, however, so Aaron cautiously peeked around the rock to see what had happened. The Scrowl was there, still running, its head pushed against the boulder as it blindly tried to keep moving. Its thin, muscular legs were almost invisible as they continued their rhythmatic stride. Its claws were short and rounded, its tail long and whip-like, its fur light tan.

What was most of interest was its head, though. The top, or what Aaron could see of it, was hard with tiny bumps on it. As the Captain noted, the Scrowl was using those bumps to slowly grind through the rock. It had a small snout with a tiny brown nose at the point. From that nose rose a white streak of fur all the way to its small, tapered ears. The eyes were narrow. The mouth and teeth were something different all together, though. Four teeth jutted far over their respective jaw, coming to a small point. Its mouth was enormous, widely stretched to hold the enormous incisors.

The stripe, as Aaron also noted, gave the Scrowl an appearance of stupidity. Since the beast hadn't turned to attack and instead stuck with scratching through the stone, its appearance was fitting.

Aaron turned back to the group again, where Asura had just fallen. Silently he swore, since she would've been the only one to be of real help to anyone until they reached New Colnelia. Ah well...

The Geomancer ran to the group, boulders raising to form a protective wall at his sides. When he finally joined the rest, two more boulders rose from the front and back, creating an effective square shield.

"How much of this area would they lurk in?" Aaron asked Uargo as soon as they were safe.

"They thrive in open areas, where hitting their prey is easy. A few hollow structures have to be around for them to settle though, so that they have a place to hide at rest. If we can reach that forest," the Mediator said, motioning to the spread of trees that surrounded the entire area, "then we'll be fine."


"Clever trick with my ma... the rocks," Jeice mumbled, his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed at the Captain.

"Save it," Wedge said. "You two can fight it out when we get away from here."

"Indeed a clever trick," Uargo interjected, trying to smoothly switch the subject. "These Scrowls are fast, but they have almost no mass. Without mass, they can't replace mass, such as the mass those rocks have. They definitely don't have enough to break through a few more rocks..." The elder coughed and gradually nodded to the city's limits.

Acknowledging thus, Aaron created two rows of boulders that stretched from their square to the forest, the lowered the stone between them and their destination. Swiftly the team darted into the cover of the trees, then paused for a rest.

Ian was the first to recuperate himself and immediately commented that Psycho's "double" likely didn't remain intact when the Samurai was attacked. Without another word, the Knight slipped away into the forest toward the ship.

As the rest got their bearings about, the ones who had been struck by the Scrowls were laid out in a row: Psycho, Reno, Miller, Siddhearth, and Asura, in the order that they were struck and thus deserved attention. They were placed face up, and Kuro walked around each, cutting away the sticky clothing around the wounds with his knife. All had been struck on the arm, save for the taller Siddhearth, who was hit closer to his ribs. And sadly, all were unconscious...

"They always attack a person on the side," Uargo commented," unless you turn toward them during their strike. They're a bit less of a threat that way. I'd hate to see the damage caused if they had been struck from those..."

"Less of a threat, he says!" Biggs roared in interruption. "I didn't see them stop and politely ask if they could rip us to shreds, did you Wedge?"

"You know what I meant," Uargo sighed. "Moving on, these wounds need to be covered before any more blood is lost or an infection sinks in."

"Oh!" Karolie cried, smacking herself on the forehead. She reached down to her waist and untied several colored ribbons. "I wear these as a habit," she sighed. "But at least they can be put to good use now." She shoved some of the ribbons into Biggs's reluctant hands, then set to work wrapping Psycho's wound with a grey one.

Aaron looked back at Colnelia. Not a Scrowl remained. Disinterested, he finally turned to Cid and said, "I'll go ahead and get some room at the inn."

"If you want," Cid shrugged. "I'm tempted to come too, but it would be a far more noble thing for me to remain at my brother's side."

Aaron nodded and ran through the trees, carefully watching for any more beasts that could spoil the trip.

Jeice watched Aaron run off, then started after him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Wedge called before the Wizard could get far. The others turned to look at him as well.

Jeice stood silent for a bit as he mulled over what to say in such an instance. Finally he muttered, "It's just like you said, Weston." Quickly he darted away.

"I wasn't serious!" the Monk shouted. "Jeice!" Wedge quickly jumped to his feet and gave chase. Jeice in turn found a patch of trees that were almost too close for himself to slip through. He got through and paused to decide what to do next. Wedge reached the tightly packed trees, but his bulky size prevented him from getting through. Furiously, he hit the tree with his fist, then looked for a way around. By the time he finally did get past the blockade, Jeice was out of sight. Flustered, the Monk turned and headed back to the group. Once he was gone, Jeice dropped from the tree branch he had been waiting on and crouched as he landed on his feet, then continued after Aaron, his pace faster.

Eventually he caught up to the Captain, then when he was close enough lunged forward and caught the other around the waist, dropping them both to the ground.

"I'd ask what your problem is," Aaron sighed, "but methinks I already know..."

"If you didn't "steal" my magic," Jeice hissed, "I want to know how you got it."

Aaron nodded. "I owed everyone this explanation when it first happened... Back on the old Gigyas I found my crew all dead at the hands of the reapers. I read Odin's journal back on Goralend and know what caused it, but it has nothing to do with your magic, so I'll save that for later.

"After the reapers killed the Wyvern, they..." Aaron paused. "Well, perhaps I should say the lead one... offered me to join him."


"He held out his hand and begged for me to come. Like this..." Aaron sat up and held out his right hand, palm skyward, then curled his fingers perpendicular to his wrist and relaxed them in a quick motion.

