The Kirby of Death

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Jed GH.png
The Kirby of Death
Real Name Orange Jedabiah Kirby
Aliases KoD, Kirby, OK, Orange Kirby, Jed, Kirby of Death, The Death formerly known as Kirby, Thekir Byofdeath
Species Kirby
Birth Year Unknown
Affiliation Good
Hair color None
Eye color Black?
Weaponry Scythe, Blaster holstered in either of the false soles in his shoes
Abilities Crash, Lightning, Space-Time Portals, Kirby abilities from Kirby's Dream Land only
Occupation Job Hopping
Base An Apartment in America
Origin Also Unknown
Status Alive in all Continuities but Epic Goers
Creator TheKirbyOfDeath
Debut Make War, Not Pixels!, but really Oregon Goers 48 as Jed
Relatives Rodney Dangerfield: Spiritual Father
The KoDmother: Figurative Mother
Ken (Street Fighter): Spiritual Uncle
Little Mac: Spiritual Brother
Introbulus: Spiritual Brother/Sister, I guess

The Kirby of Death is a dimension hopping Kirby from S-Space. He's a sidekick and thus gets no respect.


Okay, just making this really short and then linking my actual backstory on the Gamehiker forums. Basically, KoD or Orange Kirby as he was previously known is from another dimension and lived on a star/planet called Somida that was inhabited by TACs. an evil TAC called Dark Tac enslaved the planet and OK confronted him and got blasted by a giant, experimental bomb that gave him permanent Crash and made him lose his Copy ability. Soon after, he met his brother, Red Kirby and they both confronted Dark Tac. OK got exploded off the tower again and proceeded to focus his Crash based on a book he found at the Somidan main city library for a year and a half while his brother got enslaved by Dark Tac. He went back and fought his brother after mastering Crash and freed him from the enslavement. They confronted Dark Tac for a final time and fought until Dark Tac transformed into a giant one-eyed monster not unlike Yellow Demon from Mega Man Battle Network. Dark Tac's body was destroyed and just left that eye.

Said eye stunned RK and transported OK to Somida's Hell where it was revealed that it was the Devil (Exclusive to Somida, not Earth's Devil) that was Dark Tac. The Devil's plan was to find someone who could go around and kill people to bring to Hell since Somida's hell was empty save for the Devil. This was a punishment to the Devil delivered by God (Yes, God God). The Devil proceeded to bring out OK's dark side and turned him into the original Kirby of Death, the Devil's own person Demon of Death with which to bring chaos to the universe. This sent OK's personality into his mind, where he met his superego and libido part of his id called Meta Gold Knight and Lok respectively. The Kirby of Death was OK's destructive id and OK played the part of his own ego. OK challenged OKoD (Original Kirby of Death) to a mind battle and it happened. OK was able to defeat OKoD with the help of MGK and Lok. Afterward, Lok absorbed OKoD's remains and went back to being OK's id. OK made the decision to combine these consciouses into one and just leave the ego, superego, and id as just abstract concepts. Doing so gave him OKoD and Lok's hood and scythe, OKoD's power over lightning and MGK's penchant for gold in the form of the scythe being made of golden titanium. Thus, making OK the new Kirby of Death.

He was brought back to hell and the Devil was about to bring out KoD's dark side again, but God intervened and prevented it from happening. Afterward, KoD used his newly acquired Space-Time Scythe Portal (also a power of OKoD's) to leave Hell and go back to Somida. It was still in shambles after OKoD's short-lived rampage, but God restored Somida back to before Dark Tac attacked and the residents of Somida save for RK and KoD had their memories erased of the incident. KoD and RK reunited shortly until KoD let him know he was going on a ret-conning adventure using space-time portals. God hijacked KoD's portal and proceeded to talk to KoD and explain stuff to him (it was really just to cover up all the plot holes I left). Afterward, KoD ret-conned everything and returned to Somida where he lived with his brother until they were exiled from the planet after one of the smarter TACs convinced the dumber TACs that KoD was a witch. This was due to him having unexplained powers since when everything was back to normal, all the TACs had no memory of what happened. Just before leaving, they visit the library once more and learn more about the planet their father was from and based on that, KoD created a space-time portal going there.

