Gamehiker High University 3: Finals Finale!?

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Start: April 13, 2007
End: Discontinued (Last post made on January 28, 2008)
Timeline: Unconnected, or in the mystical limbo zone where every character was either a teenager or teacher at the same time
Writers: Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Luigi of the Pipes, Vorpal, Fred, Chibi, Golem, Timnis, Director, TheKirbyofDeath.
Main Cast: Golem, Toby, Sapphire, Chibi, Fred, Headmaster Mune, Headmaster Same, Professor Luiigii, Professor GORE, Professor Vorpal, Professor Misty, Professor Deijii, Professor Lila, Vivid, Timnis, various other students
Archive: Read the Story


This is from that episode, imagine all the Feenys are Munes

The "last" of the trilogy but not really. This brought in some more Boy Meets World and wasn't really that bad but died out eventually. I guess some flaws again would include the teachers occasionally dominating the plot and the weirdness that came from Headmaster Mune's death. Originally Headmaster Mune "dying" was intended by GORE to simply bring about a homage/parody of the Boy Meets World episode "I Dream of Feeny" where Cory wishes Mr. Feeny into sickness to avoid a test, and his guilt causes him to have various dreams/hallucinations of Mr. Feeny's ghost saying he killed him despite everyone assuring him that he is alive, and at the end of the episode he ends his guilt by visiting Feeny in the hospital. But no one else bothered to read about/watch the episode so instead everyone treated him as if he were actually dead. Oh well.

After the successful Gamehiker High University Special: Politi-Cal! started and ultimately replaced it, GHU3 was kinda disowned and its events referred to as a dream sequence. KoD wrote an ending post for GHU3 supporting this but later deleted it. I thought the joke was because it was unfinished, GAWD >.>

Plot Summary[edit]

It's Finals time for the GHU crew, but Golem accidentally messes things up by wishing Headmaster Mune into illness. He begins being haunted by Headmaster Mune's ghost, which only he can see, while HeadMaster Mune is prononounced dead and buried. Afterwards, Superintendent Donkeyman fuses GHU with Murasame's Superior School, which is nearly all-girls in the same way GHU is nearly all-boys. Everyone begins mingling with the new student bodies. Golem meets new girl Chibi and tries to throw a party at her house but is also now dating Sapphire, SteveT meets with MSS student LisaL while recovering from the break-up with Sapphire, Tyler becomes Lupus's secretary, Vivid is finally free to reveal her true gender to everyone, and Big Al secretly raises the Canadian Baby from the previous OG while Professors Luiigii, Vorpal and GORE develop strange relationships with their counterparts, Professors Deijii, Misty and Lila.

Eventually Golem, Toby and Sapphire stumble upon proof that Headmaster Mune is still alive after digging up his grave and meeting the mysterious Timnis. Luiigii and Deijii stumble upon Headmaster Same's conspiracy, finding he actually has Headmaster Mune captured to find the secrets of their father's inheritance. Luiigii and Deijii wind up on the run with GORE's help after being discovered, although GORE at first demands help getting with Lila from them. That's where it died.


Headmaster Mune: Maybe it's like ghostwriter! (His ghost flies to the wall and attempts to handwrite but it comes out really badly and it looks like the wall is bleeding his message)

Golem: I don't think it's like Ghostwriter.

Mr. Tohru-Chan: Ah, our antique suit of armor is still in good condition! Expect a raise in your allowance!

*The Tohru-Chans step outside. Immediately everyone springs up from their hiding places and begin dashing for the door. The suit of armor's helmet is taken off to reveal SteveT underneath, wearing the armor.*

SteveT: So this is what it would be like to live inside myself.

Professor GORE: Just dropping off the latest memo.

Professor Luiigii: *reads* ...All it says is TO: Luigii, FROM: GORE, DATE: Today, SUBJECT: My Fist and then the message just reads "Your Face". *Luiigii looks up only to be greeted by GORE's ape fist* Gah, why did you do that, GORE?!

GORE: *shifts eyes* Um...... I am the Night! *jumps out of window*

Luiigii: Hm. *takes a sip from his concealed flask and continues going about his business.*