"I know what you meant. I want to know why it would do that?"

"I'm not sure, really... but after that point, I jumped away and Cullen got me. It wasn't until later when...

"Well, you remember that night on Goralend when Reno's Stone spell failed and the reaper paralyzed Cullen?"

Jeice nodded solemnly.

"Biggs and Wedge got Cullen and the cutlasses, while I held the reaper off... or tried to, anyway."

"Ooh! Jeice!" Steeltooth crowed from under the aforementioned one's cloak. "Lemme out! I've never heard this part of the story."

Jeice grimaced and reached for the sword. "I forgot," he mumbled. "You don't mind that he's hearing this..."

"So long as he keeps his mouth shut," Aaron grunted.

"I'm offended, Mr. N!" Steeltooth mumbled.

"I'm sure. Now... back on that night, I eventually got paralyzed by the reaper as well. It came up... and it spoke to me."

"You've got to be kidding!" the sword cried. "It doesn't have a mouth!"

"He said," Aaron continued, ignoring him, "that I could come with him and have what I wanted. I demanded an example of what he'd give me. So, without even asking, the reaper probed my mind, saw my attachment to Rec, and made me a Geomancer, upon which I promptly refused his offer. He didn't bring up your magic at all, though I guess he had to get the ability somewhere. And I see how perfectly it fits into his plans now..."

"How's that?" Jeice asked, putting his hand on Steeltooth's mouth.

"He knew that we would find out, and eventually I would leave from guilt or be cast out. Then I'd have nowhere to turn but back to him."

Jeice stood and sheathed Steeltooth. "I'd have never expected you to lie, Captain."


"The reaper was chasing me that night, not bargaining with you."

"It was a different reaper."

"I'll bet..."

"Come on, Jeice! How else am I supposed to "steal" your magic?"

"Your friends at the Mage School could've taken it while I was encased in stone."


"Even if this reaper story is true, how am I supposed to know that you really did refuse the offer to come with them?"

"... I just..."

Jeice shook his head and got to his feet, then started back to the group.

"... helped stop Ogopogo..."

With a grunt, Aaron too got up and trod away, toward New Colnelia.

Reaching New Colnelia had taken the better of the day for the group. Jeice, having taken up carrying Reno for Wedge almost half-an-hour ago, had spent most of those thirty minutes trying to wake the boy. The sun was beginning to set...

They left the forest and stepped right onto the hard clay that made up New Colnelia's terrain. It had deteriorated quite a bit, much unlike the beautiful soil that "old" Colnelia had. Away from any sources of water as well, the only real food that could be obtained would be through hunting. Because of this, New Colnelia never kept a high population. Most people would come just to see it, then immediately head back to wherever they had come from. The only permanent settlers were scum who made dishonest livings or traded illegally.

As most passerbys would comment, if Old Colnelia is the "Dream City", New Colnelia is the Nightmare...

Even so, the occasional good-natured business thrived. Lumber did well, due to the surrounding forests. Very convenient for the group, since they needed wood to fix the Gigyas. And casinos also dominated, which stirred Biggs's interest.

As they arrived at the gate of the city, a short man covered in burlap robes walked over to them. "You are with Mr. Aaron, yes?" he asked, his voice deep and charming.

"We are," Uargo replied, furrowing his brow. "And you are...?"

"Ah, Rahmus. Mr. Aaron asked me to show you your inn. He had other business to attend to, so he said."

"How much did he pay for you to attend us here?" Cid asked, the finances of the group coming to mind. He still had X-Checkers, but the less he used from that, the better.

"Not in money, but in food. I don't know where he collected it, considering the poor quality of the land, but he has fed my family for the time."

Another good thing Aaron has done with ‘my' magic, Jeice thought.

"Anyway," Rahmus said, "to your rooms. He mentioned that the boy needed to be awake before dusk ended."

"He does," Uargo nodded. "So please, lead the way."

Rahmus did so, weaving them through the city. The streets were fairly barren, since those that did live here had gone in for the night, fearing thieves. When they had finally arrived and all had gone in, Jeice lingered a moment.

"Did Aaron mention where he was going?" the Wizard asked Rahmus, who was on his way back home.

"He did not," Rahmus replied, "though I can tell you that he went in this direction." The man pointed off to his left. Jeice nodded and gave him leave, then peeked into the inn. Reno's condition hadn't changed, and the stars were already appearing. No one seemed to notice him, so Jeice silently slipped off to the left. The reaper would be coming soon, anyway.

He ran toward New Colnelia's West Gate. The closest to Telo'nak... Desdemona... and the Fiery Pit...

Aaron waited at the West Gate until the sun sank under the horizon. Before long, two dim yellow eyes appeared, glowing in the darkness. The reaper came closer and closer, then finally stopped in front of Aaron. He floated there for what seemed ages, then finally motioned with a sweep of his free hand.

"You have come to accept?" his eerie voice whispered.

"Not exactly," Aaron answered.

"Then I have no time for you."

"Hold on now, I said not exactly..." the Captain sighed. "I'll accept if you return this magic to my friend."

The reaper's eyes seemed to widen, then narrow. "It would be a waste of time. We shall catch him momentarily."

"At least allow him to enjoy his last few hours. To die as he was born..."

The reaper shook his head sadly, robe billowing around his non-existent feet. "Very well." The reaper raised his hand parallel to Aaron's heart.

"One more thing," Aaron interrupted. "I would like to know why you've taken such an interest in me."

"When you are with us, all will be known."

"All right..."

The reaper's arm slid slowly toward Aaron's chest. Slowly, the fingers melded into him. Aaron's breath caught as he felt them, but he wouldn't turn away now...