The two Kirby Brothers are reunited with their parents who are the original Meta Gold Knight (Sorta, I'm not gonna get into it >.>) and... *sigh* why not? The KoDmother; Their real names being Gold and Ruby Kirby respectively. Naturally, the two asked why they were left on Somida and it turns out that Somida used to be a hub for the transport of goods and such. Gold thought that the two would be better off there instead of their home world since it was at war during the time. When asked why they didn't come back for them after the war was over, Gold replied that the war had really only recently gotten over. KoD concluded that the perfect timing could be chalked up to divine intervention once again. Not the war ending, but how events played out that led to the reunion. Eventually RK stays on their home planet and KoD goes off and dimension hops for the rest of his days. Except he really just ended up in R-Space first. He's probably not gonna leave.

Well, if you really want to, here's The Full Backstory except for the part after the ret-conning adventure, that's all here.

Timeline History[edit]


When KoD entered the OGverse one KoD entered each dimension of the OGverse, those being, at least so far: His appearance in MWNP in the EGverse, his ox dealing in the pre-timeline split, his random appearance in the Loophole series, the human antics of him in WFMCOG and, of course, Jed of GHU3. In other words, it works like everyone else now; it's not just KoD dicking around dimension to dimension, there's alternate hims for each dimension. I think that works out nicely. Oh, in any OG where he's not Reaper KoD, Jed from GHU3 or WFMCOG, or any other form of him that's not himself, he has the space-time portals still, he just won't abuse 'em. I swear. Now, instead of making a SPOG describing how Jed knows stuff in the OGverse despite being from another dimension, I'll just make it here.

Using a Dimensional Guide, KoD decided on visiting the OGverse and opened up a portal that led him to America. From there, since he can understand and speak English since by some weird coincidence it's the same thing from his dimension except called something different, he asks a guy on the street where a library is to learn more about Earth beyond the brief description in the Dimensional Guide. Once in the library, he asks where he can learn more about Earth. She asks for a library card and when KoD lets her know he doesn't know what a library card is, she gives him one of those applications for one and when KoD reads through it, he lets her know that he's "not from here." She asks if he's one of those "illegal" aliens and KoD responds with, "I... guess? How do I become a legal alien?" So, she takes him over to a computer in the library and searches how to do so. After KoD inquires what a computer is and, to quote Jay from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, "What the shrack is the internet?", she lets him know and shows him the United States Immigration Support page. After determining that being made a legal citizen in the United States doesn't make ANY sense, KoD sunk in the chair next to the librarian's pretty depressed. By a stroke of luck, a member of the mob was in the library and overheard them talking about KoD's dilemma and offered to help. When the member of the mob told him he could get an identity for him with all the necessary paperwork, KoD requested the name Jed Kirby since it was close to an American name and, of course, was almost his real name. Orange would have been silly to ask for in a first name. With another stroke of luck, they were able to get him the identity of Jed Kirby and KoD was officially an American citizen. As payment, KoD become a temporary member of the mob until his debt was paid off. He didn't partake in anything illegal, but was still helpful to the organization by working at one of their business fronts. After that, KoD had taken up residence in the same city he appeared in with some money he earned after his debt was payed off and went back to the library he first went to and applied for a library card. After he got one, he decided to give this whole "internet" thing a try. Using his stubs to type in a way not unlike Strong Bad, he spent days and days and days getting acquainted with the internet and spent a lot of time on Wikipedia to learn more about Earth, but mostly about America. He would often get sidetracked by porn, but nothing too extensive; he was in a library after all.

Here's where it differs from continuity to continuity:

Main Party Goers Universe

Good Timeline

That whole thing took place around Gamehiker Member OG IX. While Wikipedia-ing, he became really taken with the Old West of the 1800s and decided to hang out there for a while. So, he bought a fake mustache and top hat from a novelty shop so he could disguise his alien-ness and pass himself off as a really, really short guy with a skin condition. He went back in time to 1848 and rounded up some wild oxen with a hilarious display of him chasing them and then them chasing him. Then he built his ox stand and ox fence and that starts out OG48.

Epic Goers Universe
This time it takes place circa Make War, Not Pixels!. Instead of going back in time, he's approached by a member of the CIA (Celestial Inflation Agency) brandishing a very convincing pamphlet, so KoD joins them. That basically leads into MWNP.

Loophole Universe
This time it takes place circa Loophole 3 and instead of doing either of those things, he gets a job as Dr. Walrus's assistant and makes a living that way. That leads into Loophole 3.

GHU Universe
This is more an alternate universe thing where everyone is either a student or a teacher, so KoD is just a normal person in this one. This means that, yes, he's a human in this continuity.

