Gamehiker High University Special: Politi-Cal!

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Start: November 1, 2008
End: February 20, 2010
Writers: Golem, Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Retro, Vorpal, Nintenfreak, Luiigii of the Pipes, GM, KoD.
Main Cast: Mole Guy, Golem, Toby, Sapphire, Headmaster Mune, Kinoko, Flutter, Rocky, Retro, Jed, The Director, Professor Vorpal, Thrakun, Professor GORE, Professor Luiigii, Rebe Jade, Superintendent Donkeyman, Nintenfreak, SteveT, Big Al, Elzie Ann, Dean Ditto, Hooded Figure, Gamechamp, Lupus, Yami Yoshi, GM, Tyler, Vivid, The Wall, Wariofan.
And featuring a guest appearance by Moondo.
Archive: Read the Story


One day, Glem Livingston decided to start this holiday spin-off of the award-winning Gamehiker High University series with both Halloween and Election Day themes. This was long after Gamehiker High University 3: Finals Finale?! had died away, so this wound up serving as the unofficial fourth (or true third depending on your point of view) GHU. It's simple premise helped to get off the ground, and most of the posts were consistently good, although people still didn't post in it that often. Plus GM returned for one post, which was awesome. Because of lack of people posting, GORE-ILLA eventually wrapped it up with a finale post that wrapped up the lost ends and acted as a de-facto finale. Although it is left with room for another installment if OGs ever live again, as there are some plot threads not yet resolved (particularly Gamechamp's alien connection).

Plot Summary[edit]

There's an election. Toby decided to control Golem in running against Flutter, who has become Sapphire's new boyfriend between the previous two OGs. Also, the previous OG was just a dream. There's change all over the place- Mune is sacked as headmaster, with Thrakun taking his role. Sapphire finally reveals her knowledge of Vorpal's relationship with Kuria, which leads to Vorpal being canned and Kuria being expelled. Mune takes interest in the student election, seeing it as a step towards reclaiming his title as headmaster, and he winds up teaming up with undercover investigator The Wall to take down Thrakun. Also, Tyler and GM discover the secret mansion of Luiigii, and GM is promptly kidnapped. At the same time, the young freshmen Rocky, Retro, Jed and The Director seek to become cool and popular or something and go on their own antics. Kinoko is brought in as the new female student, and Golem winds up asking her out to the ball as his process in getting over Sapphire.

Everything comes together at the All Hallow's Ball. Deus ex machinas allow Mune and Vorpal to regain their original posts, while Dean Ditto shows up to beat Professor GORE senseless. The debate goes badly for Golem after he confesses he's still in love with Sapphire, but Kinoko is able to hook up with Toby while Fred returns from nowhere to buy the election. Golem goes home dejected, but Sapphire comes back for him because it is required for her to conveniently choose to get back with him at the last minute in the sitcom world they inhabited.


Vorpal: There's no rule that says a non-student CAN'T run!

Entire class: *GASP!*

Headmaster Thrakun: Actually there is.

Vorpal: Dangit! Air Bud has failed me again!

Lupus: Well YOU don't appreciate my superpowers of crocodile wrestling and boomerang throwing!