The Captain turned toward the voice, pulling away from the fingers in the process. The reaper seemed to be unaffected, merely positioning himself back in front of Aaron.

"Stop Aaron!"

"Jeice?" "What?" the reaper whispered as Aaron pulled away again.

"I can't let you do that," Jeice's disembodied voice rang, though Aaron couldn't identify from where.

On the downside, the reaper seemed to know exactly where the voice was coming from and started off in that direction.

"You so much as touch him," Aaron growled, "and you've lost me."

"A small price," the reaper replied. "Capturing the marked is our primary goal, you're just extra." With that, he picked up his pace. Smoothly, a boulder slid in front of the reaper, followed by three more to form a cage.

"Mr. Nyoran!" the reaper shouted, its voice booming out Aaron's truthful name. "If you think that your amateur tricks can even impede me, you've got another thing coming!"

The reaper slid through the stone as easily as its fingers had gone through Aaron's torso. By that time, Jeice had come out from his hiding place and started for the inn. The reaper turned to follow, but as he did another boulder came up in front of him. He paused, apparently to scoff at the Geomancer's naivete...

Aaron knew exactly what he was doing, though.

Colnelia had become the desolate, abandoned city it now was twenty-five years ago. At that time, everyone had fled, including Aaron. Only ten at the time, he got gotten separated from his family and was forced to slip onto the Gigyas Prey, where Captain Veriol had taken him in. Five years later, Aaron had discovered that his family died that day before they could escape, thus leading to his high-strung emotions.

Before that, however, Aaron had studied in Colnelia between the raging tsunamis in hopes of being a Scholar like his father and grandfather. During that time, he had learned some of the more interesting things about reapers. First and foremost, how to attack them...

One way of attacking, likely the easiest, was to use magic. Unfortunately, only specific spells could hurt a reaper. The majority of Black and White Magic worked, but the other forms had much less of an effect. By stealing Jeice's magic, the reaper had made it that much easier to catch the Wizard. Some enchanted weapons had an effect, as well.

The other, more complicated way was to hit the reaper without having your attack meld through it. Reapers had a way of dividing their forms into millions of bits, which allowed them to go through objects or would let an attack pass right through them. They couldn't hold that phase indefinitely, however, and only used it when aptly needed. By distracting a reaper so that it wouldn't see the attack coming, you could get the jump on it.

Aaron did just that. As the reaper stopped by the boulder, he quickly lunged forward with his axe and drove it down on the reaper's back, then followed through with his own body weight, driving the reaper into the stone it had just doubted being important.

The reaper, none too pleased, released a wave of energy that hurtled Aaron backwards. The Captain rose to his feet, stumbled, then lay down.

Take it easy, sailor, he thought. You can't help Jeice dead...

The reaper was far behind, as Jeice noted, and now bogged down by a rock in his path. He also watched Aaron fall backwards, and made a grimace. Well, the reaper wasn't trying to steal Aaron's soul (in a sense), so Jeice continued running.

Absently, the Wizard kept glancing back, but the reaper mysteriously wasn't coming. During one such glance, a foot jutted out from nearby, tripping Jeice. He landed on his face, then felt a foot push against his back.

"Your Gil or your health!" a voice snapped.

Jeice peered up at the speaker, a thief with a black eyepatch over the right eye. The man held a knife with him, pointing it down at Jeice's back. "I would," Jeice responded, "but I'm at the time broke."

"I'm sure. Hand it over!"

Jeice pushed the foot away and got to his feet. "I mean it. Now, I really must be going..." Jeice turned to run, but the Thief nimbly stepped in front of him and held the knife threateningly.

"Don't make me hurt..." The thief froze, then let out a holler and dashed into the shadows. Jeice turned, to see the reaper coming.

"Figures," he sighed, then fumbled under his cloak for Steeltooth. "Looks like it's just us, friend."

"What? No spear?" Steeltooth replied.

The reaper was closing in. "Let's just hope Cullen really did hurt this thing when you before!" The Wizard lunged forward at the reaper, Steeltooth swinging around. The cutlass howled out a protest, but Jeice's determination, and momentum, carried him toward the reaper anyway.

Steeltooth slid through the reaper's cloak harmlessly. Jeice quicky recoiled the sword and ducked as the reaper swung its scythe in a semi-circle over him. The reaper swung lower, but Jeice dropped to his stomach and quickly tried to roll away. He jolted to a stop as the scythe plunged into the ground right in front of him, then quickly rolled the other way. Again he stopped as the scythe came down on the other side, then flipped into a backward somersault, dodging a blow that would've split him whether he had rolled or not.

Unfortunately, he also dropped Steeltooth. Coming to a crouch, Jeice swung his legs under him to kick the sword out away from the reaper, then dropped to his back to avoid a downward swing that landed between his spread legs. Nimbly Jeice rolled to his feet and ran to where Steeltooth had skidded to a stop. The reaper surged forward and knocked Steeltooth away with his scythe, also bringing himself right next to the Wizard.

Jeice evasively leaned to the right as the reaper swung his scythe downward, then ducked another blow and jumped over a low sweep. He rolled backwards again, caught his breath, then dodged the scythe some more. Jeice had played a game back in his home before being run out. Several kids would throw fur-matted balls at each other, and if someone was hit, they were "out". Jeice had done exceedingly well at this game because of how well he dodged any balls that came at him. He was thankful for these skills now...

Finally the reaper tried a hard swing, which Jeice ducked. The reaper's momentum kept him going, giving Jeice time to grab Steeltooth and start running.