WFMCOG Universe
While it's still up in the air whether this series is in the Good Timeline or in its own timeline, KoD's a human here, too. His human-ness just has different conditions depending on which timeline it's in.


Following Masa's advice, I'm gonna have my elaborate ability description here for those who dare to dream and read this. It breaks down into lightning, crash, the space-time portals, his blaster, and Kirby powers.

Lightning can be shot at people, can be used for teleportation, and also charged to either electrify stuff or to send out lightning like... waves. It happened in Oregon Goers '48.

Crash can be shot in a blast or wave (think DBZ. Blast is a single shot and wave is a continuous beam.) and also charged up to either do the Golden Flame Fist or any limb, really (this includes his scythe and possibly his blaster, why not? Crash bullets!). The Golden Flame Fist being a move that charges up KoD's fist with crash energy and works as a melee booster and has the option of exploding on contact. Also to melt stuff like in Oregon Goers '48. Crash can also do the standard "explode into a large radius" thing, but since it's not concentrated, it's weaker than the other forms and uses up a lot, if not all, of KoD's energy. Definitely an emergency I'm-shrackin'-surrounded move.

The space-time portals are pretty self-explanatory. KoD's scythe has the ability to literally tear through the space-time continuum. Some could argue that it'd cause catastrophic damage to it since it's being torn and etc., but that's mostly pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo and will be ignored if brought up. The scythe can really only be used by him, though. The combination of him using the scythe is what allows for the space-time portals. The scythe itself, however, can still be used by other people as a weapon. Unless it's "human" KoD's, it'd be a move of silliness or desperation to use KoD's scythe as a weapon. Actually, even if it's "human" KoD's scythe, it'd be a move of silliness or desperation since it's a bad weapon.

He also has a blaster that works like any other blaster, it's just the one offensive ability that doesn't require energy from him aside from his scythe. However, the scythe gets little respect since, as said before, it's sort of a bad weapon, but he'll use it if he has to. In other words, KoD's Crash and lightning have a limit since they actually require use of KoD's own energy. However, his blaster's ammunition isn't unlimited, but IS rechargeable, which KoD handles by giving it a little jolt of electricity when it's empty. With that in mind, he can also treat his blaster as an emergency reserve for energy. It's also pretty useful in the event that he has to give up his blaster into enemy hands and can drain the ammunition. If that wasn't enough, given his ability to absorb electricity, electrical attacks on him help him more than harm him.

He also has the standard Kirby powers save for Copy. So, Vacuum Breath, floating by means of puffing up and flapping his stubs, etc. No copy abilities, though. He's like Kirby from Kirby's Dream Land except he has the crash, lightning, portals, a scythe and a blaster, too >.>

As far as how powerful each ability is in relation to each other, it goes like this: Crash>Lightning>Blaster>Scythe>Kirby powers. Although, I guess Kirby powers being below scythe and blaster is debatable since he can suck stuff up and shoot 'em back out as those star things... Damn it >.> Oh, who cares?



KoD's oxen dealing Oregon Goers 48 counter-part except it's just him from the future in disguise.

Another Jed is used in Gamehiker High University 3: Finals Finale!? as one of the three required male students in Murasame's Supreme School along with Rocky and Retro. He's also in Gamehiker High University Special: Politi-Cal!.

Really, though, Jed has just become KoD's nickname that everyone refers to him as.

Reaper KoD[edit]

This version of KoD features him as a literal Kirby of Death in which he's completely pale and... that's about it. So far this form has only appeared in MWNP and it might be the only place. That's a lie now; he's now referenced in Abbotsvania: Sinfonía de la Noche. He works for Death! :o


Very, very short lived character in the popular OG Transgoers.


The best variation of Jed. Even better than Jed himself. The Jawa-like race of folk in YGDWYGD.



  • His middle name came from a typo from Mariorocks and I just HAD to make it that >.>
  • Upon thinking about it a lot, he's sort of like Nintenfreak. Emphasis on sort of; he's a lot less complex than Nintenfreak.
  • It's been long enough to where he's public domain now. Seriously. Give him ridiculous roles, I don't care >.>
    • It's been long enough to where your mom has entered my public domain, snizzzzaaap! --GORE-ILLA 02:16, 4 March 2010 (UTC)


Drawn Gallery[edit]

Sprite Gallery[edit]