"I tried to tell you, Idiotlocks!" the sword spat harshly. "Me and Ironfang lose all magical abilities when we're separate. Even if we had hurt that feller before, I sure can't now!"

"Now you tell me! Look behind and see how close he is!"

Steeltooth's voice shrunk. "Close," he squeaked.

"How close?" Jeice turned... right into the reaper's face.

Their eyes only inches apart, the monster abruptly shouted "BOO!" Jeice tumbled backward and curled himself up, as if it would protect him. The reaper bent for his soul...

And just before he touched the man, the earth opened up under Jeice, plummeting him into darkness. The Wizard landed hard on his rear and quickly determined that he had fallen into some sort of subterranean tunnel. He got up and searched the wall for a nook, or anything, to hide in.

The reaper turned to Aaron, who knelt where he had last been, hands clasped innocently. "Can't impede you at all, huh?" the Geomancer said with a sly smile.

"A minor set-back," the reaper retorted. "I happen to thrive in the Earth." With that cryptic remark, he dove into the hole after Jeice.

Aaron brushed the hair from his eyes, spit in his hands and rubbed them together, then cracked his knuckles. "You also disappear in the sunlight," he added.

Before Aaron could do anything, the thief that he had seen assault Jeice earlier walked up and meekly asked for his money. Aaron turned to him, then before the thief could react called a thick vine from the earth and had it wrap around the pilferer. The vine bent back, then snapped forward, hurling the thief away.

That finished, he turned back to the hole in the ground...

Jeice watched the reaper's glowing eyes as the monster itself dropped down the hole.

"Not even a little magic?" he whispered to Steeltooth.

"Uh uh... I said ‘stay at the inn, Jeice' and ‘Aaron can take care of himself, Jeice', but did you listen?"

"Hey, I was glad we came up until the reaper found us."

"I'll bet..."

The cutlass's statement was cut short as the ground above them split in half, revealing the night sky.

"Hope he knows what he's doing up there," Jeice mumbled.

Aaron paused a moment to catch his breath. With the reaper still in the open air, the easy part of his plan was finished. But the sun was several hours to rising. This wouldn't be easy...

The Geomancer held his arms out straight from his shoulders, as if holding an enormous sphere. He laboriously stepped forward, not actually going anywhere. Step after step he took, and as he did, the sun slowly rose in the sky...

The reaper had been distracted by the earth splitting, but Jeice wasn't sure whether that meant he should run or wait for Aaron's next phase of attack. Caught between the two choices, the Wizard ended up staying in his place as he mulled the options.

The reaper snapped his attention back to Jeice and floated closer. But before he got far, a ray of golden light shone down on him. Soon, then entire tunnel was illuminated. Jeice could easily see the sun rising in the sky. Wasn't it a bit early, though? Either way, it would keep him safe.

The reaper quickly flung itself out of the tunnel and over to Aaron. "Well, whadda ya know?" the Geomancer grinned. "I'd say it's a little early for you to be leaving, don't you agree?"

"Perhaps I underestimated the extent of magic I gave you. No matter though. We still shall be victorious." Red and brown smoke began to swirl around the reaper. "And our offer still stands, might I add." With that, he disappeared.

Aaron shook his head, suddenly feeling the fatigue of what he had just done. He staggered over to the crack in the earth, then leaned down to see Jeice.

"You all right?" the Wizard called up. "How'd you do that?"

"I pulled the sun up faster."

"Impressive... Mr. Nyoran."

Aaron groaned. "Finally figured me out."

"Is it Air Nyoran, Aaron Nyoran, or some other name we don't know for your first?"

"I'm not telling. I need to keep something from you guys."

"No big deal. We've all got our share of secrets. I shall just have to trick Jean into Peeping you the next time we collide with him. Like I said, he doesn't lie." Jeice paused. "Thanks, Aaron."

"I ought to be thanking you. You know what would've happened had I joined him?"

"No, but I assume you'll tell me..."

"I'd have caught you for sure the next night."

"Of course," Jeice replied sarcastically. "Anyway, you can keep my crummy magic for all I care. It's given me nothing but trouble since childhood." Jeice sighed, knowing how hard it would really be to not have his magic. "You're better with it than I am, anyway."

"Naw, go on."

"Are you gonna get us out, or should we start digging our graves right now?"

"I really couldn't get you out if I tried. I'm exhausted. I'll just seal up what I can of this fissure and get someone else to guide you out of there." "I can deal with that. I've got Steeltooth for company, after all. Go on."

Aaron nodded and stood, then sealed the earth up to a hole above Jeice. Once finished, he limped toward the inn.

Aaron arrived back at the inn and was immediately bombarded with questions. As if he couldn't even hear them, Aaron trudged to the bed that had been reserved for himself, then plopped down. Quickly he ran through and answered the inquiries, which all rotated back to where Jeice was and what had happened.

When they finally finished, Aaron found a piece of paper and writing utensil, then scratched out a map to the place had gone underground. On the back of the map, he drew a map for the tunnel system under New Colnelia, including the easiest exits, which he had also studied while sailing with Captain Veriol.

"Are we all going?" Karolie asked when he had finished.

"Uh uh. You've got two other things to do as well: find Moguora's home and get the ship patched up. We've still got those five bed-ridden, I see..."

"Yes," Uargo sighed. "We had a Cleric come while waiting for you two to show up, and their arms were properly healed. But I had forgotten that Scrowls have a sort of ‘sedative' in their saliva, which knocks their prey out on the spot. That way they don't have to eat on the run.

"The attacked would've been out until midday, but seeing as how the sun has "mysteriously"..." At this, Aaron blushed a little. "... come up early, they could be out until dusk."

"All right," the Captain continued. "We've got six people bed-ridden, including me, Ian watching the ship, and Jeice in need. Only six people for the tasks. Silver can stay here and alert me if anything happens while you're gone."

"Biggs and I shall help Jeice," Wedge spoke up, holding his hand out for the map.

"Then Ambassador Predict and I should work on this little Moogles here," Kuro interjected.

"Which leaves the two of us to the ship," Cid sighed. Karolie wrapped an arm around his shoulder and shook him.

"Come on," she giggled. "I'm not that bad."

"My dear, you have no idea." Karolie mocked pain, but Aaron cut her off and said simply, "Good luck." With that they dispersed, and Aaron lay down to much needed rest.

Zel glanced over his lists and calculations. He was still missing many of the Spirits known... But the recent addition of Leviathan made up for that at this time. He had even managed to fuse the sea beast already.

Of course, he would've preferred the aged Geomancer over the little Black Mage as a vessel, but beggers couldn't be choosers...

Scanning the list, he noticed the location of the next Spirit. Amazingly close to that place he had just left. Unfortunately, that meant a return trip. For Gilgamesh...


It didn't take long for the Thief and Monk pair of Biggs Bellows and Weston Doragoon Gage to find the place that Jeice had been "buried" at. They had been long-time partners and were thus able to work together quite well.

By the time they found the hole, a crowd of people had gathered around it to watch as the oddly dressed man down there conversed with a talking sword. They were easily shooed when Biggs shouted that the win rate at the casinos had been increased to one-hundred percent.

With a wry smirk to his partner, the Thief motioned to the hole, indicating that he wanted Wedge to go first. The Monk sighed, then jumped down and landed nimbly next to Jeice. Biggs followed, landing less gracefully onto his back.

"Nice to see you guys again," Jeice said as Biggs got to his feet.

"Nice to see you too," Wedge commented. "What were you thinking, putting yourself in such a situation?!"

"That Aaron might've been right, and that I didn't want him to sacrifice himself just because I was angry at him over something he had little control of."

"Yeah yeah," Biggs interrupted. "Let's save the chit-chat for our next tea party, guys. The sooner we get away from this hole, the better."

"The three of us together again," Jeice smirked.

"Just like old times..." Wedge added.

"Not too much like old times," Biggs sighed, rubbing his arm where it had been shot some time ago.

"We're not as young as we used to be," Wedge nodded. "Or at least I'm not, anyway. You two are a whole decade behind me. And then some."

They nodded in unison and thought back to some of the things they had done since they met together under Cid's guidance. Finally, Steeltooth broke the silence, and the three of them started on their way.

"How much wood?" Cid repeated the question that had been asked to him.

"Yes," the store tender sighed. "You've gotta know how much you need."

Cid looked to Karolie, who shrugged and shook her head. Sighing, the elder pulled out his booklet from X-Checkers and ripped a sheet of paper out of it, then wrote a few sums on it. "However much wood this will buy us," he said, holding the check out to the man.

The store tender's eyes widened. "That much, huh? Well, I'll see what we got." He walked from behind his counter to a door at the side of the room.

As soon as he left, Karolie grabbed Cid's arm and pulled the check over to her. As she looked at the amount scribbled on it, she whistled. "That's a lot."

"Don't tell anyone," Cid whispered. "The more frugally we live, the better."

"Got'cha," Karolie said with a wink.

The store tender returned a bit later and held his hand out for the check. "Your order's out back," he said once the check had been handed over. "We'll even throw in manual labor. Just show them to the ship."

"Thank you," Cid said, then turned to leave.

"Yeah, thanks," Karolie added, following Cid out.

Uargo had easily decided that the best place to look in regards to where Moguora's home was would be to check in on the Moogle Village, a sub-section of New Colnelia that was home to the furry creatures.

When the Mediator and Kuro entered the area, Moguora immediately perked up. "Seems he knows where we're going, Ambassador," Kuro said.

"Indeed." Uargo set the baby Moogle down, then let him explore the village for the proper home. Eventually, Moguora led them to a house, where he sat down at the doorstep and waited. Uargo walked up and knocked on the door to the house, and before long, an average-sized Moogle came out.

"Yes?" it asked, upon seeing Uargo and Kuro. Before they could respond, it's eyes fell down to Moguora. "Moguora!" the Moogle exclaimed. "Kupo kuuuu! Kupopo kup kupo!"

Moguora looked shyly down at his feet.

"You brought little Moguora back?" the Moogle asked.

"We did," Uargo replied. "My friend here was mistakenly using him to find Kupo Nuts, but we have since sorted out the wrong of this."

"Yes," Kuro said. "I'm terribly sorry. As is my partner, I'm sure. He is your son?"

"One of my kin, but not my son. Kupo Nuts, you say?"

"Yes, for the Potion of Life."

Uargo shoved his elbow into Kuro's side, but it was too late to cut him off anyway.

"What are your names?" the Moogle asked, seeming to ignore that last comment.

"I am Ambassador Uargo Predict," the elder said. "My friend here is called Kuro, and the partner he spoke of is Miller."

"I see... I must show my gratitude to you for returning Moguora, though, sirs Uargo and Kuro. I shall send Moguora to another of our kin, then can willingly help you."

"You would do that?" Kuro said. "After I...?"

"Indeed. For I have been interested in creating this Potion of Life as well. Not to use, per say, just to have the satisfaction of making."

"We would be honored with your help," Uargo said. "What is your name?"

"I am called... Mog..."

Psycho (needs editting)[edit]

the samurai soon awakes from his slumber and the others were still out. Psycho: If i was fast enough i would rip that stinking thing apart with my bare hands and teeth! I loath being useless and I loath being bedridden! Graahh! bites down hard into his pillow and shakes it like a dog would the releases it. Oh well i may as well keep us enter tained at the very least. with that he produced a few balles of enrgy of sevrel diffrent colors and bebang to juggle them with his good hand. Or passed them to sliver and the two would jugle them together like cires entertainers do.


The dark brown gathered above the dark shade of green below. Slowly coming from the east, from over the waters, from the Imperial City... the twelve year old boy stood on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the giant forest that expanded for miles. And even then, he couldn't see it.

"Why are you so special if you have no special talents?"

The night was cold, yet... warm. Inside he felt as if he was sitting next to a lit fire, in a cozy hut somewhere.

"Is it because they think you are special? Are they just carrying you along, not caring less if you happen to disappear?"

"I wouldn't disappear."

"Not unless YOU wanted to, no. Or unless someone else wanted you to."

"What are you saying?"

"You don't always control your own world. In fact, everybody you know controls your world. Every living thing controls your world. Every building, every sword, every grain of sand controls your world."

"But... I control my actions."

"Maybe so, but would you want to, say, go on a vacation if you hadn't heard about the place you want to go from somewhere? That somewhere is the one controlling you."

"This is crazy."

"This is reality. Nothing else belongs but you. Nothing else belongs but the people who control your world. Those people are you."

A huge lightning bolt flashed from the sky, making the boy jump. He shook his head, glancing out at what once used to be a beautiful landscape. But nothing had changed. Even from the cliff top nothing had changed... not a bit.

A galoping chocobo broke the silence of the town, its feet splashing through the puddles of water and mud that lined the streets. The rider stopped the bird outside an unknown building, getting off. "NOTHING ELSE BELONGS."

Slowly, she made her way up the steps to the huge door, entering the cozy, but small, building. Across from her stood her two and a half year old son.


The young woman of twenty two bent down to pick the boy up, hugging him tight.


"Mama, I was cold and lonely by myself."

"It's alright now, darling. Mama's home."

The woman let the boy back to the floor.


A tear slipped down the woman's face, splashing to the cold tiled floor of the house.

"Mama, stop crying."

"I'm sorry, Reno, I'll be alright."


A girl about ten years older than the two year old boy stepped through the door. The mother spoke to her.

"Asura, I want you to look after Reno while I'm gone, alright?"

The girl nodded.


A long bright white light froze time. Slowly it cleared, revealing a nine year old boy with black hair, wearing a black mage's robe. Around his neck hung a gold medal. He stood high as a tall man walked past him, shaking his hand. Slowly but surely, the picture faded to near nothing.

"Do you remember this, Reno?"

"I'm positive it was when I got my award in the school." "What was it for?"

"I'm... not sure. I remember something about, rescuing someone."

"Who is this someone?"

"A girl. Trilphy Faltasy, the same age as me, a White Mage. She was out in the woods when she got attacked by a Malboro. I came and, used some spell on it to kill it. I got awarded a bravery medal from one of the Masters at the Mage School."

"Why did you rescue this girl?"

"I dunno. I couldn't have just let her die. She was the same age as me. I'd know how it felt if I was alone when I got attacked."

"Could it be that you liked this girl?"

"I liked her. She was a friend. I had lots of friends."

"I mean did you... love her?"

"I... I... I guess I did. Whenever I saw her I got this funny feeling inside me. And I liked being around her."

"What happened next?"

"Well, after I was awarded, Trilphy started talking to me in private, and stuff like that. We were friends before, but then we came really good friends."

"You mean like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Well, you could say that. But we never really kissed or anything. Just talked, about private things and secrets we wouldn't tell anyone else. Until that day...

"This boy named Zaga really hated her. He hated everyone but himself, actually. So he told Trilphy that Master Heren wanted to see her out in the forest square. The forest square was dangerous, expecially at night, but Trilphy went because she thought Master Heren would kill any monsters if they attacked. But it turned out that Zaga was lying, and Master Heren wasn't there at all."

"How do you know this?"

"I followed her. I had a feeling Zaga would be lying, and I'd be there just in case she got attacked. But I was too weak. The Hexadragon didn't stop, it just kept attacking and attacking. Trilphy... was killed, but fortunately I escaped with my life. I went to tell Master Heren. But by the time we reached her, she was gone. No life spell would've helped her, anyway.

"After that Zaga was banished, and rumors spread of a murderer inside the school. Master Heren kept the truth from everyone except the eldest, but it still wasn't good enough. The pupils started leaving, saying their lives were too good just to be destroyed by the murderer. Some rumors even said that I was the killer. So slowly nearly everyone left. I stayed for awhile, watching as the school became nearly abandoned. Master Heren gave up on his life, killing himself. It was sad, but Elder Rec took his place, taking the title of Master. I stayed for about a month after that, finally leaving for the Eastern Continent. I didn't know what I would do when I got there, all I knew was that my life would be wasted at the Mage School. Master Rec agreed, and payed for my trip. And that's when..."

I heard of the Empire.

"I was ten years old, had no job, no money, no food. One day walking through the streets of Telo'Nak, I met a young thief named Marvel. He was about five years older than me, and convinced me to take up the job of thievery. Seeing I had nothing else to do, I joined him. He was a professional, he knew what he was doing. Only once we got caught, by a rich man. He said he'd sell our lives to slavery. We had no choice. Marvel killed him, and we escaped. At that time I started regretting this job. Killing a man and taking his money made me a common criminal. I felt bad. Marvel was like an older brother, but I didn't like the things he did. Finally he created a perfect plan- to rob the Mayor of Telo'Nak for every penny he owns.

"Despite me telling him I didn't want to help, he convinced me somehow. So we entered the mayor's building. Little did we know this would be the worst mistake we've ever made. Marvel was caught almost instantly, but with a Fade spell I disappeared, sneaking away. I was a wimp. I didn't stand up to the person who felt the most like family to me. Instead I ran off like a chicken. Marvel, despite his young age, was executed. I thought it was the time to tell the mayor of my sins. So I did. The Mayor forgave me and took me in as his own son. After awhile I started to forget that I once had a mother and a sister, dropped my original second name and I took the surname Lupus from the Mayor. Mayor Telo'Nak started to call me son. Eventually, my golden months were over. The Empire started sending Reapers in. As I was one of the few Mages in the city, I became one of the defenders. I didn't actually kill any Reapers, just defended my city. After a few attacks, it was enough for me. I couldn't handle it any more. Mayor Telo'Nak was taken by the Red Reapers. I didn't actually know if he was dead, all I knew was that he was gone. So I left my home, my destination Raentillo.

"I knew that Raentillo had been taken over by the Empire. All I wanted to do is get revenge for them taking Mayor Telo'Nak. And I did just that. Somehow a forbidden magic came out, Ultima, destroying nearly half the city. The Imperials fled, but I could never forgive myself for killing most of the citizens of Raentillo. After that, they rebuilt the city, and the Imperials didn't come back. I think they were scared of Ultima. I felt good, although I knew that Ultima was too strong. From that day I swore to myself to keep my magic hidden. I didn't want to kill off another city." He stopped talking and paused for a second, then he repeated his final words to himself. "I didn't want to kill off another city...

"But I did. Telo'Nak. I somehow got into the Imperial Capital, and attempted to find out something important to them, like plans or something. I ended up finding information of the attack on Telo'Nak. I quickly rushed back towards the city by Chocobo Carriage, and it took me nearly two days to reach it. I found out that a new Mayor had been appointed. I didn't bother finding anything out about him, instead I rushed towards the Mayor Building. I quickly warned him, but it was too late. The Reapers invaded, and I was caught by Zande. I was taken to the Slave Camp, barely escaping. That's where I met that girl, Asura Crismon. I felt as though I knew her, as I told my story to her. She seemed to already know bits of it. This made me think, but I quickly dropped it as I met Jeice, Siddhearth and the others. And that's the end of my story."

"This is reality. On board the deck of the Victoria, you used your hidden magic, didn't you?"

"Yes. By then I had forgotten most of my spells. After Bahamut and the Victoria were destroyed, I spent most of my spare time trying to re-master my magics. Slowly I became better. But still I am not as good as I was three years ago."

"And do you know why?"

"No. I'm just hoping that it isn't the same case as it was with Aaron and Jeice."

"It wouldn't be. You still have your power."

"Well, I guess... I dunno."

"I'll tell you why. Because you abandoned your skill. Why are you so special if you have no special talents? Yours is your black magic."

"But many people have black magic. Which means I'm not unique. I'm just a normal person."

"Could it be that you don't believe in yourself?"

"I believe in myself. I always had. After I casted Ultima in Raentillo, and on the Victoria, I felt really proud. Proud that I had been of some use. Unlike my normal self..."

"Your normal self?"

"A twelve year old boy. What possible use could a twelve year old boy be of a rebellion against the Empire?"

"Well, you killed Bahamut didn't you?"

"Yeah, I guess." "Don't guess. Know. Know you aren't a pullback for the group."

"But I am. They wouldn't care less about me."

"But they helped you with the sea spirit. That's two Spirits you defeated."

"But then Ogopogo... I didn't do much."

"Haven't you learnt yet that you are of some use? Look what you just told me. Your life's story. You helped the one you loved back in the Mage School, didn't you?"


"And you helped Telo'Nak, Raentillo, AND the group you travel with."

"But I always do something wrong. I couldn't defend Trilphy. She was killed by that Hexadragon. Telo'Nak I went and got destroyed, and Raentillo I blew to smithereens. I can't do anything right."

"Stop being so hard on yourself. When you wake up, I want you to talk to Asura."

"Asura? What for?"

"I think you know what for."

"But, I don't."

"You will."

"Wait a second! I don't understand. Who are you?"

"I'm afraid to tell you in case you worry."

"Your voice sounds... familiar?"

"Don't worry, Reno. You don't need to know who I am. All you need to know is that I loved you and I still do. When you wake up, go and talk to Asura."



"Goodbye Trilphy."

The picture of the boy standing on stage with a medal around his neck disappeared completely, replaced by a blinding flash. And then, the boy lost consiousness.


Jeice stood up and sheathed Steeltooth, who objected angrily at his being thrown around. The wizard almost felt guilty, the long hours in the whole had bonded the two... Almost. Still they had their differences and not just physically.

Biggs looked around, "So uhh... how do we get out of here?"

Jeice looked up; "I suppose you didn't bring a rope, did you?"

Biggs scratched his head and chuckled nervously, "Well I told Wedge but.. Heh heh.."

Wedge gave a disapproving glance, but then grinned, "I admit I should have brought one, but I have hardly been able to meditate with everything going on..."

"In that case," Jeice replied, "Over on that wall is a small hole, if we could open it just a little..."

Without further words, Wedge had used his powerful fists and honed skills to widen the hole further.

The wizard grinned, "Or... we could just do that, yeah..."

Biggs took a step forward, "Remember a few years back, one of our first missions together?"

The group continued down the passage as Biggs continued. "We had just gathered information on rumors of the origin of the empire. We were deep in the Slave Mines..."

Jeice chuckled, "Yes, and we were in those ridiculous outfits!"

Biggs nodded, "Right! It was great! And Wedge at the time had almost NEVER said anything, back when he used to be called Mr. Gage"

Wedge looked over at the two, "Which was the preferred name..."

"Whatever," Biggs replied, "Then when we met the guard he pulled on that big act, I had to keep from bursting out after seeing that!"

Jeice snickered, "Yeah, yeah... the whole Valekyrian 'Men Finders', whew..."

Wedge just shook his head and passed the two up, "You are both positively nuts"

Despite being in the tunnel, the three continued to swap stories. The going was easy, as the tunnel was straightforward and seemed to be heading upwards on the majority of the passage. Jeice was happy for the first time in a long while. Though his magic was gone and his curse still in tact, being just the three of them was something they had not done in what seemed like ages.

Up until they found a split in the road, one way seemed the obvious choice as is swept upwards; the other one was concealed. It was not by rocks, but by a thin, ragged sheet, like that of a curtain, that covered the door. It was decided they should go in, hopefully something of intelligence lived inside and could lead them out. Of course Steeltooth had to make a comment about bringing rope next time. The area smelled foul and was littered with bones of fish. After looking over the area, they concluded the cave was long abandoned. With nothing to salvage, they turned to head back through the cave. Before Wedge could pull away the sheet, his arm was grabbed by a rough hand.

"Don't leave yet!" Came a voice, as a bent over old man hobbled over to the trio.

Biggs had his knives drawn instantly, "Who are you?"

The old man rubbed his beard and hobbled in his little room, "Hmm... good question, it would be smart to ask someone's name..."

Biggs frowned, "Well?"

The old man looked back at him and grinned a crooked smile; "You are a smart man! But I am Enkidou, but my friends call me Enki... Or they would, but I have no friends left... only one"

"How long have you been here?" Wedge asked.

Enki though about it for awhile, "Two hundred flood seasons... I think"

Jeice’s raised an eyebrow, “That long? You know how to get out?"

"Don't know," Enki said with a distant look.

Biggs motioned in the way they were going, "And that way?"

The old man shrugged, "Big lake, lots of fish in it..."

"So we're stuck," Biggs retorted, "Wonderful!"

"No no... not stuck, I do not know way... but that does not mean there is no way... My friends knows"

"Who is this friend?" Wedge asked.

Enki frowned a bit then nodded, "Follow me!"

The strange old man went into a corner where a boulder was sitting. He slowly rolled it away, leading to a dark hole in the ground. Enkidou nodded and started climbing down. Reluctantly the three followed him. It was like a well, narrow and damp. When they reached the bottom, they found their selves in a large cavern.

The bottom was a clear sheet of water that cast a wide ripple whenever someone stepped in it. The ceilings held a strange look to them with the formations creeping down and extending to the ground. In the center of what was like a shrine was a large crystal that shined brightly.

Enkidou approached it and mumbled something; the crystal continued to shine brighter and blinded the trio. When the light died down and their eyes finally adjusted to the darkness again, they saw a man standing inside the stone shrine, he was dressed in regal armor. He had four arms and stood at a good twelve feet tall. At both sides were sheaths for broadswords and on his back were two sheaths for katana blades.

Enkidou, dwarfed by his friend's size, rushed to his side and whispered something.

The man looked them over, "You wish to leave this place?"

The sword at Jeice's side gasped, "GILGAMESH!?"

The man's eyes widened, "YOU!?"

"So this is where you were hiding!" Steeltooth exclaimed.

"I have my reasons," Gilgamesh replied sourly, "Why are YOU here... you, bring him out."

Jeice hesitantly pulled out Steeltooth, "Uhh... see"

Gilgamesh rubbed his chin with his upper right arm, "A cutlass? Odd choice of style.... where's your pal?"

Steeltooth mumbled, "Separated, off who knows where with Cullen..."

Gilgamesh snickered, "Useless then, how laughable..."

Biggs look back and forth, "You two know each other?"

Enkidou nodded, "Yes yes... you have the Murasame! One of the blades Gilgamesh used long ago..."

"Yes, until Gilgamesh abandoned us!" Steeltooth retorted, "A coward who ran away and wouldn't even battle with Raiden when Loki made his attack!"

"Wait, you're one of the Great Spirits?" Wedge asked.

Gilgamesh sighed, "A spirit yes, but great? No... Murasame... or is it Steeltooth now? He's right, I am a coward... My retreat led to Raiden's capture and his betrayal... and I was exiled to this pitiful existence... My greatest blades Masamune and Murasame were lost after that..."

Steeltooth scoffed, "And take different forms so that our new masters could use us semi-decently... and without Ironfang I'm useless!"

"Won't argue with that..." Biggs commented.

Jeice stepped forward, "Then don't you know? Leviathan has been captured! A monster called Ogopogo has emerged... the legendary Bahamut was destroyed... Don't you care?"

"There is nothing I can do," Gilgamesh replied, "It is my fate to remain here"

Biggs tossed his blades down in disgust, "So you can sit here and feel sorry for yourself? That don't cut it buddy, don'tcha know you'll eventually be captured by that Zel guy?"

"You fool!" Gilgamesh roared, "You are just a mortal, what do you know? You are scarcely a century old, I've lived for many a millennia... What experience would you have?"

"We know not to give up," Wedge replied, "Yes, we are mortal... So we do have experience, it is common for us to be overwhelmed by large obstacles..."


Jeice sighed, "Please, at least help us escape from this tunnel?"

"You won't need to," Called out a familiar voice, "You all belong to me now!"

Chapters in Final Fantasy OG
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10